It's not cocky when you can back it up! Boogaloo Shrimp aka Turbo is the truth!!!! One of the most underrated dancers in the planet and what he did for popping, waving, and tutting... Not to mention what he exposed Michael to
true the brother just putting in what's been left out it does need to be noted. he has his on way of putting it out there but it needs to be known... if some white dude did it it would have been out there before micheal died.
Немножко не так Вы сказали . ,,Изучай великих и становись ещё лучше ,, Майкл Джексон . Что он и сделал ! Он стал лучшим , лучше всех .❤ Люди это признали и оценили ! И спорить здесь нечего ( кто там танцевал эту лунную походку до него )
@@therawcritic5465 yea but shrimp taught Michael a better version of the moon walk. look at his motown moon walk before shrimp and then look at it after in 84 it’s way better
It's not copying, it's inspiration, every artist draws inspiration from somewhere or someone. It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish and one thing about MJ, he always finished strong!
The so called moonwalk (the back slide) was performed in the 40's and 50's for the first time. Black musicians and dancers were doing the walk a long time before him on stage....
Exactly. And none of the guys, who taught him in their own style did. It evolved through decades through circus artists, dancers and pantomime artists (like Marcel Marceau). Then by the lockers and poppers.
I never heard him say it out his own mouth but everyone believes he did. Whether they’re a fan or not. And it’s Bboys who ride his jock the most when it’s they who influenced him not vice versa. Michael was an amazing artist/entertainer but just not as innovative as people want to believe. When you’re an icon I guess you can get away with a lot.
Майкл был очень талантлив от природы , плюс очень трудолюбив .Он никогда не говорил о том , что ,,Лунная походка ,, его изобретение , он просто делал это лучше других .Вот поэтому все эти танцоры обижены за это на Майкла ! Зависть , ребятки , простая человеческая зависть ! А ещё добавлю , что Майкл был хорошо сложен физически и имел превосходную фигуру танцора которую сумел сохранить до самой смерти . На него было эстетически приятно смотреть ! Учитесь , а то в этом невежестве и умрёте ...
no he is not telling the truth......the back slide (moonwalk) is much older from the 40's and 50's ! So, don't believe him, he is just a little respectless person!
Out of all the blow hard self loving I did it first, i showed them this, bla bla bla love in that's all over the web I have to say this.Boogaloo Shrimp was always quiet, always humble , very talented , and never and I mean never made fake clams to reach for glory , so to see all this now not to mention he provides so much clear evident only adds to the authenticity of his story with Micheal Jackson. Anyone else I would no believe.
DJ Shaun Reed No, he is a naive little liar! The back slide is much much older!! It's from the 40's, when black dancers were doing that walk on stage for the first time.
As big as they are we don't think we would have got the Judas Priest connect. MJ certainly had brought together a lot of influences in a hyper fantastic way!
Michael Chambers and Jeffrey Daniel's story seems to conflict as to who taught Michael Jackson the Moonwalk. Jeffrey states that it was his group Eclipse; which included him :Jeffrey Daniel, Casper Canidate and Cooley Jaxson that Michael first saw the Moonwalk done. The Soul Train performance is on TH-cam. Someone needs to really clear up this timeline because it doesnt make sense what Shrimp is saying. You can even go further back and see the Electric Boogaloos in 1979 performing on Soul Train and doing the same Moonwalk. Ive spoken to Jeffrey several times about this and his account makes more sense.
I've heard some of this to be true and I'm not knocking anything, but I'm pretty sure I've seen Michael popping or doing some form of it in the 70's, before he hooked up with shrimp.
He didn't teach no Michael Jackson, how comes we don't have you and Michael's video but we have many videos of Jeffery Daniel in the studio with Michael.
Fozi Ali, You gotta lot of nerves telling him to shut up when he played a major role in Michael blowing up Michael's career. Unfortunately, at the time Turbo was too naive to realize that he was dealing with a crook.
So he was star struck but he was responsible for Michael sucess right ? The contradiction here . How can he be star struct with someone who is not a star himself ? Although i am pretty Michael was already a megastar for 20 years with J5 .
Leila Békélé Michael took that boys style and made a bigger name for himself, and didn't show any form of gratitude. Instead he made it seem like it was all him.
The interview is really good but comparing MJ to Rob Halford is bizarre. Rob had been into the "gay biker" look from way back but musically they were poles apart. And MJ got his military jacket style from Adam Ant.
