facts. im having one tomorrow and I came back to this vid because it was my first scan in a long time and I completely remembered all these sounds as the video started
As someone who takes a ride in one of these machines twice a year, I find this to be an excellent resource to explain to friends and family and colleagues what it’s like to be in an MRI machine. Thank you for providing this to everyone.
Was in one today. Not first time, I love these so much. Next time you go in one, close your eyes, think of being in a Star Wars style spaceship, and you’re loaded with different laser weapons. Tie the sounds to the weapons as you picture yourself walking down a hallway, and you armed with a lasers mowing down hoards of aliens. Eventually during a pause, picture walking out of the hallway into a big bay where you encounter a huge 2000ft alien boss. Then go to town with your weaponry and fight it! Woo!!
*doctor sees brain activities* doctor: try not to imagine yourself in star wars movies, the scan result will affect the diagnosis me: *thinks about robot sex* doctor:i see abnormalities in the nether region
I bailed out on my first attempt of head first MRI. I used this video to practice before my scan. I made a box that I squished into and cranked this. I this it has helped me manage the panic.
Took a brain MRI and MRA today. Not the firs time I had an MRI, but the first time I had one for my brain. Got myself into a deep relaxed state and imagined myself on a deep space mission. It was all cool. The key is to go with the flow.
Yep I thought so too!!!! Found it soothing but then I wasn't in there for anything potentially life threatening... That I'm sure wld be a different experience
Its crazy that i love this sounds! I did my first ever MRI scan yesterday in Poland and i was scared before by the reviews of "the horrible sounds that will terrorize me" from other people. In reality it was like the best meditation place i ever been! I was feel like the machine is kind of "living being"". 😅The sounds put me like in trance state and now i cant believe i searched for his sounds on YT. At some point i had the impression it was like a techno song playing :)) I am glad i am not the only freak here. P.S. I guess i like it because in my youth i used to have an electronic device called "Mind Synergy" by Technology For Life that was stimulate your brain waves for meditation made it by a group of Romanians scientists that win the Nikola Tesla medals for their inventions. The device was make similar sounds like this MRI machine! 😇
Hey. Jestem z Polski. Dziś też miałam robiony RM, dodam pierwszy raz. Dźwiękami byłam zachwycona, czułam się jak na imprezie techno. Te wibracje wprowadziły mnie w stan głębokiego relaksu. Dzięki za komentarz, bo dobrze wiedzieć , że w tym szaleństwie nie jestem sama.😅👍
@@amelka6336 Miałam dzisiaj i miałam podobne odczucia, aż panie się śmiały, gdy im powiedziałam, że zaczęłam się relaksować, a tu już koniec xDD + śmiać mi się chciało, gdy maszyna robiła TATATATATATATATA xD
I tappini alle orecchie era come non averli, suoni fortissimi che mi intontivano! Sempre ad occhi chiusi, bocca che mi si è incollata forse per la tensione! Avendomi detto che sarebbe durato una mezz'oretta ' in realtà il tempo sembrava molto di più e avevo quasi paura si fossero dimenticati di me! Infatti era passata un'ora! Ne sono uscita completamente intontita e capogiro a seconda di come muovevo la testa!
1 ora?? Mi sembra tanto 😮 io ne sono uscito intontito dopo soli 10 minuti. Era la prima volta che la facevo oggi. La cosa che mi da fastidio è solo il tunnel, avere una parete davanti agli occhi. Ma in fondo la macchina ha un buco sia davanti che dietro il macchinario.. anche io bocca chiusa, non so perché..
I actually kinda enjoyed the sounds when I had my MRI scan . At some point it sounded like it said meow meow meow meow and I wanted to laugh so bad . It was an earrape fest .
I just had a 1 hour MRI today and while the noise is unsettling, it's really not bad. You have earplugs, and the MRI operator's had special goggles that you watch movies through. It's loud even with two layers of noise cancellation, but it's nothing scary. It's actually really relaxing once you're settled in.
John H You're lucky, I had one today and they didn't put me goggles or anything, not even headphones, just two things like sponges in my ears, I have claustrophobia and loud noises give me panic attacks, it was horrible for me :/
I had plenty of different nightmares and fears about mri scans I had my first one when I was 9 years old and now as I got older I learned how to relax in the mri machine I still hate the noises because it makes me ears hurt I suffer with willam syndrome and and anxiety so I can see why it's a nightmare I agree with you
@@rocioalvarez1313 In the background you can hear the helium-cooling pump and the loud noises come from the huge magnetic gradient coils caused by their high voltage (Lorentz force)
These sounds remind me so much of 90s Hardcore Techno sounds... I had one yesterday and one in the 90s... It almost took me back like a time machine... Dark!
