This video should be required viewing for everyone who either rents or buys their own machine. Simon has covered a wealth of tips here worth viewing many times over. Never seen a tennis coach hit so many targets, I guess Simon was pumped up after Wimbledon 2019!
Haha this was filmed the day after the Rafa vs Federer semi-final, was pumped after that match. Thank you for watching John Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Would it make sense to 'count' or record how many unforced errors I have in any given game in a match with a trusted partner? We play hard, but notice when one of us is hitting errors, the games go super fast. Simon said once "80% of the points are 4 points or less". If that's true, so much for pro like rallies if one of us is trying too hard. My point is by recording is it proven to at least see improvement over a few matches. Thanks
My wife and myself were kickstart investors and paid £200. As you probably know - Wilson have taken the Slinger on board and are now charging almost £800 for it. Have used it in the garden. Can't wait to get in court.
I can't wait to try these drills tonight. The cone and footwork patterns are great to practice, so we are not just standing and waiting for the next ball to fire. Thanks for the drills!
This is our tennis club - Oxford City Lawn Tennis. This ball machine (club's) is an old model. but looks very powerful. I will try to use it often to improve my skills. thanks Simon for all the tips.
Hi John It's a great little club, very happy to have found it. The ball machine is a great way to improve, can't recommend it enough. All the best Simon
This video is a great example of why you are the best tennis coaching channel on youtube. Plenty of information about how to practice to become a better player with clear explanations of not only how, but also why. There is one drawback to your coaching though. Since I have started following your advice particularly with regard to my forehand, adding power and topspin, I'm blasting my way through strings! I'm doing a set every two or three sessions ha ha ha. I've got a stringing machine coming next week! Keep up the great work.
You are such a good tennis player. I love your slice backhand. My normal 2 handed backhand is hopeless no matter how much i train and how many videos i watch :( . It makes my tennis not as fun as it could be.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Mabye a video on something like singles and doubles tactics, or serve+1's and the footwork required for approaching the net, or setting up the point. I think it would be great content.
Hola Simon, veo tus videos desde España, desde hace tiempo, enhorabuena por el canal. queria preguntarte la marca y el modelo de tu maquina lanzapelotas ? y donde puedo comprar una similar ? Hello Simon, I see your videos from Spain, for a long time, congratulations on the channel. I wanted to ask you the brand and model of your ball-throwing machine? and where can I buy a similar one?
Great video Simon! I have a question about what tension I should string my racquets at. I use a Yonex Poly and I’m wondering what tension I should string it at Cheers Jarrod
String tension is going to differ based upon whether you want more power or control. Tighter string tension typically means more control, and looser will give more power. However, if you hit very heavy topspin, looser string tension can give you the benefit of more power along with more spin (which gives you the control you need).
A great answer by Douglas. It also depends on the conditions, if you play in a hot climate you might string it slightly tighter to give you more control, in the winter I always go down a few pounds. Thank you for watching Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
Great lesson. I saw this video right after your lesson on "foot work drill exercises" ...split steps..shuffles..crossovers..i got a practical feel for a lot of things...again, great job and hats off to you🙌💪✌️ cheers
There are so few instructional videos about proper use of a ball machine. This one is by far the best I've seen. By the way, is anyone familiar with MSV ball machines? (German manufacturer) I'm thinking about buying one and it looks good, but there aren't any independent reviews on the web.
Thank you for watching. Never heard of MSV machines, will need to look into those. Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
Hi, I can tell you this is OEM from China - Siboasi, so this irebranded "made in Germany" which is not bad in case you need some service. I own this system 4-5 month Siboasi S4015 ( got it from Poland distributor ( which cost me similar around 2,3 K euro - so problem so far, good ball control, good battery life, remote a bit flimsy, but any alternative from US would cost 1,5 x more. My recommendation - no need for more expensive system as all the programing they add is worthless - you will be using either fixed position or horizontal ball , with different speed and height. good luck
Great advice! You’re right, I don’t think of footwork with the ball machine and think “grove strokes” and get lazy. What speed and spin do you use for volleys?
Thanks for watching It depends on the type of volleys I'm working on, low vs medium vs high and also the situation I'm simulating, in general I work on low volleys from the service line first with medium pace but lots of topspin, then use slightly harder balls for medium-level volleys, midway in the box and then put away volleys that I'll adapt to both slower and faster balls. Any lessons you would like to see from us in 2020? All the best Simon
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial return of serve in doubles. Specifically on the add side. Although I love hitting inside out forehands during rallies, hitting an inside out forehand return feels so awkward, and if I get a forehand return there in singles I usually go down the line so it’s not a comfortable shot for me. Going down the line is A lower percentage shot. I would actually prefer a backhand return on that side in doubles.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Simon I think you should make a whole new playlist of drills with tennis ball machine. On all types of shots, footwork, variations and their combinations. Hope you'll find time to do it at once. 😊 👍
This is a great video! Q: I see that there is time from when the ball was landing and even got to outside of the court on the machine side , until it lunch again, do you sometimes set it to be faster to really mimic a case where your opponent is returning the ball right a way so your recovery need to be a bit faster
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thank you very much for your inquiry. I was thinking to invest a ball machine to coach my children when this ball machine drill video came in. I have played tennis for 40 years starting wooden racket on clay courts steel, aluminum and carbon fiber rackets on hard courts. Tennis skills have been significantly evolving because of changed materials of rackets. I have some bad habits which are die-hard inherited from my wooden racket on a clay court. I appreciate it if you could have some videos to compare now and then and the difference between the new and old in influencing modern tennis skill formation. Cheers!