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】 Our first meeting was very interesting. A local news show called Eye In L.A featured a segment on street dancing and this new sub culture that was happening in the city in the early 80s. And I was featured on this segment along with some other street dancers. A lady called Susan Scanlan, who had been working on this TV programme, knew the Jackson family. She told Pop N Taco and I, who was also on the segment, that Michael Jackson would like to meet us. I was just 14 at the time. ボクたちの初対面はとても興味深いよ。『Eye In L.A』 というローカルニュース番組がストリートダンスと80年代初頭に街で起きていた、この新しいサブ・カルチャーを特集したんだ。ボクは他のストリート・ダンサーたちと一緒に、この特集に出演したんだけど、このテレビ番組で働いていたスーザン・スカンランという女性がジャクソン・ファミリーの知り合いだった。その特集に一緒に出演したポッピング・タコとボクにマイケル・ジャクソンが会いたがっていると、彼女が言ったんだ。その時はボクはまだ14歳だった。 We ended up going to the house, and it was kind of like an audition. We got there and the whole family was there. Michael introduced himself and then took us to a rehearsal room they had in the house, and as we were dancing I saw Joe Jackson whispering to Michael on the side, and I’m sure he told him: ‘you know what? These guys are the next big thing and you need to have them as your personal coaches’. ボクたちは彼の家に行くことになったんだけど、それはオーディションみたいなものだった。ボクたちが家に着いた時には、彼の家族が全員いた。マイケルは自己紹介をして、家の中にあるリハーサル・ルームにボクたちを連れて行ったんだ。そして、ボクたちが踊ってる時に、横にいるマイケルに小声で話すジョー・ジャクソンをボクは見た。 『わかるか?こいつらは次のブームになるから、こいつらをお前のパーソナル・コーチにしろ。』 って彼は言ったはずだよ。 When he did the Motown special, he worked with Jeffery Daniels, Cooley Jackson and Casper. Right after that show, I had been working out with him and he was looking to make his solo bigger. So if you go online and look at the Victory tour, which was directly after Motown 25, you will see the change in that solo. My move that you see, is when he does the Billie Jean solo, and he is stationary, doing the moonwalk in a circular flow, he doesn’t just goes backwards - that’s floating. モータウン・スペシャルをやった時は、彼はジェフリー・ダニエル、クーリー・ジャクソン、キャスパーと練習をしていた。あのショーのすぐ後にボクは彼と練習してたんだけど、彼はソロ・パフォーマンスの幅を広げようとしていた。モータウン25のすぐ後のビクトリー・ツアーをインターネットで見れば、あのソロ・パフォーマンスに変化が見えるはずだよ。彼がビリー・ジーンのソロをやる時にボクの動きを見て取れるけど、彼は同じ場所で浮かんだように回転するムーンウォークをやるだろ。ただ後ろに進むんじゃなくて。あれがフローティングだよ。 Michael Jackson always loved the robot. He used to do it in the 70s but I had an updated version, and he really loved that and he wanted to master my version of the robot. So him mixing those two styles, it gave him more to play with on his solos. I was always called in as like a creative consultant for his solos. Other dancers worked with him for his choreography, but I worked with him on his solos. マイケル・ジャクソンはいつもロボットが大好きだった。彼は70年代にやっていたけど、ボクは最新バージョンを持っていて、彼はボクのバージョンのロボットをマスターしたがってたんだ。その2つのスタイルをミックスすることによって、彼のソロ・パフォーマンスの幅が広がったんだ。彼のソロ・パフォーマンスのクリエイティヴィティに関する相談役のような感じで、いつもボクは彼に呼ばれていたよ。他のダンサーたちは彼の振り付けの仕事をしていたけど、ボクは彼のソロ・パフォーマンスのための仕事をしていたんだ。 I worked with him from 1983 till about 1991, whenever his scheduled permitted. But he was such as genius and master of dance that we really didn’t have to work out that long. We would practiced for like an hour or so and ‘boom’ he got it. He did a lot of filming and I often wonder what happened to those tapes and whether they will ever surface. 1983年から1991年まで彼と練習した。彼のスケジュールが空いた時にね。でも彼は天才的なダンスの達人だったから、ボクたちはそんなに長く練習する必要はなかったよ。ボクたちは1時間ほど練習したら 『boom』 って感じで、彼は習得したんだ。彼はよく撮影してたんだけど、あのテープたちはどこに行っちゃったんだろうて、ボクはしょっちゅう思うんだ。いまだに日の目を見てないし。 So for 15 years I didn’t really push the issue publicly coz the whole thing about teaching Michael was to contribute to him being the greatest performer, and that’s exactly what I did. If anybody would have come out at that time and said, ‘yeah, I’m the guy behind Michael Jackson’, it would have taken credit away from him. He accomplished exactly what he wanted to do and that was to be known as one of the world’s greatest performers. Period. During that it was the people that really cared about him and respected him, that were like ‘okay, we know what we know, just let the man do what he’s gotta do’. So you didn’t hear Jeffery Daniels back then saying he taught Michael Jackson. You didn’t hear anything like that. It was years later. 15年間、このことについてボクが公に語らなかったのは、マイケルに教えたことのすべては、最も偉大なパフォーマーとしての彼への貢献だったから。それがボクがやったことだよ。もし、あの頃に誰かが表舞台に出て、『そうだよ。ボクがマイケル・ジャクソンの後ろにいる男だよ。』 なんて言ったら、彼からクレジットが奪い去られてしまうだろ。この世で最も偉大なパフォーマーの一人として知られるために、彼はやりたいことを完全にやり遂げた。そういうことだよ。彼のことを気にかけて、彼のことを尊敬している人たちは、『いいよ。オレたちはわかってるんだから。彼の好きなようにやらせておけよ。』 っていう感じだった。だから、ジェフリー・ダニエルがマイケル・ジャクソンに教えていたなんて話を聞いたことないでしょ。そんなことは何も聞いてないでしょ。それはずっと後のことだよ。 It did hurt me at times, as there were moments when I really needed it, like when I was looking around for work… And there were opportunities for it to be put out there. Like when Michael did that interview with Oprah Winfrey back in 1993, she specifically asked him, ‘Michael, who taught you the moonwalk?’ And he said he had been working three kids in the ghetto, three different dancers. And then he said he perfected it. That was a chance for him to let us all shine as co-contributors, but he kind of skipped over it (laughs). I guess he felt he didn’t need to name us publicly since we were already known in our own right. But I’m glad that stuff is starting to come out. I see a lot of artists who used to work with him stepping out of the shadows, and it helps me to get work and be acknowledged by a lot of people who looked up to Michael. 