Soldering the 4 end pins on the bottom side of the connector worked for me. Using the server psus for mining but the breakout board was having troubles turning on the PSU. Now it works no problem
I tried to replicate what you did here, but I’m having problems. With the 4 pins on the bottom connected together, the 12 volts comes out only from the smallest pad on the bottom (.5cm^2) and the rest are ground. What can I do to fix this?
Ola pessoal consegui uma fonte de 750w do servidor dell poweredge r730 o modelo é L750E-S0 e a referencia é PS-2751-4D1-LF. Alguem consegue me ajudar com o pinout pra ligar algumas coisas no 12V Hi guys, I got a 750w power supply from the dell poweredge r730 server, the model is L750E-S0 and the reference is PS-2751-4D1-LF. Can anyone help me with the pinout to connect some things to the 12V
Soldering the 4 end pins on the bottom side of the connector worked for me. Using the server psus for mining but the breakout board was having troubles turning on the PSU. Now it works no problem
Soldering the 4 end pins on the bottom side of the connector worked for me too. Thanks
Nice work
which pin is the jumper for Dell series d750e s1 ?
This is exactly what I want to do to test equipment in the garage vs my car, any more technical explanations other then pics?
Can you make this run on 13.8v?
I’m wondering the same thing.
@@pendulum4734 yes other videos will show where the pot is to turn up.
I tried to replicate what you did here, but I’m having problems. With the 4 pins on the bottom connected together, the 12 volts comes out only from the smallest pad on the bottom (.5cm^2) and the rest are ground. What can I do to fix this?
The smallest pad is stby power, you need to load 2A min to start
see here
This causes my PSU to fault out. Its the exact same model as yours .
Hi how tou use this psu for mining?
Ola pessoal consegui uma fonte de 750w do servidor dell poweredge r730 o modelo é L750E-S0 e a referencia é PS-2751-4D1-LF.
Alguem consegue me ajudar com o pinout pra ligar algumas coisas no 12V
Hi guys, I got a 750w power supply from the dell poweredge r730 server, the model is L750E-S0 and the reference is PS-2751-4D1-LF.
Can anyone help me with the pinout to connect some things to the 12V
Did you find any solution to this??
@nebojsagavric1185 I've soldered some pins