Great video as always! What kind of ball machine are you working with? Looks like a tennis tutor pro or plus? Just about to purchase one... Would love to see more drills like this for footwork and different type of shots as my indoor season is about to start!
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I saw the video and even entered the draw but was looking for a ball machine on which I can control the over and under spin. I don’t think I care about the “player mode” but for the drills I would really like a ball with different spin and therefor am looking at tennis tutor. Just hard to pick the proper machine when you don’t know them that well
Great video! I find that I am too lazy since I do not move my feet much when I practice with my ball machine. The only thing is that I do not see have any practice for down-the-line practice.
Hi In this video I'm using a tennis tutor pro version, which gives you topspin and slice options. I've also got a tennis tutor basic and a slingerbag. I can easily say the slinger is the best one in terms of battery length, topspin features and for it's price. If your budget is higher, then more advanced machines with slice and topspin along with more MPH would be a better choice. All the best Simon
Currently i cannot order the slinger bag here in austria and the tutor pro is too expensive for me. Do you think the tutor pro lite is also a good option?
Ian you're a tennis instructor. You and Kevin and Megan were a great team. I think you still have the passion to keep doing what you are meant to be. Keep on keeping on! Teaching tennis is what you do!
Thanks for this video, Simon! I ordered a ball machine last night and I came across this video today. Very helpful, will try to follow your drills. Edit: You hit the nail on the head about the footwork. I need to improve my footwork and will be mindful of getting lazy when using the machine.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I would like to see a video(s) presenting cardio, flexibility and strength exercises designed to improve our tennis performance.
In this video, I'm using the tennis tutor, the version with spin options. It's an ok machine but has a few major disadvantages IMO. The highest tempo is still not as fast as a fast rally, my ball would pass the baseline and bounce when the next ball is fed. The other issues are that balls often get stuck when they fall into the slot. Not sure about the lobster but that's my experience with the tutor. All the best Simon
Whenever I lost, I knew that for a day or two at least I’d be down. Sometimes longer. But in that time I’d be analysing exactly what happened, what I need to improve, what I need to work on and the losses would fuel that hunger. Losing is one of the best ways to improve if you take it as a lesson and analyse what you would need to do better in order to beat that player you lost to. Losing consistently is not good of course, that will destroy confidence. All the best Simon
It's the tennis tutor machine. Not very loud, but you'll hear it for sure! Thanks for watching Are there any lessons you would like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
If you get stronger in general and keep training hard on court, your power will increase. However, to get the maximum gains, explosive leg training would be a good foundation, medicine ball work, plyometrics. Thank you for watching. Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
Thanks for watching Nicolas I think a basic machine that allows you to vary the power and topspin is good enough. So many options out there and without testing each one it's impossible for me to recommend one to you. Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Fair enough, I reckon I´ll be getting the Spinshot Player. In regards to more content I would like to see injury prevention excercises.
It would be very helpful to see on screen your settings for each drill with the SFBM (I do realize this might be a post record task for you) I find all of your Drills very good, many thanks.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I watched a BM exercise by a player who used a concurrent side panel to list the timing of his drills from 1-6. That was good but what was missing was what each drill needed for the 3 menu items of Interval- Ball speed and type of spin. The elevation should then be specified. These points should also say what the other detail is eg Horizontal,w,n or off+ if it is joined by elevation on or off. This applies as well when 2 line drills are used. I found the chart supplied by the Manuel helpful but quite often manual corrections are needed to correct or change menu items from the far end of the court.
I normally use poly, doesn't matter the brand or type for me. I can play with anything, as long as it's durable and doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Thanks for watching, Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
It changes throughout the video. For groundstrokes it's different to when I'm at the net. Ball speed - 40-60MPH Interval - One ball fed every 1.5-2.0 seconds at net, 2.5-4.0 seconds on baseline when using recovery.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Simon, thanks for your reply. Can the ball machine be used to practice returning serve? I cannot find a partner who can serve consistently and with good pace and agree to serve one hour. Is there other ways to practice returning serve? such as hand feed?
In this video, I'm using a tennis tutor machine. Thanks for watching. Are there any videos you would like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
I use normal balls, they get old and lose pressure over time but I use them for as long as possible. Thank you for watching. Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
I'd do sets of 10-12 balls followed by a rest. If you have a remote you can stop the machine, if not then hit a few shots on the spot, maybe work on your dropshot or slice on those 4-5 rest balls then get back into work. Thank you for watching Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
Hi Simon, 1- Do you think decreasing intervals slowly could be good for young players to learn how to prepare for the shot earlier and earlier? 2- What's the optimum (most realistic) interval (seconds) when practicing? Does it change depending on the surface (grass/clay/hard)?
