@@0Fyrebrand0 I would show them an emulator with a no-intro rom set on a steam deck first and be like "We literally have every game ever out in your time at our fingertips and we will play none of them and instead sit on social media for multiple hours before playing anything"
I'm so happy for Poncle. He made a game, sold it for less than a coffee, it blew up and he never raised the prices and only sold (really good) DLCs that were even cheaper. Absolute chad.
Sure, kinda reminds me of how balatro went after the free dlc, though it is the price of a cheap lunch. Though VS did promote a new genre of survivors clones whereas balatro had to fight false gambling accusations since you don't even use real money and you're only reward with in-game cash for completing a level as opposed to making a formal bet.
The 90s were not characterized by a Black Supremacist colonization movement, so no, this is far from a 90's advertisement. Ads actually had normal White men, unlike the cultural ggnocide of today's marketing.
@@ТервелДимитров If I'm a bot, then you must not exist. It's only because of my gmail account that my name shows. I've tried to change it, but it doesn't stay to what I want it.
He is in game too. There's a cheat code in game to unlock poe early and if I remember right it's just "StrongestCharacter" or something like that xD garlic is good.
@@Poorleeno I didn't say it was particularly creative, I just that they deserve a raise. Because 90% of good advertising is pandering to a demographic, and the ad has: 1. funny looking old man dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner, 2. he's in a forest 3. he's eating garlic raw 4. now he's playing video games 5. player 2 has entered the fight! player 2 happens to be a very attractive woman dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner 7. player 3 has entered the fight! player 3 happens to be a very attractive man dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner. 10/10 marketing.
It is truly easy to spend hours just grinding away at this game unlocking new characters and powers. One of my favorites in my 40+ years of playing video games. Bravo!
First i need to say "FU and your Mother" and Second i want to Tell you that this Garlic Grandpa is a Ingame Char and He needs the Garlic to keep the Monsters away.
@@thathandsomedevil0828 Yes, and poncle even tried to raise awareness about "Magic survival" by explicitly saying that VS was inspired by it. Alas, it seems like their efforts were in vain
@@АнтонМихайлов-ъ3г I agree that we should give credit where it is due for the idea but also, realistically, VS was the first to take the idea and expand upon it to the level of depth we now see in horde survival games and also the first to polish it to perfection. It's kinda like how there were quite a few first-person action games before Doom (the original not reboot of course) but Doom was the first to develop the concept into something that was polished and had such broad appeal that even people who typically hadn't played video games previously started playing it, and the result is that we remember Doom as the origin point for nearly everything that first person action games would eventually become, the father of the FPS genre. I've seen the exact same thing happen with VS, people that had no interest in games previously have started playing because VS got them interested. Like I said, credit to Magic Survival for the idea, but ultimately, years from now it's pretty likely that VS will end up being remembered as the origin point of the genre because it was the first to build that idea into something that had massively broad appeal.
TH-cam showed me the trailer. I'm Gen x so it hit me in the intellivision spot and I bought it. Not thinking much about it actually. Long story short I'm on hour 3 of playing as I type this. Really liking it so far. If you're into the brotato realm of gaming this has a similar vibe to a degree.
Ok, this trailer is really freaking cool. The costumes were cool, and it was nice to see their different personalities! Poe Ratcho, Imelda Belpaese, Maruto Cuts who I honestly didn't know... And I spotted some cameos from Peppino, the Directer and MY MAN MORTACCIO!!! Even Queen Sigma at the end appeared!
If they'd just looked at each other at some point and said "Awesome!" in unison I would have thought I was 14 again sitting on the floor watching FOX Kids and seeing a commercial for a new game.
This Nintendo teir game is literally the best game on PS5 right now. 8 years and 250 million for the Concord flop when they could be paying one guy to come up with bangers like this.
'Nintendo tier', what is that? Family oriented fun tier? Nintendo aim all their games at little kiddies and their dimwitted parents. But VS is a fantastic game, nonetheless.
This is the greatest thing of the past 15 years. Some bloke crafting a game what feels like in his bedroom, it gaining so much traction that by now it's a genre-defining buzzword and suddenly it's being released on Playstation with a charming trailer. Legend. 👌🏻
Vampire Survivors Brotato Balatro I think I spent under $20 total on those 3 games and have played them more than all of the more expensive titles out there combined.
