Andrea, you have never been more beautiful in any of your videos. When words like these flow outward, from deep within one's soul, they are sure to have an impact. Dvarim hayotzim min halev nichnasim el halev. May we all merit the curiosity of truth... And in so doing bring forth the ultimate harmony of life... A symphony of geulah for the entire world. Stay strong and safe!
What an insightful video, full of wisdom and maturity. I hope and pray for harmony throughout the world, and that all people are able to stop and think when they become defensive, and as you say, to change that defensiveness into curiosity. I pray that people can open their mind up to the feelings, thoughts and motivations of others, particularly in moments of conflict. I know this video was filmed quite a few months ago, but the sentiments still stand, and I feel privileged and inspired by the ideas and thoughts that you give out here and in many of your other videos.
I was a bit nervous when I started to watch this but not as nervous as you were when you made it! I can only say I was really moved listening to you. Your courage and your love are inspiring. Every time I come across someone whose faith leads them out to others it helps me with my own faith. Your words about searching for the infinite and this leading us to connection and relationships really resonate with me. Will be keeping you in my prayers and hope you will do the same for me. May God bless you and may you keep witnessing. And the music analogy is brilliant!
Thank you Andrea for your bravery in making this video and sharing your insights with us all. You are a wise and compassionate woman. Rest assured, you have now touched many people with hope. I pray that everyone seeking direction and resolution find solace in your words and example. God bless you for playing your own instrument with love and integrity. God bless everyone.
Wow! Thank you so much for this video. I cried for the first time since the beginning of this whole fiasco; till now I just felt so numb. This video just sums up the whole of what I'm feeling- people, just love each other a little more and let's stop the hate! Whatever religion or ideology we believe in should just reinforce the good in us, as opposed to bringing out that much anger and violence. May we all live to see a world where harmony reigns. I wish this video had another few hundred thousand views. Well said, Andrea!
Thank you for posting this. I've been wondering how you and Yonatan were. You have been on my heart since knowing you have been Israel for awhile. I'm on Wrapunzel fan group. Please know that our prayers are with all of you in the Holy Land and please keep us posted.
Informative! Thanks for sharing what's been on your heart. I'm praying for peace between the Israeli's and Palestinians right now! God bless and may he put a fiery hedge of protection around you and yours!
Thank you so much for posting this beautiful video. My husband and I had just returned from Tveria when all this began to unfold. It breaks my heart. I think you described the core of this conflict so perfectly; a cacophony of voices all clamoring to be heard. We seem to be more interested in imposing our truths on others than in listening to others' truths that are equally valid. We are so busy looking inward or outward that we've forgotten to look upward. May the one who makes peace on high make peace in our own hearts, and upon all of Israel. Our prayers are with you, be safe.
I know this is an older video but it moved me to comment. In our different lives you and I would be unlikely to cross paths. And if we were to, it's unlikely that we would find much of our lives in common. In fact the world may say we have nothing much at all in common. But what you said here really moved me. I felt connected to you as a person, across time and space. This is the song of my people, even though we may not be each other's people. My heart echoes your plea for harmony from oceans away.
I don't know enough enough about the conflicts in the Middle East to comment authoritatively on them, however, I am glad that you are as safe and well as you can be under the circumstances. I am in awe of how you are able to be positive and seek the overarching lesson in all of this. Now, will we ever as a species have enough sense to listen?
This was so hard to watch! First of all, it's hard to see you in pain, but it's also hard to watch you struggle with speaking your mind on a topic so vital to all of us. I really learned from what you said about curiosity and I hope all of us use the events of last summer to get less reactive and to become more curious. As the mishnah teaches us: 'lamed lashoncha lomar aini yodea (yodaat)'. May we all stay open. :) well spoken. My heart goes out to all the people of Israel and Palestine. Your pain and questioning is a sign of your true spiritual insight. I love the musical analogy.
Andrea, you are beautiful inside and out. I discovered you through Wrapunzel online - I've just started covering as a Christian. I deeply appreciate your messages on Judaism and how you discuss ideology, truth, etc...I'm a seminary grad as well so I love philosophical discussion on religion and practice. Blessings to you and your work - I plan to purchase some of your scarves as soon as I can decide on which ones!
