Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny SPOILER Discussion! | The Big Thing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 310

  • @Aishakenya824
    @Aishakenya824 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    You know it’s gonna be a epic episode when Kristian starts the show already in tears 😂

  • @sanzoftatooine
    @sanzoftatooine ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Sith Council is my favorite lineup, but this one is a very, very, very close second. Love to see the three of you together again. Brett on fire today, and Roxy with the fabulous jacket.

  • @rodneymckay8860
    @rodneymckay8860 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Indy 5 was depressing. I can see them rebooting Short Circuit the same way, where they’ll make Johnny 5 feeling old and outdated as an analog robot trying to fit in a digital world.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Also, Johnny 5 would be picking new pronouns.

    • @Benjamin-howdytiger
      @Benjamin-howdytiger ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@BishopWalters12 that’s the funniest thing I’ve read in a while ! Ahah to see that

  • @bryantleinberger6190
    @bryantleinberger6190 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am tired of all my heroes from Disney’s Lucasfilm I.P.’s being broken losers with zero hope. For example:
    Han Solo becoming a deadbeat dad and husband in TFA, Leia becoming a failed Jedi and Rebel leader and mother, Luke Skywalker Turning from a Jedi who redeemed Vader to a Jedi Master who ignited his lightsaber to MURDER his nephew in his sleep and turn out to be a curmudgeon…and now Indiana Jones, a old drunk who is about to be divorced, disrespected in his classroom and belittled by his god-niece! I am done with hero becoming failed and flawed and nothing like the character’s that made them successful.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly, I'm sick of the iconic white male character being a broken loser.

  • @bryantleinberger6190
    @bryantleinberger6190 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Listen as an Indiana Jones fan, I would have rather have seen a old hopeful Indiana Jones become an active mentor to Helena and show her the same theme of not looking to the past and cherishing the present and future, without having the man broken and diminished. He could have been a happily married man who has a living son and comes out of retirement to help his goddaughter and showing her, through her own arc, that the past isn’t as important as the present; kinda like what Jones Sr. did for Indy in Last Crusade. What a great turnaround from mentor to apprentice. It makes you want to see more adventures of Helena and honors the legacy of Indy.
    Again, the anger of fans for Kennedy and Lucasfilm is more out of Frustration of what could have been and what is…which is all our heroes as broken, diminished and hopeless men. I cannot see the victory of Luke redeeming his father now in ROTJ to know he turns out to be the Luke of TLJ. That memory and hope is lost forever. Indy, being a competent adventurer is lost to the man in Dial of Destiny. When I watch the other movies, I know now that the Indy or those movies will eventually become a drunk on he verge of being divorced, who is hopeless…and that makes me so very sad.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I get annoyed with people acting like there's no agenda, Just about every iconic white male character especially from Disney turns them into miserable and broken man that gave up on life. Like you said, why couldn't Indy be happy for the most part but he wants once last adventure before it's too late and Fleabag really respects him as a father like figure, but we can't make men look good these days especially if Darth Kennedy is behind it.

    • @sunvegeta
      @sunvegeta ปีที่แล้ว +2

      100% agreed!!

  • @High_Key
    @High_Key ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m late to the party on watching this one cause I wanted to watch it with my dad. I’m around Roxy’s age and I totally enjoyed the movie. Definitely an Indy fan and this movie was so much easier to turn the fan goggles on when compared to, say, the Sequel Trilogy. For now, I’m actually ranking this one third, ahead of The Last Crusade and KOTCS easily at last. Thought it was too long, but this felt like a complete and entertaining Indy movie, and the de-aging totally worked for me. Glad to see you guys enjoyed it overall too. I think it’s just trendy to hate it.
    Also yeah, Indy wanting to stay behind made no sense considering how much he cares about history.

  • @gbpackers5578
    @gbpackers5578 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Roxy is in slow motion this episode…too funny! Lots of hilarious moments in this one for sure! Cheers! 😂🍻

  • @katevand
    @katevand ปีที่แล้ว +4

    1:20 😂 right out the gate

  • @bryantleinberger6190
    @bryantleinberger6190 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Fans would have accepted Helena if she wasn’t showing up Indy, but rather learning and appreciating him, even if he couldn’t do the things he did in the past. Having them work as a team would have been fantastic.
    You see, I don’t agree with the assessment that fans would have not liked Indy being a mentor to Helena and a sidekick. First, he should be a partner in the film, that would have kept it his movie while introducing Helena is a more positive light as a successor than as a supplanted character to Indy, which it felt to me. Many movies have dealt with the aging hero so much better than DOD. Look at Star Trek 2, or Rocky and Creed. Look at how the TV show of Cobra Kai has honored there Legacy characters, yet introducing new beloved characters and broadening their fandom to include kids of this generation.
    The criticism of Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm is legitimate and this movie, as well as the title character has been irreversibly changed in my opinion. And that doesn’t only affect this movie, but the past movies of that franchise because now, as a fan, I can no longer see Indy as what I saw him as before, he is now a broken alcoholic who is on the verge of divorce who has no hope and wanted to die in the past. That is what makes this movie more frustrating than if it was a one off film. It affects how you view the character of Indiana Jones from now on…in all his previous films.

