Honestly I've been playing Vanquish soul S:P little night control with parallel exceed, I:P Masquerena, sakitama, and aratama. Been having a good match up spread except for when I play tear
I 100% agree. This format is wide open. It is fun to a certain point because I love that people are playing whatever and you are not seeing the same deck everywhere you look, but wit this format being the case, your main deck AND side deck really really matters especially the side because with only 15 cards to chose to combat the meta it is difficult because there isn’t a lot of overlap with weaknesses shared between the wide spread decks to chose from.
In a perfect world, in these kind of formats people would not put auto win buttons in their side to have a more generic pool for going second. Unfortunately this world isn't perfect and you can't pay them to cut those dbarriers and friends
But it's not a challenge - the decks that can play the most generic, wide-reaching answers without compromising their consistency become the best decks. "Wide open" formats are ones where nonsense like "15 handtraps/non-engine and double-digit 1-card starters" decks reign supreme. For everyone else, games are coinflips - did you bring the right Side tech? If not, enjoy your nigh-unwinnable match-up. That's not fun. @@anibaldoradotovar6997
What it really means is that you have to hope you get lucky and what your sideboard deals with just happens to coincide with the specific decks you get matched up with.
@@AlphaSquadZero you pray to the yugioh Gods not only you get matched up with those particulars deck BUT you have to also draw and see those side cards lol because we have ALL had moments where we sided 11,12,13 cards and saw 0 😂😂😂
Is funny to see that Pak does not like the new format and hearing that's it's because of the variarity of the decks. In a more competitive level . For the other side a lot of my friends and including me I like the format because it's not only one or two decks that are played
It's a very common opinion pro players have when lots of decks are viable at the same time. I remember when Billy Brake wrote an article almost 10 years ago saying the same thing
You were already playing a good format with variety. It's just a combo of ariseheart going, with new stuff like agov, that have really widened the playing field. Variety is the spice of life, but you only want it up to a certain point. It doesn't matter if you're casual or more competitive. No one wants to be in a position where they can't be prepared for numerous decks because there's just too many choices. It's not fun for anyone to lose to some random bullshit just because there were too many other optimal choices to prepare for instead
Personally, I think you should pick what you're comfortable with and build the deck to shore up as many of its weaknesses and worst matchups as possible. I understand the choice paralysis, but I do like that every top deck seems to have a foil to them. As annoying as it may be for choosing a deck, it's probably a sign of a "healthier" game.
Totally agree! A diverse format is much healthier! It's not a matter of "This is the top tier deck for the next 3-6 months, and unless you shell out $500-700 or more to acquire said deck, you're not gonna enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh at all and have a slim chance of winning any matches.
100% agree. It is always healthier to have a diverse format in any tcg or ccg. Its a killer to games when you can only play 4 or 5 decks. 10 to 15 well known decks and even more for rogue decks is really great for player engagement.
A "foil" or a blowout that just auto-wins against them? That's the problem. Every deck has cards that they just lose to with no counter play. That's prob what he means when he says every deck feels bad. Those cards take skill out of the game and there are a lot of them right now
@@yuseifido5706 mmm I'm not sure that's what he means. I think every deck feels bad because there's not a single one that's the obvious best choice of the format. If you listen towards the beginning of the video, his main complaint was the wide range of decks to play. When I say "foil", I'm mostly thinking about how certain decks match up against each other rather than specific blowout cards. But you're right; that can certainly contribute to the "bad feeling". I'm also considering the relative "fairness" of the top decks.
Step 1. Go with your most comfortable deck Step 2. Know the match up against most popular decks (practice wIth friends) Step 3. After knowing all the interactions, go to tornaments and see how you perform (try different locals and enter blindly) Step 4. Fix deck based off of new findings Step 5. Repeat steps 3-4 until you mastered the format
It may be worth approaching this with a set theory framework with diagrams showing the relationship between each competitive deck, ie. tear looses to dweller, well what decks can make dweller. And what specific cards do decks lose to, ie. drytron loses to droll, what decks are likely to play droll in the main and side for this specific event. Once you map the relations for each competitive card and deck you will then be able to clearly identify the most resilient deck in this format. Going even further you can then corelate this to tournament results to see if your framework is correct and make adjustments as needed to further create a true understanding of this format.
@@richard8670I don’t like narrow formats. Feels like you just play the same games over and over without learning or adapting during the duel. Just side in your win condition cards.
@@richard8670 Yeah bro, like monotone or Tier 0 format. You can just choose what the best expensive deck. Find a player with lower tier deck, and have fuckin' fun with it.
Comfort in a deck for me is something that's proven to be a strong meta contender, something that has options versus everything (even if the options aren't 100% the best), and most importantly whatever I'M most confident playing. Even if a deck has a bad match up against another meta threat, if i'm confident in my ability to play it, i'm comfortable about doing so.
I think a format with diversity is better than a Tear 0 format in my opinion. Because you cant necessarily counter every deck which incentivises the player themselves to be really good. I think this format rewards the player more for deck building and skill. Its not a format where you counter one deck to win but a format that can vary depending on skill level.
This is pretty much objectively untrue. In Tear 0 format the entire topcut was always stacked with recognizable/pro player names. In formats where few top decks are present and a few rogue picks are here and there this also is pretty consistent. If the format however feels too diverse, variance makes it's way into tournaments and you see many "no name andy's" as to say in topcut because good variance goes brrr.
@@eNRiskmc Who cares if we see recognizable pro players in top cut. It shows people who came in with something different that can work got good with that deck too. Yall dont want Kashtira format or Tear format then complain when diversity hits. Lol, tcg players really dont know when to stop complaining.
@@marcgeronimo2997 I think that's any game lol but I do like this format. I didn't mind Kash format. I think tear was a bit oppressive. I don't disagree with you though.
The best scenary is: Having a flexible deck and a flexible extra deck. A deck that isnt depended on one extradeck type, can play floodgates and play around floodgates.
@@curranpence4829 It is need different approach for building the deck. Most TCG player have mentality to using non-engine cards to "stop their opponent". But they can make safer option by using non-engine as protection to "prevent their deck for losing from a certain interaction". Like Floowandereeze player who play Book of Moon far before Kash or Purrely META, because they use them to prevent a losing situation from any target effect, because they know this kind of interaction is their worst weakness and they know they can still play around other interaction.
I know the best method to find the perfect deck to play for next format. Here the instructions: 1. You write the 6 best decks on a piece of paper and write a number from 1-6 after the name of each deck so each deck has a specific number next to it. 2. You roll a dice. 3. Congratulations, you found the perfect deck! 🎉
@@Ragnarok540 The format where you only need to learn 1 deck and beat other deck automatically, and have win if you have access to their expensive cards. Yes, pro player love this format.
Honestly, this format feels really good in a local, casual level which is great for the greater good of the game. As a competitive player, I think the format is cheeks. Way too much to prepare for and think about, and it makes it unrealistic to make "a correct" call on deck choice and siding.