1. Yes - it's a good idea 2. Between 1-2 seconds. Time a rally with the player, see how much time they have and see if the machine can mimic that interval
which machine is this and what would you recommend for good value for money? These things are so absurdly expensive for what they are, would the standard Cube do? Or is Pro Lite the minimum youd pick?
I have a serve related question/statement. At a recent tournament I was serving pretty horrible, figured I was going to try a kick serve. I made contact with my shoulders not entirely square with the net, kind of at an angle. I aced him. Usually my shoulders are 100% parallel with the net when I serve, and they tend to either hit well or miss by a lot. I tried it on the other side, same result. I ended up acing him 5 other times simply because my first serve was actually going in since that slight change. Do the shoulders being parallel, or at an angle at the point of contact make a huge difference in serving?
The shoulders play a huge role in the serve, from the shoulder over shoulder motion to the uncoiling motion. Kick serve vs slice vs flat, all three serves require a different degree of shoulder rotation prior to contact. Thank you for watching Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
You play really well, even for a coach your level is very good. How much training did you do with a ball machine growing up? Was it say 20% of your overall on court tennis training? Always interested to see players get to such a good level after using a ball machine/growing up with a ball machine. Only players i'm aware on the tour past and present that did are Agassi & Raonic, perhaps others know many more who also did...
I spent countless hours training on the machine, as a kid it was probably 50% of my court time, couldn’t afford coaches and didn’t have hitting partners so this and the wall helped me become number one in Michigan under 12s when I was nine. Then later on I trained around 6-8 hours a week on the machine, sometimes more when I was tweaking a stroke
I just upgraded my Spinshot Plus to a Spinshot Player so I can customize drills. Does anyone have a list of drills/settings to simulate playing against a pusher?
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial LOL, well, I know it may appear to be a bit vague but I've watched a fair amount of videos with matches against pushers and there seems to be some common themes like a lot of moonballs, a lot of either flat or slight underspin short balls and such. I suppose I could just try to transcribe some videos and attempt to put something together but wasn't sure if someone had already done that. The Spinshot Player drills (you have 12 customized drills) are setup such that you can program 6 different balls for a drill and then it will repeat. Each ball can be defined with a different horizontal position, speed, spin, height and feed rate.
Really useful drills, great watching. Just a couple of quick questions, what sort of speeds are you setting the machine at for the ground stroke drills and for the volley drills? And for the volleys are you setting any particular spins on the machine (top or slice)? Many thanks. Hoping to up my game with these drills.
I tend to use 60-70% power when hitting groundies with medium to high levels of topspin and when at the net I'll increase the power for medium height volleys so I'm dealing with more power, on the higher volleys, I'll slow down the speed to 40-50% power with less spin so it becomes like a floater, then on the low volleys I'll use 50-60% power with high levels of topspin so I'm dealing with the same type of ball my opponents would hit into my feet. Thank you for watching! Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
For me one of the big problems is choice of shot; crosscourt vs down the line, topspin vs slice. Something along those lines would be very useful. Thanks for the great instructions.
The one from this video is quite heavy so a little harder to carry around, however, there are many portable options out there. Thanks for watching, Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future? All the best Simon
You're very welcome, I appreciate the quick reply. I can't think of any videos in particular as you really cover such a wide variety. I would love to see what you can do with some double strategy videos.
Can't agree more with the part about common errors. I had both of those errors when training with ball machines. That's why even I felt great swinging and hitting with the machine, it was a totally different story when rallying with human (yes, it was miserable...).
Hi Julijana The ball machine would be a good tool for your ten-year-old girl. It's a great way to hit a high volume of balls in a short amount of time. As long as she's playing with other kids and doing normal hitting sessions, the ball machine can really help her improve faster. All the best Simon
Thank you so much for the reply. Do you mind including the link of Amazon or wherever you bought it from. I would like to purchase that. Thank you once again and happy new year!
It depends on if you have a remote etc With high intensity, it’s hard to do more than 10-12 balls per set 6-8 sets per drill would be a great workout All the best Simon
I also have a Tennis Tutor, these are great drills, can you comment on what kind of settings you're using-- how much speed and topspin? And what balls are you using to feed it, are you using regular or depressurized or something like Gamma? Thanks in advance
I play around with the settings, sometimes using more topspin when I want a more challenging ball and other times I reduce the speed and spin and work on attacking the ball more. Same with tempo, when I'm working on my defensive skills, I'll increase the tempo. The balls I use are at the club I film at, so they tend to be mixed around, some newer balls, some older. Thanks for watching Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future? All the best Simon
i loved the contact point one, what should we look for in that one. i believe i saw one 5-6 years ago that encouraged ppl to look for the flight of the ball and when it "stops" (changes from elevating to going down) there's a spot there where the ball is "neutral", and it seems like you always hit the ball then(instead of on the balls drop point, not necessarily hitting it on the rise but just at the right moment), but i haven't seen anyone explain that since i heard it...5-6 years ago. i believe they were calling it optimum POWER point...It helped me immensely as it forces intuitive "sharpness" because you have to move your feet and focus on contact point also...Love your Chanel and all your advices/contents/drills are spot on@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial
Topspin is what you need. Focus on brushing up the back of the ball, make sure you're using a grip that will allow you to generate topspin. One of our latest videos was all about producing topspin on the forehand, you can watch it here -
@@dave-ez1vo Not really, I've used a few machines over the years and it's one that constantly breaks down, especially with high use. I recently got a slingerbag and can say it's a superior machine in most ways, how long it will hold up for, I don't know, but so far so good. Battery time is great, easy to transport around, very good machine
Hope you enjoy the video. Please make sure you turn on the notification bell so you get notified whenever we release a new lesson.
