Hi taxi driver:l come from westem , where are the best place to have the best saw chop? taxi driver answer :no doubt , it's the best saw chop , but it's too expensive in buddna!western answer:it's so cheap , it's doesn't matter , take ours to go there , please!
wonderful design for attractive big business, money money money for the rich Buddna!
Hi taxi driver:l come from westem , where are the best place to have the best saw chop? taxi driver answer :no doubt , it's the best saw chop , but it's too expensive in buddna!western answer:it's so cheap , it's doesn't matter , take ours to go there , please!
每個所謂敬拜偶像遊客 , 已被美好環境蒙蔽在食肉獸的温藏 , 鋸得扒多、自有扒的庇佑!
呢位先生:我們只想有助外國遊客 , 外國遊客可能不慣齊齊菜種 , 我們並不強制他們 , 或者他們也鐘意食齊 , 釋除專便 , 豐建由 , 讓他們有多些撰擇 , 何樂而不為;為只有誠心向佛 , 為不所所謂為!
Beautiful anyway, but even more so with the decorations.
Thanks Irene🙏🙏
多謝Edward 🙏🙏
邱生。中午好!輕鬆遊覽亦一樂也😊先前睇番你二十年前勇闖羅漢塔的 movie,真係藝高人胆大,那時甚麼安全輔助也沒有,好嘢👍
trust trust trust???!!!
Good binsiness , fake monk and fake nun?!?!