Thought I'd start scripting TSM episodes, since I enjoy watching your series! P.S. Since this is my first ever TSM script, any suggestions on how to improve scripts would be appreciated. :) Title: *Meet the Dutch version of Modulator! * Thunderbolt: Hmmm, I’m bored. I will watch some TV. (Thunderbolt turns on the TV) Whelen WPS-4004: Good morning sirens! This is Whelen reporting from TSM news! We have a big announcement today! The Dutch version of Modulator is coming to America today to visit us. So meet them whilst you can! Thunderbolt: Omg, this sounds exciting. I will invite Allertor, Blockhead and many other sirens. (Meanwhile, in Jail) P-50: Uhh, I’m so tired of bullying and harassing many sirens. I always keep going to jail. I know. I will break out of jail and apologize to everybody, especially to Allertor and Mobil Directo. And I will make sure I don’t crap in an Allertor or Mobil Directo! (P-50 sounds in alert) P-50: I’m free! Let’s go and make friends! (Meanwhile, with Allertor, Thunderbolt and Blockhead) Thunderbolt: Hey Allertor and Blockhead, what’s up? Allertor: Yo man, I’m good! Blockhead: Same here. Thunderbolt: Have you heard that the Dutch outdoor warning siren is coming today to meet us? Blockhead: No, but that sounds great. Allertor: OMG! I did! They also have Federal Signal Modulators, except they sound their own, weird, tone. But, enough about that and let’s enjoy our day! (P-50 appears) P-50: Hey, Allertor. I’m very sorry for calling you many times a toilet. And for crapping in your horns. I promise to never harass you again. Allertor: It’s fine. Just make sure to not do that again, okay? Whelen WPS-4004: Yep, make sure you don’t bully or harass sirens ever again. And to apologise to all of the sirens you bullied. Otherwise, you are going back to jail. P-50: Fine, fine. I’m very sorry. Thunderbolt: It’s okay, dude. Anyways, P-50, did you know that the Dutch Modulator is coming to meet us today? P-50: Awesome! That sounds great! Can’t wait to meet him. I will make sure I behave appropriately to not upset him and other sirens. Allertor: Ok, then, let’s go. (3 hours later, at TSM park, with pretty much all the sirens in the series) Bosai Munsen: Hey look, here’s the Dutch siren! KM-1200: Alright! This sounds exciting. 2T22: I speak Dutch very well, so I will introduce him to you guys! 2T22: Hoi! Dutch Modulator: Hoi! Ik ben de Nederlandse versie van Modulator! Ik ben de elektronische sirene die zich vrijwel overal in Nederland bevindt. Ik test op de eerste maandag van de maand om 12.00 uur. 2T22: Geweldig. Wat zijn je sirene tonen? Dutch Modulator: We laten alleen deze toon horen. Een soort van alternatief gejammer dat luider wordt naarmate het geluid vordert. (Dutch Modulator sounds his tone, video for his tone here: SD-10: You never told me you speak Dutch so well, well done! 2T22: Thanks. Perhaps you only knew this until now. I can now speak at least 30 of the most popular languages in the world! P-15: Really? This sounds awesome! How did you do that? 2T22: I used an app called Duolingo. Thanks to Duolingo, I was able to learn so many languages! 3T22: Omg my boyfriend can speak so many languages! 1003: I wish my Thunderbaby could do that! 2T22: Dutch Modulator, je toon klinkt geweldig! Dutch Modulator: Bedankt. American Modulator: Omg a siren like me in another country! 2T22: You’re quite popular, mate. Modulators can be found in the Netherlands, Kuwait and also other countries I can’t remember. Thorguard: And one more difference. You are the 6024 version with 6 active modules. The Dutch Modulator is the 2008 version with 2 active modules. Thunderbolt: Just like the one in Campbell County, Kentucky. 2T22: Dutch Modulator, hab je tempest cola? Dutch Modulator: Nee, we drinken in plaats daarvan modulator bier. Wil je er een hebben? Ik heb er 20 gekocht om met elkaar te delen. 2T22: Tuurlijk, dat klinkt cool. 2T22: Guys, some Modulator beer! The Dutch version of Tempest cola! KM-1200: Let me take one. Bosai Munsen: Me too. Thunderbolt: Don’t forget about me! 1003: Get over, Thunderbaby! Thunderbolt: Enough! Stop bothering me! (Blockhead goes doctor octagonapus on 1003) *DR OCTAGONAPUS BLAAAAAAAAA* Thunderbolt: Omg, thanks Blockhead! Blockhead: No problem! 1003 seriously needs to stop bothering you. EOWS 612: I will also take one! P-50: Me too! Allertor: Count me in! T-128: And me too! (Everybody drinks modulator beer, then burps) 2810: Hey, what do you say? Dutch Modulator: Pardon. EOWS 612: F*** off 2810. You seriously need to mind your own f***ing business. EOWS 612 fires laser at 2810 Allertor: Phew, he’s gone. Dutch Modulator: Nou, het was leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten! Ik moet terug naar Nederland om te zien wat daar aan de hand is, maar ik ben over een week terug! Zie je dan! 2T22: Dag Nederlandse Modulator! Het was leuk je te ontmoeten! Kom terug, wanneer je maar kunt! KM1200: Well, Bosai Munsen and Thorguard, it was fun meeting the Dutch Modulator, wasn’t it? Thorguard: Of course, just a shame I could not speak or understand Dutch! Bosai Munsen: Yeah, I wish he knew some English. Or some Japanese at least. (3 hours later, at Allertor’s house, with Allertor and Thunderbolt) Thunderbolt: Well, this was fun! Meeting a Dutch siren! Allertor: Agreed. Even better, he will come back soon! Blockhead: This is great! (End of episode)
@@briangrant1798 Because he, as well as the other sirens, had enough of 2810 always asking "Hey What do you say?". So he fires his lazer at 2810 to get rid of 2810 for once and for all.
