"May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears, And, above all, may silence make you strong." Chief Dan George
I am native American- This makes me remember that I am grounded too the earth- and all living creatures have a soul even the trees. I look around at the modern world today and shead my tears at what man has done to our precious earth.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
iam blessed to have taino and caribe indian heritage,just before the Spaniards Conquistadores came to our land ,and we mixed,to become Puertorricans...
Ive been told that I have Cherokee blood in my veins. But whether if I do or I dont, the sound of Native American flutes, drums and chants always gets to me. Native American music is the REAL kind of soul music.
Great music, love the pictures of Wyoming. I've always had a great respect for Native American culture and life and will continue to. It's a such a shame what they had to go through. Native Americans deserve better and hope soon everyone acknowledges them as equals as everyone should be treated.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
I feel this music speaking to my spirit, my ancestors are trying to reach me... tell me something.. I just can't make it out. I close my eye's and pictures and words fly in my head, an ancestor looking to be 70+ years is saying " Do as you're told and great rewards will await you." Then he says " Our people were the kindest of people. We tried to bring peace with the invaders, they refused us. Forced on a long journey west, in tears were the women and children. The spirits have spoken. Goodbye."
This music stirs my soul. I was raised in the native american culture of Cherokee and black foot. I love my upbringing and sometimes have a hard time fitting in with the dominant culture. I love my heritage and would like to be accepted by my native family. I am mixed with the African american culture also and not accepted by either. What a divide. I still love both.
The sound of the flute is like wind blowing her sweet breeze through the woods. Saying listen to my story. I have traveled many away for those to hear. May it ease your heart and mind.
One love to all my native brothers and sisters greetings to you all... This is coming from your brother that is walking the path of my aztec and Mayan ancestors' In La'Ke'Ch.
I am proud also as my grt grandfather used to tell my mother he loved being Native American and that was many years ago. I'm happy my family has embraced that in us.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
@@StephRussell I feel so comfortable to know you more as a friend, it will be a pleasure to exchange emails with you on WhatsApp or maybe sms..I hope you can understand me better...thanks for your attention given me🕊💙 Should I send you mine?
thank you my friend, mother earth will once again be reborn, clean and restored-- lets hope are children keeps her clean! I am praying for mother earth and all its living creatures now and in the future-- she will not take this modern world much longer-- she is a living being crying for a new birth-- with all who see with open eyes and open hearts-- pray for her renewal.
Haha i cant even technically call myself Indian, probably about 25% somehow if i am lucky. My Grandma was way more Indian blood than any of us(R.I.P). been wondering about my heritage lately and really intrigued by the way of the Native-Americans! I love their respect for the land and life. Pure..
My spirit soars like the purple martin swallow when i hear this music ! I have cherokee blood in my veins i feel it everytime im in the mountians or at an native American camp site!!
Nakai has long been one of our favorites since we first heard the spiritual and tranquil notes of the Native American flute. The 'almost' plaintive quality of Nakai is certainly heard in these songs.
I thank for sharing such touching music, and agree shag dog, its hard to bare, the way world will destroy itself to fuel cars, take away so much land from nature, to build housing and bisness in years to come to be vacant lots.... how will this world sustain?
Be at peace with yourself, & follow your soul's path & your heart's guidance, & be who you are, who you have been destined to be with such a beautiful & rich blend of cultures & heritages! Live in the Light, fill yourself & your special world with all those natural, positive aspects of All Life
thank u so much for saying the words i was about to say myself...i ought to stop reading what is written here....on all the native songs...there are always such hateful people coming with some intent to damage iothers souls, instead of listening to the beautiful peace that is being given to us by these people playig such songs. blessing to u.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
Thank you very much for those kind words of encouragement. I would like very much to get in touch with more people like myself. When I visit Cherokee, NC I unite with my relatives that engage in a wonderful ceremony, It is times like that when I feel complete. The hills speak to my soul. Thanks again as I would like to hear from you again. Take care and all the best..
