and i feel like the question right after is supposed to be a reference to the older R6 games where if your operators die, they stay dead for the entire campaign
What do you think about an operator whos gadget just wins the game. The operator is on offense and defense so whoever uses the gadget first would win. I think this would increase the skill gap in r6 too!
Do you think that Finka should get a buff where she can revive herself with the serge when she is injured? I don’t see why she can’t get herself up but doc can with his ability
On the question about for joining a mid 4v5 ranked game. The best way to go about it is having a separate playlist of joining 4v5 games but the Caviot is if you win or lose it doesn’t effect your MMR it’d be the best form of warmup as it’d be real ranked rounds without the penalty
Jackal has his reasons atleast he doesn't see through walls like pulse repeatedly pulsing the heart beats. Jackal id so exposed for seconds staring at a footprint
I was thinking they were bassically describing Wamai. I feel like when they said forcefield, they meant more of an aoe. I dont see why that one was a big deal as it was just a mix of Aruni and Wamai
Sunday mailbox: Do you think rainbow six siege needs more challenges/grind. I find that there’s probably a month each season total where I don’t have anything to do besides just play the game. What do you think of the idea of operator challenges e.g 1000 nades caught with ads, and when you complete these challenges you get a skin that shows your good with that operator
I actually think perma death for ops within the same match would be an interesting mechanic. First team to run out of ops loses, or it forces the team to play as Recruits. I'd want to see it as an LTM.
Sunday/Monday mailbox. What are your thoughts on a auction house, let’s say u get a duplicate black ice, u could put it on the auction house for an amount of time, and players can bid for renoun until the time is up, highest bid wins the black ice
This would be great for players, but Ubi would never implement this. It would just push players away from buying alpha packs, and they wouldn't wanna give players that much power
@@Hakumai_o7 it would be terrible because first things first it would never be implemented for black ice right and second, R6 doesn't need a betting system like csgo
Monday Mailbox idea: What if we added muzzle attachments to shotguns? Maybe have different chokes to make the pellet spread tighter, or wider like what Bo1 had with the different variants like the sweeper or hunter.
Uhhh no? Itd wouldn't matter regardless especially in a game where headshots mean everything in this game and automatic guns dominate alot even in close quarters.
In the past the Siege devs have said that they don't want Jackal to have real dogs tracking his targets. However, with Iana in the game what if he had hologram dog "drones" to deploy and track his targets for him?
I really like this idea I think that it would be you see the footprint and then it would send out a holographic dog u then follow the dog to the person, like what real hunters do with dogs
For abandon cooldowns, it should work like a threat indicator, the less a person leaves matches, the higher chances are that they had a reason, if someone disconnects from every other game they’re probably doing it on purpose. So have a system that dishes out cooldowns based on how troublesome you are
There is a reason why there is the saying “No idea is a bad idea”. You cant have a worst questions since they could be over powered but they could have a fundamental basic structure for a new OP idea
Last one could easily work, just make it a support queue that throws players into these already low numbers games at the cost of having to play something like a recruit, or even more limited role. They can choose this special queue for faster games, some type of gift such as exclusive skins or renown boosters, and serve as an deterrent to prevent leave/rejoin manipulation.
Honestly, I've seen games where if you join a match in progress, it doesn't count the loss against you. Maybe make it so if you join a match in progress, any SR loss you take from losing is greatly reduced, but if you win, you still benefit from it.
Question: if they made gadgets like jagers and mutes semi indestructable like melusi's or the placeable cams do you think it'd change the game significantly?
I like the pulse idea. Maybe like one manual pulse every few seconds. But perhaps he has to touch his glasses to activate so it takes a second to put his gun back up?
thoughts on a team chat instead of drone phase. defenders still get prep phase but attackers get team talk phase. as soon as the round starts the the location of the objective is given nothing else. invites players to try and drone out more. also more time might be necessary for this idea
a forcefield is more grounded in reality then a lasergrid powerful enough to meld a grenade without exploding it and drawing power from a pocketbatterie
Hey Mat, how about for a 4v5 situation the team with a full squad loses a random player each round? They would still be able to look at cameras or drones for callouts.