@@briangrant1798 oops sorry I misread your comment. Yep that was a mistake, sorry. I definetly meant 2810. Also because in this episode P-50 is being nice for once without bullying others. He even apologised to them just like Triblaster did in one episode I can't rememberb lol
Epic. Thanks for starting up my movie! I'll script part 2 after the next episode of TSM is uploaded, and trust me, the rest of the movie will be pretty epic lol (I seen what episode was coming up next in the Description)
Crimes: 1003: Sexual harassment (4 years and a restraining order) Blockhead: Mutilation (6 years) Whelen: Harassment (6 months and lose the badge (as in lose the police position)) Conspiracy to commit crimes (?? years)
Here is my newest script. Note that it is IN NO WAY affiliated with "Don't Break the Ice" which I DID NOT script! Tornado Siren Madness - A Snowy Day in TSM Part 1: Thunderbolt: Let's watch some TV. (Thunderbolt turns on the TV) Whelen: Good morning. Welcome to the TSM Morning News. We will begin with ATI, who has the weather. ATI: Good morning Whelen. Even though this morning will be nice and sunny, a Blizzard Watch remains in effect for TSM world, beginning this afternoon and ending tomorrow evening. We can expect about 2 feet of snow with this system, so please do not go outside during the blizzard, as travel will be impossible. We will provide further updates, as the storm moves in. Thunderbolt: Oh my god. A blizzard is on the way. I need to make sure my natural gas generator is ready to run. (Meanwhile...) Allertor: Let's try my new NOAA Weather Radio. (Make sure to alert the viewers that EAS Tones are coming if you use any.) (Allertor turns on the radio. It begins to go off and flash Blizzard Warning.) Allertor: It's going off for a Blizzard Warning. Radio: (Please see the following link for the custom Blizzard Warning that I made with Scansoft Tom! Allertor: Oh my god. There is a blizzard headed for TSM world. I need to I need to get some supplies. (In Snerbymart...) (Electrc Mobil Directo is manning the checkout station and Blue screamer is checking out.) Electric Mobil Directo: Welcome to Snerbymart. Do you have everything you need? Blue Screamer: Yes, I got a natural gas generator to prepare for the blizzard, as well as some water and other food. Electric Mobil Directo: Okay, that will be 800 dollars. Blue Screamer: Okay, here you go. (Blue screamer pays up) Electric Mobil Directo: Thank you, have a nice day. Blue Screamer: You too. (Blue screamer walks away and P50 walks up the checkout register.) Electic Mobil Directo: Welcome to Snerbymart. Do you have everything you need? P50: Actually, I need to pick up an order for a toilet. Electric Mobil Directo: Wait what? What are you talking about? We don't have any toilets in stock. P50: Yes you do. I'm talking to my order. Hahahahahhahahahaha! Electric Mobil Directo: F**k you P50! Stormwatcher: Hey, you're holding up line! P50: Oh shut up Stormwatcher! Stormwatcher: You first! (Stormwatcher fires his laser at P50.) Stormwatcher: Good riddance. Electric Mobil Directo: Agreed. (Later in the afternoon...) (At TSM Park, ATI, HPSS-16R, Bosai Musen, and KM-1200 are hanging out at the park when it begins to snow.) ATI: Did you guys hear about the storm? Bosai Musen: Yes I did, it's already starting to snow. HPSS-16R: We're supposed to get 2 feet of snow. I have never seen anything like this in TSM World! KM-1200: Me neither! Looks like we should head inside before the winds pick up. Bosai Musen: Agreed. (Later at night...) Thunderbolt: Looks like I have everything ready for the blizzard. I have my natural gas generator downstairs and ready to go, in case I lose power. I also got a lot of supplies and food! (Thunderbolt goes to the pantry which is so full that it explodes from the amount of supplies and Thunderbolt gets buried underneath it. He then emerges from the pile of fallen groceries.) Thunderbolt: On second thought, I got too many supplies. Hahahahaha. Oh well, might as well save them in case other sirens need to take shelter at my place. (Meanwhile...) (At Allertor's house.) Allertor: Man, it's a good thing I made it home. The winds have picked up and the snow is falling rapidly. Well, might as well finish my dinner before I lose power. (Allertor eats his dinner and burps.) 2810: Hey! What do you say? Allertor: Come on 2810! You can't go one episode without letting a single burp slide. 2810: I hate burps! They just get on my nerves! (Allertor loses power.) Allertor: Uh oh! Looks like I've lost power already! I don't have a generator! 2810: We can't stay here, we're going to freeze. It's 8:00 PM and the Blizzard is just beginning. Allertor: We need to go to someone else's place before the snow begins to pile up. (Allertor and 2810 exit Allertor's house. Snow is falling and it's somewhat windy.) 2810: There's already two inches of snow on the ground. Allertor: Come on, let's get moving. We need to find another place to stay. (Later...) Thunderbolt: It's 10:00 PM and I still have power. (Thunderbolt loses power.) Thundebolt: Grrrrrrrrr. Just when I say that I lose power. Let me get my generator going. (Thunderbolt turns on the generator and all the power is restored.) Thunderbolt: That's better. (The Westminster chime doorbell rings and Thunderbolt answers the door to find Allertor and 2810.) Thunderbolt: Allertor? 