@@Mussi93 why, is it over? Btw, considering the Soviets were made up of both sides of the current war, it’s looking like they’ll win again whatever happens
Always grateful and respect for the USSR/Russian people for their huge sacrifice 1941-1945 patriotic war. No one in this planet should ignore it, specially the ungratful USA, UK, France, Ukraine, Poland....Long live the eternal Russia and it's people
the soviet union was nothing like what russia is today if the ww2 vets saw what was going on rightt now they'd be rolling in their graves imagine fighting nazis in the past just for your countries future leader pulls a hitler. we don't hate the brave russian soldiers who died during ww2 we hate the new russian soldiers and their cruel leader that's it do a little more research before making dumb comments like this russia is not the same country it used to be I went to russia to visit a friend 6 years before this insane war and traveled out to the countryside nothing but rotting houses and starving people my friend got mobilized haven't heard from hm since march of last year but no we're horrible for hating Putin the man sending young men die for nothin. get the bigger picture idiot
It’s amazing and truly shocking that without the U.S.S.R the Western allied nations would not have a chance against the German army as they only faced 15% of the German army and the rest was against the Soviet Union. It truly is unbelievable that after many fighting in many fronts and losing 27 million people of their own, they showed the world how truly strong they are by putting out a victory parade for being victorious not the west Allies the U.S.S.R
The western Ally’s would have still beat Germany I assure you. We were already pushing them out of North Africa. It would have taken a lot longer yes. But especially after america entered the war we had more than enough manpower and industrial power to beat Germany
I wouldn't say the western allies couldn't have won. Simply put, the allies won in the air, and with air supremecy would've won the war. How much bloodier and longer it would've been is a different story.
@@jakejhons5138 В конце 20-го века напридумывали разных слов и болезни. Идиоты. А во времена Наполеона тоже был этот синдром? А когда турки Европу захватывали тоже этот синдром был? А во времена Римской империи? А во времена динозавров? 😂😂😂
Спасибо херои Красној Армији !!!Они помогли нам в Сербии в борби против германских фашиста и нациста ...Мој дед серпскиј партизан бил в борбе с Красној Армији за свободу Белграда...
Yes but America did help Russia greatly with mainly of all things trucks.400,000 jeeps and trucks as well as 12000 armoured vehicles (which included 7000 tanks) 11,400 aircraft and 1.75 million tons of food. President Roosevelt who provided this wanted peace and cooperation between Russia and America after the war but unfortunately died before the final defeat of Japan was a big loss to the world and global relations between the two super powers of America and Russia.!back to those trucks though they really helped supply the red army in its offensive war against Germany after the massive victory in Stalingrad in 1943
I just looked it up. 152,000 US made trucks were supplied to provide the Soviet troops when they were advancing west towards Germany. This is one of the major reasons the Soviets were able to win so many quick and decisive victories by keeping up supplies to the front line
What wtf did you write? Yes, you helped Lend Lease at the end of 1941 for the gold that you took out from all over Europe. The US economy grew due to the war as it is now. Do you think your chassis, stew, planes from America would radically change the course of the war? Seriously, they couldn't. Open the second front 1941. The Soviet Union was on the verge of defeat. But, you just listened to reports, danced, and ate burgers, ((( Omg. What did you have during the entire Pearl Harbor war? Where did you take revenge with a nuclear bomb? And before that you were poor fellows in the economy, remember?. And France, Poland surrendered to German troops in one month... All your life, the Yankees danced and thumped at the expense of other countries, while others fought, you soulless creatures, like the British invaders, (who have worked more than all countries so far Iraq, Iran, Libya, Serbia, this not all. Ah, Britain is a great colonizer) And now, you Yankees are manipulating your great gold reserves due to this. And when did you open a second front? 1944 when the Soviet Union was almost at Berlin. How much did the Normandy Neman front lose?, (look at the numbers) how much did the Soviet Union lose is there a difference?? You, as always, sat behind a big puddle and waited for defeat to whom to make kuni. That's why the Yankees never ever fight with the strong. Cheeseburger and milkshake are more important
This is when the Soviet Union had the largest military 🎖️🪖 in the world 🌎 absolutely Massive Millions of Men all lined up in sections representing the USSR = Red Army 🪖 Air force 🕊️ Navy ⚓ now scaring Japan 🗾 into unconditional submission.
@@Stan732 АХАХАХАХ. Ты чё несёшь? Воевали как и украинцы так и русские. И никто не хочет, чтоб было столько смертей как тогда... ~27 миллионов солдат Советского Союза погибли! + киевский режим не поддерживает Советский Союз, ведь у них декоммунизация!
