This is my first time to watch a hearing from this village court. I must admit that there is no prejudice involved. The thing that impressed me the most is the modern vibe, the modern line of thought by the Chief and how rational he is.
Mambo magonesa, gadzirisai dunhunhu iro rinopedza ma under age mudunhu menyu. Time anger problem rume iro plus isimbe yemakoko. Joseph hokoyo, siyanana nehusimbe.
@52:16 I don’t think kuti this lady ari kupikisa. She basically want reassurance before this court from the husband with his own mouth. Otherwise since he always say to vayananisi mukadzi wangu Ndiri kumuda then vava vega oti haamudi. I think that’s her fear kuti haarevesi murume uyu.
Wabva kubasa na6 osvikira pabhawa ouya kumba na12pakati pehusiku oda kurara mumachira usina kugeza futi apa uchinhuwa Doro kana nemazino anenge asina kugezwa type iyi kana kushaver haidi maiwe tsvina yacho apa anoshusha kudai
@19:38 I don’t see anything wrong for a child to have 1-2-1 with their father. Ukatsvaga makudo mugomo unoawana. Mwana wake saka I’m not getting the real problem here. Since he said it’s her first time to visit her father, what’s wrong with catching up with her father? Zvimwe zvinhu we want to find complications where there are no complications. For me I sense somewhat jealous from the stepmother kuti this daughter is spending time with her dad probably more than she has time with her husband.
Tjoo unoita critically analyze facts. How is it an issue when a father spends time with a child? Hanti that's when they bond. In engineering there's what we call (RCA) root cause analysis...problem yaJose he needs to grow up, man up, be responsible and be accountable.
I think this man is not generating reasonable income wherever he’s working. Otherwise he can find people to help the wife in the field. So I think he’s lazy somehow cos if you’re working and getting meagre income, better work hard in the field to produce more income. And after you finish work at 12 midnight, go to your wife and she’ll understand you. Iyi yekurova shaikwai cos you can’t go home early morning hours makes her think you’re cheating. I think you’re skipping work at your homestead. Hapana a human vengeance anoshanda daily for 18 hours.
Very fair judgment. Very factual. Great job chief! I also like the calm environment in your court.
Well-done chief,,zvikotora zvisingaroori izvozvi zvimbwasungata chaizvo,zvinodheerera
This is my first time to watch a hearing from this village court. I must admit that there is no prejudice involved. The thing that impressed me the most is the modern vibe, the modern line of thought by the Chief and how rational he is.
Mambo vanotonga zvine wisdom wena varipakuvaka kwete pakuputsa ,welldone mambo
Waaaw 🎉 chief sando kunemi . ❤ ndabvuma precise and right on the head. Cheers mambo🎉
Ndaisa maoko changamire munogona kutonga..zvisina ruzha...pasina kuzvikudza...pasina kutyisidzira..zvine hunyoro..uye zvine hunyanzvi👏👏👏Mkoma Robert rambai muchitipa nyaya dzamambo ava..havaitise nungo kuteerera💞💞💞
Ndakamboona madzimambo achitonga but Headman zveshuwa munoita basa nemazvo keep up the good work
Mambo munogona kutonga chose well done
Mambo mune wisdom mukutonga apa magona ndadzidzawo zvizhinji kuti ndinzi baba mudzimai komborerwai
Haaa Aiwa mambo matodzidzisa vakawanda haaa wisdom munayo.
Mukadzi akashaya murume. Ana boy boy ava vanoda kuzochema bweee ndamubata nechikomba but zvirume izvi hazvina rudo ndati ndivo vanovhura madoor acho.
Mambo munotonga zvenyu well done
Amen gud mambo muudzisei bhangu
Pamberi na changamire mune wisdom
Mambo vanogona ava vane wisdom
Mambo munogona. Welldone job.
Totenda mambo 🎉🎉
Joseph kana uchinzwa inzwa zvataurwa nemweya pakereke mambo mapedza kana achinzwa anzwa ngaabvise nungo
Madzimambo ndatenda zvangu.ndinowona madzimambo akawaaanda vachitonga asi imi munotonga nehunyoro muchishandisa hutongi chaihwo unobva kuna Mwari uye muchiumbiridza.Haa ndatenda hangu madzishe💪❤❤❤murambe wakadaro.mwari akuchengetedzei
Mambo ndakupai sando dzenyu munogona kugadzirisa nyika🎉❤
Chief nedare renyu munogona. Ndipeiwo stand. kkkk
Itirwai nyasha mambo🎉
Big up chief sando dzenyu
Mambo vanotonga nehunyoro vatonga nyaya iyi zvakanaka chose
Kungotarisa masakarire akaita mkadzi nemasvikiro akaita murume zvinongoratidza amai havana peace asi kuda musha chete
Kunevanhu vachirikupa mwana Zita rekuti memo mmmm🙌🏽.