Wow a trailer I wasn't upset and felt disrespected by. A trailer that I could actually share with others on a positive note. A trailer that if I had worked on I'd be proud of.
This is so cool, I was there for the liveaction NES commercials, and no matter HOW bad the game was, those commercials were HYPE. I'm gonna be 40 next week, holy crap.
For anyone who somehow doesn't know this game and is curious because of the trailer, just do it. It hits the old school pick up and play game vibes, its fun and quick, the music is excellent. I have 60 hours in this game for every dollar I've spent on it.
Wow, this game looks very realistic. The definition on his beard is so high and you can see the ray tracing in his eyes. We finally surpassed the uncanny valley!
Not gonna lie, would watch 3 movies about the Vampire Survivors characters having to defeat Dracula and confronting all the shit that they do in the games. Could be an animated series, i don't care, just sounds an epic adventure
I love when they pick old men for ads , and i love to see them smile and gigle, beautiful at 0:30 after the "AH" he got teleported in an unfamiliar place and he dosen't care ,he goes back to play
Watched the NoClip documentary on this game & developer - very interesting Italian dude. The secret sauce to Vampire Survivors was his experience coding the gaming software that goes into gambling machines to hijack all those neurological pleasure centers to keep you engaged.
Kids - this is what video game commercials used to look like in the 90s
Imagine going back in time to meet yourself as a kid. They ask what video games are like 30 years in the future, so you show them this. 🤣
@@0Fyrebrand0 people still play MUD's in 2024.
@@0Fyrebrand0 I would show them an emulator with a no-intro rom set on a steam deck first and be like "We literally have every game ever out in your time at our fingertips and we will play none of them and instead sit on social media for multiple hours before playing anything"
Now its just like "This ai can take over the world unlike other ai!" said with that hella annoying ai voice
I'm so happy for Poncle. He made a game, sold it for less than a coffee, it blew up and he never raised the prices and only sold (really good) DLCs that were even cheaper. Absolute chad.
Sure, kinda reminds me of how balatro went after the free dlc, though it is the price of a cheap lunch. Though VS did promote a new genre of survivors clones whereas balatro had to fight false gambling accusations since you don't even use real money and you're only reward with in-game cash for completing a level as opposed to making a formal bet.
The real money is in gathering your data and selling them.
he did raise the price
@@Gaming_AnticsWhat are you on about?
And don’t forget all the amazing free update content!
This is such a 90's advertisement. I love it!
@@searchingstuff 80s too, go watch the commercial for pitfall lol
Nah not enough white kids with their jaw hanging open while generic y2k rock guitar music plays and they run around at 2x speed
100% i can see love right there
The 90s were not characterized by a Black Supremacist colonization movement, so no, this is far from a 90's advertisement.
Ads actually had normal White men, unlike the cultural ggnocide of today's marketing.
True happiness is that first bite into a bulb of garlic.
There’s co op now?!
@@princealbertzyeah up to 4, you can even play it through steam remote play
There's been local co-op for a while.
Wario posting
@@princealbertz I can play with a friend from other country right now
Better trailer then the Minecraft Movie
Not exactly a high bar to top 😅
Better than concord 😂
@@david0712 Comparing shitcord to vampire survivors is like comparing micro organisms to eldritch gods
All these actors look like they had so much fun doing this, I love it
I assure you, I am a real person.
I mean... They were playing the game and it's addicting af
Ofc they'd be having fun lol
@@joelbaker9366 Hmmmm kinda sound like a bot 😒
First name + last name + 4 numbers = bot
Bonus points if pfp is with a hot Instagram girl
@@ТервелДимитров If I'm a bot, then you must not exist. It's only because of my gmail account that my name shows. I've tried to change it, but it doesn't stay to what I want it.
The old fella is the best
He is such a perfect old man.
He is in game too. There's a cheat code in game to unlock poe early and if I remember right it's just "StrongestCharacter" or something like that xD garlic is good.