I will
@ Guido - perfect
Doing a good job, thanx a lot.
This video should be required viewing for everyone who either rents or buys their own machine. Simon has covered a wealth of tips here worth viewing many times over. Never seen a tennis coach hit so many targets, I guess Simon was pumped up after Wimbledon 2019!
Haha this was filmed the day after the Rafa vs Federer semi-final, was pumped after that match.
Thank you for watching John
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All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Would it make sense to 'count' or record how many unforced errors I have in any given game in a match with a trusted partner? We play hard, but notice when one of us is hitting errors, the games go super fast. Simon said once "80% of the points are 4 points or less". If that's true, so much for pro like rallies if one of us is trying too hard. My point is by recording is it proven to at least see improvement over a few matches. Thanks
Most ball machines do not come with 'instructions' so this is great, thanks!
You're welcome 🙏
I took up tennis a year ago and just bought a ball machine today. This video has given me loads of ideas so thank you!
Enjoy the process and good luck with the improvements
This is what tennis looks like now in the age of Coronavirus. Great video!
This and the wall. Sad events.
Thanks for watching David
Any lessons you would like to see in the coming months?
All the best and stay safe
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Which ball machine are you using?
Doesn’t look like that in my area...courts are busy from 530-8pm
Well, I gotta tell you this one. I bought my machine yesterday and today you post a video about drills with it. Great timing coach.
What a coincidence.
Thanks for watching,
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All the best
What is the name of it?
Do you need a remote?
Hii where can I buy it ?...and whats the cost price
@@mr.voice4voiceless-elvisth110 in Canada look for silent partner
Great advice, and simple.
Glad it was helpful!
excellent technique Simon. You can make a volley lesson out of this vid and a bh slice lesson
Thanks for the extra minutes of hitting at the end of the instruction. It helps to watch the correct footwork that you use.
Thanks for watching
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All the best
The strings on that racket are perfectly tuned. Sweet spot every time!! What a beautiful sound.
Thanks for watching Richard
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All the best
Fantastic coaching as usual. Tony Costa. I've just bought the Slinger portable ball machine so this lesson is exactly what I need. Thank you.
The slinger is great, got one myself. Very useful indeed
My wife and myself were kickstart investors and paid £200. As you probably know - Wilson have taken the Slinger on board and are now charging almost £800 for it. Have used it in the garden. Can't wait to get in court.
I can't wait to try these drills tonight. The cone and footwork patterns are great to practice, so we are not just standing and waiting for the next ball to fire. Thanks for the drills!
Thank you for watching Eric
Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future?
All the best
Excellent instructions and information! You guys have one of the best channels for tennis.
Appreciate that
This is our tennis club - Oxford City Lawn Tennis. This ball machine (club's) is an old model. but looks very powerful. I will try to use it often to improve my skills. thanks Simon for all the tips.
Hi John
It's a great little club, very happy to have found it.
The ball machine is a great way to improve, can't recommend it enough.
All the best
This was an amazing lesson for me, thank you so much, you are the man!
Thanks for the support
Thanks for the tips Simon. Do you have a recommendation for a good quality and durable ball machine.
This video is a great example of why you are the best tennis coaching channel on youtube. Plenty of information about how to practice to become a better player with clear explanations of not only how, but also why.
There is one drawback to your coaching though. Since I have started following your advice particularly with regard to my forehand, adding power and topspin, I'm blasting my way through strings! I'm doing a set every two or three sessions ha ha ha.
I've got a stringing machine coming next week!
Keep up the great work.
Thank you for your kind words Tony.
Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future?
All the best
Perhaps a similar video with an emphasis on techniques which are particularly applicable to doubles such as negating the net player.
Great advice mate, will try em out asap! 🔥🎾
Good video. Thank you!
Thank you for watching 👍
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All the best
Keep up the great videos! Really helping my game out for sure
That’s great to hear
You are such a good tennis player. I love your slice backhand. My normal 2 handed backhand is hopeless no matter how much i train and how many videos i watch :( . It makes my tennis not as fun as it could be.
Have you watched all of these lessons? -
no, the "ball machine drills" is the only video i have watched from you. i will watch the link you sent and give feedback. thanks
Amazing drills and great footwork 👏👍! Thank you for the video. 👍
Thank you for watching
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All the best
Great lessons! Thank you for that
Thanks for the support! Any other lessons you’d like to see?
nice drills !! how do we adjust the machine to feed low and high or short and deep balls?