This has really made me think. Thank you so much for your candidness and complete honesty in your view. You have so impacted my life (for better) I can't thank you enough. Be safe, Much aloha,Leslie
Beautiful video, As a Messianic believer, I pray for the shalom of Jerusalem. May your faith not fail you in hardship but may HaShem strengthen you in His truth. The discord in Israel is not according to Torah. We are to love our neighbour as we love ourself. I love your quote on 'curiosity' It is only until we walk on the moccasins of another can we truly learn to love. Pray for Palestine. May you find truth, may you find the infinite. Remember to ask in your heart who is Yeshua HaMashiach. You are an asset to this world Andrea Grinberg I will pray for you and your family. Beautiful video.
Great video...I am not of the jewish faith but I feel the exact same way you feel. Thanks for making a video like this, the world needs more people like you. SHALOM!
Jerusalem is showing Messiah, who is Jesus to me, is coming VERY soon right now. I really enjoyed listening to this. God bless! And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Zechariah 12:10
In every culture and religion there is a common ground that we can all relate to. The problem is that everyone looks at the differences instead of the sameness!
I know as a traditionalist Catholic (the equivalent of an Ultra-Orthodox Jew), I find these videos very comforting. I am watching this video thinking about how, unfortunately, rather than getting better, Israel has begun to enter into an even more deadly and turbulent place. I am all for discussions about finding the truth and understanding ha-Shem, but the violence in the Middle East is not even about debate but killing each other for not believing what the other person preaches. I pray that we all always remember there is still hope and we can find a way to live in peace and tolerance, without necessarily agreeing on everything. I pray that the Lord bless and preserve you. That He make His face to shine upon you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace (Numbers). I pray also, as a Catholic, that Sar Shalom (Jesus, the Prince of Peace) gives you and the people of Israel His peace, always and forever. Amen. The Jews and Christians have a wonderful opportunity to really find greater peace and co-existence, even if we disagree, because we both believe in G-d, morality, the family, and living a life that is aimed at being with our Creator forever in heaven.
Beautiful words!!! God spoke thru you. Please feel very good about everything you said and know I am continually praying for Shalom for the Jewish people and the world.
It's so true, Andrea. Hurt people hurt people. We're all waiting for Mashiach. B'Ezras Hashem, He will ome soon, and we will no longer weep. Shalom achoti :)
Bravo, Andrea. Well said. Perhaps HaShem has pushed you to make this video so that I would not abandon Judaism and faith. My facebook feed has also been exploding with racism, anger and calls for vengeance. I started thinking, maybe these people actually represent Judaism and I'm the odd one out? I pray that HaShem helps the Jewish people overcome this disgusting tribalist mentality and plants in our hearts compassion not only for ourselves but also for the Other.
Andrea, I just came across your video almost a year later but I would still like to comment. I am an evangelical Christian in New York, and I want you to know that we are not in agreement with our government concerning Israel. We are all as upset as you are with what we see on our news, and please know Israel is prayed for in every Christian church around the world. We believe the Word of God, that the Jews have been given that land from God. We are for you! We love you! You are God's people, and you have an everlasting covenant with Him. We believe we are God's people thru the Meschiach. We, as Christians, believe we are joined hand in hand with you. Despite what our President does and says, we are not in agreement. You are all being lifted up before God for protection. We believe we receive a blessing by blessing you. May God bless and protect Israel.
exactly150 yet the president was elected twice in a row & has many people who fully disagree with his choices. This country is for WE THE PEOPLE & WE elect them to speak for us! We have more of a voice than a lot of Americans lead you to believe. It's sad really.