More excited than ever going into this YCS, we've never had such a blind read on what the format will be going into an event in so long and I love formats like this where its just chaos and you can flex creativity and lean on the unknown. New set has so many good and relevant new cards that its going to be interesting to see what the best new thing people are doing is and I highly doubt it will be rescue ace like in the OCG since our format is so different from theirs now. ban kelbek and agido though, if I have to deal with 1 more tear player hitting one then chain blocking a mill 5 on me I'm going to fucking puke.
To me, this sounds like a healthy format. If every deck loses to something and there's not one BEST deck, it's a good and fun format. I've been loving it personally
Its interesting seeing pro players with the take of “too many decks, I can’t build for the format”. it’s a card game, diversity and variance should be apart of the game. Your deck shouldn’t be able to cover every single thing in the game every format.
1) Play a deck you know the ins a outs of even if its not " top meta" ex: plants, runic spright, --first point of comfort is knowing how to really play your deck and know exactly what cards can be sided out in your main depending on going first or second games 2-3 2) Main generic great cards, maybe even ones that work with ur deck ex: ash, droplet, imperm, BOM, --- playing cards that are very matchup specific in the main during this format can backfire. better to just side those cards instead. ex: droll, evenly, D.d. crow, Bystials, NIB 3) Main deck alternative win conditions ex: floodgates, + cards that let you win in time. Following these steps when choosing what to play/building my deck gives ME that confidence when i sit down against my random opp.
This is my favorite format because people can actually play, it encourages more people to play the game and makes the game accessible. I understand that a format like this with a ycs immediately after the new set releases is not optimal, that being said, test against the format. There’s like 5 solid decks and then the rest. Most of these decks people aren’t going to be practiced super optimally with and a lot of them have some consistent issues. It’s about learning how to play your deck and fit your deck for the possibilities. You need to drop some powerful options to add more coverage
Been playing runick furhire and been finding success Yes the format is diverse but what I found was playing 3 fenrir 2 droplet 2 thrust 1 talent 1 evenly as my non engine by cutting jet starter to make room although building a side has been difficult but after deciding on 2 ash 2 droll 2 nib 2 crow 2 druiswurm 1 herald of the abyss 1 harpies duster 1 dark ruler 1 pankratops it’s done well against everything I’ve played against
Yeah this format is so lame lmaoooo. Imagine having a format like this where all the deck are balanced and have a proper counter to them 💀💀. So lame right?
Yeah because skill doesn’t matter when you have a bunch of decks that auto win against you. It’s like playing Rock Paper scissors vs Chess. One takes skill, the other luck.
What gives me the most comfort is knowing that I'm running a strategy that people aren't expecting. Tistina performed really well for me in Hartford. Made it to round 7 before dropping. Running a strategy I'm confident with that people aren't expecting provides me comfort going into events.
I think one thing people are sleeping on is finding the best shell for 3 wanted, 2-3 diabellestar, 1 negate trap and 1 other diabellestar spell to experiment with. Diabellestar is not just a monster that summons a level 1 fire from deck it’s a recurring body that guarantees follow up of 2 cards minimum to any deck that has the space to play that many cards, it’s real good. Any 1 card good stuff deck that doesn’t have a lock on it can use her for some nasty plays Also going second the trap over 3 turn cycles is able to out 3 continuous floodgates minus skill drain (unless the trap is hard opened) which is real nice
That's how it's supposed to be. If everyone is playing the same deck, that's not good for the game. We need variety in order to help new players, see more creativity, and have more fun. You find a deck you like. Love the play. Love the art. Whatever. Then find out what is weakness is. Then build it with that in mind. Next, find what it takes to break it. Then build your side board for that. I love the Meta and format right now.
Even as a competitive player, I do preffer these wide formats. I do enjoy having to think hard about the open slots and side deck options, and personally think deck building shines in these formats because it's not just "ah yes just play 6 books to stop ariseheart/noir and you'll be fine", you really need to stop and think what is your deck weak to and what can you run to prevent loosing in those situations. If your deck has trouble with combo decks you'll play/side anti combo measures, if backrow is your weakness you will play/side S/T hate. Also, it makes visible how well some decks are able to adapt to different decks instead of just having good matchup against X But I guess this is just the difference between people who enjoy deckbuilding over playing X matchups optimally and viceversa. I totally understand that it's really hard to make a side deck in this format
This format seems kool from a theory perspective because theres so much u can do with different decks and different engines. I enjoy theory crafting, and deck building. From a gameplay perspective, preparation is a nightmare, but i find comfort in learning a deck's nuances and preparing as much as i can but also accept that there is a lot out of my control and that i did as much homework as i could.
Best thing to do is play what you enjoy and are the most comfortable with. Diverse formats can be rough, but they tend to allow a players skill, knowledge, effort and comfort with a deck to shine through. When you know what your deck can do, and how to play the match ups, it is super rewarding in a diverse format such as this one.
I understand feeling the way you do about the format, but I’m personally very excited for Indy. First, I’m a local, so it’s nice to get to play at a YCS in my home state. Second, I’ve been playing VS a lot lately, and the new cards in AGOV help the deck a ton.
I think that Indiannapolis shouldn't have been AGOV legal, far too small a time frame for people to properly test and prepare for those decks in paper play.
One of the cons of a format that’s this wide open and diverse is that there’s WAYY too many matchups to cover, and there’s not enough non engine you can jam in that can cover all the matchups you need.
The side deck alongside having a strong engine gives me comfort. Having flexible non engine and knowing I did what I could for an event with the resources I had
Hey Pak as soon as I saw the thumbnail I knew what the video was going to say. You actually mirror my thoughts on the game. I have been playing a lot of LOR this past year and that gave has had a similar issue. I would advise one of two strategies. Either make a matchup chart and see who has the most favorable matchups into the field and side for the edge matchups Or just play the deck you have the most skill and experience with.
You pick one of those top tier decks with the fewest loss conditions, and then play to your outs, and structure your side deck to prevent the counters. I.e. purely, but side crossout for barrier and encore and a ton of main deck hand traps to let you live long enough for your engine to win out
How I pick decks for an event: I look at my options, then I look at flex spots or engine Power of a deck, for example I don't want to play Infernoble because it's engine is "too weak" compared to the space it takes up. So after that I amprovaly left with 4-8 decks, so I look at the decks with the least counters so probably 2-3 decks and from there it's just the deck I feel like I see "the lines" the best because that will feel the best for me.
This might sound tautological but the thing is the best deck to play is whatever the best deck to play is. What I mean by this is if its a format where picking a deck to win an event makes it sufficiently less likely to top, aka a luck format vs a skill format, then at that point you the best option is to pick the deck to top and then pray to highroll in topcut. Every format has a different mix of rewarding skill vs rewarding luck and if its a luck format then the best option is imo the deck that most easily tops. Cause you can't win if you don't top. This format its probably unavoidable to lose to variance as opposed to losing to decision making only so its strongest to minimize variance as opposed to maximizing skill expression. If I recognize the format as a highroll format and master the best deck for highrolling that would bring me as much comfort in the choice as possible.
what you're saying makes sense to me, i remember trying to play smash bros ultimate and there's like a million different match ups you have to learn in that game because almost all the characters are really crazy good in it and it's hard to know what everyone does at one time and be able to deal with it
Do you feel if the ycs was one week after the set release and seeing a few smaller tournaments would help. I am a big advocate of not having a ycs on set release weekend because it causes so many problems
I feel like a diverse format in my opinion is the best this game can get, personally feel more fun seeing the different decks and preparing for anything it makes the game what I expected it to be, even In the anime “even if it’s not relevant to cardboard” every new character and arc was a series of random decks the whatever protagonist had to face. Even if it’s not your type of format enjoy it the much you can.
personally, i don't like to prepare for a meta-game this wide, but on the other side, I like the fact that I can choose between decks and options. Having Drytron and Mannadium available as unfair combo decks, is just heaven for a combo player.