2810? What's up guys? Allertor: I was having dinner just as the blizzard was ramping up when I burped and 2810 showed up. However, I lost power right after that and we had to trek through the blizzard. 2810: We were wondering if we could stay here for the storm. Thunderbolt: Sure, but 2810, if you make me say excuse me for even a single burp, you're out of here. 2810: Ugh, fine. Thunderbolt: Okay then, come on in. (The two enter Thunderbolt's house.) Allertor: How do you still have power? Thunderbolt: I actually lost it just before you guys came. Luckily, I have a natural gas generator which allows me to get my power back. 2810: That's lucky. Well, it's getting late, and the blizzard is in full swing. I'm going to bed. Allertor: I think also I might call it a night. Thunderbolt: Sounds good. You guys can take any room you want. 2810: Okay, thanks Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt: You're welcome. See you guys tomorrow. (continued in the reply below...)
(continued from the comment above...) (The next morning...) (Scene switches to Cyclone's house.) Cyclone: Morning already? It hardly looks like morning because of that blizzard out there. (The doorbell rings but Cyclone's house loses power.) Cyclone: Dang it! I lost power. But the doorbell rang just before it happened. Let me see who's there. (Cyclone goes to the door to find Blue Screamer and Banshee.) Cyclone: Hi Blue Screamer! Hi Banshee! What brings you two here? Blue Screamer: We were wondering if you had power and if we could stay here. But then as we rang your doorbell, looks like you lost power too. Cyclone: Yep, unfortunately. I don't have a generator, so we are going to have to go somewhere else. What happened to you guys? Banshee: I also lost power and went to Blue Screamer's house to take shelter. However, Blue Screamer's roof collapsed under the heavy weight of the snow, so we wanted to see if we can stay at your place. Cyclone: Wow, that's an incredible story! It looks like we already have a foot of snow on the ground. Blue Screamer: Yep, and it looks like we will get another foot of snow later. Banshee: Let me see if any of our friends still have power. Let me first call Thunderbolt. (Banshee calls Thunderbolt on the phone.) (Meanwhile at Thunderbolt's house...) (Thunderbolt wakes up.) Thunderbolt: Good morning TSM World. What am I going to find out my window today? (Thunderbolt looks out the window.) Thunderbolt: A foot of snow and strong winds. Okay then. (Thunderbolt heads downstairs.) Allertor: Good morning Thunderbolt. 2810: Hey Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt: Hey guys. I see you guys already made breakfast. 2810: Yep, you have a lot of stuff in your pantry and fridge. Thunderbolt: Yeah, I overstacked both of them, it's literally enough to have a party. Allertor: Well, at least that's one less thing we have to worry about during this blizzard. (Thunderbolt's phone rings.) Thunderbolt: Hello? Cyclone: Hey Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt: Hi Cyclone, what's up? Cyclone: Do you have power? Thunderbolt: Yes I do. Do you? Cyclone: No, and I don't have a generator. Do you mind if me, Blue Screamer, and Banshee stay at your place? Thunderbolt: Not at all. I have too much food anyway. Cyclone: Sounds good. Thank you. See you in a bit. Thunderbolt: See you later. (Both of them hang up.) Cyclone: We're going to Thunderbolt's place. Banshee: Awesome! Blue Screamer: Sounds good! (Later...) 2810: Do you have any video games? Thunderbolt: Yes I do, it's in the living room. Allertor: Great! Thanks! (Doorbell rings.) Thunderbolt: I'll get it. (Thunderbolt answers the door to Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue Screamer.) Thunderbolt: Oh good, you guys made it. Cyclone: Yes we did. But barely though. The snow keeps piling up. Thunderbolt: I can see. This really is a blizzard to remember. Anyways, come on in. (The three of them enter Thunderbolt's house.) Blue Screamer: Let me watch some TV to check in on the storm. (Blue Screamer turns on the TV in Thunderbolt's house. Allertor and 2810 join in.) ATI: This is a bad warning. The blizzard is on top of our area and is producing record snowfall. A Blizzard Warning remains in effect until 9:00 PM tonight. Snowfall totals of around 2 feet are expected and snowfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour are already ongoing. Strong winds and poor visibilities will continue to impact the area into tonight. Please stay inside and do not travel unless it's an emergency. (Blue Screamer turns off the TV.) Banshee: Well, looks like we'll be stuck here for a while. Thunderbolt: Don't worry about it. (Doorbell rings.) Thunderbolt: I'll get it. (Thunderbolt answers the door to find Bosai Musen and Thorguard.) Thunderbolt: Hi Bosai Musen. Hi Thorguard. Bosai Musen: Hi Thunderbolt, do you mind if we stay here? We both had our roofs cave in