*Подвиг их бессмертен, память о Них вечна!* *Their Feat is immortal, memory about Them is eternal!* *Military losses* on the *Eastern Front* during World War II *Forces fighting with the Axis* Total: est 5,078,000 (Greater Germany: est 4,137,000) KIA/MIA: est 4,437,400 (Greater Germany: est 3,637,000) Prisoners taken by the Soviets: 4,264,497-4,530,818 (Greater Germany: 2,733,739-3,000,060) Prisoners who died in Captivity: est 637,000 (Greater Germany: 500,000) *Forces fighting with the Soviet Union* Total: Up to ~8,719,000 - 10,000,000 (Soviet Union: 8,668,400-10,000,000) KIA/MIA: 6,880,600 (Soviet Union: 6,829,600) Prisoners taken by the Axis: 4,139,000-5,780,000 (4,059,000 (military personnel only)-5,700,000) Prisoners who died in captivity: 2,250,000-3,300,000 (2,250,000-3,300,000) *Overall losses of USSR including civilians up to 27,000,000.* The Wehrmacht and its allies lost 80% of all combat-ready units on the Eastern Front, 607 their divisions were defeated there.
My dad's first family Wife ,little daughter and his mother were killed by German troops. All village were killed You think I forget this. I was born from second family. our tears and suffering will be soon pays in full. Our Heroic grand kids will level Sodomic Europe to the ground
We owe our lives to the tens of millions of soviet soldiers who defended the world from fascism and dealt the nazis the most devastating blows. One of the great tragedies of history is the entire world not having a deep gratitude for the sacrifice of the soviet people during the war, for freedom.
Believing in an "almighty people" is what led to the need of this parade. As Stalin said, "There are no invincible armies and there never has been." It's just as easy to say "there are no almighty peoples and never have been." God favors not race nor ethnicity but only those that serve him.
I am interested in the history : here are the soldiers which saved my father, 32 years old , when he was fighting in Russia in the name of Hitler, 3times injured and found by russian soldiers which helped him to overcome. My late thank to you all and always with respect to all people in the world.
Neděkuj z celýho srdce , Stalin nechal Waršavu zmasakrovat při Waršavským povstání v roce 1944 jasně byli to Němci kdo masakroval ale sovětská armáda jen čekala aby zabrala vylidněnou Waršasu jelikož chtěli komunistickou loutkovou vládu a takhle se krásně zbavili nepohodlných lidí . ( dont forget to Warsaw uprising in 1944 , there is no need to thanks )
@@szalony_husarz thanks to the soviets the Warsaw uprising in 44 failed and city has been slauthered by Germans ...so no room to thanking to these soviets , they are interesting only for themselfs and they agenda . They scared that Poland is be Democratic so they wait to Warsaw fall ...they are pigs to me .
@@STENLIGAMES That you're talking nonsense. Rokossovsky tried to help the uprising in Warsaw , but the Germans knocked him out of the bridgehead across the Vistula , although the rebels did not ask for help . None of those who staged the uprising coordinated their actions with the Red Army . The Red Army was exhausted by the offensive of Operation Bagration and was in a state of restoring its reserves. The purpose of the uprising was not to let the Red Army into Warsaw and establish a bourgeois government there , the initiator of this uprising was the army of Kroev . You answer me the question why help Stalin , the Krayev army if it shot the Red Army in the back and staged an uprising in Warsaw against the Red Army ?
@@STENLIGAMES if there were no Soviet Union, Poland would not exist today. You forgot how Germans killed almost 1/5 of you and they were determined to completely destroy you and none of the Western allies could help you? Dude, just learn your own history of 193x, about your alliance with Hitler, about your invasion of Czechoslovakia, understand that you were not a victim but a real predator (just weaker than the others) and STFU.
Incrível você tem acesso a materiais exclusivos sobre a Rússia ... Até da antiga união soviética.. Sempre estou vendo seus vídeos ... Seu canal é muito bom...
Not really. Im Czech and the soviets occupied us for 40 years after the war. They brought us communism and that phucked up the country irrepairably. Both the Germans and the Russians phucked us but at least the Germans knew how to run a country.
It’s crazy to think how a lot of these soldiers are battle harden veterans who fought for years nonstop and only recently managed to find peace in their lives. Really makes the parade all the more impressive that this is a battle tested and extremely dangerous army, which unlike the Nazis, actually won the war.
@@АЛЬБЕРТКучерявый-д1щ комментарии почитай под видео, где "весь мир с нами"? Че там в польше было сегодня, разогнали твоих фашиков)) Если бы не рабы амеров, уже давно не было бы твоей фашистской украЙны. Но политики как послушные собачки подчиняются, но обычные люди вас пиздят и считают цыганами парошайками
Nashi Geroicheskie otzy... frontoviki.. Spasibo za Podvig Our Heroic fathers frontman. Everlasting Gratitude and Thank you. Forever and ever. New York City 🇺🇸
@@joe-ev3uw yeah, it's not that those who count it can be biased towards non-western countries, or that they can count every nuance of living in different country. Or, the most important part - how HDI is counted? From what it is devised? So, you know, HDI can pretty much mean nothing...
Действительно масштабы были впечатляющие! Сейчас на Украине воюет примерно 600 тысяч русских солдат! А в 1943 под Сталинградом Советские солдаты захватили групировку Паулюса численностью 600 тысяч! Вот и представте масштабы!
@@Stan732 Impossible, because Russia is a multi-ethnic State. Nazis die in prison. In Ukraine, NAZIS are at the Government! STOP NATO PROPAGANDA. STOP NATO MARIONETTES.
А почему не захотели совместный германо-советский парад провести ? Как после совместного взятия Польши в 1940 году ? Не помните как вы с нацистами маршировали вместе ? Пока те убивали французов, , британцев, голландцев, поляков и евреев ?
