Healthcare in Germany

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 190

  • @Auraya87
    @Auraya87 7 ปีที่แล้ว +110

    Ich finde, dass es hier so dargestellt wird, als ob die private Krankenkasse das normale darstellt, dabei ist die GKV der Normalfall! In die Private kann man reingehen, wenn man ein gewisses Bruttojahreseinkommen überschreitet oder Beamter ist. Ansonsten landet man automatisch in der GKV. Selbstständige können sich zwischen beiden Systemen entscheiden. Die GKV ist meiner Meinung nach der absolute Normalfall für den Großteil der Bevölkerung in Deutschland.

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Auraya87 stimmt

    • @Ulkomaalainen
      @Ulkomaalainen 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      In der Praxis absolut richtig, in der Theorie ist es allerdings tatsächlich so, dass die Privatversicherung als Standard gedacht ist, nur wenn man bestimmte Gehaltsbedingungen u.s.w. nicht erfüllt, steht die gesetzliche als Auffangbecken bereit. Wie rewboss auch schon am Anfang sagte, zunächst gab es kaum gesetzliche. Inzwischen sind die Bedingungen so, dass in der Tat praktisch jeder normale Angestellte und Arbeiter gesetzlich ist.

    • @delfinenteddyson9865
      @delfinenteddyson9865 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Ich finde es ja ziemlich ironsich, dass Beamte privat versichert sind.

    • @tilmanahr
      @tilmanahr 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@delfinenteddyson9865 Beamte sind tatsächlich nochmal was ganz eigenes… Die kriegen einen bestimmten Prozentsatz der anfallenden Behandlungskosten direkt vom Dienstherren bezahlt (50-70% oder sowas), und können sich dann für den Rest zusätzlich versichern (oder halt auch nicht). Sowas bieten die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen soweit ich weiß nicht (oder zumindest nicht zu interessanten Konditionen) an…

  • @JakobFischer60
    @JakobFischer60 7 ปีที่แล้ว +152

    Well explained. You could have added that children and even an unemployed wife are covered by the fathers insurrance. So a family father with an income of 3000 euro pays 390 Euro per month for the whole family. Cancer treatment and organ transplantation included.

    • @tenochaxayacatl1187
      @tenochaxayacatl1187 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      not always (any case removed, thank you!)

    • @studiosnch
      @studiosnch 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Better yet, you should have said "It is a case to case basis," meaning that the situation depends on the context. SteinbrecherBack is correct, that "not in any case" means that it is not permitted in any context.
      Anyhow a good example of this would be my classmate, who's married. Her insurance covers her husband as well, who is a classmate of ours too.

    • @Buzznut3000
      @Buzznut3000 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wow. I wish we could get that deal, our income is less than that and they say it's close to 900 euros a month.

    • @marusak72
      @marusak72 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      In Bismarck-ish single payer system everyone who has an income (who is able to work) should contribute to the insurance pool. Every child, disabled person, senior, etc. is automatically insured by law (government pays those principals). So technically yes, your children are all covered which has no direct link to your 390EUR. Women on maternity leave doesn't pay a dime. If she then decides to stay home she has to pay some minimal principal out of pocket (like 100EUR).
      Don't be mad yes woman (or man) have >18 months of payed maternity leave ;)

    • @Nabend1402
      @Nabend1402 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      And because it's 2017, the same applies to unemployed fathers/partners married to working mothers/partners.

  • @rinameunier3200
    @rinameunier3200 7 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    My general practitioner once had me sent to hospital because he suspected a pulmonary embolism. I got an IV, a blood test, an ultrasound from ankle to heart, a x-ray of my lungs and an ECG. All I had to pay was 20 or 40 € (I can't remember how much) for the bed I occupied for the one night and two days I stayed there.
    And when I had my wisdom teeth removed, I only had to pay the Rezeptgebühr at the pharmacy for the antibiotics and the pain killer.
    Those are my experiences.

    • @TheWuschelMUC
      @TheWuschelMUC 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      The 20 € per day in hospital are supposed to cover the food you get in hospital. After all, you don't have to cook your own food during this time.

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      TheWuschelMUC I love Wuschel

    • @bluebear6570
      @bluebear6570 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It´s €10 a day!

    • @robertnett9793
      @robertnett9793 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But those parking garages at hospitals - they are robbery in bright daylight. The most expensive part of a surgery a year back were
      literally the parking fees for the pre-treatment exams.
      And yes, this is meant to taken as a slightly ironic joke.

    • @Danny30011980
      @Danny30011980 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here in Ireland I went to GP few years back which was 50 quid consultation fee, and they sent me on to get an ultrasound done which cost another 195 quid. And of that I could claim like half back - still a very expensive tbing, given that the health system isn't very good here

  • @riptidemonzarc3103
    @riptidemonzarc3103 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I still think people balking at a "massive" 18% or 20% or 30% of a nation's budget going toward healthcare is...weird. What should governments be for if not to make sure the citizens and residents for which they are responsible are healthy, secure, educated, and free?

    • @Hessi
      @Hessi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      In Germany we have a term for this: social peace ("sozialer Frieden"). The U.S. does not know this if reports are to be believed.

    • @riptidemonzarc3103
      @riptidemonzarc3103 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Hessi Yes and no. The vast majority of the US budget goes toward what Americans call "entitlements", including old-age pensions, welfare benefits, and healthcare for veterans, the elderly, and the poor (yes, there are three different public healthcare bureaucracies), plus all the subsidies to the private healthcare "industry" --- which results in the US spending more per capita on healthcare than pretty much any other country in the world, for worse outcomes.
      Most of the US budget debates revolve around the proportion of the budget left over after these "entitlements" are accounted for. The majority of this proportion usually goes to military spending, which most Americans see as a vital part of ensuring peace at home, and which Europeans have relied upon for decades as a sort of unofficial supplement to our own social programs; the Americans spend quite a bit of money to keep Europe militarily safe, after all. If, or rather when, America withdraws from Europe to start spending more of its budget on its own "social peace", someone is going to have to take up the slack.
      After that, many Americans view the role of government as an enforcer of laws and contracts, which provides a reasonably equitable private sphere for the citizenry to determine their own lives. These ideals are quite often unmet in practice, of course, especially for the poor (many, but by no means most let alone all, are nonwhite).