    • @jed6780
      @jed6780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I feel like this perspective arises from a misunderstanding of what is dramatically interesting. A teammate who admires and venerates Indy is boring compared to someone who serves as a foil in some regards and challenges him, like Henry Sr did in Last Crusade, precisely due to their disagreements. There are issues with the film - primarily its length which is needlessly bloated - but Helena is not one of them. I think some people have a preconceived notion of what she should be or think she "upstaged" Indy, when her role is no more central than Indy Sr's in Crusade or Marion's in Raiders. Meaning, she's pretty damn central, as she should be as the sidekick, but Indy remains the main character- he solves puzzles, outwits his foes, cracks wry jokes, etc.
      The belief that having Indy grieve somehow diminishes him is also ludicrous. Having heroes be these static, perfect warriors that have no human frailties is dramatically inert. Boring. Indy doesn't spend the adventure moping about - he gets excited, he feels moved, he feels cranky, he laughs, etc. Sorrow is one shade among many. And frankly, one of the draws about Indy from the start was that he was vulnerable and fallible unlike other action heroes.
      Sometimes making a character grieve can be poorly handled (as it was to a degree with Luke), but in terms of Indy, it's true to life. Aging is about loss in most regards! Facing time, the central theme in the film, comes with regret and loss. And the true heroism Indy shows is facing this and finding a way to continue in spite of it. His happy ending is earned and that's what makes the drama interesting.
      I don't agree with interpreting Helena through a politically dogmatic lens that dismisses her character as some awful ideological woke construction. That's a problematic perspective driven by the very obtuse ideology people claim to abhor. There's nothing wrong with Helena being a feisty, irreverent, funny scoundrel. In fact, it's important for the drama and tension between the characters. Again, just as with Henry Sr in Last Crusade, you need conflict and for someone to act as a foil to Indy. Helena serves that purpose just fine and her attributes, which some call "woke", give her an arc (similar to Indy's arc in Temple of Doom) and also give Indy an arc through her (just like Indy was given an arc through the existence of Henry Sr, though I guess that doesn't qualify as "woke" because he's a man?). Indy and Helena redeem each other and that's a beautiful dramatic theme because in the end, they do become partners but they earn it through their adventure. As usual, the artifact never ends up being what Indy or the villains thought it would be, but it serves human connection.

    • @bryantleinberger6190
      @bryantleinberger6190 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jed6780 I can see the merits of some of your comments, and they would be fine in a stand alone movie…but not in a franchise where there is fervent fan base who care (maybe too much) to the characters and themes of that said franchise. Undermining those characters and themes to uplift a new character and a new theme while expecting a different outcome to the flop that is Dial of Destiny has become because of the lack of fan interest; is extremely naive and ignorant.
      First and foremost, in any advancing story in a franchise one must have a working knowledge of the character and make a story around the character and not a character around the story. One has to take in account that this character has lived through many adventures and storylines and that character is set by those stories. For instance, if creating a new Harry Potter movie, a writer or director should not have a story that turns Harry Potter as the new Voldemort. Although an interesting premise, it would undermine all the past novels and stories of Harry fighting his dark side tendencies to overcome what Voldemort is and defeat him. Not only would that ruin his character, but ruins the previous stories and books because in the end of Harry’s journey to become the hero in those previous stories it all ends with his failure and rendering all his struggles moot. Indiana Jones is a hopeful character and the themes of his movies is escaping inescapable obstacles. With all its faults, Crystal skull did have a great ending, with Indy Marrying Marion and actually starting a family. A family he felt missing since his father past away. To start DOD with his sun dead, Indy in the edge of divorce, his classroom full of students who disrespect him, just crushes all the goodwill of the last movie.
      Second, Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm have no clue who they are making movies for. KK and Lucasfilm have constantly belittled the fans, say they do not listen to fans when making a movie, call any fan with legitimate criticisms, man babies, misogynistic, and racist! Then don’t understand why fans don’t go out to pay money to see their film?!?! Kennedy has had a habit to diminish a legacy character to show up a new male character or a strong female character. Ex. Rey with Luke; Luke with Kylo , and now Indy with Helena. Nobody is objecting that Helena can’t be a feisty, irreverent, funny scoundrel, it is how they had to make Indy a grumpy, depressed, drunk, on the verge of divorce cause, as you described it…conflict. Even when there was conflict between Jones Sr. and Jr. there was always mutual respect. That is not what I got from Helena for most of the movie. Call it woke propaganda or not, there has been an ongoing trend of movies and shows with Disney/Lucasfilm, where a new character is highlighted against a depressed grumpy legacy character of that franchise. Whatever happened to a legacy character mentoring a new character and creating goodwill in passing the torch to a new generation? Like Obi Wan and Luke, Rocky Balboa and Adonis Creed? Is it surprising that shows and movies that honor the legacy characters while introducing new characters succeed, like Cobra Kai and Creed; while shows/films that don’t fail…like Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Willow, and Indiana Jones? Nobody is saying make legacy characters infallible, but can we not make them so broken and diminished? You don’t go see an action movie with no action, or a comedy with no jokes. Why make a movie that audiences don’t want to see?

