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Amen amen amen ❤Kalehiwet ysmalna yeni hawey amlak zxegueu ybzhalka
Amen Amen Amen Qal hiwet yesmealna
Egziabhier Amlak edmen tienan yihabka
Xegeu yebzhalka kubur hawuna Nay Agelgulot zemenka yibarkelka
Amen amen amen kalihwet yesmealna egziabiher Amlak xegu yebzihalka hawey
Amen amen amen❤❤❤
Amen Amen Amen Kal hiwet yesmalna igziabhier amlak xegu yebzhalka ✝️💒❤️❤️😭😭😭
Amen amen amen kale hiwet yesmalna kubur hawna🙏🙏🙏
Egziabhier xegeu yebzhalka
Amen, amen qal hiwet yesmalna ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
ቃለህይወት የስመዓልና ጸግኡ የብዝሓልካ ፈጣሪ
❤❤❤ኣሜን ቃለ ሂወት የስምዓልና ዮነይ ብሩክ
❤❤❤❤Woooow❤❤ qale hiwet yesmeealna!!
❤❤❤❤❤❤qale hiwet yesmealna
ጎይታ ፀግኡ የብዘሐልካ ዮኒ ዓከይ
Kale hiwet yesmalna 🙏 ♥️
Kale hiwet yesmalna hawna JHONAATAN Good job I love it God bless you ❤
Xegeu yebzahalka yoniye🙏
egziabher xegaka yebzhalka,Good job❤❤
ጽቡቅ ስራሕ ተባረኩ❤❤❤
Amien qalehiwet yesmalna
Great job!!
Well done st.mary boy jss move up
Good job friend❤