Last Days Living - James 5:7-8 | Skip Heitzig
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Episode 17 from the series Adulting with Skip Heitzig. Watch the complete series:
• James, the Adult in th...
Ever since Jesus came to Earth over 2,000 years ago to die and rise again, He promised to return. And believers have been looking for Him since. Every generation has its doomsday preachers and prophecy “experts,” predicting when He will return. But today we examine not when He will come back, but rather how we should live until He does. James tells us three ways we are to wait for it.
Curious about what it means to know Jesus? Knowing God doesn't mean trying to be a good person or even going to church. It means accepting the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life made possible by Jesus' death and resurrection. Learn more at connectwithski...
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Connect with Skip Heitzig connects you to God’s never-changing truth in ever-changing times. Pastor Skip is the senior pastor at Calvary Church in New Mexico. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry, including a nationwide half-hour radio program. Learn more today at www.connectwit...
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I used to drive myself crazy on the thought of Sinning after I was 'Saved'. I came to realize early in my Christian Walk that Sin starts from the thoughts before the 'guilty' act. I obsessed over and over again. I'm convinced that it was Satan that was encouraging my fears and doubts in my Salvation. Its based solely on Jesus and NOTHING else. I can still be punished here on Earth but losing my Salvation isn't possible. Its a Gift that cannot be earned. We Sin daily no matter what for there is nothing we can do to stop this while we are 'here'. He has saved us from our Sins but we will not stop sinning until we are with him.
One of my favorite pastors!! God Bless Skip💙🙏🏻
My favorite. I also like Clarence Hardin ( for studying Bible)
I wish I knew the Bible like Skip does. He quotes from every Book and
names the chapter and
verse. God bless and
May you preach and
Continue to teach.
You are an inspiration
to thousands. I am
93 years old can’t get
to Church. Your sermons and lessons are my
Learning to feel
Closer to God and
the Church.
Closer to God you
Are my Church!!
Well with Father's Knowledge in Jesus Christ Soon Return HARPAZO PROMISE SAINT PAUL FIRST. Live As A Christian ALLAH Beat IT ⭐...
Great message. I’ve listened to a few of your messages and they have been a blessing. May God Bless You!
I consider myself fortunate to even hear you preaching Thank you very much
Maranatha ❤❤
An amazing message.God bless you pastor
Thank you
For what in the name of the one nobody should believe in???
Remind me? The name of the book and author Skip mentioned in this sermon. Thank-you 0:26
Come on skip, give it up. We know, you know the day and hour of the rapture.
❤❤❤❤❤❤ ✋️ 🤚 🙋♀️
Got to LOVE your sermons brother, however idk ware you got Christopher Columbus was a bible scholar. Even his brother who requested yo dominate with the Spainards and spoke Blasphemy because their actions brother ordered otherwise Pastor Skip. If you could please send me your documentation on this. WE are Nde Apachu BORN AGAIN 1st Nation People, for our Nation we are what aka US call us Apache with a well lazy tung .
I would love to share on a phone call with you we have never meet i do live out state. But I do watch your service on Wed as my Bible studies. Amen
If you do a search for Christopher Columbus studied the Bible, there is a lot of info on his research ;)
Who wants A thief in the NIGHT Brother Christian Vote MAGA Save Politics For CAMALAH
One James Brother Almost 100% Sibbling Missing Spiritual Of Father's Redemptive EMMANUEL ...
There is no such thing as a pre trib rapture its a lie to weaken Christians and leave them unprepared for whats coming. How can anyone believe this lie when JESUS HIMSELF SAID HE WOULD RETURN AFTER THE TRIBULATION. there is only one second coming there is only one time jesus rides the clouds. The great and terrible day is one event not 2. There is no verse NOT ONE that says there will be a pre trib rapture its all inferred.
Are YOU James Skip's Brother??
Drunk on LORD GOD JESUS SPIRIT Too Come on 💕 if King James Hail Mary
Pre trip is rapture .
Have you not read 2 Thess 4:16-17?
It very clearly describes the Rapture.
2 thessalonians 4:15-17 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, WILL CERTAINLY NOT PRECEDE THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP. 16 For the Lord himself will COME DOWN from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the TRUMPET CALL of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Matthew 24
29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[b]
30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.[d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other
1 corinthians 15
51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed- 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed
Mark 13:
24 “But in those days, following that distress,
“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
25 the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[c]
26 “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
2 thessalonians 2
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God
All these verse are saying the same thing ....
BELIEVE HIM believe our King our God HE CAN NOT LIE HE doesn't want to confuse us.
HE warns us about the coming persecution.
Every week there’s another clown to warn about the last days while they obviously go on forever. How can people take this b.s. serious???
I don't Blow Balloons up Like Military Did after Flyby USA Corn SOY BEANS Father's Will B Done HOLY Daily Walk
RAPTURE READY 2024🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤷🏻♂️🤷🏼♀️🤷…Don’t know WHEN, but……..READY!?!🙏🏾🎺🙏🏾🎺👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Relax Let's Go Brandon & CAMALA VOTE for MAGA DONALD John SHOFAR Trump..
They don't like it
U should have known since 2020
Doctrine of Innocence Cross O EMMANUEL Praise God Father Realm Brag Not MEME Syanarah People of SINN DESIRE s
I think this is the first time I've seen someone praying with their hands in their pockets. That's totally disrespectful
God cares where your heart is, not your hands when you pray
Amen so true
Helou from România. God bless you
Let us listen to the words and not look at the external appearance because like God says man looks at the outward appearance but I look at the heart.
How can we learn about God from somebody who supports Donald Trump and the MAGA movement?? Once you know that Skip is a Trumper you realize you shouldn’t be giving him your time or your money
Whether he supports Trump or not, I have never heard him endorse or canvas for Trump. Seeing the mess the country is in right now, one wonders which person will be the right choice. Truly it is a personal choice.
So are you saying you are against Isreal, for trans agendas, illegal immigration, and the list goes on. Does God expect us not to advocate for good rulers? Are you trying to tell me King David was such a moral person? Do you even read the Bible? Maybe Joel Osteen is more your style preacher, so he can make you feel good.
Are you interrested in God's word, learning about Him?? Or are you simply a trouble maker, one that aims to stir up brothers and sisters in Christ?? I'm sorry for you!
That's a dumb comment. (Travis)
We need to vote not for Trump but for the party that supports Godly principles. Also this nation cannot be great again if it continue s to live in total rebellion and disrespect toward God. Only God can make this nation great when we the people humble ourselves and turn away from what displeased God.