Definitely. Just listen to the language. The police wasn't doing anything, just standing there next to this man also standing there and they call it "resisting". Like "resisting" doesn't need the actual physical action of resisting.
Only when they feel like it. Obviously they were looking for an arrest. Someone on a power trip will most likely not back down though as you always see with some of these pig cops making the actual heroes in blue look bad
A lawyer can throw that charge away quickly. They just do that to have an excuse to arrest you. It’s tactic they use, they tell you you’re arrested for something stupid and then arrest you for resisting arrest because you got mad about it.
@NondoPondo But they do it anyway... All of the time unfortunately. Some feel like they need to comply just to avoid less trouble that this jerk who's abusing his power wants to bring into their life.
The officer was clearly trying to escalate a non-situation. He wanted the guy to overreact to this absurdity so they could have a reason for an arrest.
The police kept trying to manufacture a fake narrative of arrest being resisted. Each time they were fact-checked by the man and his friend who made the video, over and over, like a skipping record. It's like Trump's firehose of repeating lies strategy where he hope fact checking fatigue will make his opponents give up on defending the obvious truth. It is demeaning having to defend the obvious only to be contradicted over and over again by the same lie.
I’m impressed with the “hero” cops bravely arresting guy armed with a sandwich, I’m not sure if the sandwich was loaded, but with 4 “hero” cops surrounding the guy he had absolutely no chance to deploy said sandwich.
Brett Hogan he wasn’t resisting arrest he was pointing out “hey? Everybody else can eat up here. Why can’t I?” He was trying to tell the truth to the officer, but he wasn’t listening
Right it’s burning lol. This happens every year over here yet you can’t have protests or any sort of rise against oppression in most countries without serious retaliation from the government.
@@Loopylouie23 Actually you can, you just don't hear about it in the land of the 'free'. The idea that protests happen every year because of this, and that's okay is a perfect illustration of the problem. And in a large number of countries the Police don't even kill you, even if you're not pale and pasty faced.
That second cop came up up ready to be physically aggressive before even knowing what was going on...just on the radio calls of the first guy. Such bravery in uniform...NOT! Where did they get their training? KGB headquarters?
If eating is so illegal then there are an awful lot of people (about 250 million of them) breaking the law every day...including this police officer. OMG don't these cops realise just how they look to everyone? Walks past white people eating and drinking on the platform to harass a black man daring to eat a sandwich. It's racist, and there is no way it could be interpreted as anything else.
The problem is, in all of these situations, the cop quickly realizes he made a mistake, but can't stop the intervention like that in order not to look ridiculous.
Exactly! It’s like their pride won’t let them back down. They are just so determined to carry through because they want people to follow their every order. 🙄
Funny thing is, the guy asked why he is arrested for eating a sandwich. - No, I'm arresting you for resisting arrest. Hmmm... Ok, what was the initial arrest for? They never state that. It's always only Resisting arrest. I feel like there should be a sub-clause. Resisting arrest for...
@@Oneofakind123 Cause they had to make up a new charge because that's what all cops do. They make up charges cause they need something to do when they harass people.
*sigh* No, he was arrested because they wanted to give him a TICKET for breaking the law, and he refused to provide any identification. How should it work? "Sir you're getting a ticket." "Naw uh, I won't tell you my name so you can't give me a ticket!" "Oh well gosh you got me there!"
The ones in my neighborhood know where all the meth labs in my town are. Anyone can watch tweakers drive up and down the roads high in their hooptys and they do nothing about it. I asked one why that was and he said without probably cause they can't just go in someone's house. That same year my 17 year old friends house got raided at 3:14 a.m. and they tore the place apart. Busted every door in and outside. Took him to jail in his underwear and gave him 4 felony charges totaling just shy of 100,000 dollar bond. It broke their family. They weren't rich(no one in my town who doesnt work in the court house is). All this because of "suspicious activity". They found less than a half ounce of weed in his house and a scale...
It's crazy how more cops show up and instead of telling the first officer to grow up and knock off the BS they just join in. No accountability just backing each other up no matter what. Disgusting.
Even if it’s illegal, that doesn’t mean an automatic arrest, it just means a fine… why would they hand cuff this man for something he would’ve gotten fined for? These people have such a power complex
@S I’m curious for the vid from the cops side. You’re right that the video is cut off, I’m curious if they did indeed ask for ID to fine him or if it escalated too quick
@S "you're eating" "that's against the law" he was arrested/questioned/ detained for eating?? You know that you are not compelled to answer anything (ANYTHING) asked by an officer for any reason you have, right? And that they can't detain you either for refusing to answer. Why should the man comply with anything when he hasn't committed any violations you believe eating was a violation? Then the officer proceeded to tell the man he was going to jail, for resisting when he was detained for eating, that's plain power tripping.
They're not even real police. They're train police I assume all they do is sit around waiting for nothing because nobody commits real crime on trains and if they do the real police are called
I’ve noticed in a lot of these incidents the police are saying, “Stop resisting”, to people who are literally standing or sitting still, as if it is something they are conditioned to say in every situation. The implication is that they want to be on record, claiming that they had a reason to use some level of physical force. That’s disturbing.
@S there's was never even sign on the platform saying "no eating is allowed in this platform" or something. The dudes girlfriend even asked the officer where's the sign located but the officer did not answer cause he can't cause there's no sign that's saying such thing, hundreds to thousands of people eat in train stations/platforms, unless there's a sign(which btw there wasn't any), it's not an illegal thing to do
@@Dudelsackpfeifer Exactly. The cop was using scare tactics to try and get the man to comply. No one wants to be arrested, so telling someone they are being arrested puts fear in them, making them more likely to obey. That being said, it's a disgusting tactic, trying to scare a person into submission with lies, the cop was trying to flex his "I'm a cop you have to listen to me" nonsense. I'm not defending anyone, I think literally everyone in this situation are disgusting in their own special ways.