I love this music, it's beautiful I often wonder if I have some Indian in my blood, if not, I consider at least a part of me is Indian, I totally connect with this music, thanks for sharing
So amazing how far bak our culture takes I'm grateful our ancestors went thru so much for us to know what we need to in today's society, some ppl forget where they came from its our background n how we grew up that's wat makes us natives u only kno if u are and if so take pride in it it's worth it,,,,
I was looking for help to find ,what it is I am to see and hear. I feel at peace with this song. I feel a feeling of release. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places? I know that I need to find something spiritual. Thanks to you and bless all.
That is a native flute solo who raises us to the highest snowy peaks and to eagle nests, the upward movement of sounds being facilitated by a good reverb against the rocky slopes of the canyons.
sorry to hear that im a Christian but i love native American Culture i have some in my blood line but my father shuns it my mother encourages it ,mainly being on my mothers side and my grandmother's husband always had a fit when she tried to teach us about them. I am impressed with the harmonious culture and respect for animals being a hunter and loverof nature. I try to take the good wisdom from all cultures and see things from there point of view and not be solely ignorant in my onlymy views
Beautiful, the sound of the wooden flute is so calming, I added this one to my playlist of 'Native American Flute' it's really very beautiful, thank you. Johnnie Lawson
I love this. This is stunningly beautiful. I'm actually stressed at work and this really really helps lift up my soul and spirit - out of the concrete jungle we all have to live and work in. You can bet that I'll be listening to it a whole lot more from now on!
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
@@helenagracka9765 I feel so comfortable to know you more as a friend, it will be a pleasure to exchange emails with you on WhatsApp or maybe sms..I hope you can understand me better...thanks for your attention given me🕊💙
Thank you Jonathan for the reply. I know that there are many of us that are still spiritually in-tuned to our Native American culture and would like to become more proficient in the practices.I just recently went to museum that displayed so many artifacts of our ancient ones. I left with mixed emotions b/c there were also pieces from the wars that took away my people's freedom and liberty.
The reason people connect to Native American culture is because their history connects to the tribal side in all of us. The spirituality, the community, the warrior mentality, the freedom. It was all there before Europeans came over and tried to take it away. Even Europeans have their tribes, be it the Celts or the Vikings or whatever, but wherever you go the tribal spirit is in all of us. It's in our blood, and it's why we can connect to that energy regardless of our race. We are all human.
The peace you desire in others, is the peace you need to resolve in your self first. You are the perceiver of all that is around you, including your self, and being that perceiver, and being the seer the pain and agony you see in others and around you is seen from you, and no one and nothing else. Therefore, the peace and love you desire too see in others is what is in you.
Never too late. My late father-in-law taught my wife and me how to tell a "wet" moon (one that tells you rain is on the way) from a "dry" moon (no rain coming) among other things. There are people who still have the knowledge and will teach you if you're sincere about learning. We'd all be better off if Columbus had never been born.