    • @Hessi
      @Hessi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@riptidemonzarc3103 I wasn't aware that health care was funded by the state. That's insane.
      "Statutory health insurance funds" in Germany are not financed by the state, but are companies under public law, i.e., they are not allowed to operate as profit-oriented as private health insurance companies (which cheat people anyway because in old age the contributions become virtually non-affordable). The operating funds must only last for the following month.
      Absolutely right: We need a European army in Europe. First approaches to this already exist, but nationalistic political currents try to prevent this and put our European security and ability to act at risk. Only a united Europe is a strong Europe.
      We also urgently need (more) European IT standards such as operating systems, network technology and social media. My hobby-horse is data protection, but we are currently over-regulating data protection. In Germany, we are in the process of de facto shutting down the Internet because the youth protectors have no idea about IT.

    • @riptidemonzarc3103
      @riptidemonzarc3103 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Hessi Healthcare in the US is kind of the worst of both public and private systems; as said, they operate three independent publicly-funded bureaucracies, namely Veterans' Affairs for acting and former military personnel, Medicare for the elderly, and Medicaid for people in extreme poverty.
      For people outside of these groups, there are private health insurance companies, which until the Affordable Care Act were very lightly regulated in theory and essentially unregulated in practice, and which resulted in up to forty million people foregoing health insurance entirely. Since the ACA, the government has gotten more involved in regulating these private insurance companies and has closed the uninsured gap significantly, but the insurance companies are still for-profit enterprises and coverage options remain confusing and complicated. This complexity and quadtuplication of effort is what inspired Bernie Sanders to advocate for "Medicare for All", a proposal to turn the US healthcare system into a single-payer system by simply enrolling every American into Medicare. This would resemble the Canadian healthcare system, which I have experienced and which I would definitely place leagues above the American system.
      And yes, Europeans desperately need to work together on defense, technology, and business integration. I work in software development in Germany and the people here just chase VC money by copying American ideas and trying to graft them onto a European context. There is a deep pessimism and complacency which must be overcome.

    • @kibaanazuka332
      @kibaanazuka332 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@riptidemonzarc3103 I'd point out that there's technically 4 public Healthcare systems in the US with Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and Military Health System. With MHS probably being the closest in the US to what you see in most of Europe in terms of approach to Healthcare.

  • @Tylonfoxx
    @Tylonfoxx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Got a shoulder injury when I lived in Germany. Didn't have to go to the hospital, but the service at the doctor's office was exemplary. The visit was quick (but didn't seem rushed), and got a note (for work) as well as a medicine slip even without asking.
    Medicine was about 5€ for two packs of strong ibuprofen, some pills to protect my stomach fron the high dose of ibu and a dripper bottle of muscle relaxant.... something that would easily have cost ten times as much in Denmark.
    Even though I was out of commission for two weeks at the time, it was mostly bearable.
    Some other procedures, like getting blood tests, can be completed on the spot or takes a day or two at most...
    .... just don't get into the wrong insurance company, or you will regret it when you're out of employment....

  • @friedmahooga
    @friedmahooga 7 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    It took me a while to navigate (thankfully they've now scrapped that confusing procedure which involved paying ten euros quarterly), but I can only speak positively of the German healthcare system. Okay, I have had a few bad experiences with lousy doctors and their customary German rudeness, but the good thing about Germany is that there's usually no problem seeking a second opinion and you don't have to wait forever to see a specialist. I got very ill last year. I remember going to a new Hausärztin, who arranged a blood test. She then rang me up with the results the next day before I'd even got out of bed. Apparently, I gave both the Arztpraxis and the laboratory a fright when they saw that my haemoglobin level had gone down to 6.3. But the doctor was excellent. Got straight on the phone to two haemotologists and arranged an Überweisung to the nearest clinic. Five iron transfusions later, all's good.

    • @friedmahooga
      @friedmahooga 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I should also mention that there is a good website - jameda - which has reviews of pretty much every doctor in Germany. It is subjective (one person could think a certain doctor is great, while the next patient could hate him/her). However, I do think it's good as a rough guide. It'll also let you know which doctors will accept patients from the Krankenkasse and which ones will only take private patients (a level of bureaucracy that I've never quite understood).

    • @TremereTT
      @TremereTT 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Are you vegan?

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      TremereTT everyone can have Iron deficiency. Myself included. But I dont needed to go to hospital. Thank good

  • @downhill240
    @downhill240 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Always interesting information here! Thanks for sharing.

  • @Onebie
    @Onebie 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    you can also get "additional insurances" to cover things your other insurances does not.

    • @CarinaCoffee
      @CarinaCoffee 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Not to mention that there's over 100 different statutory health insurance companies with varying coverages.
      So if you take your time researching you can really choose one that fits your needs the best.

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Carina S for example if you are into alternative medicine and sutch stuff, you need insurance who covers that. Special insurance for sutch kind of people exist for example

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Onebie for example if you are into alternative medicine and sutch stuff, you need insurance who covers that. Special insurance for sutch kind of people exist for example

  • @MyAdelaide
    @MyAdelaide 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Great video. I live in Australia and asked myself how to explain the German system to my Aussie friends. Good on 'ya Rewboss!

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kevin Kunz You jave the same surname like the Austrian cancelor.

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kevin Kunz gleicher Nachname wie Österreichischer Kanzler

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kevin Kunz just curious, how long do you live in Australia?

    • @ireneprobst8354
      @ireneprobst8354 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Der österreichische Bundeskanzler heißt Sebastian Kurz, nicht Kunz.

  • @hellfiregrowler
    @hellfiregrowler 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Interesting video. I would be curious as to how the healthcare system worked in the DDR back in the day

  • @DieQwietscheente
    @DieQwietscheente 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m a German economics student. I pay a monthly fee of 98€ for my health insurance. If my parents would earn below a certain threshold the 98€ would be converted by the state since I don’t have my own income yet. I go to bi-annual professional teeth cleanings. When visiting the doctor or going to a hospital I don’t pay any additional price.

  • @MistyMountainMedia
    @MistyMountainMedia 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I went to London once and was a bit in a hurry to get to the airport. Busy enough to forget my glasses and emergency contact lenses. So all I had on me were my lenses that i wore at the moment. Of course Murphys Law struck and one of my contacts broke the next day. Being blind without them I went to the next optician in London to get some cheap daily lenses for my trip. I was much surprised when the clerk told me I had to get to an eye specialist first and get a valid recipe because otherwise she couldn't sell them to me. I told her that I am German and that I can't just walk up into the doctors office in England and get a treatment. She ask me then how we do this in Germany and I said I order my contacts online and haven't been to an eye specialist in ten years... I found that episode particulary fascinating because I always assumed that health care is much more regulated in Germany than it is in the UK... but the women in the store was adamant and I had to squint one eye for the next three days...

