Great advice all around! I think they are making a mistake with the mid season rank reset. The majority of players are in lower ranks and don't have a lot of time to play. They need more time to rank up. A huge part of the fun is working on ranking up. I don't mind a rank reset at the end of a season but mid is too frequent.
Yeah I worked hard to get to gold and wanted to slowly rank up higher. When ranks reset all the sweats are in bronze and makes me not wanna play for a week for the top ranks to get back where they just were.
imma be honest chief if you aren't gold in a month and a half then you probably don't belong in gold anyway just play one match per day and you'll reach gold also you don't have to stay in gold, just gotta reach it once
Yh idk what he’s talking about, especially when throughout the entire 2 rounds he shown he only killed him like twice lol, literally one of the hardest if not the hardest character to track
ok joke time over, tbh spiderman is easy to track *only* while he's doing his uppercut combo, you only have a small window to get him but his movement is fairly predictable if you're ready for it (just watch your healer/squishy and wait for him to teleport on screen)
Если играть на танке(с чего бы он вас стал бить?), то проблем нет, если на карателе - можно запереться в турели. А остальные - ведьма или кинжал, особенно если у соперника нет Венома - вполне успешно могут его словить Ещё неплохо справляется старлорд, за счёт автонаведения, может быть, отчасти, кулак, но это уже специфические ситуации ибо у них нет контроля
As someone who might get a 8:30-5:30 job with over an hour commute each way, this change might actually get me to stop playing the game. Absolute disrespect of a player's time.
What you do otherwise, reach GM then retire to bask in glory? You need something to do, It's gives more than Enough time to reach Gold>GM and gain the rewards
@Welsh_Veteran_420_Z Grandmaster isn't the final rank. You can always keep climbing until you get one above all. For those of us who have jobs and not hours a day to put into the game, this is a massive waste of our time.
@@Eckathorit seems like ur taking the fun out of the game tbh ranks don’t mean shit wow a skin it’s not important at all unless ur a kid who wants to brag to ur friends
@@pharoah125if ur good enough you can hard carry all the games till plat. Then to higher ranks you have to be like really really good to hard carry from plat. Solo queuing to gold is actually not too difficult, it’s gold to plat and diamond 1 to Gm that’s the hardest
@pharoah125 at Bronze to around Silver 1, you can pretty much just take a strong duelist to wipe the floor with your enemies every game, most people at that rank are just bad unless they're smurfing. Gold is sometimes a bit difficult cuz a lot of people there are genuinely stuck around Plat 3 and Gold 1. I've met a silver crest Gold 1 in a Plat 2 match before
I just wanna say, thank you for constantly guiding people towards having a healthy mindset while they play, you're helping make this game a more positive experience for everyone :)
100% I made sure even though I'm a support main to learn 3-4 from each class which not only helps my team but also helps me understand what I'm fighting if I come up against a hero I'm familiar with
mans literally just the most basic stuff though 'when you die, ask yourself why' 'switch characters when its not working faster' 'take breaks between losses' 'ignore flamers on your team'
If we had placement matches I wouldn’t hate this change. I don’t have the time to grind up every month. So now I’m playing either with players way better than me or newer players. By the time i get to my division and get close games… I get reset again. Horrible system
If you're complaining about not having close games, that means you assume playing at some point, like you said, with & against "newer players" : in these conditions, grinding shouldn't be much of a problem because your relative impact will be higher. Right? If you really can't play much : after the reset, wait 1/2 weeks. Go mostly for theory & training range. Then grind during the next 4/3 weeks. The last 1.5 week may be flooded with boosters, but by that time you should have had time to play at your rank. Now if you don't wanna "grind" like everyone else, it's fine not to grind then. But it's only a soft reset of 4 divisions. Come on.
Love your tips about the mental side too, having a rest is so important especially if you're losing! I'm glad I bothered to play rank recently now! I don't have much time to commit to ranked but I got gold from bottom bronze in about 35 games with just playing carefully. Had a few troll teams, a couple more games I played poorly and I lost the game, but mostly just playing my role with a clear head to be over 50% win rate
Well, I just reached diamond 3 with mostly Mr Fantastic. Think I might just stop here to avoid going back to plat before the 2nd half season starts lol
Tip 1, don't play at night, that's when the hackers are out en masse. Much easier during daylight hours. EDIT: This was more of an encouragement that when no life larry hits gm and says it's easy to not get discouraged. Im not saying quit your jobs.
