This might be an odd recommendation for this show, but I think that The Melting Pot could make for an interesting episode: Julia trying several of the different cheese fondues they have on offer, then trying all the different meats for the entrée round, followed by trying out some of the different chocolate fondues that they serve. Like I said, maybe a weird choice, but I think it would make for a unique episode.
I have never heard of the Bahama Breeze restaurants before but I love how Julia makes her videos and I also love how she samples the drinks and gets a little tipsy "this is a casualty in a cup" oh I really liked that lol and how she got Chelse involved too "do you want me to have drunk camerwork?" Julia "kind of" and yet they both still make a wonderful video. I so hope you two get picked up for another season. I really love how you have helped me to get a much better understanding of how each restaurant's offerings really taste like because I am very finicky.
julia and chelsea are such a beautiful duo. They make you crack a smile even at tough times.Plz don't end this series! It's something really devastating for loads of us!
Please don’t end the series!! These videos were the only thing that could help me work up an appetite during the first trimester of my pregnancy. What am I gonna watch when i get pregnant with baby #2??? 😩
Conks are shell fish, basically a giant snail. Found in mostly tropical shallow water, but also found on all coasts, known as the horn shell. I love this show, you're consistently silly and enjoy having fun, great job.
@@MsRose00 I agree, I think the concept has run it's course but I wish they'd give us a tease that something else is coming and that it's (Julia/Chelsea) not DONE
@@MsRose00 part of me just thinks Julia is ready for something else, hence why delish is starting a new, similar series with a different host. It explains why she had her guest an episode this season or last- to begin to shift the audience over and make an easier transition.
I completely understand why she can't do this forever. But boy am I going to miss Julia and her Tries Everything series. What a joy it has been. Thank you Julia (and Chelsea).
Obviously, our dear Julia, being so young; moves on in life. Having done these mesmerizing food videos were a blessing to us viewers. Thank you for taking us 4 years on your food-adventures
Julia, you are the best! I refuse to believe your series is going to end😱 all of these drinks look so much better than the food, but you make everything sound wonderful❤️
Once upon a time I worked at Bubba Gumps and thought to myself “they MUST GO THERE!” while watching this, so I truly appreciated the whispered message. 😂😂😂
I haven't been to BB since probably 2003, but I ordered the paella and it was so bad I had to send it back(it was way oversalted and the rice wasn't done, it was crunchy)and I've NEVER sent foodback. I ended up ordering the Jamaican jerk wings and they were just ok. Go to BB for the drinks, not the food. Julia didn't like most of the dishes she tried, she's very adept at getting around saying "this doesn't taste good."
You've got to be kidding me. This is the last season of this series ? This is the reason for subscribing. You can't do this to us !! And Julia is looking even more beautiful than ever !!
We had my daughters baby shower at Bahama Breeze... in the middle of a blizzard... in the gazebo with the central fireplace. And everyone showed because it's such a great place... and yeah, they love her too. Haha 😁
Check out Delish's Budget Eats with June Xie! She's amazingly resourceful and makes the most amazing meals that last for 2 people over the course of a week +, for like $25 in NYC. She's so smart and is like the female version of Alton Brown, she talks about food and how flavors work together and she makes everything pretty much on the fly without a recipe, but then has all the recipes written out before the episodes in case anyone wants to recreate her meals.
Omgggg this restaurant is so amazing! I went there for my birthday last year and I loved everything the cocktails and everything! Seriously if you have a Bahama Breeze where you live try ittttt!
Girl!!!!! You are my new found fave!!! You and your camera gal are amazing, love your words to describe everything in ways it makes me feel like I’ve taken a bite. Keep these videos going. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Also, not sure if you’ve been to Indiana for restaurants. I’m sure there are plenty of high dollar ones in Indy and other cities but would love to know your experiences here! Well, anywhere for that matter. I could binge watch all of your episodes. The one thing I can say while watching your videos is that you can’t just watch a minute and venture to other videos on TH-cam. I could watch you feast for 2 hours without stopping. Love love love ❤️!!!!
At my local place here in Florida, our skillet shrimp is in a liquid yummy butter sauce and comes with Cuban bread. Also the jerk chicken pasta I get without the mushrooms and asparagus and it is amazing!
