His fingers are full of warts no doubt picked up from someone's feet and now he is spreading it to someone else. Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and is contagious and he might even transmit it to his genital area when he goes to the toilet (genital warts-nasty!). He should have them treated and wear gloves. He is good in what he is doing though.
영상에서 아쉬운 부분이 있다면 영상 시작, 영상 끝난 후의 음악 볼륨이 너무 큰데 줄여주셨으면 더 좋겠다는 생각이 들어요
손에 물집 잡혔나..보는내내 신경이..ㅠㅠㅠ
His fingers are full of warts no doubt picked up from someone's feet and now he is spreading it to someone else. Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and is contagious and he might even transmit it to his genital area when he goes to the toilet (genital warts-nasty!). He should have them treated and wear gloves. He is good in what he is doing though.
쓔지야오는 한국보다 중국이 낫다...한국 병원가면 실비청구하고 한번 할 때마다20 만원10회...중국은 2~3만원돈 으로 15분만에 내성발톱 해결되고...
Why dose his tumbs have bumps? Especially in the exact same area
거의 행위예술 수준이다
Hellboy horn on thumbs 👍
묘한 쾌감
손에 무좀 났네..
양손 엄지 주름쪽에 저거머임? 양쪽에 똑같은 자리에있네 이상해
무슨 티눈ㅈ같기도 하고 마디마다 있네요 ㄷㄷ
사마귀 아닌감?
That's what I'm saying
저러니까 내성발톱.. 이 생겨요
와 이건 진짜 달인의 경지군요
반대쪽 발 텐트치고 존버하길 잘했다
내성발톱 만드는방법이네ㅋㅋㅋ
바퀴는 불결해
이걸칼로하네 ㅁㅊ 안불안한가?
자기 티눈먼저좀 자르지