Слово серебро, - молчание золото! Но, как же нам выразить наше сердце для Тех, кто научил нас любить.. - любить Того таинственного и непостижимого Бога, любить Бога в себе. Хотя прежде мы тоже знали о Боге! С тем отличием, что, как правило, мы любили себя в Боге. Мы, почти, привыкли к этому состоянию, но не было одного момента - не было Вдохновения! Посвящается всем нашим Руководителям сложного Мира современности. Посвящается, также, нашим Божественным Учителям и Наставникам. Всё в мире - движется. Это, как главный атрибут настоящей Реальности. Даже сами элементы и стихии отличаются между собой мерой движения. Но, наше собственное человеческое сознание - оно "медленное" по сравнению с этим бесконечным движением восхитительного Света и Небесных Животворящих Потоков. Счастье наше, что приходили к нам на помощь все Те - Высочайшие Души и Божественные Воплощения в простых и скромных человеческих инкарнациях. Приходили и приносили сюда всякие слова и слоги, и странные "идеи" и удивительные знания, и так они разбудили нас от глубокого сна мирского самодовольства, от рутины мирской и земной жизни, и открыли то окно в другие миры, которые звали следовать за ними, искать тот источник удивительного света, который окружал нас со всех сторон, и который мы, как ни странно, не видели, но как-то чувствовали присутствие этого чуда. Благодаря этому теплу духовных эмоций, проснулась и наша человеческая душа, всё больше постигая тот пламень вдохновения, который не знает предела в своём устремлении к совершенству таинственного и скрытого источника. Да, этот таинственный процесс - присутствия и желание познать нечто важное для нашей души - был с нами всегда, благодаря мудрости божественного сердца тех людей, которые спускались в наш нелёгкий мир и даже в самые трудные времена и в самые "тёмные" места с единственной целью преобразовать наша застойное и губительное духовное невежество в чудесную возможность встать на дорогу развития, мудрости и единства со всей Вселенской семьёй. Наша дорога и историческая судьба не была лёгкой, из-за ошибок и трудности постижения того, что находится далеко за пределами физического мира. Но, в данном моменте, нам важно возблагодарить наших бесподобных Возлюбленных Учителей за то, что Своими усилиями они превратили скромную жертву конечной человеческой жизни в хрупкий, но настоящий "сосуд" истинного стремления и желания достичь света той Правды и Любви, которая одна достойна воистину Вечных усилий и Неутомимых поисков восстановления нашего разрыва, или же просто удаления от Великой Жизни Духа. Жизнь продолжает, (как и всё остальное..), - оставаться для нас величайшим таинством. Даже само свойство её никогда непрекращающегося проявления - говорит и ставит вопросы само за себя. ............................................................ Каждый шаг, каждый вздох давался - С неимоверным трудом. Но время как-то бежало. И "воды" меняли направление своё. И жизнь от начала к закату пылала. Каждый шаг на вершину. Каждый вздох в Небеса. Каждый день и каждая ночь - В беспредельность стремились. И дышала в лицо - первым снегом Зима. И серым дождём грустно Осень касалась. ......................................................... И за все эти наши усилия и потуги, за все наши прозрения и все заблуждения, за все достижения и провалы, за Вечность и за Миг, за Всё, за радость и печаль, за тайну и откровение мы душой и сердцем благодарим наших Незабвенных и таких Особенных Высших наших Наставников и Менторов, которые всегда напоминали нам, что и мы скромные люди тоже происходим от своей Небесной Семьи, куда мы стремимся так вечно и так безутешно пока, но Вера Всевышнему и доверие к Учителям даёт нам и силы и мужество оставаться теми людьми, которыми Создатель-Творец - желал нас видеть. ............................. А человек простой..- Он тоже был по-своему - Антропос - сын Антропоса. И он испытывал всегда привязанность, Приятие, любовь, стремление- Своей души и сердца,- Ко многим Тем - Возлюбленным Создателям, Которые его по замыслам Своим создали. Которые, как в зеркале, Со временем и постепенно - Отразились в человеке. И человек, конечно, восхищался, И любовался Ими - Духовными, Красивыми и Мудрыми и Добрыми такими. ............................................... Осанна Вышним! Осанна Благодарность, Вечная Любовь! Которая даёт нам мужество и силы. Остаться человеком скромным и простым, Таким, по-сути человеческой, Каким Создатель, наш Творец - Хотел нас пред Собой увидеть. Осанна Вышним ! Намасте! 02-27-2020 Мы - дети Солнца, дети - Матушки Красавицы-Земли.
I am not a Native American but I've always cherish a Native American culture deep in my soul.
"May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong."
Chief Dan George
A'ho blessings to you and your family and friends
That man is an inspiration
I am native American- This makes me remember that I am grounded too the earth- and all living creatures have a soul even the trees. I look around at the modern world today and shead my tears at what man has done to our precious earth.
