Thank you so much for your concern! 😊 The two new puppies are doing great and settling in well. We’ll be sharing updates on them very soon-stay tuned! ❤ Greetings to Texas, USA! 🇺🇸
Всем привет из Казахстана 🇰🇿!!! Стараниями дедушки сад похож на рай! Здесь всем есть место и цветам, и фруктам, и овощам, и птичкам, и зверушкам. Спасибо оператору, он успевает показать всех: и красоты сада, и Каки, и Люси. Дедушке отдельное спасибо за золотые руки, внучке за заботу о питомцах. Будьте здоровы и счастливы на долгие годы!!!! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏
Здравствуйте! Огромное спасибо за такие добрые и тёплые слова! 😊 Нам очень приятно, что вы оценили сад, наших питомцев и заботу всей семьи. Мы обязательно передадим дедушке ваши пожелания - он будет рад! Желаем вам здоровья, счастья и гармонии! Привет в Казахстан! 🇰🇿💕💕💕🙏
Moje milá vzorně se staráte o Kakiho jen my vadí že nemá přikrývku je mu chladno moc vas prosím přikryté ho bude mu tepleji moc vám děkuji za péči. Prosím o ceske tytulky dekuji
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and If you have common sense you will know that it is cruelty to wildlife and report the channel
ну надо же!!! разозлили ее!!! какие все нежные! а вы зачем взяли макашонка и еще кучу собак!!! ходить негде!! лазать ему негде!!! вместо мячиков и ведерко лдля песка с лопатками имягких игрушек чтобы с ними играть покупаете какието бесполезные вещи!! вы же бизнесмены! выращиваете и продаете!! значит считаете деньги! бедный каки сидит в колесе! не может бегать не развивается! вы уже все засадили!! ТАК ВЫДЕЛИТЕ МЕСТО ДЛЯ МАЛЕНЬКИХ КАЧЕЛЕЙ! ОПОР ДЛЯ ЛАЗАНИЯ!! ЧТО У ВАС ЖИВОТНЫЕ ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ ЧЕШУТСЯ ТО ТРАВМИРОВАНЫ! И ВООБЩЕ ДАЛИ ОГУРЕЦ МАЛЫШУ! ТАК НЕ ЛЕЗЬТЕ К НЕМУ!! ПУСТЬ ПОЕСТ СПОКОЙНО!! ОН У ВАС И ТАК ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ В КЛЕТКЕ ГДЕТО СИДИТ!! НИЧЕМ ВЫ НЕ УДИВИЛИ!! ИЛИ ИЗМЕНИТЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ !! ИЛИ ВАС ПЕРЕСТАНУТ СМОТРЕТЬ!! КАКИ ТО ХОТЬ ДЕНЬГИ ЗАРАБАТЫВАЕТ!! И ПЕРЕСТАНЬТЕ НЫТЬ ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ ЧТО У ВАС ДЕНЕГ НЕТ!! КАКИ ДАЖЕ ПОДГУЗНИК НЕ НОСИТ!! НА ЧТО ТРАТЫ?! И ПОЧЕМУ НЕ ДАЕТЕ КАКИ МОЛОКО?! ЕМУ ОНО ВСЕГДА НУЖНО!!! НУ НИЧЕМ НЕ ОТЛИЧАЕТЕСЬ!! ЗАЧЕМ ВАС СМОТРЕТЬ?! КАКИ А НЕ ВАШИ ОВОЩИ ПРИВЛЕКАЮТ!! ТАК ХОТЬ КОРМИТЕ ОВОЩАМИ! А ТО ГОНЯЕТЕ ЕГО ОТОВСЮДУ!!!