  • @Miraihi
    @Miraihi 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    0:25 You missed the opportunity to mention his awesome pickelhaube :D

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mirai Hi agree. Pickelhaube was his moust prominent and unique Fashion Statement

  • @Mr8lacklp
    @Mr8lacklp 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You can always get statutory insurance no matter how much you earn and where you work and some poeple choose to do so, for example because more well of people choosing private insurance is bad for the statutory insurers and thus there is a danger of a two class medicine developing. Or simply because in some cases you earn enough to get private insurance but it might still be more expensive. However sometimes you might get additional services that are not mandatet by law with some private insurers.

  • @Alexis2andsoOn
    @Alexis2andsoOn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When it comes to hospitals you have to pay like 10 € per day for the first 2 or three weeks of your stay and the rest is covered by the insurance.

    • @Emulleator
      @Emulleator 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      its 10€ a day for a maximum of 28 days a year but if you are unemployed you can get that fee waived (same for medicine fees)

  • @moatl6945
    @moatl6945 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Das erinnert mich irgendwie an einen italienischen Film, den ich vor über 20 Jahren im TV gesehen hab' - zumindest die deutsche Übersetzung ist mir im Gedächtnis geblieben:
    Der Film spielt in einem Hotel, und es Herrscht das Chaos. In dieser einen Szene betritt der Hoteldirektor mit einem Arzt das Zimmer eines wichtigen weiblichen Gasts; diese ist bewusstlos (warum weiß ich nicht mehr). Es folgt folgender Dialog:
    Hoteldirektor: »Oh mein Gott! Herr Dr., wird sie überleben?«
    Arzt: »Privat oder Kasse?«
    Hoteldirektor: »Herr Dr.! Es geht um Leben oder Tod! [und natürlich um den Ruf des Hotels] Wird sie überleben?«
    Arzt: »Privat oder Kasse?«

    • @DariaHoelzel
      @DariaHoelzel 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Martin Steindl Wie heißt der Film?

    • @moatl6945
      @moatl6945 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Gute Frage, aber ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      Wenn ich's noch wüsste, hätte ich den Titel des Films in den Kommentar geschrieben. Das ist inzwischen gut 25 bis 30 Jahre her, dass ich in diesen Film »gezappt« hab'.

    • @DariaHoelzel
      @DariaHoelzel 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Martin Steindl Na toll... xD Ich hätte den voll gern gesehen...

  • @IzzyIkigai
    @IzzyIkigai 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I always have mixed feelings when discussing German healthcare(not the private health insurance, that's for people who have too much money lol).
    On the one hand they do pay most things, even hospital visits or crazy expensive medication(I've recently talked to a hospital's pharamacist and she told me how for some people the treatments' cost is easily a few hundred thousand bucks..), but on the other they can be a total pain in the butt for biggers stuff you need.
    I once had to request their okay for a surgery I needed and they made me go through all the hoops. Like they literally made me take tests that had nothing to do with the surgery(words of one of my doctors: "Sind die dumm? Denken die ich habe nichts besseres zu tun?"). During the pandemic it took me a full year to get all of these tests done and another 3 months to prepare and schedule the surgery. Again, a surgery I needed to stay healthy.

  • @ThamiorSilberdrache
    @ThamiorSilberdrache 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is a third (rare) form: "Freie Heilsfürsorge". I don't really know much about it, though.
    There are some other facts:
    - Technically you ARE breaking a law when having no insurance, but you won't be put to jail, because target of the law is to get everybody insured, not to incriminate people. If you have no insurance at all (which is difficult to achieve because you can't cancel your old insurance without having a prove that you already have contracted a new one), you'll have to pay up to 6 month's full premiums when getting a new insurance and half premiums for every further month without insurance, so you are very likely to have big debt afterwards.
    - Not being able to pay your premiums doesn't leave you without insurance. Even if you are in a private insurance, they have to give you a socalled "Notlagentarif" (emergency rate?): Your premiums will decrease to a very low level until your debts are paid, but you will still receive emergenca care.
    - There are some more differences between statutory health care and private health care worth mentoining: statutory health care will only pay for normal health care, while private health care normally pays for some extras like single bed rooms in hospital or experimental treatments. Still, for a young and healthy person, private health insurance tends to be cheaper. But this is going to change: While statutory health insurance's premiums are bound to your income and so they will decrease if you loose your job or get pension, private health insurance's premiums are only bound to the risk you are to the insurance company, so the premiums will rise the older you get.
    - It's easy to switch from statutory health insurance to private health insurance once you earn enough money. It is, on the other hand, nearly impossible to switch back from private health insurance to statutory health insurance. After you became 55, there are only very very rare cases were you are able to switch back and those are in a legal limbo.

  • @sonkeschluter3654
    @sonkeschluter3654 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    allmost right. for employees it also depends on the income, over a certain amount you can/must choose if you want private health insurance. At the moment (2017) you can change into it when you earn over 56700€/year (bruto)

    • @freibier
      @freibier 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes, or you can choose to keep the statutory insurance you were in as a "freiwillig Versicherter". Thing is, once you choose a private insurace, you cannot go back to the statutory insurance unless you can prove that you cannot afford the private insurance anymore. It's a one way thing, and a lot of people find out that the private insurance is not all that hot anymore once they get older and start getting serious health problems.

    • @pieniaurinko
      @pieniaurinko 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah, I heard from a friend that she had the option of getting insured privately, but she said she won't. Right now she's making a lot of money, but since she's working freelance she doesn't know wether that will last or not, and privat insurance sometimes gets you benefits compared to state insurance, but she might end up being stuck with paying more than she'd have to and not being able to easily afford it any longer.
      Instead, we both now got additional private coverage for stuff your standard insurance doesn't have to pay like ceramic fillings at the dentist or a two bed room at the hospital.^^

    • @llothar68
      @llothar68 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Brutto == before tax.

    • @a_lethe_ion
      @a_lethe_ion 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      b before n.
      brotto netto

  • @atinemassare
    @atinemassare 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dear rewboss,
    although the coverage in german healthcare ist very good - as you explained, there is coverage for nearly everything - the german healthcare-system lacks of beeing integrated or holistic. the term family health care ist totally unknown. The concept of community health care - same thing. Nevertheless it is diffucult if not impossible to approach the complexity of mental and physical health if the GP, the psychologist, the specialists, all see the person in a different context and have no communication at all , not to mention the lack of access to the case history (each professional has his own records).
    Currently there are health problems, mainly the increasing cardiovascular diseases, that need an integrated approach very urgent.