I had to take off the headphones so that I could listen to this beauty. Those weird sounds are our advancements in technology. To me is magic to my ears, listening to this million dollar powerhouse of a machine do what its doing to peer inside of my body to notify doctors on how to fix me. Future folks
I did MRI today, I loved this sound, it reminds me electronic music, but the space there made me anxious and I cried, but I controled myself and the doctors were super gentle with me, it was a new experience for me 👍
same, when i had my first one last year i started crying and sweating but not bc of the claustrophobia, but for the sounds. they made me so anxious. I didn't want to stop the resonance bc I would've had to do it again. it was like a trauma💀 (idk why this video popped up in my fyp today and yours is the most relatable comment)
Shame you cannot reproduce the sound at the ACTUAL LEVEL THAT THE MACHINE MAKES. This is pleasant. In reality, just think of being 3 feet away from a jackhammer in a tunnel running nonstop for 30 minutes.
I was in one yesterday for the first time for a brain scan. I was freaking out a little at first because I had no idea they were going to snap the other covering unit over my head. They had the head phones and ear plugs but what really helped was they gave me an air hose that I could point towards my face for some air. The other thing that help was going into imagination mode. For me it was piloting a Boeing 777 and having to go through different sounds during flight. Childish maybe but hey it worked for me. Hope I never have to do it again though. I was in there for 68 minutes for a battery of tests plus some dye they shot in me.
Conhincido contigo fue una experiencia horrible llena de ruidos y sobresaltos sentí que mi corazón se me saldría !!! Estuve a punto de tocar el timbre de emergencia pero me acordé de cómo alababa a Dios en la iglesia y lo feliz que era y Dios se hizo resistir después que termino me dijo la técnica que tiene ? Se siente bien? Y me solté a llorar salí temblorosa 😢
Am I the only one that actually loved the sounds in there ? Anyway, there are more various sounds there, these are not all of them. As long as it has a rhythm, I call it music :)
Not kidding but I fall asleep every time I hear this sound to the point where I've try to find an app for it to sleep to (MS , 3 MRI's a year) can't wait for my next one lol.
@@inquisitor2271 they're actually much more quiet now. I got another mri last year and it was moderately loud and tolerable with earplugs and earphones
my dad had this today it lasted about 45 mins, he pressed the panic button, but the doctors didn't come, they told him to stay still, he is 90 years old, he had to put up with this torture
Oh my goodness I am sorry that's horrible no dr should treat their paishent that way I had the same experience when I was 9 years old it was a horrible experience
Trochę nawiązując do innego filmiku o tym jak wygląda rezonans, chciałam napisać, że osoby ze Spektrum Autyzmu mogą dostać silnego ataku paniki od takich dźwięków. Zostałam zdiagnozowana na spektrum autyzmu (Zespół Aspergera), mam silną nadwrażliwość na dźwięki i nie wyobrażam sobie takiego badania bez przyjęcia silnej dawki usypiających neuroleptyków. Mam 30 lat, chodze po jaskiniach, nie boję się bardzo ciasnych korytarzy, ale bardzo źle toleruję hałas nawet przy średnio ruchliwych ulicach, (zawsze gdy wychodze z domu zakładam do uszu izolatory), a o wiertarce już nie wspomnę, albo trąbach- odczuwam silne stany lękowe, agresję, ból fizyczny (jak agresywne kopanie mnie, dźganie nożami), wybucham płaczem, a dźwięk rezonansu bardzo przypomina wiertarkę, trąbę wuwuzelę itp. Za parę dni mam rezonans. Jestem bardzo zła, że nikt nie poinformował mnie, że rezonans jest tak głośny. Pytali mnie tylko o metalowe implanty (podczas zapisywania się) nikt nie pytał czy boję się dźwięków. Gdyby przypadkiem koleżanka mi o tym nie powiedziała i nie wygooglowałabym tego filmu i kilku innych, to nie wziełabym leków uspokajających (neuroleptyki- kwetiapina 300 mg, które zazwyczaj biorę na noc) i miałabym gwarantowaną traumę, a pracownicy przeżyliby tam ze mną niezłe piekło. Dzięki za ten filmik!! :) ..... PS. Takie badanie może być również bardzo traumatyczne dla osób z mizofonią lub zaburzeniem przetwarzania słuchu (zwanego potocznie niedosłuchem centralnym). Uważam, ze zawsze powinni pytać pacjenta jaką ma tolerancję na hałas!