@@СтаниславСорокин-ъ3б, у тебя приступ бреда? А совместного парада в Бресте не было. Одни по договору пришли, другие вышли. ДО Советского Союза с Германией заключили договора практически все европейские государства, Франция, Британия, Италия, Дания, Румыния, Эстония, Литва, Латвия, Япония.... А первой была Польша. Сталин лично никогда не встречался с Гитлером. А европейские лидеры все с Гитлером в дёсна целовались. Советский Союз даже не принимал участия в берлинской олимпиаде. А европейцы на стадионах приветствовали Гитлера нацисткими приветствиями.
США спонсировали приход Гитлера к власти в Германии в 1933 году. Некоторые американские спонсоры Гитлера существуют и сегодня - Ford, GM, IBM, Coca-Cola, Citibank... Европа носила Гитлера на руках. И особо не сопротивлялась вторжению Германии. Советский Союз был последним, кто подписал с фашисткой Германией Пакт о ненападении. До Советского Союза это сделали Великобритания, Франция, Италия, Япония, Польша, Румыния, Дания, Эстония, Латвия, Литва... Но почему-то все вспоминают только договор Молотова-Риббентропа. Пoльшa первая, кто поддержал Гитлepa. Почему-то все забыли, что Пoльшa с Гepмaнией нaпaли на Чехословакию и раздербанили её. Почему-то все забыли, что Пoльшa сотрудничала с фашисткой Гepмaниeй и планировали совместное нападение на CCСР. Пoльшa гнобила и истребляла собственных eвpeeв, поддерживала в этом Гepмaнию и собиралась установить прижизненный пaмятниk Гитлepy в центре Вapшaвы. Почему-то большинство крупнейших кoнцлaгepeй были устроены гитлepoвцами именно на территории Пoльши... Гитлep лохонулся. Ему нужно было довольствоваться Европой, захватив Британию, или на американские Штаты идти, а не на Россию. Россия бы ещё и помогла бы в этом. Глупая идея сунуться в Советский Союз. Явно завышена роль союзников в победе над гитлеровской Германией. Американцы потеряли всего 400 тысяч. Русские потеряли погибшими 27 миллионов. Из них военных потерь 9 миллионов советских солдат. Остальные потери - гражданское советское население. Нас истребляли! И не нужно было русским уходить из Германии после взятия Берлина и принятия капитуляции. Это Германия на нас напала, а не мы на неё. Агрессор повержен ценой огромных наших жертв и разрушений, и его земли по праву должны принадлежать нам, победителям-освободителям, пострадавшей стороне. За всё нужно платить. Нужно было оставаться там и заселив русскими, ассимилировать Восточную Германию, как Калининград. Тогда это выглядело бы очень логично, и никто бы из "союзников" не вякнул против. Тем более Восточная Германия - это исторически славянские земли. Полезный для нас урок. Из Вашингтона уходить не будем. Хватит благотворительности!
@@ІгорБала-м7е писать даже не научился, зато уже пропаганды насмотрелся. Действительно, зачем обучаться хотя бы базовым знаниям, когда можно включить какую-нибудь пропагандистскую херню и втыкать, пока тебе вдалбливают чужое мнение.
14:45. I saw one of those scout cars at the CAM in Moscow. It was totally bare bones. Padding on the 2 seats and armored cables but everything was just metal. Even the steering wheel and gear shift. No plastic or bakelite no glass in the view ports. Bare minimum instruments.
It's amazing after losing 27 million people in war they still could muster such parade... this country is unbeatable.
Consider that 17 million are civilians. The USSR was not at war with civilians. And the Soviet Union was subjected to genocide.
Because before the war they had 210 million
Yeah before we talk about loss of life let me remind you all that westerners caused the death of millions more across the world.I’m indigenous btw.
"Unbeatable". Well, that didn't age well.
@@Mussi93 why, is it over? Btw, considering the Soviets were made up of both sides of the current war, it’s looking like they’ll win again whatever happens
0:37 if you can't beat em, join em.
They are too powerful
lmao thats a bold choice for a mustache after what happened
Putin was also there
9:07 so epic moments
Yeah that was the best part
Druschba 🇩🇪🇷🇺Freundschaft Mir Dank❤
Спасибо 🥰💖
Причем тут росия если победил Советский Союз
Russki-Niemetski "Mir"?!? Jak 23 VIII 1939??? NIE!!! @@ghgggx
real army of Heroes
Salute to the brave Soviet soldiers 🇮🇳🗽🇷🇺✌️✌️
Ejército de ladrones y violadores...
TRAITORS...For the Russian Empire! For the White Army Insurgencies..
Always grateful and respect for the USSR/Russian people for their huge sacrifice 1941-1945 patriotic war. No one in this planet should ignore it, specially the ungratful USA, UK, France, Ukraine, Poland....Long live the eternal Russia and it's people
Retard we supplied the USSR.
Спасибо, что хоть один человек знает историю. Всего хорошего и доброго в жизни!