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and If you have common sense you will know that it is cruelty to wildlife and report the channel
Nu știu de ce îi criticați pe acești oameni harnici. Ei se ocupă grădinăritul, din asta trăiesc. Maimuța are destul spațiu unde să se miște, are copaci unde să se cațere, are hrană peste tot. În pădure tot frunze, rădăcini și fructe de pădure mănâncă. Aici chiar are hrană diversificată. Kaki trăiește în libertate nu într-o cameră unde spațiul este limitat și unde nu există copaci în care să se cațere. Kaki când a fost adoptat avea 2-3 luni și nu mai purtase scutec, acum el nu mai poate fi obișnuit cu scutec pentru că și-l dă jos singur. Dacă nu vă place uitați-vă la maimuțele îmbrăcate și abuzate de pe alte canale. Maimuțele care poartă haine nu le poartă din plăcere ci sunt obligate să le poarte, chiar sunt bătute să le poarte. Numai puii de maimuță luați foarte repede după ce s-au născut pot fi învățați să poarte haine și asta cu multe sacrificii din partea lor, sunt pedepsiți dacă nu fac ce li se spune. Acele maimuțe nu sunt libere, trăiesc în spații limitate, sunt captiv. Maimuțele care sunt crescute în natură pot pleca când vor, sunt libere dar se atașează de părinții adoptivi și își procură mai ușor hrana. Kaki fiți siguri că primește și lapte dar nu o să ne arate mereu cum îl spală, cum îl alăptează, cum îl îmbracă. Ei fac grădinărit, Kaki și Lucy sunt animale de companie și sunt tratate bine.
tout à fait d'accord - Kaki va très bien et est bien traité - on respect ce qu'il est - on ne " l'humanise" pas à manger avec une " fourchette" ou à porter des vêtements - il est dans un environnement qui lui permet de grimper dans l'arbre, de grignoter ce qu'il trouve ( comme dans la nature) - la vidéo ne montre pas forcément tout -
Sigur că nu arată totul, dar nici celelalte videoclipuri cu maimuțe umanizate nu arată totul. Kaki nu este ținut în casă, el stă tot timpul afară. Educația maimuțelor umanizate presupune multe traume pentru ele și abuz din partea aparținătorilor.
er klettert im garten auf baüme - er spielt wie er es in der nature machen würde - er braucht weder Bälle noch kuscheltiere - Kaki ist ein Affe und wird auch als soches respektiert - wenn Sie lieber Affe mögen die angezogen sind, und mit einer Gabel essen dann gibt es doch genügend Auswahl -
I am not a fan of dressing a monkey in clothes. However, if he is cold, please give him a blanket in his bed and perhaps a long sleeved top to wear. You might also consider getting him some soft toys that he can cuddle and there is nothing wrong with him and Lucky sharing a bed for company and comfort. He sucks his penis because of the TRAUMA he has endured, perhaps he would also like a pacifier/soother/dummy tit, this is not sexual it is self soothing. Baby monkeys like to stay close to Mum and the sucking instinct is strong. He is a baby and needs some diversion, some fun, something interesting, something to play on or with. You recently showed you had one million viewers, so I do not believe that money would be a concern. The gardens are beautiful and you have given Kaki a bed, but he does not a wee bit more. Please do not start hurting and abusing Kaki to get some silly story on video. Kaki is like all baby monkey's beautiful and I am sure your viewers could watch him for hours just being himself. Perhaps Lucky may have to go to the vet. I believe you are an intelligent women, who has more than likely discussed or thought about these things. Please think of Kaki first and your viewers second. I am sure all your viewers would agree to take second place.
Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment and for sharing your concerns about Kaki. 😊 We truly appreciate your insights and suggestions, as we are always striving to give Kaki the best care possible. We understand that dressing monkeys can be a sensitive topic, and we only do so when it’s necessary for warmth or comfort. Providing Kaki with a warm blanket, soft toys, and stimulating activities is a priority, and we’re continually working to improve his environment and meet his needs. Your observation about his self-soothing behavior is insightful, and we’re exploring ways to help him feel more secure, including items like pacifiers or other comforting options. We are deeply committed to ensuring Kaki’s well-being and happiness, and we would never hurt or abuse him for the sake of content. Lucky’s health is also very important to us, and we’re keeping a close eye to ensure all our pets are healthy and comfortable. Your care and concern for Kaki mean a lot to us, and we take all suggestions seriously. Thank you for being part of our community and for supporting Kaki with so much kindness. ❤
@@Savemonkey-w2i You must be a wannabe comedian. Not helpful. Not funny. Although not severe as our winters, the temperature does drop a little, with rain and wind, he could feel cold. Weather Vietnam --Summer (May to August) is hot and humid, with frequent rains and thunderstorms. Autumn (September to November) is cool and dry, with golden rice fields and clear skies. Winter (December to January) is cold and foggy, with occasional snow in the mountains. Jul 3, 2024 The average Vietnam winter temperature ranges from 15°C to 20°C. The northern region of Vietnam, including Hanoi and Sapa, experiences the coldest temperatures, with temperatures occasionally dropping to as low as 10°C (50°F).
