At around 25:00 , I can come up with another disadvantage of CMOV, and it directly relates to the previous lecture: It complicates forwarding/bypass, since your forwarding equation now depends on the truth value, which itself may be forwarded. e.g. CMPEQ C0, Rx, Ry; CMOVt C0, R1, 42; ADD R2, R1, R1. C0 needs to forward to CMOVt, and CMOVt needs to forward to ADD, but only conditionally. This is a problem with predication in general, actually.
Lecture starts at 12:44
Furfi te agradece
At around 25:00 , I can come up with another disadvantage of CMOV, and it directly relates to the previous lecture: It complicates forwarding/bypass, since your forwarding equation now depends on the truth value, which itself may be forwarded. e.g. CMPEQ C0, Rx, Ry; CMOVt C0, R1, 42; ADD R2, R1, R1. C0 needs to forward to CMOVt, and CMOVt needs to forward to ADD, but only conditionally.
This is a problem with predication in general, actually.
Furfi brought me here.
El furfo
Orga 2 gang rise up
Veo que son hombres de cultura...