It should have the controls on your machine, less power, less spin and trajectory etc
Which machines have those functions? And are affordable haha@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial
Thank you for watching 👍
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Best regards,
I don't have a ball machine, but this is satisfying so I watch anyway.😂😂💪💪
Thanks for watching Dom
Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future?
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Mabye a video on something like singles and doubles tactics, or serve+1's and the footwork required for approaching the net, or setting up the point. I think it would be great content.
Hola Simon, veo tus videos desde España, desde hace tiempo, enhorabuena por el canal. queria preguntarte la marca y el modelo de tu maquina lanzapelotas ? y donde puedo comprar una similar ?
Hello Simon, I see your videos from Spain, for a long time, congratulations on the channel. I wanted to ask you the brand and model of your ball-throwing machine? and where can I buy a similar one?
Great video Simon!
I have a question about what tension I should string my racquets at.
I use a Yonex Poly and I’m wondering what tension I should string it at
String tension is going to differ based upon whether you want more power or control. Tighter string tension typically means more control, and looser will give more power. However, if you hit very heavy topspin, looser string tension can give you the benefit of more power along with more spin (which gives you the control you need).
A great answer by Douglas. It also depends on the conditions, if you play in a hot climate you might string it slightly tighter to give you more control, in the winter I always go down a few pounds.
Thank you for watching
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All the best
Thanks Simon,
Excellent instructional video (for someone like me who has a ball machine)! Keep up the good work 👍🏽
Thank you for watching Ray
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All the best
really helpful video! Nice job, Simon!
Thanks for watching.
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All the best
Thanks for the great video, what type of ball do you recommend for practice with a ball machine?
Great drills! Love how you move forward, taking balls early. Key to developing a solid baseline game.
Thank you for watching
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All the best
Great video lesson! Very helpful . Thank you!
Thank you for watching
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All the best
Amazing video Simon !! I can't wait to try these out this week with my ball machine.
Thanks for watching Patrick
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All the best
Nice ground strokes. Thanks for the tips
Thank you for watching.
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All the best
A video I would like is, How to keep hold of your emotions during a match. Thanks
Excellent and useful video. As always, great content.
Thanks for watching Oscar
Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future?
All the best
Hi Simon,
Patterns of playing, singles strategies.
Thanks again for your videos🎾
Great lesson. I saw this video right after your lesson on "foot work drill exercises" ...split steps..shuffles..crossovers..i got a practical feel for a lot of things...again, great job and hats off to you🙌💪✌️ cheers
Thank you for watching.
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All the best
Amazing lessons! Cheers to your lessons Simon!
Thank you for watching Raakkhi
All the best
There are so few instructional videos about proper use of a ball machine. This one is by far the best I've seen.
By the way, is anyone familiar with MSV ball machines? (German manufacturer) I'm thinking about buying one and it looks good, but there aren't any independent reviews on the web.
Thank you for watching.
Never heard of MSV machines, will need to look into those.
Are there any videos you'd like to see from us in the near future?
All the best
Hi, I can tell you this is OEM from China - Siboasi, so this irebranded "made in Germany" which is not bad in case you need some service. I own this system 4-5 month Siboasi S4015 ( got it from Poland distributor ( which cost me similar around 2,3 K euro - so problem so far, good ball control, good battery life, remote a bit flimsy, but any alternative from US would cost 1,5 x more. My recommendation - no need for more expensive system as all the programing they add is worthless - you will be using either fixed position or horizontal ball , with different speed and height. good luck
Great advice! You’re right, I don’t think of footwork with the ball machine and think “grove strokes” and get lazy. What speed and spin do you use for volleys?
Thanks for watching
It depends on the type of volleys I'm working on, low vs medium vs high and also the situation I'm simulating, in general I work on low volleys from the service line first with medium pace but lots of topspin, then use slightly harder balls for medium-level volleys, midway in the box and then put away volleys that I'll adapt to both slower and faster balls.
Any lessons you would like to see from us in 2020?
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial return of serve in doubles. Specifically on the add side. Although I love hitting inside out forehands during rallies, hitting an inside out forehand return feels so awkward, and if I get a forehand return there in singles I usually go down the line so it’s not a comfortable shot for me. Going down the line is A lower percentage shot. I would actually prefer a backhand return on that side in doubles.
Awesome drills, I would like to see overhead drills with different footwork using the ball machine.
Thanks for watching
I’ll add that to the list, apart from that, are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Simon I think you should make a whole new playlist of drills with tennis ball machine. On all types of shots, footwork, variations and their combinations.
Hope you'll find time to do it at once.
😊 👍
This is a great video!
Q: I see that there is time from when the ball was landing and even got to outside of the court on the machine side , until it lunch again, do you sometimes set it to be faster to really mimic a case where your opponent is returning the ball right a way so your recovery need to be a bit faster
Yes, you can adjust the tempo accordingly. I slowed it down here to have more time for the demonstrations
You guys are my fav. Always have great tips and drills. Thanks for improving my game 👍🏼🎾💥
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@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thank you very much for your inquiry. I was thinking to invest a ball machine to coach my children when this ball machine drill video came in. I have played tennis for 40 years starting wooden racket on clay courts steel, aluminum and carbon fiber rackets on hard courts. Tennis skills have been significantly evolving because of changed materials of rackets. I have some bad habits which are die-hard inherited from my wooden racket on a clay court. I appreciate it if you could have some videos to compare now and then and the difference between the new and old in influencing modern tennis skill formation. Cheers!