Losing a match after going to overtime should take less mmr from u than it normally does, that would keep people motivated to play even after going 3-0 down on the first half.
Have a reward boosts for picking different operators. No punishment if you keep playing as the same operator but you can get a little more by swapping around and playing as other operators.
Monday mailbox: What do you think of an adjustment to Jackal where instead of the pinging system it gives you and your team a distinct audio feedback coming from the player you scanned every set amount of times for a set period of time for , audible only from a small distance.
What do you think of an operator that can throw a gadget that deploys a hard foam substance? It would act as a soft wall after deployed. This could fill in holes in walls/opened hatches, and it could be deployed on a soft wall to creat a double soft wall (takes 2 sledge hits) to remove the situational aspect.
How do you feel about an option where you can choose to join mid game matches, or instead of restricting you from playing when you exit in the middle of ranked matches have it to where your only option is to join a mid game for set amount of time.
I've always thought a nice idea for glaz might be to give him a low tier primary smg and rather than having his Inv scope on his dmr have it so he can just turn what ever optics he uses as an inv so he could have an smg with an inv reflex, it might be abit over powered they'd have to maybe tweak the inv scope to balance it but I think it could be nice if done right
Monday Mailbox: As a console player, I know the struggle of playing against keyboard and mouse. Thankfully ubisoft is looking into options to help with that but if they don't figure out a way to out right ban It, I have an idea. Back in battlefield 4, there was a controller setting (at least for ps4) that allowed you to lean from tilting your controller. Wouldn't that be a good solution to decrease the gap of fairness between controller and keyboard at least for the time being, if ubisoft was to introduce an option like that?
What would think about giving Sledge a "quick attack" where he quickly jabs the hammer making a hole roughly the size Aruni makes. He pokes a hole and gets his gun up quicker if he just wants to make a small hole to look around or do a murder hole.
For joining rank mid game: maybe ubi makes a que pool that ppl can offer to que up late match but they don't win or lose elo only get like renown or something for their troubles. Honestly once people hit their desired rank they may only want to play like that.
8:45 How about a system that prorates the ranked points gained or lost if you join a match already in session? So even if you get thrown into a match that's already gone far downhill from one team losing a player, you might only suffer 10% of the normal defeat penalty if you couldn't turn things around.
for the join for mid-ranked just have the same system as COD, if you join in a match and lose it doesn't count against you but if you win you still get the points
Monday mailbox, what do you think adding cloaking to castle's gadget and if it takes damage from bullets it gets wobbly and when you melee it you see shattering effect. Also to make it more balanced we could add green haze to it so you can figure it out that there is a castle barricade from distance
What do you think about an op that can be picked on def and atk but they would be more like a recruit in terms of a "character". I have no idea what the gadget would be but I think it could help with the one op per season.
I actually have joined a ranked game in progress before. This was way back, before Kafe even got reworked (which I remember because it was on Kafe) - or hell, anything got reworked. Think it was a one time glitch, and that we actually ended up winning, as I joined down 1-2. Very strange
The operator who makes other op's gadgets cloaked is definitely game breaking. The only thing I could think of that would be balanced in that same vein would be someone who could reinforce other gadgets to where they need to be shot more than once or would be disabled instead of destroyed by twitch/thatcher.
What do you think about allowing players queuing for Unranked to join in to already started Ranked games where they're missing players (like a 4v5). The players queued for Unranked wouldn't be affected by the outcome of the match, they would only receive the EXP and Renown
I’m pretty sure the main reason echos cloak was removed was bc of the hit box glitch that happens as a result of the clocking. Echo has been soft banned in comp for a long time. The whole collegiate fall season.
