2020 waaaaah I just heard this through a bruv.. Been looking for sounds with this old skool beat for way too long. Love at first sight. Solid lyrics. Luv from LH WELLYS
malo uso, i use to live in that crib for 21 years where vidz been shot.back in 87 oldshool daze listening to eazy e nwa,public enemy just came out,massive craze that time, sippin juice til dawnbreak.good to see you guys carrying on tradition havin a good time.22x2 comptonham cres is wat we called the hood.keep up the good work,thanx for the memories...mangere 4 life
Now this is how music used to be back in the 90s... Chilled, kick back and groovy!! Keeep it up!!! Mangry all day!!!! saw afew familiar faces on the clip LOL....
Went to Mangere for the weekend and this song was on replay, came back to wellington and shared this song with everyone, it's now the song everyone plays in their cars, at partys and everything. Definitely an amazing song.
A very valid point & observation; in fact, in all my own personal interviews & my own work & everyday conversation, I always pronounce it as such (mar-nga-reh). However, in the overall context of this track, I, as producer thought that 1. two syllables worked much more musically than the proper 'three' in the hip hop rhythm, & 2. Theres a whole generation of local kids who slang the name as such already, and that this piece of work is simply capturing their world as they view and hear it.
oh wow, finally has a video clip! heard this song when it first came out (think it was last year?) th tune is seki, reminds me of th tune from that Samoan song haha solid uce!
Your The Man LAYBAQ Keep it Real Uce you got my respect!!! A Uso From West Auckland living In Brisbane....Imma try best to promote you out here....I Know what's real when i hear it! Truth
haha Mean Brah. Again Man Has Ae Brownzville , Booya Vibe. . . Much Love. Mangere 4 Lyf. some shiii, nt fake like dem illegal wanna.bs. Keep goin Brah.
Hey uso. nah that's my cousin olive GF in the clip, Leva couldn't make the shoot along side some of the other OG's. But was a good shoot having the younger G'z up in there. Much alofa's uce. Aiga GF 4eva!
Yeah boi my uso LAYBAQ reppin that 275! Always gonna be haters no matter what you do but keep doing what u do uce & thats making things happen instead of some clowns who sit there all day talking smack & waiting for things to happen! Mad Love Uce & Respect to Anonymous & The Hypnotics! S.A ALLDAY!!! :)
Moved to Aus 8 years ago and this song still gets me 🥲💯🔥 Miss home 275 FOREVER IN MY BLOOD 💯
South Pacifics most underrated, nothing but the heavens uce, u deserve it.
Missing the hood fr fr. Working in Germany and got stuck here because of covid. Mad love fam! Mangere to the world leeeeeeesgo!
Oh unluggy uce 🤣
Mangere hard ...best suburb in auckland !!
Finally someone from mangere stepping up to the plate and showing how itz done real music. Got the hood on this dox. MADANGRY LUV!!!!!!!
Seki Uso 1TYM🇼🇸💯💪🏾
Love from Texas uce gang alofa aku #SamoaMoSamoa
2020 waaaaah I just heard this through a bruv..
Been looking for sounds with this old skool beat for way too long. Love at first sight. Solid lyrics. Luv from LH WELLYS
2019 n still bangn 👌, BOOYAA!!!!
Nice Uso’s, Hold it down polystyle , much alofa’s from Oceanside California
Windows done cruising through BNE in my ride! Fiya cuz🙌🏽
Lesssgo valu kasi🔥
the realist video clip ive seeing from a nz artist. this should have a million views laybaq is underrated. keep it up dox
Thank you for staying true to your roots..heard that igi..love it!!
2020 still bangin! Hood classic
yeeerrr tennessee avenue the mighty henare family !!!
❤ Big love for Magele 275 TUATOWN BABY 😂❤❤❤❤❤
Yeah yeah Mangere all da ways . FMS,Archboy , LA hard
malo uso, i use to live in that crib for 21 years where vidz been shot.back in 87
oldshool daze listening to eazy e nwa,public enemy just came out,massive craze that time, sippin juice til dawnbreak.good to see you guys carrying on tradition havin a good time.22x2 comptonham cres is wat we called the hood.keep up the good work,thanx for the memories...mangere 4 life
Loving this track from Sydney OZ!! Great to hear songs like this still being made! Much Ofaz brothers...
ay bruh much up ta yall usos. this cuht is on point
Damn missing the hood hard from here in europe shot guys huge reminder 1 love yall
2wo 7even 5ive mangrylove all da days.. represent!!!
naaaaw shot aunty messi i can see you siva LOL LAYBAQ ALL TH WAY&&! yaaay mike your turnin to a big star lol.. love youz
Blasting this in Aus. lol gotta rep the set haha
yeah like dat real sound kickback vibe yeah mangere respect and represent ruthless pumpin
2k18 still bumping this
Pull this one back out for this Summer 19!
This is a mean track.....we need more of this music. Keep up the great work
Got this on repeat toks. MANGERE STYLE!
Let da cold 1s chill..Mangere summertime..bad track laybaq..reppin da hood..K.DAS FAVONA..
It's good seeing the family in the video cuz!! The lil wun's are growing up fast.
