At this point when league creators reacts to his vids on the inside they wanna laugh but on the outside they stay emotionless cause of the years of torture they've went throught with the game
im a close friend and mod for karasmai, as soon as the vid came out (cuz i have notifications on obviously) i sent the vid to him with the timestamp where he makes a short appearance. so im guessing his gold retriever attention span could only handle watching it for 5 seconds until he clicked off.
Hey I know alot of you probably saw the original but people are suckers to reactions so wanted to give them what they wanted, but for those of you that wanted new content, here is curator rav with a few options of stuff I recently made that I like: - My parody Akshan Guide: - Spectating Iron IV gwen but only saying nice things: - My attempt at commentating MINECRAFT:
11:24 You'd think it wouldn't considering one of the reasons with which people defend that champion is his ult being an execute and not dealing a lot of dmg on healthy champions.
@@gryphon4150 Good point. If it wasn't for 1. 17-16 being 1, not 4, but maybe you're a Jhin main and I'd respect that. Does it matter that he's behind in items here? Until maybe 5th item he's not getting much tankier anyways and if he had 5 items he would be ahead. 2. Kayn having at least 87,5 armor at that point just because of base stats (I'm not even considering the 2 mountain drakes he got) and akshan only having 12 lethality (collector). 3. Kayn having at least 3/4 of his max hp in this clip. It's still an execute. Its damage increases the lower the target is. Akshan has only 1 single lethality item. No execute should instantly kill anyone from 75% hp with that range, except maybe sona or yuumi.
@@HunterofWaifus I have to admit, I actually did forgot about akshans passive. But then again, for what reason does his ultimate proc his passive, except for 200 years of collective game design experience figuring it's a great idea to make his ultimate not only an execute but also dps and hybrid damage.
I love how when Kayn is in the enemy team, he is omnipresent and fed..... but on my team I forget we had a jungler because I've been farming under tower for 10 min due to constant ganks from the enemy and my allied kayn is 1/6 for some reason.
1:53 he clearly says “back to the kayn syndrome video while you wait in queue? Okay, what’s the kayn syndrome video..” Which indicates (1) they’d watched it on his stream for a little without finishing it, (2) he was looking to see which tab had it, and (3) a sub asked to continue watching while 220 years of game making experience found a match before the next Olympics
@Rav Actually no he hasn't watch the video, note it starts at 1:08, he hit 1 on his keyboard as it was loading, If you didn't know the number pad or 1-0 keys on your keyboard skip to N0% of the video, which "1" would be 10% of the video or 1:08
I doubt Karasmai watched the video half way before. The link sent to him had "&t=68s" in it (you can see it on the url bar at 1:42), which makes the video automatically play starting from 1 minute 8 seconds, so it wasn't Karasmai who already watched part of the video. The one sending the link to him probably messed up and didn't delete that part of the link.
"We've all fed our micro ducks off in a game. Before" yeah, definitely remember going like 2-18-7 in a game wirh Oriana when I first tried her. Thats why I dont say anything in chat anymore if someone is feeding lol
Rav may be a genius... He plays a game, reacts to said game, finds someone who reacts to his reaction( and they laugh at it cause Rav is hilarious), then he reacts to their reacting to his reaction. Can we get KarasMai to react to this video so Rav can react again?
If I had to describe Kayn syndrome it would be always going the wrong for for the game (usually going blue into a cc-heavy team, when our own team lacks cc and sustained front-line fighting power).
And it's always having wrong runes + wrong items. Amount of time I saw blue Kayns with typical heavy fighter build including goredrinker and sterak is just weird.
Him saying he hopes none of his viewers play like the Kayn in the video is extremely optimistic seeing as Kayn is one of the most smooth-brain assassins in all of League.
1:46 -- no, i'm pretty sure someone sent it starting from that timing proof for that is that the youtube link has additional argument "t=68s" which means to start 68 seconds in -- check it yourself -- EDIT: can be also written as "t=1m8s" which means 1 minute, 8 seconds in the video
To be fair, youtube automatically plays videos on phone when you hover over them long enough and it can pause it on the moment the preview stopped at the moment you click it. Just fyi
also gj Rav on this add on kayn syndrome video where you said that we can add you, i put your friend code and it says "last online 1 week ago" and you never came back sad face
I think that the video thing might because of mobile youtube , when you hover a video it plays out without having to press on it, like a preview? Just that you can literally go through the whole video that way.