Shalom, maybe everyone like you describe are trying to play those instruments, trying to be heard, but there are not enough people in the audience, not enough people listening... that could also drive a musician bonkers, to not have an audience that is listening.. or at all.. That is a great idea, curiosity is an antidote for defensiveness, trying to understand each others stand point, this reminds me of nonviolent communication skills
Dear Andrea - I appreciate your transparency regarding your video and I can't imagine how scary the situation might be over there currently. I too, like you, want to be carful approaching such a tender subject as ideology....I am also an idealist and I agree that people in general do think they are right. I agree also with your comments regarding Truth and God... If we seek Truth as the creator of the heaven and earth presents, then though one might have ideals and opinions, can we still not show love without hating others who oppose us or disagree with our ideals? All of recorded human history shows the truth of what you say - ideology can and does cause hatred, but it does not have to be that way... True peace is a wholeness in our entire being...its peace in the midst of opposition and so on - Only God can give true peace, not the worlds ways through enforced 'peace'...true peace is in the heart of the individual. Even if we don't agree with another's ideals, should we not treat them as we would want to be treated? Could we not agree where wars and fighting come from? Do they not come from desires and pleasure that war with in an individuals own body as they lust for more to fulfill a void inside? Maybe because they do not know that God who created each individual has a way of truth and peace...They murder and covet and cannot obtain so fight and war against others who do not hold the same ideology - For those who can, we must display the God of the universe to those who do these things ...we do this through our own love and forgiveness and trust that God will judge justly and rightly knowing the heart of each individual... I hope this brings you hope and encouragement in such a time as we pray for the peace of Israel -
While your heart is in the right place, I completely disagree with the perception that the way to accomplish harmony is through self-imposed ignorance. This way of thinking has been commonplace on the far-left for 40+ ongoing years with the advent of postmodernism; the idea that because truth can never be known we ought not to take a bold stance on anything nor should we act (this is one reason why the militant movements of the 1960s phased out). This ultimately lead to passivity and turned the left into what it is today, liberal elitism plus superficial identity (non)politics. We don't solve societal contradictions by tossing a proverbial sheet over them and denying they exist in favor of "all being friends". True unity and harmony only comes when contradictions have been resolved and ritualized/institutionalized social hierarchies abolished. Yes, this will only happen when Moshiach comes but let's not forget that Moshiach's arrival is entirely dependent on our ACTIONS and we cannot do the right actions without seeking knowledge. (Yes, I am a Marxist, and I wouldn't have made shuvah had I not been one.) I get the impression the rabbis tell the women one thing, i.e. that they should be happy living in a state of ignorance and not feel bad about being prohibited from studying anything theological, and the men another. I have never viewed a shiur where the rabbi said study and searching for truth is antithetical to seeking the love and grace of HaShem.
Hi Andrea - I love all your videos. You're intelligent and inspiring. You have to remember that evil exists. The ha-satan is always around us. For good people, the intuitive nature is to love and be loved. For people of the other persuasion, they will fight you to the death. It's the reality of life on this planet. You say Im yirtzeh Hashem many times during your video. But G_d gave us free will, to make our own world, for better or for worse. G_d does not make decisions for us. We make our own decisions and we live with the consequences. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Right why infront of me was because no school was allowed to teach beung judge anymores Not up to anyone make haram every who hear or think till me go So watching listening coping etc alam
Perhaps the search for truth is why Nietzsche lost his mind, Dionysus, coincidentia oppositorum, nonduality... in ones mind? The infinite cannot be contemplated by a finite, sanely?