If you watch the earlier videos, you will see that they rescued him from truly horrible captivity. It took them about a month of negotiations, and they put themselves into debt to borrow the money to free him. So his situation now is dramatically better than it was. Sadly, we don't know how he was initially captured and taken from his mother and his troop, but by the time they rescued him he certainly wouldn't have been able to live in the wild. So he has the best life he can have now, given his sad history.
Why do you keep thinking he needs clothes and diapers , he’s outside in his nature. He’s never been treated as a human in a house. His skin and body is still a monkey. ❤Texas USA 🇺🇸
Lucy deve essersi fatta male ad una zampetta, ho notato ieri che zoppica visibilmente. Oggi purtroppo sono molto in ritardo ...non sono riuscita a trovare il tempo di cercare notizie delle mie amate scimmiette e pelosetti prima di adesso (in Italia sono ora le ore 20) ! Vi prego fate vedere Lucy da un veterinario perchè deve avere molto dolore ! Leggo dal titolo che Kaki avrebbe fatto arrabbiare molto la mamma e davvero non riesco ad immaginare cosa può aver mai fatto di così grave questa dolcissima "pallina di morbido pelo" !? La vedo sgranocchiare con avidità un goloso cetriolo, ma oltre ? Mi sono chiesta più volte negli ultimi dieci giorni come mai non vediamo più dare latte a Kaki ...non avrai sospeso ? È molto piccola e ne ha bisogno per la crescita, e serve il latte in polvere perchè l'altro (nei brick di cartone) non è adatto, va bene solo dopo lo svezzamento. Ribadisco che tu mamma e nonno Theo amate tanto Kaki, ma siete anche grandi lavoratori quindi magari qualche cosa può sfuggire o involontariamente essere sottovalutata, ecco perchè capita che ogni tanto i fan si permettono di dare qualche suggerimento...Non offendetevi, non è fatto per critica o cattiveria per quanto mi riguarda personalmente non c'è mai rimprovero o critica per offendere. Vi prego continuate ad AMARE KAKI, lo avete salvato e sapete meglio di chiunque altro quanto ha già sofferto... Io trovo anomalo vederlo spesso rannicchiato su se stesso anche da seduto e non mi sembra normale, qualche commento fa suggerivo di dare una coperta per la cuccia, ma si rannicchia spesso anche quando non e in cuccia. Resta anche una mia ferma convinzione che Kaki si muove (o si può muovere...) troppo poco e anche questo ha la sua importanza secondo il mio personale parere.
les singes grignotent tout le temps dans la nature ! et non " ils ne l'ont pas acheté pour faire de l'argent" ils produisent fruits et légumes pour çà - ce sont des gens qui travaillent dure, vous devriez avoir honte de vos propos !
In addition to what @smartlady said, if you watch the earlier videos you will see that they didn't at all buy it to make money--they rescued it from utterly horrific conditions and had to make huge efforts and go deep into debt in order to do so.
Where are the other two puppies? What have you done with them? You said that they are part of your family. I hope you didn't eat them. I've been to vietnam and unfortunately they eat animals that we call them pets. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take lucy to a vet for her leg. That is serious. Also, show us in your video those gorgeous puppies. Kaki doesnt need any clothing because we want to watch a natural animal. On the other hand Lucy needs some clothing. Don't waste your money on the toys rather on Lucy medical needs and her food.
Thank you for your concern and for sharing your thoughts. 😊 I assure you that the two puppies are safe and well cared for. They are indeed part of our family, and we deeply respect all animals. We understand your concern about cultural differences, but I can promise you that our pets are loved and treated with kindness. Regarding Lucy’s leg, we are aware of her condition and are taking steps to ensure she gets the best care possible. Her well-being is our priority, and we’ll share updates as soon as we can. We appreciate your feedback about toys and clothing. Our focus is always on what’s best for our pets, and we are careful to balance their needs with thoughtful decisions. Thank you for being so passionate about their care and for taking the time to share your suggestions.