    • @ThatJunkman
      @ThatJunkman ปีที่แล้ว

      they did work as a team

    • @bryantleinberger6190
      @bryantleinberger6190 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ThatJunkman not really, for most of the movie almost all the decisions were done by Helena, they were sort of forced to work together and it culminated with Indy mortally wounded and wanting to die in the past and then Helena, punches him out with a single blow for Indy to wake up miraculously healed in a disjointed scene with Marian .

  • @Eserr7856
    @Eserr7856 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Kristian, can talk about how the 15 million dollar "Sound of Freedom" outperformed the 300 million dollar Indiana Jones on July 4th!! This is especially interesting due to the fact that disney inherited sound of freedom from the fox merger and refused to distribute it so the films producers had to buy the rights of the movie back from disney!

    • @Gideon0297
      @Gideon0297 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hollywood is so against Sound of Freedom...sad because it's such an important film. But they don't want to be exposed.

  • @Hainzie
    @Hainzie ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm 22 just watched it and loved it. Agree with Helena being very unlikeable for the most part, respect to her for clocking indy at the end though, only thing she did that I liked.

  • @Murphaderf
    @Murphaderf ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don’t know what print you saw. The de aging in my theater looked perfect!

  • @tomfoolerydean
    @tomfoolerydean ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Black Adam made 500 Million?? Dude, you are kind. Try 393 million

  • @SoundWaveChronicles
    @SoundWaveChronicles ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great Spoiler review! I was a lot higher on the film overall, mostly because I was more impressed by the digital effects and it didn't really take me out. I enjoyed the writing of the Dial of Destiny and Mangold's direction is quality. Looking forward to seeing it again!!

  • @Brojenko
    @Brojenko ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I hope everyone goes out to see Sound of Freedom! I hope Kristian will have a chance to see it and review. One of the most impactful films I’ve seen in years

    • @jool5941
      @jool5941 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Looks like a movie produced by Ben Shapiro and Joel Osteen.

    • @Brojenko
      @Brojenko ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jool5941 it was a very well shot film, Monteverdi is a talented director and the DP was legit, no idea what you’re talking about.

    • @mark_in_mi
      @mark_in_mi ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@jool5941 You obviously didn't see the movie. There's no political slant to it one way or the other. The only people who should have a problem with this film are people who are pro-child trafficking. This film was made to raise awareness of a very serious issue plaguing the world.

    • @thebendu33
      @thebendu33 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@jool5941yet it was produced by 20th century Fox

  • @Ellefsen97
    @Ellefsen97 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The biggest defense people say for Kathleen Kennedy is the box office, and I honestly think people miss the point that we're talking about Star Wars. You could put any half competent person in charge of Lucasfilms in charge and make $2B with The Force Awakens. The brand itself carried the results. The worrying thing is the downward trajectory of box office results and the public perception of Star Wars has taken a massive hit.

  • @YoManLetMeTry
    @YoManLetMeTry ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Aside from the voice clearly being older, I didn't find the de-aging to be distracting at all.

  • @scottelement
    @scottelement ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Yes! I’ve missed Brett so much😊

    • @dmeek20
      @dmeek20 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wish he was on daily

    • @klass_1221
      @klass_1221 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Oh, they thought you (Roxy) took it". 🤣💀

  • @ejturner530
    @ejturner530 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    love when y'all talk about bach!

  • @Utopia39
    @Utopia39 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bret was on FIRE this whole episode😂😂😂

  • @MelLovesMoviesAndBooks
    @MelLovesMoviesAndBooks ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Is Roxy hungover ?! 😂

  • @jeffbailey7053
    @jeffbailey7053 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I keep hearing you talk about how bad the deaging was & I don’t get it. I thought they did a great job it didn’t look video gameish at all. I agree with the voice but even that wasn’t bad. I’ve talked to others that have seen it & they thought it looked good too

  • @mattcollins3591
    @mattcollins3591 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Weird how nobody said anything when Keira knightley pretended to be a man during 80 percent of the second pirates film back in 2006, but have a female in a 2023 Indiana jones movie that punches people and all of a sudden it’s a problem.
    Make it make sense

    • @playedout148
      @playedout148 ปีที่แล้ว

      Especially when waller bridge looks like she really could knock a man tf out.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sigh, that is BS, having a female character was never the problem, that is a false narrative by liberal dip@@@@s, Disney/Kennedy have a pattern, we are sick of seeing every iconic white male character get turned into a miserable and broken loser to empower the new female character that knows it all.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@playedout148 LOL

  • @keaton3174
    @keaton3174 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Brett's first line of the day "sometimes I think I'm you wife..." 🤣

  • @EnterLenman
    @EnterLenman ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Bachelorette is back. The world is healing.