    • @ottonormalverbraucher7835
      @ottonormalverbraucher7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      atinemassare I agree with you Germany totaly lacs communication. It is even the reason why Germany lack organs. Because hospitals often don't communicate when patients are brain dead. Over 1000 people in Germany die lacking transplants organs. And Family doctors are an unknown concept. We have pediatrician for children, gynecology for pregnant mom, normal adult doctors for parents.

  • @hypergrip
    @hypergrip 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Technically you *are* breaking the law if you are not insured; since 2009 there is the "Versicherungspflicht" (requirement to be insured) as codified by the Sozialgesetzbuch (social laws). Every citizen *has* to be insured - in turn the statutory insurance companies *have* to accept every citizen as their clients. People can *choose* to be insured by a private insurance company instead of the statutory ones - the premiums for private insurance usually is (often significantly) higher, in turn private insurers often offer to cover things that statutory health insurance does not, like single-bed rooms in hospitals, or "alternative" treatments like homeopathy. There are also certain jobs that come with their own company-provided health insurance programs/providers, which essentially act like a private insurance.
    The case you mentioned where people are not insured and have to pay large sums when applying for health insurance again is something that does exists, but it's mostly an unintended side effect of the introduction of the Versicherungspflicht in 2009. If you were self-employed at the time of the switch, neither an employer nor the state job/social agency (responsible for paying health insurance cost for unemployed people) would notice if you didn't have coverage - and many self-employed people "dodged" getting the legally mandated health insurance to keep their expenses down. This however created a vicious cycle: When people apply for health insurance, and it turns out they have not been covered before that, the insurer retroactively covers those months, however they also retroactively demand the premiums for all those months (plus fees, because technically the people are "overdue" paying). This means that many people who fell out of the system because they needed to save money during hard times couldn't afford to get insured when business was better because of the piling up back-fees they would have to pay - so some people stayed in this health care limbo for years and years, not going to the doctors, etc. That problem was acknowledged by the state as a problem in 2012 (or 2013, don't exactly remember), where statutory ensurers offered - for a limited time - an "amnesty" (waiving the premiums for the month people were not insured) for uninsured people who applied for health insurance, in an attempt to bring these people back into the system. Sadly this initiative received relatively little public attention, and today there are still people stuck in the no-health-insurance limbo, technically breaking the law.

  • @asteraki88
    @asteraki88 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    but you didnt explain that for the statutora health insurance, there are several 'Krankenkassen' and also that based on which you are registered, the treatment is not the same on every hospital. Krankenkassen negotiate the fees with the hospitals and there are cases that you might be on a waiting list, because of the budget set between the hospital and the Krankenkassen. The same for the private practises, where you might need to pay the excess between what is covered and the price of the practise.
    The private insurance is very expensive and again it depends on your 'status'. It might go up to 450EUR per month..
    As a foreigner in Germany, I was 'discriminated' even if I had the insurance card, because I didnt have German nationality, despite being a permanent resident, because they had a risk that I wouldnt pay. So even if I was covered by the insurance, they asked me to pay the treatment BEFORE going to the doctor, to make sure they were getting paid.

  • @thomasherzog86
    @thomasherzog86 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    in sachen msra belastung der hospitale ist deutschland zumindest noch besser gestellt als england, usa und/oder frankreich. ob das was mit krankenkassen zu tun hat bezweifle ich allerdings, gibt aber zumindest aufschluß über dessen qualität.

  • @MaskedBishop
    @MaskedBishop 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice video! Health insurances have one flaw though... as a "Selbstständiger" or "Freiberufler" I'm neither employed nor unemployed in the sense that I get money from the state, but rather have my own company (kinda) and pay all the insurance costs by myself. Here we have a thing called "Mindestbemessungsgrundlage", which means that if you earn less than 1100-1200€ (something like that) they just pretend you earn that money and demand monthly payments accordingly. Right now I pay about 1/3 of my income for health insurance, in 2020 it was more than 50%, because they just acted as if I had 3 times as much as I really had. 😅

  • @Haloprogamer1996
    @Haloprogamer1996 7 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    wait wait wait, "warmongering" ? You know how established one of the longest times of peace between the major european countries and created a system of alliances that prevented from Europe turning into a battleground. I know one might assume that he liked war based on the 3 wars he started to unite the german people but that was from his point of view just a way of means. A tool.
    Bismarck never liked war, for him it was merely a necessity to accomplish his goals. Later, he is the one responsible for an era of peace in Europe.

    • @pummysworld369
      @pummysworld369 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's true. Bismarck knew, that every further war in Europe would lead into a catastrophe. Unfortunately, he was proved being right two times.

    • @lucasmoorim
      @lucasmoorim 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      He's British, he's mocking the perception people have of Bismarck.

    • @BambooTime
      @BambooTime 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly what I thought

    • @Crom1980
      @Crom1980 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The last of his 3 wars started France.

  • @RaquelRaquel-fb3xp
    @RaquelRaquel-fb3xp 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Wow I never knew the UK spent so much on the NHS

    • @gustavmeyrink_2.0
      @gustavmeyrink_2.0 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      They don't really.
      Total per capita spending on health care for '15 in the UK was $4003, in the USA $9451, Germany $5267 and in France $4407. (wiki numbers)
      as a percentage of GDP the UK spends around 9% and Germany around 12%.
      What is interesting is the quality you get for your money. France is usually ranked 1st and the USA 37th.
      The french system is state-run, the american system privately for profit.

    • @TremereTT
      @TremereTT 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      +Gustav Meyrink
      All in all the French health system is the best, because they have high investments into prevention.They ot only treat you when you are ill, they treat you to not get ill.

    • @a.brekkan4965
      @a.brekkan4965 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@gustavmeyrink_2.0 I guess some Yellow Vests would find meaning in the Cuban saying: "Life here is shit, but education and health care is free."

    • @gustavmeyrink_2.0
      @gustavmeyrink_2.0 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@a.brekkan4965 don't think so because life here is great AND education and healthcare are free.

    • @a.brekkan4965
      @a.brekkan4965 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@gustavmeyrink_2.0 The quality of life you enjoy must explain the violent demonstrations you have had for the last 5 weeks and Macrons dramatic drop in the polls. And I guess it is getting even better. Soon you can all eat cake and nothing but cake.