The thing that people tend to forgot is that with too many variance of deck there'll be also too many variant of jank. I mean yeah it's fun for a while, but who would find it fun that you simply lost to an unknown card from the prehistoric era that counters your entire deck. Not saying that it's not fun, but it is frustating that you need to keep tab on some of these case, even if you play rogue cause of how many possible jank cards can be played with the meta being this open
I know the feeling. Its like the wild west and at any moment, you can get got by something you didn't have the space to side for/or the current options or lackluster.
I feel like with the large variation of decks, it makes your side deck much more important. Having it varied enough to be able to combat as many decks as possible
@Pak I felt like this too at YCS Dortmund. It just doesn't feel like you can realistically prepare for everything in the swiss rounds. Also you have to play a deck with a clear easy win condition in time, since decks grind so much.
I think the format is great and this just questions Pilot skills if you just pick up the most represented winning deck for easy dubs. This format really tests a persons’ pilot skill. This is what yugioh is about. How fun is it to mirror match the two best decks and we just choose one and run with it? Maybe not trying to ruin sponsors? Maybe not trying to go out losing on a format? This format is FUN win or lose unless all you care about is topping when you already got your invite 😂
I agree this is WCQ 2022 all over again but with 1 big difference. There is no auto lose button which was scythe. That changes dramatically, might make it fun even
You're overthinking it bro. At the end of the day its just a game. If you're unsure, just take your favourite deck whether its "competitive" or not and have a bit of fun.
Maybe starting from bo1 interactions could help. Just shrinking the matchups to a single duel might be a good start. Then open it to the bo3 where you gonna decide if build it to shut down your natural bad matchups or just handle their responses coming from the side. Wish you the best luck :)
I tend to look at the top 5 decks, whether it's a strong rogue option, or a good meta option. After seeing the choices, I pick one that most aligns with the playstyle I appreciate the most. For me, that was either Unchained or Rescue-ACE. Rescue ACE was interesting enough, and combo centered enough, that I felt comfortable sticking with it. At the end of the day, the beauty and sin of a diverse format, it provides so many options for a wide range of players, but results in a side deck or main deck that is incredibly clogged. I feel you on that, though I can't say I play to the same level as you lol
This is why I've been back to playing Marincess. No, it isn't one of the strongest decks right now, but I've been having success with it because it's a deck full of 1 card combos and ways to rebuild if you get stopped. It's a deck you can throw a bunch of hand traps and disturbances in that are good into a plethora of other decks and not have it mess with your engine at all. It's one of those things where if you don't open your engine, you at least opened something to interrupt your opponent with. If you opened your engine, you just pop off and see what happens.
I would say as an infernoble one trick that the deck is actually in a pretty great spot right now. Dweller being around is obviously horrible for the deck, but what makes it so effective is that it can vary its endboard depending on the turn-spanning effect. Like the deck still ends on double Charlemagne after Droll. It still super struggles with shifter and dweller but adding turpin to hand instead of milling it can play around that. Shifter is pretty catastrophic but at least Renaud can add back from banished. I think Astolfo is super slept on as a midrange option after simplifying the board state. Angel Ring gives it Dark Ruler protection. It has the Renaud + Ogier IPG line to play around Nib. The deck is absolutely real and will cook people who don't take it seriously.
@@jeffcoesk8935 honestly i'm just so annoyed with those ken-gen cards. As someone who have been handlooped by dark world bit too many times, i've had enough of getting handlooped. Konami never learns of 'giving monster to your opponent = atrocious idea'.
When we get into these formats of 10+ viable decks I default to Labrynth, I don't have the confidence to play something like Unchained where I'm just dreading the thought that I might get paired into Floo and just crumble on the spot. Lab can at least crutch on skill drain, barrier, and daruma cannon, I don't feel like any deck can cover as many matchups as Lab can with these cards. Even with a horrid Unchained matchup, at least you can build the main to target unchained in particular, and still have a good spread for the event.
If you knew the ins and outs of the Rikka deck it seems that if you were comfortable with the deck then you can win the entire event with it, as far as comfort you would have to find a deck that gives you a sense of having fun playing the deck itself *{::>_
Agreed 100%. AGOV is an insane set for the opposite reasons that POTE was. POTE brought crazy powerful decks that were playable out of the box and focused the format down to a few decks. AGOV brings insane generic support that brings the relative power levels of any deck that can use it up but also means more decks are viable and opening AGOV engines doesn't tell you what deck someone is on. Every deck has crazy potential while being utterly destroyed in the same fashion by stuff like S:P Little Knight and it kinda sucks
As you said, there are no decks that don't lose to anything but I would argue that Vanquish Soul loses to the least amount of things and is decent both going 1st and 2nd. The only downside with vanquish I feel are the very heavy combo decks that OTK through your board like Branded or Dragon link if you don't have their outs. It also plays well around the rescue ace board as it's really good at dodging targeting effects.
In response to the question: I gain comfort by knowing that I CANNOT prepare for everything. The only thing we can do is practice our deck as much as possible and understand our win conditions against the meta. I'm gain comfort by knowing that I understand my deck as close to as 100% as possible. Everything else is basically a variable.
I think you play the deck you feel the most comfortable piloting and build it in a way to enable it (and solve any auto loses) rather than to attack other decks.
3:45 - just wing it. Historically I play not-tier1, because all the mirrors bore me. However, a lot of current format I was playing for funs before it was relevant; I have multiple runick variants, rescue ace, purrely, and PUNK on the drawing board right now. If I cannot decide, I have a troll pocket pick ready to rock and roll to just turn my brain off.
During times of a wide format, throw in those board breakers, side those HTs and pick up a deck you can expertly pilot. Experience beats power during these times.
I see some "competitive players" perspective and I see a pattern from TCG pro. First, they relying on non-engine cards too much. Likes if you watch a video discussing about "counter cards for META". Those cards usually have ability to shut down the META completely, or at least almost cannot play. Like they can suggest "Dimensional Barrier" in Branded META, "Abyss Dweller" for GY-Focus META, or The Books for Purrely and Kash. I see they want a condition where they can get "absolute advantages" from their opponent, maximum disruption that can break the board completely, or an unbreakable setup that can prevent your opponent. But maybe they're some option like using a card that can stop a certain deck, but weaken some deck too. Like Book, it is still good to play against Kash or Purrely. But it can be a little annoying for Unchained too. . I understand why diverse format isn't likeable for pro-player. Because imagine you spend hundreds of dollar and losing from cheaper decks, and then got nothing after that. But everyone have different perspective about competitive scene. For me, diverse is more competitive. Because it will give a rewards for a player with wider knowledge of decks in Yugioh. And if they don't really familiar with a random rogue decks, they can use they analytic skill to understand how to win the game. It is rarely use in a format where the dominant decks are only 2-3 decks or less, because you will already know and learn about those decks long before the tournament start.
