Extra teats and fishtail teats are only genetic. There is nothing environmental that will cause a doe to produce kids with extra teats. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. Diseases and defects can be heartbreaking. I pray your new genetics work well for you!
Your goats are looking good! Very nice new ones! I've never heard that multiple teats can be environmental. I've always understood that it was totally genetic. Thanks for introducing us to the new herd members!! God bless!
I’m so happy that even though you don’t personally show you are still trying to breed correct dairy goats 🫶 You are right though, extra teats typically don’t affect the goat in any way and in meat goats it is very common and not a disqualifying factor in the show world of meat goats 🐐 We are breeding for show and homesteading and easy hand milkers is one of the things we breed for because I love a nice long teat with big orifices ✨
This is the first video I've seen of yours! Love the goats! I bet you have so much fun with that little gang- it really shows how loved they all are ❤ also, cool names!
Congrats on your GA Goats! They're definitely different (shorter statured) than your current herd and how beautiful! I'm excited to see how their personalities shine as they get more comfortable in their new home.
new goats! can't wait to see how they do.😍 I am also one of those that got handed like 3 goats at the start and now I'm learning what I actually want from my goats. this year i've added like 10 new goats all various ages. I also added a buck which i then saw had 4 teats!! so i went and got another to replace him, which i'm even happier with. i'm also hunting some udder attachments. lol
I have been rasing dairy goats (Alpine's) for consistently since 2008. I had them as a kid showing on 4-h and using for home milk. But in all the years I had only ever one doe kid who I missed and then noticed it when she freshen. She was a pairing I did and only ever got it that one time. That doe's mother who is 14 years old today. Is reried. The buck I used is still breeding and has not shown any extra tears from his daughters. Thank you for sharing. Till next time God Bless.
HOPEFULLY the situation with Nefarious is just as rare. We need to give the goats the benefit of the doubt and keep trying different combinations! Thank you SO Much!!
I am a golden retriever breeder and I can do multiple DNA tests to see if they are carier ore not with different things. Just with a swap out of there mouth. Don't know if I say it right. In dutch: ik ben golden retriever fokker en kan met een speeksel swap die ik opstuur naar een laboratorium diverse DNA aandoeningen testen. Of ze drager of lijder zijn. Is dit niet mogelijk bij geiten?
That is exactly where I am! We started with some very low quality (sold as “great registered genetics” Nigerians. They are gone and I am really trying now to get only good quality animals to breed. People around me sell low quality for premium prices. That’s why I emailed you about getting on your wait list! So very excited for any upcoming available babies you’ll have! So happy for you and your herd. ❤️
I am wondering if extra teats develop over time, not obvious at birth. Because about 4-5 years ago BCDG Had a doe born with an extra teat and it wasn’t noticed until the baby was older. Poor Cristal beat herself up for not seeing it sooner. I’ve not ever heard of it being environmental, I’ve only heard its hereditary. I sure thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and most of all your precious goat’s with us. You are a valuable soul to us, for many reasons. Thank you again.
The doe that had that 3rd teat was Vader's sister. Vader is Nefarious' sire. That's where it comes from we are pretty sure. Had I remembered the history I would have probably chosen a different buck with stronger teat genetics since I know it's been an issue in my own herd. It takes two copies of the gene to get a kid with the extra teats, and so we are being much more intentional with our breeding in the future! Sometimes the extra teats are very small and super hard to see when they are very little. I don't fault Crystal at all.
@@SageandStoneHomestead oh no, I never thought it was anyone’s fault. I hope I didn’t make it sound like that. I was only saying you shouldn’t be hard on yourself because it happens to even the most experienced people. Please forgive me if I made it sound like I was being judgmental.
Hi Heather. I like your new goats. I hope because you got a small goat, you paid a smaller price. Lol. That little girl seems to have a very nice personality. Have a great day.
Hey Heather, I love the tiny tiny goat!! Since you are still new to this just keeping making the best decisions and you will get to where you want to be.
When i first got goats i could only afford non registered goats, i bought 2 from a registered herd but from a break out and couldn't be registered one of my does had s split teat milk comes out of both it's just a little thicker, but in 5 or 6 years she has never passed it own, and she has given me twins and triplets every year. i also have some smaller ones and Nigerians does can only be 22 in anyway bucks 23, a new sub here blessings
Hi there! I hear as long as one parent does not carry the gene it won't come through. In order for the trait to express itself two bad genes must come together, one from each parent. So it sounds like you have a great buck :)
Gorgeous goats from GA! So awesome to get a full introduction to Foxy and Mooche and an idea of how you will use them. The genetic diversity will be wonderful I am sure, and fingers crossed on the improvements you're looking for to be realized in some future kiddings. I think genetics is a fascinating topic, so definitely love nerding out on it. Tori is finally not the smallest, plus now you have more options for breeding her and any of your other smaller does with a few less worries maybe. 💚💚
Oh Heather!! She is beautiful. When you put her in the stall, I saw how long she was. I love it. Her udder is a beautiful first freshener udder. Love her!! She is the size of most of my does the same age. We are gearing up for more breeding. Mooche is very handsome!! Wow!
I'm kind of in the same place as you as far as starting to improve my udders. (or rather my doe's udders 😂) I've had good udder attachment, but trying to work on capacity now. I have a mixed herd of LaMancha, Nubian, (mostly crosses of those 2) with a little Kiko influence too. But, just because most of my herd are not purebred doesn't mean I can't have nice udders. Although, I am looking into the Golden Guernsey goats and possibly add those to my herd but also keep a small herd of purebred Guernseys
As a first time Nigerian Dwarf owner I was interested to see the smaller size of Foxie. Mine are on the smaller side as well, although maybe even slightly bigger than Foxie, and I was a little concerned for a bit since most Nigerians that I’ve seen have been bigger. What a cutie!