@@maxschwitzer9390the Solo Garlic Overdrive Run is so OP
Once you go garlic, you never go back.
fr though xD
big garlic energy bois
Bible FTW
It really is quite OP early on with an Arcana.
0:11 Peak human performance
😢 was that garlic?
It's Asmon!
Onion bro
Poe is the most Chad character
Can’t believe they got Asmon for the trailer.
I am sorry but that guy has more hair and probably has cleaner room
@@diooverheaven6561 also is more intelligent and far less ego and he doesn't treat his body like a landfill
@@diooverheaven6561 Dude's room is literally forest, and it's still cleaner than Asmon's
@@diooverheaven6561Is this opposite day?
@@FrawgfithAmblose found the bozo
whoever came up with this ad deserves a gigantic raise.
garlic raise
I was going to say it was lazy af, but I guess each to their own.
Dude for 5000% real. I'm so taken by this I'm already sharing it like crazy. I cannot get over how fantastic this trailer is.
Gotta love all the not Europeans in my European high fantasy game commercial.
@@Poorleeno I didn't say it was particularly creative, I just that they deserve a raise.
Because 90% of good advertising is pandering to a demographic, and the ad has:
1. funny looking old man dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner,
2. he's in a forest
3. he's eating garlic raw
4. now he's playing video games
5. player 2 has entered the fight! player 2 happens to be a very attractive woman dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner
7. player 3 has entered the fight! player 3 happens to be a very attractive man dressed in a vaguely LoTR manner.
10/10 marketing.
Poe Ratcho, such a true legend
0:55 this man just pulls up with the Dragonslayer
yeah and im shocked too , lol
And the character in game is busted
...and immediately attempts to murder two strangers..
From what I remember, the character in-game is named "Maruto Cuts." Naruto Guts?
@@rolan.r lol
0:32 peppino in the background lol
@@pious276at 32 seconds he's peeping from behind a tree. Another tree.
Beat Me to it! Well Played! :)
My favorite part!!! 😂
my goat peppino is so based he's the only secret character in this advertisement🔥🔥🔥
Finally, a reason to own a PS5
Need the best performance for the best game
you could play this on a Raspberry Pi.
gonna have to wait for the ps5 pro
Don't give Me any Ideas! I allready play this on Mobile Switch and Serries X! :D
It is truly easy to spend hours just grinding away at this game unlocking new characters and powers. One of my favorites in my 40+ years of playing video games. Bravo!
Literally been hooked for a year and spent 4 hours last night destroying ship
True happiness is playing with your friends in the same room, just one TV. Even if it's one player game it felt so fun...
As someone who mains Imelda, I’m really happy to see her in live action.
And her little wave at Queen Sigma? Girl, me too. ❤
I'm a Sigma guy because why pick anyone else? It's easy mode I know but still.
It just makes me happy! She looks great in live action!
Bro just bit into a clove chunk of garlic...
First i need to say "FU and your Mother" and Second i want to Tell you that this Garlic Grandpa is a Ingame Char and He needs the Garlic to keep the Monsters away.
@@Drannos99 my brother in Christ, garlic can be eaten in a less drastic manner
Yeah bro I watched the video too
@@Drannos99 It looks like you and sony do not know how to eat garlic
@@davidhotright if you want it to produce a damaging aura, you really need to get that garlic down. I suppose he could gulp a garlic smoothie.
Does this game have vampires yet?
You have to survive them. If they exist its already a whole new departament
The vampire is obviously in another coffin! Onwards!
Ones on the title screen.
The vampires were the friends we made along the way.
Poncle is making enough money to pay two actors to take a huge bite of raw garlic. I’m so happy for him.
Ahaha, what a fun ad. Reminds me of when Kemco used an old man with a banjo on the cover of Phalanx (SNES).
I remember that ad!
but this isn't just any old man, this is Doc!
I also Remember! Also Cool Name to the Dustin Too on here! :)
The nostalgia is real.
Damn this is a good commercial for a fun and way too addicting game.
The O.G. that created the genre, mad respect for the success!!
Except that he didn't. The first game in this genre was Magic survival
made it mainstream
@@АнтонМихайлов-ъ3г oh really? 👀..
