Xin Zhao feels so underwhelming compared to other champions. Samira has a basic ability that does exactly what his ult does but better and kayn can run through walls at Mach 5 speed and one shot tanks, meanwhile Xin can only go over walls with flash or if an enemy is on the other side.
Maining a new character because you got a random skin for it. Will never be not funny for me until that that player happened to be your ally in promote match
Xin Zhao feels so underwhelming compared to other champions. Samira has a basic ability that does exactly what his ult does but better and kayn can run through walls at Mach 5 speed and one shot tanks, meanwhile Xin can only go over walls with flash or if an enemy is on the other side.
He is really strong in earlygame tho. Go yomuus defense boots with stoneplate trinity force then full tank, pick against lee sin
Maining a new character because you got a random skin for it. Will never be not funny for me until that that player happened to be your ally in promote match