due to the storm. Thorguard: Also, my golf course if blanketed in snow. Thunderbolt: That sucks. Sure, you can stay here. I also have Allertor, 2810, Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue Screamer staying here. Thorguard: Cool! (Bosai Musen and Thorguard go inside.) Bosai Musen: Do you have a fireplace? Thunderbolt: Yes I do. You can get it running if you want. Snow does not usually accumulate on my chimney. Thorguard: Sounds good. Bosai Musen: Where are the others? Thunderbolt: They're playing video games in the living room. (In the living room...) (Allertor, 2810, Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue Screamer are all playing a video game.) Allertor: I am going to wreck you guys. Banshee: No way. I am good at this game. (Allertor dies in the game and the game beeps.) Alletor: WTF? You knocked me off the cliff. Blue Screamer: Whoops, was aiming for Banshee, not you! (The game beeps again, signalling game over.) Cyclone: What the? Come on, that game lagged on me so I lost to 2810! (Cyclone knocks the TV over. Thunderbolt then appears) Thunderbolt: Hey, if you are going to stay at my place, then no rage quitting allowed! Cyclone: Whoops sorry. I got too carried away. (Cyclone uses a repairing mouth beam to repair the TV.) Thunderbolt: That's better. Thank you. (Later towards the evening near the fireplace...) Bosai Musen: It sure is nice of Thunderbolt to let us stay at his place during this Blizzard. Thorguard: Agreed. The fireplace also works quite well in keeping the house warm, aside from his generator. Well, I'm kind of hungry. It's almost dinnertime. (Later on...) (Switch to Cyclone, Banshee, Blue Screamer, Allertor, and 2810 playing video games.) 2810: Dangit, you beat me again. Blue Screamer: I told you I'm good. 2810: Anyway, let's switch to the news. Blue Screamer: Okay. (2810 switches the TV to the news.) ATI: Good evening! The blizzard has ended across TSM World. A total of 24 inches of snow has fallen, with isolated amounts up to 28 inches. You may now resume normal activities, and we will try to get the power back on to everyone as fast as possible. However, please take note of the high amount of snow that had fallen and use caution when travelling. (2810 turns off the TV.) 2810: Alright! The blizzard is over. Cyclone: Tomorrow we can have a lot of fun. Banshee: Maybe we should have dinner right now. Blue Screamer: Sounds good. (Switch to Thunderbolt and all the other sirens at the table having dinner.) Allertor: Thunderbolt, I just wanted to say how grateful we all are for you letting us stay at your place. Thunderbolt: No problem. Well, let's all eat. (They all eat their food and their drinks and burp loudly.) 2810: Hey, what do... Thunderbolt: Complete that question, I dare you! 2810: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (To be continued...)
@@NeilPrasad_1905 Two. The second part entails the Blizzard ending and the characters waking up the next morning to two feet to 28 inches of snow. They will then have fun with all sorts of winter sports!
@@allertor3256 Right now i don't have any scripts for the next TSM episodes right now but all i want you to do is to target P50 before he calls you a toilet or mr.toilet or any other toilet crap
If you slowed the video to 0.5x and go to 0:03 its like thomas the train song btw i loved your siren video
I would imagine testing would feel so nice. Like really really good!
Just when you thinks there's peace there evil again
Me second. 22 seconds after the upload happened
3:31 - I knew this would happen again
Damn! Blockhead and his potion mistakes!
We get it.
What's up wanna play roblox later
Love the first part Broken solar panel. When do you plan to make part 2
Thought I'd start scripting TSM episodes, since I enjoy watching your series!
P.S. Since this is my first ever TSM script, any suggestions on how to improve scripts would be appreciated. :)
Title: *Meet the Dutch version of Modulator!
Thunderbolt: Hmmm, I’m bored. I will watch some TV.
(Thunderbolt turns on the TV)
Whelen WPS-4004: Good morning sirens! This is Whelen reporting from TSM news! We have a big announcement today! The Dutch version of Modulator is coming to America today to visit us. So meet them whilst you can!
Thunderbolt: Omg, this sounds exciting. I will invite Allertor, Blockhead and many other sirens.
(Meanwhile, in Jail)
P-50: Uhh, I’m so tired of bullying and harassing many sirens. I always keep going to jail. I know. I will break out of jail and apologize to everybody, especially to Allertor and Mobil Directo. And I will make sure I don’t crap in an Allertor or Mobil Directo!
(P-50 sounds in alert)
P-50: I’m free! Let’s go and make friends!
(Meanwhile, with Allertor, Thunderbolt and Blockhead)
Thunderbolt: Hey Allertor and Blockhead, what’s up?
Allertor: Yo man, I’m good!
Blockhead: Same here.
Thunderbolt: Have you heard that the Dutch outdoor warning siren is coming today to meet us?
Blockhead: No, but that sounds great.
Allertor: OMG! I did! They also have Federal Signal Modulators, except they sound their own, weird, tone. But, enough about that and let’s enjoy our day!
