This guy has slowly become my favorite league streamer. There are others who are arguably more entertaining but none that I learn this much from while still being entertaining.
I’ve learned more from him than any other league content creator. I love how he explains all of his thoughts that way I can understand what to do in every situation.
Hey alois, voli is my favorite champ in league currently. he can build basically any item and use most rune setups, which makes each game interesting and fun to approach from a build perspective. Couple things: voli benefits immensely from bringing ignite. Like riven, you want to win level 1 - 3 and force a kill by level 3. Ideally you commit ignite on a 3rd wave crash, if you get a single favorable trade/land E at levels 1 or 2 you can almost always dive at 3 on 3rd wave crash. Even if you trade, they miss most of 2 - 3 waves. then zone/deny/proxy until 6, hit 6 first on a crash, and you get another free dive. Volibear is very good at trading under turret, land E shield, Q W auto for grasp or pta proc, run out with E shield protecting you from a turret shot. E delay is longer than you think, cast it first and wait a beat before using Q to stun them. Place E in a way to force enemies to choose between getting hit by Q or E. Volibear is king of short trades, you want to use auto attacks sparingly unless they aren't trading back. if going navori, prioritize autos AFTER you complete it. even with the AS passive, trading autos in extended trades almost always loses hp. you want to space for W cd then re-engage. Voli isnt an auto attack champ until navori, he's a CD champ. For navori build, Blasting Wand is best first back. It buffs his passive attack speed, waveclear, and E damage. Ruby Crystal is second best. For Jack of All Trades/Navori build, DBlade is the better starting item. You'll hit the stat breakdowns much quicker building RoA and Navori. For Navori build, almost always build defensive boots. If playing Shojin, Kindlegem is best first back by a LOT. I love Riftmaker 3rd after navori. It does a lot more than you think. Good 3rd/4th items for navori are Riftmaker, Frozen Heart, Abyssal Mask, Spirit Visage (trap item unless playing Navori), Spear of Shojin, Iceborn Gauntlet. 5th items are typically Jak'Sho, Hourglass, Cosmic Drive, Deadman's Plate, w/e you need for comp/game state. the best top build is probably Shojin into Riftmaker into JakSho or w/e resists/situational you need. Navori is clearly best build into meatball comps where you can hit things easily. For comps where you cant hit things, shojin into cosmic or rift is ridiculous combo. IBG, Jaksho, w/e resists complete the build. Ultimate extends your Q timer and you are briefly unstoppable on cast, so you can bait CC and eat it for your team at the start of the fight by engaging with ult. rawr
Hey bro thanks for the info I love playing Voli ....I pop off in ARAM alot with him and am learning him in lane ..I play WR and working on learning the controls for LOL..I've only found success with his Heart steal build...How to you play AP n This one different then the TANK build?
R also increases voli's attack range, which means it increases his Q range. And since his Q is considered a mini-dash (because poppy stops you), you can dash over small walls with your Q in your ult form.
i may be wrong because of the elo i play in (plat 3) but when i play voli I normally play ghost tp instead of flash ignite, like you said king of short trades, what I really like about this summoner setup is when I get ganked i w the laner, kite around with q and ghost to out sustain as voli omega heals at low hp then kill the laner into kill the jg for double, this works for me alot of the time, and it gets even better with cosmic drive and iceborn to get spd and slow enemy, in my case the I think the ghost tp summoner setup is safer than flash ignite as I also believe that ghost is really good for when voli q is down and ur getting kited, using the new korean style build for me I go roa into navori, then iceborn, cosmic, spirit visage, and the boots are normally either tabi or mercs as I don't adcs killing me in 4 autos and I don't like cc (too little tenacity in the game now).