Not just russians also caucasians and turkic people
the soviet union was nothing like what russia is today if the ww2 vets saw what was going on rightt now they'd be rolling in their graves imagine fighting nazis in the past just for your countries future leader pulls a hitler. we don't hate the brave russian soldiers who died during ww2 we hate the new russian soldiers and their cruel leader that's it do a little more research before making dumb comments like this russia is not the same country it used to be I went to russia to visit a friend 6 years before this insane war and traveled out to the countryside nothing but rotting houses and starving people my friend got mobilized haven't heard from hm since march of last year but no we're horrible for hating Putin the man sending young men die for nothin. get the bigger picture idiot
POLAND AND UKRAINE?! The one's who Russia Conquered? And we shouldn't forget that Ukrainians were part of the Red Army and a Soviet Republic.
It’s amazing and truly shocking that without the U.S.S.R the Western allied nations would not have a chance against the German army as they only faced 15% of the German army and the rest was against the Soviet Union. It truly is unbelievable that after many fighting in many fronts and losing 27 million people of their own, they showed the world how truly strong they are by putting out a victory parade for being victorious not the west Allies the U.S.S.R
The western Ally’s would have still beat Germany I assure you. We were already pushing them out of North Africa. It would have taken a lot longer yes. But especially after america entered the war we had more than enough manpower and industrial power to beat Germany
and the ussr wouldn't have been able to defeat germany without the massive amounts of supplies sent through lend lease
10 million combat losses, the rest civilian
I wouldn't say the western allies couldn't have won. Simply put, the allies won in the air, and with air supremecy would've won the war. How much bloodier and longer it would've been is a different story.
@@Andrew-ps4inhere comes the american 😒
It’s insane to imagine how battle hardened these men are
Most of them suffered from PTSD for the rest of their lives.
@@jakejhons5138 Definitely, and most were forced to drown it in alcohol on the account of Soviet/Russian stoicism
В конце 20-го века напридумывали разных слов и болезни. Идиоты. А во времена Наполеона тоже был этот синдром?
А когда турки Европу захватывали тоже этот синдром был? А во времена Римской империи? А во времена динозавров? 😂😂😂
@@Qasi41207Yes, it has always existed. There are definitely records of Napoleonic ptsd. It’s just that in those times, it was called something else
Спасибо херои Красној Армији !!!Они помогли нам в Сербии в борби против германских фашиста и нациста ...Мој дед серпскиј партизан бил в борбе с Красној Армији за свободу Белграда...
Gluposti. Kada je Srbija pala u 1941 tada SSSR jos uvek je podrzavao Hitlera zbog Pakta Hitlera i Staljina 1939. Slava Ukrajini
Твой дед - герой! Не забывай его подвиг, сербский брат мой.
The Germans were not fascists, quit using that term wrongly.
@@clericaltotalitarian Не были.Но почитайте историю военной хроники. Что с вашей и что с нашей стороны.
@@clericaltotalitarian eran extrema derecha totalitaria y psic0pat4 , también sus dirigentes eran fanáticos religiosos que buscaban el santo Grial
это тебе не черная пантера и капитан америка, это - НАСТОЯЩИЕ герои
Yes but America did help Russia greatly with mainly of all things trucks.400,000 jeeps and trucks as well as 12000 armoured vehicles (which included 7000 tanks) 11,400 aircraft and 1.75 million tons of food. President Roosevelt who provided this wanted peace and cooperation between Russia and America after the war but unfortunately died before the final defeat of Japan was a big loss to the world and global relations between the two super powers of America and Russia.!back to those trucks though they really helped supply the red army in its offensive war against Germany after the massive victory in Stalingrad in 1943
I just looked it up. 152,000 US made trucks were supplied to provide the Soviet troops when they were advancing west towards Germany. This is one of the major reasons the Soviets were able to win so many quick and decisive victories by keeping up supplies to the front line
I guess that means there were also about 250000 jeeps supplies should the Wikipedia numbers be correct
What wtf did you write? Yes, you helped Lend Lease at the end of 1941 for the gold that you took out from all over Europe. The US economy grew due to the war as it is now. Do you think your chassis, stew, planes from America would radically change the course of the war? Seriously, they couldn't. Open the second front 1941. The Soviet Union was on the verge of defeat. But, you just listened to reports, danced, and ate burgers, ((( Omg. What did you have during the entire Pearl Harbor war? Where did you take revenge with a nuclear bomb? And before that you were poor fellows in the economy, remember?. And France, Poland surrendered to German troops in one month... All your life, the Yankees danced and thumped at the expense of other countries, while others fought, you soulless creatures, like the British invaders, (who have worked more than all countries so far Iraq, Iran, Libya, Serbia, this not all. Ah, Britain is a great colonizer) And now, you Yankees are manipulating your great gold reserves due to this. And when did you open a second front? 1944 when the Soviet Union was almost at Berlin. How much did the Normandy Neman front lose?, (look at the numbers) how much did the Soviet Union lose is there a difference?? You, as always, sat behind a big puddle and waited for defeat to whom to make kuni. That's why the Yankees never ever fight with the strong. Cheeseburger and milkshake are more important
@@SpentasticHe doesn't mean the US, he mean Marvels superhero Captain America. That's it
Wonderful restored video of this amazing historical event. Magnificent! Thank you for uploading!