Great video as always! What kind of ball machine are you working with? Looks like a tennis tutor pro or plus? Just about to purchase one... Would love to see more drills like this for footwork and different type of shots as my indoor season is about to start!
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In this video I’m using a tennis tutor but I also did some drills on the slingerbag
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I saw the video and even entered the draw but was looking for a ball machine on which I can control the over and under spin. I don’t think I care about the “player mode” but for the drills I would really like a ball with different spin and therefor am looking at tennis tutor. Just hard to pick the proper machine when you don’t know them that well
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial and thanks for the response... I really like your videos!
Great video! I find that I am too lazy since I do not move my feet much when I practice with my ball machine. The only thing is that I do not see have any practice for down-the-line practice.
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Hey Simon, geat video. Which machine are you using here? And, do you think it's "necessary" to have a machine, which has a spin/slice function?
In this video I'm using a tennis tutor pro version, which gives you topspin and slice options.
I've also got a tennis tutor basic and a slingerbag.
I can easily say the slinger is the best one in terms of battery length, topspin features and for it's price.
If your budget is higher, then more advanced machines with slice and topspin along with more MPH would be a better choice.
All the best
Currently i cannot order the slinger bag here in austria and the tutor pro is too expensive for me. Do you think the tutor pro lite is also a good option?
Great! What machine are you using?
In this video I’m using a tennis tutor machine
Ian you're a tennis instructor. You and Kevin and Megan were a great team. I think you still have the passion to keep doing what you are meant to be. Keep on keeping on! Teaching tennis is what you do!
Ian? I think you're on the wrong channel there Frank
Thanks for this video, Simon! I ordered a ball machine last night and I came across this video today. Very helpful, will try to follow your drills.
Edit: You hit the nail on the head about the footwork. I need to improve my footwork and will be mindful of getting lazy when using the machine.
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A video showing alternatives on how to set up a ball machine high enough to simulate a serve would be awesome!
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@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I would like to see a video(s) presenting cardio, flexibility and strength exercises designed to improve our tennis performance.
Hello Coach what kind of tennis ball machine are you using in this footage ? I was interested either the tutor or a lobster model thanks 🙏
In this video, I'm using the tennis tutor, the version with spin options.
It's an ok machine but has a few major disadvantages IMO.
The highest tempo is still not as fast as a fast rally, my ball would pass the baseline and bounce when the next ball is fed. The other issues are that balls often get stuck when they fall into the slot. Not sure about the lobster but that's my experience with the tutor.
All the best
Simon is really good, would like to see him play in a match. :)
Here you go -
Hi Simon, how do you deal with the pain of losing?
Whenever I lost, I knew that for a day or two at least I’d be down. Sometimes longer. But in that time I’d be analysing exactly what happened, what I need to improve, what I need to work on and the losses would fuel that hunger.
Losing is one of the best ways to improve if you take it as a lesson and analyse what you would need to do better in order to beat that player you lost to.
Losing consistently is not good of course, that will destroy confidence.
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thanks Simon. I'll take those words and start working toward fixing my game.
Hi, which machine is this and does it make a lot of noise ?
It's the tennis tutor machine.
Not very loud, but you'll hear it for sure!
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Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons which tennis tutor machine? Prolite?
Hi Simon, what kind of strength training would you recommend if I want to increase the power on my groundstrokes? Thanks
If you get stronger in general and keep training hard on court, your power will increase.
However, to get the maximum gains, explosive leg training would be a good foundation, medicine ball work, plyometrics.
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A great video again Simon. Which ball machine do you recommend for personal use ?
Thanks for watching Nicolas
I think a basic machine that allows you to vary the power and topspin is good enough.
So many options out there and without testing each one it's impossible for me to recommend one to you.
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@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Fair enough, I reckon I´ll be getting the Spinshot Player. In regards to more content I would like to see injury prevention excercises.
It would be very helpful to see on screen your settings for each drill with the SFBM (I do realize this might be a post record task for you)
I find all of your Drills very good, many thanks.
We’ll keep that in mind for the future 👍
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I watched a BM exercise by a player who used a concurrent side panel to list the timing of his drills from 1-6. That was good but what was missing was what each drill needed for the 3 menu items of Interval- Ball speed and type of spin. The elevation should then be specified.
These points should also say what the other detail is eg Horizontal,w,n or off+ if it is joined by elevation on or off.
This applies as well when 2 line drills are used.
I found the chart supplied by the Manuel helpful but quite often manual corrections are needed to correct or change menu items from the far end of the court.
Simon I also Play Theo Dunlop srixon cx Tour. Therefore im interessted which String do you Play on your Racket?
I normally use poly, doesn't matter the brand or type for me.
I can play with anything, as long as it's durable and doesn't cost me an arm and a leg.