Andrea, love your videos and you are a beautiful woman. Racism and stereotypes are everywhere. However I want to ask you something: As a messianic Jew I have been discriminated and belittle so much by Jews to the point where they make me feel like a nasty thing, when we share the same beliefs, holidays, and the same God. My husband and I were denied to buy a tallit in a Jewish store because we are messianic. The only difference is that we decided to believe in Yeshua and also praise him, knowing that God is only one and is our high and holy power over everything and Yeshua His only son who he sent to our own salvation, and I'm not asking you to believe in Him (Yeshua) but I want to know what would you tell these Jewish people who have belittle me to believe in Yeshua??? Why would you do if a messianic Jew is being discriminated in Israel (which is happening a lot today in Israel) by a Jew?? Why messianic Jews have to feel like we do not belong to Jewish culture??? Now days I don't disclose my religious beliefs freely, afraid I might be judge and discriminated by a Jew 😞😞😞
angelarodriguez0021 I never discriminated anybody for his/her beliefs... I'm a gher and I know your sensation, trust me. The only problem with messianic Jews is the fact that - and I've experienced it several times - groups like Jews for Jesus do often proselytize among Jews. They tried to talk to me many times when I was in Israel, always tryind to proselytize me. As I came from Roman Catholicism and I live in Italy, even if I'm quiet proud of my christian roots and I'm plenty of christian religious friends I feel like I'm getting tired of Jesus here and Jesus there. To me, the problem at the root of the discrimitation (that is always violence, I'm not justifying it) is the fact that these groups always proselityze, which is something seen very badly by Jews, as they've been persecuted and tryed to convert by Christians for centuries... I don't need to be saved by anyone: I was a Catholic, but I wasn't happy. I never felt His presence in life as I feel it now, I'm truly reborn. I feel like I found my way back home, finally, after such a long time. Clearly, I don't need Jesus. I'm happy if other people can find they way to G-d through Jesus, it's their choice. Me, I've chosen and I don't want my identity to be questioned in its basis every day. I've struggled many years to find my place in the Tribe. I'm working for the Jewish-Christian dialogue, but there can't be a dialogue if one side always tries to convert and change the other one. Another reason is that Jews are supposed to worship G-d alone, not his son or wife or whoever... While it's not forbidden to worship Jesus for non-Jews and actually considered very positive the spread of Christianism all over the world, it's considered idolatry for a Jew. It's sad, I know, but try to uderstand: you simply can't expect a religion to justify apostasy. I'm sure ccording to you it's not apostasy but living your faith: I respect that, but Jewish Law doesn't have the same idea. Even if we came to the opposite conclusions, I recommend you not to hide. "Truth will make you feel", said Jesus. Altought I only consider him as a jewish rabbi, I think that you shouldn't hide. Faith is supposed to set us free from the chains of this world full of superficiality. I hope you'll find your place in this world.
Every nation out even there while not clean even if so not acc Taken out its people as me have said everyone answer me scared but poison to ? But something happened them if pray for me as scared didnt million time sowab while lanat no nothing else 😢
God came to the earth to separate the tares from the weed. When you read the Bible, you will find, that God is a divider. He cannot have communion with sin. That's the definition of holiness. It's hard to understand what you fully mean when you talk about ideologies. The question that raises in the end is: Where do you get all these ideas? Do you get them from God's revelation, which is the Bible or from somewhere else? God bless you.
Maayo Pey Whose Palestine? There is no such a land called Palestine or the Palestinian people. I know of a land called Philistine and the Philistine and if the so called Palestinians want Israel and her land then there have to explain to me how are they Descendants of the Philistines which I don't think there want to claim that because Philistine means Invader and if you call yourself a Palestine/philistine then you're calling yourself the Invader Seriously Go away and leave the Jewish People Alone
So beautifully said, and in so many ways, just what our world needs to hear at this moment. I was in tears just listening.
I love your heart. Years later this is a moreso scary world. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Andrea, you have never been more beautiful in any of your videos. When words like these flow outward, from deep within one's soul, they are sure to have an impact. Dvarim hayotzim min halev nichnasim el halev. May we all merit the curiosity of truth... And in so doing bring forth the ultimate harmony of life... A symphony of geulah for the entire world. Stay strong and safe!
I love your videos so much Andrea! Never stop uploading videos, they're amazing! Stay strong, I pray for you and everyone involved in this conflict x
Thank you for opening your heart with us. God bless you.
What an insightful video, full of wisdom and maturity. I hope and pray for harmony throughout the world, and that all people are able to stop and think when they become defensive, and as you say, to change that defensiveness into curiosity. I pray that people can open their mind up to the feelings, thoughts and motivations of others, particularly in moments of conflict. I know this video was filmed quite a few months ago, but the sentiments still stand, and I feel privileged and inspired by the ideas and thoughts that you give out here and in many of your other videos.
beautifully articulated Miss Andrea!
Amen. We Continue to Pray for the peace of JERUSALEM ❤
This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately and you put it so beautifully!
I am working my way through your videos since I just recently found you. You are beautiful and speak wisdom!