(P-50 appears)
P-50: Hey, Allertor. I’m very sorry for calling you many times a toilet. And for crapping in your horns. I promise to never harass you again.
Allertor: It’s fine. Just make sure to not do that again, okay?
Whelen WPS-4004: Yep, make sure you don’t bully or harass sirens ever again. And to apologise to all of the sirens you bullied. Otherwise, you are going back to jail.
P-50: Fine, fine. I’m very sorry.
Thunderbolt: It’s okay, dude. Anyways, P-50, did you know that the Dutch Modulator is coming to meet us today?
P-50: Awesome! That sounds great! Can’t wait to meet him. I will make sure I behave appropriately to not upset him and other sirens.
Allertor: Ok, then, let’s go.
(3 hours later, at TSM park, with pretty much all the sirens in the series)
Bosai Munsen: Hey look, here’s the Dutch siren!
KM-1200: Alright! This sounds exciting.
2T22: I speak Dutch very well, so I will introduce him to you guys!
2T22: Hoi!
Dutch Modulator: Hoi! Ik ben de Nederlandse versie van Modulator! Ik ben de elektronische sirene die zich vrijwel overal in Nederland bevindt. Ik test op de eerste maandag van de maand om 12.00 uur.
2T22: Geweldig. Wat zijn je sirene tonen?
Dutch Modulator: We laten alleen deze toon horen. Een soort van alternatief gejammer dat luider wordt naarmate het geluid vordert.
(Dutch Modulator sounds his tone, video for his tone here:
SD-10: You never told me you speak Dutch so well, well done!
2T22: Thanks. Perhaps you only knew this until now. I can now speak at least 30 of the most popular languages in the world!
P-15: Really? This sounds awesome! How did you do that?
2T22: I used an app called Duolingo. Thanks to Duolingo, I was able to learn so many languages!
3T22: Omg my boyfriend can speak so many languages!
1003: I wish my Thunderbaby could do that!
2T22: Dutch Modulator, je toon klinkt geweldig!
Dutch Modulator: Bedankt.
American Modulator: Omg a siren like me in another country!
2T22: You’re quite popular, mate. Modulators can be found in the Netherlands, Kuwait and also other countries I can’t remember.
Thorguard: And one more difference. You are the 6024 version with 6 active modules. The Dutch Modulator is the 2008 version with 2 active modules.
Thunderbolt: Just like the one in Campbell County, Kentucky.
2T22: Dutch Modulator, hab je tempest cola?
Dutch Modulator: Nee, we drinken in plaats daarvan modulator bier. Wil je er een hebben? Ik heb er 20 gekocht om met elkaar te delen.
2T22: Tuurlijk, dat klinkt cool.
2T22: Guys, some Modulator beer! The Dutch version of Tempest cola!
KM-1200: Let me take one.
Bosai Munsen: Me too.
Thunderbolt: Don’t forget about me!
1003: Get over, Thunderbaby!
Thunderbolt: Enough! Stop bothering me!
(Blockhead goes doctor octagonapus on 1003)
Thunderbolt: Omg, thanks Blockhead!
Blockhead: No problem! 1003 seriously needs to stop bothering you.
EOWS 612: I will also take one!
P-50: Me too!
Allertor: Count me in!
T-128: And me too!
(Everybody drinks modulator beer, then burps)
2810: Hey, what do you say?
Dutch Modulator: Pardon.
EOWS 612: F*** off 2810. You seriously need to mind your own f***ing business.
EOWS 612 fires laser at 2810
Allertor: Phew, he’s gone.
Dutch Modulator: Nou, het was leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten! Ik moet terug naar Nederland om te zien wat daar aan de hand is, maar ik ben over een week terug! Zie je dan!
2T22: Dag Nederlandse Modulator! Het was leuk je te ontmoeten! Kom terug, wanneer je maar kunt!
KM1200: Well, Bosai Munsen and Thorguard, it was fun meeting the Dutch Modulator, wasn’t it?
Thorguard: Of course, just a shame I could not speak or understand Dutch!
Bosai Munsen: Yeah, I wish he knew some English. Or some Japanese at least.
(3 hours later, at Allertor’s house, with Allertor and Thunderbolt)
Thunderbolt: Well, this was fun! Meeting a Dutch siren!
Allertor: Agreed. Even better, he will come back soon!
Blockhead: This is great!
(End of episode)
why did EOWS 612 fire laser @ P-50 instead of 2810?
@@briangrant1798 Because he, as well as the other sirens, had enough of 2810 always asking "Hey What do you say?". So he fires his lazer at 2810 to get rid of 2810 for once and for all.
@ITZ JACOB -_- Not really. It's used for any sort of emergencies.
@@briangrant1798 oops sorry I misread your comment. Yep that was a mistake, sorry. I definetly meant 2810. Also because in this episode P-50 is being nice for once without bullying others. He even apologised to them just like Triblaster did in one episode I can't rememberb lol
@@gabrielstravels P-50 and being nice usually don't go together. however he did be nice in the return of grey chrysler series.
Dude I love this show it's so amazing keep up the good work man😊
5:52 blockhead fart
i have an iudea for a TSM Script: Blockhead blows up his house.... again
Epic. Thanks for starting up my movie! I'll script part 2 after the next episode of TSM is uploaded, and trust me, the rest of the movie will be pretty epic lol (I seen what episode was coming up next in the Description)
@Rockstarnerd 1957 Nice Try, I Memorized the link lmao
Awesome video! My snow themed script called A Snowy Day in TSM Part 1 will be up in a few hours.