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and if you If you have common sense, you will know that it is cruelty to wild animals and report the channel
Dlaczego małpka nie ma zakładanej piludzki, przecież w każdej chwili może posikać sobie spanie czy zrobić kupę,powinna mieć zawsze pieluszkę,pić vzęściej mleko i po po jedzeniu iść spać i być lekko przykryta,a piesek powinien też mieć miękie spanie i być z nogą u Weterynarza, częściej też jeść,bo jest bardzo chudy.
Porque no le has puesto una colcha kaki tiene frío y como lo dije antes el juguete no le iba a servir con ftio 😢y tampoco has llevado al perrito a atención veterinaria osea no has hecho lo que ellos necesitan 😶😏🤨🤐🤐
С каждым разом после ваших видио все больше разочаровывается. Бедный макашонок, постоянно с грустными глазами.лежит согнувшись, если он находится в неволе то оденьти его в такое время года.сами ходите с длинными рукавами.и не поверю что у вас нет денег для одежды и подгузников.вы не читаете комментарии людей.конечно хорошо что вы выращивание зелень но людей больше интересует видио с макашонком .
He looks very sad and lonely he doesn't have a bond with any of these 2 people who supposedly saved him from the bad person. Are they better than the other one,,?I don't think so. The little baby is deprived from love and true care. His life is ruined at the hands of horrible abuse people. Shame on you "good people "
So tremendously cute and mischievous!
Búyük baba muhteşem bahçeniz harika cennet gibi ❤
카키가 오이를 좋아하고 잘먹네요,
열심히 노력하시는 할아버지와 손녀.그리고 아름다운 정원과 싱싱한 야채.행복해보입니다.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Nicht schimpfen 🗯,er liebt gurken. Und hatte Hunger 🍽 😅😅😅😅
What has happened to the 2 new puppies ? Haven’t seen after you paid for them. ❤ Texas USA 🇺🇸
Thank you so much for your concern! 😊 The two new puppies are doing great and settling in well. We’ll be sharing updates on them very soon-stay tuned! ❤ Greetings to Texas, USA! 🇺🇸
Súper aile ne güzel insankar ❤
He is eating that cucumber like he is really hungry!
Un beso muy grande para el ABUELO para ti MAMÁ y para KAKI y LUCY .
Muchas gracias.
Всем привет из Казахстана 🇰🇿!!! Стараниями дедушки сад похож на рай! Здесь всем есть место и цветам, и фруктам, и овощам, и птичкам, и зверушкам. Спасибо оператору, он успевает показать всех: и красоты сада, и Каки, и Люси. Дедушке отдельное спасибо за золотые руки, внучке за заботу о питомцах. Будьте здоровы и счастливы на долгие годы!!!! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏
Здравствуйте! Огромное спасибо за такие добрые и тёплые слова! 😊 Нам очень приятно, что вы оценили сад, наших питомцев и заботу всей семьи. Мы обязательно передадим дедушке ваши пожелания - он будет рад! Желаем вам здоровья, счастья и гармонии! Привет в Казахстан! 🇰🇿💕💕💕🙏
@TEOGarden да хранит всех Господь!!! Пусть все живут долго и счастливо!!!!
Moje milá vzorně se staráte o Kakiho jen my vadí že nemá přikrývku je mu chladno moc vas prosím přikryté ho bude mu tepleji moc vám děkuji za péči. Prosím o ceske tytulky dekuji
Be Kaki hien ve de thuong qua ! Cho be mac do de khong bi lanh . Troi vao dong roi ,!
Kiki loves cucumbers. He will stop eating when it is time. He will not over eat.