You have to admit that the cops in the Bay Area are very innovative. People want them to stop people from pooping on the sidewalks, so they outlaw and go after the root cause... people eating food.
Exactly it's a citation at best. Cop walks up to you, says "sir you're not supposed to eat on the platform, it's a $20 (or whatever the cost) fine, I'm going to write you a ticket, and you can either pay the fine or show up to challenge it. Have a nice day"
I seriously do not know how I am ever going to get any sleep tonight knowing that dangerous criminals are out there eating sandwiches, waiting for their trains to arrive
I was riding BART for 20+ plus yrs & these mall cops are only around at the nicer area stations like Walnut Creek or pleasant hill. There are crazy a** people peeing cussing acting violently these mall cops are never around. But a dude eating a sandwich seriously? What a joke
Don't forgot the their all time favorite, "disorderly conduct" for simply asking what you are being arrested for while you attempt to comprehend what started it all in the first place.
How about all the other cops showing up to arrest him as well, they are no better. So why did he not give the guy an opportunity to walk away with his sandwich?
@Teemu M. Train stations are more or less public space, whether you like it or not. At least in a free country. Which the US is not. I have YET to see any person getting fined while eating a sandwich at a European train, bus, subway station.
Just cause they have a badge doesn’t mean they can treat people any way they like. Law enforcement officials should have an obligation to be more ethically upstanding than the average person, not less.
I agree. And would also like to add that when a person any person has power whether it's a badge or by wealth they know it & therefore take advantage. Just saying
@TheOtherWhiteBread0 when have you ever been arrested for littering or Jay walking or speeding, at worst he should have got a fine the police ridiculousy escalated
Police Man: “You’re eating” Man: “So what?” Police Man: “It’s against the law.” News report alert! Hundreds of thousands of people dying daily because of the new law: NO EATING
"there was a school shooting" american police: we tried our best "there was a black man eating a sandwich" american police: we used up 1/4 of the police force to detain this black man
@@MrDudesMom you should come to australia, we always treat the black as our mate. Because we don't care what colours skin they are. As long we're good! Best community of black and white has join together.
@@bloodninja2237 If you click on your profile it says In one of your recent comments, “Imagine judging people by stereotypes”, you’re the biggest hypocrite stop acting mature💀
@@deepgill8610 why would someone harass another for the color of their skin. Ive seen plenty of cops mistreat all color types even white just because they were having a bad day. I dont think the answer is always race
Nitrous Oxide It might not be, but why did he single out the black guy? As shown in the video, they were white people eating on top of that platform too. The cop was being racist AND they changed the reason for arrest later on in the video. I see your point, not all cops are racist, but in this video the cops were showing racism.
The white cop tactic: tell a black guy he's under arrest for something that clearly isn't a crime, he resists arrest because legally he doesn't have to comply since he never committed a crime, black guy asks why he's under arrest, cop says "under arrest for resisting arrest"
@@viklaauma9151 Legally he does not, that's why he said he's under arrest for 'resisting arrest'. You're probably thinking of 'failure to comply' but this does not fall under that situation.
Guys what vikla auma said is true. Fair or not, you can’t resist arrest. You get arrested, you go to court and then the police officer gets in trouble. It’s not fair but it’s how it works
@@eomer7284 It actually isn't a 2012 Georgia case illustrates the traditional rule that it’s sometimes okay to resist arrest with force. An officer had been investigating the firing of shots in or around an apartment building. Outside, he saw a young man wearing a hoodie heading for the building. The officer approached and expressed his desire to speak with the youth, who in turn muttered and kept right on his way. The officer quickened his approach; the youngster began to run toward the building. The young man ran up the stairs and eventually tripped. The officer pounced on and “arm-barred” him in order to apply handcuffs. The arrestee struggled to escape, “kicking his legs about and throwing his elbows back and forth.” Georgia’s Court of Appeals focused on that fact that the struggle between officer and suspect occurred after the attempted arrest. To the court, the arrest for supposed obstruction had no basis. Because that arrest was unlawful, the young man “was justified in resisting the attempted arrest with all force that was reasonably necessary to do so.” (Ewumi v. State, 315 Ga. App. 656 (2012).)
Actually they would put them in jail instead of prison. It would go more like this. Inmate 1: I'm here for fighting my coworker. Inmate 2: I'm here because they saw pass crack to some dude. Foster: Ate a sandwitch
That's what confused me, resisting arrest is a secondary charge to the Intial charge ge was being arrested for.... so what was this reason he came up to him in the first place? The cop just willfully ignores this fact knowing that there wasnt an issue to begin with. Even if he was "disruptive" as the later cop said, you can talk to a person without handcuffs and de-escalate a situation.
Unless you're black, then even if you have all the proper paperwork, they'll kill you in front of your family for just informing them (as you're required to) that you have a registered firearm with you. You don't even have to be holding it.
America is the whole continent...only in the US a man can get arrested by a scumbag police for eating a sandwich. I just hope something horrible happened to that police.
@Ron Glass sometimes you must evaluate your own laws first to see if you and your governors can agree it would safeguard the order of a country. But get this, there was nothing violated here, and if there was, it would be plain hypocrisy for leaving other "offenders" alone while escalating something made up from the start.
SIR ON THE GROUND NOW EATING IS AGAINST THE LAW ANYTHING YOU SAY WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU IN COURT. there are literally 4 people drinking coffee and eating a hash brown next to you THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE YOU
Imagine you’re just walking around hungry and decide to snack and then some officer comes up to you like “Sir put the food down that’s illegal” most people would be confused ad
While I don’t agree it is illegal to eat there because of littering and cops are trained to enforce the law and he could have listed and probably would’ve gotten a ticket or warning and if he believes that the officers were wrong and you could fight the ticket and the judge would have cleared you but you thought it would be better to continue to eat and tug away for the officers
state trooper k9 I think the fact is that the cop passed by other people doing the same thing but paid no attention to them. It makes it seem like he is targeting him, and makes it seem like he has something against him based on his skin tone.
this us police should go to hong kong to catch terrorists who are supported by the american government instead of catching people eating on the side of the road
@@mike.studios7969 How? That doesn't make alot of sense. They were on his neck blocking his air to the point he said "I cant breathe" and he died seconds before dying from oxygen lost to fentaynl?
