Lol. You could probably go to where i had it and transpose it down one half-step. That way you can play it too! Btw, I think flutes sound awesome. I also have a flute player in my band that sometimes plays the piccolo for songs. The flute and piccolo together makes it sound really cool, especially stuff written by Sousa.
Nice! I started playing in 5th grade. Going into 8th now. I'm pretty good at Clarinet. Maybe not as good as the best in my school, but they've been doing it way longer.
Yeah. I actually designed it so it would be pretty easy to play. I could've made it way harder, but why do that? I dropped a lot of the notes an octave, like in Once Upon A Time. But nevertheless, it's awesome to play for your friends.
Thanks for all the positive feedback on this video! This is my first video that has reached over 100 likes! I've been a bit busy, so I haven't done much to this video, but I will try to add more songs soon!
yay finally an undertale medly with only one clarinet part and no noted over the supertonic E! There are a couple parts though that I would bring to notice, if anything it's the extra notes that aren't notes (if that makes sense) but other than that I love it and am probably going to use it for my wind ensemble audition
Ok, I'm new at clarinet ( I have been playing for about 5 months. I guess not that new ) but what do the dots under the note mean? Like in " your best friend?
I played this at school and lunch and every one was clapping and my music teacher was looking and smiling at me and left. Good times (My lunch is an outdoor area
Shame I don't play the clarinet I guess I'll have to try and transpose it ... Wait trumpets in Bb yes I can play this without having to spent ages transposing : )
Hannah Reid harder than recorder, I'll tell you that much. Not only do you you have to take in rhythm, but also how you set up you posture, which affects how you breathe, which is a LOT to playing clarinet. I'm just getting used to this and I have been playing for over 3 years, 5th to 8th grade.
Caleb Kirby what exactly were you getting at I mean I was just saying that I’m happy I don’t have to transpose like I do when playing peices that were intended for instruments in a different key
Rhythms are messed up in some places, but I still like this medley. I do have a bone to pick with you, though: WHERE’S MEGALOVANIA?!! It’s the backbone of any good Undertale compilation! There’s nothing humerus about neglecting it :/
The F in measure 21 should have been an E-sharp. Measure 21 is based on C-sharp major (concert B major), and the major third of C-sharp is E-sharp not F.
This is great! Ima see if I can get my friend this link so she can learn it. She plays clarinet and I play flute. We started the same day, but she's so much better XD
This is brilliant! Really enjoyed playing it, and at first you used simple tunes but by the second page I realised you were actually more skilled than I realised :) There are just a few errors I noticed which I'll list in case you want to edit the file - Bar 11 may sound better with the melody up an octave since it starts on the same note as the bassline and that means there's no definition of the change between the two. The last note of bar 14 should be a high F, not a D! On the last beat of bar 30, where the semiquavers start, it should go G A G E. You missed out the first G. At bar 65, or anywhere where the 3rd bar of that chord progression is seen, you should start with a Db/C#, not a D. There's a subtle but noticeable difference, and it's one of the beautiful things about the piece! In heartache, this is your choice, but I'd rather the melody be used, if your music is meant as a solo? The 4th quavers of both bar 92 and 96 need Es instead of Fs. The end of Sans from 97 onwards is a bit off and just altogether needs looked at. Listen to the track again and see if you can hear where you go wrong. There's a small error in Snowdin/Shop but it's not a big deal and still sounds fine. I'll let you re-listen and find it if you want mainly cos I can't remember where it was ahaha The first bit of your "Asgore" is actually called "Bergentrückung" but I haven't checked all your names thus far so a few others are probably wrong too The last note of bar 136 is too soon! 145 and 149 start with an F Why does 159 have a 1st time and 2nd time repeat when both are the same?? Anyway, once again, good job!
