Top Automation Testing Interview Questions Answered in Mock Session | Preparation for 2025
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1. ArtificialIntelligence
2. AI
3. MachineLearning
4. DeepLearning
5. AIForGood
6. AIInnovation
7. AICommunity
8. AIFuture
9. AIDevelopment
10. AIResearch
11. Automation
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21. TensorFlow
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28. NeuralNetworks
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30. BigData
31. EthicalAI
32. AIRegulation
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34. TrustworthyAI
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100. AIExplained
1. SoftwareTesting
2. QualityAssurance
3. QA
4. SoftwareQA
5. SoftwareTester
6. TestingLife
7. QALife
8. BugHunting
9. TestingCommunity
10. SoftwareDevelopment
11. AutomationTesting
12. TestAutomation
13. SeleniumTesting
14. CypressTesting
15. PlaywrightTesting
16. AppiumTesting
17. AutomationEngineer
18. AutomateEverything
19. ScriptTesting
20. QAAutomation
21. ManualTesting
22. ManualQA
23. ExploratoryTesting
24. FunctionalTesting
25. RegressionTesting
26. TestingManually
27. BugReports
28. ManualTester
29. TestCaseDesign
30. TestExecution
31. PerformanceTesting
32. LoadTesting
33. StressTesting
34. ScalabilityTesting
35. JMeter
36. PerformanceEngineer
37. PerformanceOptimization
38. ServerTesting
39. SystemPerformance
40. TestPerformance
41. APITesting
42. PostmanTesting
43. RestAssured
44. WebServiceTesting
45. IntegrationTesting
46. APIAutomation
47. TestingAPIs
48. APITestEngineer
49. APIValidation
50. BackendTesting
51. MobileTesting
52. MobileAutomation
53. Appium
54. AndroidTesting
55. iOSTesting
56. MobileQA
57. DeviceTesting
58. ResponsiveTesting
59. MobileAppTesting
60. CrossPlatformTesting
61. SecurityTesting
62. PenetrationTesting
63. VulnerabilityTesting
64. CyberSecurityTesting
65. EthicalHacking
66. SecureApps
67. RiskAssessment
68. AppSecurity
69. SecurityQA
70. TestForSecurity
71. Selenium
72. Cypress
73. Playwright
74. JIRA
75. TestNG
76. JUnit
77. Appium
78. KatalonStudio
79. Postman
80. BrowserStack
81. LearnTesting
82. TestingTips
83. TestingCareers
84. QATraining
85. AutomationTraining
86. SoftwareTestingLife
87. TestingSkills
88. QAEducation
89. TestingCertification
90. CareerInQA
91. TestingWorld
92. TestingExperts
93. TestingTools
94. TestingTalks
95. TestersUnite
96. BugFixing
97. TestingMindset
98. QATips
99. BugFreeCode
100. QualityMatters
Confident and good knowledge of topics!!
having 8 years of experience the question pattern should be real time environment related. technical is just only 3 years automation .