@@mike.studios7969 no he didn't If you read the pdf they found a lethal amount of fenatyl but they conclude that the cause of death was compression to the neck and the lack of oxygen.
because its actually not allowed to eat or drink anything where he is. that's why there are signs saying as such and they are allowed to kick him out although I'm not so sure about arresting for the same reason a bus is allowed to kick you out for the same reason. no food or drinks.
Average Person: "Is there a problem officer?" Police: "Stop Resisting" Average Person: "Resisting what? What are you talking about?" Police: "I need backup, subject is resisting arrest. I feel threatened. STOP RESISTING!!"
Maybe you should voice that to those "law enforcement officers" and stand up against this kind of racism and corruption. If more of the officers and former officers "who are different and not like that" stood up and banded together this wouldnt happen as much. Without action words fall on deaf ears.
Like racism and sexism and every form of oppression, it's a system. People can be like "No not me I'm a good guy!" and still see this without batting an eye.
@@crystallakeking- good cops can't stand up that's why there is none only few with heads down that got respect from gs and any ordinary citizen in their risks
This is why the world is laughing at the USA
Yep. Pretty much.
We are lucky we don't live in USA
Yup. Well, that and your president.
@@briandesormeau2643 sadly... alcohol calms me down anytime I see his face
So embarrassing, but needs to be watched and shared bcz things are just ridiculous!
This is one of the stupidest wastes of OUR tax dollars I have ever seen.
bro im weak, im not even american
True man
I think the American cops are trained to escalate the situation. 😕
Definitely. Just listen to the language. The police wasn't doing anything, just standing there next to this man also standing there and they call it "resisting". Like "resisting" doesn't need the actual physical action of resisting.
Police are uneducated on purpose
Random Guy Don’t blame the the officers blame the far left state California for making that law.
Only when they feel like it. Obviously they were looking for an arrest. Someone on a power trip will most likely not back down though as you always see with some of these pig cops making the actual heroes in blue look bad
They always say "resisting arrest." Don't you have to be ARRESTED first in order to RESIST the arrest? This is the one that always gets me.
I don’t think anyone has ever thought of Cops as being very smart
A lawyer can throw that charge away quickly. They just do that to have an excuse to arrest you. It’s tactic they use, they tell you you’re arrested for something stupid and then arrest you for resisting arrest because you got mad about it.
What is the arrest for in the first place?
Lame policing
You not only need a sign, but you need an ordinance to back up the sign. Police can not make, pass, and enforce ordinance on the fly.
@NondoPondo But they do it anyway... All of the time unfortunately. Some feel like they need to comply just to avoid less trouble that this jerk who's abusing his power wants to bring into their life.
Suspect continues to eat his sandwich 🥪 we need backup immediate!
The cop feels threatened when he continue eating that sandwich.
The sandwich is a bomb
i think the cop is vegan
@@MiMiwiwi10 maybe he wanted that sandwich so badly he had to arrest him
@@KatÜLuv "Man refuses to give me his sandwich, send swat team 2."
"what you in for"
"Killed a guy"
batshark 007 lol did he say it was a BLT?? Im deceased XD
That made me chuckle!
batshark 007 💯😩💯
The officer was clearly trying to escalate a non-situation. He wanted the guy to overreact to this absurdity so they could have a reason for an arrest.
for eating a sandwich? that's stupid!
DownrightSuperb Don’t blame the the officers blame the far left state California for making that law.
No he wasn’t. At first he just told the guy that there is no eating on BART, then the dude eating escalated the situation.
Wrong again
The police kept trying to manufacture a fake narrative of arrest being resisted. Each time they were fact-checked by the man and his friend who made the video, over and over, like a skipping record. It's like Trump's firehose of repeating lies strategy where he hope fact checking fatigue will make his opponents give up on defending the obvious truth. It is demeaning having to defend the obvious only to be contradicted over and over again by the same lie.
I’m impressed with the “hero” cops bravely arresting guy armed with a sandwich, I’m not sure if the sandwich was loaded, but with 4 “hero” cops surrounding the guy he had absolutely no chance to deploy said sandwich.
"What you in for?"
"Stabbed a guy"
"What about you?"
"Ate a sandwich"
Harold and kumar like hahah
Resisting arrest, but who's counting anyways
Brett Hogan he wasn’t resisting arrest he was pointing out “hey? Everybody else can eat up here. Why can’t I?” He was trying to tell the truth to the officer, but he wasn’t listening
Then the cops wonder why people don't respect, trust and back the police.
He wasn't even resisting getting arrested for eating a fcking sandwich Wow
@@wisdomdibia1811 STOP RESISTING
Not all cops are like this
Joe not all cops are like this just the one who are power hungry
zonex productions nope u just focus on the bad I focus on good and bad yes some are cops are bad but there is more good cops than bad cops
"You're eating"
"So what?"
"It's against the law"
Well ladies and gentlemen, I guess now we'll starve
Does the guy, like, HEAR himself?
@@dominoot2652 maybe he suffers from hearing loss because of the iron deficiency he probably has from years of not eating.
Guess I’ll die 🤷🏻♀️
@@Anonymous-rw8rx I mean I guess you can’t hear if you’re dead
Stalin: *proud father figure intensifies*
Reform law enforcement, too much arrogance, egos, and self-righteous attitudes. There is not enough training on human relations skills.
“I’ve got my lunch here, obviously very threatening”. What a guy😂😂
Lol ikr 😂
Get the Marines
Get the special forces
Get the air forces
lol xD
Ikr omg
Can we take a moment to appreciate that..this mans was still eating his sandwich. What a legend..
He was literally eating and talking, a king.