That is such a great news. Getting goats for the herd. The are nice goats. You did well. Thoughts and Prayers.Thank you for sharing. Love and Blessings. ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏 Doris, Penrith 🇦🇺🦘
We are learning more and more thanks to people who share like you. We just noticed recently that our buck has spur teets. They are very hard to notice. They run connected all the way through the length of the teet. Also, we are considering moving from Nigerians into larger milk or meat goats. Do any of you have feedback on a combo breed? We also have several small mama NG’s due this month. Prayers appreciated.
The only experience I have with mixed breeds is the mini lamanchas. So far I've loved them for their pest resistance and Breezy is the only one I've been able to freshen yet (the others were too small to breed last year) and she makes a half gallon when milked once a day! The mini breeds are truly the best of both worlds.
Ohh! Welcome Foxy!! Oh my goodness, it is so refreshing to see a smaller ND dairy goat. I am in Eastern Canada, and most of the NDs I see here are less than 60 lbs full grown. My own at 2.5 years old are 50 lbs maybe. How tall is Foxy at the withers?
Your goats are so sweet! My two ND are super sweet but my mini Lamancha is taking her sweet time to warm up to me. I just held my two ND until they learned to love me 😂 but I don’t know if that trick will work for my mini. Any thoughts? I’m just being patient and hoping she’ll eventually come around.
I can’t offer any advice on goats with multiple teats or genes, but I can say that every time I think I know what I want out of our herd, I just need to wait 2 months, and I’ll change my mind. My favorite doe (as far as udder) was Athene, however, she is in the chopping block this year ( I’m thinning my herd considerably) because of some feedback from a judge and different breeders and now I can see it. I was so excited for Athene’s first sanctioned show, and when I got there, the praises were little, she is very correct, but too small for her age… she is not “skinny” she is just small, and apparently the smaller they are the more points they take out because of “longevity”. On the other hand, Annie’s daughters ( Annie who I’ve been meaning to sell for 2 years and glad I didn’t) are much longer in body, taller and extremely well producers ( better udder than Annabelle’s 100% and easy to milk both) not perfect does, but they did well. So Claritq, my other small girl and Denali are going to move to a pet home, I really can’t justify keeping them as pets. This year I started delivering our babies for a fee, and visiting some of the places where our boys moved to and I’m so happy for them! Gorgeous farms, some With 100’s of acres, other with a couple of acres but kids that are taking naps outside with them, I think Clarita and Denali will be very happy as a couple of pets, not being bred, not sold with papers, that way they can find a home where they can be the stars and get all the attention they want and love, but it is so hard to let them go! I think my size problem with Athene is that Rocky is short , and Clara is my shortest girl, and, she also had coccidia … so it takes them years to grow like Toad out wether, or sometimes they simply don’t. So in my case this year I treated everyone for coccidia as prevention, and no tiny goats, but I think I want to bottle feed this next year, my strongest, bigger and healthier girls are my rejected by athenes girls, they are bigger than most of the others! Lots to think about for me, but we haven’t talked in a while! I’ve been all over the place lately❤ I hope everyone is doing well, now you know where we are at over here! 😂
Health is the most important thing to me above all else and that's why I've kept some of the goats I've kept. Havoc is an incredibly easy keeper and he throws that with his kids. Margie is the same but her udder needs serious work...hoping I can breed good physical traits into the lines with good health and get some really solid goats!
@@SageandStoneHomestead I forgot to say, all that to say, Athene is 3 and full grown… lol… that’s what I wanted to get into. I agree on the health side, that is the most important, athene also struggled after her delivery, and lost most of her hair! Margie is a queen! ❤️ and I hope it all comes together for you, you have lots more f good genes in the pool
She is absolutely gorgeous. I'm curious if the mini lamanchas get enough milk qualities from the nND genetics to make a difference in their milk taste/texture.
So far I have not saved back Breezy's milk to specifically test this but She has a ton of capacity for a first freshener! She will give a half gallon a day by herself which is what I get out of many of my standards. Feral is *B buck with good milk scores in his lineage for cheesemaking, so even if these F1's are a little lacking Feral will be an improvement!!
Hello any advice on getting your goats to stand still on the milking stand when being milk besides giving a bit of grain 🌾 every time I go to touch the teats for milking it turns into a rodeo kicking moving my goats was never handled could that be a part of why they do this would you do a video on this subject please let me know thank you
It’s totally genetic. Not environmental… Can I just tell you how proud I am of you ❤ we show as you might remember and we breed for quality animals. When people start getting into goats they don’t really think about the long term goal and so they breed whatever they have and those genetics get put out into the caprine world and start to dilute the higher quality animals that long time breeders have worked so hard to improve upon. I know showing and registered animals isn’t for everyone and that’s okay but even just a homesteader or hobbyist who wants to enjoy these special animals should look for great genetics and lines that have been worked on for many many generations to get an animal that is going to be healthy and perform long term. I always try to educate my buyers because even if they don’t purchase from me, I want them to enjoy themselves when getting into goats, and anyone who’s had goats for a little while knows there’s a lot to it to keep them healthy. That’s why starting off with a good animal from the gate is so important. The fact that you’re sharing how far you come with the decisions you’ve made in your herd is sooooo important and I’m just so excited to see your herd continue to improve and blossom into what you want it to be. 😊❤
Thank you SO much!!! I think the biggest factor when it comes to homesteaders buying quality goats is cost. Some of our best goats cost a pretty penny. We do what we can to just buffer this for the community and continue to offer our original pricing for our goats in hopes to just get good ones out there!! We are trying. One thing Bella Rossa does that I appreciate a lot is they don't sell animals as breeders if they would not use them in their own herd. I admire that and will likely be adopting that philosophy!