Best time for climbing for me was between 3:00-7:00pm EST. Most balanced games by far. Also, stop playing after two losses in a row; there is some decent evidence for the existence of a losers queue.
@ Very true. I'm fortunate in that I work from home most days, so I start early and hop on fairly early. That said, avoiding loss streaks and loser queue is still universally valuable advice.
I've solo queued myself to celestial 3. Deranked to gm 1 rn. When I hit Celestial, I'm not touching ranked ever again until the reset. Not trying to go back to diamond hell.
Gold rank skin is all I care about with ranked, I’m gold 2 but most of my lobbies are plat or diamond so why should I care about a badge lmao the skins alone are sweet and worth it
I actually got to GM with a 44% winrate, i have almost 800 games played and less than 400 wins. I'm a slow learner, but i learn best from doing and doing. A little from watching the best aswell
How many points did your losses detract and how much did your wins give, on avg? Also, at the end of ur matches, were you usually one of the better performing teammates or worse performing?
Focused on hitting GM from diamond 3/plat 1 border. I took breaks after long matches, win or lose. Longer breaks if I lose 2 in a row. 2 wins in a row I ride it out for the win streak. Hit GM from Saturday night and Sunday evening. This isn't COD. Take a break. Let the matchmaking sort of reset by not clicking one more game. Understand that prime gaming hours will have a lot of people that won't lead to wins. There is no major conspiracy to stop you from leveling up.
The issue with ranked this season was high rank players being ranked down And playing with low ranks and then those high ranks carrying up low ranks Creating pits of pure hell Where you have bronze players on your team fighting against grandmasters
This is good and bad at the same time, good because of the rewards and the skin, so we can get another skin in less time , bad because who knows if they are going to restart in the first season again so sometimes it could be hard to get a high rank again, the good thing is the new rank is not that far like in season 0 where you dropped a lot of ranks, anyways, it is what it is
This is just cheap engagement tactics, two rank resets for season its just crazy. The first month of every season its already boring af top 500 being diamond, this just makes it sucks double
But why? If they "end" season 1 and call it season 2 that would make sense. But why the heck would they reset mid-season? Season 0 being a shorter period also made sense for the same reason it was called "0". It's basically a preliminary, they don't have to be as big as the real deal. Honestly dropping people by 4 full rank tiers doesn't make very much sense to begin with. People should struggle and reach their appropriate skill based rank, and then stay there until their effective skill level changes. If you are a diamond level player, you should be in diamond. Not playing against bronze players trying to reach diamond.
I main tank but I usually get insta lock dps that don’t do too well so they swap to 4-5 diff duelist but won’t swap to supp or tank. I’ve also had a rocket when we had no WS or Pun and we asked them to go Luna for survivability but he refused
Solo queue is a nightmare. Losers queue is real. and its freaking annoying. Hard stuck in plat. No matter what you do at this point its a matter of playing more games and luck. Or play with friends. Starting to hate the game tbh lol
Im happy. I only started playing ranked a week ago and feel im stuck in Gold Elo Hell with toxic whingers who make up 1/2 your games. Bronze and Silver were fun to rise through, then I got to gold and im starting to hate playing (not so much the game, more the playerbase at that rank)
I'm sorry to disappoint but even at Celestial people are toxic I once even got MVP with Penni, most kills, most Dmg, least deaths, we Won and I STILL got flamed by my own team mates for "playing Penni wrong" 😂 Since then I just turn off chat and pretend my team mates are nice ppl 😅
Im solo queue for 100h Im a flex main, and put myself to Celestial im not a god at the game just Be nice with your teamate and dont flame people when they have bad game happens to everyone im mainly play DPS/tank sometime support
Unpopular Opinion: Mid-szn rank resets justified? Since the most recent Dev Talk update I’ve seen the majority of players complaining about a mid-szn hard rank reset. I understand the outburst and how it can’t be upsetting to be dropped from a rank you played countless hours to grind to. Regardless of the rank reset, I’ll still continue to put copious amounts of time into this game. I love playing comp and have about 46 hours this szn so far. The main thing for me is to have fun playing the game and to win. I won’t stop playing a game i’ve been loving because my rank was reset. Sometimes players put to much care into the grind and their rank that they forget to have fun playing a video game. It’s a competitive game so i’m not surprised but not everyone is gonna be GM+. Not everyone has time to no life a game and that’s okay. There is a rank ladder for a reason. It’s important to feel accomplished with where you end up on ladder before a reset. The Devs stated this is for balancing reasons they need to do the mid-szn resets. They plan to add heroes on a frequent basis and need to see how they affect the current meta. I agree it’s a good decision to help balance the meta and see how new heroes interplay. Dropping 4 divisions isn’t the end of the world imo. With this all said I think they do need to add placement matches every szn reset instead of dropping 6 divisions. Mid-szn resets are okay to balance new heroes
Thank everything that a reset is happening. I’ve been in a absolute elo hellhole for a couple weeks now and it’s been horrible. At least it gave me the chance to use more characters in order to adapt and found Cloak and Dagger to be my favorite ranked character. An absolute beast of a character with a phenomenal ult and three extremely powerful abilities. I really feel like this character is one of the best by far and really the only problem I’ve had is getting solo ulted by characters like Magneto and Iron Man. I see it as good value though because getting rid of big offensive ults is usually very useful. Great vid and thanks for the tips/information.
