oh hey look, a NOT LAZY REMIX! finally, i had to sift through chipmunked & sped up katie perry & lady gaga to find this... thumbs up to keep nightcore good!!!
So lemme get this straight. You take a song, raise the pitch, do *nothing* else to it, and upload it to youtube with a picture of an anime chick. And you have over 100,000 subs for this?
5 people didn't like this 25% of those people didn't have a perfect smile 50% were too lazy to jump and the last 25% r just plain stupid and don't have good taste While, 109 people are TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% of them have a beautiful smile and jumped as high as the sky
@xXxXSHIFTXx No, Black Rock Shooter is not Miku. Miku sung a song called Black★Rock Shooter that had a PV of BRS. Later it was developed into an OVA, then a game and now a full anime. /watch?v=OLzOrik5YJ8
'Blond dude' is Len Kagamine. The long blue haired girl is Miku Hatsune, and the Other 'blond' girl is Rin Kagamine (Rin and Len are twins!) They are vocaloids :P
+Franz Ferdinand This is totally irrelevant but you have Italy as your profile pic. Oh. My. God. I'm dying, ITALY IS SO CUTE! (Like I said irrelevant...I warned you)
i am now starting to get really into nightcore
You are in for a journey no doubt
@@K-Boogie7999 that was 9 years ago...
@@suffy101 wow, you can read too
@@K-Boogie7999 somehow
Make sure to check out his other ones aswell
Still peak ngl
This song+xtc=❤️
*casually listening to this while im looking down at the road on a second story balcony*
QwQ oh noes don't jump jump
Time to get on the floor~! >v
@@Rainquack ur going to hell😂
Joel and Vinny hate Nightcore the very moment they first heard it.
That’s pretty hip
oh hey look, a NOT LAZY REMIX! finally, i had to sift through chipmunked & sped up katie perry & lady gaga to find this... thumbs up to keep nightcore good!!!
this is the deepest hole of nostalgy i've ever fallen into
When i listen to this song i literally jump up and down till my boobs pop out and my bra unstraps itself from my chest.
i'm not gonna say it.. but surprised there aren't any lewd comments on this yet in reply to that comment.. does sound fun to see though ;P
D K J A this song inspired me to not wear bra's. I'll let em hang.
corrupt bambi Well then that really would be a sight :P
im not really sure what to say about this.
Taran Römers You have nothing to say and nothing to think about. Just jump with me ^-^
I Jump Jump, I want more :D
OMG. I finally found this song! Thank you so much, Maikel! My life is now complete. XD
the song is good XD
[Vinesauce] Vinny sent me here
+jayemerald99 same
*_D O Y A B E S T_*
Love the picture!! X3
This song Is really good!!
I like like, I need more!
A classic
Aha me2 man, its awesome
Jump Jump *~*
you gotta jump jump thats what the bass is for!!!
Yeak i like it :D Jumpx2
Can I have a link to a link of the original? I'm too lazy to search for it.
"You gotta jump jump, that's what the FACE is for." -OKAY, HERE WE GO!
like the music
just have a chilled day with rin and len chan love you guys ;)
Anyone here?
Always for this one
Yes still jumping to this 💥
Here from osu!
Here from Vinesauce.
Plsss make a torrent or a RAR with all of yours songs I NEED IT ! >
that's how I learned ^^
Never herd this song but I kinda like it and love Vocaloid great pic
+auraomnipresente shooter dislike black Ahem... He talks about that picture, m8.
Or you sure auraomnipresnte shooter diskie black
That's okay
That's is a Vocaloid
ZOMG its len and rin and Miku!!! :D yay
Iv been jumping for an Hour now may i please stop!
Maikel , one question. It became a habit putting pics with Miku and vocaloids? :D
perf music for my italian fouettes
where did you get this song? I have been searching everywhere for it.
why the hell did i find this song NOW??? OH GOD WHAT DID I LOSE :3 ALL THIS TIME LOST!
Thank you Osu!! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Two and a half people were too lazy to jump? How the hell does that work?