  • @Schmidt54
    @Schmidt54 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    German health insurance system: Pretty neat but they do not pay everything. Mediction is mostly payed by yourself (standard meds) and very costly in Germany (rather take a trip to neighbouring states and get the meds there for half the price or less), or subsidized. Dental stuff is only covered in the basics, for implants or fancy materials you gotta have a private insurance or pay by yourself. About German hospitals, there are good ones and bad ones. The problem since a few years is that almost all hospitals have to generate profit now, and together with the Fallpauschalen system it creates a mess; you either get not enough treatment stationary because they cannot make anymore money with your case, or they try to tack on stuff so they can cash in on the insurances. Also, German hospital hygiene is a mess. I would rather go to the Netherlands than to a hospital here. ( Of course, compared to other standards like in East Europe or outside of Europe, it is a good standard. But hopefully you have never to experience the hospital system first hand... also never go the the hospital if you are sick. See a doctor or call an ambulance, the hospital will let you wait many hours together with coughing sick people in a room.

  • @MikeKojoteStone
    @MikeKojoteStone 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It#s a little bit misleading to say that you can get statutory health insurrance if you're eligible and otherwise have to get the private variant. I'm NOT an expert on the matter, but it's generally seen by Germans this way:
    When you start working, you either get into the statutory system with one of the providers who still have names indicating that there was once a bit of a separation by type of work. Or you chose to go with the private inssurance companies, who offer more services and cover more things, but at a potentially higher cost, depending on your age and other factors.
    If you have a good paying job, it may be smart to go private or at least pay for additional services, becasue German statutory health care generally only covers the basics. That's medical neccessities, which is a good thing, but the reason you hear Germans bitch and moan about the system is that the companies are always trying to reduce the amount of things covered. So, what actually IS a neccessity is sometimes hotly debated.
    Mostly, you gotta pay some money from your own pocket if you want decent coverage. Dental is a prime example for that. Staturory covers ceramic inlays for the front area, but you only get the old, not so nice looking stuff for the back teeth, if you can't or won't pay extra for ceramics. Another debated topic is that prevention is often not or not fully covered.
    It's not that the system is terrible. Especially not in comparison to many other countries. But if you live long enough with it and see what's taken away from what's covered, it can get frustrating. Even for the people who are generally healthy.

  • @aussieexpat
    @aussieexpat 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    wow sounds similar to the Swiss system. very close to the American model post Obama care

  • @CologneCarter
    @CologneCarter 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It should be mentioned that statutory healthcare doesn't cover everything one might need or want to be covered. If one needs to have a simple check to determine whether or not one needs glasses, it isn't covered. Neither are glasses or the frame. If one needs a hospital stay, one has to pay 10 Euro per day. And if one needs prescription medicine one has to pay 5 Euro or more per medication. Every now and then one is lucky to get a generic product which is free of charge.

    • @studiosnch
      @studiosnch 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I learned this when I had to change my glasses at a local optical store. Thankfully I made good rapport with the optometrist and he gave me a reduced student price for everything.

    • @rewboss
      @rewboss  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well, private health insurance also has its limits. There's no point in my claiming until I've spent more than about €700 in a year, or I'd actually lose money.

    • @JakobFischer60
      @JakobFischer60 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Well, the more important point is that really expensive treatment like liver transplantation or cancer treatment is being payed. These are things peole are dying of in the US.

    • @freibier
      @freibier 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes, exactly. The BIG things are covered, so if you ever get into serious trouble, you will be treated no matter what. Routine stuff (annual checkup, standard visit to the dentist) is also covered, except for the small additional 5€ payment for prescription medicine (i.e. it is always 5€, even if you are prescribed some super expensive medicine). Just "addon" stuff or "I want something better than the unclean masses", like luxury fillings at the dentist or a single bed room at the hospital have to be paid extra. And I think this makes total sense. Plus, some of these things are covered if you get the private insurance and choose a variant which includes stuff like that.

    • @JakobFischer60
      @JakobFischer60 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, exactly. People told me there still exist 16 bed rooms in the UK while in Germany normally it is a 2 bed room.
      In the Philipines you have to bring your own stuff for the operation, like needles, and in Africa you need to bring your own cook.

  • @lillywho
    @lillywho 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Problem with the _Krankenkasse_ is that they like the worm themselves out of having to pay for things like psychological therapists and all sorts of things that you have to specifically request them to cover. I've had no less than three of their phone support staff lie to me that covering the therapist that isn't under contract with them (Kassenzulassung) would be illegal. It took me over four months to get him finally approved and the good lad basically worked for three up to that point!

  • @adricortesia
    @adricortesia 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    For hospitals: You have to pay 10€/day when you are in a hospital up to 28 days/year (=280€).
    Normal things are mostly covered by the insurance. Things like professional dental hygenist treatments or special fillings at the dentist must be payed privately.
    Additional you have to pay 5€ when you go to the pharmacist for your medication (prescription medication). But you can ofc buy medication without a prescription like painkiller or coughing syrup.
    But all this is fairly expensive. You have to pay quite a percentage of your income (about 15%).

    • @Ulkomaalainen
      @Ulkomaalainen 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Adri is right, at least with pharmacies. This once led to the beautiful situation where I had a prescription for medication and should pay 5€ for it - but the same medication (although in different packaging) could be gotten prescription free for only 3.40€.

    • @salia2897
      @salia2897 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      In principle these rules are in effect since 2004. But the details have changed a bit since. There are medications where do not have to pay anything. Also if you are younger than 18 you do not have to pay for the hospital. In addition, this only holds for health insurence. If you have a work accident, this is usually covered by a different kind of ensurance payed by your employer as health insurance is note supposed to cover work risks. In this case you do not have to pay anything. Also you do not have to pay if you are there to give birth.
      So there are several reasons why you did not have to pay anything. But the usual case is that you have to pay. But 10 EUR a day aren't really an issue, you get food for that and as you do not do anything else in that time, you usualy safe money. ;-) And if you have a really low income, there is a limit on that payment.