@@walloppro2151 the korean guy who made this build called 1 v all plays it with flash ignite for items he starts with dblade into first recall cdr boots for 5 stacks of jack of all trades. he goes ROA after that into zeal to finish it. at lv1 he learns q most of the times to aggressively trade using PTA to dive at lv 3-4. even high elo players are not ready for the insane burst of e flash qw auto ignite combo
So probably only time ill be able to give Alois advise . Being a Voli main, the main thing I'd point out is your E usage, you can buffer your E within your q animation. This was very apparent in the FB fight against Aatrox the first time you tried to dive him, you full channeled an E before going into q. Just this one thing can turn around a bad trade in your favor as doing this can almost gurantee your E landing. The other thing to note is you can go Activate Q> E > W > Q > R, Canceling your E animation and ensuring you land everything if they havent built tenacity. If they did, at around 30% tenacity they can flash out right before your ult lands fyi. Recap E ususage if a big thing here, at min 18:00, you played out almost the entire E animation allowing aatrox to reposition. E>Q>W>AA aatrox would of died and you could have flashed out to safety. 20:40: This skirmish a Q stun was dropped without E, two full W cast went by before E was dropped. At rank 1 Q and E are just a second apart in CD so its in your favor to always cast these together. This saves you a bunch of hp and ensures % max hp damage. I hope no one takes this in a bad light I am genuienly just excited to share what I've learned with my favorite champ! I also want to mentioned I have learned so much from watching this channel alone, amazing video, glad to see Voli have some spotlight!
just a tip i noticed for example around 20:40 you’re using q stun, without casting your e. that trade would’ve been completely one sided if you casted your e, you’re supposed to cast e, wait like a quarter second then stun with q that way they guaranteed get hit by it.
@@lordesky9671Just because he is 1k LP doesn't mean he's proficient at every champion. Like in the unranked to master series, he learned a lot of new things about champions which he didnt know before. As an Urgot OTP I know some things about Urgot that I know Alois doesn't know. Doesn't mean I'm better player than he is, just that I have more knowledge in a very specific area
@@highnoon2844 It's like having to go to a specialist for a check up on something specific. They know things that another doctor doesn't know. Doesn't mean the other person is any less intelligent. It just means they lack the knowledge and skill set of another field. In this case, Alois isn't proficient with playing Volibear since he mostly plays champs like Riven so he isn't going to know everything about him.
I think you’re supposed to start Doran’s blade for jack of all trades value btw. It gives 3 stats, letting you spike with boots + boot component or a sapphire crystal, and also doesn’t overlap with roa, so dblade + roa + boots + zeal is already 10 stacks, which gives you huge value on the rune (if you can go mercs you can get it off of dagger + cloak since mercs gives 3)
Hey Alois! Great video again. Recently I had a friend who got into league, like brand new. Since he likes top lane and plays Gwen, I recommended your unranked to master Gwen guide because you're so informative and dumb down everything for viewers. But he didn't have a clue about what you were saying. What's a level up timer? What's a slow push and what does it do? What's a freeze? Why is it good? I suddenly realized a lot of these concepts are easy to understand for people that have been playing for a while, but for someone that's new it's tricky to get. Have you considered making a video that explains basic top lane concepts from scratch? Unless you have already 😅
There is one other piece of advice for playing Voli Ive not seen yet in the comments but is highly valuable. He is “Unstoppable” during his Ult animation. Using that to cancel the knockbacks would have completely turned around those fights with Poppy and Tristana in game 1.
Hell yeah! I'm a volibear main and was thinking about asking you for a how to climb out of low mmr for volibear video lmao, glad your doing some stuff with the bear boss much love to you❤❤
if u wanna see this build in action from it's creator, look up 1vsAll, he's a korean youtuber that was once in a dobby video for being a xin top OTP, but he's since branched out to a bunch off weird champs and more off meta picks and builds like fizz top and this particular volibear build
Hi alois as a chall voli otp I must say u play very bad mechanicly on lovley bear if u could fix that potential of this champ skyrocket, u can easily dive lvl 3/4 with manipulating tower shot animations, also proxing on low hp without recall after kill is also an option. About ur e u use it on very short range and most of time miss it also u should start ur combo with e then q-w. Sometimes its not worth to use ult in fights especialy when u have navori cuz of heal from w. I'm waiting for next videos of pretty bear
Had to play the Voli setup once, while i could not 1v1 him even when i was up in gold and xp, it does not help a lot with getting outspaced or gangbanged
In a sense... on my 4th year of the rerun of things, but I have a photographic memory that basically forgets nothing. You've likely seen this before and it's very likely all the participants or at least some of them are literally doing this all again. Shit feels like someone recorded our nervous system impulses and has the capability to generate all the right circumstances for us to end up in the same spot, doing the same things and milking humanity in all the same ways. You've ever wondered why someone needs 6,078 satellites out there ? And even more senders and receivers on the ground level ?