時々、つらかったよ。ボクが仕事を求めてあちこち歩き回っていた頃なんかは、つらい時があった。表舞台に出る機会があったはずなんだけど。例えば、1993年にマイケルがオプラ・ウィンフリーとやったインタビューで、彼女が 『マイケル、誰があなたにムーンウォークを教えたの?』 って聞いた時なんか。でも、彼はゲットーの3人の子供たち、3人のダンサーたちと練習したって言った。そして、彼がそれを完成させたと言ったんだ。あれはボクたち全員を貢献者として光り輝かせる彼のチャンスだったのに、彼はそれを無視したんだ。すでにボクたちは個別に知られていたから、彼はボクたちの名前を公に言う必要はないと思ったんじゃないかな。でも、そういう事実が表に出始めていることが、ボクは嬉しいんだ。彼と仕事をしていたアーティストたちが陰から出て来るのが見えるし、それによってボクは仕事が得られるようになって、マイケルを尊敬していたたくさんの人たちに知られるようなったんだ。 I didn’t push the issue because I didn’t have the right representation, but I also didn’t say too much as I wanted to keep the working relationship with these artists. But if I did have a manager they definitely would have pushed for me to get more credit. But I guess all I can do now is speak on it and hopefully help younger artists. The best thing I can say to them is when you work with known artists, go in with representation so you can at least come out of that job and put it on your resume, and as a result be able to raise the amount you get paid. ちゃんとした法的な契約がなかったから、強く言わなかった。でも、アーティストたちと仕事の関係を持続させたいから、あまり言わなかったってこともあるかな。もしボクにマネージャーがいたら、もっとクレジットを得るように、ボクのためにプッシュしていたに違いないよ。若いアーティストたちの役に立つためにボクができることは、それについて話をすることぐらいかな。ボクが彼らに言える最も役立つことといえば、有名なアーティストと仕事をする時は、法的な代理人を伴って契約するということだね。そうすれば少なくとも、その仕事を辞めた後に、それを履歴書に書くことができるんだ。結果的に、受け取れる金額を上げることもできるしね。
【ジェシー・ジャクソン - インタビュー (2005) 】 Jesse:did you ever have like a dancing coach? ジェシー:ダンスのコーチみたいな人がいたことはあるの? Michael: You know what, I never studied dancing before. It always became natural for me. マイケル:わかると思うけど、ボクはダンスを勉強したことはないよ。それはボクにはいつも自然にできたことなんだ。 Jesse: Michael, where did the moonwalk come from? ジェシー:マイケル、ムーンウォークはどこから来たの? Michael: The moonwalk is a dance I would love to take credit for but I can’t. Because I have to be completely honest here. マイケル:ムーンウォークはボクがクレジットが欲しいダンスなんだけど、ダメなんだ。これについては完全に正直にならないといけないから。 These black children in the ghettos are, they have the most phenomenal rhythm of anybody on the Earth. ゲットーの黒人の子供たちは、この世で最も驚異的なリズムを持っているんだ。 I’m not joking. I learned, I get a lot of ideas from watching these black children. They have perfect rhythm. 本当だよ。この黒人の子供たちを見て、ボクはたくさんのアイデアを得て、学んだ。彼らは完璧なリズムを持っているんだ。 From just riding through Harlem, I remember in the early, you know, late 70’s early 80’s, ハーレム(ニューヨーク市マンハッタン区北部)を車で通り過ぎた時に、70年代終わり頃から80年代の初め頃だったと思うけど、 I would see these kids dancing on the street and I would see these kids doing these, uh sliding backwards kinda like an illusion dancing I call it. ボクは子供たちが通りでダンスをしているのを見て、ボクはそれを 『イルージョン・ダンシング』 って呼んでるんだけど、その子供たちが後ろ向きに滑っているのを見たんだ。 I took a mental picture of it. A mental movie of it. ボクはその画と映像を頭に焼き付けた。 I went into my room upstairs in Encino, and I would just start doing the dance, and create and perfect it. ボクはエンシノ(ロサンゼルスの地区)の自分の部屋に行って、ダンスを始めて、それをクリエイトして完成させたんだ。 But it definitely started within the black culture. No doubt. That’s where it comes from. でも、それは絶対に黒人文化から始まったんだ。間違いないよ。そこから来てる。 Jesse: Did you ever watch Don Cornelius Soul Train? ジェシー:ドン・コーネリアスのソウル・トレインは見たことあるの? Michael: Oh I love that show. Are you kidding? Of course I did. マイケル:あの番組は大好きだよ。何言ってるの?もちろんだよ。 【オプラ・ウィンフリー - インタビュー(1993)】 Oprah :Where did the moonwalk come from actually? オプラ:ムーンウォークは実際にどこから来たの? Michael : Well, the Moonwalk came from these beautiful children, the black kids who live in the ghettos, you know, the inner cities, マイケル:ムーンウォークは美しい子供たちからやって来たんだ。都心のゲットーに住んでる黒人の子供たちだよ。 who are brilliant, that just have that natural talent for dancing any of these new - the running man - any of these dances. 彼らは聡明で、近頃の 『ランニング・マン』 とか、そういうダンスをする天性の才能があるんだ。 They come up with these dances, all I did was enhance the dance. 彼らがこういうダンスを編み出すんだけど、ボクがやったのは、そのダンスを改良したことだよ。 【『ムーンウォーク 』(1988) 210ページ】 I had been practicing the Moonwalk for some time, and it dawned on me in our kitchen [on the night before the taping] that I would finally do the Moonwalk in public on Motown 25. ボクはしばらくの間、ムーンウォークを練習してきて、ついに 『モータウン25』 で、公の場でムーンウォークをすることを、収録日の前夜に自宅のキッチンで知らされた。 Now the Moonwalk was already out on the street by this time, but I enhanced it a little when I did it. 今ではムーンウォークはすでにストリートでやられているけど、ボクはそれをやった時に、少しだけそれを改良したんだ。 It was born as a breakdance step, a 'popping' type of thing that black kids had created dancing on the street corners in the ghetto. ブレイクダンスのステップとして始まったんだけど、黒人の子供たちがゲットーの街角でダンスをして作った 『ポッピング』 と呼ばれるものだよ。 Black people are truely innovative dancers. They create many of the new dances, pure and simple. 黒人の人たちは本当に革新的なダンサーだ。彼らは純粋でシンプルな新しいダンスをたくさん創造する。 So I said, 'This is my chance to do it,' and I did it. そして、ボクは 『これはボクのチャンスだ。』 と思い、それをやった。 These three kids taught it to me. They gave me the basics and I had been doing it a lot in private. この3人の子供たちがそれをボクに教えてくれた。彼らがボクにその基礎を与えてくれて、ボクはそれをプライベートでやっていたんだ。 I had practiced it together with certain other steps. ボクはそれをいくつかの別のステップと合わせて練習した。 All I was really sure of was that on the bridge to 'Billie Jean' I was going to walk backward and forward at the same time, like walking on the moon. ボクがはっきりとわかっていたことは、『ビリー・ジーン』 の間奏に合わせて、ボクは月面を歩くかのように、前進と後進を同時にするということだった。