Mambo munogona kudzidzisa shuwa ko wari kumashure ndi guard here uyo
Kana urimurume seni mukadzi uyo mudziyo wakakodzera kugarwa nawo arikutokanya zvidhinha iwewotadza kumurongera hovhoni umm wotadza kana kumutemera huni dzekupisisa hovhoni haaa shaa apoo urikuwanza bhawaa haa varume kutsva kwendebvu vanodzimurana asi joze ndirikuuya nepeturu negwenya hokoyo neni irihanzvadzi yangu kuiona ichitaura zvakadai hatiwirirane tsano apo kana mukono webete hauna kubvisa ndakuona iwewe ndirimurume sewe vakadzi vanonyepa asi ichi ichokwadi
Wise king vanotonga nenjere dza Mwari
Kanziyo karikuimbwa nevana vechikoro ako kanondifungidza kare kwedu tichiriku primary early 90s
Mambo magonesa, gadzirisai dunhunhu iro rinopedza ma under age mudunhu menyu. Time anger problem rume iro plus isimbe yemakoko.
Joseph hokoyo, siyanana nehusimbe.
Murume ane usimbe anobhowa veduwee ndoshandira murume hr another ndoenda kubasa but ahuuye nechinhu varume vanorwadzisa veduwee
Munogona kutonga mambo🎉
Dare rinotonga neunyoro. Ishe munotonga neunyanzvi. Ndakudza nekuremekedza utongi henyu. Tadzidza zvakawanda.
Analysis yenyu mambo yakanakisa uye inotaridza kuti munoziva zvamunoita mambo.
Joseph i Dubedube chairo husimbe ndohwakawandisa apa
True leader,
Mambo vakarongeka ava kwete zvimwe zvatinoona
Dzimba idzi umm zvakaoma
Mambo wakadzikama zvawo
Mambo vanogona kutonga nyaya 100%
@52:16 I don’t think kuti this lady ari kupikisa. She basically want reassurance before this court from the husband with his own mouth. Otherwise since he always say to vayananisi mukadzi wangu Ndiri kumuda then vava vega oti haamudi. I think that’s her fear kuti haarevesi murume uyu.
Stepmother munopenga imi baba ngavaite bond nemwana wavo
Mambo vakarongeka ava vanogona kutonga vano vaka mambo ava
Mambo matonga bb àva inungo chete yooo mukadzi anopihwa mari
Chireshe chemurume kutovhaira nekugara mubhawa till midnight chii chakadaro chinenge ngozi ndivo varume vanopindirwa nevafudzi vemombe
Wabva kubasa na6 osvikira pabhawa ouya kumba na12pakati pehusiku oda kurara mumachira usina kugeza futi apa uchinhuwa Doro kana nemazino anenge asina kugezwa type iyi kana kushaver haidi maiwe tsvina yacho apa anoshusha kudai
Dare rakarongeka tisina hudyire I wonder mamwe matare sei asingadzidzewo kurongeka soo
Mambo munogonesa muri baba zvechokwadi mataura mabdigonera pamberi nemi mambo
Pabhawa kusvika na 12 shuwa itai mushe baba imi muproblem
Plus blaz havade kushanda mumunda ava
Rombe remurume
Well done chief 🫡
Mari yacho yechikupa mukadzi inowanokwa kupi iyo ichidyiwa kubva na6 kusvika na12 panosarei ipapo amai vanoda musha avo kukanya wega zvidhima yuu
Amai avade mwana wemurume
Ko kudongorera mambo hanzi zvadiii nhai Gardiner
Headman makapihwa prazi yakanaka nokuti kutonga Munogona henyu
Ko mai avo ndochigaurd ER varimugotsi avo
Mambo munogona kutonga asibaba ago kamukono ketsambarafuta chaiko havana hunhu
Mambo wanogona kutonga awa.
Dzidziso yakanaka chose
Mambo yerudo baba vanogona
Varume avo avagone mheterwa kuridza twimiridzo kudaro😅😅😅
Dzimwe dzamunoti marriage ka kkkkk haa surrender
@19:38 I don’t see anything wrong for a child to have 1-2-1 with their father. Ukatsvaga makudo mugomo unoawana. Mwana wake saka I’m not getting the real problem here. Since he said it’s her first time to visit her father, what’s wrong with catching up with her father? Zvimwe zvinhu we want to find complications where there are no complications. For me I sense somewhat jealous from the stepmother kuti this daughter is spending time with her dad probably more than she has time with her husband.
Tjoo unoita critically analyze facts. How is it an issue when a father spends time with a child? Hanti that's when they bond.
In engineering there's what we call (RCA) root cause analysis...problem yaJose he needs to grow up, man up, be responsible and be accountable.
Magona kutonga
I think this man is not generating reasonable income wherever he’s working. Otherwise he can find people to help the wife in the field. So I think he’s lazy somehow cos if you’re working and getting meagre income, better work hard in the field to produce more income. And after you finish work at 12 midnight, go to your wife and she’ll understand you. Iyi yekurova shaikwai cos you can’t go home early morning hours makes her think you’re cheating. I think you’re skipping work at your homestead. Hapana a human vengeance anoshanda daily for 18 hours.
Mambo vanotonga zvavo