And in a gap between the stars. There is no captain till you do. We threw a line; we did not deep it. They were many, we are few. I keep my fireworks on the bridge. Hurl the crew from side to side. Unfurl the sail, the world is wide. They were many, we are few. Heave away, heave away, boys. That's what you do. Heave away, heave away, boys. They were many, we are few.
Mooi liedje. Beautiful song!
I am a big fan of the clapping in the beginning, which, whether intentionally or not, matches the beat with triplets. Haha
And in a gap between the stars.
There is no captain till you do.
We threw a line; we did not deep it.
They were many, we are few.
I keep my fireworks on the bridge.
Hurl the crew from side to side.
Unfurl the sail, the world is wide.
They were many, we are few.
Heave away, heave away, boys.
That's what you do.
Heave away, heave away, boys.
They were many, we are few.
Reminds me a bit of I was wrong.