I know inflatable boats gives a forgiving smoother ride and is a tech solution for boating but somehow I can not get over the fact that because they use inflatable, I perceive it to be a less expensive budget version of a boat made with full carbon fiber or fiberglass for the entire hull. Sorry. I know this for years but can't get over that initial impression each time I see a boat review and it has tubes. Takes me back to my young days at the beach blowing up a dingy to use as we can not aford a boat. To be fair, this boat has beautiful lines, quality and sweeping lines... but the inflatable tubes, they....
no bathroom?
I know inflatable boats gives a forgiving smoother ride and is a tech solution for boating but somehow I can not get over the fact that because they use inflatable, I perceive it to be a less expensive budget version of a boat made with full carbon fiber or fiberglass for the entire hull. Sorry. I know this for years but can't get over that initial impression each time I see a boat review and it has tubes. Takes me back to my young days at the beach blowing up a dingy to use as we can not aford a boat. To be fair, this boat has beautiful lines, quality and sweeping lines... but the inflatable tubes, they....
thanks for sharing