Since SWS is not releasing its own Success Test papers, for the Best Question Bank (this is different from Sample Test Papers) for ISC Class 12 English Literature, PCMB and Commerce subjects, we recommend OSWAAL BOOKS. Follow this link to access the OSWAAL BOOKS website where if you use SUDHIR10 discount coupon code, you will get an additional 10% discount (Not on Amazon) : (You should also use the Item Bank released by CISCE on its website)
@@KanishqMorwani I have explained clearly in the video that it depends on what your need is. I personally prefer the Question Bank over the Sample Test papers. Do not overload yourself with material. Buy one, finish it and then only buy another one.
@@StudywithSudhir sir shall I go with the strategy- complete the question bank and if I am able to finish it before my pre boards then go for the sample paper?
i feel sad for you sir, after such meticulous explanation of the poem and extensive research work, you still have few likes and subscribers i appreciate your hardwork. vadakam!
Sir i couldnt quite understand the main theme of the poem..i mean what exactly is the poet trying to convey in the poem? This poem seems like a mixture of thoughts like the cycle of life and death is also permanent right? And rituals are also permanent. River has a soul and it knows the immortality of water? I didn't get this poem that well😅
Thankuuu sooo much really don't know to what extent it benefits us...I'm excessively blessed having you as an English mentor....i appreciate your hard works and profound explanations. Diligently thanking are pole star for our English paper...keep guiding us and making video's..lots of love form from prayagaraj 😊❤🎉
There are lots of videos on Essays on this channel. Pls see them. My book on ISC Essays will be published by mid-October. That would be the real clincher !
Sir, I hope your blessings are with me for my mid-terms tomorrow 🙏 Your voice and presence alone calms me down during exam-time. I wish you lived near me 😅
Since SWS is not releasing its own Success Test papers, for the Best Question Bank (this is different from Sample Test Papers) for ISC Class 12 English Literature, PCMB and Commerce subjects, we recommend OSWAAL BOOKS. Follow this link to access the OSWAAL BOOKS website where if you use SUDHIR10 discount coupon code, you will get an additional 10% discount (Not on Amazon) : (You should also use the Item Bank released by CISCE on its website)
Sir would you recommend us to get question bank as well as sample paper ??
@@KanishqMorwani I have explained clearly in the video that it depends on what your need is. I personally prefer the Question Bank over the Sample Test papers. Do not overload yourself with material. Buy one, finish it and then only buy another one.
@@StudywithSudhir sir shall I go with the strategy- complete the question bank and if I am able to finish it before my pre boards then go for the sample paper?
Sir will you release english grammar test series for ISC 12 2024 ?
@@Love_yourself_95 it is already released. 20 tests on grammar
2 days before the literature exam😌. Now that is what I call the real clutch.
1 day before exam ❤😊
No bro a night back before the exam
At the morning of the exam 😅
a day before the exam lol
7 hours before the exam
sir u explained with so much key words and sentences that i can use during examination. thank u guru ji
i feel sad for you sir, after such meticulous explanation of the poem and extensive research work, you still have few likes and subscribers i appreciate your hardwork. vadakam!
Vadakam 😂
Watching 12 hours before my final term 🧎🏻♀️
School ??
Thankyou so so much for this much needed video♥️
ahh!!!!!! what a complicated poem it is......... it completely made me to leave it in exammmm 😥😥
have my literature exam in feww hours and damn this peom made me lose my mind, its so damn complicated but thankfully this video made it much easier.
Sir i request you to please make the sws success test papers for English language it would be of great help pls sir i beg you ..
Sir i couldnt quite understand the main theme of the poem..i mean what exactly is the poet trying to convey in the poem? This poem seems like a mixture of thoughts like the cycle of life and death is also permanent right? And rituals are also permanent. River has a soul and it knows the immortality of water? I didn't get this poem that well😅
Thankuuu sooo much really don't know to what extent it benefits us...I'm excessively blessed having you as an English mentor....i appreciate your hard works and profound explanations. Diligently thanking are pole star for our English paper...keep guiding us and making video's..lots of love form from prayagaraj 😊❤🎉
Sir, I request you to make a video on the essays of isc english language class 12.I would be really grateful if you put up a video
There are lots of videos on Essays on this channel. Pls see them. My book on ISC Essays will be published by mid-October. That would be the real clincher !
@@StudywithSudhir Thank you so much. Really grateful for all that you do ! 🙏🏻
today17th of september i have exam today he finally uploaded thank you sir
Sir i request you to make a video on literature questions practice plss sir and also for grammer class 12 isc
Sir, I hope your blessings are with me for my mid-terms tomorrow 🙏
Your voice and presence alone calms me down during exam-time. I wish you lived near me 😅
Sir are you going to make any paid courses for Isc class 12 students both in literature or language.
Only grammar test papers by end of September
Thnku sir
Thank you sir ❤
Sir which type of video will you put out for class 12 ISC students and when?
Can you please teach how to write a proper thesis including outline
Very negative type of poem I don't know why the ISC like to put these type of poems in the books.
Thank you sir ❤ , best literarian....
1 day before exam