I was a bit nervous when I started to watch this but not as nervous as you were when you made it! I can only say I was really moved listening to you. Your courage and your love are inspiring. Every time I come across someone whose faith leads them out to others it helps me with my own faith. Your words about searching for the infinite and this leading us to connection and relationships really resonate with me. Will be keeping you in my prayers and hope you will do the same for me. May God bless you and may you keep witnessing. And the music analogy is brilliant!
I need an entire restart on every thought. I need prayer tbh. Thank you 😍
This is great. I needed to hear this, even tho it has been a year, it is just as relevant RIGHT NOW.
Andrea, please keep us updated. We are qondering how you are and praying for your safety.
Thank you Andrea for your bravery in making this video and sharing your insights with us all. You are a wise and compassionate woman. Rest assured, you have now touched many people with hope. I pray that everyone seeking direction and resolution find solace in your words and example. God bless you for playing your own instrument with love and integrity. God bless everyone.
Wow! Thank you so much for this video. I cried for the first time since the beginning of this whole fiasco; till now I just felt so numb. This video just sums up the whole of what I'm feeling- people, just love each other a little more and let's stop the hate! Whatever religion or ideology we believe in should just reinforce the good in us, as opposed to bringing out that much anger and violence. May we all live to see a world where harmony reigns. I wish this video had another few hundred thousand views. Well said, Andrea!
beautiful words😍 blessings to you from Poland
I believe your smile and my smile can change outside. Everything❤🧡💛
Love it ... thanks for sharing ...
beautiful said
Thank you for your bravery and for this video. So well said. I particularly love the idea of Shalom as Harmony; truly beautiful.
Thank you for posting this. I've been wondering how you and Yonatan were. You have been on my heart since knowing you have been Israel for awhile. I'm on Wrapunzel fan group. Please know that our prayers are with all of you in the Holy Land and please keep us posted.
Informative! Thanks for sharing what's been on your heart. I'm praying for peace between the Israeli's and Palestinians right now! God bless and may he put a fiery hedge of protection around you and yours!
Thank you so much for posting this beautiful video. My husband and I had just returned from Tveria when all this began to unfold. It breaks my heart. I think you described the core of this conflict so perfectly; a cacophony of voices all clamoring to be heard. We seem to be more interested in imposing our truths on others than in listening to others' truths that are equally valid. We are so busy looking inward or outward that we've forgotten to look upward. May the one who makes peace on high make peace in our own hearts, and upon all of Israel. Our prayers are with you, be safe.
I just love your videos and especially this one. Thanks!
Beautiful message... everytime I watch your videos you bring such life
Beautiful and well spoken!
Andrea have no fear . GOD is with you.
I know this is an older video but it moved me to comment. In our different lives you and I would be unlikely to cross paths. And if we were to, it's unlikely that we would find much of our lives in common. In fact the world may say we have nothing much at all in common.
But what you said here really moved me. I felt connected to you as a person, across time and space.
This is the song of my people, even though we may not be each other's people.
My heart echoes your plea for harmony from oceans away.
I don't know enough enough about the conflicts in the Middle East to comment authoritatively on them, however, I am glad that you are as safe and well as you can be under the circumstances. I am in awe of how you are able to be positive and seek the overarching lesson in all of this. Now, will we ever as a species have enough sense to listen?
Just incredible! Thank you for your courage and for making this video! Lots of love!
This was so hard to watch! First of all, it's hard to see you in pain, but it's also hard to watch you struggle with speaking your mind on a topic so vital to all of us. I really learned from what you said about curiosity and I hope all of us use the events of last summer to get less reactive and to become more curious. As the mishnah teaches us: 'lamed lashoncha lomar aini yodea (yodaat)'. May we all stay open. :) well spoken. My heart goes out to all the people of Israel and Palestine. Your pain and questioning is a sign of your true spiritual insight. I love the musical analogy.
Thank you. I am struggling with another conflict, the war between Russia and Ukraine, and these thoughts help a lot.
Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing! :-)
Andrea, you are beautiful inside and out. I discovered you through Wrapunzel online - I've just started covering as a Christian. I deeply appreciate your messages on Judaism and how you discuss ideology, truth, etc...I'm a seminary grad as well so I love philosophical discussion on religion and practice. Blessings to you and your work - I plan to purchase some of your scarves as soon as I can decide on which ones!
