@@themilkman993 They're the same person but they're also not. I mean we physically see both Marika and Radagon. We don't know if any of the Demigods can do something like that, I don't think any of the Demigods have any degree of shape changing/shifting even Ranni only put her soul into an artificial body (which you can do for someone who isn't a demigod at all, through magic). Since some people say Trina is male it could just be that Miquella looks feminine so disguising himself makes people think that
@@lillydevil2486 i have seen a video, so yeah that i know. in game it is somewhat rng based. i do not really know lore wise who is strongest, but i am quite ceirtan that malenia will bet some powerboost due to the sheer rage this knowledge would bring.
He deserves an apology NOW.
I apologize for calling him "Mohglester445" for like a year straight.
Completely understand why Miquella doesn't want to come out his egg coma.
Mohg is a chaser confirmed
@@thosebloodybadgers8499play the DLC he the Victim
I saw this right after I woke up but now I'm going back to bed. Excellent post 👍🏻
Goodnight Ana Ohrn
Same tbh
Secret ending
The age of...
Dlc spoilers...
Whenever you feel dumb just remember Mohg thought Gay Sex could make babies
Miquella’s mom and dad are the same person, plus he might have a female alter ego if St. Trina is anything to go by
@@themilkman993 They're the same person but they're also not. I mean we physically see both Marika and Radagon. We don't know if any of the Demigods can do something like that, I don't think any of the Demigods have any degree of shape changing/shifting even Ranni only put her soul into an artificial body (which you can do for someone who isn't a demigod at all, through magic). Since some people say Trina is male it could just be that Miquella looks feminine so disguising himself makes people think that
Who’s to say mohg ain’t got a gorilla grip omussy
@@MorgottTheGraceGiven man said the omussy 💀💀
@@MorgottTheGraceGiven if you don't delete this I WILL SMITE YOU BY THE LIGHT OF RADAGON
certified mohg moment
that miequellusy
Mohg got miquellested. We owe you an apology Mohg! 😭
venom will never be balling
*spits out cereal*
*Malenia would like to know your location INTESIFIES
Dlc just dropped epic plot twist mohg is actually a good guy justice for mohg
I fucking lost it at *"SEX DYNASTY"*
"*SECS DYNASTY*" got me man
We all owe him an apology
who tf decided that Mohg should be so hot❤
*Enchants Greatsword with righteous intent*
*summons flame of the fell god* "Someone must extinguish thy flame!"
*Eyes glow a flaming yellow with ancient madness*
Sins such as this are why the lands between must burn.
I hate the fact that he's hot honestly
He has a drippy outfit I guess but…
*picks up Rivers of Blood*. No more pvp antics, time for justice.
this is so mohggers
I love this video
thank you Sir Maggot
When's the apology video?
Update: Mohg is the Victim
I love him, the man, the gamer, the legend!
He's on that boicunny grindset
NEVER say that again.
@@Steven-xz5xt gamer?
@@taylan5579 NO! The other thing!
I can sense there's an itch at the roof of your mouth, lemme just...
*Pumps shotgun*
@@Steven-xz5xt grindset?
this is very much Mohgers
Someone write a note to malenia so she knows mohg has her brother, when you do be sure to let us all know, i need to prepre the popcorn.
I do believe folk have tested this in-game a few times
Stat-wise, Malenia loses
@@lillydevil2486 i have seen a video, so yeah that i know. in game it is somewhat rng based. i do not really know lore wise who is strongest, but i am quite ceirtan that malenia will bet some powerboost due to the sheer rage this knowledge would bring.
@@jacobhederstrom8198 mogh sex boost
@@jacobhederstrom8198 I mean if she really goes all out she could turn Mohg to dust, but that requires giving into her rot more...
Apologise NOW!!!
mogh when the party has your eternally child brother
Aged like fine milk
Mohg moment
Yep this is definitely a maiden.
No, it's perfect.
Mohg being Mohg
Hey mohg, do you know Candice?
He got the bussy mindset
Sauce for that art? It's for a friend
Before you indulge in HERESY. Just remember. *I am always watching and always at least 5 meters away from your current location.*
Just search for dopq mohg_lord_of_blood in rule 34...
Could you give the link to the buff mohg image? (Asking because of a friend)
mogh didnt like you either
Youre right
You are not sorry you could have stopped at any point but you didn’t accept that you are indeed ratchet
No longer canon, repent
Does anyone actually like mohg lmao?