The build is so strong that even playing the champ wrong and making tons of mistakes, you still own. And start doran Blade so you stack 3 more jack of all trades with ad,hp and lifesteal. Use E right before Q lands… you miss só many Es.
Just toss out your E, you died 3 times or so because you waited to E after Q,W, as soon as you get navoris you just need to guitar hero the living hell out of anything that comes close to become unkillable.
Some tips for this build: Start with Dblade - Helps you stack Jack of All Trades faster (3 stats item) Rift over RoA - Stronger early game, better item overall, you don't have to wait 10 min for spike MR or Armor boots - Same idea of Dblade - You don't need more CDR with Navori With Navori, Rift, Doran's and resist boots = Powerspike
How is unending despair a core item here though, without item haste runes for which this item is balanced for its kinda mid, and it doesnt have that much compability with the rest of the build imo, (you already have huge healing from W, so maybe more something more ressitance oriented like omen would be better)
Unending has a lot of sinergy with spiritual visage. The item cooldown Was lowered from 8 to 5 secs after they removed item haste rune. You go unending or frozen or randuin depending on the enemy comp.
It's not that you go ap dummy xD it's rod into flicker blade it's and ad crit hybrid build. And the part that makes it op is flicker reduces cooldowns on auto attacks and essentially almost gives your abilities half the cooldowns when you can stick to them
a tip for you alois, never up the W lvl 2 with this build, when you have pta+E+Q, in just one combo, u deal like 30-60% max heath of opponent and try do a defensive boots when using new rune and always start with dorans blade, make it more efficient
to be honest, every time I've seen this build in my games (~silver oce) it's been absolutely dumpstered in lane, and then the 3 item spike - roa navori resist item - and it's almost been 1v9
I quit playing toplane because of how ridiculously disgusting the laning phase has become, i now play midlane and apart from facing tristana it's extremely chill in comparison to the hell that is toplane
I as a toplaner can understand where you're coming from, but at the same time, I just want my chill 1v1 man. Like on midlane I'd have to worry about getting 3 man gangbanged more often and on botlane I'd have to deal with a - potential - kid as a partner. Or at least in low elo botlane is just miserable in solo queue. Point being, as a toplaner, you also have the ability to apply a lot of pressure to the enemy if you make use of it. People don't realize how much easier a game becomes when they have a competent toplaner. Most credit goes to like Jungle, ADC or Mid but not to Top or Support if they do their job right. But yeah I agree laning phase is doomed by counterpicks, permafreeze from the enemy or multiple jungle ganks (although the latter two are avoidable if you know how).
I'm the opposite actually. I love top lane but mid lane feels so hard because it's full of boring safe + scaling champs that have TP and then you're under pressure from enemy jungle and support too. Sure, they cone top lane too, but the frequency is much lower. I also play relatively immobile champs so 😅
@duc_huy_ngo i like playing aggressive in toplane and my style is very easily punishable by ganks which i get a lot of with no counters from my own jgler, also as long as garen is in the state he is in i will never play that lane again that champ disgusts me to my core and i don't play any hard counters to him
@highnoon2844 what i love about midlane is that i'm ungankable and able to scale, i also find it way easier to impact the map as you can roam with prio unlike toplane
I love playing against Volibear with Garen. You just start spinning on him, W his stun and walk away until he is one-shottable. If you don't take long trades, Volibear can't heal anything, while Garen does. And apparently Poppy W blocks Voli Q xD
Jesus I can't believe some top laners just play ranked without knowing how Voli W works. How many times does Udyr have to see the heal before he realizes to just wait 8 seconds 😭
As a volibear onetrick playing with 60 fps and 90 ish ping on a broken screen, making it to masters 200lp, I love seeing you pilot my champ. Although it can be a little cringe sometimes since I see myself doing some plays differently🤣 first game, if you popped the E while in the R, you woulda had a triple kill fyi!
you consistently save E way too long. drop that shit asap. the shield is too massive to make mistakes like the one at 33:43. You need to press e before W Q. The enemy cannot see you use E until the crash animation comes through, so you can use it safely from fog.
