Eurovision 1994 🇮🇪- My Top 25

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @1-256
    @1-256 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    25. Good song
    24. So summer-y
    23. Nostalgic to me
    22. Underated
    21. One of my fav
    20. Mystical and cute
    19. Meh
    18. Pretty cozy
    17. Underated
    16. So cute
    15. 10th is not enough
    14. ❤️❤️❤️
    13. Beautiful
    12. Happy it's your 12th
    11. Also underated. Dan is amazing
    10. So catchy
    09. Good "duet"
    08. My winner. Simple, yet beautiful
    07. Good song. Never interesting to me
    06. ICONIC
    05. Good song😖 Makes me cry
    04. Was my winner some months ago
    03. So sweet. It's like a farmer siting at his dead wife grave.
    02. Good song
    01. Very ok song

  • @ivanbujalanceleal6323
    @ivanbujalanceleal6323 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    One of the best ever year of ESC...I love most of the top 10...Poland, Russia, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Cyprus, Iceland, Finland, Germany and Ireland.

  • @1-256
    @1-256 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My point on Hungary: For me, when I listen to the song, it feels like a farmer singing at his guitar near his dead wife grave a song she always loved, in a summer day. It feels sad, yet very cute.

  • @fivesticks8219
    @fivesticks8219 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hungary is my winner. So beautiful
    My second is Ireland. Well deserved winner.
    And my third is Poland. Well deserved second.

  • @1-256
    @1-256 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ver happy you underated songs as Lithuania and Romania. They are my fav's.😻

  • @annad7694
    @annad7694 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Poland Edyta Górniak 🇵🇱👍😍

  • @adamgreen9583
    @adamgreen9583 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here is my full ranking of all 25 songs from the 1994 contest in Dublin :
    1. ). 🇵🇱. Poland
    2. ). 🇩🇪. Germany
    3. ). 🇫🇮. Finland
    4. ). 🇭🇺. Hungary
    5. ). 🇦🇹. Austria
    6. ). 🇵🇹. Portugal
    7. ). 🇸🇰. Slovakia
    8. ). 🇳🇴. Norway
    9. ). 🇮🇪. Ireland
    10. ). 🇷🇺. Russia
    11. ). 🇬🇷. Greece
    12. ). 🇲🇹. Malta
    13. ). 🇬🇧. United Kingdom
    14. ). 🇸🇪. Sweden
    15. ). 🇨🇾. Cyprus
    16. ). 🇪🇪. Estonia
    17. ). 🇮🇸. Iceland
    18. ). 🇧🇦. Bosnia Herzegovina
    19. ). 🇫🇷. France
    20. ). 🇱🇹. Lithuania
    21. ). 🇨🇭. Switzerland
    22. ). 🇭🇷. Croatia
    23. ). 🇪🇦. Spain
    24. ). 🇳🇱. Netherlands
    25. ). 🇷🇴. Romania

  • @naborrodriguezdieguez7758
    @naborrodriguezdieguez7758 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My top: Croacia, Sweden, Ireland,, Germany, Norway, Cyprus, Hungary, Portugal, Poland.

  • @aknigge
    @aknigge 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Here are my personal votes/rankings, i'am from the Netherlands
    12 points: Ireland - Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan - Rock 'n' Roll kids
    10 points: Sweden - Marie Bergman & Roger Pontare - Stjärnorna
    8 points: Iceland - Sigga - Naetur
    7 points: Norway - Elisabeth Andreasson & Jan Werner Danielsen - Duett
    6 points: Portugal - Sara Tavares - Chamar a música
    5 points: Spain - Alejandro Abad - Ella no es ella
    4 points: Slovakia - Tubla Tanka - Nekonecná piesen
    3 points: Romania - Dan Bittman - Dincolo de nori
    2 points: Poland - Edyta Gorniak - To nie ja!
    1 point : United Kingdom - Frances Ruffelle - We will be free (Lonely symphony)

    • @gonzoprodz2024
      @gonzoprodz2024 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @aknigge
      @aknigge 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gonzoprodz2024 Haha, we all said in Europe, you have in you're own hometown no friends. Rohan, the silly sad lonely boy!

    • @gonzoprodz2024
      @gonzoprodz2024 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aknigge Sad boy? My life is super happy and I don't need you putting me down. And you don't know what's going on in my life, so just because you and you're European friends say that I have no friends, doesn't mean it's true.

  • @idankingon
    @idankingon 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1) Hungary
    2) Germany
    3) Portugal
    4) Ireland
    5) Poland

  • @scorpiodivinity
    @scorpiodivinity ปีที่แล้ว

    1. Russia
    2. Poland
    3. Hungary
    4. Ireland
    5. Cyprus
    6. Portugal
    7. Norway
    8. Sweden
    9. Finland
    10. Germany

  • @o-b-1
    @o-b-1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My ranking from Israel:
    Norway 🥇
    Sweden 🥈
    Cyprus 🥉
    Lithuania (underrated as hell)
    Switzerland (underrated)
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Germany (overrated)
    Netherlands (great song but it's one of the strongest years ever)