China in a Nutshell: China: I love rice :3 China: Mongolia, do you like Rice. Mongolia: No! China: Oh really, then i will take you. Mongolia: Omg! China: *Declares war with Mongolia* China: Korea, do you like Rice? South Korea: Yes. North Korea: I havent eat food for 74 years and i wanna join :(. China: Ok North Korea and South Korea, wanna join? South Korea: Sorry no. China: Why? South Korea: You're Communist. China: Ok. China: *declares war with South Korea* China: Taiwan & Japan, you like rice? Taiwan & Japan: Yes and we used it for sushi & i wanna join :) China: Ok. Taiwan & Japan: * joins China* China: i will change my name and flag! China: *changes flag and name* Rice Empire: SEA, do you like rice. SEA: Yes and i want to join. Rice Empire: Noice XD. Rice Empire: Caroline Islands & Marianas Island, do u like rice? Carolinas and Marianas Island: Yes and i wanna join. Rice Empire: Eggcelent! Rice Empire: Asia, you like rice? Asia: Yup. Rice Empire: Ok and want to join? Asia: Yes! Rice Empire: Middle East & Oceania, you like Rice? Middle East & Oceania: No mate! Rice Empire: Ok. Rice Empire: *declares war with Middle East & Oceania* Africa: We are about to die! Pls feed us. Rice Empire: Do not worry, we will feed you some rice :) Africa: Yes, finally food X). Rice Empire: Europe, do you like Rice? Europe: No. Rice Empire: *Triggerd* Rice Empire: *declares war on Europe* Rice Empire: i going to changd my name again. Rice Empire: *changes name* Rice Union: Americas, do you like rice? Americas: No. Rice Union: *Triggerd* Rice Union: *declares war on Americas* Rice Union: time to change my name again. Rice Union: *changes name* Rice World: I rule the world now :) Rebel: I'm you're weakness >:) Rice World: Who the poop are you? Rebel: I am Russia and i will kill you using Snow. Rice World: What Nooo!!! Rebel: Yess!!! Rebel: *declares war on Rice World* Rebel: Time to reset countries. Rebel: *resets countries* China: My Rice, Russia u betrayed me :( Russia: Lol :3
Thailand in a nutshell Thailand: is so good day Thailand: WHAT!! Thailand: hey Vietnam Vietnam: yea? Thailand: why your war on me Vietnam: I need more land Thailand: NO!! War comes to Thailand Thailand: yay Thailand: hey Indonesia Indonesia: yea? Thailand: E Indonesia: what Thailand: l need more you land now Indonesia: NO WAY!!! Indonesia: noooooooooooooooooooooooo War comes to Thailand Thailand: yes Thailand: hey Malaysia Malaysia: what Thailand: l need you land now Malaysia: NO!!! Thailand: ... Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Malaysia: oh no Thailand: oh yes War comes to Thailand Singapore: oh no Thailand: I take Singapore Singapore: noooooooooooooooooooooo War comes to Thailand Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand Thailand: hahaha Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand: oh yes Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand: oh yes War comes to Thailand Thailand: hahahahaha I big now South Korea: hey North Korea!! North Korea: hahahahahahahaha South Korea: oh no Thailand: oh no South Korea!!! South Korea: oh yes Thailand!!! North Korea: oh no!!! War comes to Thailand-South Korea Thailand-South Korea: yes!!! South Korea: thank you Thailand: np Philippines: oh no Thailand: what Philippines Philippines: you evil Thailand South Korea: no Philippines Thailand: yes I not evil Philippines: you 2 so evil!!! Thailand-South:>:( War comes to Thailand-South Korea Philippines: noooooooooooooooooo Thailand-South: yes!! USA: oh god Canada: what USA USA: Thailand is big land now Mexico: oh no Thailand is big land USA: yes Mexico Thailand: hey chine chine: what Thailand chine: I know you war on me Thailand-South: Korea: oh no War comes to Thailand-South Korea chine: I win Thailand-South: nooooooooooooooooooooooooo chine: YES!!! the end
Idea: Canada in a Nutshell 2 Canada: I am bored, maybe I can get a drink? Canada: This maple syrup is delicious, although I am running out of syrup. USA: Canada, why are you drinking maple syrup? You are supposed to pour it on pancakes or waffles. Canada: Uhm... because I love syrup? USA: Okay Canada: I am out of syrup, now very bored. Canada: Hey Ireland Ireland: Yeah? Canada: Can I spin the wheel? Ireland: Sure. Canada: Spin! The wheel lands on "more people and soldiers" Canada: Great, thanks Ireland. Ireland: You're welcome, but I don't really think you can invade much with 1 million soldiers. Canada: It's fine. Canada: Time to get some land. USA: This is boring. Canada: USA, you bored? USA: Yeah, can I spin the wheel with Ireland? Ireland: Okay, you sure? USA: Yeah, I guess so, Spin! The wheel lands on "more people and soldiers" again. USA: Thanks for the extra million soldiers Ireland. Ireland: No problem. USA: Now I can take Mexico. Mexico: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please don't take me powerful USA. USA conquers Mexico but also invades Central America. USA: Now, I have lots of beaches and I don't need a wall anymore. Chile: Did someone say beaches? USA: Oh no. Chile is able to invade part of USA because it is long but Canada helps the USA and takes over Chile. USA: Thanks Canada. Canada: No problem. Bolivia, Argentina, and Peru: Canada, give Chile back right now or else we will take you. Canada: I bet you are all going to lose. Canada starts to invade those countries but asks United States for help secretly just in case they were practicing their army. Brazil: Canada, what are you doing? Give them back right now. Canada invades Brazil and the rest of South America. Canada: Can I take some of your land to make a bridge to South America and take Alaska, USA? USA: Okay, I guess so but make the bridge narrow. Canada: Greenland and Iceland, I am about to take you. Greenland and Iceland: Europe, Canada is about to invade us, can you please help us? Europe: Okay. Canada: Ha, look, I am still taking over you with the USA, you are never going to defeat me. Europe: Russia, can you help us? Russia: Okay, I sure do have a big army. Canada: Uh oh. Canada: Super power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USA: Okay, you want me to help you, right? Canada: Yeah. Canada invades Europe but USA takes the British Isles. Canada: Want to spin a wheel that I made, USA? USA: Sure, is it all with lucky prizes? Canada: Yeah. USA: Spin! It lands on "half of the world is Canada and the other half is USA" Canada and USA: Now, no one nor rebels can take us. USA: Time to invade Space. Space: Oh no.