This is when the Soviet Union had the largest military 🎖️🪖 in the world 🌎 absolutely Massive Millions of Men all lined up in sections representing the USSR = Red Army 🪖 Air force 🕊️ Navy ⚓ now scaring Japan 🗾 into unconditional submission.
How the tables have turned for this comment..
Egypt could take on japan lmao
Thank you brave soldiers and people of the USSR for your sacrifice. Regards from Norway.
You are welcome. Thank you for helping now Ukrainians to repeat the same.
@@Stan732 АХАХАХАХ. Ты чё несёшь? Воевали как и украинцы так и русские. И никто не хочет, чтоб было столько смертей как тогда... ~27 миллионов солдат Советского Союза погибли! + киевский режим не поддерживает Советский Союз, ведь у них декоммунизация!
@@Stan732 You know NATO is the main responsible of this nonsense war between brother nations, don't you?
Not only people using cyryllic are stupid
Oni vsje geroji..spasibo vam..❤❤🙏🙏..
As a American I salute those men russians had it the worst of anyone in those years.
Вы умный американец раз знаете . У вас детей учат в школах что США победили во 2 мировой 😂смешная страна
Why salute nazis who killed civilians around the world?
Все они супергерои. Сильные, мужественные, бесстрашные!!! Я вижу дух в лицах этих людей
У нас НЕТ супер героев.. У НАС НАРОД ГЕРОИЧЕСКИЙ!
Salute from India
Наши деды и прадеды Герои!!!
А для кого-то и дяди.
@@АлександрДухин-р3ц и Бабушка в 16 лет, по две смены на заводе в Новосибирске, снаряды на токарном станке изготавливала
@@АртёмА-ф5р У меня дядька погиб под Ленинградом . Был лётчиком спасая горящий самолёт , посадил его, самолёт спас а сам погиб от ожогов.
а их потомки фашисты и убийцы
а мы фашисты🗿
In those 4 years,Motherland lost 30 000 000 lives,but still emerged victorious.A true showcase of Heroism,yet people on the west still thing they won.
@@redemption882 So we beg island ago, or still "winning" Japan?
The allies won
@@SirSparrowHawk dude the soviet lost more than the population of Australia 80% of soviet males born in 1923 were dead in 1946
@@junaidkhalil2983 the allies won..
@@junaidkhalil2983 you don’t win by dying
*Подвиг их бессмертен, память о Них вечна!*
*Their Feat is immortal, memory about Them is eternal!*
*Military losses* on the *Eastern Front* during World War II
*Forces fighting with the Axis*
Total: est 5,078,000 (Greater Germany: est 4,137,000)
KIA/MIA: est 4,437,400 (Greater Germany: est 3,637,000)
Prisoners taken by the Soviets: 4,264,497-4,530,818 (Greater Germany: 2,733,739-3,000,060)
Prisoners who died in Captivity: est 637,000 (Greater Germany: 500,000)
*Forces fighting with the Soviet Union*
Total: Up to ~8,719,000 - 10,000,000 (Soviet Union: 8,668,400-10,000,000)
KIA/MIA: 6,880,600 (Soviet Union: 6,829,600)
Prisoners taken by the Axis: 4,139,000-5,780,000 (4,059,000 (military personnel only)-5,700,000)
Prisoners who died in captivity: 2,250,000-3,300,000 (2,250,000-3,300,000)
*Overall losses of USSR including civilians up to 27,000,000.*
The Wehrmacht and its allies lost 80% of all combat-ready units on the Eastern Front, 607 their divisions were defeated there.
My dad's first family
Wife ,little daughter and his mother were killed by German troops.
All village were killed
You think I forget this.
I was born from second family.
our tears and suffering will be soon pays in full.
Our Heroic grand kids will level Sodomic Europe to the ground
We owe our lives to the tens of millions of soviet soldiers who defended the world from fascism and dealt the nazis the most devastating blows. One of the great tragedies of history is the entire world not having a deep gratitude for the sacrifice of the soviet people during the war, for freedom.
I have read over 120 books on World War Two in the last 35 years. I agree you 100%.
Those guys fought that war.
Lord Bless the Almighty Soviet and Russian People
Believing in an "almighty people" is what led to the need of this parade. As Stalin said, "There are no invincible armies and there never has been." It's just as easy to say "there are no almighty peoples and never have been." God favors not race nor ethnicity but only those that serve him.
You are xommunists, go to hell
I am interested in the history : here are the soldiers which saved my father, 32 years old , when he was fighting in Russia in the name of Hitler, 3times injured and found by russian soldiers which helped him to overcome. My late thank to you all and always with respect to all people in the world.
Se vc é do Brasil , fale em português ! Vai falar em Argentino ?😂😂
Fale português ou russo o bizonho
Portugués o mexicano?
Люди вы только представьте спать в -30 в одном бушлате в окопе!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Это идут супер люди...
Prawdziwi bohaterowie ! Zwyciezcy - nasi wyzwoliciele - DZIEKUJEMY wam z calego serca !
mówisz o armii czerwonej czy o armii Polskiej?