@@SageandStoneHomestead “good goats aren’t cheap, and cheap goats aren’t good.” (usually) I’ve seen that repeated in my breeder circles. Every areas market is different when it comes to cost, but I always tell people you’re either going to pay for them up front or on the back end trying to improve them or get them healthy. As long as you stick with trusted breeders you should be good to go and you’ll eventually make a name for yourself when you start selling your stock. I have repeat buyers because they trust me and know I’m not going to steer them wrong. It’s not just to make money. I want what’s best for both my animals and my customers. Happy for you and your investments. ♥️
New Buck > You filmed the two bucks, but I am not sure which goat is your new goat, Mooche? I don't know the bucks you already had, well enough, to know which is the New one. haha. I am assuming Mooche is the smaller orange color....?
Mooche is going to be BUSY (and in need of a step stool for Elsa's date, but small kids!). This year is just rolling along. Congrats on your new additions and happy goating!
Congratulations on the new goats! They are BEAUTIFUL 😍 She gives a nice amount as well. I can’t wait to see the new babies they produce. I recently got 2 new Nigerians as well. Buckskin does- one with white. It’s a big adjustment milking the little udders compared to my Nubian. I actually had to pull my One Month old bucklings bc they were doing All the buck things(already)with the new ladies. They are the same size. I doubt any of the boys are viable, yet-but I’m Not taking any chances!
They say they can't reproduce until they can "extend".... well what if they get good aim the first time they are able to do that?! I wouldn't take the chance either!!
LOVE the goat videos! I had no idea that the low udders could progress downhill with age to become so problematic. Would you say your views on good goat conditions and features have changed in the four years you've been doing this, or just been refined? You mentioned wanting to fix errors, is there anything you'd advise new homesteaders to be aware of when starting out with goats? Sympathies on the frustrations from searching online for information nowadays. Search engines are getting worse and worse, I hardly bother to use them anymore. Better just to ask someone I know for info.
I always say health comes first. A structurally sub-par goat that's disease free and worm resistant is gold compared to a perfectly structured goat with chronic health problems!! After that it's a matter of each person's goals for their farm :)
@@SageandStoneHomestead That makes sense. Look for a healthy, sturdy, all-arounder to start, and then in time work out to refine your individual goals. My challenge is that I want an easy hand-milker but one also fairly hardy against windy and rainy coastal weather, and I have no idea what that goat looks like. Really appreciate this video for talking about the udders (and showing images of them) from a homesteader's perspective, as it's a lot more concrete and genuine than the information I typically see. I feel like I say this in every comment, but your videos are honestly the best.
@@JamCamel thank you so much!! Ask a lot of questions and tell breeders what you're looking for and what your goals are. Most of them will be more than happy to help place the correct animals with you!!
So i should start with nigerians? My husband had goats when he was little and he wants goats again. Im clueless what to look for etc. WIll you make a video on what to look for in goats and what to stay clear of? Thanks. Much love from Norway
I would start with the healthiest goats you can find. For me those have been Nigerian Dwarf but others have reported differently! Goats that are adapted to your area and are disease free and worm resistant are like gold no matter the breed!!
I have one with 3 teats milk comes out of the extra teat none of her babies don't have extra foxie is cute I like to find another doe with good teats it's a bit hard milking small teats 🙄
I’ve got a question to get a mini lamancha do you breed a Nigerian dwarf buck to a lamancha doe or do you breed the lamancha buck to the Nigerian dwarf doe.
You breed the Nigerian buck to the lamancha doe otherwise the larger genetics of the lamancha could mean for a kid that's too big for the Nigerian doe to pass. Little foxy will always be bred to a small framed Nigerian buck but Mooche can breed whoever. :)
I have a doe with an extra teat. Full disclosure, I started goating in 2021, and this is only my 3rd kidding season and my 2nd milking season. This doe, Oreo, not only has a 3rd teat, but is also my best milker and my highest parasite shedder (argh!). Sadly, she will be culled this year. She has only had doelings for me, and none have had multiple teats. She has been my tutor for nutrition, mineral needs, and parasitology. I'm learning to do my own fecal tests. I have, this spring pirchased my first registered doeling, who is from an excellent milking line. Im rxcited to start improving my small, backyard herd, and im looking for a good, registered buck to breed with this fall. I'm very interested in learning more about the multiple teat and parasite resistant issues, genetically speaking. I, and a friend have Oreo's doelings in our herds. If you get multiple teats attributable to the doe, and, from a different pairing, from the buck (oh oh, I may be confusing myself) but you get some without the multiples, the kids still carry it, right? They can still pass it on. You've definitely got your work cut out for you. Im following, and learning as i go. I really do want to improve my herd, and am not selling any of her kids to any unsuspecting buyer. My friend and I are on this experiment together, and we're watching the Oreo line closely.
Yes even if the kids come out with 2 teats they could still carry the recessive gene which makes it SO tricky. One thing to know though is if you physically see multiple teats on a goat, their parents both had to be carriers!