    • @a_lethe_ion
      @a_lethe_ion 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      you only have to pay those until you reach 2% of your yearly "income" (like if you get support from the state you would have to pay the 5€ until you reach I think around 86€. after that you get a card that you show the doc or pharmacist and it tells them you are "zuzahlungsbefreit"- freed from paying that additional 5€
      if you suffer from a chronic disease,( has to last at least 2 years and the medication needs to be necessary to ensure your health stays on the level) then the 2% are reduced to 1%
      You would ask the Kk at the start of the year for the papers and then you show them your income and riches (or lack thereof) and they send you back the sum you would need to reach that cut off point-then you can either collect the receipts and hand them in or you can pay that sum and get the little card very quickly

    • @j.e.h.648
      @j.e.h.648 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Adri Cortesia Dental issues are also covered, the Point is that dental doctors often do not requiriert Treatments instead of the Basic Treatment. That means the insurencecompany is not in charge of that. The doctors will tell u that this Treatments are a must, when they offen aren't. They are also able to charge more for those Treatments because they are privatly payed and have therefor less regulations. It is a broughtly discussed topic in the german media and some documentaries even state that many dentist doing fraude (not telling the alternative covered treatment or saying it is not enought)

  • @leolinox
    @leolinox 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    You forgot that private insurance replaces the regular one for officials

  • @EchterOsti
    @EchterOsti 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, das Gelände von Areva hat gebrannt, das ist ja ganz in der Nähe (Karlstein)... Magst du darüber ein Video machen? Ich weiss es ist nicht was du üblicherweise machst.

    • @HerrFenchel
      @HerrFenchel 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dafür ist dies nicht der geignete Kanal, meiner Ansicht nach.

    • @EchterOsti
      @EchterOsti 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nun ja, das Feuer ist gerade erst gelöscht, und es würde rewboss Heimat betreffen wenn es gefährlich war...

    • @rewboss
      @rewboss  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also, nach meiner Information war das ein Zentrallager von Lidl, etwa 900 m vom Areva-Gelände entfernt.

    • @EchterOsti
      @EchterOsti 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      rewboss das ist beruhigend

  • @sarahmayer8539
    @sarahmayer8539 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    rewboss looking slick as hell there!

  • @Cipher655
    @Cipher655 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ... bismarck wasnt THAT warmongering.

  • @levoGAMES
    @levoGAMES 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is it possible for America to copy this healthcare as it is?

    • @TheYoshi463
      @TheYoshi463 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      No, simply because there are too many stupid people saying healthcare is no human right (with a high correlation to vote Trump)

    • @ev.09
      @ev.09 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Obama tried it with Obama Care, because he liked the german system so much, but I don´t know, if it is the same as in Germany.

  • @jonaspete
    @jonaspete 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    bismarck is a good role model for lawyer and politician.

    • @jonaspete
      @jonaspete 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      freibier okay....

  • @paxundpeace9970
    @paxundpeace9970 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    A note on the NHS the problem isn't that is accounting for 18 % of the budget. The problem is that it is only 18% of the budget.
    Or in other terms it is underfunded.
    UK pays 9% of it GDP for healthcare while France and Germany are spending 12% of its GDP.
    Accounting for the high cost of living and the high cost of employing senior doctor's/consultants in the UK.
    It is even worse.

  • @Seegalgalguntijak
    @Seegalgalguntijak 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    You missed out that, with the new version of the health insurance card, the "eGK" (elektronische "Gesundheits"karte), the health insurance now also gets all your most private and intimate health data to make money with, in addition to the premium you pay.

    • @19Uhr30.
      @19Uhr30. 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Your Health Insurance knew about your health status long before the "Gesundheitskarte". Your doctor has to tell them what he treated you for to get money from the insurance...

    • @DarkNexarius
      @DarkNexarius 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes but now all parts of the goverment can get that information too (NSA too).

    • @Seegalgalguntijak
      @Seegalgalguntijak 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      19Uhr30 before that, it was done solely through the "Kassenärztliche Verrechnungsstelle", they didn't have exact information. With the new "Telematikinfrastruktur", every diagnosis and the whole patient file gets stored on cloud servers and who knows who can all access this.

    • @swanpride
      @swanpride 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The data is pretty well protected and no, it can't be "sold". The rules there are pretty strict. That is not different from the government having a file about your unemployment history, or having your financial information due to taxes. Certainly something one has to keep an eye on, but it also saves a lot of money - and time.

  • @studiosnch
    @studiosnch 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    A bit as well: childless men and women (either through biological or legal means) after their 23rd birthday will have to pay 0,25% more in their healthcare insurance (Pflegeversicherung) premium. And if you move between EU member countries you should inform your previous insurer as they will not be covering your insurance in the new country of residence (due to differing laws and legalese).

    • @19Uhr30.
      @19Uhr30. 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why the emphasis on men. Childless women pay the same amount...

    • @studiosnch
      @studiosnch 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ahhh really? I only based this on my letter. So probably this rule works for women as well.

    • @muemelification
      @muemelification 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      studiosnch Pflegeversicherung isn't health care but longterm care insurance (which is mandatory in Germany)

  • @greetingsfromtroutdaleoreg8388
    @greetingsfromtroutdaleoreg8388 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Ahha, that's what we need here in America!For those who think that the Scandanavian system is,"Socialism",the German system whould be perfect.

    • @Tippel3
      @Tippel3 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I'm not sure if the american culture can deal with this. It's based on a completely social system and you pay monthly a fee, no matter if you are ill or not. I often heard things like "why have I pay if I don't need it" or "why do I have to pay for my diabetec neighbour". But exactly that's the reason why the system works, everybody pays for everybody and at any time possible, so that all are covered anytime. There wouldn't be money in the pot if anyone needs treatments for hundrets or thousands of dollars on a regular base. Of course, if you're lucky and healthy your whole life you lost a lot of money but if you have a carcrash or get Hepatitis C tomorrow your treatments will cost more than you ever laid in the pot but you still get it. I'm not sure if this is possible in the US and whether people can deal with it in practice and not just in theory

    • @fremejoker
      @fremejoker 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The American system is like the German private system, but just being blown out of proportion. The German public health insurances are basically a massive pot of money, where each public insurance gets their more or less fair share. The American system is like having massive amount of separate pots for certain amount of people, where only these people are covered, pretty much like our German private system. The US could adopt our system pretty quickly and easily, if they wanted it. It's not about whether normal American people can deal with it. If it is established, Americans will wonder what they were afraid of. It's about the politicians they have, they are eager to prevent it to be established or just not brave enough to go that way.

    • @fremejoker
      @fremejoker 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @WolfLarsen85 Yes, a massive system that doesn't work, otherwise you wouldn't have this massive amount of people living on the streets and being poor as fuck, people losing their pensions and have to work till their death, people having no health care coverage whatsoever, people who need to decide whether to have a place to live or pay for their health and lose their place. Sorry, but also your point about 82 mio and 330 mio doesn't work. Because it would say our system only works for a certain amount of people. That's bullshit. The numbers in that system would be different, that's all. Giving this argument that what works for 80 mio doesn't work for 330 mio is utterly low level. Also the 50 states and different laws, sorry I don't know of any clause in your constitution that would prevent you from doing things different, if the constitution doesn't allowed it, you can change it, simple as that. Of course it won't happen, but you could, if you wanted.

