All those people and not even one taking into account the reality of the Earth climate. We are in an icehouse climate since the start of the Pleistocene, about 2.5 M years ago. We are currently near the end of the current interglacial, the Holocene, and soon we will enter another glacial like it is the case since the start of the Pleistocene. No one had the integrity to put that in the fact sheet!!! That is how pseudoscientific the debate has become! Ref: NOAA glaciations cycles.
All those people and not even one taking into account the reality of the Earth climate. We are in an icehouse climate since the start of the Pleistocene, about 2.5 M years ago. We are currently near the end of the current interglacial, the Holocene, and soon we will enter another glacial like it is the case since the start of the Pleistocene. No one had the integrity to put that in the fact sheet!!! That is how pseudoscientific the debate has become! Ref: NOAA glaciations cycles.