  • @NotionPicturesYoutube
    @NotionPicturesYoutube ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Roxy high AF this episode 😂

  • @jim1242
    @jim1242 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Indiana Jones made less money ($11m) on July 4th than Sound of Freedom ($14m), a fairly low budget action movie from a faith based studio which has around half the amount of theatres. This is an absolutre shocking result..

    • @JessicaChastainFan
      @JessicaChastainFan ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And yet, Dial is the better movie. What is the obsession with box office in without a doubt, the weakest era cinema with the most lowest of standards audience today. I'm not surprised that Dial and even The Flash didn't make money. This is the tik tok, Taylor Swift and dumb schlock movie moving audiences today. Cocaine Bear, a total trash dump that would have been torn to shreds in the 90s, somehow became a cinema favorite. People love trash today. The only unfortunate truth for the better half of us is that there is no room for Dial of Destiny and The Flash in the 2020s, no matter how well written, well made and bold they are. People want stupid, and they got it with Fast X, Creed III, Ant Man 3, Spider-verse and soon, MI 7.

    • @jim1242
      @jim1242 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@JessicaChastainFan If you think Indiana Jones is the better movie that great, but it seems there is a lot of people mixed on indy 4. The Sound of Freedom has much higher RT scores, both critic and audiance. Also Indy 4 has a bad cinemascore (B) vs Sound of Freedom (A+)

    • @bryanwouters443
      @bryanwouters443 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@JessicaChastainFan you keep telling yourself that

  • @joshuaaubreyjackson7199
    @joshuaaubreyjackson7199 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    People are losing their minds over this movie, but I really enjoyed it. The only thing that confused me was, if Indy was wanted for murder, how did he get through airport security so easily? Haha. But it's just a movie at the end of the day. And my two cents about "Indy wouldn't want to screw up the timeline"... the man was suffering from a gunshot wound in his chest. He had minutes to live. He wanted the last thing he saw to be that historical battle, before he dropped dead. It would've been like Mike Ehrmantraut's death in Breaking Bad, when he says, "Just let me die in peace" as he looks at the sunset or whatever. It was Indy wanting to die in peace, because in his mind he had no reason left to live. But then Helena slugs him anyway and brings him back to present day. It's a hopeful message overall, that even when you feel completely futile, your life still has purpose. And in some ways, Indy was a mentor to Helena. She was kind of like Han Solo in Episode 4-- on the surface she was all about the money, but deep down she's a good person and shares a reverence for history like Indy does. Indy says it to her when they're in the cave, "You wouldn't memorize your father's notebooks just for the money." He knew that Helena was ultimately good from the start.
    Indy 5 is a good movie and a fine ending to the series. People just went in to it wanting to hate it and then found all these little things to nitpick.

  • @keaton3174
    @keaton3174 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would like what Roxy suggested to happen, Kennedy reads the room and steps away but she won't and I doubt she'll be let go. At best I give her a 50-60% success rate, not based on box office but rather quality of output. I think she's had enough chances to "right the ship" but seems to keep doubling down on the same things people aren't responding to

  • @tech-no-logictech9743
    @tech-no-logictech9743 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Imagine in Last Crusade Connery just punching Indy to prevent him from going for the grail instead of the "Indiana" moment we got..

  • @markusahlstrom1691
    @markusahlstrom1691 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just saw Dial of Destiny and really enjoyed it! Right now I think I’d rank it #3 in the franchise after Raiders and Last Crusade.

  • @Aishakenya824
    @Aishakenya824 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Also, never noticed before, but Brett kind of resembles a young Robin Williams, when he’s shaved

  • @mothmanmedia8511
    @mothmanmedia8511 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You know Bret got some when he shows up with a change of the look and swinging zingers without looking.
    That’s confidence that only Wife Nookie can give you.

  • @LukeTG1_TTV
    @LukeTG1_TTV ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I enjoyed Indy 5, The Flash and Transformers. Without a doubt, Transformers was the most fun and joy filled.

    • @Fan-Nimater101
      @Fan-Nimater101 ปีที่แล้ว

      For me I enjoyed across the spider verse elemental transformers ruby Gillman
      And I’m looking forward too TMNT mutant mayhem paw Patorl and trolls next
      And as a beginner animator myself animation is a medium and true art as Del Toro

    • @LukeTG1_TTV
      @LukeTG1_TTV ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Fan-Nimater101 I’ve not seen Spider-verse yet. Looks good though.