This has really made me think. Thank you so much for your candidness and complete honesty in your view. You have so impacted my life (for better) I can't thank you enough. Be safe, Much aloha,Leslie
Beautiful video, As a Messianic believer, I pray for the shalom of Jerusalem. May your faith not fail you in hardship but may HaShem strengthen you in His truth. The discord in Israel is not according to Torah. We are to love our neighbour as we love ourself. I love your quote on 'curiosity' It is only until we walk on the moccasins of another can we truly learn to love. Pray for Palestine. May you find truth, may you find the infinite. Remember to ask in your heart who is Yeshua HaMashiach. You are an asset to this world Andrea Grinberg I will pray for you and your family. Beautiful video.
Run from messianic worship. It's a lie! I just got out of that cult. The new testament is fake.
Great video...I am not of the jewish faith but I feel the exact same way you feel. Thanks for making a video like this, the world needs more people like you. SHALOM!
My love and prayers are with you and yours.
Jerusalem is showing Messiah, who is Jesus to me, is coming VERY soon right now. I really enjoyed listening to this. God bless!
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Zechariah 12:10
In every culture and religion there is a common ground that we can all relate to. The problem is that everyone looks at the differences instead of the sameness!
I know as a traditionalist Catholic (the equivalent of an Ultra-Orthodox Jew), I find these videos very comforting. I am watching this video thinking about how, unfortunately, rather than getting better, Israel has begun to enter into an even more deadly and turbulent place. I am all for discussions about finding the truth and understanding ha-Shem, but the violence in the Middle East is not even about debate but killing each other for not believing what the other person preaches. I pray that we all always remember there is still hope and we can find a way to live in peace and tolerance, without necessarily agreeing on everything. I pray that the Lord bless and preserve you. That He make His face to shine upon you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace (Numbers). I pray also, as a Catholic, that Sar Shalom (Jesus, the Prince of Peace) gives you and the people of Israel His peace, always and forever. Amen. The Jews and Christians have a wonderful opportunity to really find greater peace and co-existence, even if we disagree, because we both believe in G-d, morality, the family, and living a life that is aimed at being with our Creator forever in heaven.
Beautiful words!!! God spoke thru you. Please feel very good about everything you said and know I am continually praying for Shalom for the Jewish people and the world.
It is the deep action of striving that brings us closer to God, that hunger and searching,, not what we think we find.
It's so true, Andrea. Hurt people hurt people. We're all waiting for Mashiach. B'Ezras Hashem, He will ome soon, and we will no longer weep. Shalom achoti :)
Bravo, Andrea. Well said. Perhaps HaShem has pushed you to make this video so that I would not abandon Judaism and faith. My facebook feed has also been exploding with racism, anger and calls for vengeance. I started thinking, maybe these people actually represent Judaism and I'm the odd one out? I pray that HaShem helps the Jewish people overcome this disgusting tribalist mentality and plants in our hearts compassion not only for ourselves but also for the Other.
I'm so glad it affected you so deeply - thank you for letting me know!
You will be in my prayers for your safety and peace..... I pray for everyone in Israel every day....
Still Gold!
Beautiful! Moshiach Please come quickly! Peace be in Yerushalyim..
Andrea, I just came across your video almost a year later but I would still like to comment. I am an evangelical Christian in New York, and I want you to know that we are not in agreement with our government concerning Israel. We are all as upset as you are with what we see on our news, and please know Israel is prayed for in every Christian church around the world. We believe the Word of God, that the Jews have been given that land from God. We are for you! We love you! You are God's people, and you have an everlasting covenant with Him. We believe we are God's people thru the Meschiach. We, as Christians, believe we are joined hand in hand with you. Despite what our President does and says, we are not in agreement. You are all being lifted up before God for protection. We believe we receive a blessing by blessing you. May God bless and protect Israel.
exactly150 yet the president was elected twice in a row & has many people who fully disagree with his choices. This country is for WE THE PEOPLE & WE elect them to speak for us! We have more of a voice than a lot of Americans lead you to believe. It's sad really.