El Salvador in a nutshell El Salvador: worcestershire sauce, worcestershire sauce El Salvador: worcestershire sauce is the best El Salvador: eats worcestershire sauce El Salvador: SOOOO SPICY SO GOOOD El Salvador: yum El Salvador: OOOH i feel stonker El Salvador: :) Honduras: worcestershire sauce is british and it is bad El Salvador: triggered El Salvador: remember the football war Honduras: ya u cant invade me tho El Salvador: we will see War comes El Salvador wins El Salvaor: NICARAGUA Nicaragua: ye what is it El Salvador: U SUPPORTED HONDURAS IN THE FOOTBALL WAR Nicaragua: ye so El Salvador: GET READY U WILL BE INVADED! Nicaragua: Ill get Honduras to support me wait where is he El Salvador: I invaded them so u r next u should have supported me that time then u will not be invaded >:) Nicaragua: NOOOOO El Salvador: YESSSS War comes El Salvador wins El Salvador: wow im big time to eat more worcestershiresauce El Salvador: eats worcestershirer sauce El Salvador: wow i feel more powerful El Salvador: what a big sonic wave of worcestershire sauce to take central america El Salvador: :P The big wave took central america plus some land of Mexico Mexico: HEY EL SALVADOR GIVE ME MY LAND BACK El Salvador: NO IM STRONKER THAN U SO NO Mexico: Ok ill take it them War comes El Salvador wins El Salvador: IM SO STRONKK! El Salvador: wait there is a wall i will gently ask usa to take it down El Salvador: USA can you take the wall down USA: No Mexico i am not taking it down for your migrants El Salvador: its not Mexico USA: nice try El Salvador: im serious USA: har har El Salvador: STOP IT AND LOOK AT THE F'''''G MAP USA: ok ok chill USA: oh srry El Salvador how did get so big tho El Salvador: the power of worcestershire sauce USA: ... USA: ok nice El Salvador: wanna join me, ill give u money, oil and hamburgers USA: Let me think USA: sure ill do it USA joins El Savador El Salvador: YESS im the biggest country in the world and not the 45min country anymore El Salvador: 'eats worcestershire sauce' El Salvador: hmm i want to see Europe El Salvador: hmmm El Salvador: hmmmmm El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm El Salvador: Bigger hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm El Salvador: ah ha El Salvador: i can invade Iceland El Salvador: nah i dont really feel like invading El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmm El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm El Salvador: oh better make land El Salvador: makes land It ends with a small island Goes to europe El Salvador: kinda tiny but i can still see El Salvador: bruh their rich and im not UK: did I hear somthing El Salvador: oh hi UK Netherlands: must be the wind El Salvador: No its me UK: ye must be the wind El Salvador: ITS ME! UK, Netherlands: HAHAHAHAHAHA El Salvador: TRIGGERED UK: were joking El Salvador: oh lol but still not funny u know im big Luxemburg: yes UK, El Salvador, Netherlands: Shut up we did not ask u Luxemburg: :c Netherlands: yes anyway El Salvador: ok wanna join me UK you can get tea and i can get worcestershire sauce UK: isnt that British El Salvador: yes but i love it UK: ok i do it UK: guys we can get tea if we join El Salvador Turkey, China, India: yaaaay They join El Salvador El Salvador: didnt expect that El Salvador: better change my name Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): better Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): I need more land Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg wanna be my ally Ned, Bel, Lux: sure Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): splendid! Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): to take Europe except The ones near Russia (Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia) So war comes with Ned, Bel and Lux with Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire) against Europe (even Switzerland) except the ones near Russia Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Estonia, u can be Nordic now if u join me Estonia: ok So they do that Latvia and Lithuania just decided to join the Salvadorian empire Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): didnt expect that lol Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Ukraine if u join me we can defeat Russia together Ukraine: Ok! Russia: NOOOO War comes Salvadorian Empire and Ukraine wins Ukraine joins Salvadorian Empire Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): can u guys join me ill give u what u want Netherlands: i want weed Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): why weed Netherlands: i like to smoke weed Belgium: Fries, Chocolate and waffles Luxemburg: money Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): ok They join them Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): I need some of asia ASEAN: Stop doing this Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): U CANT TELL ME IM BIGGER, STONGER AND POWERFUL THAN YOU GUYS War comes Salvadorian empire wins Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): more for Worcestershire sauce factories Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): eats Worcestershire sauce Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): :P Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): time for another wave this time the world World: NOOOOOO Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): >:) A wave comes and the world is Salvadorian Empire Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IM THE BEST Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH WORCESTHERSIRE SAUCE Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): eats worcesthersire sauce Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): 6 weeks later Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): i have a unlimited supply of Worcestershire sauce perfect Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): What is going on? A weed comes from Netherlands Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): NOOOOO WEED OUT OF CONTROL Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Hope it is not of the restart ones It is. It restarts back to normal El Salvador: NOOOOOOOOO El Salvador: NETHERLANDS U F'''''G MORON U SHOULD HAVE CONTROLED UR WEED ESPCALLY THAT RESTART ONE Netherlands: i made the world back to normal so im still bigger than u L Netherlands: it was my plan >:) El Salvador: :c