Can we talk about improving server locations outside of the staple locations to improve playability for those nations that need to connect to the staple nations for servers!? 😂 There's no way i can improve with all those tips, with a ping of 50ms+. And peer to peer connections dont help because those players in those staple server locations instantly back out as soon they realize its not their normal ping 😂
Solo queu is crap man i can never leave brons rank because we have 5 dps and me as only healer in every game and noone wants to swap away from their ‘main dps’ that they cant even play right.
Hard-stuck plat here, sorry to say but the average experience up here is 3 dps who refuse to swap off their 'main dps' that they cant even play right xD
Interesting, at GM1/Celestial you pretty much have to be able to flex and fill any role which means mastering at least 2 characters in each class, if your "main" gets taken or banned you will be hard exposed and flamed. Keep going - the chrono system will ensure you escape eventually. My advice - Master Penni, she is an absolute noob stomper at low ranks and self heals, play the objective and you have a massive impact and the 50%+ win rate will make you climb fast I have a Lord Penni, Storm and C&D who I rate as the best low ELO climbers for each class
Wtf, I just started doing ranked because there was no point in competing with s-tier gamers at the beginning and it's still hell. Too many pro gamer in bronze. How am I supposed to even get to gold in a week? You win once and lose 4 times And then the insults... nice
can you dip below gold? I got it again a while back but scared to really play gold matches because everyone flames me for my bad healing when Im better at tank n dps because they usually have less aim requirements(consolez) n I played a lot of dark souls lol. still might do it if there is no risk of losing the skin if you dip below for better match quality
Best advice I can give you if you are stuck in plat/diamond is to ALWAYS stop playing after 2 losses in a row. There is decent evidence for the existence of a losers queue, which basically means that if you are loss streaking, it is more likely to match you with other players who are loss streaking. After two losses, take a break for an hour or two, then come back. If you play consistently well in your roles, this should get you unstuck.
As it should, it's not worth having this single cosmetic as a reward for 3 months. Firstly cause you can easily get to gold in like a week or less, and secondly if you don't play the hero then you've got something you might never even use anyway. Honestly there needs to be more rewards, ideally some special currency so you can buy things for the hero you want.
horrendous devs killing a game that could be great. if you have a job, or do anything other than play 50 games a week, resetting your rank constantly is enough to warrant not playing the game. im going to stop playing this game soon. pathetic management.
The horrible ranked system will be what destroys this game for the masses and it will be the next over watch all Over again….. Placement matches placement matches placement matches!!!!! Can’t say it enough. It would have been ok if we could wait a whole month to start ranked grinding but I’m still play masters, diamonds and all the other BS at low silver…. Another reset???? Aaahhhh no thanks. Already losing one player here.
Great advice all around! I think they are making a mistake with the mid season rank reset. The majority of players are in lower ranks and don't have a lot of time to play. They need more time to rank up. A huge part of the fun is working on ranking up. I don't mind a rank reset at the end of a season but mid is too frequent.
Yeah I worked hard to get to gold and wanted to slowly rank up higher. When ranks reset all the sweats are in bronze and makes me not wanna play for a week for the top ranks to get back where they just were.
imma be honest chief if you aren't gold in a month and a half then you probably don't belong in gold anyway
just play one match per day and you'll reach gold
also you don't have to stay in gold, just gotta reach it once
@@nh7680no sweats are in gold. Also if you hate sweats don't play rank
@tempoaccla4041 I'm GM2. I'm not speaking for myself. I'm speaking for the vast majority of players who have much less time to play the game.