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】 I had a lot of natural concentration because I realised very quickly that this was going to be something that was historical from the California side. ボクには多くの天性の勘がある。これはカリフォルニア側からの歴史的なものになるってことを、ボクはとても早い段階で気付いたんだから。 A lot of attention had already been focused on New York, as there was a documentary called Wildstyle before Breakin’, and that was focused on the B-boy scene in New York. すでにニューヨークにたくさんの注目が集まっていたけど、『ブレイクダンス』 の前に 『ワイルド・スタイル』 っていうドキュメンタリーがあって、それはニューヨークの 『Bボーイ・シーン』 に焦点を当てたものだった。 We were representing the West coast section of hip hop dance, so I was thinking if we don’t do anything else it was a chance for us to show people how we were living in California. ボクたちは西海岸側のヒップ・ホップ・ダンスを描いたんだ。ボクたちが他のことをしなければ、これはカリフォルニアでのボクたちの生き方を人々に見せることができるチャンスになると、ボクは思っていたよ。 もちろん、ジェフリー・ダニエル、ブーガルー・シュリンプ、ポッピング・タコはカリフォルニア側の人たちだった。 ニューヨーク - ロサンゼルス間 (飛行機で約5時間半)
【ジェフリー・ダニエル Jeffrey Daniel - インタビュー (2010)】 He was very interested in the back slide and boddy popping. He may have wnated to learn those moves. 彼はバック・スライドとボディ・ポッピングにとても興味を持っていました。彼はそういう動きを学びたかったんです。 He was already a big star, so he couldn't to go to a club and learn those kinds of dances easily. Somebody had to go to his house and teach him there. 彼はすでに大スターだったので、クラブに行って、そういうダンスを学ぶことは容易ではなかった。誰かが彼の家に行って、そこで彼に教えなければならなかったんです。 He was trying to do the same things that we were doing which was to mix James Brown's move and a new type of dance which was popular in LA those days. 彼はボクたちがやっていたジェームス・ブラウンの動きをミックスしたものや、あの当時にロサンゼルスで流行していた新しいタイプのダンスをやろうとしていました。 Michael was still young, so he was trying to do his own thing. マイケルはまだ若くて、彼は独自のものをやろうとしていました。 Michael is No.1 entertainer in the world and people around me showed their respect to me because I taught him dancing. マイケルは世界でナンバー・ワンのエンターテイナーでしたから、ボクは周囲の人たちから敬意を示して頂けました。ボクは彼にダンスを教えていたからです。 It is humbling, that's why I have never talked about me teaching him in an interview before he died. それが光栄なことだったので、ボクは彼が亡くなる以前に、彼に教えていたことをインタビューで言ったことがなかったんです。 But even this Michael once became selfish and emotional. He was very confident about his work. He believed that he should have been recognized throughout the world. しかし、こんなマイケルでさえ一度、わがままで感情的になったことがあったんです。彼は自分の作品にとても自信を持っていた。彼は自分が世界中でもっと認められるべきだと信じていたんです。 I was close to him and I felt his selfishness at that time. I'm not saying that he was selfish just to be selfish but he was trying to become the best all over the world in this process. ボクは彼のそばにいたんですが、あの時は彼のわがままを感じました。わがままになろうとしてわがままになっていたわけではないんですが、ちょうどこの頃は、彼は世界中で一番になろうとしていたんです。 He was always so calm. He shared or gave everything to the people around him. But he really wanted to be No.1. He wanted to be the best artist in the world. Not like other R & B singers in the same generation. 彼はいつも静かだった。彼は周囲の人たちにすべてを分け与えた。しかし、彼は本当にナンバー・ワンになりたかった。彼は同世代の他のR&Bシンガーとは違う、世界で最高のアーティストになりたかったんです。 He likes chicken soup. He likes to eat chicken noodle soup. 彼はチキン・スープが好きでした。チキン・ヌードル・スープを好んで食べていました。
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】 Did you get a lot of work after the films? 映画の後は、たくさん仕事がありましたか? Not as much as I thought I would. There was a lot of stuff that was way ahead of its time back then. I got a sense that people didn’t start appreciating it till recently. 思っていたほどはなかったよ。あの頃からすると、多くの仕事はそのずっと先にあったんだ。こういう時が来るまで、人がそれに気付き始めることはないってことは何となくわかっていたんだよ。 At the time the opportunities presented to me were overseas. I couldn’t really get a lot of work in the US because of gangsta rap and then there was a period when people weren’t really dancing in the late 80s and early 90s. I was making a living doing choreography, teaching private lessons and doing trade shows in Europe and Japan. あの頃は海外に機会があった。ギャングスタ・ラップが出てきて、アメリカで仕事をたくさん得ることは本当にできなくなったし、80年代の終わりから90年代の初めにかけて、人があまりダンスをしなくなったのが一つの終焉だった。ボクは振り付けや個人レッスン、ヨーロッパや日本で展示会なんかに出て生計を立てていたんだ。
Steven Mccaster The “backslide” begun in the 30’s (although it wasn’t called that at the time) and it grew and evolved over time. There are alot of things that have been “borrowed” from another source but that doesn’t mean you can’t perfect it or make it your own. Even with any invention, you can take an existing one and improve it. Singers cover original songs, beats are sampled from other songs, recipes are enhanced by different cooks, etcetera etcetera.
+michael truthson Not really's a chance to reflect on what you did in your Life because your not busy doing it and proving ishnit. You can really see the significance (or lack) of what your Life means. I'm enjoying Life now and really digging passing on what I've experienced to my grand children. I guess it might suck for someone who never did anything to change their surroundings positively or be of service to others. That's not Shrimp's case and he's got a lot to be proud of.
He doesn't sound cocky to me just like someone who realizes that he contributed to the greatness of another individual!
I agree. He's not coming off cocky to me neither
A lot people don't like when things don't fall in favor of it or not, the truth is on record.
It's not cocky when you can back it up! Boogaloo Shrimp aka Turbo is the truth!!!! One of the most underrated dancers in the planet and what he did for popping, waving, and tutting... Not to mention what he exposed Michael to
Jordan Cann but you see Michael is called this thing, the greatest of all time.
true the brother just putting in what's been left out it does need to be noted. he has his on way of putting it out there but it needs to be known... if some white dude did it it would have been out there before micheal died.