I love the native american flute music. It sends me to another place of peace & harmony. Thank you for sharing this with the world.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
A'hoo' brothers and sisters the creator has truly blessed your gifts and may they be rewarded. One love..... From Navajo reservation
blessings my bro.
iam blessed to have taino and caribe indian heritage,just before the Spaniards Conquistadores came to our land ,and we mixed,to become Puertorricans...
The sound of this flute is like a guide to oneness.
Ive been told that I have Cherokee blood in my veins. But whether if I do or I dont, the sound of Native American flutes, drums and chants always gets to me. Native American music is the REAL kind of soul music.
im a white man 43 years old and for myself and my family im sorry freedom is every mans rite bless you and your ancesters
I'm Native American and this music makes my day just by listening to it it's comforting and soothing
I'm not Native American, but I love the song. It's these types of songs that bond all human together with our spiritual conscience.
life without this flute is nothing!
try every day to make the world better. random of acts of kindness towards one another and to our environment will help the healing.
Great music, love the pictures of Wyoming. I've always had a great respect for Native American culture and life and will continue to. It's a such a shame what they had to go through. Native Americans deserve better and hope soon everyone acknowledges them as equals as everyone should be treated.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
I feel this music speaking to my spirit, my ancestors are trying to reach me... tell me something.. I just can't make it out. I close my eye's and pictures and words fly in my head, an ancestor looking to be 70+ years is saying " Do as you're told and great rewards will await you." Then he says " Our people were the kindest of people. We tried to bring peace with the invaders, they refused us. Forced on a long journey west, in tears were the women and children. The spirits have spoken. Goodbye."
This music stirs my soul. I was raised in the native american culture of Cherokee and black foot. I love my upbringing and sometimes have a hard time fitting in with the dominant culture. I love my heritage and would like to be accepted by my native family. I am mixed with the African american culture also and not accepted by either. What a divide. I still love both.
Back in the mid 90's I purchased a cassette (yes a cassette!) tape of this artist's music. It is embedded in my mind forever. Beautiful music...
The sound of the flute is like wind blowing her sweet breeze through the woods. Saying listen to my story. I have traveled many away for those to hear. May it ease your heart and mind.
The Great Spirit always has a plan he will rebuild a new earth when the time comes.
One love to all my native brothers and sisters greetings to you all... This is coming from your brother that is walking the path of my aztec and Mayan ancestors' In La'Ke'Ch.
Don Beltran thank you
I am proud also as my grt grandfather used to tell my mother he loved being Native American and that was many years ago. I'm happy my family has embraced that in us.
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
@@marcusgorski3285 thank you and I’m glad you stopped by!
@@StephRussell I feel so comfortable to know you more as a friend, it will be a pleasure to exchange emails with you on WhatsApp or maybe sms..I hope you can understand me better...thanks for your attention given me🕊💙 Should I send you mine?
I LOVE this!!!!
I feel like i'm flying to reach the hevans and never want to come down!
lylawolf07 You are bella.
thank you my friend, mother earth will once again be reborn, clean and restored--
lets hope are children keeps her clean! I am praying for mother earth and all its living creatures now and in the future-- she will not take this modern world much longer-- she is a living being crying for a new birth-- with all who see with open eyes and open hearts-- pray for her renewal.
Each phrase has such control but is still so free and relaxing...beautiful.
soft, peaceful, melodic music filled with tender tones
Haha i cant even technically call myself Indian, probably about 25% somehow if i am lucky. My Grandma was way more Indian blood than any of us(R.I.P). been wondering about my heritage lately and really intrigued by the way of the Native-Americans! I love their respect for the land and life. Pure..
am i the only one who sways subconciously whilst listening to to this?
ive been told that both my grandmother were. and my soul is drawn to the music love it
My spirit soars like the purple martin swallow when i hear this music ! I have cherokee blood in my veins i feel it everytime im in the mountians or at an native American camp site!!
Nakai has long been one of our favorites since we first heard the spiritual and tranquil notes of the Native American flute. The 'almost' plaintive quality of Nakai is certainly heard in these songs.
