아 너무 귀엽따. 태풍을 경험한적이 없어서 태풍 브이로그 찍는대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 사실 서울 한복판에서 태풍온다고 저렇게 집에 먹을걸 쌓아놓지는 않는데.. 미국,캐나다에서는 미리미리 태풍온다고 하면 쟁여 놓으니깐. 한국에 와서는 편의점 음식 몽땅 사가지고 가는구낭 ㅎㅎㅎ 졸라 귀여우심. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 태풍 브이로그. ^^
It's really interesting to see you eating naengmyeon, I know it would be a weird food for foreigners because of the texture and literally never saw them like it.
oh yes I care for my feet routinely also. I exfoliate routinely but specifically exfoliate feet routinely also. It makes your feet feel so much better and there is so much body stuff and aches linked to your feet or that can be eased by caring for your feet.
its interesting, i watch a lot of korean campers, b/c the camping culture is major in korea and lots of times they are camping in typhoons or just rain. I have only been to NY once, but we really felt like actual NYorkers b/c the first 2 days and for a lot of the trip it was raining and i went with highschool....so all us kids sloshing around in our black leg lenght jackets (long coats) slightly damp those days, we blended right in, it didn't stop us from having fun. But for sure for typhoons and hurricanes for safety reasons precautions are necessary, not saying don't be safe in those conditions.
Can I just say I really appreciate you not showing your feet. I always like to sit down and watch your videos whilst eating and seeing feet in general whilst im eating would throw me off of my food. Thank you again and I really enjoy watching your videos 🧡
살다살다 태풍 브이로그는 처음 보네
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀엽쭁 ㅎㅎ
아 너무 귀엽따. 태풍을 경험한적이 없어서 태풍 브이로그 찍는대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 사실 서울 한복판에서 태풍온다고 저렇게 집에 먹을걸 쌓아놓지는 않는데.. 미국,캐나다에서는 미리미리 태풍온다고 하면 쟁여 놓으니깐. 한국에 와서는 편의점 음식 몽땅 사가지고 가는구낭 ㅎㅎㅎ 졸라 귀여우심. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 태풍 브이로그. ^^
ㅎㅎㅎ로건 비오는날 한국 브이로그
낭만적이네요. 비오는날 우산쓰고 걷기. 냉면 먹방. 친구들과 노래방. 발팩사용. 파닭먹방까지 로건만의 감성이 보여져서 정말 좋아요😄🤗👍👍👍
식성이 너무 한국인이라 당황스러운 정도다.. 어떻게 저렇게 맛있게 먹을 수 있지.. 신기하고 귀여워… 🙈
아닠ㅋㅋㅋ 참이슬 레드를 저렇게 물마시듯이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 찐이다 7:45
로건 한국 브이로그 너무너무 재밌어.. 꿀잼
I’m going to Korea next week and your videos and shorts are getting me excited for my visit!
Yay!!! Enjoy❤️
Awww have a nice one❤️ You’ll love it:)
Logan!!! Thank you for the video💜 I’m your korean fan and I am soooo happy to watch your korea vlog🥰 Thank you for making my day happier🥺🫶
Aweee thank you so much!
I love the backround rain sound. Its soothing ❤
My fav sound
LMAO. The fact that actively worked to hide your feet... 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying lol
너무 귀여워 로건 ㅠㅠ
The way you just downed that amount of soju had me rolling. I loved that
The best part is when he is pouring soju in a beer glass and drinking it in a one shot.
로건 So cutie..❤
Its the most realistic vlog ive seen ❤ very relatable
that opening shot lmao i know a swimmer’s proportions when i see one. this vlog was so cute keep it up!
겨드랑이에 데오드란트 바르는거 처음봐요..
개귀엽네 ㅋㅋㅋ
Im soooo thankful that you love korea❤️
Love your vlogs king
태풍준비 하시는구나 ~~ 부침개재료랑 막걸리가 빠졌다 ~~
omg one of the best vlog!
