Bro I have a big problem with this processor when turbo boost is activated from your tutorial and the ac power adapter is plugged in the cpu speed is flying back and forth causing weird lag spikes and when it's unplugged the cpu speed is stuck at 0.79ghz I tried throttlestop and everything basically it doesn't work. Pls help
FPS nya nambah dikit dan gk signifikan Tapi Periksa dulu slot ram di laptonya ada brpa, soalnya dual channel lebih optimal [2x4GB DDR4], dibanding 1x8GB D4
Setting lah tolol... Itu dia bilang 720p... Kalo lu baru donwload settingan resolusinya sa kayak laptop lu (biasanya layar laptop kyk gitu 720p+) prosesor lu gk kuat kalo lebih 720p.. Atau coba pake config2 antilag.. Usaha lah gilaa
Laptop gw persis sama ama divideo tapi patch terbaru yg lebih hd, masih ngangkat 60fps (paling rendah 45fps) gw setting turbo boost ama pake config less lag
Bro I have a big problem with this processor when turbo boost is activated from your tutorial and the ac power adapter is plugged in the cpu speed is flying back and forth causing weird lag spikes and when it's unplugged the cpu speed is stuck at 0.79ghz I tried throttlestop and everything basically it doesn't work. Pls help
Try to make sure again the Minimum and Maximum processor state on Battery is 100%
@@hfplays I tried bro I figured it's intel speedstep and some other shit but i changed it up and now even if the speed alters it's running good
bro i have same specs as your laptop but it is not opening it says not responding
Bro, my laptop is 1.10 GHz. Any ideas to fix lag?
Pake mod hilangin penonton sma adboard. Lumayan stabil di 50an fps kadang nyampe 60fps
spek laptop lu apa bg?
Adboard tu apa bg
Bro i have the same specs will it lag yes or no i also did the turbo boost
Gan ini lu pake anti lag gak. Apa cmn install PES nya plus sama smoke patch nya doang?
Ni game emng ringan Bro, mau Smoke Patch nya ataupun Original but Pirated nya masih kuat di Celeron N4000
do you play on the computer or notebook?
Laptop Bro
@@hfplays I tried to OverClock on my notebook, it didn't work .....
Bro i want to download this game i saw your previous video it was lagging i have 1.10ghz
Bang spek:
Inter R celeron T n4000 CPU @1.10Ghz 1.10GHz
Ram 4 bisa gak ngeleg gak?
iya sm spek ny, lancar bre
Itu gak ditambahin ap ap kan cuma pes smoke sama on nin booster doang?
@@rapio1811 iya bre, sm high priority jg
@@hfplays caranya aktifin high priority gmn bang
@@rapio1811 di task manager klik gamenya di situ ada opsi detail trus set gamenya ke high priority
bang, remake video pebe yang dulu, record luar, apakah updateannya jadi semakin berat
Nanti dah Bre Sy install lagi gamenya, untuk skrng Sy bench game yg ada di Laptop Sy terlebih dahulu
@@hfplays okok bang :v
Playable kok
Dwnld smoke patch nya dimana bang ?
Spek nya sama persis bang, btw itu posisinya udah di turbo boost atau blm?
Udh, kan saya dah buatin video tutor nya jadi udh di Turbo Boost hehe
Lenovo ideapad slim 3 141GL05, Ram 4, ssd 256GB
kuat ga bang ? pls jawab
Bg kau make settingan kamera apa, kok kliatan jauh
lupa Bre, kyknya wide😂🙏
Bang kalau boleh bagi link driver intel uhd 600 yg 2018 dong, soalnya di video mu yang 1nya udah gk ada drivernya malah yg latest yg muncul bkn 2018🙏
Bro pls help me sooo i can download it cos i had this game it was laggy same specs but i'm shocked its running smoothly
bang ane lihat video lu yang pes 2017 ori kok rada lag trs yang update patch kok ga lag ya bang?
Kan yg PES 2017 (Ori) recordnya pke software, yg ini recordnya pake HP
Can you play pc klaviaturashi
Ada stuttering nya ga bro?
Ayo bang upload lagi😊😊
bg klo device ini RAM nya di up ke 8 gb.kira2 makin lancarkah?
FPS nya nambah dikit dan gk signifikan
Tapi Periksa dulu slot ram di laptonya ada brpa, soalnya dual channel lebih optimal [2x4GB DDR4], dibanding 1x8GB D4
@@hfplays ok bg makasih
Pengen main tp gk ada joystick😔
@@itgunoke bang nnti saya coba
Pake keyboard aja 👍
Kok pes 17 di gw sering ngefreez ya pdhal spek sama
skrng gmn bg?
can you do the test in pes 2018 please
I've tried PES 2018, it's very laggy
Logo pes udh gak ada kah?
Logo yg mana ya? Gk tau Sy:v
@@hfplays kan kalo gol ada replay nya nah biasanya sebelum replay itu ada kayak logo pes yg bikin lag
@@Chyass7 Diganti sama logo SP di pojok kanan atas
@@hfplays oalah brrt jdi lebih ringan
It is playable
Pas di instal kedeteksi virus bang, gimana solusinya?
Udah di off, tapi smadavnya ngeyel bang
Uninstall aja Smadav nya Bro, Windows 10 udh punya anti virus bawaan
Link of download
Smoke Patch v17.3.2: sorry I don't have
Bang laptop ini kuat gak buat record di obs?
Kuat, tpi gk kuat klo di pke record game
itu yang lu mainin smoke patch bang?
download nya dimana
Ohya bang btw bedanya yg smoke patch sama yg biasa apa y?
Tampilan sama grafik
@@hfplays makin ringan?
Iya Bre
Bang aku request game granny tapi versi PC nya pliess buatin🙏🙏
Gua kok lag bang
Game please
bang laptopnya masih aman kah klo dipake main pes agak lama?
PES 2016-2017 aman
@@hfplays 2018 gak ya
Bang request game lost saga origin
Playable lah
Test ironsight bro
Gk playable, gw udh lama mainin tp gk enak bet suka framedrop, apalagi di map yg detailnya banyak
La liga Santander 🤣
boong bgt tai, inimah udh ada yg diupgrade, punya gw n4020 ram 6 aja gk nyampe 20fps pdhl laptop baru beli
Setting lah tolol... Itu dia bilang 720p... Kalo lu baru donwload settingan resolusinya sa kayak laptop lu (biasanya layar laptop kyk gitu 720p+) prosesor lu gk kuat kalo lebih 720p.. Atau coba pake config2 antilag.. Usaha lah gilaa
Laptop gw persis sama ama divideo tapi patch terbaru yg lebih hd, masih ngangkat 60fps (paling rendah 45fps) gw setting turbo boost ama pake config less lag
Config les lag ny bagi bg
Info dong,mau nyoba juga sekarang lu pake patch apaan? Masih smoke atau t99?@@eldensalassa6473