The problem is not losing to cheaper decks, is losing to less skilled players. But thats an inherent porblem of modern yugioh, it feels too intuitive, learning combos even if they're hard its easier than planning turns ahead and having to improvise when the plan doesnt go well.This is why pro players need to discover the secret best deck for every event, cause the technical play gap became smaller and there are too many autowin cards so you need other advantages.
@@Nuck_Chorris69 what a shame, how you call other "less skilled" after you lose from them? . I understand some decks have advantages in certain match-up. Like Kash Arise-Heart that can beat every GY-Focus deck. But this kind situation, when a deck can "auto win" in certain match-up is really rare. Maybe they can have an advantages. But other player still have a chance to make a play too. . Pro-player should not only find "the best deck" and rely on it. But, they should understand what makes their deck better than their opponent that time, and use it as weapon to beat their opponent. . Like what I say from the 1st time. Most pro players think they need to stop their opponent completely to have a chance for a win, and for the results, they usually use very aggressive staples that can stop their opponent in specific match up but less effective in other duel, that's why they love monotone META because they can relying on their aggressive staples to stop their opponent. But, just because a staple is less effective in other match-up, as pro player, I think this should be enough for them to make a possibility to win.
Was thinking about taking chimera for the next event, but i couldnt find a list i felt compfortable with. So i taking Vanquish though it is very flexible and does not lose to thinks like dbarrier.
Just play what you enjoy. It is a game at heart, so find your joy and build off that. Dortmund had people pull up with Black Wings, D/D/D, Vanquished Souls, Virtual World and Monarchs. Future meta may be more about building a well rounded and adaptable deck rather than just meta hunting. Frankly, I’m absolutely here for it, and I am LOVING how diverse it’s getting.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong. If you don't want to go to the event because u are worried you won't do well then maybe u need to take a break. Pressure to perform well takes it's toll eventually and u are to good of a player to be worried about that kinda stuff. You are a solidified great player regardless of whether u do bad at an event or not. But you do lose 100% of the shots you don't take, or in this case another opportunity to win an event. Constructively, just pick the deck that checks the most of your boxes when determining a deck. Or ask someone's opinion you hold in high regard what they are doing for the event and go with that. Then just play well and make the best decision in game you can so you can give yourself another opportunity to win an event.
NGL the only thing to bring me comfort is to just go with something I like and just sweep with the element of surprise. In a format like this is probably better thing
I feel that in this very diverse format runick fur hire spright has a good match generally against all or most decks. I have put 1 magna 2 druis and 1 phantazmay along with some other cards to help give me the chance to win going 2nd against tear and maybe unchained
It's funny, everyone complains when there's a Tier 0 -1 deck in the format. You know, THE deck to beat. It's 'easy' to build your side deck. It's 'easy' to pick non engine or tech cards for the main. As soon as you take the 'easy' out of the decision making process, people start complaining again. It's all of a sudden 'hard' to choose side and main deck choices. The format is too diverse, it's impossible to plan ahead, yada yada.. in one of the comments someone dropped some wisdom. "Pick a deck you like. Shore up it's weaknesses as best you can, and go from there." Getting sacked happens sometimes, but it happens in diverse and top tier formats either way. Just remember, it's a card game, and we ultimately play it to have fun.
I guess my potential hot take as a budding comp player is that a diverse format is good actually, like yeah, it sucks you can't optimize your deck for EVERYTHING, but you just go to the event and do your best. At the end of the day formats like these will value on the fly decision making and the ability to adapt on the fly mid match.
Idk I'm not a great player, but it sucks from a deckbuilding perspective, you can't really build your deck to counter the best deck in the format because there isn't a best deck in the format. I think you just pick the best deck that you can pick, with the least weaknesses, and maybe the one you're most confident with. At the end of the day, there's a lot of things that are determined by luck, from your draws, to who you play against. The most important thing is that we try our best, and even if we fail, we now have more data about the new format, so we can make better choices and decisions. There was an event recently where I was expecting a lot of players on branded, so I decided to main deck belle. Do I think it was the correct choice? Yes (and it won me a couple of games) but I didn't play against a single branded player in that event. And that's something you just can't predict.
I play Infernoble and it's amount of consistency options as well as being able to make powerful boards give me comfort. It loses to cards like Dark Ruler so I side Solemn Judgements for going 1st.
You can also play Flamvel counter and battlin boxer upercutter to stop dark ruler. Angel Ring is coming out in AGOV, which also stops super poly, but then you have to play Bradamante
I dont think you can correctly side this format. You just have to guess which of the 10 playable decks will be most popular, and pray you guess correctly for the event.
I would pick a diverse format with an unclear best deck like this over a tier 0 format any day
As a dinomorphia player... comfort was never an option 💀
Aromage: Lifepoints don'tmatter bro 😁
I wish Dinomorphia was better :(
In all fairness, Dinomorphia is hardly relevant to the convo at hand
I think Dinomorphia is not a playable deck, the time rules just punish this deck too hard.
Amazing for casual but hard for competetive, i feel like vanquish soul is particularly well placed and versatile for this format
The matchup spread is really even so i think vs doesnt suffer as much as other Decks from the broad format
Honestly I've been playing Vanquish soul S:P little night control with parallel exceed, I:P Masquerena, sakitama, and aratama. Been having a good match up spread except for when I play tear
try playing vs rescue ace with VS lol
I 100% agree. This format is wide open. It is fun to a certain point because I love that people are playing whatever and you are not seeing the same deck everywhere you look, but wit this format being the case, your main deck AND side deck really really matters especially the side because with only 15 cards to chose to combat the meta it is difficult because there isn’t a lot of overlap with weaknesses shared between the wide spread decks to chose from.
Thats what i like the most of these formats, the challenge that represents to build a versatile Side Deck
In a perfect world, in these kind of formats people would not put auto win buttons in their side to have a more generic pool for going second. Unfortunately this world isn't perfect and you can't pay them to cut those dbarriers and friends
But it's not a challenge - the decks that can play the most generic, wide-reaching answers without compromising their consistency become the best decks. "Wide open" formats are ones where nonsense like "15 handtraps/non-engine and double-digit 1-card starters" decks reign supreme. For everyone else, games are coinflips - did you bring the right Side tech? If not, enjoy your nigh-unwinnable match-up. That's not fun. @@anibaldoradotovar6997
What it really means is that you have to hope you get lucky and what your sideboard deals with just happens to coincide with the specific decks you get matched up with.