Muchas gracias por el vídeo. Me he hecho hoy una resonancia y me ha ayudado mucho el saber lo que me esperaba. Por cierto, es bastante más soportable de lo que me esperaba. Mi consejo: cerrar los ojos antes de que deslicen la camilla. Gracias
Did a MRI scan today. I listened for 2 hours AC DC and 80's rock. I wanted to move and dance but I had to remain still ahaha, but when that guitar solo kicked in I couldn't help myself but to move my hands
Hoje eu fiz Ressonância Magnética e sons desse aparelho da para se compor música de heavy Metal ,nós 25 minutos que fiquei na cápsula observando várias notas , que da para fazer um show viajem ao seu corpo pela cápsula magnética.❤️
Eu fiz uma do cerebro quando era pequeno,eu acabei dormindo na hora em que me colocaram dentro,ai eles ligaram a maquina eu assustei kkkkk tiveram que repetir tudo
I just finished a 15 minutes session for spine related issues and oh gawd! I have been so lucky I found this youtube video after that. This shit is really enthralling and, in a certain way, relaxin'. I almost falled asleep during the session. Great stuff. Any industrial or electronic band who have sampled this shit on any album? I remember Matmos did somehing similar with samples of medical procedures, including plastic surgeries, liposuctions, hearing tests and bonesaws. The end result is an album called "A chance to cut is a chance to cure". Incredible.
Had an MRI today at my brain. I'm claustrophobic. I could get through it only listening to the noises because I like tekno music and I could feel the music in them.
Miałam swoje pierwsze MRI wczoraj, stres niesamowity, bardzo dziwne doświadczenie. MRI głowy więc od razu hardkor. Początkowo chęci ucieczki, później idzie się przyzwyczaić🤣
I LOVE this video. It was GREAT. The only tragic thing was the best sound, and rarest sound of them all, but MY MOST FAVORITE, the BIDE sound was not in there!!!!!! Bide has gone the way of Hubbard tanks, and croup tents, however, it's ever rarer, and that's soooo sad, because it's sound is the most unique, and the most soothing sound of all times!!!!!
Did it yesterday 4 january 2022. Two things helped me to feel safe: watching the outside behind my head, with the eyes almost overturned, there was a sort of white wardrobe. I could not keep eyes closed. And the sound of machine. It was like techno, a and i like it. Greetings from Rome Italy
I was in one today, don't know why but when I entered it I felt like I was going to connect my mind to my Avatar body, but when the noise started all I wanted to do was run away this thing LMAO
I love it, I love it, I love it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much and I am crazy about it, lovely greetings from Sarah and enjoy the wonderful, gorgeous, fascinating, awesome, Boom Boom bang bang megaoverdrive sounds of your next time in the MRI 👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖
Fatta ieri, a parte i rumori acuti che li senti anche con le cuffie..per il resto si sopporta...unico effetto collaterale..quando ti alzi ti senti leggermente stordito XD
I love getting MRI's because of the amazing noise and rhythm.. Hypnotic. yes strange. I think the exposure to intense magnetic fields made me more empathetic. Sorry to generate your outraged skepticism.
Zatyczki na szczęście sa do uszów wsadzane i jest tez hałas ,ale juz nie taki jak tu słyszymy ,oczy zamknąć pomysleć w czasie badań o czymś przyjemnym i jakoś zleci 😀
Fatta oggi. Ho avuto paura all’ inizio,stavo per rinunciare… mi son fatto spiegare meglio,, poi mi son fatto coraggio,,, e sono stato tranquillo, una ventina di minuti…suoni che senti nonostante le cuffie doppie. E’ un’ esperienza
Today I had my first MRI and I almost freaked out because of the noises even though I was wearing earplugs I’m going to have my second MRI in one week wish me luck 😬😬
Essa porra parece música eletrônica, mas na hora que começa os barulhos dá um desespero, principalmente quando é a primeira vez que você tá fazendo e nem sabe o que tá acontecendo.. Misturado com a claustrofobia dá vontade de morrer, pqp. Ainda te dão a porra de uma campainha caso algo der errado, então começa aquelas paranóia de que vai dar tudo errado e vc vai morrer ali dentro... Fiz pela primeira vez e foi do joelho, mano que vontade de sair correndo mas a minha perna tava presa pra evitar de eu mecher, agora pensa num desespero q eu tava 😣 E aqueles fones pra abafar o barulho não dá pra saber se eles diminuem ou aumentam o barulho, mas o pior é que dá sono mas é impossível dormir ali, sinceramente é como a visão da morte, NÃO RECOMENDO 😂💔
Baixa Memoriana e eu que fiz da cabeça. Colocaram tipo um capacete e amarraram com um elástico. Um show de horror. Terei que fazer de novo em julho, mas farei com sedação, acordada não dá.
Hi! Check the relaxing sounds playlists that I have created.
Nature Sounds Playlist: th-cam.com/play/PLUdgyJns5kk5HujHkVqO5ENB9V3kE4rEV.html
Rain Sounds Playlist: th-cam.com/play/PLUdgyJns5kk4rQYMimo_-a5b6sHG2ULJH.html
Ambience Sounds Playlist: th-cam.com/play/PLUdgyJns5kk7bvU3ov5Rx_bkW8lM7u3bj.html
Home Sounds Playlist: th-cam.com/play/PLUdgyJns5kk59GesZY4bbt0bLCWFr42P0.html
tragedia piekło masakra
@@jacekmatysiak6036 es masacre total mal
Doctor: Please chill, it will be fast
Me: Ok
MRI: *sounds*
I have had situation like that! When I was young during the test my earplug fell out and I screamed for them to stop because it was very loud
That wasn't just me!! I thought I was crazy lol!