Hold it. My friend has a doe, Rosie with just 2 teats. She was in with 2 bucks last fall. She had triplets. One of the 2 bucklings has a split teat. I did not personally inspect the Buck's teats. I believe both bucklings came from Bubba. The doeling appears to be from Bean, who has never thrown but 2 teats at a time. If you had a different pairing: Rosie and Bean...hey, that's Daisy! Momma carries, Daddy doesn't (maybe). I wonder if Daisy would still be a carrier. And how much of these genetic principles apply also to parasite resistance?@@SageandStoneHomestead
@@rachelpierson8116 daisy could carry but she also could be fine. She could be put with the other buck that throws multi teats just to see what happens!! I have no idea the parasite resistance thing. I do find some goats to be much more hardy in that regard though!!
th-cam.com/video/EXaIyMSklkg/w-d-xo.html&si=RBRi0hwd0F7yFhjZ An interesting discussion of genetic resistance to parasites with a researcher from NC State.@@SageandStoneHomestead
It is quite possible that Nefarious may carry a gene, possibly from his dad, Vader who had a sister with the issue that Crystal had to cull from her herd. If that is the case, it is possible if Tempest or any of your other does also carry a gene to pass on the trait if bred to Nefarious.🤔 On a lighter note, I believe there is a Mini Nigerian Dwarf breed as well.🙂
YES! Crystal called me when I texted her about it and we pondered the possibilities! I had forgotten where that 3 teat doe came from and she reminded me it was Vader's sister. Definitely won't be pairing those two again, so Tempest has a new beau ♥
Foxy is so cute. I find it odd that there are claims of environmental causes for third teats, but no proof of what that is. After all, Humans can get a third nipple too, but unless we're saying it's a weird radiation leak result where someone drew the short end of the straw with a third nipple instead of super powers, I don't know what else these people are claiming
Right I cannot find substantial proof of cause other than it's congenital. Which honestly I'm happy for that because it narrows the issues down a lot and I can more easily work on having much fewer instances of multiple-teated kids.
I would definately not keep a buck that had extra teats. You can even have both parents without extra teats, and still get them. I had one pair that whenever I bred the two, I would get extra teats every time, even though nether of them had extra teats. I don't keep females with extra teats if I can help it, as they will always produce extra teats in their kids, at least about half the time. I do have one milk goat that did have them. (Both of her parents had no extra teats) I was able to band off the extra teat when she was young. (I do not recommend anyone else do this) I only did it because of it's placement, and because she was young. It was a smaller teat that was growing off the main teat sideways (down where you would put your fingers) and would end up interfering with milking. I was pretty confident that there would not be an extra milk bag attached to that extra teat, so I took a chance. She also produces extra teats in one out of every two kids that she produces.
Both Nefarious and Tempest have two teats themselves, but apparently both carry the gene. It's so exhausting because I thought we were done with this :(
@@SageandStoneHomestead Aww shoot. Yep. Keep good records so you know who you can breed who to. I used to keep notes with my goats information in a binder so I would not forget. It works with successes as well! Write what you like about different pairings, and what you don't like. You might also be able to track certain things overall through the herd. It makes for a more informed decision about who to keep and sell when it comes time to downsize.
Usually they can only hurt each other when they are allowed to have horns. I had one very bad female that broke the ribs of another, and then she gored another.
Try again, I don't see it in my review folder. Sometimes TH-cam deletes comments for silly reasons and they don't always leave it up to me to review and post.
UGH, no! Has he been culled? We are going to see what happens with Nefarious after breeding him a couple more years and seeing what his daughters do. For now I'm happy I have not marked up the price on his line.
Extra teats and fishtail teats are only genetic. There is nothing environmental that will cause a doe to produce kids with extra teats. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. Diseases and defects can be heartbreaking. I pray your new genetics work well for you!
That's all I can find too... the situation being congenital/genetic. That does help narrow the issue down though!!
@@SageandStoneHomestead I will do some extensive research tomorrow and email you links.
Mooch is a really handsome guy! Congratulations on your new herd members.
Thank you!
Your goats are looking good! Very nice new ones! I've never heard that multiple teats can be environmental. I've always understood that it was totally genetic. Thanks for introducing us to the new herd members!! God bless!
I've heard people say environmental a few times but I can find nothing to back it up! I'm thinking it's genetic as well.
I’m so happy that even though you don’t personally show you are still trying to breed correct dairy goats 🫶
You are right though, extra teats typically don’t affect the goat in any way and in meat goats it is very common and not a disqualifying factor in the show world of meat goats 🐐
We are breeding for show and homesteading and easy hand milkers is one of the things we breed for because I love a nice long teat with big orifices ✨
Yes!! Healthy, Easy milkers with good to great structure is the hope!!
Thank you for sharing even the hard truths! I feel like I learn something new from every video you put out❤
This is the first video I've seen of yours! Love the goats! I bet you have so much fun with that little gang- it really shows how loved they all are ❤ also, cool names!
Thanks so much!! Welcome to the channel! ♥
Congrats on your GA Goats! They're definitely different (shorter statured) than your current herd and how beautiful! I'm excited to see how their personalities shine as they get more comfortable in their new home.
Me too!! Poor little foxy would rather hang out with people. Clover was like that for a while too.
new goats! can't wait to see how they do.😍 I am also one of those that got handed like 3 goats at the start and now I'm learning what I actually want from my goats. this year i've added like 10 new goats all various ages. I also added a buck which i then saw had 4 teats!! so i went and got another to replace him, which i'm even happier with. i'm also hunting some udder attachments. lol
OH man yes you definitely want your buck to be solid, his genetics will be a big part of your herd!!
Foxy is adorable 🥰
Isn't she?!
Beautiful new additions!! Thanks for sharing and stay safe!🙏❤
Thank you! You too!
It was lovely watching the goats cuddle with you at the end. Thank you for sharing!
I have been rasing dairy goats (Alpine's) for consistently since 2008. I had them as a kid showing on 4-h and using for home milk. But in all the years I had only ever one doe kid who I missed and then noticed it when she freshen. She was a pairing I did and only ever got it that one time. That doe's mother who is 14 years old today. Is reried. The buck I used is still breeding and has not shown any extra tears from his daughters. Thank you for sharing. Till next time God Bless.