Karasmai is not the "self proclaimed" best kayn in the world, he literally displays it every time. He got to grandmaster in EUW and didn't get chall only because he wanted to go out with dantes and his other friends.
"You know like 90% of them play like this." My match history and mastery 7 says I'm in the 10% _"Mastery? I must congratulate you. Obviously, your parents never had any reason to."_ *-Aatrox* -That hurt-
Karasmais last comment just goes to show how broken kayn is as a champ and pair that with how stupidly impactful jungle is. Aslong as you have soemthing, even a tumour in your empty skull you can facemash your keyboard and get atleast a triple before dying
Rav: I'm not going to get any LP from this game.
Also Rav: Playing Normal game.
Least he didn't lie.
He 100% didnt get any lp from that game
Look at the bright side,he didn't lose any LP either
He's not wrong.
Why does the best kayn in the world look exactly how i would expect him to
wdym by that
@@PykeMain211 idk he looks like a emo
@@PykeMain211 he looks like blue kayn on his day off
@@PykeMain211 he looks like a virgin💀💀
You manage to get the man himself to not only watch, but also laugh to your video Rav. Well done, well played.
"The man himself" u mean that little kid with the bieber heard?
Welcome to another episode of Rav reacting to streamer reacting to Rav reacting to solo queue inters
@@PandaRizzArg karaisma is a man child
Your comment is in dire need of a comma.
@@GandalfTheSilver comma deez nuts
At this point when league creators reacts to his vids on the inside they wanna laugh but on the outside they stay emotionless cause of the years of torture they've went throught with the game
Rav videos getting the attention they deserve from League players.
I just realized rav earns money while flaming on league
That dude is a legend
To be fair, he blames ABOUT league of legends. It's a little different from say, Tyler1.
That's not nearly as funny as Vandril making a living exposing league bugs literally 2-3 times daily. lmfao
Yputube took your comment personal
He really does look like a Kayn main
Just like elite 500 looks like vlad lol
And his brother looks like one too, but is actuwlly the world record holder of multiple horror game speed runs
he looks like kayn lol
im a close friend and mod for karasmai, as soon as the vid came out (cuz i have notifications on obviously) i sent the vid to him with the timestamp where he makes a short appearance. so im guessing his gold retriever attention span could only handle watching it for 5 seconds until he clicked off.
Hey I know alot of you probably saw the original but people are suckers to reactions so wanted to give them what they wanted, but for those of you that wanted new content, here is curator rav with a few options of stuff I recently made that I like:
- My parody Akshan Guide:
- Spectating Iron IV gwen but only saying nice things:
- My attempt at commentating MINECRAFT:
11:24 You'd think it wouldn't considering one of the reasons with which people defend that champion is his ult being an execute and not dealing a lot of dmg on healthy champions.
Well you see, it has his ult has a little known mechanic that it instantly one shots people who are insanely behind and probably 4 levels down.
@@gryphon4150 Good point. If it wasn't for
1. 17-16 being 1, not 4, but maybe you're a Jhin main and I'd respect that. Does it matter that he's behind in items here? Until maybe 5th item he's not getting much tankier anyways and if he had 5 items he would be ahead.
2. Kayn having at least 87,5 armor at that point just because of base stats (I'm not even considering the 2 mountain drakes he got) and akshan only having 12 lethality (collector).
3. Kayn having at least 3/4 of his max hp in this clip.
It's still an execute. Its damage increases the lower the target is. Akshan has only 1 single lethality item. No execute should instantly kill anyone from 75% hp with that range, except maybe sona or yuumi.
Don't forget his ult procs his passive which is %hp damage. Still I didn't expect him to die from 80%
@@HunterofWaifus Akshan's passive is flat magic damage scaling with level.
@@HunterofWaifus I have to admit, I actually did forgot about akshans passive. But then again, for what reason does his ultimate proc his passive, except for 200 years of collective game design experience figuring it's a great idea to make his ultimate not only an execute but also dps and hybrid damage.
I love how when Kayn is in the enemy team, he is omnipresent and fed..... but on my team I forget we had a jungler because I've been farming under tower for 10 min due to constant ganks from the enemy and my allied kayn is 1/6 for some reason.