Ahahahah ikr! This sucks omggg
same. 15 minutes hearing that sounds. That was the really hell. And I repeated it AGAIN, Couse I was moving...
I had an MRI scan today, used this vid to explain to my friend how loud it was, when your in it it's extremely loud. Good video
facts. im having one tomorrow and I came back to this vid because it was my first scan in a long time and I completely remembered all these sounds as the video started
IKR for me the doctor put on noise cancelling headphones and plaid HORRIBLE music full blast and I could still hear it super loudly
Well, yes it's not quiet, but if you're wearing headphones it's no more painful than the sound of the engine of an old bus...
@@tadeuszmrownik-dzikowski5335 they didn’t give me headphones or something i could hear it clear and loud it was so painful
Better than skrillex
your comment made my day 😂
fuck yeah
the best serum sample pack of skrillex :D
Mephedrone ⛎🔱♊♌♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♓♉♈♒♒♑♐♏♎♎♍♍♌♋♋♊⛎⛎🔱
As someone who takes a ride in one of these machines twice a year, I find this to be an excellent resource to explain to friends and family and colleagues what it’s like to be in an MRI machine. Thank you for providing this to everyone.
Was in one today. Not first time, I love these so much. Next time you go in one, close your eyes, think of being in a Star Wars style spaceship, and you’re loaded with different laser weapons. Tie the sounds to the weapons as you picture yourself walking down a hallway, and you armed with a lasers mowing down hoards of aliens. Eventually during a pause, picture walking out of the hallway into a big bay where you encounter a huge 2000ft alien boss. Then go to town with your weaponry and fight it! Woo!!
Marq EvoX oh thank you so much..
Hhhhhhhh i was i one today and what are saying it is all that i imagined hhhh . i was in space i was a robot ...lol
Lol i was in today and i imagined me in a space ship shooting enemy ships
*doctor sees brain activities*
doctor: try not to imagine yourself in star wars movies, the scan result will affect the diagnosis
me: *thinks about robot sex*
doctor:i see abnormalities in the nether region
Thank you sir. Tomorrow take mri scan to my daughter. I will show this video. Mey be she will don't fear.
Doctor: "Stay still"
@Mark Mark well I think checking for a brain disease is generally beneficial.
@Mark Mark so what documents did you read to find the undocumented cases?
Glad this is here. I have an MRI tomorrow for my hip and I forgot what it sounded like. It was not a pleasant surprise the first time around.
Lanibear i had hip mri yesterday and could not explain how is like, so I play them this.
I bailed out on my first attempt of head first MRI. I used this video to practice before my scan. I made a box that I squished into and cranked this. I this it has helped me manage the panic.
Took a brain MRI and MRA today. Not the firs time I had an MRI, but the first time I had one for my brain. Got myself into a deep relaxed state and imagined myself on a deep space mission. It was all cool. The key is to go with the flow.
I’ve had like 40 MRIs and this is like a lullaby for me. I honestly could use this to fall asleep every night. It’s fantastic.
You must have a chronic illness like me! I've had so many of these, I remember the noises too! 😂
Same omfg
Same here 😍
with ear plugs, it sounds like techno music
Sanae A That's exactly what I thought when I was in that thing today.. I tried not to laugh .. so unexpected :D hilarious
Yep I thought so too!!!! Found it soothing but then I wasn't in there for anything potentially life threatening... That I'm sure wld be a different experience
Sanae A haha yes
@Sanae exactly techno plus some video games sounds 🙄
I actually had very good ideas about mixing up some songs when was in the MRI with earplugs!
Its crazy that i love this sounds! I did my first ever MRI scan yesterday in Poland and i was scared before by the reviews of "the horrible sounds that will terrorize me" from other people. In reality it was like the best meditation place i ever been! I was feel like the machine is kind of "living being"". 😅The sounds put me like in trance state and now i cant believe i searched for his sounds on YT. At some point i had the impression it was like a techno song playing :))
I am glad i am not the only freak here.