  • @Kessina1989
    @Kessina1989 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Aber es ist nur günstig, wenn man einem Arbeitgeber hat. Wenn man keinen hat, darf man im Monat bis zu 500 € für die Krankenversicherung los werden!

    • @AzraelEVA
      @AzraelEVA 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      stimmt nicht es kommt immer darauf an wieviel du verdienst.
      Ich hatte einige Zeit kein Einkommen gehabt und hab mich nicht Arbeitslos gemeldet und musste 80€/monat bezahlen.

    • @nurichniemandsonst9639
      @nurichniemandsonst9639 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Verdammt, und hier sitz ich und zahl 170... vielleicht hätte ich mein Einkommen als Nachhilfelehrerin nicht angeben sollen.

    • @orlandogrimaldi7500
      @orlandogrimaldi7500 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wenn du das bezahlst und keinen Arbeitgeber hast, bist du wohl selbstständig. Dann würde ich mich nach einer privaten Krankenversicherung umsehen.

    • @TheWuschelMUC
      @TheWuschelMUC 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@orlandogrimaldi7500… und da kann schon ein Matschknie dazu führen, dass dich keine private Krankenkasse nimmt.

    • @Tylonfoxx
      @Tylonfoxx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Die Preise sind sehr verschieden, und es hängt auch ab ob du eine Private Versicherung hast. Die verschidenen Firmen haben auch grosse Unterschiede in der Preis
      Bei AOK bist du rund 700€ pro Monat los wenn du ohne Job sitzt!
      AOK sux, bleibt weg davon!!! :(

  • @Merrsharr
    @Merrsharr 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So, how does one acquire health insurance when first coming to Germany?
    Asking for a friend
    (No really, I'm German myself, so I never really had to go trough the process)

    • @petrairene
      @petrairene 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Through your employer. You can only stay in Germany longer than three months (tourist visum) if you find employment.

    • @Merrsharr
      @Merrsharr 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He will stay on a Youth Work&Travel Visum based on a contract between Germany and Canada, which is independent of employment (though he does plan to work)

    • @AzraelEVA
      @AzraelEVA 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    • @Scorpion1995100
      @Scorpion1995100 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@petrairene what about marriage tho?

  • @karstenwinkler6923
    @karstenwinkler6923 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well explained. Well explained.

  • @linajurgensen4698
    @linajurgensen4698 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Germany has the best healthcare system🙏🏻

    • @fionafiona1146
      @fionafiona1146 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Singapore and France are interesting too.

    • @ppbdrinker
      @ppbdrinker 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      not quite common, but nevertheless a misconception

  • @violala8279
    @violala8279 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    well, it's nice and all, except for when you don't have a job and don't get money from the state, because then you have to pay double the normal price (or even more) and are basically in dept for the rest of your life. Same thing for when you only have a "Mini-job", because then your employer dosn't have to pay a thing and you are stuck with the full price, so in the end you either starve, can't pay the rent or are in dept.
    I heard that there is quite a number of people in dept because of this system.

    • @xraz0r
      @xraz0r 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      if you dont have a job and dont get money from the state, it is on your own responsibility. You can always get "Hartz IV" which pays for your insurance.

  • @popogast
    @popogast 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    You could be Ambassador.

  • @KitsuneHB
    @KitsuneHB 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Last year I had a burn-out and short after a stroke. So yes, I was seriously ill. And you explained it really good - I had to pay a bit for the hospital, but it was not much. After hospital I had to wait for the rehabilitation (the pandemic situation made it difficult and even more difficult when I was in rehab but had contact to a person who had the virus and I was sent into quarantine and had to apply again for a rehab) and so I went to a physiotherapist because I had some troubles with moving my right feet the correct way. Now I'm fine! Everything works like before the stroke. I learnt how to deal with stress and I'm ready for a new job at a better workplace. :) And I'm not broke - that's also very important. But the paperwork was kind of a hell! And that could be really tough when you also got some problems like depression. Fortunately my depression caused by the burn-out wasn't such a thing.
    But there are some things I had to pay for it a lot of money. For example for my glasses. I'm very nearsighted and glasses are very expensive. For new glasses I have to pay around 600 Euro. But I don't need new glasses every year so it's manageable.

  • @akshaay2507
    @akshaay2507 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice video and very informative. Please keep uploading

  • @bbpetrov
    @bbpetrov 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was unemployed, I found a temporary mini-job. Two month later, I found a full-time job. After that I received a letter from the krankenkasse that I must pay 300eur per month for insurance for the time I was "unemployed" because the mini job doesn't have any taxes and health insurance coverings ... So basically in Germany if you loose your job, you better leave the country because you will be chased by the authorities for taxes, rent and insurances. Of course this doesn't apply for the married people, the auslanders from outside EU, refugees and basically all lazy scum that wants to squeeze the system.

  • @amirkhalid5449
    @amirkhalid5449 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Testing ...

  • @rzeka
    @rzeka 7 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @marna_li
    @marna_li 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Sweden healthcare is politicized. The healthcare is for the Region councils to decide. They also own and run the public hospitals. Although there are private actors primarily in primary care. The care is not bad if you can get it in time. There are problems in the current system. Major treament, like surgery, is usually performed at the Region-owned hospitals. There are few permanent personell and patient queues. Individuals can wait a long long time for surgery. The pandemic put that to a test - now there is a talk about "healthcare debt". There is also complaints from the workers that they have document a lot. So that takes up most of the time, instead of attending and taking care of the patients. So bureaucracy is a problem. But it is election year and all the political parties promise change! Once again...

  • @mattesrocket
    @mattesrocket 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many things are not good in the german system, especially if you suffer of severe illness like cancer... or if you have heart problems... and there is extremly lot corruption

    • @nutaki6841
      @nutaki6841 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Any proove of your claims...??? No???

  • @germanchris4440
    @germanchris4440 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who makes the decisions what the politician has to do and when? Does the politician have any power whatsoever? - Any answer this time?