Voli is by far the most broken champ in League (imo), he has: cc, tankiness, sustain, mobility, DEACTIVATES TOWERS, insane damage, INSANE W HEALING EVEN IF YOU BUY GW, AoE damage, engage. I hate this champ so much.
I went into this a few days ago it was miserable. He needs to get nerfed I played so well with the fundamentals didn’t engage tried to just farm and be careful he will just kill you under turret nothing you can do. My jungle was ass fed him a kill early and I was out of the game. Obviously people went top diff…. Now aloisbwhat is the counter play to this shit lol
there's no way 3 separate people couldn't tell that this was sarcasm. if i'm watching his video in the first 8 seconds it's posted i'm probably a big fan guys
This guy has slowly become my favorite league streamer. There are others who are arguably more entertaining but none that I learn this much from while still being entertaining.
I’ve learned more from him than any other league content creator. I love how he explains all of his thoughts that way I can understand what to do in every situation.
And to be honest he seems like a chill dude
Npc ahahah
@@jaotrx7163 NpC HahAHaHahA
Hey alois, voli is my favorite champ in league currently. he can build basically any item and use most rune setups, which makes each game interesting and fun to approach from a build perspective. Couple things:
voli benefits immensely from bringing ignite. Like riven, you want to win level 1 - 3 and force a kill by level 3. Ideally you commit ignite on a 3rd wave crash, if you get a single favorable trade/land E at levels 1 or 2 you can almost always dive at 3 on 3rd wave crash. Even if you trade, they miss most of 2 - 3 waves. then zone/deny/proxy until 6, hit 6 first on a crash, and you get another free dive. Volibear is very good at trading under turret, land E shield, Q W auto for grasp or pta proc, run out with E shield protecting you from a turret shot. E delay is longer than you think, cast it first and wait a beat before using Q to stun them. Place E in a way to force enemies to choose between getting hit by Q or E. Volibear is king of short trades, you want to use auto attacks sparingly unless they aren't trading back. if going navori, prioritize autos AFTER you complete it. even with the AS passive, trading autos in extended trades almost always loses hp. you want to space for W cd then re-engage. Voli isnt an auto attack champ until navori, he's a CD champ.
For navori build, Blasting Wand is best first back. It buffs his passive attack speed, waveclear, and E damage. Ruby Crystal is second best. For Jack of All Trades/Navori build, DBlade is the better starting item. You'll hit the stat breakdowns much quicker building RoA and Navori. For Navori build, almost always build defensive boots. If playing Shojin, Kindlegem is best first back by a LOT.
I love Riftmaker 3rd after navori. It does a lot more than you think. Good 3rd/4th items for navori are Riftmaker, Frozen Heart, Abyssal Mask, Spirit Visage (trap item unless playing Navori), Spear of Shojin, Iceborn Gauntlet. 5th items are typically Jak'Sho, Hourglass, Cosmic Drive, Deadman's Plate, w/e you need for comp/game state.
the best top build is probably Shojin into Riftmaker into JakSho or w/e resists/situational you need. Navori is clearly best build into meatball comps where you can hit things easily. For comps where you cant hit things, shojin into cosmic or rift is ridiculous combo. IBG, Jaksho, w/e resists complete the build.
Ultimate extends your Q timer and you are briefly unstoppable on cast, so you can bait CC and eat it for your team at the start of the fight by engaging with ult.