@@nh7680u only go down 4 divisions so if ur plat 1 u go down to gold 2
“It’s quite easy to track Spider-Man when he’s flying through the sky.”
Why does this feel like I’m being mocked.
Real 💀
Yh idk what he’s talking about, especially when throughout the entire 2 rounds he shown he only killed him like twice lol, literally one of the hardest if not the hardest character to track
yea every spiderman I face shows up on my screen for literally 1 frame, I turn around and he's nowhere to be found
ok joke time over, tbh spiderman is easy to track *only* while he's doing his uppercut combo, you only have a small window to get him but his movement is fairly predictable if you're ready for it (just watch your healer/squishy and wait for him to teleport on screen)
Если играть на танке(с чего бы он вас стал бить?), то проблем нет, если на карателе - можно запереться в турели. А остальные - ведьма или кинжал, особенно если у соперника нет Венома - вполне успешно могут его словить
Ещё неплохо справляется старлорд, за счёт автонаведения, может быть, отчасти, кулак, но это уже специфические ситуации ибо у них нет контроля
As someone who might get a 8:30-5:30 job with over an hour commute each way, this change might actually get me to stop playing the game.
Absolute disrespect of a player's time.
What you do otherwise, reach GM then retire to bask in glory? You need something to do, It's gives more than Enough time to reach Gold>GM and gain the rewards
@Welsh_Veteran_420_Z Grandmaster isn't the final rank. You can always keep climbing until you get one above all.
For those of us who have jobs and not hours a day to put into the game, this is a massive waste of our time.
@@Eckathorit seems like ur taking the fun out of the game tbh ranks don’t mean shit wow a skin it’s not important at all unless ur a kid who wants to brag to ur friends
@@toren2099 Than what's the point of playing ranked or even having a ranked mode?
@@Eckathor to have fun god it’s a game not a job
They seriously need to keep BOTH skins for the duration of the season. I'm dying out here with these solo queues.
Me too. I refuse to play in bronze with people at my skill level, it’s the absolute worst.
@@pharoah125if ur good enough you can hard carry all the games till plat. Then to higher ranks you have to be like really really good to hard carry from plat. Solo queuing to gold is actually not too difficult, it’s gold to plat and diamond 1 to Gm that’s the hardest
@pharoah125 at Bronze to around Silver 1, you can pretty much just take a strong duelist to wipe the floor with your enemies every game, most people at that rank are just bad unless they're smurfing.
Gold is sometimes a bit difficult cuz a lot of people there are genuinely stuck around Plat 3 and Gold 1. I've met a silver crest Gold 1 in a Plat 2 match before
@@brianng9765 High Plat matches are so much better than Diamond.
I just wanna say, thank you for constantly guiding people towards having a healthy mindset while they play, you're helping make this game a more positive experience for everyone :)
You forgot the most important advice: Learn to flex. No quicker way of losing than being the third person to instalock DPS at the start of a match lol
100% I made sure even though I'm a support main to learn 3-4 from each class which not only helps my team but also helps me understand what I'm fighting if I come up against a hero I'm familiar with
Much easier to win on DPS even if you don't flex
bro just casually dropped some great game changing tips, ima see if I can get back to grandmaster using this
mans literally just the most basic stuff though 'when you die, ask yourself why' 'switch characters when its not working faster' 'take breaks between losses' 'ignore flamers on your team'
If we had placement matches I wouldn’t hate this change. I don’t have the time to grind up every month.
So now I’m playing either with players way better than me or newer players. By the time i get to my division and get close games… I get reset again.
Horrible system
Ur only going down 4 divisions so if ur plat 1 u go to gold 2
If you're complaining about not having close games, that means you assume playing at some point, like you said, with & against "newer players" : in these conditions, grinding shouldn't be much of a problem because your relative impact will be higher. Right?
If you really can't play much : after the reset, wait 1/2 weeks. Go mostly for theory & training range. Then grind during the next 4/3 weeks. The last 1.5 week may be flooded with boosters, but by that time you should have had time to play at your rank. Now if you don't wanna "grind" like everyone else, it's fine not to grind then. But it's only a soft reset of 4 divisions. Come on.