And his awesome girlfriend who calmly challenged for his rights
Sandwich must be very good .
Cevy I only saw one man, was there two men? You said "man's"
This is why the USA is literally burning at the moment.
Facts ....
His wife didn't make him a sandwich 😂so he can't get a sandwich no one can it's against the law 😂
EMPMagde 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Right it’s burning lol. This happens every year over here yet you can’t have protests or any sort of rise against oppression in most countries without serious retaliation from the government.
@@Loopylouie23 Actually you can, you just don't hear about it in the land of the 'free'.
The idea that protests happen every year because of this, and that's okay is a perfect illustration of the problem.
And in a large number of countries the Police don't even kill you, even if you're not pale and pasty faced.
That second cop came up up ready to be physically aggressive before even knowing what was going on...just on the radio calls of the first guy. Such bravery in uniform...NOT! Where did they get their training? KGB headquarters?
Well if so, the sandwich would have been poisoned
I'm surprised the officers didn't handcuff the sandwich too. It looked bitten edges and a real smug bun.
No fr this is an issue we all should address seriously.
@@maree9730 chill lol
Bruh the cop is testing his power and the ability of his intelligence. Which is the IQ of a dead animal
“I’m eating”
“That’s illegal.”
Roiice i wass laughing when he said eating is illegal
Okay then if eating is illegal then we should die
RiqZ I was too 😂
If eating is so illegal then there are an awful lot of people (about 250 million of them) breaking the law every day...including this police officer. OMG don't these cops realise just how they look to everyone? Walks past white people eating and drinking on the platform to harass a black man daring to eat a sandwich. It's racist, and there is no way it could be interpreted as anything else.
This is where a democratic government leads you. Into the abyss of foolishness over feelings.
They're too scared to chase real criminals.
That's just sad and true
Look at them they're old and fat how they gonna chase down criminals.
Real criminals might harm them, this ordinary guy is an easy target
yes..but that could be career ending because they would have to be upright and go after some of their direct employers
those cops were beyond unreasonable and should be fired and fined
911 call for a home invasion: Cops arrive 30 minutes later
Some guy eating a sandwich at a train station: CALLING ALL UNITS
Accurate af
Payday 2 in a nutshell
He called the army, the marines, the CIA and the FBI
I repeat calling all units, shots fired.
Because they stopped for a sandwich on way over
If eating is against the law, that cop should be getting a life sentence 😆
Fax machine
Death penalty
The Cardiac arrest is going to do that for us
No all cops for eating donuts
Your comment made my day. Lol
"Resisting arrest" when there's no initial need for arrest. Stupidity at its finest.
That's america for ya!
Well, if he had been black, he'd probably be dead now
Batlafication, he is black
Stupidity at it's finest in the comments 😂
Your average cop has an IQ of 105. being smart is not their thing.
Under arrest for "resisting arrest"? Logic dictates that he would have to be under arrest for something in the first place.
Logic? 😂
Stop with the common sense - there’ll be a warrant out for you in no time …
The problem is, in all of these situations, the cop quickly realizes he made a mistake, but can't stop the intervention like that in order not to look ridiculous.
I agree 💯 percent and they can never be "WRONG"🤔
Exactly! It’s like their pride won’t let them back down. They are just so determined to carry through because they want people to follow their every order. 🙄
@@tubbyprinceses2024 👍Facts!
So true.👍👍
@Deebo how do you know that?
That's America for you: "Arrested for resisting arrest".
Arrested for resisting unfair arrest
Funny thing is, the guy asked why he is arrested for eating a sandwich.
- No, I'm arresting you for resisting arrest.
Hmmm... Ok, what was the initial arrest for? They never state that. It's always only Resisting arrest. I feel like there should be a sub-clause. Resisting arrest for...
@@Oneofakind123 Cause they had to make up a new charge because that's what all cops do. They make up charges cause they need something to do when they harass people.
*sigh* No, he was arrested because they wanted to give him a TICKET for breaking the law, and he refused to provide any identification. How should it work? "Sir you're getting a ticket." "Naw uh, I won't tell you my name so you can't give me a ticket!" "Oh well gosh you got me there!"
America in the future be like:
"You're breathing"
"So what?"
If things go the right way, America in the future will be a scorched radioactive wasteland, and the rest of the world will finally thrive.
@- Eth this glorious day is coming. The skies will be ripped open and fire and blood will rain down on America. Just wait and see.
And you will still see bootlickers saying "oFfIcEr'S jUsT dOiNg hIs JaWb"
@IntenseDJ That's what it was like with Trump as the President.
That why they are trying to get Ms Meng. Same trumped up charges.
I love the community coming together to protest in his support. Arrested for a freaking sandwich is insane
“You’re eating” Every one of these cops should be fired
Yes Yes Yes Yes
I agree.
@@mevsme9649 you ruined our yes train bro
The backup didn’t even find out why the first cop was there. He just said turn around. Pathetic toilet dolphin.
@Merlin lmao
@Merlin I must disagree, "toilet dolphin" is the perfect way to describe this.
@@bluetrapp9502 atleast toilet dolphins are smarter than these cops
@@aguy481 Lmao truu
This is their work ta know?
Don't cops have anything else better to do? He's literally just eating.
Cops are out of jobs, so they arresting people
The ones in my neighborhood know where all the meth labs in my town are. Anyone can watch tweakers drive up and down the roads high in their hooptys and they do nothing about it. I asked one why that was and he said without probably cause they can't just go in someone's house. That same year my 17 year old friends house got raided at 3:14 a.m. and they tore the place apart. Busted every door in and outside. Took him to jail in his underwear and gave him 4 felony charges totaling just shy of 100,000 dollar bond. It broke their family. They weren't rich(no one in my town who doesnt work in the court house is). All this because of "suspicious activity". They found less than a half ounce of weed in his house and a scale...
Sandwich is an organic blunt object.
