How lovely and tasty and entertaining and wonderful to come out of a cafee shop like that. A meal that makes one feel super satistied and very healthy. Perfect cook, bless him and all the people there😄👏.
I'd love to go into a café for some breakfast and be served and entertained like this now in 2022 . would be a fabulous 👌 event with a nice brekky too and friendly service 😅
so much wow.
what a different time.
How lovely and tasty and entertaining and wonderful to come out of a cafee shop like that. A meal that makes one feel super satistied and very healthy. Perfect cook, bless him and all the people there😄👏.
the music thats also in new vegas in this video imo makes it just perfect
(whats funny is that i just played that today too)
I'd love to go into a café for some breakfast and be served and entertained like this now in 2022 . would be a fabulous 👌 event with a nice brekky too and friendly service 😅
Why did you say brekky ? Are you dumb ? It's breakfast.
These Pathe segments are absolute classics. A time & a place that was so much nicer than today.
Love these old videos the chef/owner is so entertaining
It’s so extra but I love it😂
What's extra mean?
I hope still working this bar
Love british pathe videos
Love the cool wallpaper
Okay this makes me feel like I'm living in Fallout world lol
Beautiful Britain🇬🇧 my childhood Home clean Respectful wonderful people
Lost for ever 😢
@user-wh5ir4fo4r But in this case, Oh so true !
@user-wh5ir4fo4r Yes, indeed, I'm sure the Romano-Britons said it as they were overwhelmed by the Anglo-Saxons too. And were they wrong?
Look at the small portions. Different world
Best bar
The man at the jukebox needs to calm down. I'm seriously digging his dancing. He's rekkin the dance floor
I wonder if the chef is actually a renown magician.
That would work on britians got talent now.
Patrolling the British wasteland almost makes you wish for a beans on toast
I was thinking the same thing. Great song in fallout
Slow Bounce - Gerhard Trede
2:00 fallout new vegas radio
Yup.... finally found someone who gets it
The piece of music at the beginning is also from FNV
Slow Bounce - Gerhard Trede
Anyone know the song ?
Slow Bounce - Gerhard Trede
I think we now know where Tommy Cooper got inspiration for his act 😅
Amazing how many calories are in fire.
That's why I drink Diet Fire. Same great flame with zero calories.
Am I the only one who recognized the Fallout NV song? (Slow Bounce by Gerhard Trede)
I wish I lived back then. Today's society sucks.
I’m guessing this restaurant lasted a whole 3 minutes.
longer than yer karien post...
@@billhosko7723 great comeback, grandpa. Time to put your teeth back in.
Відчуваю що це кафе потім згоріло!
the joker probably thinks this is a normal cafe
They're probable only 16 years old but look 35
not my first rodeo per the view i'm giving
Looks like Sidney been eating the profits again
Oh bless him.
the hell
الكلمات المتقاطعة ياعيسى ٠٠٠ ياعيني
dont blaspheme !!