I thank for sharing such touching music, and agree shag dog, its hard to bare, the way world will destroy itself to fuel cars, take away so much land from nature, to build housing and bisness in years to come to be vacant lots.... how will this world sustain?
native amarican flutes are the best
of course (y)
Proud to be learning Native American Flute music
I love this music, makes me feel a part of all that is, and know that we are all connected, and must love each other unconditionally, God bless you!
Be at peace with yourself, & follow your soul's path & your heart's guidance, & be who you are, who you have been destined to be with such a beautiful & rich blend of cultures & heritages! Live in the Light, fill yourself & your special world with all those natural, positive aspects of All Life
The music of the flute is one of my favorite instrumental sounds. It makes me relaxed and creative. Many thank yous to all.
This kind of music is pure like majestic almost it helps me calm nerves and go to sleep.
thank u so much for saying the words i was about to say myself...i ought to stop reading what is written here....on all the native songs...there are always such hateful people coming with some intent to damage iothers souls, instead of listening to the beautiful peace that is being given to us by these people playig such songs. blessing to u.
outstanding so peaceful and spiritually uplifting
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
Thank you very much for those kind words of encouragement. I would like very much to get in touch with more people like myself. When I visit Cherokee, NC I unite with my relatives that engage in a wonderful ceremony, It is times like that when I feel complete. The hills speak to my soul. Thanks again as I would like to hear from you again. Take care and all the best..
It's like you were reading my mind! I've been searching for solo Indian flute music for hours!
I may or may not have native american blood, but this reminds even me that there is something greater than this worlds concerns.
I love this music, it's beautiful I often wonder if I have some Indian in my blood, if not, I consider at least a part of me is Indian, I totally connect with this music, thanks for sharing
Such soothing music... Really helps clear your mind if you just close your eyes and try to imagine something beautiful...
this is so beautiful. thanks for sharing. this song made me happy
So amazing how far bak our culture takes I'm grateful our ancestors went thru so much for us to know what we need to in today's society, some ppl forget where they came from its our background n how we grew up that's wat makes us natives u only kno if u are and if so take pride in it it's worth it,,,,
man i am white i was told that i am part native indian but i wish i was born a full blooded native indian i love every thang about them!
I really love the native ways and I wanna know more of it
I love this place,this country,north america.I am thankful this is where The Creator placed me,it is precious to me.Thank you god.
I was looking for help to find ,what it is I am to see and hear. I feel at peace with this song. I feel a feeling of release. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places? I know that I need to find something spiritual. Thanks to you and bless all.
That is a native flute solo who raises us to the highest snowy peaks and to eagle nests, the upward movement of sounds being facilitated by a good reverb against the rocky slopes of the canyons.
WOW i wish i could do this with all the feeling that's giving this performance WOW
sorry to hear that im a Christian but i love native American Culture i have some in my blood line but my father shuns it my mother encourages it ,mainly being on my mothers side and my grandmother's husband always had a fit when she tried to teach us about them. I am impressed with the harmonious culture and respect for animals being a hunter and loverof nature. I try to take the good wisdom from all cultures and see things from there point of view and not be solely ignorant in my onlymy views
Beautiful, the sound of the wooden flute is so calming, I added this one to my playlist of 'Native American Flute' it's really very beautiful, thank you.
Johnnie Lawson
I love this. This is stunningly beautiful.
I'm actually stressed at work and this really really helps lift up my soul and spirit - out of the concrete jungle we all have to live and work in.
You can bet that I'll be listening to it a whole lot more from now on!
Piekny utwór, który poruszył moje serce. :-) ♡
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏😊
@@marcusgorski3285 Proszę o wybaczenie, ale nie odpisuję na komentarz nie ma tłumaczenia. Piszę w języku Ojczystym.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam.