@@thathandsomedevil0828 Yes, and poncle even tried to raise awareness about "Magic survival" by explicitly saying that VS was inspired by it. Alas, it seems like their efforts were in vain
@@АнтонМихайлов-ъ3г I agree that we should give credit where it is due for the idea but also, realistically, VS was the first to take the idea and expand upon it to the level of depth we now see in horde survival games and also the first to polish it to perfection. It's kinda like how there were quite a few first-person action games before Doom (the original not reboot of course) but Doom was the first to develop the concept into something that was polished and had such broad appeal that even people who typically hadn't played video games previously started playing it, and the result is that we remember Doom as the origin point for nearly everything that first person action games would eventually become, the father of the FPS genre. I've seen the exact same thing happen with VS, people that had no interest in games previously have started playing because VS got them interested. Like I said, credit to Magic Survival for the idea, but ultimately, years from now it's pretty likely that VS will end up being remembered as the origin point of the genre because it was the first to build that idea into something that had massively broad appeal.
Shoutout to Peppino at 0:31
Poe is the main character CONFIRMED.
Playing this game for a year, everyday without skips. Bought all the DLC because its really cheap. Kudos to Poncle.
o.O are you ok?
Love that the ad people were able to identify the main character
I‘m happy for the people owning the Consoles.
This Game truly is a Gem.
one could say it´s a gem that should be… Experienced
@@mememan6033 indeed.^^
TH-cam showed me the trailer. I'm Gen x so it hit me in the intellivision spot and I bought it. Not thinking much about it actually. Long story short I'm on hour 3 of playing as I type this. Really liking it so far. If you're into the brotato realm of gaming this has a similar vibe to a degree.
Bro Vampire Survivors is the originator of this type of game style, if you like Brotato you're in good hands with Vampire Survivors.
iirc vampire survivors is one of the games that made that genre famous in the first place
Ok, this trailer is really freaking cool. The costumes were cool, and it was nice to see their different personalities! Poe Ratcho, Imelda Belpaese, Maruto Cuts who I honestly didn't know... And I spotted some cameos from Peppino, the Directer and MY MAN MORTACCIO!!! Even Queen Sigma at the end appeared!
New here, the design and ad looks great. I went straight to wiki to find all the characters from the game.
The tree 🎄 showing up is the highlight for me
never underestimate the power of garlic
If they'd just looked at each other at some point and said "Awesome!" in unison I would have thought I was 14 again sitting on the floor watching FOX Kids and seeing a commercial for a new game.
It's crazy how perfect the actor for Poe is. This is EXACTLY what I've always pictured him like in my head lmao. PERFECTION
Unfortunately I’m currently affiliated with the cilantro squad.
Maybe next year.
❤🧄 - I can eat it every day
Bible gang.
@@TheUndyingXII no
NPC Greg from Viva La Dirt League would've been perfect for this too.
This Nintendo teir game is literally the best game on PS5 right now. 8 years and 250 million for the Concord flop when they could be paying one guy to come up with bangers like this.
Great Point! And Xbox Hopefully! :)
'Nintendo tier', what is that? Family oriented fun tier? Nintendo aim all their games at little kiddies and their dimwitted parents. But VS is a fantastic game, nonetheless.
@@mrpositroniaHe meant NES
Asmon is looking a lot older than I remember
He's aged quite gracefully 😅
Why do I find this trailer wholesome?
This is the greatest thing of the past 15 years. Some bloke crafting a game what feels like in his bedroom, it gaining so much traction that by now it's a genre-defining buzzword and suddenly it's being released on Playstation with a charming trailer. Legend. 👌🏻
I like how the tree shows up in the background like “huh what’s going on?”
this is the closer we'll ever gonna have to a Castlevania live action
Bought it on launch day. Only a handful if times I did that.
This games a blast.. glad more people are able to get their hands onit!
This has some serious "90s Super Nintendo advertisement" vibes.
And i love every second of it.
Vampire Survivors
I think I spent under $20 total on those 3 games and have played them more than all of the more expensive titles out there combined.
I can say for sure that I have spent 100 times more hours in free and almost free games, that in full price ones.
The lore in this game is absolute bonkers
One of the best moments for me was the yellow king ending. So fucking trippy
The Castlevania DLC blew my mind during "that" scene.