  • @aidtfeldkamp
    @aidtfeldkamp 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When you live in Germany, it is a good idea to get an extra private insurance just to get a single bed room in hospital ("Ein-Bett-Zimmer"). It's rather cheap and avoids visiting arab relatives of your bed neighbor consuming extra food and having family life for hours every day and three snoring dement Dumbledores shouting for a toilet chair five times a night. You often also get more and better choice of food and drink.
    If brushing your teeth is not particulary a hobby of yours or you have tooth breaking hobbies, an extra teeth insurance makes sense("Zahn-Zusatzversicherung"). Standard insurance does only cover medically necessary treatments, but no cosmetic works or implantations.
    "Chefarztbehandlung" - insurance guarantees to be treated by the head doctor of the hospital. This is quite expensive and belongs to the luxury section. And it is not necessary, since a good head doctor has an eye on every treatment in his sector anyway, ready to take over when ever necessary - and a bad one is no use at all.

  • @Siegbert85
    @Siegbert85 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bismarck, war mongering? What are you talking about?

  • @elton1981
    @elton1981 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    It does sound like a good system, but all that invoicing and billing must me an absolute nightmare. NHS England avoids this. However it is used as a political football. Remember Boris' big bus of lies!

    • @nutaki6841
      @nutaki6841 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As a patient you don´t have to do this in the public system...just in the private one...and acctualy its just sending the invoices from your doctor to your insurance....but for all others involved its truly a lot of paperwork. Currently there are plans to improve this for the better. I heard about NHS from a doctor who worked in GB and he told me this was indeed easier in GB. So maybe we can take a part of this to do better.

  • @riptidemonzarc3103
    @riptidemonzarc3103 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It seems to me that 18% of the budget of a government going towards keeping its population healthy and well shouldn't, on its face, be considered 'massive'.

  • @Desmaad
    @Desmaad 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sounds like what Obamacare tried to do.

    • @fremejoker
      @fremejoker 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      The ACA is not in a single aspect what we call universal health care. It's a bad joke from a German point of view.

    • @Desmaad
      @Desmaad 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tob ias I'm not saying it succeeded.

    • @fremejoker
      @fremejoker 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The voices I heard tell me something different. The ACA is better than nothing. I'm again and again astonished that the world's biggest economy and richest country can't get all their people covered by free health care. And it's really ironic that the ACA originally was a concept of the GOP, but now they demonize the ACA.

    • @sion8
      @sion8 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The ACA is nothing like this, thrust me I live in the U.S. as well. But, it sure is way better than how it was before it was passed! Now, they could improve it to something​ similar to Germany's health service, but the GOP isn't having it in anyway, shape, or form!!! I don't know why; they could claim to be better than the Democrats by improving it, but they just seem to enjoy making people suffer and give the rich huge tax cuts for some reason.

    • @pieniaurinko
      @pieniaurinko 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Can't be because they themselves are rich, can it? Naaaahh, they wouldn't do that!
      (Usually I'd include a twinkle smiley to mark this as irony, this being the internet and all, but a smiley seems pretty inappropriate. Maybe ;( ? )

  • @eltfell
    @eltfell 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Germany is the only country whose healthcare system has been invented by an herring. But seriously: The invention of the healthcare system was part of the anti-socialist laws, by which socialist parties and so on were forbidden. Bismarck on the other hand wanted to offer people with low income an alternative to socialism.

    • @FlorenzVillegas
      @FlorenzVillegas 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Isn't it ironic American politicians calling it "socialistic" to scare off the people demanding a system like this? ;)

  • @Buzznut3000
    @Buzznut3000 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem is, it seems to be massively expensive. My wife is paying 250 euro a month (she has zero income) and putting me on with her would be an additional 600. I'm retired (pension from the US and its not a huge amount) and just can't afford it. What good is 'good' insurance that you can't afford. They are looking to extract a third of my income just for health insurance. Very disappointed with the situation in Germany.

    • @xraz0r
      @xraz0r 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How is your wife paying 250€ per month if she has zero income? In my understanding, you have to pay only 170€ per month, if you dont have a job, which is fully covered by "Arbeitslosengeld 2".

    • @Buzznut3000
      @Buzznut3000 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They are apparently basing it on my pension. She gets no unemployment because she hasn't worked in Germany since 1995.

    • @TheWuschelMUC
      @TheWuschelMUC 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What if you fall sick and you are not insured? Moreover, a pension of 850*3 = 2550 € is a nice amount.

  • @uncinarynin
    @uncinarynin 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have never been seriously ill? Congratulations, consider yourself lucky!

  • @bonzoleinstachelschwein5023
    @bonzoleinstachelschwein5023 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The german healt system is very expensive and uneffective, with burocracy growing more and more.
    As a normal person you have to pay like in a socialistic system, without any choices. On the other end it is a capitalistic system with pharmaceutic companies and privatised hospitals trying to maximise their gains.
    Drugs are within the most expensive in the world, costs are the third expensive in the world, but the quality of treatment you get is just mediocre compared within europe.
    They don´t pay for glasses, they barely pay half of dentist costs, but they pay fully if you want to change your sex and have a gender-changing operation.

    • @ClaudiusAO
      @ClaudiusAO 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      There is a good comparison of health care systems by healthcare triage here on youtube. Look it up! You will find that Germany's health care system is one of the best (but not the best) health care systems in the world according to the metrics they use. Of course it is not perfect. As a myopic person I don't like to pay for glasses. Luckily I am so myopic that the Krankenkasse does pay the glasses though not the optical frame (which I get for 0 € from Fielmann). Glasses are paid when you have more than 6 dioptres or astigmatism and more than 4 dioptres.

    • @Ninchennase
      @Ninchennase 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      USA actually spend more on health care and receive less of it and at lesser quality, there was a John Oliver bit on this lately.

    • @salia2897
      @salia2897 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      You should be careful with statements like that. Especially if you turn them into political decissions. Because the German Health Care System has quite a few problems, but it is far closer to the top than to the bottom of health care systems. Compared to the US it is cheap and efficient.
      The problem with it is that there are still too many powerful interesst groups (doctors organizations, health insurers, private run hospitals, ...) that do have to much power. Without that it could be even more efficient and provide a bit better service and a bit lower cost.
      But the risk of fucking up what we have is much higher.

    • @llothar68
      @llothar68 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Durgs in the USA are often 10 times as expensive. But same drugs in Asia are usually 10 times less then Germany

    • @swanpride
      @swanpride 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It is actually very effective. You have to look at things like successful cancer treatment rates (the cancer rate of the UK is incredible high for such a developed country) or how much the live expectance of the population in general grows. Yes, there is room for improvement, yes, there is some corruption going on, but all in all we have easily one of the top ten health care systems in the world. And one of the oldest.