P.S. I guess i like it because in my youth i used to have an electronic device called "Mind Synergy" by Technology For Life that was stimulate your brain waves for meditation made it by a group of Romanians scientists that win the Nikola Tesla medals for their inventions. The device was make similar sounds like this MRI machine! 😇
Hey. Jestem z Polski. Dziś też miałam robiony RM, dodam pierwszy raz. Dźwiękami byłam zachwycona, czułam się jak na imprezie techno. Te wibracje wprowadziły mnie w stan głębokiego relaksu. Dzięki za komentarz, bo dobrze wiedzieć , że w tym szaleństwie nie jestem sama.😅👍
I remember of my producer ages
@@amelka6336 Miałam dzisiaj i miałam podobne odczucia, aż panie się śmiały, gdy im powiedziałam, że zaczęłam się relaksować, a tu już koniec xDD + śmiać mi się chciało, gdy maszyna robiła TATATATATATATATA xD
I tappini alle orecchie era come non averli, suoni fortissimi che mi intontivano! Sempre ad occhi chiusi, bocca che mi si è incollata forse per la tensione! Avendomi detto che sarebbe durato una mezz'oretta ' in realtà il tempo sembrava molto di più e avevo quasi paura si fossero dimenticati di me! Infatti era passata un'ora! Ne sono uscita completamente intontita e capogiro a seconda di come muovevo la testa!
Io l'ho fatta alla testa... .
1 ora?? Mi sembra tanto 😮 io ne sono uscito intontito dopo soli 10 minuti. Era la prima volta che la facevo oggi. La cosa che mi da fastidio è solo il tunnel, avere una parete davanti agli occhi. Ma in fondo la macchina ha un buco sia davanti che dietro il macchinario.. anche io bocca chiusa, non so perché..
I actually kinda enjoyed the sounds when I had my MRI scan . At some point it sounded like it said meow meow meow meow and I wanted to laugh so bad . It was an earrape fest .
I just had a 1 hour MRI today and while the noise is unsettling, it's really not bad. You have earplugs, and the MRI operator's had special goggles that you watch movies through.
It's loud even with two layers of noise cancellation, but it's nothing scary. It's actually really relaxing once you're settled in.
John H You're lucky, I had one today and they didn't put me goggles or anything, not even headphones, just two things like sponges in my ears, I have claustrophobia and loud noises give me panic attacks, it was horrible for me :/
If you say that… 🥺
I was tortured in this for one hour and 20 minutes.
No, you were blessed with that sound.
Omg, I was in one of those today for 40 minutes and it was hell!!!!!
TheQueen Elvira Saaaaame
Cant understand why did they not offer you a headphone or ear-protection.
I like MRI's sound. I fell sleep in MRI yesterday. it makes me relax.
Me pasa lo mismo. También me gustan esos sonidos y me relajan...
It was my nightmare. :(
Same for me
I had plenty of different nightmares and fears about mri scans I had my first one when I was 9 years old and now as I got older I learned how to relax in the mri machine I still hate the noises because it makes me ears hurt I suffer with willam syndrome and and anxiety so I can see why it's a nightmare I agree with you
It's also my nightmare these noises. They drive your head crazy. Why it make those noises these machines?
@@lorirodriguez2388 william beuren Syndrom
@@rocioalvarez1313 In the background you can hear the helium-cooling pump and the loud noises come from the huge magnetic gradient coils caused by their high voltage (Lorentz force)
These sounds remind me so much of 90s Hardcore Techno sounds... I had one yesterday and one in the 90s... It almost took me back like a time machine... Dark!
I had to take off the headphones so that I could listen to this beauty. Those weird sounds are our advancements in technology.
To me is magic to my ears, listening to this million dollar powerhouse of a machine do what its doing to peer inside of my body to notify doctors on how to fix me.
Future folks
Had an MRI of my head today. Yep, this is what it sounded like.
Michele Travis
I had an MRI today too. :)
I think the audio is sped up though.
Yes. It's the future. :D
I hope it turn out okay.
Technically they go for more like 150K
I am having a scan tomorrow so this is helpful.
P Heart me too
BEATA - i had today
well fuck me, I have to do it. Is it really that much annoying?
me of the present replies to me of the past, yes, its really fuckin annoying. The worse is when y ou get out you feel super dizzy
Mine was an hour ago
I did MRI today, I loved this sound, it reminds me electronic music, but the space there made me anxious and I cried, but I controled myself and the doctors were super gentle with me, it was a new experience for me 👍
same, when i had my first one last year i started crying and sweating but not bc of the claustrophobia, but for the sounds. they made me so anxious. I didn't want to stop the resonance bc I would've had to do it again. it was like a trauma💀
(idk why this video popped up in my fyp today and yours is the most relatable comment)
Shame you cannot reproduce the sound at the ACTUAL LEVEL THAT THE MACHINE MAKES. This is pleasant. In reality, just think of being 3 feet away from a jackhammer in a tunnel running nonstop for 30 minutes.
I usually have insomnia, but I actually fell asleep during my MRI today... Weird.
This is because the mri sounds do this wired thing that relaxes the body and makes you tired it all so makes time fell slow but fast
I had an mri so many times
Beato te😂
I once fell asleep during one of these
I was in one yesterday for the first time for a brain scan. I was freaking out a little at first because I had no idea they were going to snap the other covering unit over my head. They had the head phones and ear plugs but what really helped was they gave me an air hose that I could point towards my face for some air. The other thing that help was going into imagination mode. For me it was piloting a Boeing 777 and having to go through different sounds during flight. Childish maybe but hey it worked for me. Hope I never have to do it again though. I was in there for 68 minutes for a battery of tests plus some dye they shot in me.