Neděkuj z celýho srdce , Stalin nechal Waršavu zmasakrovat při Waršavským povstání v roce 1944 jasně byli to Němci kdo masakroval ale sovětská armáda jen čekala aby zabrala vylidněnou Waršasu jelikož chtěli komunistickou loutkovou vládu a takhle se krásně zbavili nepohodlných lidí . ( dont forget to Warsaw uprising in 1944 , there is no need to thanks )
@@szalony_husarz thanks to the soviets the Warsaw uprising in 44 failed and city has been slauthered by Germans ...so no room to thanking to these soviets , they are interesting only for themselfs and they agenda . They scared that Poland is be Democratic so they wait to Warsaw fall ...they are pigs to me .
@@STENLIGAMES That you're talking nonsense. Rokossovsky tried to help the uprising in Warsaw , but the Germans knocked him out of the bridgehead across the Vistula , although the rebels did not ask for help . None of those who staged the uprising coordinated their actions with the Red Army . The Red Army was exhausted by the offensive of Operation Bagration and was in a state of restoring its reserves. The purpose of the uprising was not to let the Red Army into Warsaw and establish a bourgeois government there , the initiator of this uprising was the army of Kroev . You answer me the question why help Stalin , the Krayev army if it shot the Red Army in the back and staged an uprising in Warsaw against the Red Army ?
@@STENLIGAMES if there were no Soviet Union, Poland would not exist today. You forgot how Germans killed almost 1/5 of you and they were determined to completely destroy you and none of the Western allies could help you? Dude, just learn your own history of 193x, about your alliance with Hitler, about your invasion of Czechoslovakia, understand that you were not a victim but a real predator (just weaker than the others) and STFU.
Вот они, ТИТАНЫ, горд что я потомок тех, кто сломал хребет нацизму, всем мира и добра.
Дед Кенигсберг брал! Дожил до 91го года, Мой супер герой и лучший рыбак! Слава им во все века!
@@arturdante Низкий поклон твоему деду, приклоняюсь перед такими людьми!!!
Incrível você tem acesso a materiais exclusivos sobre a Rússia ... Até da antiga união soviética.. Sempre estou vendo seus vídeos ... Seu canal é muito bom...
Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid.” - Ernest Hemingway
Yes...but freedom and communism do not mix.
Not really. Im Czech and the soviets occupied us for 40 years after the war. They brought us communism and that phucked up the country irrepairably. Both the Germans and the Russians phucked us but at least the Germans knew how to run a country.
@@charlessedlacek5754 actually there is only freedom in communism
I get sad knowing that there are 20mil soviets rotting away during this, they must have been just as sad as happy
Honor eterno a la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas y al glorioso ejercito rojo por haber salvado a la humanidad.
В каждой семье это самый главный праздник . Преклоняюсь перед мужеством наших предков
Great u s s r
Love from india
Indians always love russia
Мой покойный отец в 1986-м году преподавал военным индусам дисциплину "радиотехническое обеспечение полётов"
город Фрунзе, Киргизия.
@@paulsiebert6013 only english
Cant understand russian
Sorry, I'm forget Eng.(learn 45 ye ago) , speak little Dermany.
@@suyashsalunkhe1890he says his late father taught radio engineering flight support in 1986 to Indians.
It’s crazy to think how a lot of these soldiers are battle harden veterans who fought for years nonstop and only recently managed to find peace in their lives. Really makes the parade all the more impressive that this is a battle tested and extremely dangerous army, which unlike the Nazis, actually won the war.
Спасибо нашим ДЕДАМ за нашу спокойную жизнь.
Если бы только дедам.наши отцы кое-где посуетились. Просто молчат. Гриф секретности не снимали.
@@матвейдьячковский-я2ь Подтверждаю полностью!!! У меня отец Афган прошел.
А чё толку то мы все просрали за что деды воевали.
Как иронично наблюдать такие комментарии сегодня
slava rossiya from egypt
a lot of ukrainians partecipated in this conflict and 8 millions ukrainian died because of it so you should say slava soviet union and nto russia
@@ademkalemaj Shut up😁
Canal Russo ! Chego a chorar de alegria !
You deserve respect, long live Russia long live the red army 🇷🇺🇷🇺
Теперь в России Гитлер!!
@@АЛЬБЕРТКучерявый-д1щ there is only one and the name is volodymyr zelenskyy
@@АЛЬБЕРТКучерявый-д1щ но зеленского там нету, он прячется
@@АЛЬБЕРТКучерявый-д1щ комментарии почитай под видео, где "весь мир с нами"?
Че там в польше было сегодня, разогнали твоих фашиков))
Если бы не рабы амеров, уже давно не было бы твоей фашистской украЙны.
Но политики как послушные собачки подчиняются, но обычные люди вас пиздят и считают цыганами парошайками
Real heroes of the free world
Благословенны наши Предки!!!!!
Cccp ❤w l'armata rossa!🇷🇺🇧🇾🚩🚩🚩
Larga vida al gran pueblo de Rusia, sucesor de la una vez grandiosa Unión Soviética.
Скорее правопреемник 3 рейха
Old man do love : because I was Trained like you from childhood
Excelente 🌹🌹🌹
От Москвы до северных морей Красная Армия всех сильней,не было и нет такой силы чтобы смогла победить её.