Hey bro thanks for the info I love playing Voli ....I pop off in ARAM alot with him and am learning him in lane ..I play WR and working on learning the controls for LOL..I've only found success with his Heart steal build...How to you play AP n This one different then the TANK build?
R also increases voli's attack range, which means it increases his Q range. And since his Q is considered a mini-dash (because poppy stops you), you can dash over small walls with your Q in your ult form.
i may be wrong because of the elo i play in (plat 3) but when i play voli I normally play ghost tp instead of flash ignite, like you said king of short trades, what I really like about this summoner setup is when I get ganked i w the laner, kite around with q and ghost to out sustain as voli omega heals at low hp then kill the laner into kill the jg for double, this works for me alot of the time, and it gets even better with cosmic drive and iceborn to get spd and slow enemy, in my case the I think the ghost tp summoner setup is safer than flash ignite as I also believe that ghost is really good for when voli q is down and ur getting kited, using the new korean style build for me I go roa into navori, then iceborn, cosmic, spirit visage, and the boots are normally either tabi or mercs as I don't adcs killing me in 4 autos and I don't like cc (too little tenacity in the game now).
@@walloppro2151 the korean guy who made this build called 1 v all plays it with flash ignite
for items he starts with dblade into first recall cdr boots for 5 stacks of jack of all trades. he goes ROA after that into zeal to finish it.
at lv1 he learns q most of the times to aggressively trade using PTA to dive at lv 3-4. even high elo players are not ready for the insane burst of e flash qw auto ignite combo
Legit best voli guide and it’s a random comment on alois video nice
Editor cooking with this thumbnail
So probably only time ill be able to give Alois advise . Being a Voli main, the main thing I'd point out is your E usage, you can buffer your E within your q animation. This was very apparent in the FB fight against Aatrox the first time you tried to dive him, you full channeled an E before going into q. Just this one thing can turn around a bad trade in your favor as doing this can almost gurantee your E landing. The other thing to note is you can go Activate Q> E > W > Q > R, Canceling your E animation and ensuring you land everything if they havent built tenacity. If they did, at around 30% tenacity they can flash out right before your ult lands fyi.
Recap E ususage if a big thing here, at min 18:00, you played out almost the entire E animation allowing aatrox to reposition. E>Q>W>AA aatrox would of died and you could have flashed out to safety.
20:40: This skirmish a Q stun was dropped without E, two full W cast went by before E was dropped. At rank 1 Q and E are just a second apart in CD so its in your favor to always cast these together. This saves you a bunch of hp and ensures % max hp damage.
I hope no one takes this in a bad light I am genuienly just excited to share what I've learned with my favorite champ! I also want to mentioned I have learned so much from watching this channel alone, amazing video, glad to see Voli have some spotlight!
just a tip i noticed for example around 20:40 you’re using q stun, without casting your e. that trade would’ve been completely one sided if you casted your e, you’re supposed to cast e, wait like a quarter second then stun with q that way they guaranteed get hit by it.
Coaching the challenger player? Lol
@@lordesky9671 It's character specific tech, and Alois stated he's never played Voli before.
@@lordesky9671Just because he is 1k LP doesn't mean he's proficient at every champion. Like in the unranked to master series, he learned a lot of new things about champions which he didnt know before. As an Urgot OTP I know some things about Urgot that I know Alois doesn't know. Doesn't mean I'm better player than he is, just that I have more knowledge in a very specific area
@@lordesky9671 i see your point, but josegenovez is not wrong here, it was a garanteed E there.
@@highnoon2844 It's like having to go to a specialist for a check up on something specific. They know things that another doctor doesn't know. Doesn't mean the other person is any less intelligent. It just means they lack the knowledge and skill set of another field. In this case, Alois isn't proficient with playing Volibear since he mostly plays champs like Riven so he isn't going to know everything about him.