Eating While Black
Against the rules on the station to eat, there are numerous signs saying it. I do think it should’ve been a ticket tho…
It's crazy how more cops show up and instead of telling the first officer to grow up and knock off the BS they just join in. No accountability just backing each other up no matter what. Disgusting.
Even if it’s illegal, that doesn’t mean an automatic arrest, it just means a fine… why would they hand cuff this man for something he would’ve gotten fined for? These people have such a power complex
You're trying to make sense a senseless arrest?
Yea good luck with that
@S the cop didn’t try to give him a fine to comply with, the moment the guy argued the cop went to arrest him
Because of the color of his skin.
@S I’m curious for the vid from the cops side. You’re right that the video is cut off, I’m curious if they did indeed ask for ID to fine him or if it escalated too quick
@S "you're eating" "that's against the law" he was arrested/questioned/ detained for eating?? You know that you are not compelled to answer anything (ANYTHING) asked by an officer for any reason you have, right? And that they can't detain you either for refusing to answer. Why should the man comply with anything when he hasn't committed any violations you believe eating was a violation? Then the officer proceeded to tell the man he was going to jail, for resisting when he was detained for eating, that's plain power tripping.
This is the biggest waste of police time I’ve ever seen
They're not even real police. They're train police I assume all they do is sit around waiting for nothing because nobody commits real crime on trains and if they do the real police are called
Police are a waste! We're better without them
@@sethp45001 say that until you need them
@@catrielmarignaclionti4518 That is true dude, we do need them but police are getting a bad name.
I’ve noticed in a lot of these incidents the police are saying, “Stop resisting”, to people who are literally standing or sitting still, as if it is something they are conditioned to say in every situation. The implication is that they want to be on record, claiming that they had a reason to use some level of physical force. That’s disturbing.
It ain't disturbing.
It's America
@UCl7tYj9eWnfWgUQEA0HkBSQ questioning tyranny isnt being a dumbass. You would love to live under stalin if you think that.
Stop resisting as your wrists get twisted and handcuffs put on unnecessarily and painfully tight.
@S there's was never even sign on the platform saying "no eating is allowed in this platform" or something. The dudes girlfriend even asked the officer where's the sign located but the officer did not answer cause he can't cause there's no sign that's saying such thing, hundreds to thousands of people eat in train stations/platforms, unless there's a sign(which btw there wasn't any), it's not an illegal thing to do
Every cop involved needs jail time, period! False arrests like this are unacceptable. All must be held accountable!
Police: *sees a starving man*
Also the police: *This man is a good citizen*
He has to be a starving black man. Wrong
Police: sees a man eating a sandwich
Also police: this man is a criminal
how do you arrest someone from resisting arrest when they weren’t even getting arrested.
He was never arrested, he was detained, there is a difference.
@@TemplarKnight7770 then how can he be resisting arrest if he's not being arrested?
@@Dudelsackpfeifer Exactly. The cop was using scare tactics to try and get the man to comply. No one wants to be arrested, so telling someone they are being arrested puts fear in them, making them more likely to obey.
That being said, it's a disgusting tactic, trying to scare a person into submission with lies, the cop was trying to flex his "I'm a cop you have to listen to me" nonsense.
I'm not defending anyone, I think literally everyone in this situation are disgusting in their own special ways.
Send In The Clowns youu cringe asf
Jailmate: "What you in for?"
Ate a sandwich
Jailmate: *backs off*
Other inmate: *please warden transfer me into another prison bloc! Anything but him!!*
@@God-gi9iu wow it's the real god 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
The number of likes shows 911
@@fernandjumamoy4831 it's 910 now
So bizarre
Guy minding his own business not allowed to go about his day
Kudos to the cops for protecting the public from this hardened criminal
Typical cops with their usual child attitude of "I'm in control, even if I'm wrong."
Sounds alot like modern parents to me
@@stronensycharte64 it really does
@@AsherTrasher2023 yeah it's annoying I'm 16 and my parents expect me not to have an opinion.
This is why cops are referred to as “pigs”
SuperSoldier26 skin
cecil santana yeah that too
and racist
SuperSoldier26 yes in the uk 😂😂 and many other places 😂🤣
"You're eating"
"It's against the law"
This gets an award for the stupidest lines in history.
Give him a medal.
@@matt6157 well ur fun at parties huh
@@matt6157 u really like ur own comments lmao
@@matt6157 ok?
you can anywhere only when theirs signs that you cant eat or drink
I’d feel a million times safer with this guy eating a sandwich than a homeless person getting a free ride, smelling bad, and acting crazy on the BART.
Officer: "You're eating."
Guy: "So what?"
Officer: "It's against the law."
America doesn't get any better than this.
I paused the video at "so what" and I was like wtf is the cop gonna say eating is illegal? BOOM he said it.
America is a joke of a country
I am from Philippines and I can't believe that Police in America are just like trump. Omg they're too feeble minded. Such cutie adults
This can only happen in USA!!!
@WilMar even if UN is something to some countries, it definitely doesn't mean anything to the US
Why is America called the land of the free when you guys can't even eat a sandwich in public.
I think the saying is pure sarcasm now
I'm pretty sure those are actor cops sooooo
The fact that they feel the need to call themself that is a bit of a red flag for me
I’m screaming 🤣🤣🤣
Eh... It's California, which is a bit of an aberration.
Prisoner: What are you in for?
This guy: Eating a sandwich
Prisoner: DUDE WTF
more like racist attack
You have to admit that the cops in the Bay Area are very innovative. People want them to stop people from pooping on the sidewalks, so they outlaw and go after the root cause... people eating food.
Even if there were a sign saying, "no eating on the platform" it still isn't illegal.
Yeah and in that case then the police should just tell the guy to eat the sandwich somewhere else or later. Not detain him
Exactly it's a citation at best. Cop walks up to you, says "sir you're not supposed to eat on the platform, it's a $20 (or whatever the cost) fine, I'm going to write you a ticket, and you can either pay the fine or show up to challenge it. Have a nice day"
@@tinamoul Then they tell him he now fits the description of another black guy🤦♂️
@@uok6216 nah the cops just racist
It’s written in state law.