Thank you🥲🥲
love watching your vids. so calming while I work
0:02 tis giving serial killer vibe
귀여운 로건이~♡
데오드란트를 막 바르는 지점이 너무나 캐나다인ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀엽고 웃겨죽겠다!!!
I love watching your vlogs. Iono what it is but it seems nostalgic and aesthetic to me
냉면 진짜 좋아하시는듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
Welcome~ 😍Korea!!~~ Korea typhoon WoW😊 한국 환영합니다. !!🤩
I like how the video ended w the same clip it started with :’)
Very curious what the white crunchy squares are that came with the fried chicken? Thank you!
치킨무 ㅎ korean style radish pickle, which is perfect combi with chicken ♡
Thank you! I was thinking that but wasn’t confident enough in my thinking.
냉면 왤케 잘먹는지..ㅎㅎㅎ 착하다 ㅋㅋ
It's really interesting to see you eating naengmyeon, I know it would be a weird food for foreigners because of the texture and literally never saw them like it.
7:50 OMG how were you be able to chug that insane amount of soju?!😎
Yea the Naengmyeon lover gets naengmyeon regardless off the typhoon 😂
작년에 진짜 센 태풍 왔었던 기억이 있는데 그때인가..? 아무튼 브이로그 엄청 잘 보고 있어요 🤍🤍
oh yes I care for my feet routinely also. I exfoliate routinely but specifically exfoliate feet routinely also. It makes your feet feel so much better and there is so much body stuff and aches linked to your feet or that can be eased by caring for your feet.
its interesting, i watch a lot of korean campers, b/c the camping culture is major in korea and lots of times they are camping in typhoons or just rain. I have only been to NY once, but we really felt like actual NYorkers b/c the first 2 days and for a lot of the trip it was raining and i went with highschool....so all us kids sloshing around in our black leg lenght jackets (long coats) slightly damp those days, we blended right in, it didn't stop us from having fun. But for sure for typhoons and hurricanes for safety reasons precautions are necessary, not saying don't be safe in those conditions.
로건 냉면 엄청 좋아하네~ㅎㅎ
냉면 엄청 맛있지유? 여름엔 시원한 냉면이 최고!!👍
한글 자막 없어 대충 알아들어도 재밌다~^^
9분 순삭 ❤
Onion chicken with sauce is spicy…. did u pour the sauce on chicken?
Nooo I didn’t
Thanks for sharing ❤🙏🏽
Dude that is strongest Soju. Normally, old guys drink that.
Bro, here in Florida we buy cases of beer as routine storm prep!😂
로건님 할머니 집이나 친척집에 온듯해여 편안해보여요~^^
which camera are you using?
I love ur video
Thank youuu
Really enjoyed this video. Not sure about putting someone else's flip flops on though.
Leaving Comment so you upload more vlogg
Aw you look like you need cuddles 😌
그러치..네네는 파닭이지..
영상초반ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋㄱㄱ 지진나슈?
Not karaoke. It Is a Noraebang!!!
하루에 다 먹은건 아니겠죠.
I like to walk on rainy days with umbr ella.
Let's out to have more dessertㅡV
게임은 안 해요?
pc방도 재밌어요 ㅋ
겨드랑이 데오드란트 먹방.
이 형 한국에서 살고있었구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅈㄴㄱㄷ 캐나다사람인데 한국으로 잠깐 놀러온걸걸여?
여행 온거래요.'
Horror movie actor ?
You came all the way to Seoul, Gang-nam and you're having a cup noodle from a convenient store??? Oh no... v_V
It's his money/preferences.....I hate all you annoying viewers that want to decide everything for a vlogger
Can I just say I really appreciate you not showing your feet. I always like to sit down and watch your videos whilst eating and seeing feet in general whilst im eating would throw me off of my food. Thank you again and I really enjoy watching your videos 🧡
Sweetheart you don’t wear someone’s less shoes