Eu quase morri de pavor com esse barulho dentro dessa máquina, foram os 20 minutos mais aterrorizantes q vivi. 😱😭 quase q eu infartava lá dentro.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fiz hoje, e tranquilo mas n recomendo
Conhincido contigo fue una experiencia horrible llena de ruidos y sobresaltos sentí que mi corazón se me saldría !!! Estuve a punto de tocar el timbre de emergencia pero me acordé de cómo alababa a Dios en la iglesia y lo feliz que era y Dios se hizo resistir después que termino me dijo la técnica que tiene ? Se siente bien? Y me solté a llorar salí temblorosa 😢
I've got two of these scans to be done, listening to the noises in advance so I don't get too scared when I get there.
Great recording! Exactly what a MRI of the brain sounds like.
Do dziś pamiętam te dźwięki jak miałam rezonans tego się nie zapomina !!!słuchając tego dokładnie sobie wszystko się przypomniało
Ja dziś to miałem rycie łba level expert😁😄
Miałam wrażenie w pewnych momentach,że ktoś strzela z kałacha 🤣
That sound is the Hell.....
Am I the only one that actually loved the sounds in there ? Anyway, there are more various sounds there, these are not all of them. As long as it has a rhythm, I call it music :)
Yea puts me to sleep
I love
I dunno if I liked the noise or not, but I fell asleep in it.
Yeah I enjoyed it
lori long crazy woman
Love it! The sounds lull me to sleep- gets my REM cycling
Your neighbours do love you too :)
I love it... I was 5 times for 45 minutes in the tube... it‘s strange... but, like it so much and I‘m able to relax and enjoy it...
I'm getting flashbacks 😬
me too!
Yeah man me 2 god it was terrifing
Che figata pazzesca .
I thought that's my old 56k modem is trying to reach the Internet...
True true, ppp lovers not die
Hahaha! 😂
Not kidding but I fall asleep every time I hear this sound to the point where I've try to find an app for it to sleep to (MS , 3 MRI's a year) can't wait for my next one lol.
I just had my scan today and listening to this before hand was so helpful for me
Was it very loud even with headphones and earplugs?
Because I’m so scared of these loud noises
@@inquisitor2271 they're actually much more quiet now. I got another mri last year and it was moderately loud and tolerable with earplugs and earphones
my dad had this today it lasted about 45 mins, he pressed the panic button, but the doctors didn't come, they told him to stay still, he is 90 years old, he had to put up with this torture
Oh my goodness I am sorry that's horrible no dr should treat their paishent that way I had the same experience when I was 9 years old it was a horrible experience
Savior of my life
Trochę nawiązując do innego filmiku o tym jak wygląda rezonans, chciałam napisać, że osoby ze Spektrum Autyzmu mogą dostać silnego ataku paniki od takich dźwięków. Zostałam zdiagnozowana na spektrum autyzmu (Zespół Aspergera), mam silną nadwrażliwość na dźwięki i nie wyobrażam sobie takiego badania bez przyjęcia silnej dawki usypiających neuroleptyków. Mam 30 lat, chodze po jaskiniach, nie boję się bardzo ciasnych korytarzy, ale bardzo źle toleruję hałas nawet przy średnio ruchliwych ulicach, (zawsze gdy wychodze z domu zakładam do uszu izolatory), a o wiertarce już nie wspomnę, albo trąbach- odczuwam silne stany lękowe, agresję, ból fizyczny (jak agresywne kopanie mnie, dźganie nożami), wybucham płaczem, a dźwięk rezonansu bardzo przypomina wiertarkę, trąbę wuwuzelę itp. Za parę dni mam rezonans. Jestem bardzo zła, że nikt nie poinformował mnie, że rezonans jest tak głośny. Pytali mnie tylko o metalowe implanty (podczas zapisywania się) nikt nie pytał czy boję się dźwięków. Gdyby przypadkiem koleżanka mi o tym nie powiedziała i nie wygooglowałabym tego filmu i kilku innych, to nie wziełabym leków uspokajających (neuroleptyki- kwetiapina 300 mg, które zazwyczaj biorę na noc) i miałabym gwarantowaną traumę, a pracownicy przeżyliby tam ze mną niezłe piekło. Dzięki za ten filmik!! :) ..... PS. Takie badanie może być również bardzo traumatyczne dla osób z mizofonią lub zaburzeniem przetwarzania słuchu (zwanego potocznie niedosłuchem centralnym). Uważam, ze zawsze powinni pytać pacjenta jaką ma tolerancję na hałas!