    • @Fan-Nimater101
      @Fan-Nimater101 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LukeTG1_TTV it is good

  • @nrclpsy27
    @nrclpsy27 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Brett today 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  • @asilva88
    @asilva88 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great episode as always guys! To comment on on de-aging tech vs. deepfake: I recently watched the Making Of Mandalorian season 2 finale on Disney Plus, and even then they brought up which is best. I agree they made the wrong choice, and they learned going into Book of Boba Fett. Maybe they were deep in pre-production/production before they could make changes for Indy 5?

  • @MoramothHauntz
    @MoramothHauntz ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I know Roxy has a weird thing about liquids, but AG1 great for hangovers

  • @mandofan2616
    @mandofan2616 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Goodbye Zeflirtenflaus! Hello Oriana Finkelstein. And lets get Brett's beard back. He looks naked without it.

  • @crashingcoyote
    @crashingcoyote ปีที่แล้ว +2

    About Indiana jones budget
    One thing that nobody is talking about is why it cost so much. Remember Harrison ford got hurt in set & production was halted that delay combined w all the Covid protocols skyrocketed the budget.
    That being said it still the budget should be 200m minimum & my guess was Kathleen gave it a 250m budget & then the covid & Harrison ford getting hurt basically fucked the hem

  • @JayBratton31
    @JayBratton31 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I totally disagree with the you guys on your view of the de-aging. I love watching you guys and campea so I was prepared for the de-aging from your out if theater review and I didn't mind the de-aging AT All 🤷🏾‍♂️... Voice though... I agree! 😂 Idk, I think I have pretty decent eye sight and saw the movie on a premium screen at Alamo Drafthouse NYC. The way you guys are talking I feel like I saw the remastered version released just in my theater, and you guys just saw the pre-viz lol 😂

  • @ethankirby1721
    @ethankirby1721 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Y'all forget that the theaters take a large chunk of ticket revenue as well, so I'm thinking this movie has to make $700-$800 million to break even

  • @EleventhCubFan
    @EleventhCubFan ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Roxy definitely seems hungover on this episode and she definitely seemed a bit hungover on last nights Whirl Girls too. I guess she had a fun 4th of July!

  • @MerlinsBeard
    @MerlinsBeard ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kristian did you spot Anthony Ingruber in the Moroccan auction scene?? 😀 Any chance to get an interview with him about it?

  • @keaton3174
    @keaton3174 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A lot of the problem with Indy 5 is the retcon of so many things. Here's this bestfriend we never knew about, Indy has a goddaughter, let's take way the best part of Crystal Skull that was Indy's happy ending just to have the same ending minus Mutt. If they had written Helena better and used the length to explain why she behaves this way toward him and gave her an actual arch it may have helped. Also I am so done with the overuse of cgi It's like watching a vide game cutscene for 30% of the movie. Everything felt like it was hitting you over the head with it

  • @roninunchained
    @roninunchained ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Interesting. I love the ending. For me, Indy wanting to stay in the past was because he was broken. He lost his son, his marriage was falling apart and the only thing for him, was to be where he felt he belongs. Which is why I love Helena pleading for him to go back, then knocking him out. Plus I felt the world leaving Dr. Jones behind. That time with Archemydis/Ancient Greece is what he stands for. There's good points to make the film tighter with its running time. That Prologue was amazing.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      You like seeing Indy as a broken miserable man with his nuts cut off?

  • @ThatJunkman
    @ThatJunkman ปีที่แล้ว +1

    is it just me that doesnt notice the with de-age faces, I never see whatever else is upsets about

  • @TheCoronaNiina
    @TheCoronaNiina 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This movie made me mad cause I was loving it and then at the time travel part it totally took me out. After thinking about it for awhile I'm not as mad about the crazy time travel as I am about the execution of it all. Just like you said it had so much potential but a lot of it was fumbled...

  • @LloydNance
    @LloydNance ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Team Striar

  • @TimCorwin
    @TimCorwin ปีที่แล้ว

    Indiana Jones and the Quest to Save His Marriage
    The de-aging, Old Man, Old Voice Harrison Ford as a 45-year-old man
    Introduce another person we never knew about that Indy barely saw, but cared about like in Crystal Skull, Oxsley
    Bad CGI running on the train
    Indy has some mystical ancient artifacts that he doesn't believe in, even though Ark, heart-ripping Temple, Dad saving cup of Christ, and Aliens.
    Helena is not a good person, but has turn around redemption at the end. Why? To save Indy? To save his marriage?
    I would have been ok if he stayed and they found his tomb at the end with the hat and whip

  • @EleventhCubFan
    @EleventhCubFan ปีที่แล้ว +2

    12:00 just simplify it and say you’re a TH-camr/actor. It’s always annoying when you can’t simply tell people what you do. My family doesn’t know what I do even though I’ve told them multiple times.