Espetacular as imagens deste glorioso desfile do exército vermelho .
Nashi Geroicheskie otzy... frontoviki..
Spasibo za Podvig
Our Heroic fathers frontman.
Everlasting Gratitude and Thank you.
Forever and ever.
New York City 🇺🇸
Es magnifico el desfile❤
Que impresionante!!! Que belleza, los caballos blancos al galope😲 y el primer himno es precioso 💖
Vive la Russie...vive l'amitié russo congolaise .
Я люблю эту землю, и эти люди сильны и трудолюбивы !!!!!
Well done Russia 🇷🇺 I salute you from Scotland 🏴
Í love russian god blees you forever
PQP! Em 1945 as armas russas já tinha um ar moderno, 14:43 e 15:03.
Love you superpower russia.
4:33 anthem
excellent work, you job is the excellent for the actual generation and the next.
self defense from all your enemies the sleeping giant ussr / russia !
Thank you USSR for saving us from the Nazis
God bless Russia and their people.
Que se vayan a tomar por culo!!!
No, russia better die for killing people around the world
@@hopeyouhavinganiceday Закрой рот свой поганый потомок эсесовцев.
@@hopeyouhavinganiceday что из Вашингтона да?
Great sacrifice and conviction wins wars.
This version of Russia was very scary . Even after incurring millions of casualties their army still looked formidable.
Слава народу победителю !!! Товарищу Сталину слава !!!
Not Russian , Soviet Union
Haha. They believed in Russian imperialism.
Опять не угодили тебе "Русские шовинисты".
No such thing, it's all Russian.
Soviet Union = Russian
Rest were anti Soviet
Кто бы мог подумать, что в 1945 на параде будет больше танков чем в 2023.
Сейчас танки нужны в другом месте
каждый год говорили чтоб не понтовались мощью, а щас говорите чтоб понтовались
Не смотря на потери СССР, которые составили 26000000 человек, это не помешало ему взят Берлин и уничтожить логово фашизма.
Nazism* not fascism
бабы ещё нарожают
@@clericaltotalitarian а какая разница, тут нацизм, а там ультранацизм (нацизм х2)
@@укаоуапоупупуаужплупджзупnazism and fascism are both offshoot branches of national populism with differences. Do you're own research
Это не военные потери в 26млн
Спасибо за комментарий, англоязычные. Я понял, что жалеть вас и помогать вам, неблагодарное дело.
thanks for pitying me i will just continue to live with a 5x higher wage🥲
@@joe-ev3uwah yes, counting salaries separated from the cost of living. You sure is a very smart person...
@@ВладСередюк-ф9ч *are
@@ВладСередюк-ф9ч also HDI seems to agree with me 😅
@@joe-ev3uw yeah, it's not that those who count it can be biased towards non-western countries, or that they can count every nuance of living in different country. Or, the most important part - how HDI is counted? From what it is devised?
So, you know, HDI can pretty much mean nothing...
I am an American living in Moscow and have been to Red Square many times. It's a pity I missed the parade this year (2023).
There wasn't much to see. Just one tank
@@ActiveDodger, Still, it would have been nice.
@LIONEL Messi, Russia is winning.
@LIONEL Messi, I am an American.
@LIONEL Messi, You haven't a clue.
Glory to USSR ✊🏻🚩☭☆
Glory to the Russian Empire!
@@FunEntertainment2001 🤣🤡
Glinka's the man @ 16:15!
I still cant fanthom the scale of eastern front. Calling it gigantic is understatement.
Действительно масштабы были впечатляющие! Сейчас на Украине воюет примерно 600 тысяч русских солдат! А в 1943 под Сталинградом Советские солдаты захватили групировку Паулюса численностью 600 тысяч! Вот и представте масштабы!
@@МатвейУрбанов-п3сн не про это кажется. А про длину фронта.
@@МатвейУрбанов-п3си вообще, что за намёки? И откуда такая информация, что воюет 600 тыс. Российских солдат?
@@АСКР06 а сколько по твоему?
Glory to the hero of the Soviet Union! Memory of their sacrifices Will never be forgotten.
9:13 лучшие кадры
Wow! the Generals used horses for their entrance back then, and today..they use a fucking luxury car!
Генералы служили и воевали в Первую Мировую кавалеристами в драгунских полках.
Glory to the Soviet Union !! Glory to Russia !❤❤🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Than Glory to Ukraine, Georgia, Kazachstan, Moldova as well.
@@Stan732 Sure; Glory to Ukraine, Georgia, Kazachstan, Moldova comrades as well ! But NOT to Ukrainian NAZIS ! ✊🚩
@@andreadelucia5542 well, than add "not to Russian, Georgian... naZis". Believe me in Russian Federation much more nazis than in Ukraine.
@@Stan732 Impossible, because Russia is a multi-ethnic State. Nazis die in prison. In Ukraine, NAZIS are at the Government! STOP NATO PROPAGANDA. STOP NATO MARIONETTES.
@@Stan732 Их одинаково везде, включая Запад.
girls: how couldn't you cry on the titanic or
Me and boys :
Великий победа!
Zhukov riding 3:19 with the voice of the army almost like following him is a kind of epic that only Zhukov could reach.
