Liam Family USA | Good Doctor vs Bad Doctor | Family Kids Cartoons

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ม.ค. 2025
  • The kids playing on the phone
    Together but still alone
    Everyone can come see me
    They walk slowly as can be
    I don’t really have the time
    Walking slow should be a crime
    If I turn this machine on
    Soon the problem will be gone
    The kids land with a smash
    Okay now listen up class
    You can’t do this stuff all day
    You should go outside and play
    Oh no, what have I done?
    Maybe this room will be fun
    Hello kids, come this way
    You can do this stuff all day
    This will fix your problems quick
    The tambourine will do the trick
    Is there something wrong with you?
    Here is what you need to do
    I can fix your sore back
    By giving you a little wack
    Doctor Fox, you’re the best!
    Now I will fix all the rest
    All the kids are feeling glad
    But lion cub is feeling sad
    Someone help me with my back
    Did you have a back attack?
    Let me try the tambourine!
    Do you feel better jellybean?
    Okay, now how do you feel?
    I need a doctor for real for real
    Lay here, we’ll carry you
    I know what we need to do
    Brother come here, hurry quick
    Exercise what will do the trick
    Rollerblades for everyone
    Go outside and have some fun
    The kids roll into the pool
    The water feels nice and cool
    They love to splash and play
    The kids shout out Yippy Yay
    Check marks gone from Doctor Quack
    Lion cub gets his check marks back
    They don’t have problems anymore
    So let's head off to the store

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