Por favor lleva a Lucy sl veterinario para arreglar su pata! 😢😢😢
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and If you have common sense you will know that it is cruelty to wildlife and report the channel
ну надо же!!! разозлили ее!!! какие все нежные! а вы зачем взяли макашонка и еще кучу собак!!! ходить негде!! лазать ему негде!!! вместо мячиков и ведерко лдля песка с лопатками имягких игрушек чтобы с ними играть покупаете какието бесполезные вещи!! вы же бизнесмены! выращиваете и продаете!! значит считаете деньги! бедный каки сидит в колесе! не может бегать не развивается! вы уже все засадили!! ТАК ВЫДЕЛИТЕ МЕСТО ДЛЯ МАЛЕНЬКИХ КАЧЕЛЕЙ! ОПОР ДЛЯ ЛАЗАНИЯ!! ЧТО У ВАС ЖИВОТНЫЕ ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ ЧЕШУТСЯ ТО ТРАВМИРОВАНЫ! И ВООБЩЕ ДАЛИ ОГУРЕЦ МАЛЫШУ! ТАК НЕ ЛЕЗЬТЕ К НЕМУ!! ПУСТЬ ПОЕСТ СПОКОЙНО!! ОН У ВАС И ТАК ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ В КЛЕТКЕ ГДЕТО СИДИТ!! НИЧЕМ ВЫ НЕ УДИВИЛИ!! ИЛИ ИЗМЕНИТЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ !! ИЛИ ВАС ПЕРЕСТАНУТ СМОТРЕТЬ!! КАКИ ТО ХОТЬ ДЕНЬГИ ЗАРАБАТЫВАЕТ!! И ПЕРЕСТАНЬТЕ НЫТЬ ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ ЧТО У ВАС ДЕНЕГ НЕТ!! КАКИ ДАЖЕ ПОДГУЗНИК НЕ НОСИТ!! НА ЧТО ТРАТЫ?! И ПОЧЕМУ НЕ ДАЕТЕ КАКИ МОЛОКО?! ЕМУ ОНО ВСЕГДА НУЖНО!!! НУ НИЧЕМ НЕ ОТЛИЧАЕТЕСЬ!! ЗАЧЕМ ВАС СМОТРЕТЬ?! КАКИ А НЕ ВАШИ ОВОЩИ ПРИВЛЕКАЮТ!! ТАК ХОТЬ КОРМИТЕ ОВОЩАМИ! А ТО ГОНЯЕТЕ ЕГО ОТОВСЮДУ!!!
Por favor lleva a Lucy al veterinario para arreglar su pata!
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and If you have common sense you will know that it is cruelty to wildlife and report the channel
lleven a lucy a veterinario tiene que tener su patita rota que esperan para llevarla
Каки тоже нужно развиваться лазить прыгать и бегать, а не сидешь в домике он должен окончательно окрепнуть 😊❤❤
Nu știu de ce îi criticați pe acești oameni harnici. Ei se ocupă grădinăritul, din asta trăiesc. Maimuța are destul spațiu unde să se miște, are copaci unde să se cațere, are hrană peste tot. În pădure tot frunze, rădăcini și fructe de pădure mănâncă. Aici chiar are hrană diversificată. Kaki trăiește în libertate nu într-o cameră unde spațiul este limitat și unde nu există copaci în care să se cațere. Kaki când a fost adoptat avea 2-3 luni și nu mai purtase scutec, acum el nu mai poate fi obișnuit cu scutec pentru că și-l dă jos singur. Dacă nu vă place uitați-vă la maimuțele îmbrăcate și abuzate de pe alte canale. Maimuțele care poartă haine nu le poartă din plăcere ci sunt obligate să le poarte, chiar sunt bătute să le poarte. Numai puii de maimuță luați foarte repede după ce s-au născut pot fi învățați să poarte haine și asta cu multe sacrificii din partea lor, sunt pedepsiți dacă nu fac ce li se spune. Acele maimuțe nu sunt libere, trăiesc în spații limitate, sunt captiv. Maimuțele care sunt crescute în natură pot pleca când vor, sunt libere dar se atașează de părinții adoptivi și își procură mai ușor hrana. Kaki fiți siguri că primește și lapte dar nu o să ne arate mereu cum îl spală, cum îl alăptează, cum îl îmbracă. Ei fac grădinărit, Kaki și Lucy sunt animale de companie și sunt tratate bine.
tout à fait d'accord - Kaki va très bien et est bien traité - on respect ce qu'il est - on ne " l'humanise" pas à manger avec une " fourchette" ou à porter des vêtements - il est dans un environnement qui lui permet de grimper dans l'arbre, de grignoter ce qu'il trouve ( comme dans la nature) - la vidéo ne montre pas forcément tout -
Sigur că nu arată totul, dar nici celelalte videoclipuri cu maimuțe umanizate nu arată totul. Kaki nu este ținut în casă, el stă tot timpul afară. Educația maimuțelor umanizate presupune multe traume pentru ele și abuz din partea aparținătorilor.