@@AlphaSquadZero you pray to the yugioh Gods not only you get matched up with those particulars deck BUT you have to also draw and see those side cards lol because we have ALL had moments where we sided 11,12,13 cards and saw 0 😂😂😂
Is funny to see that Pak does not like the new format and hearing that's it's because of the variarity of the decks. In a more competitive level . For the other side a lot of my friends and including me I like the format because it's not only one or two decks that are played
It's a very common opinion pro players have when lots of decks are viable at the same time. I remember when Billy Brake wrote an article almost 10 years ago saying the same thing
"pro" players 😂
When simply playing the best decks make u "pro" 😂😂😂😂
You were already playing a good format with variety. It's just a combo of ariseheart going, with new stuff like agov, that have really widened the playing field. Variety is the spice of life, but you only want it up to a certain point. It doesn't matter if you're casual or more competitive. No one wants to be in a position where they can't be prepared for numerous decks because there's just too many choices. It's not fun for anyone to lose to some random bullshit just because there were too many other optimal choices to prepare for instead
@@kyonsenzu8799 Guy literally was it. I don't know what to tell you. After a decade he stopped playing because Konami hired him.
Personally, I think you should pick what you're comfortable with and build the deck to shore up as many of its weaknesses and worst matchups as possible.
I understand the choice paralysis, but I do like that every top deck seems to have a foil to them. As annoying as it may be for choosing a deck, it's probably a sign of a "healthier" game.
Totally agree! A diverse format is much healthier! It's not a matter of "This is the top tier deck for the next 3-6 months, and unless you shell out $500-700 or more to acquire said deck, you're not gonna enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh at all and have a slim chance of winning any matches.
For real
100% agree. It is always healthier to have a diverse format in any tcg or ccg. Its a killer to games when you can only play 4 or 5 decks. 10 to 15 well known decks and even more for rogue decks is really great for player engagement.
A "foil" or a blowout that just auto-wins against them? That's the problem. Every deck has cards that they just lose to with no counter play. That's prob what he means when he says every deck feels bad. Those cards take skill out of the game and there are a lot of them right now
@@yuseifido5706 mmm I'm not sure that's what he means. I think every deck feels bad because there's not a single one that's the obvious best choice of the format. If you listen towards the beginning of the video, his main complaint was the wide range of decks to play. When I say "foil", I'm mostly thinking about how certain decks match up against each other rather than specific blowout cards. But you're right; that can certainly contribute to the "bad feeling". I'm also considering the relative "fairness" of the top decks.
Step 1. Go with your most comfortable deck
Step 2. Know the match up against most popular decks (practice wIth friends)
Step 3. After knowing all the interactions, go to tornaments and see how you perform (try different locals and enter blindly)
Step 4. Fix deck based off of new findings
Step 5. Repeat steps 3-4 until you mastered the format
Honestly the format is great. If tearlament didnt come back it wouldve been better
Tear is a cool Deck
It may be worth approaching this with a set theory framework with diagrams showing the relationship between each competitive deck, ie. tear looses to dweller, well what decks can make dweller. And what specific cards do decks lose to, ie. drytron loses to droll, what decks are likely to play droll in the main and side for this specific event.
Once you map the relations for each competitive card and deck you will then be able to clearly identify the most resilient deck in this format.
Going even further you can then corelate this to tournament results to see if your framework is correct and make adjustments as needed to further create a true understanding of this format.
I could actually think that he does this
This format is like the anime to me, everyone's got a shot if you're skilled enough both as a player and with your choices for decks
Everyone's got a shot* (even if youre shit)
@@richard8670I don’t like narrow formats. Feels like you just play the same games over and over without learning or adapting during the duel. Just side in your win condition cards.
Yugi literally cheats though and most of the main characters have ancient entities or hacks to draw the out that's not skill.
@@richard8670 Yeah bro, like monotone or Tier 0 format. You can just choose what the best expensive deck. Find a player with lower tier deck, and have fuckin' fun with it.
casual mindset, didnt ask@@renaldyhaen
Comfort in a deck for me is something that's proven to be a strong meta contender, something that has options versus everything (even if the options aren't 100% the best), and most importantly whatever I'M most confident playing. Even if a deck has a bad match up against another meta threat, if i'm confident in my ability to play it, i'm comfortable about doing so.
I'm a huge fan of rogue decks, so seeing such an open format is a blessing for me. But it makes min maxing on deck builds far more difficult
I think a format with diversity is better than a Tear 0 format in my opinion. Because you cant necessarily counter every deck which incentivises the player themselves to be really good. I think this format rewards the player more for deck building and skill. Its not a format where you counter one deck to win but a format that can vary depending on skill level.
This is pretty much objectively untrue. In Tear 0 format the entire topcut was always stacked with recognizable/pro player names. In formats where few top decks are present and a few rogue picks are here and there this also is pretty consistent. If the format however feels too diverse, variance makes it's way into tournaments and you see many "no name andy's" as to say in topcut because good variance goes brrr.
@@eNRiskmc I mean yeah true but pro players do make the top cut as well though. I think I agree with Pak on it being harder to prepare for.
@@eNRiskmc Who cares if we see recognizable pro players in top cut. It shows people who came in with something different that can work got good with that deck too. Yall dont want Kashtira format or Tear format then complain when diversity hits. Lol, tcg players really dont know when to stop complaining.
Nothing rewarding about facing runivk stun and not be prepared for backrow in side. Lol
@@marcgeronimo2997 I think that's any game lol but I do like this format. I didn't mind Kash format. I think tear was a bit oppressive. I don't disagree with you though.
that actually sounds like a good format. Variety and actual thoughtfulness in a diverse format.
The best scenary is: Having a flexible deck and a flexible extra deck. A deck that isnt depended on one extradeck type, can play floodgates and play around floodgates.
Is there such a deck?
Then you get run over by decks that lean too far one way.
hate to say it bc I’m burnt out of playing it, but unchained can deal with a lot. lots of room for non engine etc
@@curranpence4829 It is need different approach for building the deck. Most TCG player have mentality to using non-engine cards to "stop their opponent". But they can make safer option by using non-engine as protection to "prevent their deck for losing from a certain interaction". Like Floowandereeze player who play Book of Moon far before Kash or Purrely META, because they use them to prevent a losing situation from any target effect, because they know this kind of interaction is their worst weakness and they know they can still play around other interaction.
I know the best method to find the perfect deck to play for next format.
Here the instructions:
1. You write the 6 best decks on a piece of paper and write a number from 1-6 after the name of each deck so each deck has a specific number next to it.
2. You roll a dice.
3. Congratulations, you found the perfect deck! 🎉
It’s awesome that there’s so many viable decks this format!
Same here
Totally, no one really wants a Tear only format ever again.
@@UziOmegaCompetitive players don't mind these formats from time to time.
@@Ragnarok540 The format where you only need to learn 1 deck and beat other deck automatically, and have win if you have access to their expensive cards. Yes, pro player love this format.
@@UziOmega Would not be opposed to Tear Zero again tbh, that was the most skillful format I've seen in years
Honestly, this format feels really good in a local, casual level which is great for the greater good of the game. As a competitive player, I think the format is cheeks. Way too much to prepare for and think about, and it makes it unrealistic to make "a correct" call on deck choice and siding.
More excited than ever going into this YCS, we've never had such a blind read on what the format will be going into an event in so long and I love formats like this where its just chaos and you can flex creativity and lean on the unknown. New set has so many good and relevant new cards that its going to be interesting to see what the best new thing people are doing is and I highly doubt it will be rescue ace like in the OCG since our format is so different from theirs now.
ban kelbek and agido though, if I have to deal with 1 more tear player hitting one then chain blocking a mill 5 on me I'm going to fucking puke.