Idea Chile in nutsheel 3 Chile: mhhh my beaches are the worst Bolivia: soo give beaches Chile: NEVER! Bolivia: :( Chile: ima se USA tv Usa tv: an earthquake started in chile don't valley to chile! Chile: FAKE Chile:wait Chile:OMG I LOVE EARTHQUAKE AND BEACHES! Peru: bruh for say that im going to take you Chile: oh no now peru is stronger than me *starts a war* Chile: wait i won the war? And i get him beaches Chile: OMG the earthquake safe me! Chile: TERREMOTO TERREMOTO TERREMOTO TERREMOTO TERREMOTO! Ecuador and colombia: stop pls Chile: Never! Ecuador and colombia: ok we will declare war to you Chile: you sure im not scare of you and you will lose of sure! *starts a war* Colombia: I SURRENDER YOU RE TOO STRONG Chile: see? Chile: yeees more beaches for me! Chile: ima take south america beaches! South america: lol you will lose ur not strong *starts a war* South america: OMG HACKER I SURRENDER Chile: lol trash but ok Chile: ima take beaches of north america North america: LOL WEAK YOU LOSE Chile: ok war *starts a war* North america: OMG I SURRENDER YOU TOO STRONG Chile: well ez North korea: ez South korea HOLLY S**** Chile: ima take africa beaches Africa: mhhh i tink i will lose i dont war ima give to you Chile: well easy ok Chile: ima take asia beaches Asia-china and russia: OH NO RUSSIA AND CHINA PROTEC US china and russia: ok but help ok? Asia: okay *starts a war* Asia: OMG I SURRENDER Chile: ok Chile: i have a idea! Chile: united kingdom you want unite to me? United kingdom: ok im scared of you Chile: :D Chile: ima change my name! Chile>terremoto and beaches imperrie Terremoto and beaches imperie: Im going to take you beaches! Europe: OH NO *Starts a war* Europe: i surender you too strong Terremoto and beaches imperie: ok Terremoto and beachea imperie the last is antartida is easy Antartida: b r r r r g e t m y b e a c h e s Terremoto and beaches imperie: ok Terremoto and beaches imperie: yess i have all te sea time to change my name Terremoto and beaches imperie>earth beaches and terremotos Earth and beaches and terremotos: :D never we will get beaches! End Please do it it cost much to me
New Zealand: gains more land Syria: deleted Mauritania: r a i n b o w Greece: communism China: flipped Singapore: zombies Colombia: switches places with brazil Italy: p i z z a Israel: [N/A] South Africa: more land Turkey: bad country Mexico: switches places with USA UK: takes Ireland Germany: german reich or smth Time machine spin: goes back and resets Gylala: nice car i guess
Beatbox in the nutshell Uk: we have the best beatboxers! Uk: Ch p k sh kh Ch Japan: no, we have ! FRANCE: Are you kidding me? I'm the boss here! Uk: I'll send you D-low to battle with your Colaps Usa: no problem *At gbb 2019* D-low: Look at the crowd boy! - I don't go with the basic flow, Dynamite Colaps: uk leaves europe, u can leave gbb, BREXIT! Uk: f*ck you France *D-low going to the semi finals* Netherlands: we have best beatboxers too! Also in gbb: D-low: *Putting B-arts hat* D-low: Frfr ppkpk B-art: I am psycho
On 6:22 italy won a billion pizzas, and italy said that he/she can feed everyone. if an average pizza has 8 slices, that means 8 billion slices, and the world's population is only 7.9 billion. Italy can feed everyone and be left with 12.5 million pizzas left.
I don't know what I was thinking Leaving my child behind Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind With all this anger, guilt and sadness Coming to haunt me forever I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river Is this revenge I am seeking? Or seeking someone to avenge me? Stuck in my own paradox, I wanna set myself free Maybe I should chase and find Before they'll try to stop it It won't be long before I'll become a puppet It's been so long Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster To the man behind the slaughter Since you've been gone I've been singing this stupid song so I could ponder The sanity of your mother I wish I lived in the present With the gift of my past mistakes But the future keeps luring in like a pack of snakes Your sweet little eyes, your little smile is all I remember Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper Justification is killing me But killing isn't justified What happened to my son? I'm terrified It lingers in my mind And the thought keeps on getting bigger I'm sorry my sweet baby, I wish I've been there It's been so long Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster To the man behind the slaughter Since you've been gone I've been singing this stupid song so I could ponder The sanity of your mother
3:37 Seas of China Mandarin Sea (touching Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia & China) Tibetan Sea (touching Russia & China) Chino-Japanese Sea (touching Japan, Russia & China) Southeast Asian Sea (touching ASEAN & China) Notes: The Mandarin Sea looks like North Myanmar The Tibetan Sea looks like North Vietnam and if Vietnam never got unified The Chino-Japanese Sea looks like if Afghanistan is shaped like a really long raindrop
i know this has nothing to do with the vid but "That's nothing. It's just a baby, a bad one. " *that's my dad* *"did in say just a baby!? Because it's the cutest one I've seen!"*
Singapore In a Nutshell Singapore: Ugh I hate being small Malaysia: I can give you some land Singapore: I will be big and not island state! This is the best day. Malaysia: Also gives Singapore some of its military* Singapore: Indonesia, can I have some nuke? Indonesia: Okay *Gives him 10 nukes* Singapore: Yay! Singapore: Indonesia and Malaysia lets ally! Both: *Ally* MalayaPore: This is a weird name but really powerful! Indonesia: *Allies with Singapore too* Lets work together and take S.E Asia! S.E Asia: We will ally with you! *The rest of S.E Asia allies with MalayaPore* Allied S.E Singapore: Lets take Europe! E.U: Pls no NOOOOOOO! Allied S.E Asia: *Declares War on Europe* Allied S.E Asia: Yes! We are bigger! Gylala: This can't be happening! I will reset the world. *Resets the world* Allied S.E EurAsia: Noooooo! NOT MY LAND! *Resets* Singapore: Ah I hate this... But at least I have a good economy. The end.