1:53 he clearly says “back to the kayn syndrome video while you wait in queue? Okay, what’s the kayn syndrome video..” Which indicates (1) they’d watched it on his stream for a little without finishing it, (2) he was looking to see which tab had it, and (3) a sub asked to continue watching while 220 years of game making experience found a match before the next Olympics
Riven mains tend to run wildly into the next 5/0 Volibear with ult and die
I love when you make these
Rav stays goated, slowly getting more and more recognition!!!!
I love the fact that he reaches out to you happy that you roasted him, that's great
How do Rav and Skooch not have more subscribers honestly making the best league content out right now.
There are a few other gems out there like darkk mane and nickyboi, but they mostly stream
@@sebawuba8533 bruh what about vars. He's an actual legend
@@vagueequinox7543 growing channel, i recall he already hitted the 100 thousand subs
I love how the Kayn himself messaged you and you are chill now haha
this is the most meta shit i've seen today after i just got done with the kayn video.
Not the collab we wanted, but the collab we deserved
I love all these clips popping in the end
now we need Karasmai reacts to Rav reacting to Karasmai reacting to Rav reacting to the dogshit kayn
@Rav Actually no he hasn't watch the video, note it starts at 1:08, he hit 1 on his keyboard as it was loading, If you didn't know the number pad or 1-0 keys on your keyboard skip to N0% of the video, which "1" would be 10% of the video or 1:08
But then ya would skip my sexy arse comment 😂
gotta love the more plates more dates in ur feed at 1:54 :D
Rav singlehandedly outplayed the Reaction stream genre by posting a reaction to the reaction so hes still getting paid at the end of the day
The Ali-A part was good i'll give you that
he has the biggest smile ever that’s so wholesome
I doubt Karasmai watched the video half way before. The link sent to him had "&t=68s" in it (you can see it on the url bar at 1:42), which makes the video automatically play starting from 1 minute 8 seconds, so it wasn't Karasmai who already watched part of the video. The one sending the link to him probably messed up and didn't delete that part of the link.
You right, ty for detective work
"We've all fed our micro ducks off in a game. Before" yeah, definitely remember going like 2-18-7 in a game wirh Oriana when I first tried her. Thats why I dont say anything in chat anymore if someone is feeding lol
I literally forgot that rav was reacting to this he was so quiet XD
Rav may be a genius... He plays a game, reacts to said game, finds someone who reacts to his reaction( and they laugh at it cause Rav is hilarious), then he reacts to their reacting to his reaction. Can we get KarasMai to react to this video so Rav can react again?
If I had to describe Kayn syndrome it would be always going the wrong for for the game (usually going blue into a cc-heavy team, when our own team lacks cc and sustained front-line fighting power).
And it's always having wrong runes + wrong items. Amount of time I saw blue Kayns with typical heavy fighter build including goredrinker and sterak is just weird.
@@mrszmatan2727 true
@@mrszmatan2727 gore on blue kayn is very strong, cant say the same about steraks tho
Ngl its not incorrect its not about what the team needs when it comes to choosing a form
Next video
i dont think he has
@@Ravlol yet
@@Ravlol yet. He is probably too busy being the best annie player in the world i think
Watched the vid faster than our discord bot could link it
hi neestz (alexiane from the discord)
He could be a regar main with that hair just like nightclub used to be and his hair
Never got to one of Rav's vids this early before, lesss gooo
Him saying he hopes none of his viewers play like the Kayn in the video is extremely optimistic seeing as Kayn is one of the most smooth-brain assassins in all of League.
Rav is legit comedy central
My guy said oh trust me I’ve covered it “ presents video link here”
I know it's gonna be a good day when you upload
for some reason this chap looks exactly how a typical kayn main would look like
9:59 Kara's face dude omg my sides
"He does no damage" Did he not realize his own gameplay 😂
1:46 -- no, i'm pretty sure someone sent it starting from that timing
proof for that is that the youtube link has additional argument "t=68s" which means to start 68 seconds in -- check it yourself --
EDIT: can be also written as "t=1m8s" which means 1 minute, 8 seconds in the video
More plates more dates making an appearance gotta love it
I didn't watch this video yet and after reading your comment I'm extremely intrigued lmao
@@alexawef haha sadly its not as good as you'd hope
hahahah 11 min the gnar has 4 man ult into his own wall but goes for baron wall haha
To be fair, youtube automatically plays videos on phone when you hover over them long enough and it can pause it on the moment the preview stopped at the moment you click it.