If you want me to explain, basically, they used a computer and clarinet notes to put this together, plus the notes always cut off so badly, and the sound wasnt even right
Know I know which notes to learn. I only know the easy ones and I'm on lesson 8 at school learning B and B-flat? *maybe sharp I don't know* but this is awesome! At least I can learn!
Mia Sepulveda you can just transpise it. the easiest way would be to make a musescore account and then click the link in the description and then edit it. once you have the score that is here just. press ctrl+A to select everything then shift+up arrow to make everything an octave higher and then press the down arrow twice to put the piece in the key of c (cuz clarinet is in Bb)
You filled me with determination even though I have a flute..
Lol. You could probably go to where i had it and transpose it down one half-step. That way you can play it too! Btw, I think flutes sound awesome. I also have a flute player in my band that sometimes plays the piccolo for songs. The flute and piccolo together makes it sound really cool, especially stuff written by Sousa.
+Griffin Drucker Hey I'm really advanced I played in my 5 th grade bond when I was in 4th grade
Nice! I started playing in 5th grade. Going into 8th now. I'm pretty good at Clarinet. Maybe not as good as the best in my school, but they've been doing it way longer.
+Griffin Drucker Griffin do you have an iPhone
omg now I can show off in band class like bitch I can play undertale
Yeah. I actually designed it so it would be pretty easy to play. I could've made it way harder, but why do that? I dropped a lot of the notes an octave, like in Once Upon A Time. But nevertheless, it's awesome to play for your friends.
We were given the option but the one we got was too high
Thank you so for making this, its awesome! :)
sikeITSsydney eh I can play almost all of hopes and dreams, save the world, bergentruckng, and the start screen theme.
this song fills you with determination
Thomas White Yes it does...even tho this is a year late XD
Where would this save be tho
When Squidward finds Undertale
No he's trash
Now he just needs to learn how to play the clarinet properly xD
Codi Merrill Jesus christ guys... Its a joke!!!! no wonder people hate clarinet players
Sköldpaddsjävel _ hey chill not all clarinets are like that. I am o f f e n d e d
thanks a skele-ton! I play clarinet too and i'm too bad.
sorry meant not too bad
Lets do this.
Seeing some of my favorite sound tracks turned into sheet fills me with determination :3333
just here taking screen shot after screen shot
Pheonixwarrior123 OMG SAME
I know this is 2 years late but you find this music on musescore for free
@@squikymouse3602 Dude so same I did that exact thing for canon in d
Thanks for all the positive feedback on this video! This is my first video that has reached over 100 likes! I've been a bit busy, so I haven't done much to this video, but I will try to add more songs soon!
Undyne's theme would be cool on this song -wink-
Please add Bonetrousle, Megalovania, and/or Metal Crusher. Thank you for your consideration and stay DETERMINED.
Thank you for making this easy to play for a seventh grader. I can't find a good one like this unless it has high as fuck notes. Seriously, thank you.
Bella Wells i'm eighth grade and this is super easy
Bella Wells im in 8th and regret leaving band
I played this in 6th grade :p
Kaden Henion lucky
I played this I am a six grader
Ah yes. The clarinet. It's basically a glorified recorder. And I should know. I play the clarinet.
I also play clarinet. It is a huge recorder.
It sounds way better than recorder though and it's my favorite wind instrument (from a string musician and percussionist).
Nightmare Clarinet is nothing like the recorder >~>
Dragon Lord exactly what I said xD
Me too
I'm SOOOOOO glad I found this!
It's awesome!
Can't wait to play them ALLLLL
when ur a violin player and u cant play one note BUT IT SOUNDS AWESOME
I play the clarinet and I'm on vacation, thank you so much for this!
Tocar estas músicas no clarinete...
te enche de DETERMINAÇÃO
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'll do this on my BASS CLARINET
Pixythefox DO IT
Pixythefox I WILL AS WELL
Ayyy someone who plays the bass clarinet
I've PLAYED the bass clarinet before.
yay finally an undertale medly with only one clarinet part and no noted over the supertonic E! There are a couple parts though that I would bring to notice, if anything it's the extra notes that aren't notes (if that makes sense) but other than that I love it and am probably going to use it for my wind ensemble audition
3:38 we came for this.