List For Ireland In A Nutshell 4: Myanmar (or Burma) Marshall Islands Baker Island (Oceanian US Territorry) Seychelles Howland Island (Oceanian US Territorry) Chatham Island/s (Oceanian New Zealand Territorry) Trinidad And Tobago Bahamas Gambia Saint Lucia Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Saint Kitts And Nevis Djibouti Palau Nauru
Ireland must take full responsibility for what it had caused, I mean it made my country god mode and made it disappear turned china upside down and turned Greece into the soviet union.
@That clone trooper in the back on the high ground yes I'm confirmed I'm not one them Americans saying oH I HaVe GiNgEr HaIr ThAt MeAnS iM iRiSh! I know I'm irish because I was born here I am 86% Irish cause I took a DNA test, I have a bit of German in me but I don't say oh I'm 100% German!
gylala: oh a spin wheel! *sees everything named nothing exepct one* gylala: OH IM GONNA TRY TO GET A F***ING CAR! *spin* *win!* gylala: what happened? *sees car* gylala: a car, for me? *gylala dabs* gylala: im rich now!
when the first song is used in fantastic frontier i got 2019 vibes when i used to play it back then when i started the game now i got gnome rocket launcher after a 3 year break
Discord Community (+13):
Discord Channel:
Twitter: @GyLala999
Instagram: GyLala999
Telegram: @GyLala
Steam Group Chat:
Aw man, I not speed anymore for being first here
Grrrr, maybe next time i be first
China in a Nutshell:
China: I love rice :3
China: Mongolia, do you like Rice.
Mongolia: No!
China: Oh really, then i will take you.
Mongolia: Omg!
China: *Declares war with Mongolia*
China: Korea, do you like Rice?
South Korea: Yes.
North Korea: I havent eat food for 74 years and i wanna join :(.
China: Ok North Korea and South Korea, wanna join?
South Korea: Sorry no.
China: Why?
South Korea: You're Communist.
China: Ok.
China: *declares war with South Korea*
China: Taiwan & Japan, you like rice?
Taiwan & Japan: Yes and we used it for sushi & i wanna join :)
China: Ok.
Taiwan & Japan: * joins China*
China: i will change my name and flag!
China: *changes flag and name*
Rice Empire: SEA, do you like rice.
SEA: Yes and i want to join.
Rice Empire: Noice XD.
Rice Empire: Caroline Islands & Marianas Island, do u like rice?
Carolinas and Marianas Island: Yes and i wanna join.
Rice Empire: Eggcelent!
Rice Empire: Asia, you like rice?
Asia: Yup.
Rice Empire: Ok and want to join?
Asia: Yes!
Rice Empire: Middle East & Oceania, you like Rice?
Middle East & Oceania: No mate!
Rice Empire: Ok.
Rice Empire: *declares war with Middle East & Oceania*
Africa: We are about to die! Pls feed us.
Rice Empire: Do not worry, we will feed you some rice :)
Africa: Yes, finally food X).
Rice Empire: Europe, do you like Rice?
Europe: No.
Rice Empire: *Triggerd*
Rice Empire: *declares war on Europe*
Rice Empire: i going to changd my name again.
Rice Empire: *changes name*
Rice Union: Americas, do you like rice?
Americas: No.
Rice Union: *Triggerd*
Rice Union: *declares war on Americas*
Rice Union: time to change my name again.
Rice Union: *changes name*
Rice World: I rule the world now :)
Rebel: I'm you're weakness >:)
Rice World: Who the poop are you?
Rebel: I am Russia and i will kill you using Snow.
Rice World: What Nooo!!!
Rebel: Yess!!!
Rebel: *declares war on Rice World*
Rebel: Time to reset countries.
Rebel: *resets countries*
China: My Rice, Russia u betrayed me :(
Russia: Lol :3
Hi Gylala, can you make my idea T - Rex in a nutshell?
@@m_razkasutresna8620 my idea will be created 1st and your idea will be created 2nd.
Wow gylala im so excited of your new video!
I hope this video is AWESOME!
@El Flor limo e
I like how Ireland was so calm about Greece turning into a communist
Spoiler alert
It's just like "well this is unfortunate"
Why would ireland care china is commie so is vietname and laos to I think along with cambodia i think
@@TawanPlayzYT yeah that’s right
they were like oh no anyways
Yey finally same awesome mapping videos keep it up gilala
GyLala* pls learn to write
@@ferasitouwu yes
Yay* btw pls learn
@@bsplayzzsbs yes
Can you do Japan in a nutshell?
@@Veshy-g4u that was 2 YEARS ago 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
🇮🇪: Do you spin the lucky wheel?
Thailand in a nutshell
Thailand: is so good day
Thailand: WHAT!!
Thailand: hey Vietnam
Vietnam: yea?
Thailand: why your war on me
Vietnam: I need more land
Thailand: NO!!
War comes to Thailand
Thailand: yay
Thailand: hey Indonesia
Indonesia: yea?
Thailand: E
Indonesia: what
Thailand: l need more you land now
Indonesia: NO WAY!!!
Indonesia: noooooooooooooooooooooooo
War comes to Thailand
Thailand: yes
Thailand: hey Malaysia
Malaysia: what
Thailand: l need you land now
Malaysia: NO!!!
Thailand: ...
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Malaysia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
War comes to Thailand
Singapore: oh no
Thailand: I take Singapore
Singapore: noooooooooooooooooooooo
War comes to Thailand
Laos-Cambodia: oh no Thailand
Thailand: hahaha
Laos-Cambodia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Laos-Cambodia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Laos-Cambodia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Laos-Cambodia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
Laos-Cambodia: oh no
Thailand: oh yes
War comes to Thailand
Thailand: hahahahaha I big now
South Korea: hey North Korea!!