Omg. I’ve never eaten at Bahamas Breeze. Seen them all over Florida and that one in NJ route 4 near the mall. Are the portion sizes normally that big? The food and drink 🍹 presentation are beautiful. Think 💭 I’m going to have to dine there soon.
I'm always so sad when you say "The 4th and FINAL season". I mean, I get it. All good things eventually end. But I truly loved this journey! I'm looking forward to whatever-else you do in the future. I hope it's in front of the camera but even if it isn't I still hope for your future success.
Julia tries, iconic eats and stadium eats is the only things I watch and the reason I subscribed. I'm hoping we see Julia in something else or Adrianna is hosting instead
Grand Lux is one that could have been reviewed. It’s the sister restaurant to Cheesecake Factory. Happy to see my recommendation of Bahama Breeze made it on here 😊
Fourth and FINAL season? What a shame. Your menu reviews are the most watched videos on the channel and I really enjoy your descriptions of the foods and drinks. I can't eat most of what's presented, but I can easily imagine what they all taste like thanks to your reactions.
I don't want this series to end! 😭
Neither do I!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
SAME!!! 😭😭
it’s ending?!?
its ending as in more or just for the season?
They announced last episode this was the last season 😭😭
We need to start a petition to keep this series going!!!
100000% agreed!
Julia, we are going to miss you so much! So happy for your next adventures but know we will always be here to watch ya grow and hope for the best!
What?? What’s happening?? Did I miss something?!?!
@@monicadonnelly1897 this is the last season of Julia Eats The Menu…😞
This might be an odd recommendation for this show, but I think that The Melting Pot could make for an interesting episode: Julia trying several of the different cheese fondues they have on offer, then trying all the different meats for the entrée round, followed by trying out some of the different chocolate fondues that they serve. Like I said, maybe a weird choice, but I think it would make for a unique episode.
Good idea! 👍🏻
Love this idea!
I have never heard of the Bahama Breeze restaurants before but I love how Julia makes her videos and I also love how she samples the drinks and gets a little tipsy "this is a casualty in a cup" oh I really liked that lol and how she got Chelse involved too "do you want me to have drunk camerwork?" Julia "kind of" and yet they both still make a wonderful video. I so hope you two get picked up for another season. I really love how you have helped me to get a much better understanding of how each restaurant's offerings really taste like because I am very finicky.
julia and chelsea are such a beautiful duo. They make you crack a smile even at tough times.Plz don't end this series! It's something really devastating for loads of us!
Why are they ending the series? Anyone knows
I hope Julia makes a different series after this ends, I love watching her !
This show is the reason I know what to get and what not to get and for that I say thank you Julia !!!
This channel is highly addictive. I'm not ready for this series to end.
We need a rainforest cafe episode I cannot stress this enough
AGAIN PLEASE DON’T EVER END THIS SHOW! 😅I love it so much and Julia brings joy to my day. Chelsea too. Love the reviews. Love the episodes!! ❤️
Please don’t end! Your series is the best!
Please don’t end the series!! These videos were the only thing that could help me work up an appetite during the first trimester of my pregnancy. What am I gonna watch when i get pregnant with baby #2??? 😩
Conks are shell fish, basically a giant snail. Found in mostly tropical shallow water, but also found on all coasts, known as the horn shell. I love this show, you're consistently silly and enjoy having fun, great job.
It sounds like “konk” but it is spelt conch
This series can’t end please. Someone start a go fundme page lol.
I think it’s because there isn’t many chains left.
@@MsRose00 I agree, I think the concept has run it's course but I wish they'd give us a tease that something else is coming and that it's (Julia/Chelsea) not DONE
They could do small local chains next with like 5 or more locations. It would be more expensive probably to produce but it could be really cool.
@@MsRose00 part of me just thinks Julia is ready for something else, hence why delish is starting a new, similar series with a different host. It explains why she had her guest an episode this season or last- to begin to shift the audience over and make an easier transition.
@@hannahashley2882 Are you talking about Jackie? I follow her on IG as well she rarely post food vlogs.
Please don’t end this series I look forward to every video please
Does anyone know why they are ending it? I can’t find out the reason.
The portion sizes of everything is just insane!
Missed you so much Julia so glad you are back 💛
Where did she go?