Ngl watching big bro is just routine now
I think you’re supposed to start Doran’s blade for jack of all trades value btw. It gives 3 stats, letting you spike with boots + boot component or a sapphire crystal, and also doesn’t overlap with roa, so dblade + roa + boots + zeal is already 10 stacks, which gives you huge value on the rune (if you can go mercs you can get it off of dagger + cloak since mercs gives 3)
the 1v1 at 10:51 is what i imagine a real wolf and bear would do in the jungle 😂
when tf would a wolf and bear meet ina jungle
@@thegreenroom4793 maybe they were both chasing a penguin
A real bear would absolutely maul a single wolf, hell even a deer could, there's a reason wolves hunt in packs
@@MorimoderA deer beating a wolf is audacious as hell.
Hey Alois! Great video again.
Recently I had a friend who got into league, like brand new. Since he likes top lane and plays Gwen, I recommended your unranked to master Gwen guide because you're so informative and dumb down everything for viewers. But he didn't have a clue about what you were saying. What's a level up timer? What's a slow push and what does it do? What's a freeze? Why is it good? I suddenly realized a lot of these concepts are easy to understand for people that have been playing for a while, but for someone that's new it's tricky to get. Have you considered making a video that explains basic top lane concepts from scratch? Unless you have already 😅
this is a really good comment. We who have been playing the game for years take a lot of things for granted
I really like your content, its enjoyable, educational and fresh most of the uploads
I appreciate Alois posting vids where his bot lane is an absolute lost cause, I can finally relate xD
Yeh no shit this is how most of my top games feel xD
MASSIVELY approve of the ctr soundtrack in the background
There is one other piece of advice for playing Voli Ive not seen yet in the comments but is highly valuable.
He is “Unstoppable” during his Ult animation. Using that to cancel the knockbacks would have completely turned around those fights with Poppy and Tristana in game 1.
3:55 could use E before using ult so after u ult gains the Shield
Hell yeah! I'm a volibear main and was thinking about asking you for a how to climb out of low mmr for volibear video lmao, glad your doing some stuff with the bear boss much love to you❤❤
Can you have a main established yet in low mmr? 🤔
One thing id say, dunno if you mention it later in vid but i would advise viewers that he is rough to play vs ranges champs
take a shot whenever Alois says perpetually
'' 1+1 is 2 ''
"But 1×1 is also 2" - some podcaster
@@tao5331 Actually its 2 - thanks to Terryology for bringing us this new wonder.
@@libertybelllocks7476 oh yeah my bad I wanted to write 2
if u wanna see this build in action from it's creator, look up 1vsAll, he's a korean youtuber that was once in a dobby video for being a xin top OTP, but he's since branched out to a bunch off weird champs and more off meta picks and builds like fizz top and this particular volibear build
Perpetually all good!
Hi alois as a chall voli otp I must say u play very bad mechanicly on lovley bear if u could fix that potential of this champ skyrocket, u can easily dive lvl 3/4 with manipulating tower shot animations, also proxing on low hp without recall after kill is also an option. About ur e u use it on very short range and most of time miss it also u should start ur combo with e then q-w. Sometimes its not worth to use ult in fights especialy when u have navori cuz of heal from w. I'm waiting for next videos of pretty bear
That editor needs a raise
Man is perpetually perpetual XD
I believe if you have the opportunity, going q second is strong if you can e then q guarantee hitting e and bursting enemy about 40% hp
What a banger!
I'm pretty sure you're meant to go Merc Treads whenever possible (like in the vlad game) to reach the 10 Jstack threshold by 2 items.
Hey alois, i think you should ga d blade instead of d ring because the blade give more stats for jack of all trades.
Alois, ngl you are the goat you think you are, trust me captain
Oh hey, the Yuumi's name on the second game is a reference to genshin
start with dorans blade, this way you get the first tier of JoaT with Dblade + ionian boots, free 10 aptforce and 5 AH mini spike :)
What that thumbnail tho mad me laugh af
juust a note as a new viewer, tags for different games in the same video would be much appreciated
What is the name of the soundtrack playing at 33:00 ?!!
Random thing but I thought you start with Doran’s blade instead of ring with this build, no? Since it will give you max JOAT stacks after buying Zeal
7:31 Alois we see you in chat :)
Had to play the Voli setup once, while i could not 1v1 him even when i was up in gold and xp, it does not help a lot with getting outspaced or gangbanged
Nice game of volibear! i wish i never see one again!!