Blockhead said Uh-kay fine. Let's a go.
Was this based on Richmond city railfans rails of highland valley run to revenge
You have to make the tornado sirens sound realistic
Sexual harassment (4 years and a restraining order)
Mutilation (6 years)
Harassment (6 months and lose the badge (as in lose the police position))
Conspiracy to commit crimes (?? years)
Play the intro on 0.75x speed, it sounds normal
Oh great.
An ally turning to darkness.
There should be a sound master 125 now that we have an actual sound recording of one
So underrated it is sad
@Rockstarnerd 1957 hes not hes saying its underrated
@Rockstarnerd 1957 hes not a hater
5:52 LOL🤣
Thunderbolt should be kicked out..
Hey! What do you know, another movie...MOM I NEED POPCORN!
Funny how this episode came out when the wrecked whelens in my town area are currently being replaced.
How did they get wrecked? Did their wires do the twist?
“Oh Lordy mercy!” Stop. Lol
A mooing cow? 7:21 Hahahaahahahahahahahahah
When is part two?
@@CazicTheProtogen just imagine if I'm BSP
6:17 Whelen that is tornado siren racist
If 1003 keeps loving thunderbolt 1000 1000 times thunderbolt 1000 will throw up blood
6:21 hey!!! 1000T is not square trumpet!!! You train horn tower!!!
Here is my newest script. Note that it is IN NO WAY affiliated with "Don't Break the Ice" which I DID NOT script!
Tornado Siren Madness - A Snowy Day in TSM Part 1:
Thunderbolt: Let's watch some TV.
(Thunderbolt turns on the TV)
Whelen: Good morning. Welcome to the TSM Morning News. We will
begin with ATI, who has the weather.
ATI: Good morning Whelen. Even though this morning will
be nice and sunny, a Blizzard Watch remains in effect for TSM
world, beginning this afternoon and ending tomorrow evening.
We can expect about 2 feet of snow with this system, so please
do not go outside during the blizzard, as travel will be
impossible. We will provide further updates, as the storm
moves in.
Thunderbolt: Oh my god. A blizzard is on the way. I need to
make sure my natural gas generator is ready to run.
Allertor: Let's try my new NOAA Weather Radio.
(Make sure to alert the viewers that EAS Tones are coming if
you use any.)
(Allertor turns on the radio. It begins to go off and flash
Blizzard Warning.)
Allertor: It's going off for a Blizzard Warning.
Radio: (Please see the following link for the custom Blizzard
Warning that I made with Scansoft Tom!
Allertor: Oh my god. There is a blizzard headed for TSM world.
I need to I need to get some supplies.
(In Snerbymart...)
(Electrc Mobil Directo is manning the checkout station and
Blue screamer is checking out.)
Electric Mobil Directo: Welcome to Snerbymart. Do you have
everything you need?
Blue Screamer: Yes, I got a natural gas generator to prepare
for the blizzard, as well as some water and other food.
Electric Mobil Directo: Okay, that will be 800 dollars.
Blue Screamer: Okay, here you go.
(Blue screamer pays up)
Electric Mobil Directo: Thank you, have a nice day.
Blue Screamer: You too.
(Blue screamer walks away and P50 walks up the checkout
Electic Mobil Directo: Welcome to Snerbymart. Do you have
everything you need?
P50: Actually, I need to pick up an order for a toilet.
Electric Mobil Directo: Wait what? What are you talking about?
We don't have any toilets in stock.
P50: Yes you do. I'm talking to my order. Hahahahahhahahahaha!
Electric Mobil Directo: F**k you P50!
Stormwatcher: Hey, you're holding up line!
P50: Oh shut up Stormwatcher!
Stormwatcher: You first!
(Stormwatcher fires his laser at P50.)
Stormwatcher: Good riddance.
Electric Mobil Directo: Agreed.
(Later in the afternoon...)
(At TSM Park, ATI, HPSS-16R, Bosai Musen, and KM-1200 are
hanging out at the park when it begins to snow.)
ATI: Did you guys hear about the storm?
Bosai Musen: Yes I did, it's already starting to snow.
HPSS-16R: We're supposed to get 2 feet of snow. I have never
seen anything like this in TSM World!
KM-1200: Me neither! Looks like we should head inside before
the winds pick up.
Bosai Musen: Agreed.
(Later at night...)
Thunderbolt: Looks like I have everything ready for the
blizzard. I have my natural gas generator downstairs and ready
to go, in case I lose power. I also got a lot of supplies and
(Thunderbolt goes to the pantry which is so full that it
explodes from the amount of supplies and Thunderbolt gets
buried underneath it. He then emerges from the pile of fallen
Thunderbolt: On second thought, I got too many supplies.
Hahahahaha. Oh well, might as well save them in case other
sirens need to take shelter at my place.
(At Allertor's house.)
Allertor: Man, it's a good thing I made it home. The winds
have picked up and the snow is falling rapidly. Well, might as
well finish my dinner before I lose power.