@@helenagracka9765 I feel so comfortable to know you more as a friend, it will be a pleasure to exchange emails with you on WhatsApp or maybe sms..I hope you can understand me better...thanks for your attention given me🕊💙
This goes out to my white dirt family and for m mother who had pass recently!! :(
Thank you Jonathan for the reply. I know that there are many of us that are still spiritually in-tuned to our Native American culture and would like to become more proficient in the practices.I just recently went to museum that displayed so many artifacts of our ancient ones. I left with mixed emotions b/c there were also pieces from the wars that took away my people's freedom and liberty.
spokojna muzyka nadająca się do medytacji oraz wyciszenia myśli oraz umysłu
AHA come on people this is a place of meditation no ta place of ego.This is a place of love not HATE.Please keep your negative comments to your self.
This is the only way I am able to sleep with out the flute I get restless
why am i crying... instantly. hearing this.
maybe it brought emotional memories from a previous life
The reason people connect to Native American culture is because their history connects to the tribal side in all of us. The spirituality, the community, the warrior mentality, the freedom. It was all there before Europeans came over and tried to take it away. Even Europeans have their tribes, be it the Celts or the Vikings or whatever, but wherever you go the tribal spirit is in all of us. It's in our blood, and it's why we can connect to that energy regardless of our race. We are all human.
i was finally calming down and loseing my stress when it suddonly stopped to buffer, wow thanks youtube!
The peace you desire in others, is the peace you need to resolve in your self first. You are the perceiver of all that is around you, including your self, and being that perceiver, and being the seer the pain and agony you see in others and around you is seen from you, and no one and nothing else. Therefore, the peace and love you desire too see in others is what is in you.
listen to this when i do homework ... realy helps
I love this :) My dad is going to be sending a tape of him playing, can't wait :)
Very soothing and beautiful, thank you great spirit.
calms the soul
thank you
yeah i love this, its so peaceful and beautiful.. I actually did this video for a friend.I'm glad you enjoy this! =]
So beautiful an relaxing Thank you so much for posting.
You are so right, I agree with you my friend, God bless you, may God bless mother earth once again, blessings to you
I would like to say that folk music (no mather what nation) is always pure and understandable because it is from soule.
Val N It's World Music.
Love the sound of a flute or piano alone
I love native American flutes
I love this flute song
Never too late. My late father-in-law taught my wife and me how to tell a "wet" moon (one that tells you rain is on the way) from a "dry" moon (no rain coming) among other things. There are people who still have the knowledge and will teach you if you're sincere about learning. We'd all be better off if Columbus had never been born.
Simply beautiful :)
I'm also not too far from the Sierra Nevadas - it looks like it could be somewhere near Yosemite. It sure is beautiful.
Anything is possible. Follow your highest joy. Listen to your heart.
Half native and I respect my culture
It speaks to your spirit.
no words for what i wanna say but... woah! O.O
when i listen this i just wish born in the best years of the american native culture, not now in the present
Peace Love and Harmony. This video is not a place to hate on each other its a place to relax so shut your pie holes and listen.
beautiful thank you for sharing
realmente herosas melodias...
wonderfull tunes.
So nice and calming :)
It's all about attitude. Friendship can overcome most obstacles, exept the ones you lay before it.
Thanks so much for this peaceful track! Nice to read the word to. :) Bless ur
You're right, it is rather happy music, some say soothing.
I'm literally half Cowboy, half Chickasaw (and other tribes). I may not be a full-blooded Native, but I'm one Wild Westerner!
Beautiful ❤️Thank you ❤️
Слово серебро, - молчание золото! Но, как же нам выразить наше сердце для Тех, кто научил нас любить.. - любить Того
таинственного и непостижимого Бога, любить Бога в себе. Хотя прежде мы тоже знали о Боге! С тем отличием, что,
как правило, мы любили себя в Боге. Мы, почти, привыкли к этому состоянию, но не было одного момента - не было Вдохновения!
Посвящается всем нашим Руководителям сложного Мира современности.
Посвящается, также, нашим Божественным Учителям и Наставникам.
Всё в мире - движется. Это, как главный атрибут настоящей Реальности.
Даже сами элементы и стихии отличаются между собой мерой движения.