Muchas gracias por el vídeo. Me he hecho hoy una resonancia y me ha ayudado mucho el saber lo que me esperaba. Por cierto, es bastante más soportable de lo que me esperaba.
Mi consejo: cerrar los ojos antes de que deslicen la camilla. Gracias
Every time I need to do the MRI scan, I sleep. It sounds strange, but I find it relaxing. 🇧🇷
Better than my alarm clock, you missed the ghostly voice through the headphones!
I liked that and I took a contrast, it hurt a little more, all right, those noises made me afraid more free and it's super calm.
Estou utilizando esse som para treinar e ir se acostumando antes de realizar a RM para que na hora do exame não sair correndo.
Eu fiz ontem! Eu fiquei desesperada lá dentro kk
Kkkkkkkkk antes de entrar dá uma sensação de medo, mas, é tranquilo.
tô fazendo o mesmo haha pior que tenho ansiedade e sinto muita tontura, que jesus me ajude 🙏🏻
Eu quase saí correndo hoje kkkkkkkk
Fiz hoje e eu dormi em menos de 3 min. Relaxante!
Did a MRI scan today. I listened for 2 hours AC DC and 80's rock. I wanted to move and dance but I had to remain still ahaha, but when that guitar solo kicked in I couldn't help myself but to move my hands
After partying at two Rammstein concerts, I don't need caps to do the resonance.😄
Hoje eu fiz Ressonância Magnética e sons desse aparelho da para se compor música de heavy Metal ,nós 25 minutos que fiquei na cápsula observando várias notas , que da para fazer um show viajem ao seu corpo pela cápsula magnética.❤️
nossa verdade kkkk
Eu fiz uma do cerebro quando era pequeno,eu acabei dormindo na hora em que me colocaram dentro,ai eles ligaram a maquina eu assustei kkkkk tiveram que repetir tudo
@@mundopaodequeijo4522 verdade não pode se mexer mas quase, metalizei e me concentrei gualquer um pode se mexer .
0:30 R.I.P Headphone users
Most beautiful sound in the world!!!😁😁😁
I just finished a 15 minutes session for spine related issues and oh gawd! I have been so lucky I found this youtube video after that.
This shit is really enthralling and, in a certain way, relaxin'.
I almost falled asleep during the session.
Great stuff.
Any industrial or electronic band who have sampled this shit on any album?
I remember Matmos did somehing similar with samples of medical procedures, including plastic surgeries, liposuctions, hearing tests and bonesaws.
The end result is an album called "A chance to cut is a chance to cure".
Had an MRI today at my brain. I'm claustrophobic. I could get through it only listening to the noises because I like tekno music and I could feel the music in them.
Eu ainda não acredito que consegui dormir no exame com um barulho desse KKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Eu ñ precisei dormir kkkkkk
@@viniciusrib08 Eu acabei dormindo, lembro que estava cansado e como demora muito o exame não teve jeito kksksksks
Isso aconteceu cmg mas foi pq eu tava passando malKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
eu tambm quase dormi
Eu dormi também, não sei porque mas eu gosto deste exame, já fiz 2 vezes kkk acho que é porque toco guitarra!
That's not an MRI machine, it's a Human-to-cyber converter!
Techno music out of it.
Nice music ! Love the beat
I had an MRI today and I love it! So cosmic experience... Am I weird? :D
I love It too! I will have to do many in the future and I really like the sound, the last one I did lasted 30 minutes
No! I love this too!!!🤣
Tomorrow I will go for x-rays and I will imagine that I am an alien warrior. Thank you for this advice
I just went to the MRI for the first time today. It was so loud except i had the bulletproof ear mufflers.
Podoba mi się to 😆❤️
Ja takie coś miałem nie polecam 😭😭
@@pabellitokowalski7965 ja też to miałam w dniu, gdy pisałam komentarz 😅
Fajne i okropne uczucie na raz haha
I just love these sounds
Super 🥰
Sounds like when my modem is trying to connect to the internet
In my opinion this is the best dubstep sounds when i ever heard it
Miałam swoje pierwsze MRI wczoraj, stres niesamowity, bardzo dziwne doświadczenie. MRI głowy więc od razu hardkor. Początkowo chęci ucieczki, później idzie się przyzwyczaić🤣
Też jestem po rezonansie głowy i odczucia te same 😁
Aż byłam zdziwiona po wyjściu ,że 45 minut tam siedziałam 😁
Ja mam mieć za 2 tygodnie i bardzo się boję. Serio to takie straszne?
@@ancymond1437 dasz radę😁 w sumie po czasie fajnie byłoby to powtórzyć, bo ta maszyna jest niezwykła😆 powodzenia i bez spiny
con questi rumori mi ci sono addormentata☺
Upiorne dźwięki, ale na szczęście już po badaniu.
I felt nervous when i heard this sound during my mri....