  • @DavidJordao
    @DavidJordao ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Brett… put back the beard #BeardGate

  • @markperez2669
    @markperez2669 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was so disappointed in Indiana Jones. In my opinion I think they should always just keep him young and in the 20s and 30s. I don’t know if it would work that way but I think that would be so cool forever young

  • @johnmarek6625
    @johnmarek6625 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just Saw Indy 5 and I had a great time!!
    And when it comes to the flashback scenes..
    I’m pretty sure it is deepfake with a mixture of cg.
    The thing is once the head starts to move the deepfake looks wonky. That’s why when they used deepfake on Luke they made sure to shoot it so his head would move as little as possible. Slow movements look better. And stills look perfect.
    Another thing to keep in mind is that maybe they didn’t have enough high fidelity footage of Harrison Ford for the machine learning. Or at least not as much as they had of Mark Hamill.
    Anyway those are just my thoughts!
    Thanks for the vids :D

  • @heathjones_
    @heathjones_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Overall I like Dial of Destiny. I really liked the opening flashback and the de-aging didn’t take me out of it at all. However, I did feel the runtime in the middle a bit and I thought the chase scenes went on a little too long. But I thought the time travel ending was pretty cool, and I was kind of wishing they would’ve spent a little more time there.
    Also as far as the budget goes, I would argue that the de-aging for the first half an hour of the movie, cost as much if not more than the cgi for the ending

    • @paulwee1924dus
      @paulwee1924dus ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The opening was good, the rest is like a Flea Bag show.

  • @rajabcroswell9020
    @rajabcroswell9020 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Kathleen Kennedy needs the humiliation of getting fired. She's ruined Star Wars and now Indy.

  • @mcwcsmithy1982
    @mcwcsmithy1982 ปีที่แล้ว

    Indy 5 $300m budget. $65m opening weekend / 5 day opening weekend $82m.
    Mission impossible dead part 1 $290m-$300m budget. $62m opening weekend projection/ 5 day opening weekend $85m/$90m.
    So nearly identical budgets and box office.
    Wouldn't both be flops? Or both be successes

  • @darryllcarter5999
    @darryllcarter5999 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My boy Bret! Good show guys.

  • @ricardodiaz2848
    @ricardodiaz2848 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The problem is that Disney has lost all good faith with parents. So even if the movie is good it’s not gonna go get watched because they’ve lost all good will with parents

    • @R17759
      @R17759 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      They’re coming to turn your kids gay watch out.

    • @T.J.S.
      @T.J.S. ปีที่แล้ว

      More like the casual moviegoer and not just the parents. I've gone from watching everything in cinemas to maybe check it out on streaming,and not caring if I'm spoiled,like Indiana Jones 5.

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@R17759 Don't be fruity.

    • @ricardodiaz2848
      @ricardodiaz2848 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@T.J.S. exactly. It’s such a terrible feeling as a moviegoer to continuously be be disappointed, and let down by your favorite film franchises

  • @Moviesrule2011
    @Moviesrule2011 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did they ever talk about the Vegas ufo?

    • @TheKristianHarloff
      @TheKristianHarloff  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No! I think I will cover it with Mark on Monday.

    • @Moviesrule2011
      @Moviesrule2011 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheKristianHarloff sweet! There was also a whistleblower David Grusch interview that’s incredible. Probably heard of it but in case you didn’t!

  • @atari1994
    @atari1994 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    KK is too much of an egomaniac to step down.... "we made some mistakes"... not gonna happen.

  • @johngrayson9218
    @johngrayson9218 ปีที่แล้ว

    With a budget of $300 million, I think Indiana Jones has to make at least $600 million to break even.

  • @lightmanG79
    @lightmanG79 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hehe...Rocks said she "takes it"...hehe Time stamp (13:35)

  • @israelg101
    @israelg101 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I missed Brett 😂

  • @jed6780
    @jed6780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The ending of Dial of Destiny was my favorite part of the movie - it's bold, pulpy, emotional, and in line with the mysticism of the whole Indy series, as well as the notion that the artifact only serves to help Indy find human connection and is never what he or the villains thought it was. The main issue with the film is that it's too damn long. It really needs someone to edit out 20 minutes of bloat, but if you make it leaner, you end up with a pretty damn good Indy adventure.

    • @Gideon0297
      @Gideon0297 ปีที่แล้ว

      The main problem is the ultra woke Helena character.

    • @jed6780
      @jed6780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Gideon0297 See, I don't agree with interpreting Helena through a politically dogmatic lens that dismisses her character as some awful ideological construction. That's a problematic perspective driven by the very obtuse ideology people claim to abhor. There's nothing wrong with Helena being a feisty, irreverent, funny scoundrel. In fact, it's important for the drama and tension between the characters. I keep seeing complaints online about how Helena should have venerated and respected Indy from the start, but those fans have no understanding of drama. Just as with Henry Sr in Last Crusade, you need conflict and for someone to act as a foil to Indy. Helena serves that purpose just fine and her attributes, which some call "woke", give her an arc (similar to Indy's arc in Temple of Doom) and also give Indy an arc through her (just like Indy was given an arc through the existence of Henry Sr, though I guess that doesn't qualify as "woke" because he's a man). They each redeem each other and that's a beautiful dramatic theme.