To me, this sounds like a healthy format. If every deck loses to something and there's not one BEST deck, it's a good and fun format. I've been loving it personally
Naturia runick? Could it make a comeback?
Its interesting seeing pro players with the take of “too many decks, I can’t build for the format”. it’s a card game, diversity and variance should be apart of the game. Your deck shouldn’t be able to cover every single thing in the game every format.
1) Play a deck you know the ins a outs of even if its not " top meta" ex: plants, runic spright, --first point of comfort is knowing how to really play your deck and know exactly what cards can be sided out in your main depending on going first or second games 2-3
2) Main generic great cards, maybe even ones that work with ur deck ex: ash, droplet, imperm, BOM, --- playing cards that are very matchup specific in the main during this format can backfire. better to just side those cards instead. ex: droll, evenly, D.d. crow, Bystials, NIB
3) Main deck alternative win conditions ex: floodgates, + cards that let you win in time.
Following these steps when choosing what to play/building my deck gives ME that confidence when i sit down against my random opp.
This is my favorite format because people can actually play, it encourages more people to play the game and makes the game accessible. I understand that a format like this with a ycs immediately after the new set releases is not optimal, that being said, test against the format. There’s like 5 solid decks and then the rest. Most of these decks people aren’t going to be practiced super optimally with and a lot of them have some consistent issues. It’s about learning how to play your deck and fit your deck for the possibilities. You need to drop some powerful options to add more coverage
That's bc u have a meta sheep mindset
Been playing runick furhire and been finding success
Yes the format is diverse but what I found was playing 3 fenrir 2 droplet 2 thrust 1 talent 1 evenly as my non engine by cutting jet starter to make room although building a side has been difficult but after deciding on
2 ash 2 droll 2 nib 2 crow 2 druiswurm 1 herald of the abyss 1 harpies duster 1 dark ruler 1 pankratops it’s done well against everything I’ve played against
Yeah this format is so lame lmaoooo. Imagine having a format like this where all the deck are balanced and have a proper counter to them 💀💀. So lame right?
Yeah because skill doesn’t matter when you have a bunch of decks that auto win against you. It’s like playing Rock Paper scissors vs Chess. One takes skill, the other luck.
What gives me the most comfort is knowing that I'm running a strategy that people aren't expecting. Tistina performed really well for me in Hartford. Made it to round 7 before dropping. Running a strategy I'm confident with that people aren't expecting provides me comfort going into events.
The more decks we have the better, i love this kind of format.
I think one thing people are sleeping on is finding the best shell for 3 wanted, 2-3 diabellestar, 1 negate trap and 1 other diabellestar spell to experiment with. Diabellestar is not just a monster that summons a level 1 fire from deck it’s a recurring body that guarantees follow up of 2 cards minimum to any deck that has the space to play that many cards, it’s real good. Any 1 card good stuff deck that doesn’t have a lock on it can use her for some nasty plays
Also going second the trap over 3 turn cycles is able to out 3 continuous floodgates minus skill drain (unless the trap is hard opened) which is real nice
That's how it's supposed to be. If everyone is playing the same deck, that's not good for the game. We need variety in order to help new players, see more creativity, and have more fun. You find a deck you like. Love the play. Love the art. Whatever. Then find out what is weakness is. Then build it with that in mind. Next, find what it takes to break it. Then build your side board for that. I love the Meta and format right now.
Even as a competitive player, I do preffer these wide formats. I do enjoy having to think hard about the open slots and side deck options, and personally think deck building shines in these formats because it's not just "ah yes just play 6 books to stop ariseheart/noir and you'll be fine", you really need to stop and think what is your deck weak to and what can you run to prevent loosing in those situations. If your deck has trouble with combo decks you'll play/side anti combo measures, if backrow is your weakness you will play/side S/T hate. Also, it makes visible how well some decks are able to adapt to different decks instead of just having good matchup against X
But I guess this is just the difference between people who enjoy deckbuilding over playing X matchups optimally and viceversa. I totally understand that it's really hard to make a side deck in this format
This format seems kool from a theory perspective because theres so much u can do with different decks and different engines. I enjoy theory crafting, and deck building. From a gameplay perspective, preparation is a nightmare, but i find comfort in learning a deck's nuances and preparing as much as i can but also accept that there is a lot out of my control and that i did as much homework as i could.
How do I get comfort with my deck choice? My brother in Christ, I play Ghoti
Any idea where we can get the playmat PAK uses in his duels?
Best thing to do is play what you enjoy and are the most comfortable with.
Diverse formats can be rough, but they tend to allow a players skill, knowledge, effort and comfort with a deck to shine through.
When you know what your deck can do, and how to play the match ups, it is super rewarding in a diverse format such as this one.
Against which cards rescue ace would lose? What’s the loose condition?
I understand feeling the way you do about the format, but I’m personally very excited for Indy. First, I’m a local, so it’s nice to get to play at a YCS in my home state. Second, I’ve been playing VS a lot lately, and the new cards in AGOV help the deck a ton.
Great format finally we can play any deck we want
This upcoming format looks exciting and I honestly can't wait. Variety is the spice of life and I want to play with and against all of them.
I think that Indiannapolis shouldn't have been AGOV legal, far too small a time frame for people to properly test and prepare for those decks in paper play.
this happens at least once a year no? I remember last year YCS Pasadena it was the day after MAMA was released.
One of the cons of a format that’s this wide open and diverse is that there’s WAYY too many matchups to cover, and there’s not enough non engine you can jam in that can cover all the matchups you need.
The side deck alongside having a strong engine gives me comfort. Having flexible non engine and knowing I did what I could for an event with the resources I had
Hey Pak as soon as I saw the thumbnail I knew what the video was going to say. You actually mirror my thoughts on the game.
I have been playing a lot of LOR this past year and that gave has had a similar issue.
I would advise one of two strategies. Either make a matchup chart and see who has the most favorable matchups into the field and side for the edge matchups
Or just play the deck you have the most skill and experience with.
i feel like floodgates will be the main problem again + tt thrust will be a huge side to get most cards against all archetypes
You pick one of those top tier decks with the fewest loss conditions, and then play to your outs, and structure your side deck to prevent the counters.
I.e. purely, but side crossout for barrier and encore and a ton of main deck hand traps to let you live long enough for your engine to win out
this is when you whip out the ol reliable, Sky Striker lol
We need Engage back to 3 now
How I pick decks for an event: I look at my options, then I look at flex spots or engine Power of a deck, for example I don't want to play Infernoble because it's engine is "too weak" compared to the space it takes up. So after that I amprovaly left with 4-8 decks, so I look at the decks with the least counters so probably 2-3 decks and from there it's just the deck I feel like I see "the lines" the best because that will feel the best for me.
Hey pak, I'm starting in the competitive do u have any deck recomendation for a begginer?