Er braucht sinnvolle Beschäftigung. Wie klettern...schauckeln ...Bälle
Und mehr kuscheltiere
er klettert im garten auf baüme - er spielt wie er es in der nature machen würde - er braucht weder Bälle noch kuscheltiere - Kaki ist ein Affe und wird auch als soches respektiert - wenn Sie lieber Affe mögen die angezogen sind, und mit einer Gabel essen dann gibt es doch genügend Auswahl -
Abríga a la monito que tiene frío dale más de comer a los dos❤❤😢😢🎉🎉😊😊😊
Вы хотите, чтоб он вам зарабатывал, кормить нужно лучше и пусть будет свободным и бегает где хочет, или отдайте в добрые руки его
No sabía que una mujer podía parir monos.
Estas personas nos dejan pensando. Porque dicen que la mujer es la madre del mono.
Не обижайте какочку, он хороший❤
So is Lucy a forever pup now, no longer a foster?
귀염둥이 카키야 사랑한다😍🥰🐒❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
I am not a fan of dressing a monkey in clothes. However, if he is cold, please give him a blanket in his bed and perhaps a long sleeved top to wear. You might also consider getting him some soft toys that he can cuddle and there is nothing wrong with him and Lucky sharing a bed for company and comfort. He sucks his penis because of the TRAUMA he has endured, perhaps he would also like a pacifier/soother/dummy tit, this is not sexual it is self soothing. Baby monkeys like to stay close to Mum and the sucking instinct is strong.
He is a baby and needs some diversion, some fun, something interesting, something to play on or with. You recently showed you had one million viewers, so I do not believe that money would be a concern. The gardens are beautiful and you have given Kaki a bed, but he does not a wee bit more.
Please do not start hurting and abusing Kaki to get some silly story on video. Kaki is like all baby monkey's beautiful and I am sure your viewers could watch him for hours just being himself. Perhaps Lucky may have to go to the vet.
I believe you are an intelligent women, who has more than likely discussed or thought about these things. Please think of Kaki first and your viewers second. I am sure all your viewers would agree to take second place.
Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment and for sharing your concerns about Kaki. 😊 We truly appreciate your insights and suggestions, as we are always striving to give Kaki the best care possible.
We understand that dressing monkeys can be a sensitive topic, and we only do so when it’s necessary for warmth or comfort. Providing Kaki with a warm blanket, soft toys, and stimulating activities is a priority, and we’re continually working to improve his environment and meet his needs.
Your observation about his self-soothing behavior is insightful, and we’re exploring ways to help him feel more secure, including items like pacifiers or other comforting options. We are deeply committed to ensuring Kaki’s well-being and happiness, and we would never hurt or abuse him for the sake of content.
Lucky’s health is also very important to us, and we’re keeping a close eye to ensure all our pets are healthy and comfortable.
Your care and concern for Kaki mean a lot to us, and we take all suggestions seriously. Thank you for being part of our community and for supporting Kaki with so much kindness. ❤
Mom so angry .Angry what ?Lier.
@@Savemonkey-w2i You must be a wannabe comedian. Not helpful. Not funny.
Although not severe as our winters, the temperature does drop a little, with rain and wind, he could feel cold.
Weather Vietnam --Summer (May to August) is hot and humid, with frequent rains and thunderstorms. Autumn (September to November) is cool and dry, with golden rice fields and clear skies. Winter (December to January) is cold and foggy, with occasional snow in the mountains. Jul 3, 2024
The average Vietnam winter temperature ranges from 15°C to 20°C. The northern region of Vietnam, including Hanoi and Sapa, experiences the coldest temperatures, with temperatures occasionally dropping to as low as 10°C (50°F).
Kaki needs a blanket.
The monkey looks so sad and lonely.
Where is his mother and family..
Monkey s need nature and other monkeys.
No prison live by people 😢
If you watch the earlier videos, you will see that they rescued him from truly horrible captivity. It took them about a month of negotiations, and they put themselves into debt to borrow the money to free him. So his situation now is dramatically better than it was. Sadly, we don't know how he was initially captured and taken from his mother and his troop, but by the time they rescued him he certainly wouldn't have been able to live in the wild. So he has the best life he can have now, given his sad history.