@@gregbattles4742 TRUE
Greg Battles With a Patent put on it.
Jordan Cann ☺
His moonwalk did get alot better from 83 to 84.
I think his delivery was not conceited or cocky in anyway. He just explained as it is, just straight facts.
He was just being honest n I see nothing wrong with that
"Study the greats and become greater." And that's exactly what Michael did!
Немножко не так Вы сказали .
,,Изучай великих и становись ещё лучше ,, Майкл Джексон .
Что он и сделал !
Он стал лучшим , лучше всех .❤
Люди это признали и оценили ! И спорить здесь нечего ( кто там танцевал эту лунную походку до него )
Thank you for teaching Michael Jackson the Moon walk
He only taught michael how to pop and lock jeffery daniels was the person that taught michael the moon walk
the RAW critic true was taught the back slide by shalamar jeffery Daniels
@@therawcritic5465 yea but shrimp taught Michael a better version of the moon walk. look at his motown moon walk before shrimp and then look at it after in 84 it’s way better
He wasn't the one who taught him his first moonwalk, Caszper was.
Turbo is one of the G.O.A.T.S
It's not copying, it's inspiration, every artist draws inspiration from somewhere or someone. It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish and one thing about MJ, he always finished strong!
These are all facts. Back then turbo was surely the go to guy. Boy was the truth.
The so called moonwalk (the back slide) was performed in the 40's and 50's for the first time. Black musicians and dancers were doing the walk a long time before him on stage....
That is true, however it was not mainstream until the 80s due to them popularizing it.
That’s fine but Chambers perfected it
А Джексон и не скрывал этого .Он никогда не говорил , что изобрел лунную походку .
Он просто исполнял ее лучше всех ! Хи-Хи 😂😂😂
Mike was poplockin since dancin machine.
But he wasn't doin the moonwalk back then, right?
@@opensprings true
No he wasn't.
Turbo is a LEGEND!!! Him and Ozone, as well as The Lockers!
Boogaloo Shrimp aka Michael Chambers.
Mj never once claimed to of created the moonwalk
Exactly. And none of the guys, who taught him in their own style did. It evolved through decades through circus artists, dancers and pantomime artists (like Marcel Marceau). Then by the lockers and poppers.
None of the guys who taught him claim to have either. They re just giving their history with Michael.
I never heard him say it out his own mouth but everyone believes he did. Whether they’re a fan or not. And it’s Bboys who ride his jock the most when it’s they who influenced him not vice versa. Michael was an amazing artist/entertainer but just not as innovative as people want to believe. When you’re an icon I guess you can get away with a lot.
Майкл был очень талантлив от природы , плюс очень трудолюбив .Он никогда не говорил о том , что ,,Лунная походка ,, его изобретение , он просто делал это лучше других .Вот поэтому все эти танцоры обижены за это на Майкла ! Зависть , ребятки , простая человеческая зависть !
А ещё добавлю , что Майкл был хорошо сложен физически и имел превосходную фигуру танцора которую сумел сохранить до самой смерти . На него было эстетически приятно смотреть ! Учитесь , а то в этом невежестве и умрёте ...
Michael "Turbo" the legend
Shrimp took his game to a WHOLE nother lvl.!!!!😤
This dude is a legend
He’s telling the truth he’s not lying
He is telling the Truth!
Todd Sams A lot of truth coming out about Michael. Stealing beats and songs
no he is not telling the truth......the back slide (moonwalk) is much older from the 40's and 50's ! So, don't believe him, he is just a little respectless person!
sven trogrlic he didn’t say he made the moon walk he said he taught it for people with smaller legs
ICEE tv Bingo
The best dancer ever !!!!!! Boogaloo Shrimp
James Brown was the only original dancer that's why rappers sampled him for years!
Dont forget about Jackie Wilson they were performers
One man is forgotten in time (the originator), while the other goes down in history (the reinventor). Sad, but that's life!
Just like everything else I'm history...
Michael said thats who taught him the moonwalk i dont see the issue, hes just telling how it went down.
He said he modified it... made it better with longer strides
Corey Williams which he did
He was also inspired by someone or some people before he influenced Michael too
All hail Michael "Boogaloo - Shrimp" Chambers! You are my idol since 1983!
Love this,
Thank you for sharing this.
Out of all the blow hard self loving I did it first, i showed them this, bla bla bla love in that's all over the web I have to say this.Boogaloo Shrimp was always quiet, always humble , very talented , and never and I mean never made fake clams to reach for glory , so to see all this now not to mention he provides so much clear evident only adds to the authenticity of his story with Micheal Jackson. Anyone else I would no believe.
He sounds cocky, but he's not it's because he's passionate about what he's talking about!!
DJ Shaun Reed
DJ Shaun Reed Y'all just mad cause the truth is out
DJ Shaun Reed No, he is a naive little liar! The back slide is much much older!! It's from the 40's, when black dancers were doing that walk on stage for the first time.
100% He's also proud!
DJ Shaun Reed ☺
He's telling the truth you can notice the change .
I hope Everybody is able to see (now)the origin of MJ's style.
Michael is a true legend ...copied old styles and made them even better
He didn’t copy, he was inspired, there’s a difference
Dam right i was in this movie breakin and breakin 2 Electric bugaboo qnd its all true
Who were u?!!!! No disrespect intended. I LOVE breakin it's my favorite movie of all time and any bit of info is so welcomed
Henry Sedillo ☺
Hello! Dude was doing moonwalk in 50's!
Boog is a good storyteller
Really cool video thank u for making it, took me back brother 😎
But whatever it is, mj brought everything in front of us. May his soul rest in peace
@J Crash you're saying that just bc you're a Prince fan right?
Totally believe all this
Listen how street racers are so well articulated in their speech! Don't underestimate a street dancers vocabulary! That's turbo speaking!
U can show someone but u can't make them do it, its either in u or not. Not everyone can pop n lock or do the moonwalk.
Boogaloo deserves his due respect, regardless of how you may feel about Michael.
@@chelsearogers1289 Then give it to him but don't take anything away from Michael
Somehow he picked everything together and made it better
gaspalermo no. M J got more attention..