North Korea: hahahahahahahaha
South Korea: oh no
Thailand: oh no South Korea!!!
South Korea: oh yes Thailand!!!
North Korea: oh no!!!
War comes to Thailand-South Korea
Thailand-South Korea: yes!!!
South Korea: thank you
Thailand: np
Philippines: oh no
Thailand: what Philippines
Philippines: you evil Thailand
South Korea: no Philippines
Thailand: yes I not evil
Philippines: you 2 so evil!!!
War comes to Thailand-South Korea
Philippines: noooooooooooooooooo
Thailand-South: yes!!
USA: oh god
Canada: what USA
USA: Thailand is big land now
Mexico: oh no Thailand is big land
USA: yes Mexico
Thailand: hey chine
chine: what Thailand
chine: I know you war on me
Thailand-South: Korea: oh no
War comes to Thailand-South Korea
chine: I win
Thailand-South: nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
chine: YES!!!
the end
Thank you for doing Mauritania in this video! I appreciate it!!!! 🇮🇪💚🇲🇷
Rainbow 🌈
I live in Ireland
I love Ireland 🇮🇪
From the 🇺🇸 and 🇨🇦
Yayyyyy I'm Irish:D
@@QuickimationsYT hello my lucky Irish brother from Egypt 🇪🇬
How can you be from two countries at the same exact time
I Love How Gylala Dabs At The End
Nice job Gylala! Your animation is better!
Mauritania turning rainbow is the best feeling with the speaking box text 😅
nice idea
Good Idea. :)
Good Idea
that look good
I hate libya>:((
Ireland in the thumbnail:flip?
What he means:what the flip
I like how ireland asks if greece wants to spin but neglects to not let syria after yelling noooo multiple times
Ireland: whay did u say?
Fun fact:ireland is aways unlucky but gylala is lucky on being the best mapper ever
Fun fact Ireland is luky racist
Idea: Canada in a Nutshell 2
Canada: I am bored, maybe I can get a drink?
Canada: This maple syrup is delicious, although I am running out of syrup.
USA: Canada, why are you drinking maple syrup? You are supposed to pour it on pancakes or waffles.
Canada: Uhm... because I love syrup?
USA: Okay
Canada: I am out of syrup, now very bored.
Canada: Hey Ireland
Ireland: Yeah?
Canada: Can I spin the wheel?
Ireland: Sure.
Canada: Spin!
The wheel lands on "more people and soldiers"
Canada: Great, thanks Ireland.
Ireland: You're welcome, but I don't really think you can invade much with 1 million soldiers.
Canada: It's fine.
Canada: Time to get some land.
USA: This is boring.
Canada: USA, you bored?
USA: Yeah, can I spin the wheel with Ireland?
Ireland: Okay, you sure?
USA: Yeah, I guess so, Spin!
The wheel lands on "more people and soldiers" again.
USA: Thanks for the extra million soldiers Ireland.
Ireland: No problem.
USA: Now I can take Mexico.
Mexico: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please don't take me powerful USA.
USA conquers Mexico but also invades Central America.
USA: Now, I have lots of beaches and I don't need a wall anymore.
Chile: Did someone say beaches?
USA: Oh no.
Chile is able to invade part of USA because it is long but Canada helps the USA and takes over Chile.
USA: Thanks Canada.
Canada: No problem.
Bolivia, Argentina, and Peru: Canada, give Chile back right now or else we will take you.
Canada: I bet you are all going to lose.
Canada starts to invade those countries but asks United States for help secretly just in case they were practicing their army.
Brazil: Canada, what are you doing? Give them back right now.
Canada invades Brazil and the rest of South America.
Canada: Can I take some of your land to make a bridge to South America and take Alaska, USA?
USA: Okay, I guess so but make the bridge narrow.
Canada: Greenland and Iceland, I am about to take you.
Greenland and Iceland: Europe, Canada is about to invade us, can you please help us?
Europe: Okay.
Canada: Ha, look, I am still taking over you with the USA, you are never going to defeat me.
Europe: Russia, can you help us?
Russia: Okay, I sure do have a big army.
Canada: Uh oh.
Canada: Super power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USA: Okay, you want me to help you, right?
Canada: Yeah.
Canada invades Europe but USA takes the British Isles.
Canada: Want to spin a wheel that I made, USA?
USA: Sure, is it all with lucky prizes?
Canada: Yeah.
USA: Spin!
It lands on "half of the world is Canada and the other half is USA"
Canada and USA: Now, no one nor rebels can take us.
USA: Time to invade Space.
Space: Oh no.
As someone from Ireland, this is exactly what we do in our spare time
Now spin the wheel yourself
Yeah, true
Ask you international friends to spin
I did. That’s why Russia gets to attack Ukraine.
@@NeoTheNoobie follow me
Can you do Bulgaria in a nutshell?
Fun fact: Ireland always lucky in the school but in the nutshell, he is unlucky
@Indonesiaball oh hi
School is unlucky
Gylala can u make something for Bulgaria ?