HOPEFULLY the situation with Nefarious is just as rare. We need to give the goats the benefit of the doubt and keep trying different combinations! Thank you SO Much!!
I am a golden retriever breeder and I can do multiple DNA tests to see if they are carier ore not with different things. Just with a swap out of there mouth. Don't know if I say it right.
In dutch: ik ben golden retriever fokker en kan met een speeksel swap die ik opstuur naar een laboratorium diverse DNA aandoeningen testen. Of ze drager of lijder zijn. Is dit niet mogelijk bij geiten?
We have DNA tests for goats too but I believe so far it's just for ancestry or parentage and not looking for defects. One day maybe!!
Foxy is adorable. ❤❤❤
I just LOVE her!
Thanks for sharing your Nigerian goat knowledge, it is helping us plan our future herd.
You betcha!! ♥♥
That is exactly where I am! We started with some very low quality (sold as “great registered genetics” Nigerians. They are gone and I am really trying now to get only good quality animals to breed. People around me sell low quality for premium prices. That’s why I emailed you about getting on your wait list! So very excited for any upcoming available babies you’ll have! So happy for you and your herd. ❤️
Yes and you're first on the list for fall time!! Fingers crossed everything works out!
I am wondering if extra teats develop over time, not obvious at birth. Because about 4-5 years ago BCDG
Had a doe born with an extra teat and it wasn’t noticed until the baby was older. Poor Cristal beat herself up for not seeing it sooner. I’ve not ever heard of it being environmental, I’ve only heard its hereditary. I sure thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and most of all your precious goat’s with us. You are a valuable soul to us, for many reasons. Thank you again.
The doe that had that 3rd teat was Vader's sister. Vader is Nefarious' sire. That's where it comes from we are pretty sure. Had I remembered the history I would have probably chosen a different buck with stronger teat genetics since I know it's been an issue in my own herd. It takes two copies of the gene to get a kid with the extra teats, and so we are being much more intentional with our breeding in the future! Sometimes the extra teats are very small and super hard to see when they are very little. I don't fault Crystal at all.
@@SageandStoneHomestead oh no, I never thought it was anyone’s fault. I hope I didn’t make it sound like that. I was only saying you shouldn’t be hard on yourself because it happens to even the most experienced people. Please forgive me if I made it sound like I was being judgmental.
@learning2no no not at all!! ♥️♥️
Awww so cute! We have a few little ones like that. I love the small ones.
Hi Heather. I like your new goats. I hope because you got a small goat, you paid a smaller price. Lol. That little girl seems to have a very nice personality.
Have a great day.
Unfortunately goat size is not proportional to cost! My big goat cost the least in the whole barn and that little one cost the most LOL
I really hope the new additions help. They sure are cute!
Thank you!! They are super sweet too. The boys have calmed down in their pen and I've been able to handle Mooche a lot and he is a sweetie!
Foxy looks a lot like our Sunny! Slight build but Foxy has more color “pop”
YES she looks a ton like Sunny!
She is so cute and tiny! ❤
I really appreciate the information you give when reviewing your goats. GOD bless
Ohhhhh my goodness, she is so tiny 🥰. Love the new additions!
Great Video Heather! I simply love to hear goats talk. The new ND's are precious. 💜👍💜 Aunt Beth
Hey Heather, I love the tiny tiny goat!! Since you are still new to this just keeping making the best decisions and you will get to where you want to be.
Shes adorable! We have a couple of them that are that tiny. They weigh between 48 and 60 lbs.
So cute!!
When i first got goats i could only afford non registered goats, i bought 2 from a registered herd but from a break out and couldn't be registered one of my does had s split teat milk comes out of both it's just a little thicker, but in 5 or 6 years she has never passed it own, and she has given me twins and triplets every year. i also have some smaller ones and Nigerians does can only be 22 in anyway bucks 23, a new sub here blessings
Hi there! I hear as long as one parent does not carry the gene it won't come through. In order for the trait to express itself two bad genes must come together, one from each parent. So it sounds like you have a great buck :)
Gorgeous goats from GA! So awesome to get a full introduction to Foxy and Mooche and an idea of how you will use them. The genetic diversity will be wonderful I am sure, and fingers crossed on the improvements you're looking for to be realized in some future kiddings. I think genetics is a fascinating topic, so definitely love nerding out on it. Tori is finally not the smallest, plus now you have more options for breeding her and any of your other smaller does with a few less worries maybe. 💚💚
Yes!! I suspect the Nigerian in Tori is also these type of smaller Nigerian Dwarf. She's been very healthy the whole time I've had her, just petite!!
Oh Heather!! She is beautiful. When you put her in the stall, I saw how long she was. I love it. Her udder is a beautiful first freshener udder. Love her!! She is the size of most of my does the same age. We are gearing up for more breeding.
Mooche is very handsome!! Wow!
Thank you so much!
What a good next step for your herd! Foxy is so pretty!
Thank you!! I'm so excited about them both.
Your 2 newbies are settling in nicely it seems. They are both absolutely gorgeous😻❣️💯🙏🏻
Praying for the betterment of your herd🎉
Thank you so much Kathy!! ❤️❤️
Good Morning, Love the goats they all look so cute.
Thanks so much!
I'm kind of in the same place as you as far as starting to improve my udders. (or rather my doe's udders 😂) I've had good udder attachment, but trying to work on capacity now. I have a mixed herd of LaMancha, Nubian, (mostly crosses of those 2) with a little Kiko influence too. But, just because most of my herd are not purebred doesn't mean I can't have nice udders. Although, I am looking into the Golden Guernsey goats and possibly add those to my herd but also keep a small herd of purebred Guernseys
Those are a breed you don't see a lot of and it would be nice to see more of them!!