An idea: how about a defending kamikadze drone operator, they probably would be like an impact Granade dmg wise and you could pre place them to either watch a place or detonate em to destroy gadgets?
Honestly put glaz on defense, but have extreme light sources blind his scope. Outside makes the scope useless, and looking at flashbangs blinds the scope as well
For Monday Mailbox: What do you think about a limited time game mode where every round the operator you choose gets a random primary, sidearm and gadget from their respective sides?
What are your thoughts of ubi making it where if you Disconnect from a match and get banned because servers wasnt working etc. You could fill out a form and gain 15 elo and revert your ban. This would be a In game feature and once they respond they would give you either 15 elo or the elo you normally gain IF you win and resetting your ban time.
What do you think about giving warden some smokes. This takes away from relying on attack to throw smokes and gives warden the ability to utilize his ability a little more. Smokes could be used to also cut off lines of sight and could make him a viable operator.
IDEA: if you lose your teammate in ranked and they don’t rejoin, add someone in and treat it like unranked for the new guy. They could add a new playlist for solo queuers to replace players in ranked and if there’s enough left those people in the queue, they get put together for unranked.
What do you think about mixing up secondary gadgets both def and atk? I mean let certain attackers pick from the def pool of secondaries and let certain defenders pick from the attacker pool of secondaries. So like defender with smoke or frags, or an attacker with proxy alarm or deployable shield for that flank watch.
Instead of a force field, they shouldv made it the same type of ADS they have on Humvees. Darpa developed an ADS system that would dump a material that would destroy RPGs headed to the side of Humvees. Aruni could've just been an op that has the humvee ADS on doors.
What do you think about a ranked system that when your team loses a team mate and you lose the game you lose less elo, or if you win you gain a little more elo (when down a team mate). Another idea based off of this to get people to keep trying during a match if they are like 0 to 3, is if the game ends with like 3 to 5 or something you lose less elo. I don't think the reductions and gains in elo should be that much, but I think it could help with these problems. Thoughts?
That first guy: *I’m four metas ahead of you*
Ikr Aruni tho
@@rasmuffin6111 legit just predicts aruni
Predicts Aruni - stupid questions
I was about to comment the same thing, he was kind of on point with Aruni
3:35 I guess this guy just got offered an internship at EA
Lol I was just thinking about that
This exactly
this 3:35 madlad just spilled some megamind shit right there, such an unbalanced wisdom
you're way too nice for the guy asking to spend renown to "heal up" operators. That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard in these sections.
Don't give Ubisoft any ideas.....
That is an EA thing to do
In my head I was thinking, 'wow this guy's an idiot!'.
That’s what I was thinking. Like that is quite possibly the dumbest question I’ve heard
@@scamuelproductions2248 EA would do credits tho
I would love to see Matt’s initial reactions to seeing these.
That would be cash right rhere
Yeah I would like to see a live opening going through his inbox one by one
He needs to record while reading comments!
Every time one of these comes out I’m nervous I’ll see one of mine
As long as you dont say something as stupid as this morons you are fine.
@@AppealToHeaven76 Usually I don’t call out spelling errors but if you’re gonna call someone a moron through text, do it right.
@@seeknprotect6179 lol
@@seeknprotect6179 I dont care
@@seeknprotect6179 The ideas people had in the video were dog shit
3:37 WTF, that sounds like something on a mobile game/AAA developer level of scummy to make you spend more, did an exec mail that question?
It sounds like Tarkov PMC injuries system.
That idea of Pulse's glasses having heartbeat sensing capabilities was literally in Rainbow Six Lockdown lmao
and i feel like the question right after is supposed to be a reference to the older R6 games where if your operators die, they stay dead for the entire campaign
You should do this more often lmao
dont steel my commint
@@OneHunnitNoCapStannitOnBidnisz commint
@@OneHunnitNoCapStannitOnBidnisz what did I steal? Yours talks about liking this video and has a million emojis
I agree
@@OneHunnitNoCapStannitOnBidnisz steel? Commint?