Old video, old comment, but thrilled our current President moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem! Such a change from Obama.
Great video, and sage advice. I wish you harmony. :-)
love this video, I share this also
Shalom, maybe everyone like you describe are trying to play those instruments, trying to be heard, but there are not enough people in the audience, not enough people listening... that could also drive a musician bonkers, to not have an audience that is listening.. or at all.. That is a great idea, curiosity is an antidote for defensiveness, trying to understand each others stand point, this reminds me of nonviolent communication skills
Shalom madam are you help for me.
Dear Andrea -
I appreciate your transparency regarding your video and I can't imagine how scary the situation might be over there currently. I too, like you, want to be carful approaching such a tender subject as ideology....I am also an idealist and I agree that people in general do think they are right. I agree also with your comments regarding Truth and God...
If we seek Truth as the creator of the heaven and earth presents, then though one might have ideals and opinions, can we still not show love without hating others who oppose us or disagree with our ideals? All of recorded human history shows the truth of what you say - ideology can and does cause hatred, but it does not have to be that way...
True peace is a wholeness in our entire being...its peace in the midst of opposition and so on - Only God can give true peace, not the worlds ways through enforced 'peace'...true peace is in the heart of the individual.
Even if we don't agree with another's ideals, should we not treat them as we would want to be treated? Could we not agree where wars and fighting come from? Do they not come from desires and pleasure that war with in an individuals own body as they lust for more to fulfill a void inside? Maybe because they do not know that God who created each individual has a way of truth and peace...They murder and covet and cannot obtain so fight and war against others who do not hold the same ideology - For those who can, we must display the God of the universe to those who do these things ...we do this through our own love and forgiveness and trust that God will judge justly and rightly knowing the heart of each individual...
I hope this brings you hope and encouragement in such a time as we pray for the peace of Israel -
Religion vs Relationship.
The mystics, of Judaism, Christianity and Islam agree. ❤️
would you like to have an israeli rabbis perspective on your tv videos
While your heart is in the right place, I completely disagree with the perception that the way to accomplish harmony is through self-imposed ignorance.
This way of thinking has been commonplace on the far-left for 40+ ongoing years with the advent of postmodernism; the idea that because truth can never be known we ought not to take a bold stance on anything nor should we act (this is one reason why the militant movements of the 1960s phased out). This ultimately lead to passivity and turned the left into what it is today, liberal elitism plus superficial identity (non)politics. We don't solve societal contradictions by tossing a proverbial sheet over them and denying they exist in favor of "all being friends". True unity and harmony only comes when contradictions have been resolved and ritualized/institutionalized social hierarchies abolished. Yes, this will only happen when Moshiach comes but let's not forget that Moshiach's arrival is entirely dependent on our ACTIONS and we cannot do the right actions without seeking knowledge. (Yes, I am a Marxist, and I wouldn't have made shuvah had I not been one.)
I get the impression the rabbis tell the women one thing, i.e. that they should be happy living in a state of ignorance and not feel bad about being prohibited from studying anything theological, and the men another. I have never viewed a shiur where the rabbi said study and searching for truth is antithetical to seeking the love and grace of HaShem.
Omaine, that is what Ruach HaKodesh has instilled in my heart Harmony.
As you said everyone has a slice or so of EMeT.
Hi Andrea - I love all your videos. You're intelligent and inspiring. You have to remember that evil exists. The ha-satan is always around us. For good people, the intuitive nature is to love and be loved. For people of the other persuasion, they will fight you to the death. It's the reality of life on this planet. You say Im yirtzeh Hashem many times during your video. But G_d gave us free will, to make our own world, for better or for worse. G_d does not make decisions for us. We make our own decisions and we live with the consequences. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
How come you never post videos on deep, religious topics anymore? Just curious, are you still religious?
God blessing and prayers and protection over you and yours and all of Israel. ..God chosen people ..
Spiritual warfare. Pray for Israel daily and for fellow Jews.
Right why infront of me was because no school was allowed to teach beung judge anymores
Not up to anyone make haram every who hear or think till me go
So watching listening coping etc alam
Perhaps the search for truth is why Nietzsche lost his mind, Dionysus, coincidentia oppositorum, nonduality... in ones mind? The infinite cannot be contemplated by a finite, sanely?