As an Italian… i always wanted to spin that Wheel ;-;
Italy stunned at 6:06
Yes I was very shocked but... PIZZA 🍕
Angola's small border with republic of the congo:I'm safe
i like how ireland change his humor fastly when someone got unlucky
@Ireland 💀
Viewers : that's old 😪
0:41 lucky wheel in a nutshell
Me to I m big fun I m watched all you're videos for 2 years 😁😁😊😊🙂🙂🇷🇸🇧🇦🇷🇸
El Salvador in a nutshell
El Salvador: worcestershire sauce, worcestershire sauce
El Salvador: worcestershire sauce is the best
El Salvador: eats worcestershire sauce
El Salvador: yum
El Salvador: OOOH i feel stonker
El Salvador: :)
Honduras: worcestershire sauce is british and it is bad
El Salvador: triggered
El Salvador: remember the football war
Honduras: ya u cant invade me tho
El Salvador: we will see
War comes El Salvador wins
Nicaragua: ye what is it
Nicaragua: ye so
Nicaragua: Ill get Honduras to support me wait where is he
El Salvador: I invaded them so u r next u should have supported me that time then u will not be invaded >:)
Nicaragua: NOOOOO
El Salvador: YESSSS
War comes El Salvador wins
El Salvador: wow im big time to eat more worcestershiresauce
El Salvador: eats worcestershirer sauce
El Salvador: wow i feel more powerful
El Salvador: what a big sonic wave of worcestershire sauce to take central america
El Salvador: :P
The big wave took central america plus some land of Mexico
Mexico: Ok ill take it them
War comes El Salvador wins
El Salvador: IM SO STRONKK!
El Salvador: wait there is a wall i will gently ask usa to take it down
El Salvador: USA can you take the wall down
USA: No Mexico i am not taking it down for your migrants
El Salvador: its not Mexico
USA: nice try
El Salvador: im serious
USA: har har
USA: ok ok chill
USA: oh srry El Salvador how did get so big tho
El Salvador: the power of worcestershire sauce
USA: ...
USA: ok nice
El Salvador: wanna join me, ill give u money, oil and hamburgers
USA: Let me think
USA: sure ill do it
USA joins El Savador
El Salvador: YESS im the biggest country in the world and not the 45min country anymore
El Salvador: 'eats worcestershire sauce'
El Salvador: hmm i want to see Europe
El Salvador: hmmm
El Salvador: hmmmmm
El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
El Salvador: Bigger hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
El Salvador: ah ha
El Salvador: i can invade Iceland
El Salvador: nah i dont really feel like invading
El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
El Salvador: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
El Salvador: oh better make land
El Salvador: makes land
It ends with a small island
Goes to europe
El Salvador: kinda tiny but i can still see
El Salvador: bruh their rich and im not
UK: did I hear somthing
El Salvador: oh hi UK
Netherlands: must be the wind
El Salvador: No its me
UK: ye must be the wind
El Salvador: ITS ME!
El Salvador: TRIGGERED
UK: were joking
El Salvador: oh lol but still not funny u know im big
Luxemburg: yes
UK, El Salvador, Netherlands: Shut up we did not ask u
Luxemburg: :c
Netherlands: yes anyway
El Salvador: ok wanna join me UK you can get tea and i can get worcestershire sauce
UK: isnt that British
El Salvador: yes but i love it
UK: ok i do it
UK: guys we can get tea if we join El Salvador
Turkey, China, India: yaaaay
They join El Salvador
El Salvador: didnt expect that
El Salvador: better change my name
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): better
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): I need more land
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg wanna be my ally
Ned, Bel, Lux: sure
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): splendid!
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): to take Europe except The ones near Russia (Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia)
So war comes with Ned, Bel and Lux with Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire) against Europe (even Switzerland) except the ones near Russia
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Estonia, u can be Nordic now if u join me
Estonia: ok
So they do that
Latvia and Lithuania just decided to join the Salvadorian empire
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): didnt expect that lol
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Ukraine if u join me we can defeat Russia together
Ukraine: Ok!
Russia: NOOOO
War comes Salvadorian Empire and Ukraine wins
Ukraine joins Salvadorian Empire
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): can u guys join me ill give u what u want
Netherlands: i want weed
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): why weed
Netherlands: i like to smoke weed
Belgium: Fries, Chocolate and waffles
Luxemburg: money
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): ok
They join them
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): I need some of asia
ASEAN: Stop doing this
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): U CANT TELL ME IM BIGGER, STONGER AND POWERFUL THAN YOU GUYS
War comes Salvadorian empire wins
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): more for Worcestershire sauce factories
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): eats Worcestershire sauce
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): :P
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): time for another wave this time the world
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): >:)
A wave comes and the world is Salvadorian Empire
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IM THE BEST
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH WORCESTHERSIRE SAUCE
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): eats worcesthersire sauce
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): 6 weeks later
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): i have a unlimited supply of Worcestershire sauce perfect
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): What is going on?
A weed comes from Netherlands
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): NOOOOO WEED OUT OF CONTROL
Salvadorian Empire (Worcestershire Sauce Empire): Hope it is not of the restart ones
It is. It restarts back to normal
Netherlands: i made the world back to normal so im still bigger than u L
Netherlands: it was my plan >:)
El Salvador: :c
@@Spacebug111 BREH
@@BritishEmpireBIOHost You didin't say anything
@@Poland_Mapping832 LOL
5:35 Brazil spamming HUEHUE
Chile in nutsheel 3
Chile: mhhh my beaches are the worst
Bolivia: soo give beaches
Chile: NEVER!
Bolivia: :(
Chile: ima se USA tv
Usa tv: an earthquake started in chile don't valley to chile!
Chile: FAKE
Peru: bruh for say that im going to take you
Chile: oh no now peru is stronger than me
*starts a war*
Chile: wait i won the war? And i get him beaches
Chile: OMG the earthquake safe me!
Ecuador and colombia: stop pls
Chile: Never!
Ecuador and colombia: ok we will declare war to you
Chile: you sure im not scare of you and you will lose of sure!
*starts a war*
Chile: see?
Chile: yeees more beaches for me!
Chile: ima take south america beaches!
