I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
Love the fact that you got your box a lot sooner than usual! I can't believe we got a marked deck! Now I know how the card sharks did it. You had to have really good vision to pull it off. The pumpkin is my favorite! I am giving my bag away to someone on Halloween who needs it! It's lovely, but I just have too many! So many phones have a problem with qr codes. And when doing videos, a great many people actually use the phone for filming. So a paper cheat is preferable. I also prefer it to be paper. I saved them for reference.
Absolutely loved this box! Was so much fun which fit great for the theme! I have too many bags too but I love this one so much 🤣❤️ Yeh I understand about the paper cheat sheets with the collecting, didn't think about the filming side either, I just got so excited for the new QR code🤣❤️ xxxx
I hate them as well We once went to an escape room that was about the circus I spent the whole time frightened to death. There was going to be a clown it did my head in By the way the box is great just clown I don't like but only because it would give me nightmares 😅 🙃 😱
Such a fun pumpkin, Hogwarts looks particularly festive on Halloween😍🎃🧡!
Oh definitely!😍 xxxx
Love watching these unboxings
They're so much fun😍 xxxx
I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
Their statues have been brilliant recently
They have hun😍xxxx
Greatbox opening. I liked the pumpkin and cards. I'm sure people will have fun receiving and opening their boxes. Thanks Suz xxxx
It's lovely isn't it! Love their ideas for these boxes😍 xxxx
I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
Love the fact that you got your box a lot sooner than usual! I can't believe we got a marked deck! Now I know how the card sharks did it. You had to have really good vision to pull it off.
The pumpkin is my favorite! I am giving my bag away to someone on Halloween who needs it! It's lovely, but I just have too many!
So many phones have a problem with qr codes. And when doing videos, a great many people actually use the phone for filming. So a paper cheat is preferable. I also prefer it to be paper. I saved them for reference.
Absolutely loved this box! Was so much fun which fit great for the theme! I have too many bags too but I love this one so much 🤣❤️
Yeh I understand about the paper cheat sheets with the collecting, didn't think about the filming side either, I just got so excited for the new QR code🤣❤️ xxxx
It's a really cool trick-or-treat bag.
Love it❤️❤️ xxxx
I'm in love with this box.. I'm pumpkin obsessed too. lol
Loooooove pumpkins🤣❤️❤️ xxxx
Harry Potter gryffindor ⚡ ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
Fantastic video as always xxx Love the pumpkin. My pumpkin collection started last year so I'm a newbie 😂
Enjoy collecting pumpkins 🤣 I love them!!!! ❤️ xxxxx
Hi great box, I’ve subscribed to the Enchanter I already have my first one xxx
Oh that's brilliant! It's such a lovely magazine!😍 xxxx
those treats are dry freezed skittles! so good
Ahhhh that makes so much sense🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ xxxx
Wow a Halloween 🎃 box already seems to be getting early and early not bad box though happy back to Hogwarts day for tomorrow xx
I know!🤣❤️ I'm not mad though🤣 loooove it! Lovely isn't it! Happy back to hogwarts day!❤️ xxxx
QR code issues Susie I don't have a smartphone
Oh no hun, yeh they're no good then for you😮💨❤️ xxxx
They are freeze-dried skittles
They're so delicious 😍xxxx
I hate them as well
We once went to an escape room that was about the circus
I spent the whole time frightened to death. There was going to be a clown it did my head in
By the way the box is great just clown I don't like but only because it would give me nightmares 😅 🙃 😱
Clowns 🤮🤣❤️ xxxx