(Allertor eats his dinner and burps.)
2810: Hey! What do you say?
Allertor: Come on 2810! You can't go one episode without
letting a single burp slide.
2810: I hate burps! They just get on my nerves!
(Allertor loses power.)
Allertor: Uh oh! Looks like I've lost power already! I don't
have a generator!
2810: We can't stay here, we're going to freeze. It's 8:00 PM
and the Blizzard is just beginning.
Allertor: We need to go to someone else's place before the
snow begins to pile up.
(Allertor and 2810 exit Allertor's house. Snow is falling and
it's somewhat windy.)
2810: There's already two inches of snow on the ground.
Allertor: Come on, let's get moving. We need to find another
place to stay.
Thunderbolt: It's 10:00 PM and I still have power.
(Thunderbolt loses power.)
Thundebolt: Grrrrrrrrr. Just when I say that I lose power. Let
me get my generator going.
(Thunderbolt turns on the generator and all the power is
Thunderbolt: That's better.
(The Westminster chime doorbell rings and Thunderbolt answers
the door to find Allertor and 2810.)
Thunderbolt: Allertor? 2810? What's up guys?
Allertor: I was having dinner just as the blizzard was ramping
up when I burped and 2810 showed up. However, I lost power
right after that and we had to trek through the blizzard.
2810: We were wondering if we could stay here for the storm.
Thunderbolt: Sure, but 2810, if you make me say excuse me for
even a single burp, you're out of here.
2810: Ugh, fine.
Thunderbolt: Okay then, come on in.
(The two enter Thunderbolt's house.)
Allertor: How do you still have power?
Thunderbolt: I actually lost it just before you guys came.
Luckily, I have a natural gas generator which allows me to
get my power back.
2810: That's lucky. Well, it's getting late, and the blizzard
is in full swing. I'm going to bed.
Allertor: I think also I might call it a night.
Thunderbolt: Sounds good. You guys can take any room you want.
2810: Okay, thanks Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt: You're welcome. See you guys tomorrow.
(continued in the reply below...)
(continued from the comment above...)
(The next morning...)
(Scene switches to Cyclone's house.)
Cyclone: Morning already? It hardly looks like morning because
of that blizzard out there.
(The doorbell rings but Cyclone's house loses power.)
Cyclone: Dang it! I lost power. But the doorbell rang just
before it happened. Let me see who's there.
(Cyclone goes to the door to find Blue Screamer and Banshee.)
Cyclone: Hi Blue Screamer! Hi Banshee! What brings you two
Blue Screamer: We were wondering if you had power and if we
could stay here. But then as we rang your doorbell, looks like
you lost power too.
Cyclone: Yep, unfortunately. I don't have a generator, so we
are going to have to go somewhere else. What happened to you
Banshee: I also lost power and went to Blue Screamer's house
to take shelter. However, Blue Screamer's roof collapsed under
the heavy weight of the snow, so we wanted to see if we can
stay at your place.
Cyclone: Wow, that's an incredible story! It looks like we
already have a foot of snow on the ground.
Blue Screamer: Yep, and it looks like we will get another foot
of snow later.
Banshee: Let me see if any of our friends still have power.
Let me first call Thunderbolt.
(Banshee calls Thunderbolt on the phone.)
(Meanwhile at Thunderbolt's house...)
(Thunderbolt wakes up.)
Thunderbolt: Good morning TSM World. What am I going to find
out my window today?
(Thunderbolt looks out the window.)
Thunderbolt: A foot of snow and strong winds. Okay then.
(Thunderbolt heads downstairs.)
Allertor: Good morning Thunderbolt.
2810: Hey Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt: Hey guys. I see you guys already made breakfast.
2810: Yep, you have a lot of stuff in your pantry and fridge.
Thunderbolt: Yeah, I overstacked both of them, it's literally
enough to have a party.
Allertor: Well, at least that's one less thing we have to
worry about during this blizzard.
(Thunderbolt's phone rings.)
Thunderbolt: Hello?
Cyclone: Hey Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt: Hi Cyclone, what's up?
Cyclone: Do you have power?
Thunderbolt: Yes I do. Do you?
Cyclone: No, and I don't have a generator. Do you mind if me,
Blue Screamer, and Banshee stay at your place?
Thunderbolt: Not at all. I have too much food anyway.
Cyclone: Sounds good. Thank you. See you in a bit.
Thunderbolt: See you later.
(Both of them hang up.)
Cyclone: We're going to Thunderbolt's place.
Banshee: Awesome!
Blue Screamer: Sounds good!
2810: Do you have any video games?
Thunderbolt: Yes I do, it's in the living room.
Allertor: Great! Thanks!
(Doorbell rings.)
Thunderbolt: I'll get it.
(Thunderbolt answers the door to Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue
Thunderbolt: Oh good, you guys made it.
Cyclone: Yes we did. But barely though. The snow keeps piling
Thunderbolt: I can see. This really is a blizzard to remember.
Anyways, come on in.
(The three of them enter Thunderbolt's house.)
Blue Screamer: Let me watch some TV to check in on the storm.
(Blue Screamer turns on the TV in Thunderbolt's house.
Allertor and 2810 join in.)