We haven't had ads like these for games in decades! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I main garlic. Please believe. Also, let's go ahead and get a physical shall we?
Rebuy this Game for a Four Time? I'm Down! 😊
Yes! All kinds of YES! Am so happy to see Vampire Survivors doing so nicely! Great job Poncle!
that older guy was committed to the bit with that garlic chomp
I love everything about this game. Everything.
Best ad I've seen all year! And one I chose to watch 😂
Honestly after playing it for the first time after it arrived on ps5, it might be in my top 10 of all time
He deserves every penny.
Wow a trailer I wasn't upset and felt disrespected by. A trailer that I could actually share with others on a positive note. A trailer that if I had worked on I'd be proud of.
I love this, it looks like an TV commercial from like 1990 or early 2000 ❤
U see those gems when you close your eyes.
This is so much like a game trailer from the 90s I love it
The devs are super passionate about their game ❤
old man eating garlic was my fav part
This is such a 90's ad and we love it
This is so cool, I was there for the liveaction NES commercials, and no matter HOW bad the game was, those commercials were HYPE.
I'm gonna be 40 next week, holy crap.
This seems more diverse and more fun than all the latest Disney movies combined.
That is one of the best trailers for a game I've seen in a long time.
Vampire Survivors trailers never miss!
Garlic gang!
For anyone who somehow doesn't know this game and is curious because of the trailer, just do it. It hits the old school pick up and play game vibes, its fun and quick, the music is excellent. I have 60 hours in this game for every dollar I've spent on it.
The old man is the best. I hope I can be as happy as him when I am that age.
Woulda been the best trailer ever if James Stephanie Sterling would show up as Giovanna.
This has the same vibe as the commercials we had in the 90's for SNES games and it makes me feel happy
when the old man said, "a", i really felt it.
Mitico Luca Galante! Forza Italia! 💚🤍❤💙
What a fun trailer. I wish more comercials and trailers were as whimsical as this. Its just so fun
This and the live-action Doom commercial, man, I really miss these adverts.
The original Smash Bros commercial is the best example
A game that looks like i was released in the 90s having an commercials that looked like a 90s video game commercial is absolut hilarius.
Love it
I love how the old guy is the main character in this game and everyone just agrees implicitly.
This ad is pretty much a huge nod to anyone who grew to love these characters. ❤
Maruto pulling up looking like an absolute fucking UNIT
You already had three players! Bringing in Queen Sigma herself is so overkill I can't even explain it.
And that's awesome. Such a fun game.
Thank you for being one of the greatest video games of all time.
Thank you for only being like 3 bucks.
this is so much fun
and as a early game fan, it's so satisfying to see this game getting more and more love
I can't recommend this game enough! So addictive and good!
Honestly an amazing trailer.
Wow, this game looks very realistic. The definition on his beard is so high and you can see the ray tracing in his eyes. We finally surpassed the uncanny valley!
One of the greatest games Ive ever played TBH. If I could choose only 1 game to play on a deserted island this would be it
I’ve gone back and started replaying the game, it’s sooooo much fun
I have always loved the deep lore and story of Vampire Survivors.
I'm 100+ hrs in, still good 2 years later
Great Trailer, happy it is on Playstation now, imagine the PS5 Pro version!
Not gonna lie, would watch 3 movies about the Vampire Survivors characters having to defeat Dracula and confronting all the shit that they do in the games.
Could be an animated series, i don't care, just sounds an epic adventure
I never thought I’d see Asmongold acting in game trailers.
Ah, the good old times... i made a game with zombies in it was such a beauty
Even the Commercial is retro, love it!
I love when they pick old men for ads , and i love to see them smile and gigle, beautiful at 0:30 after the "AH" he got teleported in an unfamiliar place and he dosen't care ,he goes back to play
Watched the NoClip documentary on this game & developer - very interesting Italian dude. The secret sauce to Vampire Survivors was his experience coding the gaming software that goes into gambling machines to hijack all those neurological pleasure centers to keep you engaged.
Good old style of game advertising. 10/10
Now that's a fucking great Game, I tell you what.
Took me a sec to realise:
Oh shit! Multiplayer!