Thanks for the review, one of the few with sincere opinions, many reviews of Forerunner 2.0 around treat it almost as a pro harmonica, which it is obviously not, I have one and agree with the points raised. I use most for study to spare the others a little. Also, the silk on the covers are very bad, very fragile, vanishes too fast, the tip is to cover the numbers with nail polish, otherwise you'll lost them in a few weeks. If this was thought with beginners in mind, it doesn't help, and congratulations for "Brasileirinho", quite good.
大明老师,前面两款琴是无膜的初阶入门琴,因其设计时故意设计为无膜片密封,所以气密性不是很理想,但是非常容易吹响发声,最适合低龄儿童初学时使用,设计者的设计初衷目的是让低龄儿童很容易就吹响每个音孔,从而增加其学习的积极性和热情,如果按受众群定位来细分,前两款应该是最最初阶的入门琴,而后面两款琴,适合各个年龄段的入门者选购使用,作为入门级练习琴完全可以胜任,小众场合的演奏需求也完全可以满足需求,大家可以理解为 EASTTOP 针对全球受众群体更加细化市场而设计的产品。先行者和KING DREAM的售价都在人民币百元左右,定义为低幼龄儿童用琴,后面两款售价都在人民币300多元,性价比极高,实在是亲民的价格。
Thanks for the review, one of the few with sincere opinions, many reviews of Forerunner 2.0 around treat it almost as a pro harmonica, which it is obviously not, I have one and agree with the points raised. I use most for study to spare the others a little. Also, the silk on the covers are very bad, very fragile, vanishes too fast, the tip is to cover the numbers with nail polish, otherwise you'll lost them in a few weeks. If this was thought with beginners in mind, it doesn't help, and congratulations for "Brasileirinho", quite good.