Another guy in jail: why you here?
This guy: Eating a sandwich in public
And the other guy. I'm here in jail because I drunk coffee
U mean, I m here because of my skin tone? :D
I'm here because I exist
If a white drinking a Starbucks coffee will be fine , just because of his race , that’s it . It’s unfair for him.
Hamzah Rassul ahhaha This is ridiculous 😂
I seriously do not know how I am ever going to get any sleep tonight knowing that dangerous criminals are out there eating sandwiches, waiting for their trains to arrive
It's not only that but a cup of coffee is actually a very serious weapon. 🔥🌊💀
The wrapper could be used as a dangerous weapon and suffocate me. I feel threatened
Imagine the damage that could be done if he attacked someone with that piece of bread.. Thank you 'officer'
The real criminals are running around with guns.
I have celiac so I could get like really, really bad diarrhea if he got too close to me with that bread! Arrest him! (I do not have celiac)
I was riding BART for 20+ plus yrs & these mall cops are only around at the nicer area stations like Walnut Creek or pleasant hill. There are crazy a** people peeing cussing acting violently these mall cops are never around. But a dude eating a sandwich seriously? What a joke
Have no reason to arrest someone? Just say they're resisting arrest
It's literally a no-win situation.
Don't forgot the their all time favorite, "disorderly conduct" for simply asking what you are being arrested for while you attempt to comprehend what started it all in the first place.
“You’re going to jail”
“For what”
“For resisting arrest”
So what were you arrested him for?
Eating. Didn’t you know that’s against the law?
Didn’t you watch the video? It’s against the law to eat. You’re welcome I’m saving you from getting arrested :)
bruh its illegal to eat, you are requires by law to have food smoothies like WALL-E
@@rebel2809 Don’t forget your septuacentennial cupcake in a cup!
In jail:
Room mate: I killed someone. Why are u here?
Him: I ate a sandwich
Jail mate: Warden, I want my own cell. This guy's crazy!!!😂🤣😂
Room mate: you monster.
How about all the other cops showing up to arrest him as well, they are no better. So why did he not give the guy an opportunity to walk away with his sandwich?
Guy: ''We need cops right now there is a shooting here''
Police: ''No troops available, everyone is at the plaza, someone eating a sandwich!''
That is the sad reality of the situation though and thank you for bringing this up, because it's true.
eating a sandwich? send the whole army!!!
@David Castillo Lmao
I live in this city and I can tell you the police have nothing to do. They show up in huge numbers over the smallest incidents
@@childmcchild Yeah thats kinda dumb
So he gets arrested for eating a sandwich and people don't understand why there are protesting is happening right now
@Teemu M. say something now
@Teemu M. Literally everyone was eating but he was singled out
@Teemu M. Train stations are more or less public space, whether you like it or not. At least in a free country. Which the US is not.
I have YET to see any person getting fined while eating a sandwich at a European train, bus, subway station.
@Teemu M. ok so u actually think the police guy did correct work yes?
Just cause they have a badge doesn’t mean they can treat people any way they like. Law enforcement officials should have an obligation to be more ethically upstanding than the average person, not less.
I agree. And would also like to add that when a person any person has power whether it's a badge or by wealth they know it & therefore take advantage. Just saying
Who does this copy think he is? DJ Trump?
waffles818 wow thanks buddy. You’re so enlightened.
@TheOtherWhiteBread0 when have you ever been arrested for littering or Jay walking or speeding, at worst he should have got a fine the police ridiculousy escalated
We are in a police state in this country. Its crazy!
There literally people dying and they arresting someone over eating a sandwich smh
5 cops going to arrest one man who eat a sandwich 😐
Harumi Amaterasu 5 cops detain a man for resisting arrest after he fails to comply with California law*
@@lilnword6770 Since when is it a law in California that you can't eat food?
@@lilnword6770 You know this was unnecessary, your just a bootlicker.
@@kwakugyebi6705 he is probably a policeman lol
Help need Blackup !
And the other cop was like what happened? PUT YA HANDS BEHIND YA BACK NOW WTF u ask me a question dont let me answer then arrest me for nothing foh
@@blackneotheone2978 saw 2 relatively recent cases of cops shoting people after no more than 1 second of asking them something
This sounds like onion
Police Man: “You’re eating”
Man: “So what?”
Police Man: “It’s against the law.”
News report alert! Hundreds of thousands of people dying daily because of the new law: NO EATING
Subscribe just for fun 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Breaking a bylaw should result in a fine, not arrest.
Because, it is against the Law of California. The police was right.
Subscribe just for fun Ya know what If that how it is I should be in Jail
Don't gaslight me by telling me to "stop resisting" *when i'm not resisting.*
"there was a school shooting"
american police: we tried our best
"there was a black man eating a sandwich"
american police: we used up 1/4 of the police force to detain this black man
@PiK mixed race maybe?
He's white though, Isn't he?? :/....
Doesn't matter what color he is he was just eating a sandwich cops have bigger crimes out there then worrying about a man eating a sandwich
Arrest the guy eating sandwich much safer than school shooter
@PiK he's black
“Why you single me out of all these ppl?”
“You’re eating”
“??? So what???”
“It’s illegal”
That’s it. That’s the end. I feel sad for America.
The US is a tragic joke.
Trust me, we hate it here.
Lmfao this happens everywhere including USA
I live in the USA, and I hate this place.
@@MrDudesMom you should come to australia, we always treat the black as our mate. Because we don't care what colours skin they are. As long we're good! Best community of black and white has join together.
“You’re eating”
“So what?!”
“its illegal…”
Blushing Turaco crime rate rises to 100% (except in africa)
Daan van der Velden 🤣
I live in Mexico and here there is freedom, there are no ridiculous laws and racism.
Here in South Africa also!