I had my MRI today at 5:30 am. I fell asleep during my test.
i like that. Its good for background ambience. I am using it for studying
para mí la experiencia fue excelente, es como escuchar música electrónica
Joel Correa
No es tan agradable cuando te tocan 8 y cada resonancia de 6 hrs
Joel Correa exato! Foi a primeira coisa que me veio em mente. Música eletrônica rsrs
Es horrible el ruido que hace
Yo tuve que hacerme 2 de 45 mins y la verdad se me hizo corto porque con el ruido me concentraba y ademas me recordaba a musica
I was in this machine for 2 hours today 😌
I LOVE this video. It was GREAT. The only tragic thing was the best sound, and rarest sound of them all, but MY MOST FAVORITE, the BIDE sound was not in there!!!!!! Bide has gone the way of Hubbard tanks, and croup tents, however, it's ever rarer, and that's soooo sad, because it's sound is the most unique, and the most soothing sound of all times!!!!!
Did it yesterday 4 january 2022. Two things helped me to feel safe: watching the outside behind my head, with the eyes almost overturned,
there was a sort of white wardrobe. I could not keep eyes closed. And the sound of machine. It was like techno, a and i like it. Greetings from Rome Italy
55 minutes today drove me nuts
I had an MRI today and was wondering what the different noises mean. I kind of liked it. I could feel the magentic field a little in my legs I think.
as a hardstyle edm lover, i love mri
I was in one today, don't know why but when I entered it I felt like I was going to connect my mind to my Avatar body, but when the noise started all I wanted to do was run away this thing LMAO
I love it, I love it, I love it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much and I am crazy about it, lovely greetings from Sarah and enjoy the wonderful, gorgeous, fascinating, awesome, Boom Boom bang bang megaoverdrive sounds of your next time in the MRI 👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖👍💪💖
Fatta ieri, a parte i rumori acuti che li senti anche con le cuffie..per il resto si sopporta...unico effetto collaterale..quando ti alzi ti senti leggermente stordito XD
Sì esatto l’unica cosa
Good Pationt Nice Mri
0:06 when a student has bad internet during online class.
Tellement agréable 🥰
I love getting MRI's because of the amazing noise and rhythm.. Hypnotic. yes strange. I think the exposure to intense magnetic fields made me more empathetic. Sorry to generate your outraged skepticism.
i had one today sent this to my mum for her to hear it i found it good considering i was worryed i enjoyed it
Eu já fiz este exame 2 vez.
Muito tranquilo.
Na segunda vez até dormir na hora do exame.
Super ❤️
Zatyczki na szczęście sa do uszów wsadzane i jest tez hałas ,ale juz nie taki jak tu słyszymy ,oczy zamknąć pomysleć w czasie badań o czymś przyjemnym i jakoś zleci 😀
Tak to zależy gdzie są te zatyczki masakra
For me it is better than ASMR :P
Lol I slept for 30 minutes in there 😂
Fatta oggi. Ho avuto paura all’ inizio,stavo per rinunciare… mi son fatto spiegare meglio,, poi mi son fatto coraggio,,, e sono stato tranquillo, una ventina di minuti…suoni che senti nonostante le cuffie doppie. E’ un’ esperienza
1st noise, sounds like a fire alarm in E major key :D
Today I had my first MRI and I almost freaked out because of the noises even though I was wearing earplugs I’m going to have my second MRI in one week wish me luck 😬😬
Essa porra parece música eletrônica, mas na hora que começa os barulhos dá um desespero, principalmente quando é a primeira vez que você tá fazendo e nem sabe o que tá acontecendo.. Misturado com a claustrofobia dá vontade de morrer, pqp. Ainda te dão a porra de uma campainha caso algo der errado, então começa aquelas paranóia de que vai dar tudo errado e vc vai morrer ali dentro... Fiz pela primeira vez e foi do joelho, mano que vontade de sair correndo mas a minha perna tava presa pra evitar de eu mecher, agora pensa num desespero q eu tava 😣 E aqueles fones pra abafar o barulho não dá pra saber se eles diminuem ou aumentam o barulho, mas o pior é que dá sono mas é impossível dormir ali, sinceramente é como a visão da morte, NÃO RECOMENDO 😂💔
Baixa Memoriana e eu que fiz da cabeça. Colocaram tipo um capacete e amarraram com um elástico. Um show de horror. Terei que fazer de novo em julho, mas farei com sedação, acordada não dá.
Mirella Katianne Alves Pereira pqp!!! dá cabeça deve ser o pior ! 😐😐
A Cup Of Tae With Suga fiz esse exame hoje e foi igualmente esse que esta no vídeo.
Meu maior problema e a cabeça lá dentro se ela ficar p fora acho q da p aguentar mas o corpp todo la dentro deve ser cruel
Eu fiz da cabeça há anos e ruim mas consegui graças a deus