Yo Alois, any thoughts on Warwick top?
I played this build yesterday after a 5 month huatus and jist dominated the lobby, also thanks to the FANTA MENTOS
I'm getting hella deja vu on the 15 minute fight.. re-upload?
In a sense... on my 4th year of the rerun of things, but I have a photographic memory that basically forgets nothing. You've likely seen this before and it's very likely all the participants or at least some of them are literally doing this all again. Shit feels like someone recorded our nervous system impulses and has the capability to generate all the right circumstances for us to end up in the same spot, doing the same things and milking humanity in all the same ways. You've ever wondered why someone needs 6,078 satellites out there ? And even more senders and receivers on the ground level ?
The build is so strong that even playing the champ wrong and making tons of mistakes, you still own. And start doran Blade so you stack 3 more jack of all trades with ad,hp and lifesteal. Use E right before Q lands… you miss só many Es.
Just toss out your E, you died 3 times or so because you waited to E after Q,W, as soon as you get navoris you just need to guitar hero the living hell out of anything that comes close to become unkillable.
This is kindgom hearts background music rightM
As ww main in this game I would go for my oneshot build .
What is the argument for Dorans ring over Dorans blade in this build?
Some tips for this build:
Start with Dblade - Helps you stack Jack of All Trades faster (3 stats item)
Rift over RoA - Stronger early game, better item overall, you don't have to wait 10 min for spike
MR or Armor boots - Same idea of Dblade - You don't need more CDR with Navori
With Navori, Rift, Doran's and resist boots = Powerspike
next time start with doran blade
so u gonna have ur adaptive much sooner with this build
The starting item should be dorans blade 😊
How is unending despair a core item here though, without item haste runes for which this item is balanced for its kinda mid, and it doesnt have that much compability with the rest of the build imo, (you already have huge healing from W, so maybe more something more ressitance oriented like omen would be better)
Unending has a lot of sinergy with spiritual visage. The item cooldown Was lowered from 8 to 5 secs after they removed item haste rune. You go unending or frozen or randuin depending on the enemy comp.
@@joaopedrogomesdasilva8775 oh they removed the rune, my bad, Im not up to date 👍
where do you see this kind of Korean broken build thingy?
Allois maybe sunderrer on 6 item?
Surprised this is considered a new strat, people have been spamming ap voli down in NA plat for a while
It's not that you go ap dummy xD it's rod into flicker blade it's and ad crit hybrid build. And the part that makes it op is flicker reduces cooldowns on auto attacks and essentially almost gives your abilities half the cooldowns when you can stick to them
Clarification the rod and nav is ap ad hybrid then he goes into tank
U should put in mind to buy ice born it is so good specially in therid game
try full ap volibear
a tip for you alois, never up the W lvl 2 with this build, when you have pta+E+Q, in just one combo, u deal like 30-60% max heath of opponent
and try do a defensive boots when using new rune and always start with dorans blade, make it more efficient
can you make a guide bro
he's given up on fundamentals, now its "perpetually"
in the first game, steraks would have been the perfect last item to buy
why these games harder than challenger games
7:32 chat lol
to be honest, every time I've seen this build in my games (~silver oce) it's been absolutely dumpstered in lane, and then the 3 item spike - roa navori resist item - and it's almost been 1v9
I think the reason you died against vladi and maybe on the dive into aatrox was because you forgot to use the health pots.
2 last games he had same zeri yuumi players
I quit playing toplane because of how ridiculously disgusting the laning phase has become, i now play midlane and apart from facing tristana it's extremely chill in comparison to the hell that is toplane
I as a toplaner can understand where you're coming from, but at the same time, I just want my chill 1v1 man. Like on midlane I'd have to worry about getting 3 man gangbanged more often and on botlane I'd have to deal with a - potential - kid as a partner. Or at least in low elo botlane is just miserable in solo queue. Point being, as a toplaner, you also have the ability to apply a lot of pressure to the enemy if you make use of it. People don't realize how much easier a game becomes when they have a competent toplaner. Most credit goes to like Jungle, ADC or Mid but not to Top or Support if they do their job right. But yeah I agree laning phase is doomed by counterpicks, permafreeze from the enemy or multiple jungle ganks (although the latter two are avoidable if you know how).