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@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial - MORE IN SERVE - SLICE - TOP- KICK - ETC - TOSS
love watching you hit, almost feels.. inspirational :). Thank you for the lesson!
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No joke Simon!! Great informational video!! 👌👌 ps you hit the crap out of the ball btw! Very nice!! 👍🏼
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This is really interesting and helpful!
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Hi Simon, what's the ball speed in this video?
Do you mean MPH or if the video has been altered from original?
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Simon, I want to know the ball speed and interval of the this ball machine in this video.
It changes throughout the video.
For groundstrokes it's different to when I'm at the net.
Ball speed - 40-60MPH
Interval - One ball fed every 1.5-2.0 seconds at net, 2.5-4.0 seconds on baseline when using recovery.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Simon, thanks for your reply. Can the ball machine be used to practice returning serve? I cannot find a partner who can serve consistently and with good pace and agree to serve one hour. Is there other ways to practice returning serve? such as hand feed?
Which machine are u using? Any recommendations which one to buy? I’m in the US
Great video ! Which ball machine do you use ?
In this video, I'm using a tennis tutor machine.
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Do you use pressurized or un pressurized in practice and if pressurized how long do you use them?
I use normal balls, they get old and lose pressure over time but I use them for as long as possible.
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Hi Simon, great video. How long you reccomend the serie to be. I do about 30 balls but as you say, tough to maintain the intensity after 15.
I'd do sets of 10-12 balls followed by a rest.
If you have a remote you can stop the machine, if not then hit a few shots on the spot, maybe work on your dropshot or slice on those 4-5 rest balls then get back into work.
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Hi Simon,
1- Do you think decreasing intervals slowly could be good for young players to learn how to prepare for the shot earlier and earlier?
2- What's the optimum (most realistic) interval (seconds) when practicing? Does it change depending on the surface (grass/clay/hard)?
1. Yes - it's a good idea
2. Between 1-2 seconds. Time a rally with the player, see how much time they have and see if the machine can mimic that interval
which machine is this and what would you recommend for good value for money? These things are so absurdly expensive for what they are, would the standard Cube do? Or is Pro Lite the minimum youd pick?
I have a serve related question/statement. At a recent tournament I was serving pretty horrible, figured I was going to try a kick serve. I made contact with my shoulders not entirely square with the net, kind of at an angle. I aced him. Usually my shoulders are 100% parallel with the net when I serve, and they tend to either hit well or miss by a lot. I tried it on the other side, same result. I ended up acing him 5 other times simply because my first serve was actually going in since that slight change. Do the shoulders being parallel, or at an angle at the point of contact make a huge difference in serving?
The shoulders play a huge role in the serve, from the shoulder over shoulder motion to the uncoiling motion.
Kick serve vs slice vs flat, all three serves require a different degree of shoulder rotation prior to contact.
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Hey Simon, which Tennis Ball Machine would you recommend?
I can't recommend one since I haven't tried many.
I know that the shotmaker was a very good machine, tennis tutor is ok but has some flaws
Hey! Simon.
Whenever I hit a forehand more aggressively and with more power, I end up hitting out!!!
Can you give any tips on it
Increase your topspin levels.
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Thanks a lot man, I will do the same !!!!
Hello Simon what is your favorite ball machine?
All time favourite is the shotmaker, but it’s expensive. Slinger is pretty good
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial thank you, if you could make a video about ball machines would be great.
You play really well, even for a coach your level is very good. How much training did you do with a ball machine growing up? Was it say 20% of your overall on court tennis training? Always interested to see players get to such a good level after using a ball machine/growing up with a ball machine. Only players i'm aware on the tour past and present that did are Agassi & Raonic, perhaps others know many more who also did...
I spent countless hours training on the machine, as a kid it was probably 50% of my court time, couldn’t afford coaches and didn’t have hitting partners so this and the wall helped me become number one in Michigan under 12s when I was nine.
Then later on I trained around 6-8 hours a week on the machine, sometimes more when I was tweaking a stroke
using dunrop cx 200 tour ? or just cx 200 ? ( thank you for your teaching always )
Dunlop CX 200 tour version
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Thanks :)
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Well i’m not sure if it’s worth a video but i’m trying to improve my serve plus one for season.
Bravo 💘🎾
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@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I would love to see a video of server and volley
I love your content
Greetings from Argentina ✌️
I just upgraded my Spinshot Plus to a Spinshot Player so I can customize drills. Does anyone have a list of drills/settings to simulate playing against a pusher?
That’s some very precise request 😂
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial LOL, well, I know it may appear to be a bit vague but I've watched a fair amount of videos with matches against pushers and there seems to be some common themes like a lot of moonballs, a lot of either flat or slight underspin short balls and such. I suppose I could just try to transcribe some videos and attempt to put something together but wasn't sure if someone had already done that. The Spinshot Player drills (you have 12 customized drills) are setup such that you can program 6 different balls for a drill and then it will repeat. Each ball can be defined with a different horizontal position, speed, spin, height and feed rate.
Really useful drills, great watching. Just a couple of quick questions, what sort of speeds are you setting the machine at for the ground stroke drills and for the volley drills? And for the volleys are you setting any particular spins on the machine (top or slice)? Many thanks. Hoping to up my game with these drills.
