it’s not a screensaver if it doesn’t move, a screen saver is to prevent screen burn from still images. this is a still image and will promote screen burn 🌚
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
Ролик высокого качества, наверное много времени и сил ушло на него, а просмотров мало, жаль, если еще ютуб рекомендации не подхватят, останется использовать платные штуки из разряда ютифай
Арбитраж криптовалюты подарил мне надежду на лучшую жизнь, я тут действительно прокачиваю свой уровень жизни, могу себе позволить арендовать кв получше - это прокачка!
Awesome wallpaper!
Very good video
Feel bright and touching peoples skin. Thank you for sharing 🥰🥰🥰
what does this mean
Idk why but I love this. I’m doing homework rn and so far (up to now) I haven’t taken my eyes off the paper.
That is cool, my gay toddler Apple loves this!
it’s not a screensaver if it doesn’t move, a screen saver is to prevent screen burn from still images. this is a still image and will promote screen burn 🌚
Pink is Blossom's signature color
Bản nhạc nghe êm dịu quá! cảm ơn bạn chia sẻ video nhé!
i am so happy for you!!! thank you for cool wall paper i smash you like button so much for this 🤯🤯😩😩😩😩
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
Nice share!
Спасибо друг! Моросил ужасно, но хоп - и наушник чистым стал!!! Дай Бог тебе всего
hi, nice day!
Sir, your videos are really nice to watch, I subscribed to you, I watch your videos regularly
link ông phúc có trong kênh bạn cmt á
FINALLY SOLVED THIS WITH YOU! million thanks, it has been days of research
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
nct mentioned
simple things are the best!!! )))
beautiful s2
Thanks so much
Wonderful video. New friend. new subscriber 🥰
Welcome! It's great to have you!
khub valo laglo.. ❤
Great, You inspire me everytime
i like this, thanks!
i used this to boomshakalakah, thanks!
Nice wall paper..
awsome bro thanks for sharing
please make more aura timers like this which are longer than 1 hour
hi Joe, we're your first stop? looking forward to. big hug Esther n Marco
thank you for sharing
very nice
the frog is fable but wise and patient too
ljnk ông Phúc có trong níck bạn cmt ấy, làm giỏi đó
Superamazing mate
It's pretty
Combination of rose.
That is cool,
good one
Nice pallete
hi thx for this
sure thing :)
Ya that is cool!
Days before water shut off
* For the other option about water : 0-6 months
Where is the video?
Yo nice
Can anyone share the instructions? Mine didn't come with them and Walmart isn't helping
would love the fx6 model
Love to get the FX6.
Can you make it a 12hours or 24hours please 🙏🏽 😢
Surely! ♥
pink orange
how do i fix microsoft roblox having mobile settings
Ролик высокого качества, наверное много времени и сил ушло на него, а просмотров мало, жаль, если еще ютуб рекомендации не подхватят, останется использовать платные штуки из разряда ютифай
Cho em xin link tải với ạ
does it actually work?
Ethical hacker👍
Арбитраж криптовалюты подарил мне надежду на лучшую жизнь, я тут действительно прокачиваю свой уровень жизни, могу себе позволить арендовать кв получше - это прокачка!
Hi , I am wahida i am happy to be with you today .
po co-
Hey nohey
Hey you!
We are waiting for more new videos ¦?
where am i
Bước hơi rườm rà ạ!
Mình nhờ dc a phây búc tên phúc giúp mình dc ảnh giup nên làm ok lắm mọi người
Go tech wall paper
858 like
esz kep a javabol
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does it actually work?