I mean this with abundant praise and wonder, so I hope it is taken that way: I never thought I would hear a musical artist with the same level of artistic innovation, range, expressiveness, and creative integrity as Peter Gabriel... but I think that one has appeared and it is Gjon's Tears. The song writing, the singing, the music videos, the live performances... WOW. Please know that this listener in the U.S. is incredibly impressed and so grateful for your gifts. And please keep creating!! (I've posted this same comment on a few other videos, mostly because I want people to understand what a once in a lifetime talent they are witnessing)
The biggest and most underrated talent to come out of ESC. It's a shame not more people know about him.
I mean this with abundant praise and wonder, so I hope it is taken that way: I never thought I would hear a musical artist with the same level of artistic innovation, range, expressiveness, and creative integrity as Peter Gabriel... but I think that one has appeared and it is Gjon's Tears. The song writing, the singing, the music videos, the live performances... WOW. Please know that this listener in the U.S. is incredibly impressed and so grateful for your gifts. And please keep creating!!
(I've posted this same comment on a few other videos, mostly because I want people to understand what a once in a lifetime talent they are witnessing)
12 points
Який талант
Un concert en France bientôt ?