Why do you keep thinking he needs clothes and diapers , he’s outside in his nature. He’s never been treated as a human in a house. His skin and body is still a monkey. ❤Texas USA 🇺🇸
Купите мягкие игрушки
Lucy deve essersi fatta male ad una zampetta, ho notato ieri che zoppica visibilmente. Oggi purtroppo sono molto in ritardo ...non sono riuscita a trovare il tempo di cercare notizie delle mie amate scimmiette e pelosetti prima di adesso (in Italia sono ora le ore 20) ! Vi prego fate vedere Lucy da un veterinario perchè deve avere molto dolore ! Leggo dal titolo che Kaki avrebbe fatto arrabbiare molto la mamma e davvero non riesco ad immaginare cosa può aver mai fatto di così grave questa dolcissima "pallina di morbido pelo" !? La vedo sgranocchiare con avidità un goloso cetriolo, ma oltre ? Mi sono chiesta più volte negli ultimi dieci giorni come mai non vediamo più dare latte a Kaki ...non avrai sospeso ? È molto piccola e ne ha bisogno per la crescita, e serve il latte in polvere perchè l'altro (nei brick di cartone) non è adatto, va bene solo dopo lo svezzamento. Ribadisco che tu mamma e nonno Theo amate tanto Kaki, ma siete anche grandi lavoratori quindi magari qualche cosa può sfuggire o involontariamente essere sottovalutata, ecco perchè capita che ogni tanto i fan si permettono di dare qualche suggerimento...Non offendetevi, non è fatto per critica o cattiveria per quanto mi riguarda personalmente non c'è mai rimprovero o critica per offendere. Vi prego continuate ad AMARE KAKI, lo avete salvato e sapete meglio di chiunque altro quanto ha già sofferto... Io trovo anomalo vederlo spesso rannicchiato su se stesso anche da seduto e non mi sembra normale, qualche commento fa suggerivo di dare una coperta per la cuccia, ma si rannicchia spesso anche quando non e in cuccia. Resta anche una mia ferma convinzione che Kaki si muove (o si può muovere...) troppo poco e anche questo ha la sua importanza secondo il mio personale parere.
Он голодный всё время набрасывается на еду. Они его для заработка купили.
les singes grignotent tout le temps dans la nature ! et non " ils ne l'ont pas acheté pour faire de l'argent" ils produisent fruits et légumes pour çà - ce sont des gens qui travaillent dure, vous devriez avoir honte de vos propos !
In addition to what @smartlady said, if you watch the earlier videos you will see that they didn't at all buy it to make money--they rescued it from utterly horrific conditions and had to make huge efforts and go deep into debt in order to do so.
Where are the other two puppies? What have you done with them? You said that they are part of your family. I hope you didn't eat them. I've been to vietnam and unfortunately they eat animals that we call them pets. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take lucy to a vet for her leg. That is serious. Also, show us in your video those gorgeous puppies. Kaki doesnt need any clothing because we want to watch a natural animal. On the other hand Lucy needs some clothing. Don't waste your money on the toys rather on Lucy medical needs and her food.
Thank you for your concern and for sharing your thoughts. 😊 I assure you that the two puppies are safe and well cared for. They are indeed part of our family, and we deeply respect all animals. We understand your concern about cultural differences, but I can promise you that our pets are loved and treated with kindness.
Regarding Lucy’s leg, we are aware of her condition and are taking steps to ensure she gets the best care possible. Her well-being is our priority, and we’ll share updates as soon as we can.
We appreciate your feedback about toys and clothing. Our focus is always on what’s best for our pets, and we are careful to balance their needs with thoughtful decisions. Thank you for being so passionate about their care and for taking the time to share your suggestions.
Do you believe it, it's just about collecting dollars, they don't care about the animals, why does he have to starve, why no vet, why such a tall tale, first poached illegally, where they chained it up themselves to act as a savior, the size They never do the garden alone, it's just supposed to look like that, the monkey is being exploited, is starving, is dry and the claws are dying. Dollars are reported to smacc and if you If you have common sense, you will know that it is cruelty to wild animals and report the channel
Dlaczego małpka nie ma zakładanej piludzki, przecież w każdej chwili może posikać sobie spanie czy zrobić kupę,powinna mieć zawsze pieluszkę,pić vzęściej mleko i po po jedzeniu iść spać i być lekko przykryta,a piesek powinien też mieć miękie spanie i być z nogą u Weterynarza, częściej też jeść,bo jest bardzo chudy.
Kaki は🍼卒業かな
Super kind ❤❤❤
They ate them.