As a first time Nigerian Dwarf owner I was interested to see the smaller size of Foxie. Mine are on the smaller side as well, although maybe even slightly bigger than Foxie, and I was a little concerned for a bit since most Nigerians that I’ve seen have been bigger. What a cutie!
There's definitely a range! I've seen a lot of small ones and mine have always been bigger. Until now!!
Good morning! Such a beautiful ND doe!…you will love her!
Good morning! Thank you!! We already love both of them so much!!
That is such a great news. Getting goats for the herd. The are nice goats. You did well.
Thoughts and Prayers.Thank you for sharing. Love and Blessings.
❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏 Doris, Penrith 🇦🇺🦘
We are learning more and more thanks to people who share like you. We just noticed recently that our buck has spur teets. They are very hard to notice. They run connected all the way through the length of the teet. Also, we are considering moving from Nigerians into larger milk or meat goats. Do any of you have feedback on a combo breed?
We also have several small mama NG’s due this month. Prayers appreciated.
The only experience I have with mixed breeds is the mini lamanchas. So far I've loved them for their pest resistance and Breezy is the only one I've been able to freshen yet (the others were too small to breed last year) and she makes a half gallon when milked once a day! The mini breeds are truly the best of both worlds.
And omg, Elsas udder is amazing!!
LOVE it!! Need a buck out of her!!
ME too!! ♥♥
I love watching your videos!
I'm so glad! Thanks for being here!! ♥
I’ve never known any of Blue Cactus bucks or doe’s have multiple test’s and I’ve been following them for years!!
When vader was born his sister had 3 teats and was culled. Vader was kept and is a carrier and he passed the recessive gene to Nefarious.
Everybody wants to be near Boss Lady
Ohh! Welcome Foxy!! Oh my goodness, it is so refreshing to see a smaller ND dairy goat. I am in Eastern Canada, and most of the NDs I see here are less than 60 lbs full grown. My own at 2.5 years old are 50 lbs maybe. How tall is Foxy at the withers?
My small NDs can still have 4.5 lbs single bucklings with ease, and 3.5 lbs twins 💜
I will have to take the tape out there and see how "tall" she is!
Your goats are so sweet! My two ND are super sweet but my mini Lamancha is taking her sweet time to warm up to me. I just held my two ND until they learned to love me 😂 but I don’t know if that trick will work for my mini. Any thoughts? I’m just being patient and hoping she’ll eventually come around.
Snacks and a lot of time sitting down there and letting her see the other goats love you!!
I can’t offer any advice on goats with multiple teats or genes, but I can say that every time I think I know what I want out of our herd, I just need to wait 2 months, and I’ll change my mind.
My favorite doe (as far as udder) was Athene, however, she is in the chopping block this year ( I’m thinning my herd considerably) because of some feedback from a judge and different breeders and now I can see it.
I was so excited for Athene’s first sanctioned show, and when I got there, the praises were little, she is very correct, but too small for her age… she is not “skinny” she is just small, and apparently the smaller they are the more points they take out because of “longevity”.
On the other hand, Annie’s daughters ( Annie who I’ve been meaning to sell for 2 years and glad I didn’t) are much longer in body, taller and extremely well producers ( better udder than Annabelle’s 100% and easy to milk both) not perfect does, but they did well.
So Claritq, my other small girl and Denali are going to move to a pet home, I really can’t justify keeping them as pets.
This year I started delivering our babies for a fee, and visiting some of the places where our boys moved to and I’m so happy for them! Gorgeous farms, some
With 100’s of acres, other with a couple of acres but kids that are taking naps outside with them, I think Clarita and Denali will be very happy as a couple of pets, not being bred, not sold with papers, that way they can find a home where they can be the stars and get all the attention they want and love, but it is so hard to let them go!
I think my size problem with Athene is that Rocky is short , and Clara is my shortest girl, and, she also had coccidia … so it takes them years to grow like Toad out wether, or sometimes they simply don’t. So in my case this year I treated everyone for coccidia as prevention, and no tiny goats, but I think I want to bottle feed this next year, my strongest, bigger and healthier girls are my rejected by athenes girls, they are bigger than most of the others!
Lots to think about for me, but we haven’t talked in a while! I’ve been all over the place lately❤
I hope everyone is doing well, now you know where we are at over here! 😂
Health is the most important thing to me above all else and that's why I've kept some of the goats I've kept. Havoc is an incredibly easy keeper and he throws that with his kids. Margie is the same but her udder needs serious work...hoping I can breed good physical traits into the lines with good health and get some really solid goats!
@@SageandStoneHomestead I forgot to say, all that to say, Athene is 3 and full grown… lol… that’s what I wanted to get into. I agree on the health side, that is the most important, athene also struggled after her delivery, and lost most of her hair!
Margie is a queen! ❤️ and I hope it all comes together for you, you have lots more f good genes in the pool
Both parents have to be carriers of it for kids to be produced with it. Oh Bella rosa I show with her she is awesome!!!
YAY You know her?! She has been amazing to work with!! ♥
@SageandStoneHomestead yes I do in fact I have a show this weekend and I think she will be there in fayetteville, AL
@@theminifarminggroomer7871 have fun!! ❤️🐐❤️
She is absolutely gorgeous. I'm curious if the mini lamanchas get enough milk qualities from the nND genetics to make a difference in their milk taste/texture.
So far I have not saved back Breezy's milk to specifically test this but She has a ton of capacity for a first freshener! She will give a half gallon a day by herself which is what I get out of many of my standards. Feral is *B buck with good milk scores in his lineage for cheesemaking, so even if these F1's are a little lacking Feral will be an improvement!!