  • @jmelamp3926
    @jmelamp3926 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Roxy is high out of her mind right??😂

    • @ohmygodimonfire4
      @ohmygodimonfire4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She is talking about how she got drunk the previous night so she is probably hung over.

    • @roxystriar
      @roxystriar ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I wish

    • @BishopWalters12
      @BishopWalters12 ปีที่แล้ว

      She left her s@@t at the White House.

    • @jmelamp3926
      @jmelamp3926 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@roxystriarto be fair I commented this during the first 5-10 minutes of the show you definitely looked off at first but after you explained last night makes more sense lol

  • @Binny2014
    @Binny2014 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Enjoyed Dial of Destiny way more than Crystal Skull but with such a budget I wonder if it was intentional for the scenes on the boat to look so fake - like the characters were standing in front of a green screen. And why do our childhood heroes (Han and Indy) have to suffer the greatest loss that anyone can suffer - losing a child...

  • @katevand
    @katevand ปีที่แล้ว +1

    19:15 Brett ASMR

  • @jool5941
    @jool5941 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Everything everywhere all at once” looked like a marvel movie? Most of the movie took place in a laundromat and there where only 3 main characters.

  • @curtismason6292
    @curtismason6292 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Baby face Brett

  • @josephashley4122
    @josephashley4122 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good show, Brett was funny and Roxy had some shows I probably never watch but I enjoyed Indy tall. Good Show

  • @Zombub
    @Zombub ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1:23 had me dying🤣 I know Kristain's mentioned it before but they need to get Bert Kreischer on the show. Imagine Bert, Kristain, and Brett in the same room. It would be pure comedic chaos😂

  • @solomonmartinez1143
    @solomonmartinez1143 ปีที่แล้ว

    Glad Anthony Ingruber was in it

  • @thechosenones4375
    @thechosenones4375 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ 45:00 - okay, but why get frustrated with the studios for not realizing that Ford is 80? You as a consumer bought a ticket knowing that he was 80. Sooo....

  • @Redjack10
    @Redjack10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I listened to this whole episode for the alien conversation and now I’m UNSUBSCRIBING.

  • @aishaalamoudi599
    @aishaalamoudi599 ปีที่แล้ว

    About budgets; studios would rather make a few huge expensive films rather than many smaller ones; ancillary revenues almost always come through; a blockbuster part of a franchise makes money year round not just during it's theatrical window; the financial argument is with the studios; take a look at the money those blockbusters made only from streaming/tv and Home entertainment "before merch, licensing ..etc": compare it to the theatrical revenue, it is always proportionately significant "all those numbers are from Deadline financial breakdowns":

    *Avatar-2: 350mil. Entire theatrical revenue is 1.2 billion; that is a quarter of its entire theatrical revenue, a film that is the 3rd highest grossing film of all time theatrically.
    *TopGun-2: 445mil. Theatrical revenue of 700mil. Participation took 280mil; that wouldn't be possible without them.
    *TheBatman: 280mil compared to its 355mil.
    *Minions: 330mil compared to 420mil.
    *JurassicWorld Dominion: 320mil compared to 430mil.
    *DrStrange2: 340mil compared to 440mil.
    *BlackPanther WakandaForever: 325mil compared to 425mil.
    BTW: Black Adam, FastX have all broken even with these ancillary revenues.

  • @bertmustin
    @bertmustin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They should have recasted Mutt.

  • @zach8475
    @zach8475 ปีที่แล้ว

    For some reason I thought Kennedys contract is up in 24 and negotiations to extend or stop happen this August. My sources could be rectal though. If that's true then this could allow for the exit.

  • @slewiscurious
    @slewiscurious ปีที่แล้ว

    Theres no way Kathleen loses her job. She is grandfathered in. I would be shocked that Disney learns from any of this.

  • @ericsmith9547
    @ericsmith9547 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think the issue was the movie didn’t do a good enough job explaining why she was an ass whole.

  • @timwelch5108
    @timwelch5108 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    5 minutes in and I'm already dying laughing. This may be my favorite line up because you really have no idea where the conversation is going to go 😂. Great episode

    @ASTRONIGHTCORE ปีที่แล้ว

    Kotcs is honestly such a better movie than dial, I think people need to go back and rewatch it, they’ll be surprised

  • @Sergesauce
    @Sergesauce ปีที่แล้ว

    Jury Duty is so good! Almost every episode had me in tears!