"Your eating, that's against the law"
So judging by his mass and size I would say the officer broke that "law" so many times.
i really tried not to laugh... 😂😂
👮🏻♂️+ 🍩 = 🐖
Average American making fun of peoples weight because they have nothing else to say.
@@bloodninja2237 Ok, Mr. Wise Guy, what else do you want us to say? Since you're clearly the best at insults?
@@bloodninja2237 If you click on your profile it says In one of your recent comments, “Imagine judging people by stereotypes”, you’re the biggest hypocrite stop acting mature💀
"you're eating"
cmon...they're not even trying it's like lazy racism at this point lol
Get real he barely even looks black. I thought he was white the whole video. Cant blame racism this time. Maybe the cop knows him, who knows
Nitrous Oxide He is not white. He’s brown. This def looks like racism and racial
@@deepgill8610 why would someone harass another for the color of their skin. Ive seen plenty of cops mistreat all color types even white just because they were having a bad day. I dont think the answer is always race
Nitrous Oxide It might not be, but why did he single out the black guy? As shown in the video, they were white people eating on top of that platform too. The cop was being racist AND they changed the reason for arrest later on in the video. I see your point, not all cops are racist, but in this video the cops were showing racism.
GemBros Inc. I agree with you.
Prisoner: why are u here
Prisoner 2: I killed my ex
Him: I ate a sandwich
Remember the one Family Guy episode, when Stewie and Brian was in prison and asked the other prisoner.
@@gabgamerk.5270 Oh yeah he said caitlyn jenner was not brave 😂 😂
Prison 2: **nervous laughter** **scoots away** yells for help bc he's so f*cking scared
The stupidity of law enforcement is stunning.
The white cop tactic: tell a black guy he's under arrest for something that clearly isn't a crime, he resists arrest because legally he doesn't have to comply since he never committed a crime, black guy asks why he's under arrest, cop says "under arrest for resisting arrest"
Actually legally he has to comply, than have his day in court
vikla auma comply with? He’s grabbing him. How would you feel if a cop harassed you for eating. You gonna let him manhandle you?
@@viklaauma9151 Legally he does not, that's why he said he's under arrest for 'resisting arrest'. You're probably thinking of 'failure to comply' but this does not fall under that situation.
Guys what vikla auma said is true. Fair or not, you can’t resist arrest. You get arrested, you go to court and then the police officer gets in trouble. It’s not fair but it’s how it works
It actually isn't a 2012 Georgia case illustrates the traditional rule that it’s sometimes okay to resist arrest with force. An officer had been investigating the firing of shots in or around an apartment building. Outside, he saw a young man wearing a hoodie heading for the building. The officer approached and expressed his desire to speak with the youth, who in turn muttered and kept right on his way. The officer quickened his approach; the youngster began to run toward the building. The young man ran up the stairs and eventually tripped. The officer pounced on and “arm-barred” him in order to apply handcuffs. The arrestee struggled to escape, “kicking his legs about and throwing his elbows back and forth.”
Georgia’s Court of Appeals focused on that fact that the struggle between officer and suspect occurred after the attempted arrest. To the court, the arrest for supposed obstruction had no basis. Because that arrest was unlawful, the young man “was justified in resisting the attempted arrest with all force that was reasonably necessary to do so.” (Ewumi v. State, 315 Ga. App. 656 (2012).)
*inside the cell*
Prisoner 1: “I murdered a family”
Prisoner 2: “I shot my wife”
Prisoner 3: “I ate a sandwich..”
Actually they would put them in jail instead of prison. It would go more like this.
Inmate 1: I'm here for fighting my coworker.
Inmate 2: I'm here because they saw pass crack to some dude.
Foster: Ate a sandwitch
@@Ezmoney1300 thanks... I guess
@@Ezmoney1300 u rly are unfunny wow
Incredible...a whisper
You'll end up going to jail" "I'm not going to jail for eating a sandwich" "no your going for resisting arrest" . . . Uh, what?
That's what confused me, resisting arrest is a secondary charge to the Intial charge ge was being arrested for.... so what was this reason he came up to him in the first place?
The cop just willfully ignores this fact knowing that there wasnt an issue to begin with.
Even if he was "disruptive" as the later cop said, you can talk to a person without handcuffs and de-escalate a situation.
@@LaCrownedGamer there was no winning in this situation. Power trip to the max
@@MF-bl6ed Sums it up perfectly. Horrible police work!
He was arrested for resisting arrest
Because he resisted arrest
For resisting arrest
Made in israel cops. They were trained by the idf to treat americans the same way the idf treats palestinians.
“What are you in for?”
“Eating a sandwich.”
Rebel meets Rebel
Yeah but it was an assault sandwich
On free sandwich day😄
in America you can walk around with a gun and wont be arrested just don't try to eat a sandwich in public.
Unless you're black, then even if you have all the proper paperwork, they'll kill you in front of your family for just informing them (as you're required to) that you have a registered firearm with you. You don't even have to be holding it.
@@Michael-ko1ve That is just weird!
@@mrsquietmusic6413 Weird but true. Just ask the family of Philando Castile
This is America
Cop: "You're being arrested."
Guy: "Why am I being arrested?"
Cop: "Because you're resisting arrest."
That’s good
@@ryanjung4416 but um.... he wasn't resisting tho
lol. How stupid the policeman is!
No one stops you while you are eating your donuts.
With ALL the Crimes going on this is what the cops are wasting their time with.
*_Oh, so this is what the police do instead of preventing mass shootings._*
Yup cops just don't wanna do real work
All of you are ignorant lmao
@@FLKEunit go to sleep kid...
That sandwhich looked pretty dangerous to me.
Great point
This is littraly the most obvious case of rasism ever.
The cop even said he's being arrested for eating
The next one would be arrested for breathing.
the dude is white tho
only in america..
@@donaldtrumpjr1036 looks black to me
@@donaldtrumpjr1036 u can literally tell he's black *especially* by his voice
Guy: *pulls out sandwich*
Now that’s a avengers level threat.