Just fyi
“Syndome” as represented by the thumbnail.
also gj Rav on this add on kayn syndrome video where you said that we can add you, i put your friend code and it says "last online 1 week ago" and you never came back sad face
0:33 thank you for putting Chelsea in there.
The kayn and rav really went 🤝
1:53 coach greg and more plates more dates a.k.a plates for dates on your youtube front page. Nice!!!
I wait for the day i see the akali syndrome video here, watching it being a champ you play is a lot funnier. Thats why the yone one is my favorite
The video opening part way through was probably because the viewer sent it with it accidentally timestamped partway through.
the endscreens were amazing lmao
props to kanyey for laughing
Yay 1minute in, gg Rav!
The Bella Poarch joke is GOATED
He looks like a Kayn main. Does that makes sense? Idk but he somehow does
6:19 Bruhh this man is a menace
That Morgan Freeman comment 🤣🤣🤣
2:19 wtf, why he is looking so stressed out while he is just watching video xd
hot tube twitch tube is wholesome and family oriented.
Kayn syndome in thumbnail.
It sounds like a kayn that likes to be dominated by a syndra
Dude imagine how much better this would be if I could hear your voice m8
Whenever I get a Kayn this bad, it's always blue Kayn.
Well then jou didnt see my inting rhaast
@@Ssaintless I am afraid
I loved watching this my favorite lol streamer and my favorite lol TH-camr!
I think that the video thing might because of mobile youtube , when you hover a video it plays out without having to press on it, like a preview? Just that you can literally go through the whole video that way.
x D Raid ad so quality they don't think it's Raid , Gottem
It's true, a lot of Kayn players think that it's a broken champ with no mechanics and they just hard int.
Watching Rav to watch a guy whos watching Rav??! This age is beyond human understanding.
I have Kayn Syndromes lately.
From 75wr to 37wr
We need more of those xd
I watched the whole video, but didn't see the best kayn world in it
Lmao imagine Rav making Smash content too.
The most sane Kayn otp
Who is it in the bath tun at 0:36
Asking for a friend
0:36 wtf that girl in the pool looks like Lauren Chen lol
Karasmai is not the "self proclaimed" best kayn in the world, he literally displays it every time. He got to grandmaster in EUW and didn't get chall only because he wanted to go out with dantes and his other friends.
"Best Kayn World" hmm.. That's why I don't watch his videos anymore, I hope we will see him in EUW one day
"You know like 90% of them play like this."
My match history and mastery 7 says I'm in the 10%
_"Mastery? I must congratulate you. Obviously, your parents never had any reason to."_
-That hurt-
Mastery 7 just means you had 5 really good games
How else do you think I got Mastery 7 on pyke? lmao
Yo Rav can i send you a full gameplay replay you can flame? xD
omg he even has kayn hair
‘Bit of a problem’
0:33 I don’t know who the F made that list, but that guy needs a doctor.
Hold on hold on, Rav watches MPMD??
We got the best Kanye world to fall to the epic commentary! Who is next?
Where was the best kayn world in this video? I didn't see him
I've had 4 recent games with blue kayne turbo running it. Incredibly irritating. At no point have I ever banned Kayne until now.
Double ads mean ad blocker.
U got typo in thumbnail it says "syndome"
You made a toorhbrush ad?
0:36 for science ?
Yes yes i do play like this. Thats why i avoid making other human beings suffer as Rav does here.
ye ye we vibin
Karasmais last comment just goes to show how broken kayn is as a champ and pair that with how stupidly impactful jungle is. Aslong as you have soemthing, even a tumour in your empty skull you can facemash your keyboard and get atleast a triple before dying
i actually wanted to know what is a kayn syndome like the thumbmail said sadgee
What's the toothpaste ad called?
The thing I hate about KarasMai is that he keeps flickering his screen. It is really good for inducing epilepsy.
Featuring the Delt God himself. Rav is skyrocketing.