What do you think about thatcher getting his "six inch blade" now that they have made an operator with a custom knife
It would be cool but only a animation switch
That sounds like a good idea like csgo knife skins and different styles of blades
@FroggyNipNips but seeing as he’s a 60-year-old guy I doubt his six inch blade never loses reception knowwhatimsayin
@@nozzlium fookin’ Viagra
His second elite is a crocodile dundee uniform
" I think having a competitive fps were you can clearly and concisely see what is around you is important."
What do you think about an operator whos gadget just wins the game. The operator is on offense and defense so whoever uses the gadget first would win. I think this would increase the skill gap in r6 too!
It should also instantly make you champion rank
@@lglfkglgphemelglober8367 wtf man that would be too op
@@lglfkglgphemelglober8367 makes u champion ranked for one day. U lose a game u get lowest ranked for the whole season.
The person who asked the first question is a time traveler
Or maybe a ubi dev 👀
I was just thinking this
Probably works for the simpsons
Thank you, I guess I am :)
@Zachary Williams the second yes lol
Yes, nut on people to get noticed
Montiamo lol
@@DowntownFunkMeister The Ass of a Montiamo. For the love of god!
Kids today are weird
@@jezoboii always has been
Do you think that Finka should get a buff where she can revive herself with the serge when she is injured? I don’t see why she can’t get herself up but doc can with his ability
Zofia can get up from downed with pure willpower, but Finka can't press a single button to pick herself up
@@ironintegral6631 exactly
@@ironintegral6631 “I hab baby so I disregard these bullets inside me and stand up”
Now for Finka
“ah too weak to press button on hand ahhh”
I have no ideia why that isn't in the game already
Matimi0: "Or life happens, and you have to leave"
Me: *Wait, you guys have life's?*
He was wrong lol, you were correct, Swing.
On the question about for joining a mid 4v5 ranked game. The best way to go about it is having a separate playlist of joining 4v5 games but the Caviot is if you win or lose it doesn’t effect your MMR it’d be the best form of warmup as it’d be real ranked rounds without the penalty
“Using your primary weapon at the same time as your gadget would be op” Nervous Jackal
Jackal has his reasons atleast he doesn't see through walls like pulse repeatedly pulsing the heart beats.
Jackal id so exposed for seconds staring at a footprint
“I don’t think force fields should be added to siege”
Matt’s gonna be pissed when he discovers Melusi
I was thinking they were bassically describing Wamai. I feel like when they said forcefield, they meant more of an aoe. I dont see why that one was a big deal as it was just a mix of Aruni and Wamai
Sunday mailbox:
Do you think rainbow six siege needs more challenges/grind. I find that there’s probably a month each season total where I don’t have anything to do besides just play the game. What do you think of the idea of operator challenges e.g 1000 nades caught with ads, and when you complete these challenges you get a skin that shows your good with that operator
Completely agree👍🏻
I actually think perma death for ops within the same match would be an interesting mechanic. First team to run out of ops loses, or it forces the team to play as Recruits. I'd want to see it as an LTM.
The person who asked the third question is probably an EA exec
Sunday/Monday mailbox. What are your thoughts on a auction house, let’s say u get a duplicate black ice, u could put it on the auction house for an amount of time, and players can bid for renoun until the time is up, highest bid wins the black ice
I don’t want that for black ice at least, it won’t make it as special
No because then black ice is no longer the rarest skin in rainbow so this is a terrible idea
This would be great for players, but Ubi would never implement this. It would just push players away from buying alpha packs, and they wouldn't wanna give players that much power
@@Hakumai_o7 it would be terrible because first things first it would never be implemented for black ice right and second, R6 doesn't need a betting system like csgo
The moment I saw this, I was hoping for once I WOULDN’T be on the list.