Помним, гордимся, чтим память великим воинам- настоящим героям и освободителям Европы от фашистов!
You terrorized Europa
Вы, Европа, всё легли под Гитлера, кормили и вооружали его и вместе с ним убивали беззащитных евреев.
Slava 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇺🇦
Down with Putin and the rapist russian armed forces.
Wow! and in color! Thank you.
Vinh quang cho nước Nga, Vinh quang cho Liên bang Soviet 🚩🚩🚩
Glory for Russia 🇷🇺, Glory for the Soviet Union ☭ 🚩 from Vietnam 🇻🇳❤️
"Славься, Страна! Мы гордимся тобой!"(с)
А почему не захотели совместный германо-советский парад провести ? Как после совместного взятия Польши в 1940 году ? Не помните как вы с нацистами маршировали вместе ? Пока те убивали французов, , британцев, голландцев, поляков и евреев ?
@@СтаниславСорокин-ъ3бwhere is this guy comming from 💀
@@СтаниславСорокин-ъ3б, у тебя приступ бреда? А совместного парада в Бресте не было. Одни по договору пришли, другие вышли. ДО Советского Союза с Германией заключили договора практически все европейские государства, Франция, Британия, Италия, Дания, Румыния, Эстония, Литва, Латвия, Япония.... А первой была Польша. Сталин лично никогда не встречался с Гитлером. А европейские лидеры все с Гитлером в дёсна целовались. Советский Союз даже не принимал участия в берлинской олимпиаде. А европейцы на стадионах приветствовали Гитлера нацисткими приветствиями.
США спонсировали приход Гитлера к власти в Германии в 1933 году. Некоторые американские спонсоры Гитлера существуют и сегодня - Ford, GM, IBM, Coca-Cola, Citibank... Европа носила Гитлера на руках. И особо не сопротивлялась вторжению Германии. Советский Союз был последним, кто подписал с фашисткой Германией Пакт о ненападении. До Советского Союза это сделали Великобритания, Франция, Италия, Япония, Польша, Румыния, Дания, Эстония, Латвия, Литва... Но почему-то все вспоминают только договор Молотова-Риббентропа.
Пoльшa первая, кто поддержал Гитлepa. Почему-то все забыли, что Пoльшa с Гepмaнией нaпaли на Чехословакию и раздербанили её. Почему-то все забыли, что Пoльшa сотрудничала с фашисткой Гepмaниeй и планировали совместное нападение на CCСР. Пoльшa гнобила и истребляла собственных eвpeeв, поддерживала в этом Гepмaнию и собиралась установить прижизненный пaмятниk Гитлepy в центре Вapшaвы. Почему-то большинство крупнейших кoнцлaгepeй были устроены гитлepoвцами именно на территории Пoльши...
Гитлep лохонулся. Ему нужно было довольствоваться Европой, захватив Британию, или на американские Штаты идти, а не на Россию. Россия бы ещё и помогла бы в этом. Глупая идея сунуться в Советский Союз. Явно завышена роль союзников в победе над гитлеровской Германией. Американцы потеряли всего 400 тысяч. Русские потеряли погибшими 27 миллионов. Из них военных потерь 9 миллионов советских солдат. Остальные потери - гражданское советское население. Нас истребляли! И не нужно было русским уходить из Германии после взятия Берлина и принятия капитуляции. Это Германия на нас напала, а не мы на неё. Агрессор повержен ценой огромных наших жертв и разрушений, и его земли по праву должны принадлежать нам, победителям-освободителям, пострадавшей стороне. За всё нужно платить. Нужно было оставаться там и заселив русскими, ассимилировать Восточную Германию, как Калининград. Тогда это выглядело бы очень логично, и никто бы из "союзников" не вякнул против. Тем более Восточная Германия - это исторически славянские земли. Полезный для нас урок. Из Вашингтона уходить не будем. Хватит благотворительности!
Слава красной армии слава советскому народу
Слава России, Слава нашим дедам!!!!
Слава Украине, котороя борется с рашизмом!!!
@@ІгорБала-м7е хрюкни, падаль
@@ІгорБала-м7е Рашизма нет.
Но в Украине похоже фашизм ещё не истреблен
@@ІгорБала-м7е вы Фашисты, не знал да?)
@@ІгорБала-м7е писать даже не научился, зато уже пропаганды насмотрелся. Действительно, зачем обучаться хотя бы базовым знаниям, когда можно включить какую-нибудь пропагандистскую херню и втыкать, пока тебе вдалбливают чужое мнение.
14:45. I saw one of those scout cars at the CAM in Moscow. It was totally bare bones. Padding on the 2 seats and armored cables but everything was just metal. Even the steering wheel and gear shift. No plastic or bakelite no glass in the view ports. Bare minimum instruments.
Zukhov hero
Super Heroes until now
I watched this parade live
from heaven.
Communiste is strong
Eternal Glory to the Red Army, the Liberator of Europe!
it is the soviet union not russia
Soviet Union = Russia
Others hate ussr
One of masterpiece ever seen in my life ❤❤Hurrrahh
love u Russia
_Спасибо! / Thank you!_ 🇷🇺