Faz-lhe falta um cobertor, para ele relaxar, eles adoram 😮
Porque no le has puesto una colcha kaki tiene frío y como lo dije antes el juguete no le iba a servir con ftio 😢y tampoco has llevado al perrito a atención veterinaria osea no has hecho lo que ellos necesitan 😶😏🤨🤐🤐
Kaki est si mignon, même s'il fait des bêtises il reste craquant !
❤❤❤❤❤❤ where are kakies clothes 😢😮😅😊
Looks like hes a fan of fresh cucumber!!!!!! Lol
С каждым разом после ваших видио все больше разочаровывается. Бедный макашонок, постоянно с грустными глазами.лежит согнувшись, если он находится в неволе то оденьти его в такое время года.сами ходите с длинными рукавами.и не поверю что у вас нет денег для одежды и подгузников.вы не читаете комментарии людей.конечно хорошо что вы выращивание зелень но людей больше интересует видио с макашонком .
社群媒体上被天真的观众评论为很可爱的猴子穿尿布穿衣服影片,给猕猴带来不适,也限制它们的自然行动,造成动物长期的身心伤害。 而影片中会被误解为正向的举动,事实上为痛苦的表现,如猕猴嘴巴颤抖好像在说话,其实是高度警戒、恐惧的表现。
She feeds him, why he is always looking for food?
Pentru că maimuțele sunt lacome, chiar dacă nu le este foame ele tot ronțăie și mai mult risipește decât mănâncă.
parceque le grignotage est dans leur ADN ! dans la nature ils grignotent tout le temps !
Oh my, he but the fat cucumber. Boy he behaves like he don't eat. A baby eating so much?
Kaki butuhselimut dan boneka untuk dipeluk .
Жадные хозяева, покормите собачку
He's 😢😢
Жадные хозяева, к советам не прислушиваются и не купят ему памперсы и не оденут в одежду, хотя сами тепло одеты.
社群媒体上被天真的观众评论为很可爱的猴子穿尿布穿衣服影片,给猕猴带来不适,也限制它们的自然行动,造成动物长期的身心伤害。 而影片中会被误解为正向的举动,事实上为痛苦的表现,如猕猴嘴巴颤抖好像在说话,其实是高度警戒、恐惧的表现。
Das dringende Bedürfnis einiger Zuseher Wildtiere in Windeln und Kleidung stecken zu wollen, finde ich mehr als bedenklich.
Por favor ponha uma fralda ou uma cueca no kaki.
Wozu? Seien Sie doch froh ein Tier zu sehen, das natürlich aufwachsen darf.
No sabía que una mujer podía parir animales,
Teo, please have a look at Lucy's hind leg.😢😢😢😢😢 She has pain and can't even stand on it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE 🙏 😢 😭 😞 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😩🙏😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hello can you please put diapers or clothes to the poor little monkey all his private parts are always exposed, not nice.
you suggest wildlife cruelty, where is your mind, it's all about dollars
Дикие животные должны жить на воле
Отписываюсь вы плохо узаживаете за какой
Thank goodness. Leave already. Annoying person. Learn grammar first
Mom so angry.Angry what ?Lier.
He looks very sad and lonely he doesn't have a bond with any of these 2 people who supposedly saved him from the bad person. Are they better than the other one,,?I don't think so. The little baby is deprived from love and true care. His life is ruined at the hands of horrible abuse people. Shame on you "good people "
Vidtéle asi esta muy feo y poco estetico( pobrtecito)😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉
Моя какочка
Ich würde Kaki eine Windel anziehen,.NUR IN DEUTSCH ANTWORTEN NO ENGLISCH
Ich würde Kaki niemals eine Windel anziehen, weil er ein Wildtier und kein menschliches Kind ist.
you suggest wildlife cruelty, where is your mind, it's all about dollars
😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 Сложете му памперс!!
Малко ли пари взимате от канала 😡😡😡😡
Shame on you. He’s dress’S like a monkey 🙉. Texas 🇺🇸
社群媒体上被天真的观众评论为很可爱的猴子穿尿布穿衣服影片,给猕猴带来不适,也限制它们的自然行动,造成动物长期的身心伤害。 而影片中会被误解为正向的举动,事实上为痛苦的表现,如猕猴嘴巴颤抖好像在说话,其实是高度警戒、恐惧的表现。
Załóż sobie i nie krytykuj😱😬
@@MirkaPieleszkoWell said