Wait, how many times have you been on it? 😂
Bruh I need more context
leaving a dot to come back to this .
@@NishantNaik19 same .
Imagine putting your heart and soul into a question and it ends up on this type of video
War Thunder players: First time?
Is that actually a thing?
Bryan Enty yup when you die you have to pay a repair fee
Monday Mailbox idea: What if we added muzzle attachments to shotguns? Maybe have different chokes to make the pellet spread tighter, or wider like what Bo1 had with the different variants like the sweeper or hunter.
Uhhh no? Itd wouldn't matter regardless especially in a game where headshots mean everything in this game and automatic guns dominate alot even in close quarters.
7:31 ayo dude in the chat kinda sus
The Sunday Mailbox series is one of my favorites on TH-cam
Sunday mailbox is dead. Monday took over
@@stevemygoodman7809 it was never dead but... the last one was on july 10 2018
@@stevemygoodman7809 OK then
@@gjr9546 🤣🤣
@@ElenaBG3 just a joke lol
0:25 my mans prediction came through
The guy with the first question be out here like “I TOLD YOU SO, YOU NON-BELIEVERS!”
8:28 "The nexstion is..."
Matimio just out here making up words like no one would notice. SMH.
Ok rex
900IQ though, "Nexstion" lmaoo
Bruh the first one was aruni gate like spot on
I hope everyone has a great day!
In the past the Siege devs have said that they don't want Jackal to have real dogs tracking his targets. However, with Iana in the game what if he had hologram dog "drones" to deploy and track his targets for him?
Yeah because you dont want to feel guilty killing a dog for your benefit
Like in cod, it makes me feel guilty killing those guys 😶
I really like this idea I think that it would be you see the footprint and then it would send out a holographic dog u then follow the dog to the person, like what real hunters do with dogs
For abandon cooldowns, it should work like a threat indicator, the less a person leaves matches, the higher chances are that they had a reason, if someone disconnects from every other game they’re probably doing it on purpose. So have a system that dishes out cooldowns based on how troublesome you are
I love Matt’s team mates callouts in chat at 7:29
There is a reason why there is the saying “No idea is a bad idea”. You cant have a worst questions since they could be over powered but they could have a fundamental basic structure for a new OP idea
Last one could easily work, just make it a support queue that throws players into these already low numbers games at the cost of having to play something like a recruit, or even more limited role.
They can choose this special queue for faster games, some type of gift such as exclusive skins or renown boosters, and serve as an deterrent to prevent leave/rejoin manipulation.
Honestly, I've seen games where if you join a match in progress, it doesn't count the loss against you. Maybe make it so if you join a match in progress, any SR loss you take from losing is greatly reduced, but if you win, you still benefit from it.
Question: if they made gadgets like jagers and mutes semi indestructable like melusi's or the placeable cams do you think it'd change the game significantly?
Yes, that would be the 'Utility Meta' on uber charge
I actually really like the idea that make it a way that people can't play as the same characters
I like the pulse idea. Maybe like one manual pulse every few seconds. But perhaps he has to touch his glasses to activate so it takes a second to put his gun back up?
thoughts on a team chat instead of drone phase. defenders still get prep phase but attackers get team talk phase. as soon as the round starts the the location of the objective is given nothing else. invites players to try and drone out more. also more time might be necessary for this idea
a forcefield is more grounded in reality then a lasergrid powerful enough to meld a grenade without exploding it and drawing power from a pocketbatterie
requiring a bullet to turn it on again
Hey Mat, how about for a 4v5 situation the team with a full squad loses a random player each round? They would still be able to look at cameras or drones for callouts.
Are...are you trying to get on the next episode of worst questions? Cause it seems like it.
Losing a match after going to overtime should take less mmr from u than it normally does, that would keep people motivated to play even after going 3-0 down on the first half.
True, make the close games less harsh on the losers.
Have a reward boosts for picking different operators. No punishment if you keep playing as the same operator but you can get a little more by swapping around and playing as other operators.