ATI: This is a bad warning. The blizzard is on top of our area
and is producing record snowfall. A Blizzard Warning remains
in effect until 9:00 PM tonight. Snowfall totals of around 2
feet are expected and snowfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour
are already ongoing. Strong winds and poor visibilities will
continue to impact the area into tonight. Please stay inside
and do not travel unless it's an emergency.
(Blue Screamer turns off the TV.)
Banshee: Well, looks like we'll be stuck here for a while.
Thunderbolt: Don't worry about it.
(Doorbell rings.)
Thunderbolt: I'll get it.
(Thunderbolt answers the door to find Bosai Musen and
Thunderbolt: Hi Bosai Musen. Hi Thorguard.
Bosai Musen: Hi Thunderbolt, do you mind if we stay here? We
both had our roofs cave in due to the storm.
Thorguard: Also, my golf course if blanketed in snow.
Thunderbolt: That sucks. Sure, you can stay here. I also have
Allertor, 2810, Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue Screamer staying
Thorguard: Cool!
(Bosai Musen and Thorguard go inside.)
Bosai Musen: Do you have a fireplace?
Thunderbolt: Yes I do. You can get it running if you want.
Snow does not usually accumulate on my chimney.
Thorguard: Sounds good.
Bosai Musen: Where are the others?
Thunderbolt: They're playing video games in the living room.
(In the living room...)
(Allertor, 2810, Cyclone, Banshee, and Blue Screamer are
all playing a video game.)
Allertor: I am going to wreck you guys.
Banshee: No way. I am good at this game.
(Allertor dies in the game and the game beeps.)
Alletor: WTF? You knocked me off the cliff.
Blue Screamer: Whoops, was aiming for Banshee, not you!
(The game beeps again, signalling game over.)
Cyclone: What the? Come on, that game lagged on me so I lost
to 2810!
(Cyclone knocks the TV over. Thunderbolt then appears)
Thunderbolt: Hey, if you are going to stay at my place, then
no rage quitting allowed!
Cyclone: Whoops sorry. I got too carried away.
(Cyclone uses a repairing mouth beam to repair the TV.)
Thunderbolt: That's better. Thank you.
(Later towards the evening near the fireplace...)
Bosai Musen: It sure is nice of Thunderbolt to let us stay at
his place during this Blizzard.
Thorguard: Agreed. The fireplace also works quite well in
keeping the house warm, aside from his generator. Well, I'm
kind of hungry. It's almost dinnertime.
(Later on...)
(Switch to Cyclone, Banshee, Blue Screamer, Allertor, and
2810 playing video games.)
2810: Dangit, you beat me again.
Blue Screamer: I told you I'm good.
2810: Anyway, let's switch to the news.
Blue Screamer: Okay.
(2810 switches the TV to the news.)
ATI: Good evening! The blizzard has ended across TSM World.
A total of 24 inches of snow has fallen, with isolated amounts
up to 28 inches. You may now resume normal activities, and
we will try to get the power back on to everyone as fast as
possible. However, please take note of the high amount of snow
that had fallen and use caution when travelling.
(2810 turns off the TV.)
2810: Alright! The blizzard is over.
Cyclone: Tomorrow we can have a lot of fun.
Banshee: Maybe we should have dinner right now.
Blue Screamer: Sounds good.
(Switch to Thunderbolt and all the other sirens at the table
having dinner.)
Allertor: Thunderbolt, I just wanted to say how grateful we
all are for you letting us stay at your place.
Thunderbolt: No problem. Well, let's all eat.
(They all eat their food and their drinks and burp loudly.)
2810: Hey, what do...
Thunderbolt: Complete that question, I dare you!
2810: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
(To be continued...)
@@spcridge2012 How many parts?
@@NeilPrasad_1905 Two. The second part entails the Blizzard ending and the characters waking up the next morning to two feet to 28 inches of snow. They will then have fun with all sorts of winter sports!
@@spcridge2012 Cool.
Yay more tsm
Wait, does EVERYONE test in the test day or certain sirens who have jobs as warning sirens test?
Nah boiii
4:55 - Oops
Make a jojo bizzare adventures with tornado sirens
AnimeWarrior Pharaoh
Nice! Hi allertor and thunderbolt if your reading this
Hello! How are you doing?
Hi! Good
@@Dubby522 I haven't been feeling good lately. I'm suffering from a concussion, and I'm very sick with the cold... :(
:( I hope your in the next episode
@@allertor3256 how was you and thunderbolt doing?
How many parts are there in this movie?
Theres gonna be 5 parts in this movie
NeilPrasad 1905
@@Damonlive783OfficialTM oh ok
Where is triblaster
Whelen is still very cross!
Oh fuck not again! 3:29
Sign up a character on OCO Camp
3 dislikes 😠i hate the 3 disliles
Hey man, have you seen my script yet?
@ATI siren NICE VERSION shut up you federal signal white + sign!
@@shawnking9402 You shut the f**k up
I want him to see the script you made for me...
@@allertor3256 Right now i don't have any scripts for the next TSM episodes right now but all i want you to do is to target P50 before he calls you a toilet or mr.toilet or any other toilet crap
@@NeilPrasad_1905 I was talking to ATI, but okay.
5:39 NOT AGAIN 🤢
When will 1003 ever stop????
first lol