Now this is how music used to be back in the 90s... Chilled, kick back and groovy!! Keeep it up!!! Mangry all day!!!! saw afew familiar faces on the clip LOL....
Mean vid!! Brings back so many good memories!
Mangere all day!
2021 and still got this heat on slap 🎶🎵
TIGHTEST FEEL, Dope track & clip!
Shot LAYBAQ keep it comin!! Solid uso much luv from 274
Summertime jam... nice job Laybaq seki a :)
dope vibe brothers - fortafy
hahahahahahahahaaahhah fortafy kuuuuunnnnn
Much Love & Respect...Loving dis JAMZ, always supporting our awesome talent ee Niusila!
yea southside up in hea! 275 baybee!!
Laybaq beats banging!! Brisbane love!!!
Still my go to every summer
yayuurrr! shot brothers! keep up dat fire! love 4 ma whanau in mangry!
Wow this is amazing... Today is the first time I've heard of this jam! Love the beats, added with Island flavor - 110% IN LOVE WITH THIS JAM!!
The hm of champoins.
this jam is like a time machine. feels like ive stepped into the 90's
MC Class of 86 🖐🏾
Went to Mangere for the weekend and this song was on replay, came back to wellington and shared this song with everyone, it's now the song everyone plays in their cars, at partys and everything. Definitely an amazing song.
Bullshit lol
Showing tha Mangere love.. Cool song LAYBAQ!!
Southside stand up!!! NZ MUSIC DOING IT BIG YALL!!!
Dudes holding it down for real.
Yeah boi. represent 275 son, stay up!
Still pumping in 2023❤️🔥😍🥰‼️
Fkn classic uso💥
All the way from London I still play Laybaq 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 #USOS ‼️‼️‼️
Mangere 275 ➡️ Blacktown Sydney. Mangere HOME OF THE CHMAPIONS💯missing home always.
Dope need more nz music like this lay back chill vibes.
Shot uso! La Salle Repersent! 81 Love man!
275 banging this 2017 in logan Southside brisy.shot ma uso slik music!!one love
perez tito Shh uce see how there's 120k views, yea that was all me
jamming this even though it's cold as a bitch outside
perez tito uso that was us back then greys ave lasalle and now in brizzy hahaa. one love uce
Did madangry at his finest much love usoz
Cool momz oi, still got the moves like jagger. The way you responded showed the love you have for her. Big ups dude.
A very valid point & observation; in fact, in all my own personal interviews & my own work & everyday conversation, I always pronounce it as such (mar-nga-reh). However, in the overall context of this track, I, as producer thought that 1. two syllables worked much more musically than the proper 'three' in the hip hop rhythm, & 2. Theres a whole generation of local kids who slang the name as such already, and that this piece of work is simply capturing their world as they view and hear it.
nice track uce archy to killakella ruthless bumbing this oldschool vibe
;Saaaawliid Sooooong
uso.iz dat jake duin da bbq!!hahaha...suuuwo0op..godfaddaz all dae!!
oh wow, finally has a video clip! heard this song when it first came out (think it was last year?) th tune is seki, reminds me of th tune from that Samoan song haha solid uce!
Listening from Sydney 2019. ✊🏾💯👊🏼❤
Im In 2020
Awesome!! Malo Kemi for the cameo!! haha
Solid song bro.. Blasting this all day #MANGERE275
Mad Luv 4Mangere represenTr. 2much bro. keEp iT comiNg. 1 Luv fan from da PoLy RocK
Your The Man LAYBAQ Keep it Real Uce you got my respect!!! A Uso From West Auckland living In Brisbane....Imma try best to promote you out here....I Know what's real when i hear it! Truth
haha Mean Brah. Again Man Has Ae Brownzville , Booya Vibe. . . Much Love. Mangere 4 Lyf. some shiii, nt fake like dem illegal wanna.bs. Keep goin Brah.
Awe great track cuz! Hope it's all you've ever dreamed about!!!! Keep flying!!
Lived in Wellington now for over 20 yrs but 275 always in my heart. Memories of school @ Mangere College, town centre after school, fun pools lol🤣🤣
Shit, why am i just hearing this track now? Kefs. Loving this hot jam right now. Why is this not on radio play? Mad love toko!!
2020 & still bumpin loud! 275 rep 💯
Hell yeah hold it down for mangere!
Big UP from France 😎
Lovely boys humble 275 ❤️
2019 still banging! Hood classic
oooh i like this song :) hungry for bbq now se shat!
solied bro, love it, churr kuz
..and to put it in the final cut..priceless
love this track uce keep doin your thang homie mangere love up in hea one love uce
Hey uso. nah that's my cousin olive GF in the clip, Leva couldn't make the shoot along side some of the other OG's. But was a good shoot having the younger G'z up in there. Much alofa's uce. Aiga GF 4eva!
Yeah boi my uso LAYBAQ reppin that 275! Always gonna be haters no matter what you do but keep doing what u do uce & thats making things happen instead of some clowns who sit there all day talking smack & waiting for things to happen! Mad Love Uce & Respect to Anonymous & The Hypnotics! S.A ALLDAY!!! :)
Still jamming this in 2018.. ye book 2wo 7even 5ive all day😊😊😊😊😆😆😆😆
really fresh nice work , you guys have a mixtape or album coming out