Even thought this would be way overpowered, that would be low key pretty cool
Love how the first worst question represents the new operator we have today
*worst Sunday mailbox ideas*
*Ubisoft* write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN
Monday mailbox: What do you think of an adjustment to Jackal where instead of the pinging system it gives you and your team a distinct audio feedback coming from the player you scanned every set amount of times for a set period of time for , audible only from a small distance.
So dokkaebi glasses
just make jackal's goggles give you a less exact location, like the room or some shit.
@@BigChessFan yea that makes sense it would also lower hi ban rate
I love that this is genuinely aruni.
What do you think of an operator that can throw a gadget that deploys a hard foam substance? It would act as a soft wall after deployed. This could fill in holes in walls/opened hatches, and it could be deployed on a soft wall to creat a double soft wall (takes 2 sledge hits) to remove the situational aspect.
So glad we got another one of these
So Ubisoft basically choses the worst ideas from matimio's little word document of worst operator ideas. That explains everything
I was so early.... I remember when Matt did this on Sunday 🤷♂️
How do you feel about an option where you can choose to join mid game matches, or instead of restricting you from playing when you exit in the middle of ranked matches have it to where your only option is to join a mid game for set amount of time.
For the one that turns things invisable picture how anoying frost and that operater would be.
Invisible annoying operator no offense to your spelling
4:48 Nextion? Or next question? 🤣🤣🤣
I've always thought a nice idea for glaz might be to give him a low tier primary smg and rather than having his Inv scope on his dmr have it so he can just turn what ever optics he uses as an inv so he could have an smg with an inv reflex, it might be abit over powered they'd have to maybe tweak the inv scope to balance it but I think it could be nice if done right
The chef operator who cooks a really good meal
Monday Mailbox: As a console player, I know the struggle of playing against keyboard and mouse. Thankfully ubisoft is looking into options to help with that but if they don't figure out a way to out right ban It, I have an idea. Back in battlefield 4, there was a controller setting (at least for ps4) that allowed you to lean from tilting your controller. Wouldn't that be a good solution to decrease the gap of fairness between controller and keyboard at least for the time being, if ubisoft was to introduce an option like that?
Make Tachanka invincible
When the teacher picks your text as a bad example
What would think about giving Sledge a "quick attack" where he quickly jabs the hammer making a hole roughly the size Aruni makes. He pokes a hole and gets his gun up quicker if he just wants to make a small hole to look around or do a murder hole.
For joining rank mid game: maybe ubi makes a que pool that ppl can offer to que up late match but they don't win or lose elo only get like renown or something for their troubles. Honestly once people hit their desired rank they may only want to play like that.
8:45 How about a system that prorates the ranked points gained or lost if you join a match already in session? So even if you get thrown into a match that's already gone far downhill from one team losing a player, you might only suffer 10% of the normal defeat penalty if you couldn't turn things around.
I always love Worst Questions episodes😂
So we got a person from the future, and a guy that’s EA in disguise
for the join for mid-ranked just have the same system as COD, if you join in a match and lose it doesn't count against you but if you win you still get the points
I think the pulse buff idea could be cool if it had some kind of a disable function where if you sprint it shuts off. Still the same timer as warden.
Monday mailbox, what do you think adding cloaking to castle's gadget and if it takes damage from bullets it gets wobbly and when you melee it you see shattering effect.
Also to make it more balanced we could add green haze to it so you can figure it out that there is a castle barricade from distance
Matimio: Imma end this mans whole career
What do you think about an op that can be picked on def and atk but they would be more like a recruit in terms of a "character". I have no idea what the gadget would be but I think it could help with the one op per season.
