Cas niam thiab txiv mas phem tag baum cuag li g yog nkawv yug li phem li ntawv txawm yog niam thiab txiv los tuag ces los cab tib si mus ua qhev rau nruab dab mas.
I hate how toxic and abusive Hmong parents are. Even though it was just a accident, the oldest child always get the blame and the beating. No wonder lots of us oldest daughters run away from our parents.
Txaug txai tiang tiang
Koj tham taug txaus tshais heev li
Ua tsaug nawb
Zoo mloog kawg li
Ncas txaug tu siab ua luaj lij os
Koj hais dab neeg rawm heev li os tus tij luag
Zoo heev
Koj hias tau zoo heev
Dab neeg zoo heev
Zaj no zoo mloog heev li
Ua tsaug os
❤❤❤kuv caum kpj lawm os thov koj tuaj 0ab kuv thuab os
Tij laug koj hais dab neeg zoo heev li os
Ua tsaug ntau nawb mog
Tij laug koj hais dab neeg zoo ploog heev li os 😂 pab pab pab txhawb
Ua tsaug
Cas niam thiab txiv mas phem tag baum cuag li g yog nkawv yug li phem li ntawv txawm yog niam thiab txiv los tuag ces los cab tib si mus ua qhev rau nruab dab mas.
Piav tau lom zem heev li hahaha
Ua tsaug ntau os
L ốm
Xav hais dab heev paum li nej no please change your voice to match the story. Hais lus dag dhau lawm!
Uelhdie không có 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆🤣🤣🤣rw
zoo heev os
I feel bad for Haus’s wife but I’m so glad Zeb was able to take Haus with her.
cas ob niam txiv no siab phem ua luaj li
Yog mas
Ua li cas Hmoob es yuav siab phem ua luaj li os twb yog u yug kiag los tseem muab tsim thiab
Txaus tshajplaw zajno; heev tas2!! We love to listen your stories & you got to keep it up slots more!!!
I hate how toxic and abusive Hmong parents are. Even though it was just a accident, the oldest child always get the blame and the beating. No wonder lots of us oldest daughters run away from our parents.