Hello any advice on getting your goats to stand still on the milking stand when being milk besides giving a bit of grain 🌾 every time I go to touch the teats for milking it turns into a rodeo kicking moving my goats was never handled could that be a part of why they do this would you do a video on this subject please let me know thank you
I have an older video on this and I'll link it!! th-cam.com/video/qzQV9H02dlU/w-d-xo.html
It’s totally genetic. Not environmental…
Can I just tell you how proud I am of you ❤ we show as you might remember and we breed for quality animals. When people start getting into goats they don’t really think about the long term goal and so they breed whatever they have and those genetics get put out into the caprine world and start to dilute the higher quality animals that long time breeders have worked so hard to improve upon. I know showing and registered animals isn’t for everyone and that’s okay but even just a homesteader or hobbyist who wants to enjoy these special animals should look for great genetics and lines that have been worked on for many many generations to get an animal that is going to be healthy and perform long term. I always try to educate my buyers because even if they don’t purchase from me, I want them to enjoy themselves when getting into goats, and anyone who’s had goats for a little while knows there’s a lot to it to keep them healthy. That’s why starting off with a good animal from the gate is so important. The fact that you’re sharing how far you come with the decisions you’ve made in your herd is sooooo important and I’m just so excited to see your herd continue to improve and blossom into what you want it to be. 😊❤
Thank you SO much!!! I think the biggest factor when it comes to homesteaders buying quality goats is cost. Some of our best goats cost a pretty penny. We do what we can to just buffer this for the community and continue to offer our original pricing for our goats in hopes to just get good ones out there!! We are trying. One thing Bella Rossa does that I appreciate a lot is they don't sell animals as breeders if they would not use them in their own herd. I admire that and will likely be adopting that philosophy!
@@SageandStoneHomestead “good goats aren’t cheap, and cheap goats aren’t good.” (usually) I’ve seen that repeated in my breeder circles. Every areas market is different when it comes to cost, but I always tell people you’re either going to pay for them up front or on the back end trying to improve them or get them healthy. As long as you stick with trusted breeders you should be good to go and you’ll eventually make a name for yourself when you start selling your stock. I have repeat buyers because they trust me and know I’m not going to steer them wrong. It’s not just to make money. I want what’s best for both my animals and my customers. Happy for you and your investments. ♥️
New Buck > You filmed the two bucks, but I am not sure
which goat is your new goat, Mooche?
I don't know the bucks you already had, well enough, to know which is the New one. haha.
I am assuming Mooche is the smaller orange color....?
Yes that's right! Sorry I didn't specify more clearly :)
Mooche is going to be BUSY (and in need of a step stool for Elsa's date, but small kids!). This year is just rolling along. Congrats on your new additions and happy goating!
Elsa won't know what hit her, she will sneeze those babies out LOL!
Congratulations on the new goats! They are BEAUTIFUL 😍 She gives a nice amount as well. I can’t wait to see the new babies they produce.
I recently got 2 new Nigerians as well. Buckskin does- one with white. It’s a big adjustment milking the little udders compared to my Nubian. I actually had to pull my One Month old bucklings bc they were doing All the buck things(already)with the new ladies. They are the same size. I doubt any of the boys are viable, yet-but I’m Not taking any chances!
They say they can't reproduce until they can "extend".... well what if they get good aim the first time they are able to do that?! I wouldn't take the chance either!!
They are extending. I was surprised they could do that so soon. I thought I had another few weeks.
@@genesismccormack7540 yeah some of them are early bloomers!!!
Will you be making another list of who’s breeding with who like a few years ago ?!
Can’t wait to see all the new combinations with the new buckling !!
LOVE the goat videos! I had no idea that the low udders could progress downhill with age to become so problematic.
Would you say your views on good goat conditions and features have changed in the four years you've been doing this, or just been refined? You mentioned wanting to fix errors, is there anything you'd advise new homesteaders to be aware of when starting out with goats?
Sympathies on the frustrations from searching online for information nowadays. Search engines are getting worse and worse, I hardly bother to use them anymore. Better just to ask someone I know for info.
I always say health comes first. A structurally sub-par goat that's disease free and worm resistant is gold compared to a perfectly structured goat with chronic health problems!! After that it's a matter of each person's goals for their farm :)
@@SageandStoneHomestead That makes sense. Look for a healthy, sturdy, all-arounder to start, and then in time work out to refine your individual goals. My challenge is that I want an easy hand-milker but one also fairly hardy against windy and rainy coastal weather, and I have no idea what that goat looks like.
Really appreciate this video for talking about the udders (and showing images of them) from a homesteader's perspective, as it's a lot more concrete and genuine than the information I typically see. I feel like I say this in every comment, but your videos are honestly the best.
@@JamCamel thank you so much!! Ask a lot of questions and tell breeders what you're looking for and what your goals are. Most of them will be more than happy to help place the correct animals with you!!
So i should start with nigerians? My husband had goats when he was little and he wants goats again. Im clueless what to look for etc. WIll you make a video on what to look for in goats and what to stay clear of? Thanks. Much love from Norway
I would start with the healthiest goats you can find. For me those have been Nigerian Dwarf but others have reported differently! Goats that are adapted to your area and are disease free and worm resistant are like gold no matter the breed!!
I have one with 3 teats milk comes out of the extra teat none of her babies don't have extra foxie is cute I like to find another doe with good teats it's a bit hard milking small teats 🙄
Yes hand cramps are so real with little teats!! Bigger is better for sure!
foxy is beautiful!!!
She really is!! Thanks!
I’ve got a question to get a mini lamancha do you breed a Nigerian dwarf buck to a lamancha doe or do you breed the lamancha buck to the Nigerian dwarf doe.