Love your tips about the mental side too, having a rest is so important especially if you're losing! I'm glad I bothered to play rank recently now! I don't have much time to commit to ranked but I got gold from bottom bronze in about 35 games with just playing carefully. Had a few troll teams, a couple more games I played poorly and I lost the game, but mostly just playing my role with a clear head to be over 50% win rate
Well, I just reached diamond 3 with mostly Mr Fantastic. Think I might just stop here to avoid going back to plat before the 2nd half season starts lol
U will drop 4 ranks so next season u will start in gold
@@kashiro2492 reset based on max rank or current rank?
Tip 1, don't play at night, that's when the hackers are out en masse. Much easier during daylight hours.
EDIT: This was more of an encouragement that when no life larry hits gm and says it's easy to not get discouraged. Im not saying quit your jobs.
Best time for climbing for me was between 3:00-7:00pm EST. Most balanced games by far. Also, stop playing after two losses in a row; there is some decent evidence for the existence of a losers queue.
Most people can't play mid day from work or going out until 6 or 7pm though
@ Very true. I'm fortunate in that I work from home most days, so I start early and hop on fairly early. That said, avoiding loss streaks and loser queue is still universally valuable advice.
@Zamiel7 in general yea I stop playing if I lose 3 in a row cause either way you just get tilted.
Tip 2: quit your job.
I've solo queued myself to celestial 3. Deranked to gm 1 rn. When I hit Celestial, I'm not touching ranked ever again until the reset. Not trying to go back to diamond hell.
Gold rank skin is all I care about with ranked, I’m gold 2 but most of my lobbies are plat or diamond so why should I care about a badge lmao the skins alone are sweet and worth it
A positive outlook creates less stress/tilting
I actually got to GM with a 44% winrate, i have almost 800 games played and less than 400 wins. I'm a slow learner, but i learn best from doing and doing. A little from watching the best aswell
How many points did your losses detract and how much did your wins give, on avg?
Also, at the end of ur matches, were you usually one of the better performing teammates or worse performing?
800? You must suck
You got carried by the loss shield system 😭
I hit gm in 90 games with a 64.4%win rate that’s 58 wins how have u play 800 that’s insane
@@austinforgues1016 this is the dude we get on our teams that feed on cooldown and you wonder how they ever got here
Focused on hitting GM from diamond 3/plat 1 border. I took breaks after long matches, win or lose. Longer breaks if I lose 2 in a row. 2 wins in a row I ride it out for the win streak. Hit GM from Saturday night and Sunday evening.
This isn't COD. Take a break. Let the matchmaking sort of reset by not clicking one more game. Understand that prime gaming hours will have a lot of people that won't lead to wins.
There is no major conspiracy to stop you from leveling up.
Okay I need to rank up now.
The issue with ranked this season was high rank players being ranked down
And playing with low ranks and then those high ranks carrying up low ranks
Creating pits of pure hell
Where you have bronze players on your team fighting against grandmasters
Great vid, n great tips!
This is good and bad at the same time, good because of the rewards and the skin, so we can get another skin in less time , bad because who knows if they are going to restart in the first season again so sometimes it could be hard to get a high rank again, the good thing is the new rank is not that far like in season 0 where you dropped a lot of ranks, anyways, it is what it is
I need tips on how to counter every heroes lol good video
This is just cheap engagement tactics, two rank resets for season its just crazy. The first month of every season its already boring af top 500 being diamond, this just makes it sucks double
I’ve just been playing quickplay I didn’t know about these rewards or the rest 😬😬
can you make a guide to mastering the human torch and possibly the thing when they get added?
Looking forward to The Thing (i assume he's coming mid season reset along with Human Torch)
They’re dropping both on the 21st
Love this change… no different then season 0 to season 1 time frame
But why? If they "end" season 1 and call it season 2 that would make sense. But why the heck would they reset mid-season? Season 0 being a shorter period also made sense for the same reason it was called "0". It's basically a preliminary, they don't have to be as big as the real deal.
Honestly dropping people by 4 full rank tiers doesn't make very much sense to begin with. People should struggle and reach their appropriate skill based rank, and then stay there until their effective skill level changes. If you are a diamond level player, you should be in diamond. Not playing against bronze players trying to reach diamond.
@ cuz it’s their game like what?
I main tank but I usually get insta lock dps that don’t do too well so they swap to 4-5 diff duelist but won’t swap to supp or tank. I’ve also had a rocket when we had no WS or Pun and we asked them to go Luna for survivability but he refused
thanks so much, dude!