Но, наше собственное человеческое сознание - оно "медленное" по сравнению с этим бесконечным движением
восхитительного Света и Небесных Животворящих Потоков. Счастье наше, что приходили к нам на помощь все Те -
Высочайшие Души и Божественные Воплощения в простых и скромных человеческих инкарнациях. Приходили и
приносили сюда всякие слова и слоги, и странные "идеи" и удивительные знания, и так они разбудили нас от глубокого сна
мирского самодовольства, от рутины мирской и земной жизни, и открыли то окно в другие миры, которые звали следовать за ними, искать тот источник удивительного света, который окружал нас со всех сторон, и который мы, как ни странно, не видели, но как-то чувствовали присутствие этого чуда.
Благодаря этому теплу духовных эмоций, проснулась и наша человеческая душа, всё больше постигая тот пламень вдохновения, который не знает предела в своём устремлении к совершенству таинственного и скрытого источника. Да, этот таинственный процесс - присутствия и желание познать нечто важное для нашей души - был с нами всегда, благодаря мудрости божественного сердца тех людей, которые спускались в наш нелёгкий мир и даже в самые трудные времена и в самые "тёмные" места с единственной целью преобразовать наша застойное и губительное духовное невежество в чудесную возможность встать на дорогу развития, мудрости и единства со всей Вселенской семьёй.
Наша дорога и историческая судьба не была лёгкой, из-за ошибок и трудности постижения того, что находится далеко за пределами физического мира. Но, в данном моменте, нам важно возблагодарить наших бесподобных Возлюбленных Учителей за то, что Своими усилиями они превратили скромную жертву конечной человеческой жизни в хрупкий, но настоящий "сосуд" истинного стремления и желания достичь света той Правды и Любви, которая одна достойна воистину Вечных усилий и Неутомимых поисков восстановления нашего разрыва, или же просто удаления от Великой Жизни Духа.
Жизнь продолжает, (как и всё остальное..), - оставаться для нас величайшим таинством. Даже само свойство её никогда непрекращающегося проявления - говорит и ставит вопросы само за себя.
Каждый шаг, каждый вздох давался -
С неимоверным трудом.
Но время как-то бежало.
И "воды" меняли направление своё.
И жизнь от начала к закату пылала.
Каждый шаг на вершину.
Каждый вздох в Небеса.
Каждый день и каждая ночь -
В беспредельность стремились.
И дышала в лицо - первым снегом Зима.
И серым дождём грустно Осень касалась.
И за все эти наши усилия и потуги, за все наши прозрения и все заблуждения, за все достижения и провалы, за Вечность и за Миг, за Всё, за радость и печаль, за тайну и откровение мы душой и сердцем благодарим наших Незабвенных и таких Особенных Высших наших Наставников и Менторов, которые всегда напоминали нам, что и мы скромные люди тоже происходим от своей Небесной Семьи, куда мы стремимся так вечно и так безутешно пока, но Вера Всевышнему и доверие к Учителям даёт нам и силы и мужество оставаться теми людьми, которыми Создатель-Творец - желал нас видеть.
А человек простой..-
Он тоже был по-своему -
Антропос - сын Антропоса.
И он испытывал всегда привязанность,
Приятие, любовь, стремление-
Своей души и сердца,-
Ко многим Тем -
Возлюбленным Создателям,
Которые его по замыслам
Своим создали.
Которые, как в зеркале,
Со временем и постепенно -
Отразились в человеке.
И человек, конечно, восхищался,
И любовался Ими - Духовными,
Красивыми и Мудрыми и Добрыми такими.
Осанна Вышним!
Осанна Благодарность, Вечная Любовь!
Которая даёт нам мужество и силы.
Остаться человеком скромным и простым,
Таким, по-сути человеческой,
Каким Создатель, наш Творец -
Хотел нас пред Собой увидеть.
Осанна Вышним ! Намасте!
02-27-2020 Мы - дети Солнца, дети - Матушки Красавицы-Земли.
Paradise Melody ;)