Thank you for uploading Fayo 👍👍🎉🎉 and thank you for uploading the original Fayo without adding additional music and replacing it with music. please always be like this. and create funny or romantic moments from fayo and defense original sound images and good image quality 💯💯🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍❤
Thank you for uploading Fayo 👍👍🎉🎉 and thank you for uploading the original Fayo without adding additional music and replacing it with music. please always be like this. and create funny or romantic moments from fayo and defense original sound images and good image quality 💯💯🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍❤
لَوٌسِمًحًتٌوٌ آلَتٌرجّمًةّ آلَتٌلَقُآئيَةّ
آوٌ آلَتٌرجّمًةّ آلَتٌلَقُآئيَةّ لَوٌسِمًحًتٌوٌ 😢😢😢
Por que não tem tradução em português a legenda por favor...
آلَلَغُةّ آلَعٌربًيَةّ لَوٌسِمًحًتٌوٌ
لَوٌسِمًحًتٌوٌ آلَتٌرجّمًةّ آلَتٌلَقُآئيَةّ