I'm the opposite actually. I love top lane but mid lane feels so hard because it's full of boring safe + scaling champs that have TP and then you're under pressure from enemy jungle and support too. Sure, they cone top lane too, but the frequency is much lower. I also play relatively immobile champs so 😅
@duc_huy_ngo i like playing aggressive in toplane and my style is very easily punishable by ganks which i get a lot of with no counters from my own jgler, also as long as garen is in the state he is in i will never play that lane again that champ disgusts me to my core and i don't play any hard counters to him
@highnoon2844 what i love about midlane is that i'm ungankable and able to scale, i also find it way easier to impact the map as you can roam with prio unlike toplane
@@duc_huy_ngo Maybe in low elo bro in plat + top laners are most often carrying the game
You can solo baron with roa and navorri
Damn, first time early.
man wtf i watched 5 ads till now
I love playing against Volibear with Garen. You just start spinning on him, W his stun and walk away until he is one-shottable. If you don't take long trades, Volibear can't heal anything, while Garen does. And apparently Poppy W blocks Voli Q xD
Jesus I can't believe some top laners just play ranked without knowing how Voli W works. How many times does Udyr have to see the heal before he realizes to just wait 8 seconds 😭
Well, you didn't know it was called Flickerblade untill after Korea because it wasn't CALLED Flickerblade before you went to Korea 😂
I was wondering why I saw people building this even though it didn't suit the game.
2:23 -1 Alois ;)
I love fazbear
As a volibear onetrick playing with 60 fps and 90 ish ping on a broken screen, making it to masters 200lp, I love seeing you pilot my champ. Although it can be a little cringe sometimes since I see myself doing some plays differently🤣 first game, if you popped the E while in the R, you woulda had a triple kill fyi!
nahhhhh this thumbnail
You should use blade in the early game to get one extra stat to the rune
he preemptively used e multiple times, lmao. chattin
Navori is such a dusgusting item to play against rn
Damn you Alois , Iam seeing so much piggys playing this unskilled bs now
Try this in lower...doesn't work
my favorite piggy
lil pup thinks hes the bear
you consistently save E way too long. drop that shit asap. the shield is too massive to make mistakes like the one at 33:43. You need to press e before W Q. The enemy cannot see you use E until the crash animation comes through, so you can use it safely from fog.
Road to iron to emrald and be emrald stuck☠️
Voli is by far the most broken champ in League (imo), he has: cc, tankiness, sustain, mobility, DEACTIVATES TOWERS, insane damage, INSANE W HEALING EVEN IF YOU BUY GW, AoE damage, engage. I hate this champ so much.
Spit homie
love voli. but hate playing against tfs and vaynes. fkin ranged abusers are so annoying
can korean stop puting this disqusting champion in meta
I went into this a few days ago it was miserable. He needs to get nerfed I played so well with the fundamentals didn’t engage tried to just farm and be careful he will just kill you under turret nothing you can do. My jungle was ass fed him a kill early and I was out of the game. Obviously people went top diff….
Now aloisbwhat is the counter play to this shit lol
-1 2:36
-1 6:22
Interaction commet o7
RA build into navori is bad
you need a new mic, too hollow
bro fell off xd
@@stealthninja1352 Just jk cuz its been 8 sec and no views
no views in 8 seconds bro fell off
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up youre not funny
Kiss yourself
0/1 irl
there's no way 3 separate people couldn't tell that this was sarcasm. if i'm watching his video in the first 8 seconds it's posted i'm probably a big fan guys
That's not a korean build, a brazilian Voli otp came up with it first. Everything is korea, everything inovative is korea. FFsk.
300 view in 7 minutes bro fell off
Could you do an unranked to masters with voli I would love to see it