She need her own show!! Get it done your channel will die without her
I can't wait to see what Julia and Chelsea work on next at Delish!
Please dont end this series its too perf Julia cannot be replaced ever
Forth and final season??? What??? We love Julia and her reviews. We want the shows with Julia to continue!!!
I completely understand why she can't do this forever. But boy am I going to miss Julia and her Tries Everything series. What a joy it has been. Thank you Julia (and Chelsea).
Obviously, our dear Julia, being so young; moves on in life. Having done these mesmerizing food videos were a blessing to us viewers. Thank you for taking us 4 years on your food-adventures
The graham crust is the best part of every pie
My wife and I don’t want this series to end 😩
None of us do
Used to work at Bahama Breeze brings back memories, part of training is you eat the whole menu over a period of two days
nothing like an episode of Julia tries everything to make me happy
Honestly so happy for this series I don’t want this to end though truly. You should do smaller shops though (Try Ted’s Montana Bar & Grill if you can)
As a Bahama Breeze employee, the Honey Butter Chicken Sandwich is one of our staff's favorite meals, especially with our own modifications on it.😮💨
Julia, you are the best! I refuse to believe your series is going to end😱 all of these drinks look so much better than the food, but you make everything sound wonderful❤️
Once upon a time I worked at Bubba Gumps and thought to myself “they MUST GO THERE!” while watching this, so I truly appreciated the whispered message. 😂😂😂
I love how real she is in this one !
Have been bingeing these videos, so excited to see you do one of my favorite places!
Love this kind of review. I don’t live near one of these, but there were some great recipe ideas here!
I love how she is dancing around the idea that this food sucks…
Yup because they got rid of their best items
I haven't been to BB since probably 2003, but I ordered the paella and it was so bad I had to send it back(it was way oversalted and the rice wasn't done, it was crunchy)and I've NEVER sent foodback. I ended up ordering the Jamaican jerk wings and they were just ok. Go to BB for the drinks, not the food. Julia didn't like most of the dishes she tried, she's very adept at getting around saying "this doesn't taste good."
YES! I thought I was the only one that got the vibes that Julia thought this place was the epitome of mediocre.
Its always pretty funny and I feel like she drinks more so she can barely taste the food
Julia dont leave us!!! Love your episodes!!!
Please don’t let this series end!!!!! PLEASE!
The only entertaining show left on delish.
The food there looks so delicious, I like seeing that cocktail with the sugar cane in it. Sweet sugar cane , Caribbean here 🇯🇲
Omg I've been waiting for Bahama Breeze. Yes!! THANKS Chelsea and Julia
This series cant end!! Julia has only just started - next stop europe!
You've got to be kidding me. This is the last season of this series ? This is the reason for subscribing. You can't do this to us !! And Julia is looking even more beautiful than ever !!
I love Julia's energy and watching her critic the food!! I amsSorry this series is coming to an end.
How about Bone Fish Grill next?
Julia gives me life and I demand a season 5
It's the consistency for me, you guys always have the best content❤️😭 wholesome and amazing
would love to see a redo of the cheesecake factory in this video format!! don't want this series to end!!
Thank you for coming back my queen. Love you so much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You look gorgeous btw, as always!
Julia should start a line of food themed bath products and make-up.
We had my daughters baby shower at Bahama Breeze... in the middle of a blizzard... in the gazebo with the central fireplace. And everyone showed because it's such a great place... and yeah, they love her too. Haha 😁
Julia is the very best and always entertaining ❣️❣️❣️
I love all the places you go. And show all the different things on the restaurant
I will miss the show
I don't want your show to end!!!! you're the only reason I watch delish.
Check out Delish's Budget Eats with June Xie! She's amazingly resourceful and makes the most amazing meals that last for 2 people over the course of a week +, for like $25 in NYC. She's so smart and is like the female version of Alton Brown, she talks about food and how flavors work together and she makes everything pretty much on the fly without a recipe, but then has all the recipes written out before the episodes in case anyone wants to recreate her meals.
Love this series and you gals so much! 💗
"You know what? People do that all the time at Wendy's with a frosty" -Julia
Omgggg this restaurant is so amazing! I went there for my birthday last year and I loved everything the cocktails and everything! Seriously if you have a Bahama Breeze where you live try ittttt!