I Love this, cause I was doing it learning from him by watching the Beat Street. How time flies.1983 & now 2019
Alexander Lotfi boogaloo shrimp was also in Beat Street as an extra, you can see him in the background of the famous Roxy battle scene
Nothing's new under the sun
I believe the boogaloo dancer 100%
As big as they are we don't think we would have got the Judas Priest connect. MJ certainly had brought together a lot of influences in a hyper fantastic way!
MJ was truly sheltered
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
...that mediocrity can pay to greatness. Oscar Wilde
Very well done video !!! 🙌🏁🧩
He moonwalks better than MJ
Duh nigga
Watch dangerous World tour moonwalk bitch
@@leorodgz2050 Why you bitching
Mj "borrowed" a lot from people seems like
MrJreed1000 i mean they taught him its not like he can go to the club w/o getting noticed
Of course people taught him like James brown
Always said this... Shrimp is cool but I see a lot more of Taco's influence on MJ than anyone else.
Mike got his curl from me!
Michael Chambers and Jeffrey Daniel's story seems to conflict as to who taught Michael Jackson the Moonwalk. Jeffrey states that it was his group Eclipse; which included him :Jeffrey Daniel, Casper Canidate and Cooley Jaxson that Michael first saw the Moonwalk done. The Soul Train performance is on TH-cam. Someone needs to really clear up this timeline because it doesnt make sense what Shrimp is saying. You can even go further back and see the Electric Boogaloos in 1979 performing on Soul Train and doing the same Moonwalk. Ive spoken to Jeffrey several times about this and his account makes more sense.
C Sanders ok
watch the vid again bro
C Sanders no conflict, he credited dude, watch the vid again.
Thanks for uploading this video!
when these guys are going to play, that same as Michel has no equal!
He made his unique style
Cool ...Turbo!!! I loved you in beatstreet!!
He was NEVER in Beatstreet...he starred as Turbo in "Breakin' l & Breakin ll (Electric Boogaloo)
Just the best dancer
I've heard some of this to be true and I'm not knocking anything, but I'm pretty sure I've seen Michael popping or doing some form of it in the 70's, before he hooked up with shrimp.
Michael did the Robot in the 70.....That was it
the whole thing is in your face true. Ya'll just hate when people say things that are not in favor of Michael.
@@chelsearogers1289 *_No, he did pop locks in 1977_*
Esse cara dançou muito
Senao for o melhor
É um dos melhores....
He didn't teach no Michael Jackson, how comes we don't have you and Michael's video but we have many videos of Jeffery Daniel in the studio with Michael.
Thank you for this interview. As a screenwriter and entertainer - I have more research to do
Love this video People need to know the truth. Mike was a real copy cat.
We thank you on behalf of Michael Jackson for teaching him everything but Micheal made it big and famous so take it easy
He didnt teach Michael everything though , but it's ok .
He wasnt that inventive to do that ...
Fozi Ali, You gotta lot of nerves telling him to shut up when he played a major role in Michael blowing up Michael's career. Unfortunately, at the time Turbo was too naive to realize that he was dealing with a crook.
So he was star struck but he was responsible for Michael sucess right ? The contradiction here . How can he be star struct with someone who is not a star himself ? Although i am pretty Michael was already a megastar for 20 years with J5 .
Leila Békélé Michael took that boys style and made a bigger name for himself, and didn't show any form of gratitude. Instead he made it seem like it was all him.
Michael se inspiró en los de su época al igual que Bruno Mars,Chris Brown o Justin Timbarlake se inspiran en el
He taught michael everything he know.
Dont put words in hes mouth he taught mj pop locking and a better moonwalk
Anthony Cogburn It's true he did
The interview is really good but comparing MJ to Rob Halford is bizarre. Rob had been into the "gay biker" look from way back but musically they were poles apart. And MJ got his military jacket style from Adam Ant.
it's true true turbo thought mj a lot I remember I went to school MC and new MC well,banning high class of 85 Kenny hill.
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】
Our first meeting was very interesting. A local news show called Eye In L.A featured a segment on street dancing and this new sub culture that was happening in the city in the early 80s. And I was featured on this segment along with some other street dancers. A lady called Susan Scanlan, who had been working on this TV programme, knew the Jackson family. She told Pop N Taco and I, who was also on the segment, that Michael Jackson would like to meet us. I was just 14 at the time.
ボクたちの初対面はとても興味深いよ。『Eye In L.A』 というローカルニュース番組がストリートダンスと80年代初頭に街で起きていた、この新しいサブ・カルチャーを特集したんだ。ボクは他のストリート・ダンサーたちと一緒に、この特集に出演したんだけど、このテレビ番組で働いていたスーザン・スカンランという女性がジャクソン・ファミリーの知り合いだった。その特集に一緒に出演したポッピング・タコとボクにマイケル・ジャクソンが会いたがっていると、彼女が言ったんだ。その時はボクはまだ14歳だった。
We ended up going to the house, and it was kind of like an audition. We got there and the whole family was there. Michael introduced himself and then took us to a rehearsal room they had in the house, and as we were dancing I saw Joe Jackson whispering to Michael on the side, and I’m sure he told him: ‘you know what? These guys are the next big thing and you need to have them as your personal coaches’.
ボクたちは彼の家に行くことになったんだけど、それはオーディションみたいなものだった。ボクたちが家に着いた時には、彼の家族が全員いた。マイケルは自己紹介をして、家の中にあるリハーサル・ルームにボクたちを連れて行ったんだ。そして、ボクたちが踊ってる時に、横にいるマイケルに小声で話すジョー・ジャクソンをボクは見た。 『わかるか?こいつらは次のブームになるから、こいつらをお前のパーソナル・コーチにしろ。』 って彼は言ったはずだよ。
When he did the Motown special, he worked with Jeffery Daniels, Cooley Jackson and Casper. Right after that show, I had been working out with him and he was looking to make his solo bigger. So if you go online and look at the Victory tour, which was directly after Motown 25, you will see the change in that solo. My move that you see, is when he does the Billie Jean solo, and he is stationary, doing the moonwalk in a circular flow, he doesn’t just goes backwards - that’s floating.