This might sound tautological but the thing is the best deck to play is whatever the best deck to play is. What I mean by this is if its a format where picking a deck to win an event makes it sufficiently less likely to top, aka a luck format vs a skill format, then at that point you the best option is to pick the deck to top and then pray to highroll in topcut. Every format has a different mix of rewarding skill vs rewarding luck and if its a luck format then the best option is imo the deck that most easily tops. Cause you can't win if you don't top. This format its probably unavoidable to lose to variance as opposed to losing to decision making only so its strongest to minimize variance as opposed to maximizing skill expression. If I recognize the format as a highroll format and master the best deck for highrolling that would bring me as much comfort in the choice as possible.
what you're saying makes sense to me, i remember trying to play smash bros ultimate and there's like a million different match ups you have to learn in that game because almost all the characters are really crazy good in it and it's hard to know what everyone does at one time and be able to deal with it
There is a veryyy strong deck soon and Pak may or may not already know it. “People” are hiding the guu….
Do you feel if the ycs was one week after the set release and seeing a few smaller tournaments would help. I am a big advocate of not having a ycs on set release weekend because it causes so many problems
I feel like a diverse format in my opinion is the best this game can get, personally feel more fun seeing the different decks and preparing for anything it makes the game what I expected it to be, even In the anime “even if it’s not relevant to cardboard” every new character and arc was a series of random decks the whatever protagonist had to face. Even if it’s not your type of format enjoy it the much you can.
personally, i don't like to prepare for a meta-game this wide, but on the other side, I like the fact that I can choose between decks and options.
Having Drytron and Mannadium available as unfair combo decks, is just heaven for a combo player.
i feel like maining 3 talents 2 thrust and board breakers is a good way to cover all ur bases
The thing that people tend to forgot is that with too many variance of deck there'll be also too many variant of jank. I mean yeah it's fun for a while, but who would find it fun that you simply lost to an unknown card from the prehistoric era that counters your entire deck. Not saying that it's not fun, but it is frustating that you need to keep tab on some of these case, even if you play rogue cause of how many possible jank cards can be played with the meta being this open
I know the feeling. Its like the wild west and at any moment, you can get got by something you didn't have the space to side for/or the current options or lackluster.
I feel like with the large variation of decks, it makes your side deck much more important. Having it varied enough to be able to combat as many decks as possible
@Pak I felt like this too at YCS Dortmund. It just doesn't feel like you can realistically prepare for everything in the swiss rounds. Also you have to play a deck with a clear easy win condition in time, since decks grind so much.
I think the format is great and this just questions Pilot skills if you just pick up the most represented winning deck for easy dubs. This format really tests a persons’ pilot skill. This is what yugioh is about. How fun is it to mirror match the two best decks and we just choose one and run with it? Maybe not trying to ruin sponsors? Maybe not trying to go out losing on a format? This format is FUN win or lose unless all you care about is topping when you already got your invite 😂
I agree this is WCQ 2022 all over again but with 1 big difference. There is no auto lose button which was scythe. That changes dramatically, might make it fun even
You're overthinking it bro. At the end of the day its just a game. If you're unsure, just take your favourite deck whether its "competitive" or not and have a bit of fun.
Maybe starting from bo1 interactions could help. Just shrinking the matchups to a single duel might be a good start. Then open it to the bo3 where you gonna decide if build it to shut down your natural bad matchups or just handle their responses coming from the side. Wish you the best luck :)
I tend to look at the top 5 decks, whether it's a strong rogue option, or a good meta option. After seeing the choices, I pick one that most aligns with the playstyle I appreciate the most. For me, that was either Unchained or Rescue-ACE. Rescue ACE was interesting enough, and combo centered enough, that I felt comfortable sticking with it. At the end of the day, the beauty and sin of a diverse format, it provides so many options for a wide range of players, but results in a side deck or main deck that is incredibly clogged. I feel you on that, though I can't say I play to the same level as you lol
This is why I've been back to playing Marincess. No, it isn't one of the strongest decks right now, but I've been having success with it because it's a deck full of 1 card combos and ways to rebuild if you get stopped. It's a deck you can throw a bunch of hand traps and disturbances in that are good into a plethora of other decks and not have it mess with your engine at all. It's one of those things where if you don't open your engine, you at least opened something to interrupt your opponent with. If you opened your engine, you just pop off and see what happens.
I would say as an infernoble one trick that the deck is actually in a pretty great spot right now. Dweller being around is obviously horrible for the deck, but what makes it so effective is that it can vary its endboard depending on the turn-spanning effect. Like the deck still ends on double Charlemagne after Droll. It still super struggles with shifter and dweller but adding turpin to hand instead of milling it can play around that. Shifter is pretty catastrophic but at least Renaud can add back from banished. I think Astolfo is super slept on as a midrange option after simplifying the board state. Angel Ring gives it Dark Ruler protection. It has the Renaud + Ogier IPG line to play around Nib. The deck is absolutely real and will cook people who don't take it seriously.
Naahh new format is fun, so many cool splaahable cards giving rogue decks a better shot at winning
Pak is a comp player, your midset is completely different from his. Of course you find it fun if you're playing rogue.
Bro just didn’t watch the video 😂
@@naiyar3573 That's why I see this as "funny mentality" for a competitive players.
@@jeffcoesk8935 honestly i'm just so annoyed with those ken-gen cards. As someone who have been handlooped by dark world bit too many times, i've had enough of getting handlooped. Konami never learns of 'giving monster to your opponent = atrocious idea'.
Having a deck that doesnt play itself in the format is really nice.
I feel like going with your comfort deck is the way to go this format
It's wild to me to hear people that prefer a tier zero or narrow meta over a diverse one.
But i thought this was always the whole point of ygo? Having OPTIONS. Everyone playing the same 3 to 4 decks was good to you?
When we get into these formats of 10+ viable decks I default to Labrynth, I don't have the confidence to play something like Unchained where I'm just dreading the thought that I might get paired into Floo and just crumble on the spot. Lab can at least crutch on skill drain, barrier, and daruma cannon, I don't feel like any deck can cover as many matchups as Lab can with these cards. Even with a horrid Unchained matchup, at least you can build the main to target unchained in particular, and still have a good spread for the event.
If you knew the ins and outs of the Rikka deck it seems that if you were comfortable with the deck then you can win the entire event with it, as far as comfort you would have to find a deck that gives you a sense of having fun playing the deck itself *{::>_
I am really happy with the format rn. Only issue is the popularity of Flunder. But I take it 10/10 times over Ariseheart helmet deck
Agreed 100%. AGOV is an insane set for the opposite reasons that POTE was. POTE brought crazy powerful decks that were playable out of the box and focused the format down to a few decks. AGOV brings insane generic support that brings the relative power levels of any deck that can use it up but also means more decks are viable and opening AGOV engines doesn't tell you what deck someone is on. Every deck has crazy potential while being utterly destroyed in the same fashion by stuff like S:P Little Knight and it kinda sucks
I love this format, not everyone has to play the same deck to win events
As you said, there are no decks that don't lose to anything but I would argue that Vanquish Soul loses to the least amount of things and is decent both going 1st and 2nd.
The only downside with vanquish I feel are the very heavy combo decks that OTK through your board like Branded or Dragon link if you don't have their outs. It also plays well around the rescue ace board as it's really good at dodging targeting effects.
In response to the question: I gain comfort by knowing that I CANNOT prepare for everything. The only thing we can do is practice our deck as much as possible and understand our win conditions against the meta. I'm gain comfort by knowing that I understand my deck as close to as 100% as possible. Everything else is basically a variable.