Andrea, love your videos and you are a beautiful woman. Racism and stereotypes are everywhere. However I want to ask you something:
As a messianic Jew I have been discriminated and belittle so much by Jews to the point where they make me feel like a nasty thing, when we share the same beliefs, holidays, and the same God. My husband and I were denied to buy a tallit in a Jewish store because we are messianic. The only difference is that we decided to believe in Yeshua and also praise him, knowing that God is only one and is our high and holy power over everything and Yeshua His only son who he sent to our own salvation, and I'm not asking you to believe in Him (Yeshua) but I want to know what would you tell these Jewish people who have belittle me to believe in Yeshua??? Why would you do if a messianic Jew is being discriminated in Israel (which is happening a lot today in Israel) by a Jew?? Why messianic Jews have to feel like we do not belong to Jewish culture???
Now days I don't disclose my religious beliefs freely, afraid I might be judge and discriminated by a Jew 😞😞😞
angelarodriguez0021 I never discriminated anybody for his/her beliefs... I'm a gher and I know your sensation, trust me. The only problem with messianic Jews is the fact that - and I've experienced it several times - groups like Jews for Jesus do often proselytize among Jews. They tried to talk to me many times when I was in Israel, always tryind to proselytize me. As I came from Roman Catholicism and I live in Italy, even if I'm quiet proud of my christian roots and I'm plenty of christian religious friends I feel like I'm getting tired of Jesus here and Jesus there. To me, the problem at the root of the discrimitation (that is always violence, I'm not justifying it) is the fact that these groups always proselityze, which is something seen very badly by Jews, as they've been persecuted and tryed to convert by Christians for centuries... I don't need to be saved by anyone: I was a Catholic, but I wasn't happy. I never felt His presence in life as I feel it now, I'm truly reborn. I feel like I found my way back home, finally, after such a long time. Clearly, I don't need Jesus. I'm happy if other people can find they way to G-d through Jesus, it's their choice. Me, I've chosen and I don't want my identity to be questioned in its basis every day. I've struggled many years to find my place in the Tribe. I'm working for the Jewish-Christian dialogue, but there can't be a dialogue if one side always tries to convert and change the other one.
Another reason is that Jews are supposed to worship G-d alone, not his son or wife or whoever... While it's not forbidden to worship Jesus for non-Jews and actually considered very positive the spread of Christianism all over the world, it's considered idolatry for a Jew. It's sad, I know, but try to uderstand: you simply can't expect a religion to justify apostasy. I'm sure ccording to you it's not apostasy but living your faith: I respect that, but Jewish Law doesn't have the same idea.
Even if we came to the opposite conclusions, I recommend you not to hide. "Truth will make you feel", said Jesus. Altought I only consider him as a jewish rabbi, I think that you shouldn't hide. Faith is supposed to set us free from the chains of this world full of superficiality. I hope you'll find your place in this world.
angelarodriguez0021 *"Truth will make you free".
Every nation out even there while not clean even if so not acc
Taken out its people as me have said everyone answer me scared but poison to ?
But something happened them if pray for me as scared didnt million time sowab while lanat no nothing else 😢
come back to youtube damnit.
For him allah and mohammad
God came to the earth to separate the tares from the weed.
When you read the Bible, you will find, that God is a divider.
He cannot have communion with sin.
That's the definition of holiness.
It's hard to understand what you fully mean when you talk about ideologies.
The question that raises in the end is:
Where do you get all these ideas?
Do you get them from God's revelation, which is the Bible or from somewhere else?
God bless you.
Maayo Pey Whose Palestine? There is no such a land called Palestine or the Palestinian people. I know of a land called Philistine and the Philistine and if the so called Palestinians want Israel and her land then there have to explain to me how are they Descendants of the Philistines which I don't think there want to claim that because Philistine means Invader and if you call yourself a Palestine/philistine then you're calling yourself the Invader
Seriously Go away and leave the Jewish People Alone
No babies was ordered as after me so
😢 only YOU
As me dont surre know