Solo queue is a nightmare. Losers queue is real. and its freaking annoying. Hard stuck in plat. No matter what you do at this point its a matter of playing more games and luck. Or play with friends. Starting to hate the game tbh lol
Then how do people solo queue to grandmaster?
Just finished grinding to Cellestial. It can be done bruh even as solo queue
Once u believe in loser q it’s over
@@keysersoze8592 nice. almost got to diamond. then lost a
lot, getting discouraged, losing more and the wheel goes on
@@diogenesfromsinope6212 good question
oof thats rough
Im happy. I only started playing ranked a week ago and feel im stuck in Gold Elo Hell with toxic whingers who make up 1/2 your games. Bronze and Silver were fun to rise through, then I got to gold and im starting to hate playing (not so much the game, more the playerbase at that rank)
I'm sorry to disappoint but even at Celestial people are toxic
I once even got MVP with Penni, most kills, most Dmg, least deaths, we Won and I STILL got flamed by my own team mates for "playing Penni wrong" 😂
Since then I just turn off chat and pretend my team mates are nice ppl 😅
This aged well
Next time rank resets, I'll get out of gold.
I'll probably be saying that every time the rank resets lol
Yeah, I’m not killing myself for this game’s competitive scene. I’m good with Golden Moon Knight. 😂
they just announced There will be NO RANK RESET when the second half of the season begins these devs actually listen to their community. Big W.
Oh yeah i just read that on there discord channel, must have been a lot of people complain, since they decided to back track!
Im solo queue for 100h Im a flex main, and put myself to Celestial im not a god at the game just Be nice with your teamate and dont flame people when they have bad game happens to everyone im mainly play DPS/tank sometime support
Honestly if they do this kid season rank reset, then by end of seaspn, the rank reset should be the same loss
wtf yall doing NetEase
Net ease gonna lose a lotta players with this decision. They were going so well.
I think the rank reset is good for the game :)
Unpopular Opinion: Mid-szn rank resets justified?
Since the most recent Dev Talk update I’ve seen the majority of players complaining about a mid-szn hard rank reset. I understand the outburst and how it can’t be upsetting to be dropped from a rank you played countless hours to grind to.
Regardless of the rank reset, I’ll still continue to put copious amounts of time into this game. I love playing comp and have about 46 hours this szn so far. The main thing for me is to have fun playing the game and to win. I won’t stop playing a game i’ve been loving because my rank was reset.
Sometimes players put to much care into the grind and their rank that they forget to have fun playing a video game. It’s a competitive game so i’m not surprised but not everyone is gonna be GM+. Not everyone has time to no life a game and that’s okay. There is a rank ladder for a reason. It’s important to feel accomplished with where you end up on ladder before a reset.
The Devs stated this is for balancing reasons they need to do the mid-szn resets. They plan to add heroes on a frequent basis and need to see how they affect the current meta. I agree it’s a good decision to help balance the meta and see how new heroes interplay. Dropping 4 divisions isn’t the end of the world imo.
With this all said
I think they do need to add placement matches every szn reset instead of dropping 6 divisions.
Mid-szn resets are okay to balance new heroes
Thank everything that a reset is happening. I’ve been in a absolute elo hellhole for a couple weeks now and it’s been horrible. At least it gave me the chance to use more characters in order to adapt and found Cloak and Dagger to be my favorite ranked character. An absolute beast of a character with a phenomenal ult and three extremely powerful abilities. I really feel like this character is one of the best by far and really the only problem I’ve had is getting solo ulted by characters like Magneto and Iron Man. I see it as good value though because getting rid of big offensive ults is usually very useful. Great vid and thanks for the tips/information.
what are your punisher settings?
I just got to silver 3 😭
what do you play bro
Can we talk about improving server locations outside of the staple locations to improve playability for those nations that need to connect to the staple nations for servers!? 😂
There's no way i can improve with all those tips, with a ping of 50ms+.
And peer to peer connections dont help because those players in those staple server locations instantly back out as soon they realize its not their normal ping 😂
I thought i had 60 days to complete this.. now i have to grind from bronze
Solo queu is crap man i can never leave brons rank because we have 5 dps and me as only healer in every game and noone wants to swap away from their ‘main dps’ that they cant even play right.