I am from the Bahamas. Conch is awesome. Fresh conch is not tough and it is not a hermit crab type animal. It is a mollusk
Yuca is also one of the most eaten vegetales in Costa Rica. It can also be used in soup, empanadas and chips.
This series cannot end!
This series needs to stay!!! I enjoy watching these late night 😢❤
Girl!!!!! You are my new found fave!!! You and your camera gal are amazing, love your words to describe everything in ways it makes me feel like I’ve taken a bite. Keep these videos going. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Also, not sure if you’ve been to Indiana for restaurants. I’m sure there are plenty of high dollar ones in Indy and other cities but would love to know your experiences here! Well, anywhere for that matter. I could binge watch all of your episodes. The one thing I can say while watching your videos is that you can’t just watch a minute and venture to other videos on TH-cam. I could watch you feast for 2 hours without stopping. Love love love ❤️!!!!
At my local place here in Florida, our skillet shrimp is in a liquid yummy butter sauce and comes with Cuban bread. Also the jerk chicken pasta I get without the mushrooms and asparagus and it is amazing!
while I also loved this series, I know it isn’t an easy job! I could NEVER eat this much in one sitting! Props to Julia ❤️
Omg. I’ve never eaten at Bahamas Breeze. Seen them all over Florida and that one in NJ route 4 near the mall. Are the portion sizes normally that big? The food and drink 🍹 presentation are beautiful. Think 💭 I’m going to have to dine there soon.
I'm always so sad when you say "The 4th and FINAL season". I mean, I get it. All good things eventually end. But I truly loved this journey! I'm looking forward to whatever-else you do in the future. I hope it's in front of the camera but even if it isn't I still hope for your future success.
I love this series, Julia! Please try Din Tai Fung!!
I am, I’m from the uk, back to the states in August, will be visiting bahama breeze in vegas, can’t wait, love it…
Not me running to this video….
Hahaha me too
Julia tries, iconic eats and stadium eats is the only things I watch and the reason I subscribed.
I'm hoping we see Julia in something else or Adrianna is hosting instead
Julia is the best! 💓
Omg everything looks so Delicious 🤤
I haven't been there in years but I think we used to get conch chowder and seafood paella and they were delicious!
I want to eat one of everything on the menu too! Looks soooo good!
Go to Top Golf next!!
Best series EVER 😍💖💖💖
Please keep this series going!!!! Julia, can you try every cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory?
Yes! In one sitting 😂
She did this with Junior's I believe.
She did Cheesecake Factory as one of the first episodes in the series.
That dragon fruit marg is everything to me. I’m so sad they didn’t give you the pretty flower garnish ):
My absolute favorite dish from Bahama breeze was the taste of Jamaica 🇯🇲 😍😍😍
One of my favorite places. So glad you did this episode
Yeah !!!!!! You are back !!!!!!! 😘❤️
Skirt steak is not's actually softer than other steaks. It's not flattened, that's how the cut of meat normally comes.
Grand Lux is one that could have been reviewed. It’s the sister restaurant to Cheesecake Factory. Happy to see my recommendation of Bahama Breeze made it on here 😊
Grand Lux Had the Best Lemon Chichen dish it was Yummy !!!!
This is such a fun food review 😄🏝
Does that even still exist?
I love seeing you come to jersey! I knew exactly where this was once i saw the dying mall!!
Fourth and FINAL season? What a shame. Your menu reviews are the most watched videos on the channel and I really enjoy your descriptions of the foods and drinks. I can't eat most of what's presented, but I can easily imagine what they all taste like thanks to your reactions.
Love your content sad to see this series ending
Yasss!!! Mom!!! I love you and I have been waiting for this episode
Love this show!!!
Yay!!!! So excited
Delish don’t let it happen!!!! Save the series
I don’t know how many locations they have but it would be awesome if you went to Columbia restaurant. I know there are several in Florida.
The french fry stirring. And I thought I was alone in the universe.
coconut shrimp is an absolute banger
We 💙 you Julia!! Taking the pineapple 🍍 shot! I would have taken that part out of the clip b4 airing incase they watch this 😆! Haha!
Please continue this seriesss
Why do I want Julia to be my bestie and we just diners drive ins and dives the whole world lol you go girl. You lived my dream.