I think you play the deck you feel the most comfortable piloting and build it in a way to enable it (and solve any auto loses) rather than to attack other decks.
3:45 - just wing it. Historically I play not-tier1, because all the mirrors bore me. However, a lot of current format I was playing for funs before it was relevant; I have multiple runick variants, rescue ace, purrely, and PUNK on the drawing board right now. If I cannot decide, I have a troll pocket pick ready to rock and roll to just turn my brain off.
During times of a wide format, throw in those board breakers, side those HTs and pick up a deck you can expertly pilot. Experience beats power during these times.
I see some "competitive players" perspective and I see a pattern from TCG pro. First, they relying on non-engine cards too much. Likes if you watch a video discussing about "counter cards for META". Those cards usually have ability to shut down the META completely, or at least almost cannot play. Like they can suggest "Dimensional Barrier" in Branded META, "Abyss Dweller" for GY-Focus META, or The Books for Purrely and Kash. I see they want a condition where they can get "absolute advantages" from their opponent, maximum disruption that can break the board completely, or an unbreakable setup that can prevent your opponent. But maybe they're some option like using a card that can stop a certain deck, but weaken some deck too. Like Book, it is still good to play against Kash or Purrely. But it can be a little annoying for Unchained too.
I understand why diverse format isn't likeable for pro-player. Because imagine you spend hundreds of dollar and losing from cheaper decks, and then got nothing after that. But everyone have different perspective about competitive scene. For me, diverse is more competitive. Because it will give a rewards for a player with wider knowledge of decks in Yugioh. And if they don't really familiar with a random rogue decks, they can use they analytic skill to understand how to win the game. It is rarely use in a format where the dominant decks are only 2-3 decks or less, because you will already know and learn about those decks long before the tournament start.
The problem is not losing to cheaper decks, is losing to less skilled players. But thats an inherent porblem of modern yugioh, it feels too intuitive, learning combos even if they're hard its easier than planning turns ahead and having to improvise when the plan doesnt go well.This is why pro players need to discover the secret best deck for every event, cause the technical play gap became smaller and there are too many autowin cards so you need other advantages.
@@Nuck_Chorris69 what a shame, how you call other "less skilled" after you lose from them?
I understand some decks have advantages in certain match-up. Like Kash Arise-Heart that can beat every GY-Focus deck. But this kind situation, when a deck can "auto win" in certain match-up is really rare. Maybe they can have an advantages. But other player still have a chance to make a play too.
Pro-player should not only find "the best deck" and rely on it. But, they should understand what makes their deck better than their opponent that time, and use it as weapon to beat their opponent.
Like what I say from the 1st time. Most pro players think they need to stop their opponent completely to have a chance for a win, and for the results, they usually use very aggressive staples that can stop their opponent in specific match up but less effective in other duel, that's why they love monotone META because they can relying on their aggressive staples to stop their opponent. But, just because a staple is less effective in other match-up, as pro player, I think this should be enough for them to make a possibility to win.
Was thinking about taking chimera for the next event, but i couldnt find a list i felt compfortable with. So i taking Vanquish though it is very flexible and does not lose to thinks like dbarrier.
4:20 I was going to say Rikka/Sunavalon. But he said Dark World. Thats close enough...
Just play what you enjoy. It is a game at heart, so find your joy and build off that. Dortmund had people pull up with Black Wings, D/D/D, Vanquished Souls, Virtual World and Monarchs. Future meta may be more about building a well rounded and adaptable deck rather than just meta hunting. Frankly, I’m absolutely here for it, and I am LOVING how diverse it’s getting.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong. If you don't want to go to the event because u are worried you won't do well then maybe u need to take a break. Pressure to perform well takes it's toll eventually and u are to good of a player to be worried about that kinda stuff. You are a solidified great player regardless of whether u do bad at an event or not. But you do lose 100% of the shots you don't take, or in this case another opportunity to win an event. Constructively, just pick the deck that checks the most of your boxes when determining a deck. Or ask someone's opinion you hold in high regard what they are doing for the event and go with that. Then just play well and make the best decision in game you can so you can give yourself another opportunity to win an event.
Pro player problems. Most players are content with just showing up with their favorite deck at the moment.
NGL the only thing to bring me comfort is to just go with something I like and just sweep with the element of surprise. In a format like this is probably better thing
I feel that in this very diverse format runick fur hire spright has a good match generally against all or most decks. I have put 1 magna 2 druis and 1 phantazmay along with some other cards to help give me the chance to win going 2nd against tear and maybe unchained
It's funny, everyone complains when there's a Tier 0 -1 deck in the format. You know, THE deck to beat. It's 'easy' to build your side deck. It's 'easy' to pick non engine or tech cards for the main. As soon as you take the 'easy' out of the decision making process, people start complaining again. It's all of a sudden 'hard' to choose side and main deck choices. The format is too diverse, it's impossible to plan ahead, yada yada.. in one of the comments someone dropped some wisdom. "Pick a deck you like. Shore up it's weaknesses as best you can, and go from there." Getting sacked happens sometimes, but it happens in diverse and top tier formats either way. Just remember, it's a card game, and we ultimately play it to have fun.
I guess my potential hot take as a budding comp player is that a diverse format is good actually, like yeah, it sucks you can't optimize your deck for EVERYTHING, but you just go to the event and do your best. At the end of the day formats like these will value on the fly decision making and the ability to adapt on the fly mid match.
As an @ignister player I love being able to main deck 15+ hand traps that hit all the best decks
Idk I'm not a great player, but it sucks from a deckbuilding perspective, you can't really build your deck to counter the best deck in the format because there isn't a best deck in the format. I think you just pick the best deck that you can pick, with the least weaknesses, and maybe the one you're most confident with. At the end of the day, there's a lot of things that are determined by luck, from your draws, to who you play against. The most important thing is that we try our best, and even if we fail, we now have more data about the new format, so we can make better choices and decisions.
There was an event recently where I was expecting a lot of players on branded, so I decided to main deck belle. Do I think it was the correct choice? Yes (and it won me a couple of games) but I didn't play against a single branded player in that event. And that's something you just can't predict.
I play Infernoble and it's amount of consistency options as well as being able to make powerful boards give me comfort. It loses to cards like Dark Ruler so I side Solemn Judgements for going 1st.
You can also play Flamvel counter and battlin boxer upercutter to stop dark ruler. Angel Ring is coming out in AGOV, which also stops super poly, but then you have to play Bradamante
@@reinermost6269 I am actually looking into that and putting Angel ring in my deck soon as I can
I do like that going into this event there is no clear cut best deck. Makes it harder to prep for but no one deck is getting too much attention.
I dont think you can correctly side this format. You just have to guess which of the 10 playable decks will be most popular, and pray you guess correctly for the event.
The same way, I’ve not sure what to play either , I don’t find my deck 😢
seems odd to say when toss format had 4 or 5 meta decks for nats and that was pretty fine tbh
Oh boo hoo, I can’t play an archetype that doesn’t have an Achilles heel. I can’t just feel immune all day
Dude get a grip lol