South america: lol you will lose ur not strong
*starts a war*
Chile: lol trash but ok
Chile: ima take beaches of north america
North america: LOL WEAK YOU LOSE
Chile: ok war
*starts a war*
Chile: well ez
North korea: ez
South korea HOLLY S****
Chile: ima take africa beaches
Africa: mhhh i tink i will lose i dont war ima give to you
Chile: well easy ok
Chile: ima take asia beaches
Asia-china and russia: OH NO RUSSIA AND CHINA PROTEC US
china and russia: ok but help ok?
Asia: okay
*starts a war*
Chile: ok
Chile: i have a idea!
Chile: united kingdom you want unite to me?
United kingdom: ok im scared of you
Chile: :D
Chile: ima change my name!
Chile>terremoto and beaches imperrie
Terremoto and beaches imperie:
Im going to take you beaches!
Europe: OH NO
*Starts a war*
Europe: i surender you too strong
Terremoto and beaches imperie: ok
Terremoto and beachea imperie the last is antartida is easy
Antartida: b r r r r g e t m y b e a c h e s
Terremoto and beaches imperie: ok
Terremoto and beaches imperie: yess i have all te sea time to change my name
Terremoto and beaches imperie>earth beaches and terremotos
Earth and beaches and terremotos: :D never we will get beaches!
Please do it it cost much to me
@@darksama_X no its not cringe
Looks great eh
Best war Chanel Gylala
I like how The Gambia doesn’t exist in this universe
6:00 he's next to spin the wheel
Idea: If Frist World War exceeded in the year 1939 (Is it interesting? )
Frist World War
Ah yes, frist world war
I love that
First World War Or WW1
Gylala pls next make india in a nutshell part 4
New Zealand: gains more land
Syria: deleted
Mauritania: r a i n b o w
Greece: communism
China: flipped
Singapore: zombies
Colombia: switches places with brazil
Italy: p i z z a
Israel: [N/A]
South Africa: more land
Turkey: bad country
Mexico: switches places with USA
UK: takes Ireland
Germany: german reich or smth
Time machine spin: goes back and resets
Gylala: nice car i guess
I like all of your videos(;
Most bridges in u.s
Texas 53,018
Ohio 27,000
Illinois 26,848
California 25,800
Pennsylvania 25,400
Kansas 25,001
Missouri 25,000
Maryland 25,000
Virginia 21,195
Minnesota 20,000
Tennessee 19,721
Indiana 18,900
New York 17,462
Mississippi 16,788
Alabama 16,146
Nebraska 15,000
Georgia 14,835
Kentucky 14,410
Wisconsin 14,000
North Carolina 13,500
Louisiana 13,000
Arkansas 12,964
Florida 12,355
Michigan 11,145
South Carolina 9,395
Colorado 8,682
Oregon 8,052
Arizona 8,000
Washington 7,300
Oklahoma 6,800
New Jersey 6,798
West Virginia 6,636
South Dakota 5,886
Montana 5,266
Massachusetts 5,245
Idaho 4,561
North Dakota 4,285
Connecticut 4,028
New Mexico 4,026
Wyoming 3,114
New Hampshire 2,527
Maine 2,485
Nevada 2,067
Delaware 1,767
Iowa 1,481
Hawaii 1,153
Rhode Island 779
Alaska 134
Vermont 100
Utah 62
Who cares 😒
@@new_m3 you like a pwa!!!!
lets go 3rd
@@creshaunemilios1190 not medium I didnt watch PWA
@@new_m3 you hope you get rid of them
Yay i missed this video! Ill put an alarm.
Beatbox in the nutshell
Uk: we have the best beatboxers!
Uk: Ch p k sh kh Ch
Japan: no, we have !
FRANCE: Are you kidding me? I'm the boss here!
Uk: I'll send you D-low to battle with your Colaps
Usa: no problem
*At gbb 2019*
D-low: Look at the crowd boy! - I don't go with the basic flow, Dynamite
Colaps: uk leaves europe, u can leave gbb, BREXIT!
Uk: f*ck you France
*D-low going to the semi finals*
Netherlands: we have best beatboxers too!
Also in gbb:
D-low: *Putting B-arts hat*
D-low: Frfr ppkpk
B-art: I am psycho
On 6:22 italy won a billion pizzas, and italy said that he/she can feed everyone.
if an average pizza has 8 slices, that means 8 billion slices, and the world's population is only 7.9 billion. Italy can feed everyone and be left with 12.5 million pizzas left.
Now it’s 2023 now they is +8b people
This is why you never let Ireland have the wheel
Do you know how he does this?
turkey spinning 2 times and getting bad things
Everyone: *ill allow it*
Shut uuuuuuupppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey what app do you use to do these?
Oh no! Angry CI!
That's a anmation
Same the angry CI
@Brazil to portugal
1:56 bro turned into puffball from
I don't know what I was thinking
Leaving my child behind
Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind
With all this anger, guilt and sadness
Coming to haunt me forever
I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river
Is this revenge I am seeking?
Or seeking someone to avenge me?
Stuck in my own paradox, I wanna set myself free
Maybe I should chase and find
Before they'll try to stop it
It won't be long before I'll become a puppet
It's been so long
Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster
To the man behind the slaughter
Since you've been gone
I've been singing this stupid song so I could ponder
The sanity of your mother
I wish I lived in the present
With the gift of my past mistakes
But the future keeps luring in like a pack of snakes
Your sweet little eyes, your little smile is all I remember
Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper
Justification is killing me
But killing isn't justified
What happened to my son? I'm terrified
It lingers in my mind
And the thought keeps on getting bigger
I'm sorry my sweet baby, I wish I've been there
It's been so long
Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster
To the man behind the slaughter
Since you've been gone
I've been singing this stupid song so I could ponder
The sanity of your mother
Sir this is a Wendy's
@@emmalesbirel15 No, this is Patrick!