Michael Jackson always loved the robot. He used to do it in the 70s but I had an updated version, and he really loved that and he wanted to master my version of the robot. So him mixing those two styles, it gave him more to play with on his solos. I was always called in as like a creative consultant for his solos. Other dancers worked with him for his choreography, but I worked with him on his solos.
I worked with him from 1983 till about 1991, whenever his scheduled permitted. But he was such as genius and master of dance that we really didn’t have to work out that long. We would practiced for like an hour or so and ‘boom’ he got it. He did a lot of filming and I often wonder what happened to those tapes and whether they will ever surface.
1983年から1991年まで彼と練習した。彼のスケジュールが空いた時にね。でも彼は天才的なダンスの達人だったから、ボクたちはそんなに長く練習する必要はなかったよ。ボクたちは1時間ほど練習したら 『boom』 って感じで、彼は習得したんだ。彼はよく撮影してたんだけど、あのテープたちはどこに行っちゃったんだろうて、ボクはしょっちゅう思うんだ。いまだに日の目を見てないし。
So for 15 years I didn’t really push the issue publicly coz the whole thing about teaching Michael was to contribute to him being the greatest performer, and that’s exactly what I did. If anybody would have come out at that time and said, ‘yeah, I’m the guy behind Michael Jackson’, it would have taken credit away from him. He accomplished exactly what he wanted to do and that was to be known as one of the world’s greatest performers. Period. During that it was the people that really cared about him and respected him, that were like ‘okay, we know what we know, just let the man do what he’s gotta do’. So you didn’t hear Jeffery Daniels back then saying he taught Michael Jackson. You didn’t hear anything like that. It was years later.
15年間、このことについてボクが公に語らなかったのは、マイケルに教えたことのすべては、最も偉大なパフォーマーとしての彼への貢献だったから。それがボクがやったことだよ。もし、あの頃に誰かが表舞台に出て、『そうだよ。ボクがマイケル・ジャクソンの後ろにいる男だよ。』 なんて言ったら、彼からクレジットが奪い去られてしまうだろ。この世で最も偉大なパフォーマーの一人として知られるために、彼はやりたいことを完全にやり遂げた。そういうことだよ。彼のことを気にかけて、彼のことを尊敬している人たちは、『いいよ。オレたちはわかってるんだから。彼の好きなようにやらせておけよ。』 っていう感じだった。だから、ジェフリー・ダニエルがマイケル・ジャクソンに教えていたなんて話を聞いたことないでしょ。そんなことは何も聞いてないでしょ。それはずっと後のことだよ。
It did hurt me at times, as there were moments when I really needed it, like when I was looking around for work… And there were opportunities for it to be put out there. Like when Michael did that interview with Oprah Winfrey back in 1993, she specifically asked him, ‘Michael, who taught you the moonwalk?’ And he said he had been working three kids in the ghetto, three different dancers. And then he said he perfected it. That was a chance for him to let us all shine as co-contributors, but he kind of skipped over it (laughs). I guess he felt he didn’t need to name us publicly since we were already known in our own right. But I’m glad that stuff is starting to come out. I see a lot of artists who used to work with him stepping out of the shadows, and it helps me to get work and be acknowledged by a lot of people who looked up to Michael.
時々、つらかったよ。ボクが仕事を求めてあちこち歩き回っていた頃なんかは、つらい時があった。表舞台に出る機会があったはずなんだけど。例えば、1993年にマイケルがオプラ・ウィンフリーとやったインタビューで、彼女が 『マイケル、誰があなたにムーンウォークを教えたの?』 って聞いた時なんか。でも、彼はゲットーの3人の子供たち、3人のダンサーたちと練習したって言った。そして、彼がそれを完成させたと言ったんだ。あれはボクたち全員を貢献者として光り輝かせる彼のチャンスだったのに、彼はそれを無視したんだ。すでにボクたちは個別に知られていたから、彼はボクたちの名前を公に言う必要はないと思ったんじゃないかな。でも、そういう事実が表に出始めていることが、ボクは嬉しいんだ。彼と仕事をしていたアーティストたちが陰から出て来るのが見えるし、それによってボクは仕事が得られるようになって、マイケルを尊敬していたたくさんの人たちに知られるようなったんだ。
I didn’t push the issue because I didn’t have the right representation, but I also didn’t say too much as I wanted to keep the working relationship with these artists. But if I did have a manager they definitely would have pushed for me to get more credit. But I guess all I can do now is speak on it and hopefully help younger artists. The best thing I can say to them is when you work with known artists, go in with representation so you can at least come out of that job and put it on your resume, and as a result be able to raise the amount you get paid.
【ジェシー・ジャクソン - インタビュー (2005) 】
Jesse:did you ever have like a dancing coach?
Michael: You know what, I never studied dancing before. It always became natural for me.
Jesse: Michael, where did the moonwalk come from?
Michael: The moonwalk is a dance I would love to take credit for but I can’t. Because I have to be completely honest here.
These black children in the ghettos are, they have the most phenomenal rhythm of anybody on the Earth.
I’m not joking. I learned, I get a lot of ideas from watching these black children. They have perfect rhythm.
From just riding through Harlem, I remember in the early, you know, late 70’s early 80’s,
I would see these kids dancing on the street and I would see these kids doing these, uh sliding backwards kinda like an illusion dancing I call it.
ボクは子供たちが通りでダンスをしているのを見て、ボクはそれを 『イルージョン・ダンシング』 って呼んでるんだけど、その子供たちが後ろ向きに滑っているのを見たんだ。
I took a mental picture of it. A mental movie of it.
I went into my room upstairs in Encino, and I would just start doing the dance, and create and perfect it.
But it definitely started within the black culture. No doubt. That’s where it comes from.
Jesse: Did you ever watch Don Cornelius Soul Train?
Michael: Oh I love that show. Are you kidding? Of course I did.
【オプラ・ウィンフリー - インタビュー(1993)】
Oprah :Where did the moonwalk come from actually?
