Ua tsaug zoo mloog thiab ho txaus 2 ntshai thiab os sv ds ua neej nyb ces txawm ua nkj nraug zoo 2 npaum twg Los thov sv ds g txhob haus ntshav tes os yog haus Lm ces thaum ntawv g tau xav mus Los yuav tau sau nra mus Li nawb tsoom me npoj yaig hmoob sv ds ua neej hnov g txhij paub g txhua Lam taus Lam ua raws siab xwb tiam si txaus ntshai kg nawb
I don’t understand at first he said he so far and he only return to her once a year, but now that his wife had a baby and he can return to her many times in a month ? Men…
Ua tsaug zoo mloog thiab ho txaus 2 ntshai thiab os sv ds ua neej nyb ces txawm ua nkj nraug zoo 2 npaum twg Los thov sv ds g txhob haus ntshav tes os yog haus Lm ces thaum ntawv g tau xav mus Los yuav tau sau nra mus Li nawb tsoom me npoj yaig hmoob sv ds ua neej hnov g txhij paub g txhua Lam taus Lam ua raws siab xwb tiam si txaus ntshai kg nawb
Ca tu siab ua luaj aw
I’ve been waiting all day for this story!
Nice story
Nyiam mloog kj cov dab neeg dab
Zoo mloog kawg li os
Quite the new version of Maiv Naim!
Tu siab mob siab ua ke
Omg come after the parents too please. Lim hiam thiab siab phem ces los ntawm niam txiv los. 😂
I'm a little disappointed, you didn't do the gf's voice when she was chasing Xyoob.... "Xyoob aww! Tos kuv ooos!" LOL
You did it!? lol
Go listen to Koos Loos because he will.
😂😂 it would be that much better
lol wishful thinking but honestly if I were may, I’d be scared shitless to do that 😂
may zaj niag koj hai ko ce yog cov niag dab neeg qub2 puag thaum ub lawm xwb os may aw
Tu 2 siab
Tos tsis tau xoob mus ua pom niam 😂😂
I don’t understand at first he said he so far and he only return to her once a year, but now that his wife had a baby and he can return to her many times in a month ? Men…
Me too, lol
Hmmm so how do you know they can’t be together in the underworld? Hmmmm lol
Are these stories fiction or nonfiction ??
😅 I can only listen to these stories during the day time 😂 these are too scary!!!
Tej nim qub dab neeg lawm xwb os may aw
bro f
Niam ntsuab teev aw koj kav tsij hsis cov dab neeg li no os xav hnov dab neeg tiag tiag li no xwb os