  • @austinh7539
    @austinh7539 ปีที่แล้ว

    I watched Indy the opening weekend! And I agree I loved everything until they landed on the island, I just didn’t believe that to be the climax cause I felt ZERO emotional weight where it should have been. It wasn’t the punch conceptually or…. Metaphorically or anything it was just the literal edit of the adventure just cutting to black as if someone just was reading us a story, got to the most important part and then slammed it shut. Maybe if indy was worried about his relevancy and Archemetes offered him a job to help him build the antikythera? And then he made the decision for himself to go back. Idk but still, up until those crucial moments it was a great time.

  • @ValyrianPrince
    @ValyrianPrince ปีที่แล้ว +1

    28:03when will a Roxy type say this about me 😢

  • @yeahiguessman
    @yeahiguessman ปีที่แล้ว

    38:43 I found the deaging to pretty convincing in those dimly lit scenes (The hanging scene, the hiding from Nazi's in different train cars, and the fight on top of the train). I was happy when I saw the sequence was set at night since that tends to hide a lot of the uncanny valley aspects of this stuff, but then for some reason they choose to just shine bright ass lights in his face multiple times? It felt like they were saying, "Wow! Look how great this is!" and it ended up being the moments that took me out of it the most.
    It's even more unfortunate considering that this will never be touched up and in ten years when that huge leap in technology is made it'll probably be more of how we look back on Tron: Legacy's Jeff Bridges.
    I also think the reason they didn't use a deepfake is mostly due to an excitement around new technology mixed with a lot of negative press surrounding deep faking/A.I. tools.

  • @matdow4470
    @matdow4470 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi guys and gals! Hope you'Re havng an excellent Thursday so far! Just wanted to say that I loved this movie. TTFN

  • @scobe1295
    @scobe1295 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Kennedy is out and the Star Wars movie slate changes again, but then again wouldn’t be surprised if they keep on trucking.

  • @ElevenEvilExes
    @ElevenEvilExes ปีที่แล้ว

    no, you guys are wrong about Phoebe Waller-Horseface. a better, more likeable actress could have played the part in a way where the character is an "asshole" but we'd still like her as a character. PWH just made her completely unlikeable.

  • @TeleuteDPu
    @TeleuteDPu ปีที่แล้ว

    I was the inverse! The ending of Dial was easily my favorite part of the film. All of the early CGI pulled me out, especially during the parade.

  • @WilliamHerrold
    @WilliamHerrold ปีที่แล้ว +1

    At 1:30, Brett wins the show! lmao

  • @jadapandy
    @jadapandy ปีที่แล้ว

    Dial of Destiny cost a lot because it filmed during the pandemic, along with production stopping because Harrison Ford was injured.
    I don't get the hate. Love Mangold and this latest Indy film is very good.

  • @rogersjgregory
    @rogersjgregory 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Say what you want about James Cameron, but whatever his budget is, you see every cent of it on screen. With Dial of Destiny, I can’t see where the $300 million went. Yeah there’s CGI here and there, but the entire Avatar movie was CGI, and that only cost $237 million.

  • @Delli88Burn1
    @Delli88Burn1 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder if there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Because James Mangold is an excellent director. One item that I can attribute a flaw to the director is the special type of humour that Indy films have, James Mangold might not be suitable for, based on his body of work. But the VFX, I think its from how Disney is built now. Everything is segregated, the action, the vfx and the overall might be from different departments. Unlike maybe Logan, where James had full control over every aspect

  • @therevolutionwillnotbeyoutubed
    @therevolutionwillnotbeyoutubed ปีที่แล้ว +1

    27:49 Who's Alonzo?

  • @Preston196
    @Preston196 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thought it was good

  • @JimmyXWolvie
    @JimmyXWolvie ปีที่แล้ว

    In my opinion Kristian, I did liked Indys god daughter at first and near the end, but during the middle, I thought she became very unlikable. I agree with you that the actress did a good job, but during those times she mistreated Indy throughout their journey, didn't really work for me. Thanks for the review guys! ✌

  • @MrBrownstone8881
    @MrBrownstone8881 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kathleen Kennedy? Amazing Producer... Kathleen Kennedy? Terrible Studio Head... it's now time. Favreau and Filoni can take the torch and bring us to the new era.

  • @jayman36553
    @jayman36553 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am an Elite subscriber but the website is making me pay to view the comic. I thought it was included in the membership.

    • @TheKristianHarloff
      @TheKristianHarloff  ปีที่แล้ว

      10.00 and up should be able to access. Let me see what is going on.

    • @TheKristianHarloff
      @TheKristianHarloff  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Jay, just followed up on this. Shoes and Beef should have access for the Elite. Capes comic for issue 1... It's for all access now. First issue was alacart or at the 35+ range. When issue 2 comes out, you will have access at your tier for issue 1.

  • @jaybling6687
    @jaybling6687 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you told me Mangold didn’t direct this, I would have thought Joe Johnston or Colin Trevorrow.

  • @holisticmassage2003
    @holisticmassage2003 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My prediction is the Rey movie is never coming out.. nobody wants to see that movie