Dude I can not thank you enough I've been looking for this sheet music for such a long time.
best clarinet cover eva
This is literally made from a computer, its a terrible "Clarinet" cover
Thank you, you have no idea how badly i wanted to play this on my clarinet. Thank you so much.
so glad i found this such a great piece to play
Finally I have some music I can use for my clarinet it's been waiting for me to play it
I don't know this many notes on my clarinet yet
I.Am.In.Love. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
Ahhh this is the best thing on earth. I love it keep it up
You want them to keep making "Clarinet" covers with a computer, it didnt even sound right.
Ok, I'm new at clarinet ( I have been playing for about 5 months. I guess not that new ) but what do the dots under the note mean? Like in " your best friend?
Kittenlove 2305 they are staccatos...that means bounce the note and emphasize it.. in simpler terms make the note short. Hope this helped☺
Armani T thanks!
Staccato. This means the notes should be shortened just a little and put space in between the notes.
Hannah Kay staccatos it means make note short and strong
Thanks for this. I could not find sheet music for this untill now. You Rock😃
this is awesome!!
日本人ヲ [[発見]] レまsiた
This is actually good
I played this at school and lunch and every one was clapping and my music teacher was looking and smiling at me and left.
Good times
(My lunch is an outdoor area
That's neat :)
Please add megalovania
This is amazing!
now i wish i wore the jacket that one time so i didn't get sick and had to give up clarinet because this would be SICK
Matea Lovrenović you gave up clarinet because you were sick? Tf?
Shame I don't play the clarinet I guess I'll have to try and transpose it ... Wait trumpets in Bb yes I can play this without having to spent ages transposing : )
Hannah Reid harder than recorder, I'll tell you that much. Not only do you you have to take in rhythm, but also how you set up you posture, which affects how you breathe, which is a LOT to playing clarinet. I'm just getting used to this and I have been playing for over 3 years, 5th to 8th grade.
Caleb Kirby what exactly were you getting at I mean I was just saying that I’m happy I don’t have to transpose like I do when playing peices that were intended for instruments in a different key
Hannah Reid yeah
@@TheRealYoungNastyman I have been only playing the clarinet for only for almost a whole year and yea, its a lot I agree with you on that...
thank you for melody :)
Omg Snowdin Town really brought me back to when my life was at its peak. I thought I was just hear to learn some music not cry over undertale music
Thank You
When I first started clarinet I found and looked at this video and thought it looked so hard. Now it looks easy to me lol
Thanks for making this! Could you possibly do deltarune next?
Pulls up with attack of the killer queen
I love it!!!!!
Good job for what? Using a computer to make a terrible cover
Rhythms are messed up in some places, but I still like this medley. I do have a bone to pick with you, though: WHERE’S MEGALOVANIA?!! It’s the backbone of any good Undertale compilation! There’s nothing humerus about neglecting it :/
I now know what I should do for the talent show
dahm i need to learn this ALL!
Well I was disappointed because it didn't have Bonetrousle or Megalovania but still great video!
Yessss. Just yesss.
The F in measure 21 should have been an E-sharp. Measure 21 is based on C-sharp major (concert B major), and the major third of C-sharp is E-sharp not F.
I am going to use this to show off to my band teacher. Then he will definitely put me in symphonic band
try getting megalovania in there +Griffin Drucker
I've only been playing clarinet since October, so I don't have much experience. I know I won't be able to play this for a while.
This is great! Ima see if I can get my friend this link so she can learn it. She plays clarinet and I play flute. We started the same day, but she's so much better XD
This is brilliant! Really enjoyed playing it, and at first you used simple tunes but by the second page I realised you were actually more skilled than I realised :) There are just a few errors I noticed which I'll list in case you want to edit the file -
Bar 11 may sound better with the melody up an octave since it starts on the same note as the bassline and that means there's no definition of the change between the two.