I tend to use 60-70% power when hitting groundies with medium to high levels of topspin and when at the net I'll increase the power for medium height volleys so I'm dealing with more power, on the higher volleys, I'll slow down the speed to 40-50% power with less spin so it becomes like a floater, then on the low volleys I'll use 50-60% power with high levels of topspin so I'm dealing with the same type of ball my opponents would hit into my feet.
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For me one of the big problems is choice of shot; crosscourt vs down the line, topspin vs slice. Something along those lines would be very useful. Thanks for the great instructions.
Wow you hit the shots so crisp man! That’s goals... what rating are you?
Thanks for the support,
My LTA rating was 2.1 many years ago.
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial WOW! have you been playing tennis from a very young age? I hope to be at your level in a few years 🙏
Great Drills, now all I need is to buy a ball machine. Is this ball machine easy to program and transport? Thanks!
The one from this video is quite heavy so a little harder to carry around, however, there are many portable options out there.
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You're very welcome, I appreciate the quick reply. I can't think of any videos in particular as you really cover such a wide variety. I would love to see what you can do with some double strategy videos.
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial - MAYBE ON POACHING IN DOUBLES
Can't agree more with the part about common errors. I had both of those errors when training with ball machines. That's why even I felt great swinging and hitting with the machine, it was a totally different story when rallying with human (yes, it was miserable...).
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What the brand of the machine you are using, please?
In this video a tennis tutor. However, I'm not using a Staneg
Hi Simon, would you recommend a ball machine for a ten-year-old child? She's been playing regularly for five years. Thanks
Hi Julijana
The ball machine would be a good tool for your ten-year-old girl.
It's a great way to hit a high volume of balls in a short amount of time.
As long as she's playing with other kids and doing normal hitting sessions, the ball machine can really help her improve faster.
All the best
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thank you, Simon! Your videos are very beneficial!
Thank you 🙏
You are a great pianist.
Some very nice videos there!
@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Haha, thanks! I am becoming a tennis mom now😂 I like your intellectual approach to this game, keep up the excellent work!
I got a tennis machine. Doing all tricks and flicks. Now have too do proper tennis
Nice 👌
What is the name of the machine that you are using for tennis practice?
Tennis tutor
Thank you so much for the reply. Do you mind including the link of Amazon or wherever you bought it from. I would like to purchase that. Thank you once again and happy new year!
Wich ball maschine did you use?
A tennis tutor which was not great honestly.
What racket are you using there?
Dunlop CX 200
How many reps should you should I focus on for each exercise?
It depends on if you have a remote etc
With high intensity, it’s hard to do more than 10-12 balls per set
6-8 sets per drill would be a great workout
All the best
I also have a Tennis Tutor, these are great drills, can you comment on what kind of settings you're using-- how much speed and topspin? And what balls are you using to feed it, are you using regular or depressurized or something like Gamma? Thanks in advance
I play around with the settings, sometimes using more topspin when I want a more challenging ball and other times I reduce the speed and spin and work on attacking the ball more.
Same with tempo, when I'm working on my defensive skills, I'll increase the tempo.
The balls I use are at the club I film at, so they tend to be mixed around, some newer balls, some older.
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Ball Machines are the ultimate social distancing tennis practice 👌
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which ball machine is that?
great video, I'm just about to get a used lobster machine, pretty excited
That's awesome!
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i loved the contact point one, what should we look for in that one. i believe i saw one 5-6 years ago that encouraged ppl to look for the flight of the ball and when it "stops" (changes from elevating to going down) there's a spot there where the ball is "neutral", and it seems like you always hit the ball then(instead of on the balls drop point, not necessarily hitting it on the rise but just at the right moment), but i haven't seen anyone explain that since i heard it...5-6 years ago. i believe they were calling it optimum POWER point...It helped me immensely as it forces intuitive "sharpness" because you have to move your feet and focus on contact point also...Love your Chanel and all your advices/contents/drills are spot on@@TopTennisTrainingOfficial
One video has everything covered. you have serious control.
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Hello Simón are you playing with dunlop or prince
Hi Xavier
I use the Dunlop CX 200 tour racket
Is a good one, the 18x20 or the 16x19 Dud you tried bouth?
How do you pick up all the balls?
Using a ball hopper
Whenever I hit the ball it always goes out of bounds and too do I fix this to make it stay on court?
Topspin is what you need.
Focus on brushing up the back of the ball, make sure you're using a grip that will allow you to generate topspin.
One of our latest videos was all about producing topspin on the forehand, you can watch it here -
What machine is this?
Tennis tutor
Thanks for the fast reply, would you recommend it?
@@dave-ez1vo Not really, I've used a few machines over the years and it's one that constantly breaks down, especially with high use. I recently got a slingerbag and can say it's a superior machine in most ways, how long it will hold up for, I don't know, but so far so good. Battery time is great, easy to transport around, very good machine
Alright, slingerbag it is!
Thanks again
What ball machine are you using in this video?
A tennis tutor machine.
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Is it waterproof?
No, if it rains, get indoors asap