Michael : Well, the Moonwalk came from these beautiful children, the black kids who live in the ghettos, you know, the inner cities,
who are brilliant, that just have that natural talent for dancing any of these new - the running man - any of these dances.
彼らは聡明で、近頃の 『ランニング・マン』 とか、そういうダンスをする天性の才能があるんだ。
They come up with these dances, all I did was enhance the dance.
【『ムーンウォーク 』(1988) 210ページ】
I had been practicing the Moonwalk for some time, and it dawned on me in our kitchen [on the night before the taping] that I would finally do the Moonwalk in public on Motown 25.
ボクはしばらくの間、ムーンウォークを練習してきて、ついに 『モータウン25』 で、公の場でムーンウォークをすることを、収録日の前夜に自宅のキッチンで知らされた。
Now the Moonwalk was already out on the street by this time, but I enhanced it a little when I did it.
It was born as a breakdance step, a 'popping' type of thing that black kids had created dancing on the street corners in the ghetto.
ブレイクダンスのステップとして始まったんだけど、黒人の子供たちがゲットーの街角でダンスをして作った 『ポッピング』 と呼ばれるものだよ。
Black people are truely innovative dancers. They create many of the new dances, pure and simple.
So I said, 'This is my chance to do it,' and I did it.
そして、ボクは 『これはボクのチャンスだ。』 と思い、それをやった。
These three kids taught it to me. They gave me the basics and I had been doing it a lot in private.
I had practiced it together with certain other steps.
All I was really sure of was that on the bridge to 'Billie Jean' I was going to walk backward and forward at the same time, like walking on the moon.
ボクがはっきりとわかっていたことは、『ビリー・ジーン』 の間奏に合わせて、ボクは月面を歩くかのように、前進と後進を同時にするということだった。
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】
I had a lot of natural concentration because I realised very quickly that this was going to be something that was historical from the California side.
A lot of attention had already been focused on New York, as there was a documentary called Wildstyle before Breakin’, and that was focused on the B-boy scene in New York.
すでにニューヨークにたくさんの注目が集まっていたけど、『ブレイクダンス』 の前に 『ワイルド・スタイル』 っていうドキュメンタリーがあって、それはニューヨークの 『Bボーイ・シーン』 に焦点を当てたものだった。
We were representing the West coast section of hip hop dance, so I was thinking if we don’t do anything else it was a chance for us to show people how we were living in California.
ニューヨーク - ロサンゼルス間 (飛行機で約5時間半)
【ジェフリー・ダニエル Jeffrey Daniel - インタビュー (2010)】
He was very interested in the back slide and boddy popping. He may have wnated to learn those moves.
He was already a big star, so he couldn't to go to a club and learn those kinds of dances easily. Somebody had to go to his house and teach him there.
He was trying to do the same things that we were doing which was to mix James Brown's move and a new type of dance which was popular in LA those days.
Michael was still young, so he was trying to do his own thing.
Michael is No.1 entertainer in the world and people around me showed their respect to me because I taught him dancing.
It is humbling, that's why I have never talked about me teaching him in an interview before he died.
But even this Michael once became selfish and emotional. He was very confident about his work. He believed that he should have been recognized throughout the world.
I was close to him and I felt his selfishness at that time. I'm not saying that he was selfish just to be selfish but he was trying to become the best all over the world in this process.
He was always so calm. He shared or gave everything to the people around him. But he really wanted to be No.1. He wanted to be the best artist in the world. Not like other R & B singers in the same generation.
He likes chicken soup. He likes to eat chicken noodle soup.
【ポッピン・タコ - インタビュー (2001年5月)】
【ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー (2014年1月20日)】
Did you get a lot of work after the films?
Not as much as I thought I would. There was a lot of stuff that was way ahead of its time back then. I got a sense that people didn’t start appreciating it till recently.
At the time the opportunities presented to me were overseas. I couldn’t really get a lot of work in the US because of gangsta rap and then there was a period when people weren’t really dancing in the late 80s and early 90s. I was making a living doing choreography, teaching private lessons and doing trade shows in Europe and Japan.
Legendary man
This video should be in trends
So how come ur not famous dude , u should be famous as Michael
he is famous. if you dont know who boogaloo shrimp is, you are clueless. everyone alive in the 80's knew who turbo was.
@@sewcold7995 well he looks bitter very bitter almost like hey how come ur more famous than me ?
Save the sarcasm. Thank God he live to tell his story.
MR. Turbo u got got so right
Merci c gentil mètre
Gave Mike that GUSTO.
So we're is the copy of depeche mode????
Ignorant people don't know where things originated.
Dooflotchy I agree
Obviously genius!
That's the definition of the word 😐
So what Michael could sing and show it in music videos what if h taught him are you fame and money hungry? I like turbo in the movies too
Absolute Fucking Legend!
Who's the rock band?
he's blk and confident = cocky and arrogant.
alot of ppl have a problem with a heterosexual confident blk man.
Bruh you really brought race into this
Pensem o que quiserem, Michael é o destaque.
words kings Michael jackson
Thank u sir
Jeffrey Daniel created the "backslide" aka the moonwalk
Steven Mccaster The “backslide” begun in the 30’s (although it wasn’t called that at the time) and it grew and evolved over time.
There are alot of things that have been “borrowed” from another source but that doesn’t mean you can’t perfect it or make it your own. Even with any invention, you can take an existing one and improve it. Singers cover original songs, beats are sampled from other songs, recipes are enhanced by different cooks, etcetera etcetera.
Steven Mccaster- Boogaloo perfected it and took it to a different level...
6:11 who is that?
david bowie?
Never knew about this.
It's true.
What ever , Michael is Michael he is a complete package not half.Or u can say a perfectionist
Getting old sux
+michael truthson Not really's a chance to reflect on what you did in your Life because your not busy doing it and proving ishnit. You can really see the significance (or lack) of what your Life means. I'm enjoying Life now and really digging passing on what I've experienced to my grand children. I guess it might suck for someone who never did anything to change their surroundings positively or be of service to others. That's not Shrimp's case and he's got a lot to be proud of.
It beats dying.
Kira Queen
Shrimp the truth
Nc Hemi ☺