3:58 He works for EA guys dont worry
I actually have joined a ranked game in progress before. This was way back, before Kafe even got reworked (which I remember because it was on Kafe) - or hell, anything got reworked. Think it was a one time glitch, and that we actually ended up winning, as I joined down 1-2. Very strange
The operator who makes other op's gadgets cloaked is definitely game breaking. The only thing I could think of that would be balanced in that same vein would be someone who could reinforce other gadgets to where they need to be shot more than once or would be disabled instead of destroyed by twitch/thatcher.
as my teacher once said "there is no such thing as a stupid question but there is stupid questions"
Love this series
What do you think about allowing players queuing for Unranked to join in to already started Ranked games where they're missing players (like a 4v5). The players queued for Unranked wouldn't be affected by the outcome of the match, they would only receive the EXP and Renown
I’d love this. A pretty sweet way to warm up for ranked.
I’m pretty sure the main reason echos cloak was removed was bc of the hit box glitch that happens as a result of the clocking. Echo has been soft banned in comp for a long time. The whole collegiate fall season.
What would u think about making echo drones cloaked if nobody is looking through them, and when someone flips to the camera it uncloaks how it is now
the atroition idea is great where you need to pick tactacly soo you dont get stuck without a hard breach
An idea: how about a defending kamikadze drone operator, they probably would be like an impact Granade dmg wise and you could pre place them to either watch a place or detonate em to destroy gadgets?
Matts sight is so narrow. Think about a cloak shield like a deployable shield that is invisible from the front and anyone directly behind it is aswell
6:44 "Make glaz a defender..." that as to be 100% troll
Honestly put glaz on defense, but have extreme light sources blind his scope. Outside makes the scope useless, and looking at flashbangs blinds the scope as well
For Monday Mailbox: What do you think about a limited time game mode where every round the operator you choose gets a random primary, sidearm and gadget from their respective sides?
Sounds funny especially if your lucky
What are your thoughts of ubi making it where if you Disconnect from a match and get banned because servers wasnt working etc. You could fill out a form and gain 15 elo and revert your ban. This would be a In game feature and once they respond they would give you either 15 elo or the elo you normally gain IF you win and resetting your ban time.
What do you think about giving warden some smokes. This takes away from relying on attack to throw smokes and gives warden the ability to utilize his ability a little more. Smokes could be used to also cut off lines of sight and could make him a viable operator.
IDEA: if you lose your teammate in ranked and they don’t rejoin, add someone in and treat it like unranked for the new guy. They could add a new playlist for solo queuers to replace players in ranked and if there’s enough left those people in the queue, they get put together for unranked.
Mailbox question : What do you think about giving Warden smoke grenades to make him more viable?
What do you think about mixing up secondary gadgets both def and atk? I mean let certain attackers pick from the def pool of secondaries and let certain defenders pick from the attacker pool of secondaries. So like defender with smoke or frags, or an attacker with proxy alarm or deployable shield for that flank watch.
Sounds like nomad and gridlock with extra steps.
Claymores on defence? That sounds horrible. Deployable shield on attack? No offence but this is a horrible suggestion.
@@borismuller86 Exactly, it would also completely undermine trap ops and flank watch ops.
Monday Mailbox: What if lion got a buff where he just got wall hacks
a monday mailbox on my birthday yay
3:36 "that just sounds like pay to win with extra steps"
Instead of a force field, they shouldv made it the same type of ADS they have on Humvees.
Darpa developed an ADS system that would dump a material that would destroy RPGs headed to the side of Humvees.
Aruni could've just been an op that has the humvee ADS on doors.
I thought the original title of the series was 'Sunday Mailbox' and it was just called 'Monday Mailbox' whenever it was delayed?
I love these kinda Mailbox videos 🥰
What do you think about a ranked system that when your team loses a team mate and you lose the game you lose less elo, or if you win you gain a little more elo (when down a team mate). Another idea based off of this to get people to keep trying during a match if they are like 0 to 3, is if the game ends with like 3 to 5 or something you lose less elo. I don't think the reductions and gains in elo should be that much, but I think it could help with these problems. Thoughts?