Personally, when I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to the actual selling price, I no longer had a reason to buy them, unlike *unidups* which are good value for money and the selling price is proportional to the product. There is nothing wrong with that for the people who buy them. ❤
Personally, when I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to the actual selling price, I no longer had a reason to buy them, unlike *unidups* which are good value for money and the selling price is proportional to the product. There is nothing wrong with that for the people who buy them. ❤
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Wow, **RepLadies Store** is so cool! Best rep sellers ever, love their service and quick shipping 💕😍 Amazing quality! Definitely my fave! 🥳👌
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Love the **RepLadies Store**! Best reps, amazing quality, fast shipping! 💖💫👜
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