Bot 123 American Police : Now thats a north korea threat.
Cop: see those people
Him: they have guns!
Cop: it's legal cause murica and you have a illegal sandwich
Person:Pulls out ak47
Cop do I see a sandwich in your bag sir
Dam shame eating sandwich while being black
I can not believe that this person was arrested for eating a sandwich, only in america
We have full context
America is the whole continent...only in the US a man can get arrested by a scumbag police for eating a sandwich. I just hope something horrible happened to that police.
@Ron Glass And it was illegal to eat a sandwich there because...?
And of da free
@Ron Glass sometimes you must evaluate your own laws first to see if you and your governors can agree it would safeguard the order of a country. But get this, there was nothing violated here, and if there was, it would be plain hypocrisy for leaving other "offenders" alone while escalating something made up from the start.
"You're eating"
"Bro, so what?"
"It's against the law"
Im losing hope to humanity
TBH the fact it’s against the law to eat is pretty stupid like wtf
there are literally 4 people drinking coffee and eating a hash brown next to you
Imagine you’re just walking around hungry and decide to snack and then some officer comes up to you like “Sir put the food down that’s illegal” most people would be confused ad
You mean losing hope to the great AMURICA
A Veteran Burning uniform, corrupt Police, rise of Karens. This ain't normal anymore, we are not living in the world to witness this.
Officer"I need back up this black man is eating a sandwich"
Me: WHAT ?
I hate racist cop for real that what happend to my dad
DUDE he is not a BLACKMAN he is just another RACE originated from another COUNTRY who became an AMERICAN in the PROCESS.
@@emidomingo5429 what a reach.
@@Jose.589 hope your dad is okay.
And the police wonder why they’re hated
"You're getting arrested"
"For eating a sandwich?"
"No, for resisting arrest"
*Logic 100*
Bro, the police said he will end up going to jail, not being arrested, for resisting arrest. Getting arrested doesn't mean you're going to jail.
While I don’t agree it is illegal to eat there because of littering and cops are trained to enforce the law and he could have listed and probably would’ve gotten a ticket or warning and if he believes that the officers were wrong and you could fight the ticket and the judge would have cleared you but you thought it would be better to continue to eat and tug away for the officers
state trooper k9 I think the fact is that the cop passed by other people doing the same thing but paid no attention to them. It makes it seem like he is targeting him, and makes it seem like he has something against him based on his skin tone.
this us police should go to hong kong to catch terrorists who are supported by the american government instead of catching people eating on the side of the road
up next: a man is being harassed for breathing oxygen
You laugh but isn't that what they did with George Floyd?
I mean, they must have had a reason to not let him breathe?
@@wolfielagg Not really bro
@@mike.studios7969 if I stab a man while he is drunk does he die from me or alcohol poisoning?
@@mike.studios7969 How? That doesn't make alot of sense. They were on his neck blocking his air to the point he said "I cant breathe" and he died seconds before dying from oxygen lost to fentaynl?
@@mike.studios7969 no he didn't
If you read the pdf they found a lethal amount of fenatyl but they conclude that the cause of death was compression to the neck and the lack of oxygen.
“You’re Under Arrest”
MessiMessiah there isn’t any sense in this
Its scary right
‘Yes! It’s against the Law and I’ve asked you to stop!’
Don’t mask the truth it’s boring 🥱
because its actually not allowed to eat or drink anything where he is. that's why there are signs saying as such and they are allowed to kick him out although I'm not so sure about arresting for the same reason a bus is allowed to kick you out for the same reason. no food or drinks.
you're resisting arrest
cause you're drinking water
Eating a sandwich as a black man
Is this how black people have been treated in America? I’m cool in Africa man!
but i don't see black man. Just man who is eating sandwich. :(
Stay in Africa after geroge flyods death everything is on fire and closed down
@@takakotak9056 are u saying the guy they arrested is white?
@C. rose you dont know how it feels like, i hope you do one day
Average Person: "Is there a problem officer?"
Police: "Stop Resisting"
Average Person: "Resisting what? What are you talking about?"
Police: "I need backup, subject is resisting arrest. I feel threatened. STOP RESISTING!!"
As a former law enforcement officer this is an embarrassment to those that serve and protect. We are not all alike..
Maybe you should voice that to those "law enforcement officers" and stand up against this kind of racism and corruption. If more of the officers and former officers "who are different and not like that" stood up and banded together this wouldnt happen as much. Without action words fall on deaf ears.
He didn't have a warrant so he shouldn't of been trying to hold his bag hostage neither. He just wanted to start some bs
Like racism and sexism and every form of oppression, it's a system. People can be like "No not me I'm a good guy!" and still see this without batting an eye.
@@crystallakeking- good cops can't stand up that's why there is none only few with heads down that got respect from gs and any ordinary citizen in their risks
God I hope not cuz youve all got terrible track records
Meanwhile there is a school shootings and someone is getting rob these so called heroes are arresting a man for eating a sandwich
Cops like these that’s why there are protests across America. Give people freedom as you want your freedom .
Arrest tyrannical cops. Follow directly under u.s. constitution.
@C. rose that too. But there are still corrupt cops helping the tyrants.
@C. rose Yea, definitely not the police abusing their power that would just be illogical.
It's insane how quick the second cop went from "allright what's going on?" to putting handcuffs on him.
yeah the guy eating the sandwich dind´t even say anything and he was pulling the handcuffs right away
wrong move, they called the most racist one
I don’t like cops like this that use their power wrong...smh
To me that's like a Hunter saying I don't like dear I love when cops are stupid they make great bait
Fish in a barrel those dumbasses are
I don't like videos showing only a half truth !!
@@thefreedomguyuk and I presume that half-truth be the half of the civilian
As if he was like what murdering someone before he ate the sandwich
It actually was illegal to eat at the train station if you read the rules
It isn't illegal to eat on the platform but it is "illegal" to eat on the train