Uhm I can say just one word.
i actually gotta' catch em all
Is there an anime on this if so plz do tail me cuz the graphics looks kind good
It's Vocaloid, not an anime, but a music software.
***** why nobody make an anime with them ;-;
Weird ,thta remember me the "jumping all over the world" music of scooter ,really really weird
WOO!!! Love Hatsune Miku!
most detailed photo ever like holy crap
Grady Meares
I will jump !!!!!
Yes the original version is by Nordic Stars
I thought the bass told me to drop?
So lemme get this straight. You take a song, raise the pitch, do *nothing* else to it, and upload it to youtube with a picture of an anime chick. And you have over 100,000 subs for this?
its only because the memes
Someone needs to do it :3 it sounds great and its always very happy music. Im happy I can listen to it on youtube ^^
No. You speed a bit the song, you raise the volume of the music over the lyrics, and you create whole new parts (e.g. everytime we touch)
Not really, the 'special parts' are mostly created my the people who create remixes, then someone else just nightcores the remix :D
@ArtemisTemariRebel4 from whitch anime?
Well you were trapped in a game for more than a year...
@Sofakrigen I thought it was from Vocaloid
😀 💖
Not bad
lens face lol
5 people didn't like this
25% of those people didn't have a perfect smile
50% were too lazy to jump
and the last 25% r just plain stupid and don't have good taste
While, 109 people are TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
100% of them have a beautiful smile and jumped as high as the sky
They GOTTA put Miku into an anime already!!
Looks like Edward Elric in the back
@xXxXSHIFTXx No, Black Rock Shooter is not Miku. Miku sung a song called Black★Rock Shooter that had a PV of BRS. Later it was developed into an OVA, then a game and now a full anime. /watch?v=OLzOrik5YJ8
@crichton55 she is in a anime i think its call black rock shooter
Blonde dude be lookin at her skert lol
'Blond dude' is Len Kagamine. The long blue haired girl is Miku Hatsune, and the Other 'blond' girl is Rin Kagamine (Rin and Len are twins!) They are vocaloids :P
Bigfunnyhah i know...
Harri Jones oh oke .3.
len is looking up miku's skirt and rin is staring at lens boner
Who are the original singers
Nordic Stars
@GameRevive i wish it was from an anime but sadly it isn't :( they r vocaloids if u want to no more jus look them up on google..
KibaNom male or female
Amber Yost yes. X)
*hi five.
*knuckle bump.
Yes brofist and knuckle bump r completely different. :P
what are the differences then
***** fine. Then fist bump then. Bam! Wat now!!!
you called an assaasin 0_0
0 ok
Bro fist!!!!!
am i the only one who feels that this tune sounds kinda like tune up's feel fine?
dude in red hoodie is edward elrich
You're trolling right?
vocaloid ...... miku len rin not ed
@TaniaZippy It is. Anyone who sez otherwise is a Nobody. A Dusk, to b more specific
Len and Rin ^.^
@KiaraAngel2010 Well yeah, that's what the place is for!
alvin and the chimpmunks
@Kensq I'd love that too :)
figured it out!!
turn volume on youtube down and speakers up for MAXIMUM BASS!! :DDD
4 people are stones
oh my god it's headphones
@SilverGrayDragon sik post :D
just saying, 5Ft 10 is now average/short in england...
+Franz Ferdinand Yeah, I'm nearly 2m (6'4)
+Franz Ferdinand This is totally irrelevant but you have Italy as your profile pic. Oh. My. God. I'm dying, ITALY IS SO CUTE! (Like I said irrelevant...I warned you)
Evelyn Maguire Hey, Thank you, i know right, italy is just the cutest
You is Russian? Just subtitles Russian
Awww im 6ft 4 im to tall for miku D'X
100 comment
3 people did not jump at all
Fake, Miku uses ordinary clothes.
***** Yep, most definitely.
Miku has casual friday. And she does not wear a slip ( I have see trough glasses), yes, it´s really casual friday!
not fake, it's something called "fanart".
your Jump jump
i cant jump to that. Too fast.
Just say no!
Uhm I can say just one word.