The last note of bar 14 should be a high F, not a D!
On the last beat of bar 30, where the semiquavers start, it should go G A G E. You missed out the first G.
At bar 65, or anywhere where the 3rd bar of that chord progression is seen, you should start with a Db/C#, not a D. There's a subtle but noticeable difference, and it's one of the beautiful things about the piece!
In heartache, this is your choice, but I'd rather the melody be used, if your music is meant as a solo?
The 4th quavers of both bar 92 and 96 need Es instead of Fs. The end of Sans from 97 onwards is a bit off and just altogether needs looked at. Listen to the track again and see if you can hear where you go wrong.
There's a small error in Snowdin/Shop but it's not a big deal and still sounds fine. I'll let you re-listen and find it if you want mainly cos I can't remember where it was ahaha
The first bit of your "Asgore" is actually called "Bergentrückung" but I haven't checked all your names thus far so a few others are probably wrong too
The last note of bar 136 is too soon!
145 and 149 start with an F
Why does 159 have a 1st time and 2nd time repeat when both are the same??
Anyway, once again, good job!
They arnt skillful at clarinet at all
If you want me to explain, basically, they used a computer and clarinet notes to put this together, plus the notes always cut off so badly, and the sound wasnt even right
5:23 Undertale
I play bass clarinet and this would be perfect for it as well becuase I believe the highest note is second register B-flat which isnt really a problem
It is nice ! ;)
Where's papyrus ??
I played this while on the phone with my friend and he loved it😂😂👍👌
Know I know which notes to learn. I only know the easy ones and I'm on lesson 8 at school learning B and B-flat? *maybe sharp I don't know* but this is awesome! At least I can learn!
0:54 that's E major not C major
this works for a b flat trumpet
which is trouble cleft on baritone so yay
TY! I lOve you! :D
Add death by Glamour
The only soundtrack I've practiced om my clarinet from Undertale is memory. I'm planning on learning more though
No joke I looked this up because I need to right notes for homwork work
Dude, you overblow so much
This is awesome. However the real challenge would be the entire medley with no squeaks
I play this on Bass Clarinet. If you don't know what it is, look it up. IT IS SOOO HARD TO DO DX
3:39 yes
You are now filled with *Squidwardination*
Just because someone plays clarinet DOES NOT MEAN THEIR FUCKING SQUIDWARD
The last one is called His Theme, but either way, nice song!
Where the hell is Bonetrousle
i think you have one of the notes wrong in shop.
did you actually play this! 😱
Alice Kwak this isn't a live performance it's generated audio. I use this site too, I know exactly how it sounds XD
I want to know the notes for all of them please
im going to learn this then play it at my instruments class wish me luck
Why does it miss out the whole of waterfall and hotland they have some of the best songs
Same for Measure 22.
Do have these for other instruments as well like flute
Mia Sepulveda you can just transpise it. the easiest way would be to make a musescore account and then click the link in the description and then edit it. once you have the score that is here just. press ctrl+A to select everything then shift+up arrow to make everything an octave higher and then press the down arrow twice to put the piece in the key of c (cuz clarinet is in Bb)
for asgore, the first part was bergentrückung.
does anyone know where i can find meglovania on the clarinet
Plzz make more
What is the best reed you think it is i use 3 reeds
Vandoren classic
I don't even play clarinet what am I doing here
I'm a trombonist
4:43 that high note needs 3 beats
I still can't play this I played clarinet for 2 years .
No dynamics but lots of circular breathing :)
David Manly it's computer generated (and the sound is horrible)
I thought I lost my lips after I finished all of them lmao
It kept buzzing on certain notes
Where’s my Bass Clarinet squad at
Mine clarinet isn’t Bb :(