@@nachovyofficialno this is ohio
Ireland : Germany you are now do you want to
Germany: Ofc
Germany: OMG im so lucky
Ireland : He was lucky
3:37 Seas of China
Mandarin Sea (touching Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia & China)
Tibetan Sea (touching Russia & China)
Chino-Japanese Sea (touching Japan, Russia & China)
Southeast Asian Sea (touching ASEAN & China)
Notes: The Mandarin Sea looks like North Myanmar
The Tibetan Sea looks like North Vietnam and if Vietnam never got unified
The Chino-Japanese Sea looks like if Afghanistan is shaped like a really long raindrop
Thanks for wasting ur time writing this :D
@@Nova-238 Ur welcome
fyi that's chino is usually called sino haha
wheel: says more land
the country: dies
I am a big fan of gylala and I watched evry epesode. Plese, I want to watch this vidio . 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🇨🇦🇰🇷🇺🇸🇮🇳
You're a fake fan of gylala im a real fan
Why fake fan
Rip English
learn to type
@@winter_262 yea
i know this has nothing to do with the vid but
"That's nothing. It's just a baby, a bad one. "
*that's my dad*
*"did in say just a baby!? Because it's the cutest one I've seen!"*
0:21 I thought that USA said “Don’t ever use the luck wheel again”. Yet Ireland is using it.
Forgotten words of Ireland. Pizza on Pineapple 😂😂😂😂
Singapore In a Nutshell
Singapore: Ugh I hate being small
Malaysia: I can give you some land
Singapore: I will be big and not island state! This is the best day.
Malaysia: Also gives Singapore some of its military*
Singapore: Indonesia, can I have some nuke?
Indonesia: Okay *Gives him 10 nukes*
Singapore: Yay!
Singapore: Indonesia and Malaysia lets ally!
Both: *Ally*
MalayaPore: This is a weird name but really powerful!
Indonesia: *Allies with Singapore too* Lets work together and take S.E Asia!
S.E Asia: We will ally with you! *The rest of S.E Asia allies with MalayaPore*
Allied S.E Singapore: Lets take Europe!
Allied S.E Asia: *Declares War on Europe*
Allied S.E Asia: Yes! We are bigger!
Gylala: This can't be happening! I will reset the world. *Resets the world*
Allied S.E EurAsia: Noooooo! NOT MY LAND! *Resets*
Singapore: Ah I hate this... But at least I have a good economy.
The end.
You should've recreated zealandia when New Zealand got more land
when mauritania text and flag goes rainbow i was like:
"im abouta end this mans career"
(cuz i love mauritania)
Idea: make Russia Collapse in 2069 (a.k.a Funny Number)
Plot Twist: Israel doesn't want to spin because he knows he will get unlucky
How tho
How is Israel 🇮🇱 unlucky
And yes he’s big brain
@@jacobwong2230 he's always unlucky sometime's cuz almost everyone hates him
Love how I wasn’t affected until the end , lol!
List For Ireland In A Nutshell 4:
Myanmar (or Burma)
Marshall Islands
Baker Island (Oceanian US Territorry)
Howland Island (Oceanian US Territorry)
Chatham Island/s (Oceanian New Zealand Territorry)
Trinidad And Tobago
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Saint Kitts And Nevis
This is gonna be epic
I Agree
Ireland must take full responsibility for what it had caused, I mean it made my country god mode and made it disappear turned china upside down and turned Greece into the soviet union.
I am so sorry for letting russia spin the war wheel…
The Italy and pizzas made me laugh.
İn short,let's get ireland 4
Brazil in a NUTSHELL 3 PLEASE!!!!
Szuper lett a videó.
I like how ireland is like:
Oh no!
Ok I can't wait for the third installment of My Home Country Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪☘️
Are u Irish
@@ronaldknigh7250 yes I am
@That clone trooper in the back on the high ground no im not you stuffed up tit!
fuckin hate people like this!
absolute gobeshite!
@That clone trooper in the back on the high ground yes I'm confirmed I'm not one them Americans saying oH I HaVe GiNgEr HaIr ThAt MeAnS iM iRiSh!
I know I'm irish because I was born here I am 86% Irish cause I took a DNA test, I have a bit of German in me but I don't say oh I'm 100% German!
@That clone trooper in the back on the high ground Aaaaaahhhhhhhh
Germany: *takes all countries that used to be a part of the German Reich*
UK: Oh @#&t!
Russia: *Triggered*
Do Philippines on part 4 pls!
Yesss another video
Italy's nightmare:PINAPLES GO TO THE PIZZA.
So unrealistic wars for so unrealistic reasons
-Imperial German ball mapper 2022
Gylala, can you make Painting All Of Us Are Dead?
petition to bring back the random flags series
That's funny some of my ancestors are Irish lol
Wow👏 Wonderful
I kind of Took a picture of the world Map you made (:
6:20 too I’m Italian! Pizzaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🇮🇹🇮🇹
Colombia: WHAT HOW
Me: switching countries dosen't switch military
7:30: Now South Africa is a more accurate name.
Why is this so true😂
thats nice
3:09 ah yes, China casually destroying all their enemies in a few seconds
It’s was funny when they said WHAT HAPPENED TO CHINA
Sequal we never realized we needed it
Do Ireland in nutshell 4 please
I Can't Wait For This To Happen
Klasky chupo
After that Brazil invasion we say rip Madrigal family
gylala: oh a spin wheel!
*sees everything named nothing exepct one*
gylala: what happened?
*sees car*
gylala: a car, for me?
*gylala dabs*
gylala: im rich now!
I love this vids
Me : Let’s spin ? GyLala : Spin. Me : Delete your account D: no I’m kidding
Idea:ireland in a nutshel 4 but hungary spins
when the first song is used in fantastic frontier i got 2019 vibes when i used to play it back then when i started the game now i got gnome rocket launcher after a 3 year break
Idea: zombies in a nutshell be like