You breed the Nigerian buck to the lamancha doe otherwise the larger genetics of the lamancha could mean for a kid that's too big for the Nigerian doe to pass. Little foxy will always be bred to a small framed Nigerian buck but Mooche can breed whoever. :)
@@SageandStoneHomestead ok thanks is it the same for mini Nubians and mini saanens
@@twboergoats2023 yes!
@@SageandStoneHomestead ok thanks
I have a doe with an extra teat. Full disclosure, I started goating in 2021, and this is only my 3rd kidding season and my 2nd milking season.
This doe, Oreo, not only has a 3rd teat, but is also my best milker and my highest parasite shedder (argh!). Sadly, she will be culled this year.
She has only had doelings for me, and none have had multiple teats.
She has been my tutor for nutrition, mineral needs, and parasitology. I'm learning to do my own fecal tests.
I have, this spring pirchased my first registered doeling, who is from an excellent milking line. Im rxcited to start improving my small, backyard herd, and im looking for a good, registered buck to breed with this fall.
I'm very interested in learning more about the multiple teat and parasite resistant issues, genetically speaking. I, and a friend have Oreo's doelings in our herds.
If you get multiple teats attributable to the doe, and, from a different pairing, from the buck (oh oh, I may be confusing myself) but you get some without the multiples, the kids still carry it, right? They can still pass it on.
You've definitely got your work cut out for you.
Im following, and learning as i go. I really do want to improve my herd, and am not selling any of her kids to any unsuspecting buyer. My friend and I are on this experiment together, and we're watching the Oreo line closely.
Yes even if the kids come out with 2 teats they could still carry the recessive gene which makes it SO tricky. One thing to know though is if you physically see multiple teats on a goat, their parents both had to be carriers!
Oh my goodness! 😱
Hold it. My friend has a doe, Rosie with just 2 teats. She was in with 2 bucks last fall. She had triplets. One of the 2 bucklings has a split teat. I did not personally inspect the Buck's teats.
I believe both bucklings came from Bubba.
The doeling appears to be from Bean, who has never thrown but 2 teats at a time.
If you had a different pairing: Rosie and Bean...hey, that's Daisy! Momma carries, Daddy doesn't (maybe). I wonder if Daisy would still be a carrier.
And how much of these genetic principles apply also to parasite resistance?@@SageandStoneHomestead
@@rachelpierson8116 daisy could carry but she also could be fine. She could be put with the other buck that throws multi teats just to see what happens!! I have no idea the parasite resistance thing. I do find some goats to be much more hardy in that regard though!!
An interesting discussion of genetic resistance to parasites with a researcher from NC State.@@SageandStoneHomestead
It is quite possible that Nefarious may carry a gene, possibly from his dad, Vader who had a sister with the issue that Crystal had to cull from her herd. If that is the case, it is possible if Tempest or any of your other does also carry a gene to pass on the trait if bred to Nefarious.🤔 On a lighter note, I believe there is a Mini Nigerian Dwarf breed as well.🙂
YES! Crystal called me when I texted her about it and we pondered the possibilities! I had forgotten where that 3 teat doe came from and she reminded me it was Vader's sister. Definitely won't be pairing those two again, so Tempest has a new beau ♥
Foxy is so cute. I find it odd that there are claims of environmental causes for third teats, but no proof of what that is. After all, Humans can get a third nipple too, but unless we're saying it's a weird radiation leak result where someone drew the short end of the straw with a third nipple instead of super powers, I don't know what else these people are claiming
Right I cannot find substantial proof of cause other than it's congenital. Which honestly I'm happy for that because it narrows the issues down a lot and I can more easily work on having much fewer instances of multiple-teated kids.
@@SageandStoneHomestead Yep, I think you're approaching it all from a much more logical, and responsible POV as a breeder.
I would definately not keep a buck that had extra teats. You can even have both parents without extra teats, and still get them. I had one pair that whenever I bred the two, I would get extra teats every time, even though nether of them had extra teats. I don't keep females with extra teats if I can help it, as they will always produce extra teats in their kids, at least about half the time.
I do have one milk goat that did have them. (Both of her parents had no extra teats) I was able to band off the extra teat when she was young. (I do not recommend anyone else do this) I only did it because of it's placement, and because she was young. It was a smaller teat that was growing off the main teat sideways (down where you would put your fingers) and would end up interfering with milking. I was pretty confident that there would not be an extra milk bag attached to that extra teat, so I took a chance. She also produces extra teats in one out of every two kids that she produces.
Both Nefarious and Tempest have two teats themselves, but apparently both carry the gene. It's so exhausting because I thought we were done with this :(
@@SageandStoneHomestead Aww shoot. Yep. Keep good records so you know who you can breed who to. I used to keep notes with my goats information in a binder so I would not forget. It works with successes as well! Write what you like about different pairings, and what you don't like. You might also be able to track certain things overall through the herd. It makes for a more informed decision about who to keep and sell when it comes time to downsize.
Great advice! Thank you!!
Can they hurt each other from sparring?
Not usually, no. It's probably exhausting though!! They'll figure out who's boss!!
Usually they can only hurt each other when they are allowed to have horns. I had one very bad female that broke the ribs of another, and then she gored another.
Extra teats are 100% genetic, never environmental
It makes total sense for that to be the case. Thank you!
Did you deleted my comment ?
No I did not! Let me see if it's in my review folder.
Try again, I don't see it in my review folder. Sometimes TH-cam deletes comments for silly reasons and they don't always leave it up to me to review and post.
We bought in a really nice nigerian buck last year (before we decided to focus on large breeds) and 50% of his kids came out with 3 teats🫤
UGH, no! Has he been culled? We are going to see what happens with Nefarious after breeding him a couple more years and seeing what his daughters do. For now I'm happy I have not marked up the price on his line.