Hard-stuck plat here, sorry to say but the average experience up here is 3 dps who refuse to swap off their 'main dps' that they cant even play right xD
Interesting, at GM1/Celestial you pretty much have to be able to flex and fill any role which means mastering at least 2 characters in each class, if your "main" gets taken or banned you will be hard exposed and flamed.
Keep going - the chrono system will ensure you escape eventually.
My advice - Master Penni, she is an absolute noob stomper at low ranks and self heals, play the objective and you have a massive impact and the 50%+ win rate will make you climb fast
I have a Lord Penni, Storm and C&D who I rate as the best low ELO climbers for each class
@@Welsh_Veteran_420_Zpanther is great at stomping noobs too
Wtf, I just started doing ranked because there was no point in competing with s-tier gamers at the beginning and it's still hell. Too many pro gamer in bronze. How am I supposed to even get to gold in a week? You win once and lose 4 times
And then the insults... nice
Haha, not me! I'm already bronze
can you dip below gold? I got it again a while back but scared to really play gold matches because everyone flames me for my bad healing when Im better at tank n dps because they usually have less aim requirements(consolez) n I played a lot of dark souls lol. still might do it if there is no risk of losing the skin if you dip below for better match quality
As long as you reach it, you get the skin
Yes. Its your peak rank not current rank
You get the skin from your highest rank. And the reset is 4 ranks so if you are gold now you will dip 4 ranks below yes.
@@ArJayDM is it the same for GM? Can i dip below and still get the crest?
@LightningMcqueef. yup
I’m stuck in plat lol
Best advice I can give you if you are stuck in plat/diamond is to ALWAYS stop playing after 2 losses in a row. There is decent evidence for the existence of a losers queue, which basically means that if you are loss streaking, it is more likely to match you with other players who are loss streaking. After two losses, take a break for an hour or two, then come back. If you play consistently well in your roles, this should get you unstuck.
Am I the only one happy to back to bronze from plat to learn new hero?
boutta drop right back into gold and get a free skin lmao
I just barely hit gold 3, should i just not play comp in order to make sure i get the skin?
naw you just needed to hit gold once and you keep it
Yea don't play until after the split reset unless ur confident about winning
It counts the highest rank achieved. Even if you go back to Bronze 3 you'll still get it.
It could be good to try to get higher ranks, because if you manage to get next rank (diamond) you will get demoted to gold(or close)
@@aooide will it show that you were gold 3 in season 1 or bronze 3 on your profile?
welp.. gonna be back to bronze again soon
Well - no rank reset now
Feel like it should only be after gm or diamond
no they wont anymore. check update just less than an hour ago! :D
i was gm an i downgrade to diamond at the end of season will i have the insigne of gm?
Yeah the text in-game says it's based on ur all time highest rank
As it should, it's not worth having this single cosmetic as a reward for 3 months. Firstly cause you can easily get to gold in like a week or less, and secondly if you don't play the hero then you've got something you might never even use anyway. Honestly there needs to be more rewards, ideally some special currency so you can buy things for the hero you want.
how do you counter smurfs like a dps jeff? can never kill them the 2 times ive played a super aggressive dps Jeff
Iron man, namor, panther, psylocke, Bucky, Hawkeye, strange.
I started to Play in past 3 days i am silver not fair 🙃
That's like 6 games to get back
Is it possible to to reach silver within a week am bronze
Should be
It's possible in like 6 games
horrendous devs killing a game that could be great.
if you have a job, or do anything other than play 50 games a week, resetting your rank constantly is enough to warrant not playing the game.
im going to stop playing this game soon. pathetic management.
Just read the dev news, they are not doing a rank reset
Man rivals had the worst ranked system
If you’re starting from fresh and want to reach gold, it’ll take 25-30 matches with a decent winrate. Good luck!
They just announced there will be no rank reset you gotta delete this video 😭
Oh ffs!
oh crap this is NOT good
you are late - it's not going to happend.
The horrible ranked system will be what destroys this game for the masses and it will be the next over watch all
Over again….. Placement matches placement matches placement matches!!!!! Can’t say it enough. It would have been ok if we could wait a whole month to start ranked grinding but I’m still play masters, diamonds and all the other BS at low silver…. Another reset???? Aaahhhh no thanks. Already losing one player here.
So I need to speed up my grind if I wanna get Sue's skin, damn 🥲
I’ve just been playing quickplay I didn’t know about these rewards or the rest 😬😬